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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Dec. 6, 12
Day 7 (Evening)

Like it says in the newbie assignment i did my walking around, although i added some eye contact to it in addition that only thing other was I realized something running yesterday, I tend to get all philosophical and self-examining when i run to take my mind of the pain.

here's what i wrote down shortly after i ran:

"Out running last night i did come to a sudden realization when my head was rushing with cold air.
I came to the realization that i am often slightly tense a lot of time in public even though i don't mean to be. I think this is because I am trying to hard often to put often a certain vibe i don't relax into as much as i am trying to. So when i walk tomorrow i will try to RELAX, as i practice those walk. Making these look naturally effortless and feeling truly relaxed in this state should help me get into the mind that I don't NEED to be tense since I am awesome, so why should i worry? Why should I be concerned about things, being concerned should be saved for the planning phase of things were it is useful, but not of the action itself."
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
DigitalStef said:
...so why should i worry? Why should I be concerned about things, being concerned should be saved for the planning phase of things were it is useful, but not of the action itself."

I think that is an excellent policy. Once everything is in place, it's best to just relax and let things flow. If planning and previous work has been done properly, things will most often turn out the way you want. Of course, for me, saying is easier than doing. I tend to get caught up in monitoring things a bit too much and have trouble "staying in the moment". Still, it's interesting that we're thinking pretty much the same thing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Yah AFCnoob, I'm definitely going to have to remember that today since i got the Day 8 assignment.

Dec. 7, 12
Day 8 (Morning)

Well I have the assignment to indirect direct open to four women today. And I'll have to admit, thinking about it has me kind of nervous and i get nervous over very few things. Although I have been teaching myself to appreciate this emotion too thanks to getting over nervousness on roller coasters. (used to be afraid of them until i decided that was silly).

Anyway, from a lot of my previous interactions with girls the introduction has always been the hardest part for me. I can generally go right into the early banter, but then i stop there too. So i want to master the introduction first so I get more practice with the later steps of the process.

I may have to use the exit from the conversation mostly today since I am short on time currently. (Finals are here.) Although who knows? If i can get a conversation going the right way I could get a phone number or two before day 10. That would be pretty cool.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
i've decided to do a slight pause in this training currently, as I am in finals week mode atm and need to focus on my engineering studies. After that i redo a couple of the assignments for places as I will be in my hometown for christmas. But then I will resume right were I left off in terms of campus. But I will still strive to improve myself in ways. I currently have a couple things to help motivate myself in terms of getting girls.

1. I am not allowed to buy any new video games, period and not allowed to play them unless it is a social thing.
2. I am not allowed to replace my current skates with new ones till I have had a girl friend through this process. (Trust my I REALLY want to buy new skates)
3. I will be moving my running to mornings to get up earlier and program myself to run every day and reward myself with a healthy breakfast.

Those are just a few right now, in addition to doing additional reading and practicing my fundamentals. I REALLY want to focus on my voice which i will devote an 20 minutes a day over break to do. Wish my luck over finals and I will do the same for you if your in college.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Stef,

I understand and can respect finals. Just want to call one thing out to you and see what you have to say-

This is at one point during the day:

DigitalStef said:
Well I have the assignment to indirect direct open to four women today. And I'll have to admit, thinking about it has me kind of nervous and i get nervous over very few things. Although I have been teaching myself to appreciate this emotion too thanks to getting over nervousness on roller coasters. (used to be afraid of them until i decided that was silly).

Anyway, from a lot of my previous interactions with girls the introduction has always been the hardest part for me. I can generally go right into the early banter, but then i stop there too. So i want to master the introduction first so I get more practice with the later steps of the process.

I may have to use the exit from the conversation mostly today since I am short on time currently. (Finals are here.) Although who knows? If i can get a conversation going the right way I could get a phone number or two before day 10. That would be pretty cool.

... and this is 4 hours later on the same day:

DigitalStef said:
i've decided to do a slight pause in this training currently, as I am in finals week mode atm and need to focus on my engineering studies. After that i redo a couple of the assignments for places as I will be in my hometown for christmas. But then I will resume right were I left off in terms of campus. But I will still strive to improve myself in ways. I currently have a couple things to help motivate myself in terms of getting girls.

The tone's changed completely, from, "Okay, let's do this," to, "I'm focusing on studies now and calling a halt. I'll pick it up later."

In my experience, about 80% of the time something gets dropped it never gets picked up again later, so, while I do understand finals, I'd say just make sure you know why you're dropping out and if it's really because you lack the time, or if it's because you started not wanting to do the day's assignment and started looking for an excuse instead.

In case you can't tell, I was guilty of this more times than I can count (still guilty of it on occasion, like paying taxes - "I'll do it... NEXT week!" - then this goes on for about a year).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Yah I know your point there and i really want to get this done, it's very hard to do this and I have to admit I have picked up and dropped this many times already. But I know right now is not an ideal time to focus because most everyone will be leaving campus in the next few days or focus entirely on their finals like I am at the moment.

I Do plan on picking up right were i left off from once i return from finals. And some ways it will be easier because I will be in a adjustment period and this is one adjustment i can work into it. Also because there will be new faces on campus and new opportunities. But this does not mean i will be sitting around in the mean time between when i get back and when i leave.

I've already got a strategy to identify some locations in my hometown to scoop out. My communities malls (I'll have to watch-out for jail-bail though -.- and my favorite book store are the two places that come to mind right away. Besides I've got additional motivation on top of normal goals. Promised myself i couldn't buy new inlines still IO have a relationship or two. And believe me that's a big deal since skating is one of my favorite things in the world.

You do have a strong point though, but often I've come to understand if i don't do things now, they won't get done. Thing that comes to mind first is the accursed dishes and studying. Otherwise I'm hungry and have no idea why I am up so early, thanks for the input Chase.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Well finals for me were quite rough and tough over the last week. Got through it and can put some focus back on this, only thing is now i have had a change of venue.

Back in my hometown now which means I have to scoop out new territory for picking up girls. Luckily there is a mall and a book store in the area which I will focus my initial search in the area. Luckily I do have a car too in limited fashion to extend the limits of my search. That's the plan for tomorrow then i will try a accelerated version of the noob assignment to get back to where i was. But for tonight I'll catch up on a little reading on the blog and relax after finals.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Went out to a couple locations around where i live and i was kind of disappointed from this first go around. Not as many women my age as i would hope were out, but i will take a look again in the next few days.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Day 8 (re-initialized)
Jan 8, 2013

Awesome, starting yesterday i set out to once again start on the newbie assignment, although a accelerated version to get back to were i was. Awesome news about this is there are TONS of girls here now then when compared to the end of last semester. (I'd say at least twice as many) Then my schedule allows me Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to put focus on girlchase tasks although my other weekdays are weighted down quite heavily. Also I am approaching 21 real soon so i will be able to go to bars. But I plan to definitely FINISH the newbie assignment any time before then.

Yesterday i went right to the eye contact practice which i continued some today as i have only a lunch and 1 hour break between my classes in my schedule today. Tomorrow i will skip right up to are you single in my interactions with women. Also I am working on catching up on my reading, workouts, and runs (The later two will be brutal because of slacking at home, but working out is always worth it)

Anyway off to class.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Day 9
Jan 9, 2013

Spent all morning getting my literal house in order after class so now i have time to go out and work on my Womanizer skills. I will be working on the Asking girls if they are single part to day and I want to beat the 4 and do 6 instead since I've already done this bit. I'm off!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Ok i had a busy last month and this got majorily rail roaded by all my other social and school activities. But now that i got those more under control i am going to put time back into this pursuit once again. Not going give up over some hiccups. Besides i have been reading a good deal of men's fashion stuff and am improving my wardobe in addition to getting in better phyiscal condition so this should just be simple once i get the mental break through when i comes to approaching women. I will schedule the time for this now for each day so i cannot skip it and i have forbidden myself from coming back to my dorm until dinner or later so i have to stay away from distractions from both school and improving myself when it comes to girls.

Starting tomorrow i will start at ahead point in the newbie challenge, the point about eye contact, and go from there again and i have no excuse for stopping. I will get up early enough to write my, going to do entry and take notes on my phone throughout the day whenever possible. (This in addition to having reminders for this such as a priorities background on my phone. Anyway looking forward to tomorrow.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Well now it is morning and today I will be working on the eye contact section of the assignment and building back up again. So i will focus on this after my class at 11 till 12. Then report back with what i noticed with certain people.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Done and Done, was going to post this earlier but got swept up in other events of the day after i finished this. Similar to last time i can make eye contact with most people. Although often it takes a bit for them to establish initial contact. Often the other will break contact, either sideways as a neutral action or looking down. (This is mostly with girls). Otherwise if i felt they held contact long enough i would give them a slow smirk and a nod/hello. I pretty much tried to do this with every person i passed in the halls. Unless they were totally absorbed in something: say phone.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Ok, had a late night and rough class in the morning so I drank some caffeine and took a nap so I feel up to the task now. I will spend the next 30 minutes saying hi to girls minimum of six.although if I fail to do it in this time slot I have a second one assigned after my next class. Off to it.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
knocked em out. Here's my score on it

8 Successful, hellos
5 miss-fires (They don't say hello or just miss my hello)
9 miscellaneous interactions (Small jokes or asking the time)

Although I while i did this i saw a girl i accidentally introduced myself to (Thought she was someone else i knew) who i am pretty sure likes me since she asked for my name when i did that. Next time i see her I will ask her if she is single whether or not it is on that day. (Codename-L for now).

Otherwise besides that today went smashingly successful after a rough morning. (Left in my contacts which usually destroys my day.) But took a 40 min nap after caffeine and i was feeling wonderful. This along with previous experiences made me feel much more confident when tackling this objective. (Also i am in stride of my publicity officer position in a club extremely dependent on attendance for events so i force myself to meet people.)

Looking forward to tomorrow!



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Great to see you back at it, Stef!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Yah very happy to be back on this. Although i will end up missing my goal of having some kind of decent dating life before my birthday. (It's tomorrow) But that won't stop me from continuing. In fact it may help me now that i can go to bars and parties that they drink at. (I couldn't risk parties earlier because of military employment.)

And i really enjoyed your valentine piece even talked about it on my radio show at my campus.

Now getting back to the meat of the topic I believe today i have to ask six girls how their day is going. I have a decent amount of free time this morning (This is when most girls who drive to campus are here.) Hopefully i won't get grabbed by friends like i was yesterday at least twice while i was trying to do the assignment. (Smoothly disengaged as soon as I could.) But otherwise i will focus on making eye contact then asking them how their day is going.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Awesome, got this done with all six marked off. Even had a couple miscellaneous interactions again and two bonus actions. One of them I straight up asked this cute girl if she was single. She kind of sputter a bit, i think i definitely caught her off guard, but then i quickly moved into asking if she was having a good day. That was a decent interaction. The other one was i interacted with this group of girls I know on the outskirts of my social circle and was introduced to a new one. (Not interest in her really, but she is friend with the one I am.)

Otherwise I think it went off pretty well, so now i have to get in the mindset for tomorrow. Bonus it shall be my birthday so that should put and interesting twist on it, although i despise the auto-happy birthday from people so i generally keep will keep it to myself unless they are my friend. Then i will have to think of a topic for my radio show since i have a segment called: "Adventures in seduction and Vikings" (my show is called techno viking: Metal and Electronic music). Think i may highlight the newbie assignment in it and put a link in the show's blog.

Welp, till tomorrow



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Awesome, got this done with all six marked off. Even had a couple miscellaneous interactions again and two bonus actions. One of them I straight up asked this cute girl if she was single. She kind of sputter a bit, i think i definitely caught her off guard, but then i quickly moved into asking if she was having a good day. That was a decent interaction. The other one was i interacted with this group of girls I know on the outskirts of my social circle and was introduced to a new one. (Not interest in her really, but she is friend with the one I am.)

Otherwise I think it went off pretty well, so now i have to get in the mindset for tomorrow. Bonus it shall be my birthday so that should put and interesting twist on it, although i despise the auto-happy birthday from people so i generally keep will keep it to myself unless they are my friend. Then i will have to think of a topic for my radio show since i have a segment called: "Adventures in seduction and Vikings" (my show is called techno viking: Metal and Electronic music). Think i may highlight the newbie assignment in it and put a link in the show's blog.

Welp, till tomorrow



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
21 today, and a new assignment too, today I ask women if they are single. Four to be precise, this should be done easily enough. although I will have to speed it up today since there is a massive storm building.

