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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
DigitalStef said:
Had the cutest reject by a girl ever, her name was kelley and when i asked her if she wanted to grab coffee sometime(even though i don't really drink coffee). She kind of pulled in on herself and had a face of "please don't hate me", and said she'd "keep me posted."

I found it ridiculously cute.

Still thinking of what went wrong with this interaction, i think i put her on the spot in some ways. Which is true, i find it amusing to keep girls on their feet. But i don't want to make them feel threatened by me. (I'm 5'7" so I am not too over imposing, but i have awesome posture which makes me look more muscular then I am.)

But in retrospect i think i should of pushed for a more definite answer from her instead of taking her "maybe." Hard push i believe is the correct term.

Anyway still pushing to talk to more dates today, and i will keep you guys posted on my two dates over the next two days.


Try telling not asking,"we're getting coffee this week, what's your schedule like?" "We're hanging out this week, when are you free?" A lot of the time you will get "Oh really?" "Are we now?"

Always answer with yes and continue where you were at. You will still get rejected, but it's much more difficult for the girl to reject. You set up a frame immediately that you don't mess around and you are the leader.

Keep it up Stef, you're doing great :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Got a text from my date for today and she had to cancel on the account of HW. Even though she emphazied the sorry bit, i challenged her on the statement and she kept up at it so I'll take her word for it and contact her in the next couple day for a new date.

Good news is because of missing the date, i setup another one with a girl who seems to fit my personality. (Had a short convo, short text convo, and setup a date for thursday.) This made me much happier, even though i was like: "Meh", when she canceled on me. I have a low attachment to people and things, so these kinds of things don't affect me much.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Only been 45 minutes today and I already have two numbers and a couple chats under my belt. Pretty good so far, but u need to pick up my game for when I am not focusing on it exclusively. So I'm going to outline a few challenges for myself.

1. I'm going to integrate pick-ups more into my routine.

2. I an going to try to expand the area of pick-ups beyond my usual ground.

3. I am going to try to pick up some taller women, since u seem to have this thing against women taller then me.

4. I an going to expand into gym pick-ups since I've been a gym regular for roughly 5 months.


Now for the near if the day: my date, which I think might have a hiccup. Basically I sent a confirmation text and got a wrong number reply back. But she was all thumbs when she typed her number so I'm just assuming she messed up. Although we did already decide on a location and time so I'll see if she shows.

Any way off to the library to try more pick-ups



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Ended up getting a third number to close out the day and made a interesting observation that confirms stuff I've read. had two girls tell me so far that my interaction was unexpected, even though they are both pretty. (These two also seemed most interested in me too boot) So I'll see how my date with one of them goes tomorrow and setup a date with the other next week.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Got my date with katie today and i have outlined how i will have it go in terms of logistics to get back to my place. Then read a little prep on physical escalation and made the promise out-loud of 10 minutes maximum (I am working under a personal time constrain already anyway.) Today is really busy so i probably won't have anytime to do some pickups, but i may try on the way between some of my classes and my workout. Although not to many girls will be outside since it's like 22F which is strange for spring in southern illinois... But anyway, have my dormset up for a seduction environment (my bed is my couch and my computer chair has stuff on it).

So I'll keep all my goals in mind and push forward with this girl.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
I executed my date pretty well but was not able to close the deal because of things out of my control.

I met up with her and did a decent job of deep diving, I talked only about 25% or less of the time. I got her invested in me by moving her multiple times. Even got her to say yes to heading back to my dorm. Then I learned she had to work in 20 mins and we still were about 10 min away from the point that we'd be alone. So I kept up the intrigue and diving till she had to go.

I plan on having her over from the beginning next date next week probably.

But the thing I noticed I needed to work on most was incidental touch, because I was just not happy with the amount I was doing. And I feel I should of poked her more for standing at a slight distance from me. I did do that once though to get her to walk directly next to me on the path.

