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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
There's this French Belgian girl - 22, tall (slightly taller than me), sporty/athletic.

She's slim, has nice long legs (and also big hands - first girl I've met whose hands are the same size as mine) and so the body looks like it would be nice to poke the ol' sausage into.

Not particularly pretty though (used to be), but I wouldn't call her ugly either. Plain.

Prehistory of what's happened so far between us:

  1. Bumped into her at a train station of neighboring town and asked her for advice with destination (was with buddy who'd come to visit me from abroad). She walked with us to the platform, as she was going in the same direction. I then suggested the three of us sit together on the train, and we did. Chatting, good vibes. In the end I got her digitos.
  2. First date went to bar we spent (1? 2?) hour(s) there, I did the three favorite animals game, but didn't do strawberry fields or the cube, so no sexualization. Walked her home holding hands and once we got there she quickly left saying she wasn't feeling it, I was too old, she had to follow her heart even though normally she would stay and sleep over.
  3. Some time later got a text from her apologizing for having left, and I said it's ok no worries, and said I'd still be down to meet if she was still interested. We scheduled another date where I took her to this live jazz joint. Walked her home again this time sat her on my lap was telling her I'd always told my sister she should do whatever she wanted with guys and we kissed a little bit. She said she normally takes time to get to know guys and that she hopes it's ok, and left.
  4. Now she texted me again and asked me if I'm free on Tuesday night. I said "i might be. what did you have in mind?" and she suggested another bar or jazz joint.

What should I do? Sexualize on date and bring her home and escalate to sex, or simply refuse to go out with her and instead invite her straight over to watch a movie? I wouldn't mind shagging her but feel like keeping this multi-date shenanigans up will only emasculate me further and place me in a pure provider frame, where I would have to "buy" her pussy with promises of commitment.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Crazy but I feel a strong connection to the girl from Wednesday night.

I mean, that I know I've only ever taken the virginity of another girl, a late twenty-something Argentinian with fake boobs I met in my previous life as a tour guide. But I would call her a quasi-virgin since I don't remember getting any bloodstained duvet. She did have an unbelievably tight twat though, so perhaps it was just a case of having had almost no sex ever.

Then there was an English lass back when I lived in London, but she was so tight I didn't know how to penetrate so she blew me and that was that. Never saw her again.

But the other night I felt blessed to be given this girl's virginity on a platter. Like, that it was an honor, something considerate of her. Now, whenever I think about her I get hard super fast, and if it happens while I'm in bed sleeping then it makes me stay up for a fair bit before going back to sleep.

The vibe is also super intense between us over text.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Smash status update
  • Am setting up a rotation of two girls ATM:
    • The cutie I'm still in the process of "locking in" (3rd bang sesh should occur next week)
    • The ex-virgin, that I should be meeting for our 2nd sesh next week as well (this one already seems "locked in," as due to cherry popping her level of investment is higher than the other one - still, she caught COVID last week, was on holidays the week before, and this week was too busy, so once we meet for 2nd sesh it will have been almost 1 month since I took her virginity)
  • With both, they are mostly doing the scheduling, and I am simply keeping the flirting up and encouraging them with comforting lover talk
  • While one is cute and curvy (frankly, I prefer girls with tight butts and everything firm), the other has pretty eyes but is otherwise plain-faced yet has the athletic bod I tend to prefer (tight buttocks, everything firm)
  • One is 10 years my junior, the other 11, respectively
  • These girls kind of "just happened," so I'm not kidding myself that they're of the quality that I envisage for myself in an ideal life, the one I'm striving towards, once a number of variables are in gear
  • I'd say they're "girls for now," rather than "girls for later"

On night game vs. day game / cold approach vs. social circle / quality vs. effort
  • Without a doubt, for me, staying up until much later than midnight is an unattractive prospect, simply because I don't like the social ritual of having to pretend you're not interested in the hottest girls in a given house party (who are never as hot as the hottest girls you see as you go about your day in the CBD of a capital city) for protracted periods of time until you "accidentally" engage them to preserve value and then have to go to sleep at 4:00am if you want to kiss them or get their number or whatever
  • For me, nothing beats day game "as you go about your day" (street, museum, supermarket, grocery store, bus/metro stop) indirect/direct and short-circuiting (because simply not participating) in the abovementioned beta male/AFC production line rituals
  • Nevertheless, I like socializing. So an ideal setup for me is:
    • Having my own cold approach process to procure top-of-the-line girls (high quality and top-tier looks gals)
    • While still socializing and having huge networks of acquaintances to do activities with but that I do not depend on to procure said pussy
  • Of course, building up that process will require:
    • A solid pair of balls (which will be more solid the further I get with the healing of my low back chronic injury problem which negatively impacts my state due to persistent low energy from lack of quality sleep, and also currently impedes me from basically any kind of sport that would help me rebuild my long-lost 20kg of muscle mass)
    • The ability to learn from (and not get too negatively affected by) rejections
    • Fine-tuning the process by trial and error ((pre-)approach to hook, and the subsequent transitions)

Part of the reason higher quality can be obtained from properly calibrated cold approach is that social circles and house parties (like social media) are a woman's world (give them more control) whereas short-circuiting the process via cold approach is a man's world (gives us more control).


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Approach Log

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Met up with wing in historic center at 2.30 p.m. We walked around and caught up. I kept coming up with excuses not to approach.

My first approach was on a very attractive black-haired girl. I tried the Beam-patented "I saw you and I thought you have a great sense of style" opener. She looked like a deer in the headlights, and said "I'm going." I think she was too young.

Inside a shopping mall I approached this delicious blue-eyed beaut as I waited for a smoothie with wing. For an opener, I asked her what smoothie she’d ordered. Then we chatted a bit and she revealed she was there with her parents. Didn’t ask her her age but she was most likely a teenager (of legal age). I could have number closed.

Approached a delicious girl in tight shiny black leather pants. I told her she looked nice. She thanked me then said she was seventeen and on the way to meet her boyfriend - yeah, right.

Then approached a 2-set of sexy baes with wing. I correctly guessed they were Portuguese (indirect approach question opener) then was too nice guy Eddy (my wing said I sounded like a tour guide, telling them things to do in the city - BTW they'd just arrived so this was ripe fruit for the plucking) then when I suggested a drink they were like "no cigar" (those weren't their words but that was what they meant).

Next set I went more direct. They were Spanish. One was a dime the other was ok-looking face-wise with a nice bod to boot. I told them, "I was walking there with my friend and we were saying to each other, "Wow, these girls look so nice,"" The dime smiled and said "thank you." We then proceeded to chat a bit before one of them said they had to leave and my wing said "let's get a drink later" but they said they had boyfriends.

Finally I approached (with wing) a 2-set of absolute dimes. One had slim long legs, was wearing black heels, a stylish grey duffel-style coat, a skirt, she had hydrogenated fake blonde hair, and was fully made up. I went up to them and told the blonde: "Hey, I was walking with my friend and I saw you walking and I wanted to say you have a lovely pair of legs." She LOVED it. They were on their way to be filmed for a TV commercial. I said "OK, now you go shoot the ad but later we're getting drinks." The blonde told her friend to give me her number, but she resisted (she knew I only wanted her friend, and was obvi jealous).

Wing and I went to have a pita and chat about the day's sets.

Around 4.30 p.m. called it a day.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Bis, just curious, why are you always suggesting drinks and not a quick coffee/juice as a more casual insta date (lower investment for them)?
The blonde told her friend to give me her number, but she resisted (she knew I only wanted her friend, and was obvi jealous).
This is sure a pickle, but I would have said to the blonde:
"You are both nice on the eyes and I sure like you Y (to the friend), but I want YOUR number (to the blonde)"


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for the tip POB. Used it today.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Met wing in historic center at 1.50 p.m. We walked around.

Warm-up set was these two Turkish ugs standing outside Zara. They were all made up even though it was 2.00 p.m. lmao. They looked better from afar. The set tanked ASAP. Open was "We thought you look nice" or something.

Then I was standing with wing waiting for a third gamer who was going to be joining us and was laughing at something, when I saw this scrumptious petite babe staring at me. She was walking with a girlfriend. They walked past us. I had to go. They were at the traffic light, and crossed the red. I felt inspired.

I legged it a little to catch up then went around the front, arch-style, and said: "Hey, did you two just cross the red light?" (pause)

Her girlfriend (who had a mask on) replied, "Uhm..."

Then I said, "I'm the police (beat) Just kidding! (smirk, pause) I was walking with my friend (wave to wing who had since caught up with me) and saw you two pass by (pause) and thought you looked cute, so wanted to say hi"

The babe smiled. She was shy. Her mask-bedecked friend said she was seventeen and asked me my age. I asked her how old she thought I was. She said "26" I said "Almost...I'm 25"

She said "I have a rule that I don't talk to guys who are older or the same age as my older brothers"

Here I can't remember exactly what my wing said (god bless him, because he salvaged the set, by somehow changing the subject with a tease of some kind). Meanwhile, the babe had said she was 18.

Wing then stated, Juggler-style: "You are from xxx" they said "Yes"

Then the mask-bedecked girl asked us if we were from xxx too. We said no, but that we both lived here. She asked me where I was from. I answered, "where do you think I'm from?"

She said: "America? Dublin? Denmark?" I said it was a warm country with plenty of beaches and nice food.

I asked the babe: "where do YOU think I'm from?" She said: "Australia?"

Anyway they eventually guessed it. I asked the babe if she'd been to my home country and she said "no", then if they often got approached on the street and she said "never".

I told her "Let's go get a milkshake."

Then the mask-bedecked girl, who kept shit-testing wing, who was handling her with panache, said they were conducting a research questionnaire for work, and if we spoke French. Wing said we did, and she was about to launch into the whole yarn to get us to answer her survey, but he said (again, thank you wing for being such a boss) "No, we don't have time"

I said to babe: "After the questionnaire, then" She said her mask-bedecked friend's mum was picking them up after their thing was done.

I told her: "Ok, so give me your number, and I'll text you. If you want to meet, you answer, if you don't, you don't" and I handed her my phone. She wrote her number down.

We said our goodbyes.

Later, I approached another set of total babes, but these were more urbanly dressed (hood girls). They didn't speak English very well. It was going well when 2 black hood kids and 1 white one joined the set. One of the black guys asked the girls how old they were, they said sixteen. Then he turned to me and asked me how old I was, I said eighteen. He said "they're too young for you." Then he told the girls: "you can go." And he turned to me and said "get out of here." I stood and stared him in the eyes. Him and his cronies left.

Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea.

I later approached a cute Taiwanese girl but she wasn't interested, wanted to be by herself. Or maybe I didn't hit her with the right vibe.

The last was a 2-set of Italian Swiss girls. They ate everything up; wing was doing most of the teasing, but no number or meet later was agreed to on their part.

I think that was all today. Wing and I had some pasta. Then at 4.30 p.m. parted ways.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Did some street day and night game on Friday 4 March, then went to a buddy's birthday on Saturday 5 March, where I snagged the Facebook off a cute blonde Danish chick. Shot her a text for us to go "have some hot chocolate" and she bit the bait. Said she'd be overseas this week (7-13 March) but that she would be available the following week (as of tomorrow).

Went out for day game on Monday 7 March but the weather was worse (cold wind whipping your face) and don't think I did any approach with wing. We had some ramen and called it a day. Tuesday 8 March fell sick with the flu but still organized a music night and met some people. Had curvaceous cutie over for 4th bang sesh on Wednesday 9 March (even though I was still sick) and I have to say the sex is quite vanilla. Condom, no doggy, no BJs, ... (I fucked her once without but she freaked out - I have to say this is a reality I'm still adjusting to).

Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 March did 1 approach on a HB each day. By myself no wing. Day game. Even though I still have a cold.

Did day game on Saturday 12 March and went on an instadate with wing and two university students studying in a neighboring city. Moved in for the kiss with mine but she had a bf. We took them to a local bar at like 4.30 p.m. lol. The compliance was high as they agreed to go there with us very shortly after the approach. Before that, went out Thursday 10 and Friday 11 night (and then Saturday 12 March night too). Social circle stuff (eating/drinking/listening to music/reconnecting with acquaintances/colleagues/buddies/birthday party) then organized a day trip today. Ended the weekend with a party that I just came from.

Highlight of today (Sunday 13 March). As I was walking home from train station from day trip before eating and then heading to the party I just came from, I saw this total babe walking in my direction on the sidewalk. I was in state, because I'd spent the day hanging out with cute girls visiting a new city.

Following Mystery's 3-second rule I simply motioned her to stop, and may have exclaimed: "Hey!" (or maybe just gestured with my hand). She took her headphones off and I said "Hey, you look like you speak English" she said "Yes, I do" then I said "I just saw you, and thought you look nice, so I wanted to say hi" not sure what she said here, maybe "thanks." She crossed her legs in this sexy submissive feminine posture.

I was looking her in the eye with SECT without averting gaze or blinking.

Then I said, "Are you coming from a party?" and she said "No, I'm on my way home." I said, "Ah ok, coz you look stylish." Then I asked, "Are you French?" and she replied "No, I'm Italian" (speaking in French). Then she asked me where I was from and I told her (here she hooked).

I gave her my hand to shake, telling her my name. She told me hers. I told her "your hand is cold" she said "thanks" haha deer in headlights.

Then we chatted a bit (she told me how long she's been living here, what she's studying, and I told her I was working here, she asked me where, she said she'd just applied for an internship in the same company, then she asked me what I studied, and she told me what she studied, and I told her "I'm also going home then heading to a party later but why don't we meet another time and get a drink." She said "Okay." Then as I got my phone out to write down her number she asked me my age haha. I asked her how old do you think I am she said 30. I said I'm 29 (I'm actually a bit older than 30). Then I asked her hers and she had me guess and it turns out she's 24. She giggled hard when I said I thought she was 21.

Then I kissed her on both cheeks and we parted ways. Just shot her ice breaker text. Very simple, no gimmicks: "Nice to meet you earlier stylish girl from Florence".

I am a believer in minimalism. If I can fuck a HB with minimal use of verbal game, then I will strive to use as little as possible, so as not to come off try hard. Generally, I have had success in the past with non-verbals doing a lot of the work for me. And this girl hooked fast, and reacted well to my approach from what I could tell. She did have to ask me to repeat myself once or twice because she didn't understand what I was saying, but apart from that, I doubt she's been approached too many times as confidently as she was by yours truly this afternoon.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I am a believer in minimalism. If I can fuck a HB with minimal use of verbal game, then I will strive to use as little as possible, so as not to come off try hard. Generally, I have had success in the past with non-verbals doing a lot of the work for me. And this girl hooked fast, and reacted well to my approach from what I could tell. She did have to ask me to repeat myself once or twice because she didn't understand what I was saying, but apart from that, I doubt she's been approached too many times as confidently as she was by yours truly this afternoon.
^ yeah lately it has been my experience as well, it seems it starting to work again... I Still don't know why is working more and more again lately...


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
The total babe I direct street approached on Sunday afternoon flaked. Luckily I had another date set for 3 hours earlier with the blonde blue-eyed Dane from my mate's birthday house party, which went well.

Let's not kid ourselves here though: she has a nice bod, and beautiful blue eyes, and I like the blonde hair, but she isn't beautiful. In fact, she isn't even pretty. She's also probably in her late 20s.

Whereas the gorgie was 24 and ticked all the boxes. Oh well - back to the drawingboard. If I approach 1 total babe every day, I'll get a date eventually, and probably more than one at that, and, who knows, maybe a lay or two in there.

I went through David Riker's 2 first CDs (out of 11) but tomorrow have to get back to full-time work so not sure I'll have so much time to do the whole program anymore. It's quite intense haha. Without a doubt though, Riker + Gun + swinggcat + TVA + Karea = dynamite.

Kvothe's success with a top-shelf bae using advanced indirect verbal tech has solidified the idea in my mind that the dream snatch is there for the taking provided one puts in the work. Autistic social terrorist brute-forcing TT-like EE/FSU arbitrage passport direct cocky-funny/teasing game is much more hit-or-miss and seems to only work on tourists.
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Organized another day trip yesterday, and this time I seem to have struck gold.

Was with a buddy and four girls. One was ok/mediocre-looking, face-wise, but had a stellar bod. The other three were baes. One a 7/8; the other two 9s.

With one of the 9s, who arrived at lunchtime with the 7/8, (and I basically flirted with her to get her to join) it seems to have been on from the very first second. Had a high level of social frame with her for reasons tied to our similar backgrounds. There was indirect flirting occurring basically for the entire duration of our time together. (Her: "You must look handsome in a blazer and shirt," Me: "You can talk Italian to the other girl, it sounds sexy," Me: "You know, that makes you more attractive" (after she said she knows and likes to cook) Her: "But the man must cook as well," Me: "Then it wouldn't work out between us," etc.)

However, her cheerful spirits, elegance, charm, and grace may have been part of an act, as it turns out she's an insta attention whore.

And of course, there is always the problem that she is social circle, which means that for reputational reasons (and this social circle dovetails work) assuming carte blanche to do with her as I please could portend potentially unsavory scenarios.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Approach log

Tuesday 31 May 2022 - 1 approach at 5.10 p.m.

Yesterday I was thinking how the end of May 2015 was when I had one of the most memorable love affairs of my young adult life, with a short, fit, slim, perfect-bodied, cute, tatted, French Canadian 18 or 19-year-old.

I was also thinking that I had seen lots of talent in a public park relatively out of the way from my location here during the end of the afternoon I spent there with someone recently.

Just now I went for an end-of-workday stroll around my studio and decided to approach the first babe I saw. She had a nice body and was cute. She sounded Italian.

I saw her (she was walking in my direction) and kept walking then stopped myself, turned back, and luckily she'd also stalled, so I simply went up and said: "You look like you speak English." She said "Yes." I said, "I was walking, saw you, and thought you look..." and she cut me off with something I forget the exact phraseology, saying she wasn't looking for anything. I said: "that's ok, I just wanted to tell you you look nice," to which she said "I'm going to the gym now so blablabla...thanks," I said "bye," she said "bye"

In retrospect, the push from her is to be expected and while it remains mere light resistance and not rejection is not a red light. She was scrambling to make the frame noncommittal, which isn't to say she wasn't open to a quick chat and perhaps a number close, especially considering she had a slight smirk.

In the future, I will cut out the "I was walking, saw you" and just say "you're cute, what's your name?" and then take it from there. As Austen Summers advised, it doesn't really matter the content of the comfort fluff chat (stop worrying about not having things to say, simply say whatever comes to mind, talk about what you're doing, etc.), what matters is the non-verbals, vibe, EC, posture, stillness, etc.

Also, it's a good idea to do cold reads and a bit of light teasing. With practice, looking at this like working out a muscle, it should yield positive results.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thursday 2 June 2022
The weather cleared mid-morning and we were feasted with another glorious clear sky flanked by a warm, welcoming sun. Such conditions tend to make one skip one's step, and in general bring about a lighthearted atmosphere to things. Girls start walking around scantily clad in short shorts or skirts, and one tends to forget one's worries.

After a long day at the office, I nipped home to grab an early dinner before going out for a stroll around 6.30. I spotted this cute girl smiling at me with her eyes and opened her asking her if she was from France. We chatted a bit then I ascertained she was on her way to the train station to buy a ticket for the airport as she was flying away the next day at 6. I was looking her steadily in the eyes with desire.

I walked along with her a bit of the way then continued in my predetermined route's direction. I swapped Facebooks with her as I will be visiting the city where she lives in France next month, so we may bump into each other, but didn't leave before pecking her on the cheeks. (Felt like I could maybe have tried for the makeout).

Back home after the stroll, the beautiful rays shone into my studio, making me happy to be alive. The skyline presented an endless array of tonalities and shapes of clouds and colors of the sun, depending on its various stages.

I got a message on WhatsApp - a buddy inviting me to go to this place that is the location par excellence for Thursday nights here. It's a square that has a statue with a patch of grass around it in the center and is flanked by bars on either side housed inside short neoclassical late 18th/early 19th-century buildings.

I accepted to meet him there around 9.30. I ended up arriving around 9.45 or so, having taken a strong beer with me that'd been lost in the fridge for eons. As soon as I arrived this girl who I know from the internship last year came up to greet me. She's Polish, maybe 25, cute in this sort of dirty pornstar way (brunette blue eyes with a devilish look), but has serious issues. Red flag galore: oily skin and hair with a rancid odor to match, talking about seeking therapy because of suffering psychological abuse by her Moroccan ex-boyfriend, etc.

My buddy also showed up and came to greet us. I opened an Irish girl who was sitting on the grass also from our internship after Polish Red Flag left us, then another girl - Italian - I know, then another Irish girl I know, then we went for a round to the bars so my buddy could get a beer. I was still slowly sipping mine. With the girls, I was starting to let loose and tease lightly. Ah, the magic of alcohol...

I don't remember all the approaches (I cold approached a group of Italians at one point that included at least 2 baes, one of which of high caliber, albeit on the older side (in her late twenties or early thirties) without engaging the hottays till after chit-chatting with the dudes a la old school Erik von Markovik), but eventually my buddy was buying his bottle at the 7-11, and this cute and sexy French girl with a choker was saying for me to "meet her (and her less attractive friend) outside X bar" when I told her I "have to go with my friends," as buddy came out of 7-11 with some other dudes he'd bumped into there one of which I already knew.

We ended up on the patch in the center of the square again, where some other of my buddy's buddies had small speaker sets where they were playing EDM. The vibe was great. I was with my buddy in a circle but then I spotted this gorgie I'd seen before and bookmarked in the back of my mind for approaching when we'd been in the grassy patch before the sun had set at the start of the night. The sun is setting after 10 here now lmao.

I went straight up to her and said: "do you have weed?" (She was standing in a circle of pals). I said it so only she could hear. She said: "no," I said, "It's not for me, it's for a friend." She said "no" again. Then I said, "That's not really why I came here - I came here because I saw you and I thought you looked cute." She said "thanks" and I said "I guess I'm not the first person to tell you this," and she said, "No, you're the second." Funny, I like it!

Anyway, for the next 45 minutes, we were chatting without any awkward pauses. She was from Slovakia. Definitely the hottest girl I've spoken to this year. At some point we got into sex talk. Not technical sex talk - I wasn't using any gambits or anything. We were just talking about sex. She was telling me about a guy she's fucking presently who cums in 3 minutes.

At 11.45 I told her I should get going and asked her if she wanted to come with me. She said, "the night is still young" (lol she is 21, sure it is). I then tried to kiss her mouth after touching her necklace and groping her bicep to test if she was fit like she said she was ("I go to the gym") but she said "It's not that easy," I got her digitos and dashed off in the direction of my duvet, but not before inviting her on my tour (I'm giving tours again, as a part-time hobby on the weekends).

Probably never going to see her again. Though I'm sure if Bachaus or Kvothe or Kant had been there (not to mention the Teevmeister and Pelusita the Sultan) they'd have smashed that snatch pronto.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Saturday 11 June 2022
Did my first tour without any acquaintances invited to test it for me (i.e., for the actual market) with great success but having delivered it with 26 degrees celsius heat I was quite exhausted after the 2.5 hours. Still, I wanted to approach as I'd seen a 10 in a red summer dress in the park during the tour and I could tell she was there to be taken home for penetration by the first man with a steely enough pair of testicles coupled with rudimentary seduction skills.

So I left the house after having an early dinner at 5ish around 6 pm and approached a hot lone wolf Korean who was perusing fridge magnets at the entrance of one of these tourist shops on my street. I asked her "which magnets are you buying?"

We spoke about the magnets, she told me she was studying in a neighboring country and had wanted to come and visit xxx for some time so it was a "dream come true" (great subject to do some emotional stimulation on, but nothing came to mind). At one point I held her hand when we were saying our names to each other and she wouldn't let go, indicating DTF (IME).

Still, she said she didn't drink alcohol and didn't like beer, and after she went inside to pay for her fridge magnets, once she came back out she said "goodbye." Exhausted as I was, I called it a day approach-wise.

Saturday 18 June 2022
Yesterday was very hot here. Above 30 celsius. Quite rare in these parts. I was on my way to a festival type event thing when I indirect approached a girl standing before her phone on a sidewalk at around 1pm. I asked her: "Are you lost?" She said "No, I'm fine, thanks" and actually took one or two steps back in fear. Up close she wasn't all that, I realized. I bid her my farewells.

Next, on my way back home, around 1.45pm, the following transpired:

I recently purchased some very nice (if excessively expensive) new threads. I was wearing them yesterday. Stylish AF white linen button-down (collar-less) with colorful flower patterns and cool thin-fabric light grey trousers with my black comfy gel Asics sneakers (low back herniation).

I was entering the metro station and suddenly there was this sexy-looking chick in front of me on the electric stairs (heading downwards onto the first underground level of the station). She had shoulder-length dark brown hair and a one-piece orange summer dress, sandals, and a little stylish purse on.

I went about my business without paying her much mind. Next I descended the electric stairs onto the platform. I was standing on the platform when she descended onto the same platform. My peripheral registered it was her but I resisted the impulse to check her out and see if she was cute as well. Instead I looked to see if the train was coming.

Then she moved to my general area (not exactly "next to me," but close by). And I glanced at her, only to notice she was looking at me. She had green eyes. She was pretty. What a babe...

The train arrived, and I walked in. Apparently she went into the same carriage. She was standing. I looked for a place to sit but there were none, so I went to stand next to her.

I was busy answering some WhatsApp messages on my smartphone but soon all that ended. I put my phone back in my pocket and I thought, "I need to say something to her, she's so gorgeous, I can't let this moment pass"

The next station came and I thought she might leave and then I would never see her again. I thought about stopping her or stepping out with her. But she didn't get out.

So I finally mustered, heart beating, "It's hot today, isn't it?"

She looked at me and beamed from ear to ear. God she was so delicious...

She said, "yes", still smiling.

"Is it usually like that?" I asked her, to which she said, "I don't know, I'm not from here.."

"Oh, really? I thought you were a local...Where are you from?"


"Ah, but that's not too different from here"


"I was there in January, and the weather was so bad...It's only a 3-hour train ride away"

"Or 2 hours by car," she riposted.

We were arriving at the station where I would descend, which it just so happens was the same one she was getting off on.

We walked out together and I kept this "questions of death" conversation alive.

As we walked up to street level, when we arrived at the top, she said, "I have to go this way" with an apologetic, nervous voice, still smiling.

I said, "Bye" and walked away. Very quickly I thought I missed the opportunity to close somehow, considering the clear chemistry between us (her noticing me, us obviously being attracted to each other from a baseline level - her reaction to my style upgrades was obviously an important part of the equation), inviting her to meet again (for instance, today, if she's still around). ABC (Always be closing!)

Lessons learned: absolutely succulent belles want me. Even if the content of what I tell them isn't spick and span like others on this board, talking with a deep booming bass voice from the groin (even if not loud) is good form, coupled with the style tweaks mentioned above and not terrible posture. I'm also tanned, which helps.

To improve: it would help to have some canned material for interactions like these. Emotional stims, rainbow ruses, etc.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 20 June 2022
Went for an afterwork stroll and saw a hot girl taking a photo of a street I was about to ascend so said: "It's a beautiful street, isn't it?" And we chatted a bit but she quickly excused herself and left.

A bit later went after a cute stylish chick who had smiled at me as she walked past me and told her I liked her style and we chatted a bit but she also quickly left.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Approach log

Tuesday 31 May 2022 - 1 approach at 5.10 p.m.

Yesterday I was thinking how the end of May 2015 was when I had one of the most memorable love affairs of my young adult life, with a short, fit, slim, perfect-bodied, cute, tatted, French Canadian 18 or 19-year-old.

I was also thinking that I had seen lots of talent in a public park relatively out of the way from my location here during the end of the afternoon I spent there with someone recently.

Just now I went for an end-of-workday stroll around my studio and decided to approach the first babe I saw. She had a nice body and was cute. She sounded Italian.

I saw her (she was walking in my direction) and kept walking then stopped myself, turned back, and luckily she'd also stalled, so I simply went up and said: "You look like you speak English." She said "Yes." I said, "I was walking, saw you, and thought you look..." and she cut me off with something I forget the exact phraseology, saying she wasn't looking for anything. I said: "that's ok, I just wanted to tell you you look nice," to which she said "I'm going to the gym now so blablabla...thanks," I said "bye," she said "bye"

In retrospect, the push from her is to be expected and while it remains mere light resistance and not rejection is not a red light. She was scrambling to make the frame noncommittal, which isn't to say she wasn't open to a quick chat and perhaps a number close, especially considering she had a slight smirk.

In the future, I will cut out the "I was walking, saw you" and just say "you're cute, what's your name?" and then take it from there. As Austen Summers advised, it doesn't really matter the content of the comfort fluff chat (stop worrying about not having things to say, simply say whatever comes to mind, talk about what you're doing, etc.), what matters is the non-verbals, vibe, EC, posture, stillness, etc.

Also, it's a good idea to do cold reads and a bit of light teasing. With practice, looking at this like working out a muscle, it should yield positive results.

Have you thought about changing 'cute' into something more punchy?

I recently decided to express physical attraction right from the off and go back to using a direct opener. After a string of meets (even had to change dates into meets) where girls expressed friendship before wanting to come out, it got me thinking that indirect opening is too reliant on the girl having the intuition to recognise that the subcommunication is sexual and man-to-woman. It's so much more easier for her to know what's going on when you express it verbally.

Anyway, back to direct opening. I've started trialling punchier compliments like 'absolutely gorgeous' or 'ravishing'.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
something more punchy?
I had to say you were exactly my type
I thought you looked reeally pretty

Italics you put extra emphasis. But yeah, I have used direct opening in daygame since day one. Never been able to be convinced that doing otherwise was "superior" on the whole. I'm kinda lazy, so I like to know whether the girl is sexually available or not to me before I spent time speaking with her. Sometimes even stating intent is not enough to trigger women to say "I have a boyfriend" and will happily ask questions about you and you think it is going well so you suggest goinf for drinks and she goes "oh I have a boyfriend haha" -_-


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for the words of advice guys.

Will defos give these variants a shot and report back on results.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Funny how you forget...

Saturday 18 June 2022
OMW to an epic event in the afternoon in a city further south I was at a bus stop waiting for the bus (this was after approaching the 10 in the metro that came to naught) and I saw a slim bae. She had an exotic look about her. Approached her asking if this was the bus to xyz. She said it was. I then sat behind her in the bus once it arrived and chatted with her. Turns out she is half-Jordanian half-Belgian. Got her digitos but in a social frame as she said she had a boyfriend.

Thursday 23 June 2022
OMW to the square where everyone hangs out, flanked by bars, that I mentioned in a previous post on this journal, I saw this cute chick reading a book sitting on some stairs with the firmament on the horizon, the sun steadily setting. I opened her with "what are you reading?" some back and forth and she said she was going to this exhibit and I told her we should go together she said she was already going with her mum then I said maybe we can get a drink some other time then she said she had a boyfriend I said aight CIAO!

Saturday 25 June 2022
OMW back from buying some pimp threads in the same city further south where I went to the event last week I opened a chick close to me on the train with "what are you reading" and then invited her for drinks interspersed in the convo she said her boyfriend wouldn't like that continued chatting with her then she left. Was slim and succulent, not beautiful, but not ugly either.

Had already opened another chick on the train on the way there who was prettier and also hot, a medical doctor (fresh outta college), who I didn't close even though she seemed interested.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
Bismarck great to see you back an active again after that little break! I've gotta ask man... why are you not at least asking these girls out?? I just saw that there was a medical doctor that seemed interested but you didn't close, how come haha

ABC brother ABC ;)


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Good point Marcellus! Today I went for a stroll around 7pm and locked eyes with this showstopper who was walking with a girlfriend. Now I know from past experience that when there is a strong AI you can open a 2-set and focus exclusively on your target and it could go well regardless...

ABC definitely!! Gotta tattoo that on my forehead lmao

Also, gonna switch from "do you wanna get a drink" (which immediately leads to ASD) to "wanna get a coffee some time" (as suggested by that Brazilian poster what's his name).