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JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
An interesting weekend. Ten approaches, one phone number.

Trying so hard not to get discouraged by my lack of progress. Each month this year I have taken more action, and got progressively better results. But I am nowhere close to where I want to be, I am not progressing fast, and I’m hitting the point where my old self would just give up and settle in with one of my FBs. I have to push through this and not give up.

The weather has been bad for months and I think that’s effecting me. Summer is right around the corner, and there will be more women out and about. I am actually able to get numbers now, and I no longer have freeze-up nights. Anyone else feel like the plateaued, and if so, what did you do to stay motivated?

Anyways, on to the good stuff…

My goal this st pattys weekend was to approach 25 women. I’m sitting at ten currently, so in the 2.5 free hours I have tomorrow there is some work to be done. But the approaches have been good thus far. I’ve gone mostly situational, with a couple semi-direct (I really like your style/that’s the cutest hair I’ve seen today). The semi direct got better initial reactions, but the conversations burned out fast. The situational openers led to at least longer conversations.

My best one (where I got the number) is as follows:

I went and stood next to a table with two girls.
JT: hey… I’m not stealing your spot am I?
Girls: oh no, you’re fine!
JT: good, I don’t want your boyfriends to come back and try to beat me up (playful smile)
Girls: haha no you’re so good!
JT: you guys enjoying the night?
Girls: yeah we’re waiting for this guy to bring us back drinks
JT: oh that’s awesome! Sounds like a very nice guy. He must think you're really cute… Btw I like your necklace (turned to one, reached out and touched her necklace a little)

At this point necklace girl starts telling me about her necklace. I’ve entered one on one conversation. The guy returns with the drinks, I give him a friendly head nod then keep talking to my girl as he talks to the other one.

We exchange names, she asks me where I’m from blah blah. She’s actually a stripper at the same club my long ago ex worked at, so we talked about that for a while. I could tell she was trying to run her stripper game on me, but I held my frame hard as some sexy aloof guy that could give less of a fuck that she was some hot stripper. Been there, done that.

Found out they’ve been friends for a while, other girl actually likes the guy and they’ve been out a few times but never had sex. He had left again, so I told the friend that she needed to have sex with him tonight. I said that two people can feel a connection, but until they’ve explored it sexually, you can’t actually know how real that connection is, and I would hate for her to catch feelings for a guy that couldn’t satisfy her sexual desires.

Other girl says “I haven’t had sex in three weeks!” Stripper says “I haven’t had sex in six days”. I said “I had sex four hours ago… I’m kind of a man whore”. They both just looked at me. “I have a really high sex drive and I go for what I like” I said. It was true after all, and I learned from my last OLD lay that being blunt honest about my love for sex, multiple partners etc actually pumped up her attraction for me. If a really hot girl told you she had sex a lot and loved experimenting with different people, would you quit talking to her? I wouldn’t…

Things got more touchy after this, we talked social dynamics a bit and they shared some stories of how “creepy guys try to approach them”, as if it’s so awful, and I didn’t approach them 20 mins ago 😂

Found out me and the stripper work out at the same gym. Asked if she wanted to be my workout buddy sometime, she said yes. Pulled up the number pad on my phone and handed it to her. She put in her number. We’ve been texting a bit since then and plan to meet up soon.

Also funny story, the guy the other girl liked… I’ve seen him out multiple times recently, macking on other girls. Definitely one of us. I hope I helped him get a lay 😂

Going hard tomorrow, and not giving up. I am having fun, I will keep progressing, I got this!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
An interesting weekend. Ten approaches, one phone number.

Trying so hard not to get discouraged by my lack of progress. Each month this year I have taken more action, and got progressively better results. But I am nowhere close to where I want to be, I am not progressing fast, and I’m hitting the point where my old self would just give up and settle in with one of my FBs. I have to push through this and not give up.

The weather has been bad for months and I think that’s effecting me. Summer is right around the corner, and there will be more women out and about. I am actually able to get numbers now, and I no longer have freeze-up nights. Anyone else feel like the plateaued, and if so, what did you do to stay motivated?

Anyways, on to the good stuff…

My goal this st pattys weekend was to approach 25 women. I’m sitting at ten currently, so in the 2.5 free hours I have tomorrow there is some work to be done. But the approaches have been good thus far. I’ve gone mostly situational, with a couple semi-direct (I really like your style/that’s the cutest hair I’ve seen today). The semi direct got better initial reactions, but the conversations burned out fast. The situational openers led to at least longer conversations.

My best one (where I got the number) is as follows:

I went and stood next to a table with two girls.
JT: hey… I’m not stealing your spot am I?
Girls: oh no, you’re fine!
JT: good, I don’t want your boyfriends to come back and try to beat me up (playful smile)
Girls: haha no you’re so good!
JT: you guys enjoying the night?
Girls: yeah we’re waiting for this guy to bring us back drinks
JT: oh that’s awesome! Sounds like a very nice guy. He must think you're really cute… Btw I like your necklace (turned to one, reached out and touched her necklace a little)

At this point necklace girl starts telling me about her necklace. I’ve entered one on one conversation. The guy returns with the drinks, I give him a friendly head nod then keep talking to my girl as he talks to the other one.

We exchange names, she asks me where I’m from blah blah. She’s actually a stripper at the same club my long ago ex worked at, so we talked about that for a while. I could tell she was trying to run her stripper game on me, but I held my frame hard as some sexy aloof guy that could give less of a fuck that she was some hot stripper. Been there, done that.

Found out they’ve been friends for a while, other girl actually likes the guy and they’ve been out a few times but never had sex. He had left again, so I told the friend that she needed to have sex with him tonight. I said that two people can feel a connection, but until they’ve explored it sexually, you can’t actually know how real that connection is, and I would hate for her to catch feelings for a guy that couldn’t satisfy her sexual desires.

Other girl says “I haven’t had sex in three weeks!” Stripper says “I haven’t had sex in six days”. I said “I had sex four hours ago… I’m kind of a man whore”. They both just looked at me. “I have a really high sex drive and I go for what I like” I said. It was true after all, and I learned from my last OLD lay that being blunt honest about my love for sex, multiple partners etc actually pumped up her attraction for me. If a really hot girl told you she had sex a lot and loved experimenting with different people, would you quit talking to her? I wouldn’t…

Things got more touchy after this, we talked social dynamics a bit and they shared some stories of how “creepy guys try to approach them”, as if it’s so awful, and I didn’t approach them 20 mins ago 😂

Found out me and the stripper work out at the same gym. Asked if she wanted to be my workout buddy sometime, she said yes. Pulled up the number pad on my phone and handed it to her. She put in her number. We’ve been texting a bit since then and plan to meet up soon.

Also funny story, the guy the other girl liked… I’ve seen him out multiple times recently, macking on other girls. Definitely one of us. I hope I helped him get a lay 😂

Going hard tomorrow, and not giving up. I am having fun, I will keep progressing, I got this!
Nice when you run into people that are doing the same thing. I wish I had that where I’m at but instead people look at me like I’m committing a crime when I do DG. Are you in the USA?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers