I've been too tired to post over the past few days and I'm really sleepy now but I'll see if I can write up all that's going on in as little words as possible.
First off, the post conversations of me and my date from last weekend.
I took Ray's advice and sent a message explaining that I wasn't 100% myself on the date and she should meet me again if she wanted to have a good experience.
she replied that it was okay and we should just see how things go.
her: I mean, I think you're nice but maybe we may be too different
her: but that's not a bad thing.
I agreed with her and said that I understood. She never replied after that and I didn't want to start pressuring her to see me again like a needy bitch so I decided to move on.
So I only felt a little down for a day and then, life went on.
This week, out of nowhere, I get a message from the girl that both me and my roommate seem to be clashing over.
her: Hey Wes! when are you going to teach me pool and take me to a movie again?
The Avenger's: Age of Ultron was going to be showing on thursday which was also the night my roommate was going to be working overnight shift so there was no way he could really interrupt us. @ray, I know you advised to leave these two alone and NEXT her, but I can't resist when A woman makes it SOOO easy for me. I wanted to see if I could still make something happen. So we made plans to see a movie together on Thursday and my plan was to pretty much have it go similar to last time only add in leading her back to my room and closing. I had a feeling she was going to be all over me again (and even if she wasn't I knew what I needed to do to pull her to me.)
So Thursday rolls around and we're texting back and forth about meeting and hashing out the details.
For some reason my roommate comes home and I'm wondering why he's not at work. Turns out, He switch his schedule with someone else and was going to work Friday, the next day instead.
no worries, I'll just change the plans to Friday because the movie is showing all weekend.
Then out of nowhere she sends me a message saying that she's never had a serious relationship before and she has a hard time trusting people and that she's never had a boyfriend.
her: a few days ago (roommate) told me he could be my boyfriend. He's been a good friend of mine, and i thought i should try to trust someone. Anyway, If we spend time together, we should tell (roommate) about it before we meet, I guess. Since you are my close friend (in my head: don't friend zone me bitch), I want you to know that. I'll see you tomorrow then
then I sent a message along the lines of: why are you telling me this...
all of a sudden I understood what Ray was talking about. Apparently she thinks she owes my roommate a detailed account of where she is at all times....as if she belongs to him.
her: (roomate) didn't like it when I was holding your hand and hugging you last time. And...I don't know...Everything is so new to me.
Me: yeah i know, I knew it would bother him and I didn't understand why you told him we were seeing a movie the first time. Of course that would bother him. But still, since he turned you down, I don't think it means he owns you. You have the freedom to hang out with whoever you want.
I just feel like this is the worse possible time to tell me this (the night before we hangout). I understand that its all new and confusing but you're kinda hurting both of us. (me and the roommate)
then she started apologizing and saying she didn't mean to hurt either of us...and apologized multiple times more.
But I was ready to move on....I'm irritated that she can't trust in our connection at all and feels this scarcity that my roommate is the only one she's allowed to see...so i said:
me: idk if I want to see the movie tomorrow anymore. Just let me know next time you want to hangout.
(leaving the door open but I also feel like now that I've expressed how I feel about her blabbing our business to my roommate, she'll stop doing it.)
her: okay...
Now apparently we were going to have this "Spring fest" on base where it was going to be this big open festival that's open to all the japanese locals as well. Awesome chance to meets tons of jp girls....(and i'll get to that in a bit)
the next day (friday) I invited her to come to the spring fest. (the plan was to use the high energy atmosphere to get her pumped up and to also make sure she continually felt attraction for me so I can pull her back to my room and close)
She told me that she was feeling very down after our talk and wanted to spend the day in her room sulking or something. she didn't want to hangout with my roommate or me.
I showed concern and wished her well.
And I can only assume that she's also been messaging my roommate after the events from yesterday and he probably said something something that didn't make her feel too happy as well. Its also apparent that something bad is going on between them because I can hear him slamming doors in our room and the energy doesn't feel too good.
What I don't understand or respect is that he never just talks to me about this whole triangle situation. Instead he guilt trips her into being with him...which is very manipulative.
And I also believe that he all of a sudden wants to be her boyfriend because he truly has a scarcity mentality and CANNOT move on. He couldn't handle seeing a girl that he rejected being with someone else so he got scared and figures she's the only option he has.
Regardless, I'm moving on...
I don't consider her as a potential girlfriend and honestly, If she comes onto me again, I want to see if I can close things out...but ONLY if everything is the way I want it. No more roommate cockblocking, no more drama.
I want to close things out for the sake of learning the complete process from date to fuck. (because I haven't been in too many of these situations yet and I want to expose myself as much as possible)
Anyway, The Spring festival was today and I had to volunteer at a booth selling American food to Japanese locals. Anytime i had a break in work, I walked around and talked to jp girls.
most interactions started with them looking at me and noticing my "Hokusai: The Great Wave" picture on my shirt which gave me an open to talk to them.
the first duo of girls went exactly like that and I immediately opened with "konnichiwa!"
they were pretty excited to talk to me and I decide dot just speak english even though they said they only understood a little. They did pretty well talking back in english until we for past rapport. anything deeper than: shumi wa nan desu ka? (what are your hobbies?) or what kind of music do you like? and it gets hard to communicate.
I like to play this game with the girls where i make them say english tongue twisters and they see how fast they can say them. Gives me an excuse to high five them when they do it.
Eventually I felt convo dying a bit and decided to get the LINE contact info and move on.
I was instantly in state.
After, I walked past a duo of girl sitting down on the grass on a towel. They were pointing at my shirt thinking i didn't notice. (I had shades on so nobody could see my eyes)
i waved at them and then said konnichiwa and plopped down by them on the towel.
same deal, built rapport...convo died down and I got contact info and ejected.
I always set up a frame where I'd bring them back on base to try more American food and see American movies with me.
honestly I'm starting to get all these girls mixed up....they're all starting to seem the same to me and the interactions were very similar. I even got the contact info of EVERY SINGLE GIRL I TALKED TO. this has never happened. I have too many girls in my phone right now than I know how to handle.And they're all curious and texting me still at this moment. I feel bad because i'm ignoring texts now. And I'm still trying to pick out who I thought was the cutest within the duo approaches. I didn't have a wingman to take the one I was attracted to.
of all the interactions, here's the two that stood out the most to me (because they were the hottest and are also not texting me at all....weird how that works)
the first was when I was walking around with a girl I work with. We were both in uniform roving around to look out for anyone who needed medical attention.
The girl that I work with is new here and I've been getting to know her and she's pretty cool. She told me that she'll be my wing woman.
so I approach this beautiful japanese looking woman walking alone.
I decide to go with my classic "security guard" opener from when I first started PUA. (which has a 50/50 chance of working)
me: (holds out hand in a stop motion and talks in authoritative voice) excuse me, ma'am, i'm going to have to escort you out of this festival because you are simply too beautiful to be walking around here...
she looks at me for a moment and then realizes the joke...then starts laughing.
her body language showed that she was about to walk again but I locked her in with a handshake and asked her name. I figured out why she could speak english. Turns out she's half japanese and half peruviian. and WOW....she was one of the prettiest girl I've seen all day.
then the girl I work with started asking her questions and helping keep convo going between us. the whole time, I continued holding hands with her and then go her contact info because she seemed to be in a rush.
next one was another duo but I stopped the one who I found the most attractive. I used the same "security guard" opener and this time it didn't work and she laughed, said something in japanese and kept walking.
I think part of this was due to the girl I work with blurting out: wow really? in disbelief after my opener.
Apparently she didn't hear the opener the first time I used it so from her point of view It looked like I just went up to peruvian/jp girl and said hi or something.
after the duo ran away, girl I work with was like: that line is lame, how about you just be honest and give a genuine compliment. If a guy said that to me, I'd be thinking about how many other girls he's saying that to. Who's actually dumb enough to fall for that?
I told her that it has a 50/50 shot of working and the point of it is to just open, get a girl to laugh and then I change the subject and say my honest intentions.
fast forward and this same duo of girls comes back over to us and asks if we could help her out. Mysteriously, the more attractive one got her leg cut open and she had blood streaming down her leg. We took care of it and we I was cleaning her wound she was asking me questions after I asked her questions. then, I got her name and contact number.
She and pervian/jp girl still haven'y responded.
its all good though...
I'm exhausted and that's all for now.