I will keep all this in mind for future dates.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Today i will try to get a couple more numbers, but I busy quite a bit today so i only have the next hour or so to work on it elusively. Already said hi to a couple girls for a warm-up and after i eat some food i will setup to getting numbers. (or before if i see a cute girl on the way)

Now another thing about yesterday i forgot to mention. When i was moving katie to another spot i saw along the way that we almost ran into the girl who had that number issue with me. Once i saw her she went right into the bathroom. I don't know if this was a dodge as an attempt to avoid me since she might think i snubbed her by not texting her. (even though i tried to at the wrong number) Or she just needed to go, but i will talk to her next time i see her to sort this out since she is cute enough to warrants the little extra effort. Because i know we'll never solve this without me initiating.

Anyway I'll be sending out text's Saturday to get some dates setup for the week, I have four new dates to work with and a previous date. I will contact the most interested new one first and move down from there. After i go through the new ones i will to set up the previous date at my dorm. (Already have a general idea for how to manage that seduction too.)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
ok I feel really awesome, have the problem very guys should have, more numbers then i know what to do with assuming they are all guaranteed dates. 6 or something like that, and i would like to thank Chase for all the information provided to help reach this point which was my initial goal! (I feel awesome today and that shall continue)

happily it turns out the girl who i couldn't reach did thumb her number so she asked for my number which i gave her and she texted me. Then i also already got another number today. Problem is I am usually very busy with other stuff during weekdays to i shall text those most interested first and work on from there.

Now i will focus even more on making myself sexier by working on my voice right now and more on my wardrobe. While i talk with more girls, especially working on deep dive and chase frames.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Well i got an interesting text from a girl where she said she is talking to someone and not sure a date is a good idea. Sadly she didn't provide me a opportunity to just completely ignore it like i did with another girl.

Was thinking of pointing out talk is just talk and saying I may shoot her another text in the future. Seems direct and function, while pointing out subly that she is missing things with this excuse.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this matter?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Just finished reading the post about Conflict between Men and Women today and I have decide i want to try to be gallant. Luckily I am in a completely male dominated field (Engineering), and i have only seen about 3 women in one of my core classes. So i do believe my competition with women will be limited. Although currently I am completely the opposite, wholly equal. Which i tend to view pretty much everyone as. I am completely indifferent to anyone till I know them.

The description of being gallant also i believe will help me with touch, which i sorely need to work on too.

Oh and i have date tomorrow so perfect time to practice and succeed!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
I realized something interesting today, i was reading the blog on[ url=http://postmasculine.com/courage]courage over at postmasculine[/url]. i was reading and i come over the section when he talks about his anxiety around women would lead to in-deference. Well that hit me like a brick, since I am totally the same way. That being when i get anxiecious around women, i change my reason for being there and ignore them completely in some ways. Like i was about reading to approach a girl and then someone i knew distracted my and threw off my whole purpose, because I instinctively replaced my reason for being there. Luckily this is now obvious to me, and i will accept it, and now move to improve a habit over it.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Ok new goals this week. my goal by the end of the week is to get 15+ numbers. I will attain this by starting each day with saying hi to two girls to warm up(unless the girl is cute enough to ask out.) Then i will be going interactions for 1 1/2 hours each day. This will be purely day game for now. But i want to make up for last week since i was really busy and physically. (pretty poor excuses...) So i will make attempts to over come this week and attain numerous numbers and then dates.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Back again! Had Basic military training for the last couple months and now in my tech school. This makes going task and dating much more complicated because there are rules against public displays of affection and dormitory rules and such. But i think it is still important to work towards my goal of becoming a seduction artist, and this environment will be more difficult then most considering the limitations put upon myself and limited number of women. But the good news is that 80% of the women who are in tech school with me have really nice bodies and are generally cute.

So i will post back in the next couple days since I have limited hours each day. (Strange considering I get up at 4:45 each day...)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake