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sex journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK. I'm finally going to start a journal. I guess I will provide some background info. I have so far in my life been a late bloomer. I didn't get any attention from girls in elementary, middle, or high school. Senior year of highschool, I developed a massive crush on a very hot girl and got her to go to prom with me but nothing happened aside from dancing with her and getting the biggest boner of my life. I had to stick my butt out to hide it. This girl came to define "my type".

This failure led me to find girlschase.com. I read it obsessively the summer before college. I wasn't ready to take the advice, because I was raised catholic, and believed in abstinence before marriage. But I knew there was truth to it. I knew I would fail miserably with girls if I didn't change. So I tried to learn what I could while ignoring the advice about first-date sex.

Freshman year of college, I somehow ended up becoming super religious. I wasn't very serious about it before, but I think I wanted to give it a shot before abandoning it.

I believe this was a mistake. I ended up hanging out with people I didn't like that much, and kept me from spending more time hanging out with my cooler friends. It was this year that I met the two coolest girls I ever met. We'll call them Gypsy and Eyeball. When I first saw Eyeball, I thought, thank god, a girl who's my type. At that point I was too religious to make a move on her, even though I flirted completely naturally, which is amazing, thinking back on it. But I ended up befriending them, and they ended up being part of one of my social circles. They were inseparable best friends. Gypsy wasn't hot, in fact she was freakishly tall, but she was very cool.

I gradually became obsessed with Gypsy and Eyeball, while becoming better friends with them. This was the first time in my entire life that I actually cared about someone. I would say that by the end of the year there was some degree of love between them and me, particularly with Eyeball. I was very glad to know them, and when they both decided to drop out at the end of the year, I thought I would never see them again.

Meanwhile, I had started flirting with a cute engineering girl in a few of my classes. We knew we were going to be neighbors the following year, so we were both looking forward to get together after the summer.

I did end up dating that girl at the beginning of sophomore year. She was my first kiss. She brought me home one night and when I got out of the bathroom she was in her panties, and we were clearly supposed to have sex, in hindsight. But I was still religious so I didn't even entertain the thought. Needless to say, the relationship dissolved soon afterwards.

I learned a little bit about social circle from that experience. She was in a sorority so suddenly I was talked about as "Erin's boyfriend." Suddenly I was cool. This was new to me.

That year, I somehow stayed in touch with Gypsie and Eyeball. I invited them to visit me during the spring party weekend. I had an extra bed, so they stayed in my room. It was the best 4 days of my life. I just felt happy. It felt like they were family. The highlight was when I was lying in bed and Eyeball jumped into bed with me and snuggled up to me and I got the best quality erection ever. I definitely should have had a threesome. Eyeball even tried to convince me that premarital sex was natural, but I wouldn't budge. I was a staunch Catholic. How ridiculous I was!

Junior year, I had given up on dating. I figured I would just wait to marry some catholic girl. But as fate would have it, just when I had given up all hope, lightning struck.

I was with my best friend, an even stauncher Catholic, and we went up to the Info Desk at the University Center. The girl at the desk was beaming at me. My friend inquired about some tickets, but she completely ignored him and was just staring at me with the biggest smile on her face. So, I had to ask the question for my friend, and she answered me. He said something else, and again, she completely ignored him and was still beaming at me, so I just relayed the message and she answered. Then we left. I thought, wow! she looked like a movie star! (She looked, at that moment, Charlize Theron-esque, so we'll call her Charlize) OMG, we had a connection! I said to my friend. So he told me to go back the next week and ask her out.

We went back the next week and I asked her to look for something in the lost in found, without making eye contact. When she got up and turned around, I checked her out and was dissapointed by her clothes and body. But I would soon find out she was a hidden 10.

I chickened out and didn't ask her out. But when I regrouped with my friend, he made me go back. I went back and did it, and it was so easy. Wow. The fear of asking a girl out was so silly. I found out she was an acting major, to my delight. I had had a latent desire to date one of the beautiful actresses from the drama school.

OK this is going long. To make a long story short, it started out amazing. She thought I was so cool and it was definitely a boon to me that she didn't fully realize how beautiful she was, and wasn't that cool. Anyway, I was so catholic, that not only did I not have sex with her, it took me forever to kiss her. In my mind at that point, kissing=sex, so I was too afraid to kiss her. Finally, I did it, and it was amazing. I realized I wanted to have sex with her. I guess kissing does = sex!!!

So I gave up my religion. This girl literally changed the course of my life. But just because I realized I wanted to fuck her, doesn't mean I had the skill set to do so. I had so many chances, but I was just too damn inexperienced.

I ended up losing my virginity to a girl I picked up at a party using the techniques I learned at girlschase.com. Thanks Chase!

Funnily enough, while I was hooking up with that girl, Charlize gave me a blatant booty call and I had to tell her I was with someone else. Funny how that works.

Meanwhile, I had become a total pothead, smoking 5 times a day. It was amazing at the beginning. It opened up my world. But in retrospect, I was smoking to cover up the pain of failing to sleep with Charlize. Despite this impotence, we continued to see each other and we would make out a lot.

Gypsy and Eyeball ended up visiting me again during the spring party weekend. This was a bit of a conflict, because this was also the weekend I planned on finally getting it in with Charlize.

Well, I got the furthest with her than I ever had, finally fingering her pussy. But I was so drunk that I actually thought I was with Eyeball. You see, I think I was actually in love with Eyeball. But yeah, I absolutely failed to escalate. I left her disappointed, and came home to two disappointed girls who I had abandoned in order to fuck another. I should have just brought them all together and had a foursome. Heck, the girl I lost virginity to was trying to hook up with me, too, and I should have invited her and made it a fivesome! hahaha. But alas, my dick saw no action that weekend.

I was also drunk and high on coke and weed the whole time.

Oh yeah, I also met a cute girl who was chasing me hard without even trying to...just goes to show how abundance mentality works. I was talking about the book Walden, and she later told me she read it because of me. hahaha.

So I kept trying with Charlize for the rest of the year, to no avail.

When I came back later in the summer she had a boyfriend.

And yet, she still gave me chances. And I fucked them all up.

OK, so then I dropped out of school. I was super depressed. I didn't think I wanted to do engineering anymore. I ended up moving in with Gypsy in Los Angeles. Eyeball, being her best friend, visited for extended periods. It should have been the best time of my life. Eyeball, at that point, was always telling me she loved me. But when I got there, the depression was simply overpowering. On top of that, I was smoking weed every day. Weed totally kills my sex drive. So, no sex, no threesome, no menage a trois. I slept on an extra bed. I left after about two weeks.

Instead of being the best time of my life, it was the worst time of my life.

Then my life kind of spiralled out of control. I did get laid a few times since then, and even almost got married to an Italian girl. I got diagnosed with Schizo-Affective Disorder and had some pretty wacky experiences on weed. But now it's three years later and I have finally decided to go back to school. I've quit weed, got my head on straight, and realized I need to start getting laid consistently. Maybe even get into my first real relationship. So after almost 7 years as a GC reader, I'm finally ready to start seducing in earnest.

Oh yeah, I should mention, I've finally realized that I am very good-looking. But after 3 years of rock-bottom life, my fundamentals have absolutely gone to complete and utter shit, and I look about 4 years younger than my age of 24. So it balances out. I have a lot of work to do. In my next post I will describe my recent progress with women.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
So I recently have awoken from a no-sex stupor. On of my old high school friends was telling me how some girls from highschool said I was the best-looking guy in the year. He was expressing frustration at how I'm not getting laid. He said, just pick a girl.

So that night we went out to a bar and I asked out the waitress at the end. I didn't flirt with her at all. I was just checking out her body the whole time. Her face was not that great and her voice was husky, in a bad way, but she had a nice, athletic body, well-proportioned hips, and decent tits. I just said I liked her tattoo, not very charmingly, and then when she gave us the check I said, "Hey, you're cute, wanna grab a drink sometime?" and she said to write my number on the receipt.

My friend said it looked like just a polite way of turning me down, but I thought, hey, if I really am that good looking, maybe it will work.

And it did! she texted me the next day. However, I am completely useless at texting so she stopped responding. I think I should have been more sexual. Reading one of the lay reports on this forum, I see a cheesy sexual line worked for Tinder, maybe I will try that.

But this made it obvious to me that although good looks can get you in the door, you need personality to get you in the pussy.

Then I thought, asking out waitresses seems so easy, I'll try again. So another weekend I went to a restaurant with my friend. No cute waitresses (except for my friend's GF who works there, who's kinda cute), but the bartender's saggy cleavage caught my eye. Sat at the bar and talked to her. She wasn't that cute. But I was going to give it a shot.

I'm an artist and an engineer, and I've had this idea of making paintings of women that look like engineering drawings, because that's how I think of women. I'm not interested in seeing a nude in a classic reclining position, I want to see a woman from the front and from the side to properly check her out, see the hip to waist ratio, see the perkiness of the tits, the profile of the nose, etc. So , instead of asking her out, I say, "So...this is going to be really weird, but, I'm an abstract artist trying to get into figurative painting; would you like to model for me?" She says yes. I write my number on the receipt.

When we leave my friend comes up with this plan of coming back at closing time to pick up his GF, and offer the bartender a ride, so I can drop him and his GF off, then the bartender, and hopefully get laid that night. We go back and netflix and chill, I know, super gay, and plan my moves, and go back to the restaurant.

As soon as I walk in, I know it's not going to work. It just feels wrong. Besides, I get a better look at her ass, and it is not impressive. I have no desire to draw her. But I try anyway. She declines the ride, of course. While we were waiting, my friend went to the bathroom and when he came back, said, "The bathroom at restaurants: that's where the party is." I didn't think about what he said at the time. But later I was thinking, maybe he had just gotten a blowjob from his GF in the bathroom. And then I got paranoid and thought, maybe he got a blowjob from BOTH girls in the bathroom. That freaked me out and made me question his intentions in trying to help me get laid.

Let's see, what else... There's a waitress at another bar I frequent who has great posture, I definitely want to draw her and of course fuck her, although she's not my type. I've talked to her a few times. However, I am still hung up on Eyeball (I know, after three years, pathetic) and that has held me back. I'm finally ready to get over her, and I will ask out this waitress the next time I see her. Not sure if I will use the artist line or just ask her out. I like the artist line because I like gimmicks, but I want to do whatever is most likely to get results. Sexy results.

I just started an engineering class. There's only 5 people in the class. 1 girl. As I walked into the class, we made strong eye contact immediately. I sat near her. She was not impressive, wearing sweatpants so I couldn't see her legs, no tits to speak of, and a kind of nerdy face. She did, however, have a decent nose. She was sniffling, though, which was a turn off. I wanted to talk to her at the end, but I couldn't think of anything to say. Then the second class, I got there first and she sat next to me. This time, she was wearing athletic leggings and I could see she had a fine ass and shapely enough legs. Enough to turn me on throughout the class. When we finally made eye contact again, I was disappointed. She just had an anxious, unattractive look in her eyes. But I gave her another shot, and suddenly, I realized she was actually a lot cuter than I had initially assumed! She had beautiful, sculptural lips, and I already mentioned the nose, long and straight with a little ski-jump at the end. Just how I like it. And, she was blond! So she was alright. She had a nerdy vibe and no tits (could just be bad posture), but the ass and nose passed my turn-on threshold.

I panicked and tried to discreetly look up how to pick up girls in class on GC, but the internet wasn't working. I was on my own. So at the end of class, I heard some of the guys talking about the textbook, so I just copied them and asked her if she had the textbook on her computer. We made some fumbling conversation about the textbook, then I got up and left. It was a bad conversation but I was glad about 3 things. 1) I was manning up and talking to the girl. I was that guy in the class. 2) My voice tonality was strong enough - when I'm depressed or nervous I lose my voice 3)I did some facial expressions. My theory about why I look young is that I just have a blank, scared look on my face. I gave her a furrowed brow when she said something I didn't quite understand. Very good improvement, I think. (On the way to class, I had seen a guy talking to a cute girl with this terrible blank expression on his face, it was just obvious that he was stuck in his head. So that's why I was inspired to add in a facial expression)

Then I got up and left. But I really wanted to ask her out, so I drank from the water fountain until she came out and I held the door for her and asked her where the library was. She said, "Oh, I have class," as if I had just asked her to come with me to the library. I clarified that I just wanted directions so I could go look for the textbook, and she offered to show me the way. So that was nice. She clearly wanted to keep talking to me. On the way, I did a nice cold read, but then I started talking about myself while thinking, "Stop talking about yourself!" She seemed happy that I was talking to her.

After she showed me to the library, it turned out I needed an ID. So I went to find the room where they print ID's. Weirdly, I went to the wrong hallway and run into the girl again. There's a bunch of people standing around in the hallway, who I assume are waiting in line to get their ID's. I say I'm here to get my ID and then realize I'm in the wrong place (the people are waiting for a class to start) and leave, and she say "see ya" while walking away towards her classroom. It seemed like she was half walking to go into the classroom- half trying to get the fuck away from me. She must have thought I followed her.

After that I was super pissed that I didn't ask her out. While walking to the library, I literally forgot to ask her out, but when I ran into her again, I wanted to, but it felt too weird.

My friend's German GF is visiting next weekend and I'm under pressure to get a date for when we all hang out cuz I'm sick of third wheeling all the time. So I really wanted to get this girl's number. But then I realized it would probably have been wiser to simply get her number with the intention of being study buddies. But I didn't think of that. Hopefully I will get another chance. So I will be doing the homework alone this weekend.

I was super pissed at myself. On the shuttle bus home, I noticed a girl with a "hot-girl" vibe, who was physically inferior in every way to this engineering girl. I thought, what is it that makes the difference? And I realized, it's something in the eyes. I found this an interesting discovery. I imagine the "hot-girl" would also have a more confident voice. The engineering girl had a weak, slightly raspy voice. Hot people have clear voices. And clear eyes. I would still fuck the engineering girl over this "hot -girl" who wasn't hot. OK, maybe I shouldn't call her a "hot-girl." I guess she was just a not-nerdy girl. I don't know what it is. It's like, your eyes instantly think there's a hot girl, but then you check her out and she has nothing going for her. I think it's something in the eyes conveying social status and confidence that make my eyes perk up.

A genuinely pretty girl sat down behind me, and the whole ride over, I was thinking about if I would have the balls to talk to her on the way out. She got up before me and she was very short and squat and I didn't get another good look at her face. Not feeling bad about passing that up.

On a somewhat related note, I've been walking my neighbor's dog for the past few weeks and was having trouble getting her to follow me (she doesn't use a leash). It was making me feel really bad. But then one day I stopped trying to coax her with treats and just kept walking, assuming she would follow. I kept calling her to come, with the mindset of assuming she would obey. She did. Now walking her is effortless. I'm sure this translates into success with women. I'm grateful I had this experience with this dog.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Back in the sex journaling.

What is the problem. I have loads of girls that I am messaging.

I'm just not motivated because none are that hot.

I had sex with an easy girl and it didn't make me feel like a champ, I actually decided I want to forget about women for a bit. But I'm too horny and I'm still talking to girls.

I could fuck a girl every night if I was more focused. I get tired. I need sleep. MAybe I jerk off too much. But that's over. OH, i also smoked too much weed, that's over too. So, now, without my escapist pleasures, i'll probably start fucking all these girls in my phone.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I am taking this seriously now, I am almost 29 years old, not happy with where I am. I am doing OK by some standards, I guess I get laid at least once a week if I want which is pretty good by some people's standards. It's tough to even want it for some people, like my cousin. Well, I want it. I want it all the time, but then I don't get enough sleep, and I need to booze to get it. It's not a good sign. I need more game, that's what this journal is about.

I am almost 29... so yeah so yeah i have like 5 months ok lets be real, for it to still be cool, you know.... kauf kauf man.

yeah i probably read it on here i dont know why i am

ok ahem.


Had a good weekend. I fucked this girl. I have a good thing going. I am a painter. It works really well when it works. Well, honestly, no, I just like ainting. it is not evena gambit. well that is whats the opnit ah yes. fucked this girl n she was like a 7.2 nice basic wite broad w a pretty face n a nice bra fucked her pretty good wit ma dick n barely got 2 know her well so heres the thing she was quite a bit hotter than i expected and i really have not been doing well. I've been getting, well, younger fatter girls. not necesarrily fat fat but a little fat, ok, anyway, ok, she wasnt like that hot ok, but like she was the hottest like,,,,,bsc wt grl i gotten if u no wat its like 2 be an artist. it sucks. ANYHOO, so I was a bit nervous - and I'm just on guard for being nervous around the next hotter woman I am gonna fuck. OK, because I did not expect to be that nervous. Well, actually, it will be better. OK. what was it. NO I mean, I was shocked at how hot she was. OK, well, its a good turn for the better, and I was pretty chuffed but i realized that I am just gonna have to get used to being shocked at how hot my girls are ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK, this weekend, did it AGAIN! I fucked an ugly fat chick. I felt so bad after. She had this weird flavor and smell, and she was pretty into gay theories and I was terrified of a certain thing we will not discuss, but I think it's ok, Point is, in the words of the great Louis C. K., You can fuck up or across but never down. I'm honetsly really mad at Girls Chase . com telling me to fuck fat chicks. Oh, well, it's not like I just started fucking ugly girls for no reason. I fell off, I got less hot. So I can't have the same standards I had when I was younger. I have to work up to that. SO, it was OK for a time, but now that I am getting into above average girl territory again, (THANK GOD!) I am now imposing a strict fuck up or across rule. I was gonna say I can still fuck the ones I already have, but maybe I should cut them off.
So, I judge that the hottest girl I have is a 7.3... SO my goal this week is to fuck a girl that's a 7.4... Not getting ambitious, just a small improvement. Very soon I'll be getting into average hot girl territory. I would be very interested in a discussion of objective ratings of women. It's quite tricky but important for goal setting. I got 7.2 from when I asked my cousin to rate this girl I wanted to marry. I would have thought maybe she was hotter but I took his rating to feel pretty objective and so I'm kind of basing my ratings off of that right now. You can also go off of how off from a perfect 10 she is, but that's also tricky.
So I just fucked the 7.3 basic white broad (half italian) 30 years old (2 yrs older than me) resting bitch face but looks young and pretty. She's unbelievably boring but I just have her over to pose for my painting and fuck. I guess since I've had her 3 times now she's "locked in" but I just had a bad feeling when she left because I walked her to her car (felt like I shouldn't) and she was walking really fast ahead of me. Oh, yeah, and I accidentally turned on the youtube video of Hector Castillo talking about One Night Stands and locking in LOL and she probably heard it. Definitely heard it. And there was plenty of awkward silences where she could be pondering what she heard from my computer.
I'm embarrased. I think I wish I could be natural and just learn from trial and error and not look at pickup material, it feels cringey.
But I have less than 5 months and I need to get to fucking 10's 100% I am throwing everything at this.
I just spent $100 on a texting and instagram program online... totally forgot to get started... OK, I'll do that after this, and tomorrow.
I have this young girl from Tinder that we transitioned to snap and she was super into me, but I just couldn't maintain a texting back and forth and she would never come over. So I'm gonna see if this program can get me her. That was the guarantee. So if I don't get her then I email them for a full refund. Hopefully I won't have to!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
OK, this weekend, did it AGAIN! I fucked an ugly fat chick. I felt so bad after. She had this weird flavor and smell, and she was pretty into gay theories and I was terrified of a certain thing we will not discuss, but I think it's ok, Point is, in the words of the great Louis C. K., You can fuck up or across but never down. I'm honetsly really mad at Girls Chase . com telling me to fuck fat chicks. Oh, well, it's not like I just started fucking ugly girls for no reason. I fell off, I got less hot. So I can't have the same standards I had when I was younger. I have to work up to that. SO, it was OK for a time, but now that I am getting into above average girl territory again, (THANK GOD!) I am now imposing a strict fuck up or across rule. I was gonna say I can still fuck the ones I already have, but maybe I should cut them off.
So, I judge that the hottest girl I have is a 7.3... SO my goal this week is to fuck a girl that's a 7.4... Not getting ambitious, just a small improvement. Very soon I'll be getting into average hot girl territory. I would be very interested in a discussion of objective ratings of women. It's quite tricky but important for goal setting. I got 7.2 from when I asked my cousin to rate this girl I wanted to marry. I would have thought maybe she was hotter but I took his rating to feel pretty objective and so I'm kind of basing my ratings off of that right now. You can also go off of how off from a perfect 10 she is, but that's also tricky.
So I just fucked the 7.3 basic white broad (half italian) 30 years old (2 yrs older than me) resting bitch face but looks young and pretty. She's unbelievably boring but I just have her over to pose for my painting and fuck. I guess since I've had her 3 times now she's "locked in" but I just had a bad feeling when she left because I walked her to her car (felt like I shouldn't) and she was walking really fast ahead of me. Oh, yeah, and I accidentally turned on the youtube video of Hector Castillo talking about One Night Stands and locking in LOL and she probably heard it. Definitely heard it. And there was plenty of awkward silences where she could be pondering what she heard from my computer.
I'm embarrased. I think I wish I could be natural and just learn from trial and error and not look at pickup material, it feels cringey.
But I have less than 5 months and I need to get to fucking 10's 100% I am throwing everything at this.
I just spent $100 on a texting and instagram program online... totally forgot to get started... OK, I'll do that after this, and tomorrow.
I have this young girl from Tinder that we transitioned to snap and she was super into me, but I just couldn't maintain a texting back and forth and she would never come over. So I'm gonna see if this program can get me her. That was the guarantee. So if I don't get her then I email them for a full refund. Hopefully I won't have to!

Get kinky, have some fun, explore yourself and influence with women on the lower end of your interest/attraction spectrum.

Can be fun be fun or miserable. If it's miserable dip.

You don't like her anyway and aren't obligated to do anything. Try to be cordial, but not pandering.

Ghosting her or a slow fade is completely fine.

Be mindful of dealing with these women at all in your circle or workplace. I'm talking cold approach.

Honestly don't touch women on the lower end of your interest/attraction spectrum in SC/extendedSC or workplace unless it is a temp job/part-time, you're leaving the circle soon, she's leaving, you dgaf at all.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Good advice. I am in a temp job and there's a girl I should fuck but she's ugly and fat. I guess I can because it is a temp job and I want to get fired? lol
I agree. I'll have to check out that article tho.
I fucked this girl again this weekend, and it was awful... So clearly won't do that again.
I do have a strict 7 cutoff? OK, not so strict. OK, I think this is chill. I mean, Just remember to stay objective. Don't think a 4 is a 7, etc...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Update on the weekend. terrible. ended up fucking some lib tard girl (agin) it was sew annoying, thasts an understatement
I have decided to QUIT SMOKING WEED. I already knew it's my biggest obstacle to fucking hot girls, but, this weekend, when I thought I quit, a girl hit me up to get painted (she "loves artist") But, long story short, I got too high and fucked it up. (ok, I don;t wanna get into it, bc I just got too high, that's the problem.)
I mean that's it, really. Nothing to report. I mean, ok, what happened is she was saying she was gonna pick up some guy off the street. Whatever, she's not that hot, likes to show off her cleavage though, I like that. But I just got too high. She messaged me when she was 13 min away and I didn't respond after like 15 min. BC i was high being weird while out buying wine.
NOTHING ELSE TO SAY. I mean i just got hiorny, drunk and high, masturbating too hard without cumming, this girl hits me up that I wasn't gonna get back with. Honestly she's so ugly. I was afraid (still paranoid) she is *not a real girl* ... nah, but she is. So she was on her period. That's pretty legit. And I think the combination of jerking off too hard, being super high, and her blood gave me an allergic reaction and my foresking got insanely inflamed. It;s fine now, but I freaked out and left, I mean, we couldn't have sex.
So that's it. I blocked her number.
I decided I need to go out to bars every weekend. I got banned from Tinder, taking it as a blessing in disguise.

Went to Hooters with my new friend that I met in a bar. We are both trying to meet chicks. We plan on doing cold approach sometime. HOOTERS is dope. Asked out the Hooters girl but she said i was sweet ... >:0 Just had to shoot my shot. ASked for a drink next time will go with the painting line.

We went to another place after, saw a chick there dancing kinda crazy, I was watching, she was kinda ... big? like tall? big tits aND ASS? Kinda thought she was like half balck but she was a big girl. I said to a guy at her table, and he said it was a TRANNY! his cousin. Whatver. Not gonna go there. Forget it. Should I just kill myself? Joking.

Hopefully this weekend will be better. Going to see my right wing art bitches


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK fellas I don't have time today but I'm getting back to regular monday night posting. My goal is to fuck 10 10's in the next 6 weeks! I believe it's possible - if I gain momentum and go hard and don't lose momentum.
Small technical question - if a girl says you're so sweet, in a good way, it's still kind of condescending right? I have this girlI'm texting and it went from omg i love you to you're so sweet. Not bad, but it felt like I piled it on with calling her beautiful. Anyone else feel that way about being called "sweet"
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Sex Journal Entry.
Let's see if I actually talked to six attractive girls like I said...
Ok dudes so I'm coming back. So I'm forcing myself to talk to girls. I made the big turnaround once and now I'm building momentum. I was walking past a little free library box and this girl with nice hips walks by inshorts. Tatted, in a tank top. Brunette. Cute. 7.6, 7.7 or so... And she's looking away, conspicuously, because I'm staring at her. I don't say anything but I notice shes really cute. (on the othe side of the street. ( Then I turn to the right and walk down to my apartment door. Tho, I see that she's looking at books. I stand at the door, thinking I should approach her. Because I remember that one time I asked out this chick (turned out to be 17 lol!) at the library after I saw her lookng at me, nd I walked like freaking 5 or ten minutes down the street before I talked my self into turingn back around and i asked her out. I remembered that it worked. That just cuz you didnt asct right wawy doesnt mean you dont fucking turn around and do it.
So I turn around and she turns around nand looks at me and i say, see any thing good? and she says no and walks away. neutral reaction. Well, she walked away and i stared at her ass.
So I'm trying to talk to girls. I have certainly missed a bunch , In think this is the only timei forced it. I need to force it again. But I also want to get quicker. But if im not quick, force yourself to go back and do it. Anyway, I feel extremely virile today, I went to the grocery store and started getting a massive boner from looking aat the cashier girl. I really like chasing girls, it makes life fun, and I think I'll do this for the rest of the summer, and then I want to chase the paper, I want to get really fucking rich. Sorry playas.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I said to a guy at her table, and he said it was a TRANNY! his cousin. Whatver. Not gonna go there. Forget it. Should I just kill myself? Joking.
Happens to the best of us, some are really good at faking it lmao

Religion can fuck up your brain pretty good, so can drugs, I rather take drugs, because generally you still get laid, at least, and prudes make me very sad.

Because I remember that one time I asked out this chick (turned out to be 17 lol!) at the library after I saw her lookng at me, nd I walked like freaking 5 or ten minutes down the street before I talked my self into turingn back around and i asked her out. I remembered that it worked. That just cuz you didnt asct right wawy doesnt mean you dont fucking turn around and do it.
Yeah, an approach is an approach, you just gotta do it, and git gud.

if a girl says you're so sweet, in a good way, it's still kind of condescending right?
Maybe but just tell her to lick your lollipop or whatever. You can chase frame yourself away from anything, pretty much, just be creative. And if she "doesn't get it", her loss (don't be a dick though, maybe she really just want you to take her to the candy shop ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
ok, tomorrow, clean up my act, then go get 5 chicks.
So, I'm taking a month off work. I would be remiss not to approach multiple women every day.
I've actually started to spring into action. I am not feeling superb, but I approached the little free library girl and I approached a girl on the street with a crazy artist line, (right in front of her date waiting at the table?) it sounds awkward, it was, but not as awkward as it sounds. Guys' , I think I might have a problem with the Big Awkward... everything is sooo awkward! OK, I'm kinda sometimes actually pretty good with girls, but with everyone else its sooooo awkward!!!! Exspecially because I smoke da Ganja! RASTA MAN! I'm a Jamerican!!!!! Ja. Ja Rasta. I'm a rastafarian.

Anyway, back to the story. But yeah I was always awkward as a kid. I'm da crazy artist! So, I also very very strongly hit on girl at work and I definitely was aroused when we went alone together, but she says she has a boyfriend and I didn't make a move. SO.....anyway

I am going to approach 5 girls every day. Scratch that. I am going to Impregnate 5 girls every day.

How? By becoming a rapper. Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhh.

OK, so I'm going to get some fucking business cards printed.

Seriously, aim to get 5 girls a day. That means, get a number that you think is really solid, and you envision getting this girl. No trash numbers. I don't wanna deal with none of that shit. Because in the past, my number quality has been extremely high. Just because I'm going to mass approach doesn't mean my number quality should go down.

There's nothing more demoralizing. I hate getting great internet results with mass texting, because it's depressing when you have such a low lay rate. It's hard to get excited about a girl you have hooked.

I don't know what to do about the internet, so I'm just going to go and do only daygame from now on. No night game as I will not have a good source of income.

Maybe thaat's what guys talk about with 1 in 100 ratios. bc I have probably texted 100s of instagram thots and I got 1 so far..


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Also tons of great tinder matches. Gotten laid ofc but i only got 1 hot one. so same, like 1 in 100 (only counting hot chicks)
WHy do I suck? I blame weed. WHy am i addicted... ohhh here we go.... im not addicted. And anyway, I'm gonna have to smoke if I'm hanging out with 19 years olds n shit


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Happens to the best of us, some are really good at faking it lmao

Religion can fuck up your brain pretty good, so can drugs, I rather take drugs, because generally you still get laid, at least, and prudes make me very sad.

Yeah, an approach is an approach, you just gotta do it, and git gud.

Maybe but just tell her to lick your lollipop or whatever. You can chase frame yourself away from anything, pretty much, just be creative. And if she "doesn't get it", her loss (don't be a dick though, maybe she really just want you to take her to the candy shop ;)
OK, I already said 2 messages and no response. Should I just say "Lick my lollipop?"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK, so I texted this girl about how... OK, so she was going to come Wednesday. This is from snapchat. And then turns out shes pretty far. So she was going to reschedule for Sunday. But then I said where are you from? and She said I am from [1.5 hr dist] and its nice and we can do stuff here, so I said, I wouldnt minding making the drive Wednesday and she didn't respond. She saw me close out my snapchat while she was typing something it felt like forever, and I closed out. Then she never sent what she was typing. What do I do... Just wait till Wednsday night?

Fuck her, she;s a 5... I need to go for at least an 8.
In fact, don't go below 8 at all. You need to raise your standards back up. Not all the way back up, but back up. I mean, you'd be crazy to turn down an 8, or a clueless idiot. A nice guy.

As I have been.

ok.... This is hard. I think... that alcohol... might be... making me go for girls below my standards on Tinder. OK, look, you gotta get laid again, I mean, just get laid. Lets say youre trash right now, youd go for a 5. i think I'm half decentr right now, so go for 5.5 minimum. 6 minimum.

Like I really hate to say it, but I'll say it, I went for 1's. When they said lower your standards, did they mean go for a 1 and then another even deeper level of 1 that you didn't know existed? So my friends, I have to make a change.

AT least AN 8. AT LEAST AN 8. Other wise I might as well just kill myself.

What can I learn from this mistake? Well, I don't know... I just don't know. Just don't do it. I learned it from this site. I resent that. But its my fault for listeneing

I mean the theory works; I banged an 8, the sexiest chick I could desire in terms of her figure, that was while I guess I was on a decent run, and then I somehow fucked up and completely lost all my momentum. LIke it was liek all of a sudden a faucet of pussy just turned on, and I fucking got nervous. Why does this happen to me. I mean I got high... So I was thinking it was because I quit smoking... it had been 6 days and then I fucked this 8 and then the faucet turned on, and then I got high... OK, why am I exaggerating. This is an honest sex journal. I'm not bragging to my friends, I mean, I didn't fuck her good, OK, but it counts. So the faucet turned on and I felt, .... idk, just nervous or... like yeah so I mean when I got the 8 I was really a nervous wreck and I was hard but not really that hard and I felt really bad and It was overall not a fun time even though we fucked. Actually it was quite an ego boost because she really thought I was hot or something, she really wanted to fuck and she was really sexy and basically this piece of ass is what I've been missing my whole life. But I was a nervous wreck before and leading up to this, but then the next day, holy shit it was like I was mr cool guy, and the pussy faucet turned on just like I knew it would, and I fucking wanted guarantee a good performace and so I thought, hey, I'll smoke, because I feel fucking bad about being really depressed while trying to bang this hot chick. So this chick was going to come over. I mean probably equally sexy but with a cute face, and she asked me to snap her and I probably would have been fine but I was nervous and decided to go smoke a joint and then take the pic. So I ended up sending some tryhard pic, I mean, bad 1- I was nervous already, 2- I was high, 3- It wasn't a good high, and 4- I made a kinda funny face, and on top of that it was tryhard... I mean, I should have waited til,l I got to my apartment and was chilling. I was an eager beaver and sent it in the parking lot before I left on my commute home. . I t never said to fuck a 1 and then a lower and lower 1. ALthough. It's worked. I got a 8. It was worth it. It was all worth. it /. But next year has to be much much better. In fact I intend to fuckign whip myself into shape right fucking now and bang 10 10's in a row.
Last edited:

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Very interesting read @mrman, some philosophical stuff here for sure.

I think every guy has psyched himself out of girls, it just happens to everyone, once you have banged more "8s" you will be way more chill.
It seems weed is fucking you up a bit though, I would say reconsider how much you smoke and how often. I myself only smoke for tripping hard, or very lightly, just for the breeze (I have low blood pressure, so everytime I drink along with it I fucking die lol, if I smoke a bit more I often start having hallucinations and stuff like that, not bad, but not conducive to picking up girls or doing much of anything at all). I think for pickup only the lightest amount can be useful, once it messes with your physical coordination, you're toast (having sex high is fucking sweet though, but leave the weed to when the deal is closed I would say hehe).

OK, I already said 2 messages and no response. Should I just say "Lick my lollipop?"
Eventually you just gotta say fuck it lol, sorry for taking so long, I'm kinda sick and off the forums a bit, busy with some other stuff as well.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK, Mainly, I need to quit smoking weed. Had kind of a terrible time today. But I did hit on at least 5 women a day for like the past 3 days. It's not going well at all, but honestly, though, it feels like a dream come true. I honestly feel that girls are chasing me now. I still ruin it when I open my mouth. I guess I just have to get a really hot girl to rape me.

Need to quit smoking. But also. Need to stop approaching. I have enough from online game that I should be following up with. Follow through. I need to follow through. I mean, I like hitting on girls, don't get me wrong. But I am a bit demoralized because I haven't quite tasted the fruits of my labors on instagram. I mean I have 2 girls I should still be seeing, but am not, why, IDK.

Quit smoking, Relaxation teqniqueques,

I mean I could even follow up with the Russian chick. I was going to say, I didn't need to Girls Chase when I was with the movie star girl in college. But then i remembered that I didn't get laid with her. I did eventually lose my virgiinity using GC. But just beeing on my own, didn't work. OK, so this stuff really does help.

OK, so when a girl stops and she has a box of pizza say, where'd you get that pizza? duh. But I need to follow thru with my insta leads. Seriously. It's just embarrasing what i'm leaving on the table. Not to mention a really cute Tinder lead that I SHOULD JUST BE ABLE TO FUCK EASILY BUT I CANT GET HER OUT NOW.

What is going on!

It's the weed, mon. Its the weed.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I dont feel like doing this. Need to be sober for at leasty 14 days staright. I don't even care anymore. I just want to be like in college when I decided to give up and forget about it and just get married if I fell for someone. I did but I didnt marry her. now i want to get tons of pussy, well thats the goal, but I just smoke instgead.
I just want to stop trying and just focus on making a ton of money.
Is that potentially a good idea? What about Mark Zuckerberg? Or any other ugly nerd who got rich, but im good looking. i'm not giving up i just feel like pissed bc i just had a long break from work and i didnt do cool stuff or get laid i just smoked a lot. I mean i was hitting on girls but now, i have a job. I guess i am going to mechanistically hit on 5 girls a day type thing. I might be a mechanic. What should i do just be romantic and wit for lightning to strike? no, i want to turn on the pussy faucet, its the same thing... the point is what do i do. no i quit wqeed and do it. Im getting old. I cant believe im even being negative for 1 second. have to get hot chicks like now, like yesterday!!!!!!!!!!1

OK, I'm quitting weed cold turkey for at least 14 days, no matter what, no matter how depressed I get.