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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Lots of learning tonight - and the vibes were much better.

Lesson #1: most guys out at night are wasted. They open everything half assed and have weak, sloppy game. But at least they open!

Lesson #2: the ridiculously hottest girls almost seem bored. I think guys are scared to approach them. I need to be that guy.

Lesson #3: it’s hard to work on game when out with a buddy who has no concept of game. I almost felt bad when I was in an interaction with a girl and my boy was standing there by himself. I may need to become a better wing and open a girl *for* him, or coach him a bit on how to open. We are taking a trip to LA next month, and I plan on having a wild time. I haven’t taken time off work in well over a year. Time to get my boy up to speed so we can wild out together.

Lesson #4: girls want to get picked up. I saw a girl who I made out with a couple months ago out *by herself* tonight, loving every minute of getting macked on by some dude. They have needs too.

Had a blast catching up with my bro, scoped out a couple venues and enjoyed some people watching. Got so caught up in catching up I didn’t approach much. Had a few very short interactions I won’t count, but did open one BEAUTIFUL blonde girl. She was an absolute stunner, we had a great interaction but I failed to pull the trigger and get the number.

I want to write out how it went so I can try the same approach again. Opened with a tease “I bet I get my drink before you”, with a coy smile. I was dead wrong, and when she got hers first I put my arm on her and admitted defeat. A little small talk ensued, then asked I her name. Started talking about travel and she busted on me for never having visited much of the east coast. I gave her a pet name, we talked about movies and I escalated the touches quite a bit, which were well received. The eye contact was intense. Sexually charged. I FUMBLED when her friends rejoined her. Always my sticking point. She was standing there waiting for me to take her number. Fuck!!! She was so cute too.

I need to get past the sticking point of the friends. Maybe I make a goal to always meet the friends and try to win them over?? Will field test.

I’m having fun with this and I’m not nervous anymore. And I’m learning. Solid night. 995/1000