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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 14, 2013
Whoa can't believe it's the end of 2017. I think I have grew a lot in 2017. It's the year I transition to being a full on adult with responsibilities. I feel like I didn't spend a lot of time in seduction, but at the same time I have been dating this amazing girl for the past month. I thought I'll share our first date together because everything sort of happened very naturally. So this goes back to almost 2 months ago, I was out doing daygame with my wing in the city when I saw her.
The initial interaction was pretty good, but she was shit testing me a lot for being a player. I just flipped it back to her and we had fun. At one point I feel hesitant about grabbing her number but I did it anyway and she was happy to grab coffee with me.
Text message
Me: "Hey it's Smith, glad to have met you =)"
Her: "It was nice talking to you too lol"
6 hours later around 9.30pm
Her: "so is this a social experiment....blah blah blah"
Oh here we go...shit testing again
I forgot how i handled it, but basically I was being honest and playful at the same time. Told her I'm interested in her. Then she asked me if I did the same thing to this girl call Julie.
I was surprised when she asked me that because she was my friend with me benefit at that time lol but I just told her we're just friends.
side note: Later on after we have been going out for a few weeks, she told me she saw that name on my phone when she gave me her number that day...
Anyway we managed to set up a date through that text conversation.
The day before our date, she texted me again to confirm we're still on at 7.30pm.
However, on the day of our date, she was running late and we didn't meet until 9am. And guess what, her friends are there too.

I can't say I was too pleased about this, but whatever lol I greeted her friends warmly and after a few minutes of chit chat, they all left and it's just me and her.
She seems very nervous. I already had a date location in mind, but she wanted to go the other way, i.e. opposing direction to my place. I insisted we just go to the cafe around the corner and I'll grab an ice chocolate and if she doesn't wanna grab anything that's fine. She reluctantly came with me. At this point, she was turning me off with her behaviour.

So after I grabbed my ice chocolate, I decided to give her another chance so I started talking to her, but she still give me the lukewarm vibe. I told her I'll walk her to the train station and make sure she gets home safe. She seemed to relax a bit and started talking to me more. On the way there, we walked past a karaoke bar. This girl, literally just dragged me in there and insisted that we sing. She paid for everything, and we sang for an hour. She's an amazing singer but it was just me singing for 45 mins embarrassing myself and her laughing at me lol I did some physical escalation, but not much.

After the karaoke, I thought ok let's go home now, and we continue walking to the train station, which is not far. After we arrived at the train station, she said oh it's not gonna be for another 10 minutes, what should we do... Somehow, we both walked out of the train station and she suggested we go to this salsa bar to dance. At this point, I have not really touch her beside the coincidental touch. It's just a lot of goood vibe and talking to each other.

Once we arrived at the bar, she greeted a friend of hers who works there. And there was a salsa class on. We both grabbed each other's hand and started dancing. After 30 minutes, I suggested we go somewhere else. The casino was just across the road, so we went there, I gambled, I lost $20. lol Then I suggested we go watch a movie at my place. She said yea sounds good. (sidenote: later on she told me that she knew we were going to have sex when I asked to come over and watch a movie).

We were holding hands as we were walking back to my place by now. For some reason, this didn't feel forced at all. My place was a mess, but she didn't mind.
We sat on my couch, I put on a scary movie. After about 10 mins, I pulled her in and we made out. Then she asked me. "Do you just want a one night stand?" I gave her the serious answer and told her I would love to see her again. Then we continue making out until we were both naked, but guess what I didn't have any condoms with me.....imagine the blue balls I have that night. So we stayed up late and we just had fun sharing our thoughts and dreams together. When we woke up the next morning, I told her I'll cook for her tonight and she said yes.

Luckily she didn't flake on me like the one from the previous post did lol. But I basically had to start over again. She was cold again. We went back to my place, I cooked salmon, which turned out to be her favourite food. We made out and eventually had sex.

I think the main lesson for me here is to always stick with your gut feeling and stand your ground. I think the turning point for her was pretty early on when I offered to walk her to the train station only 10 mins into our first date. I think she was surprised that I would drop her like that because no guys would ever do that and walk away from a date with her. Now I'm not saying to use this as a tactic, but if you have to wake up at 7am in the morning to go to work the next day, the date better be so amazing to make you worth staying up late.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers