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JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Lots of learning tonight - and the vibes were much better.

Lesson #1: most guys out at night are wasted. They open everything half assed and have weak, sloppy game. But at least they open!

Lesson #2: the ridiculously hottest girls almost seem bored. I think guys are scared to approach them. I need to be that guy.

Lesson #3: it’s hard to work on game when out with a buddy who has no concept of game. I almost felt bad when I was in an interaction with a girl and my boy was standing there by himself. I may need to become a better wing and open a girl *for* him, or coach him a bit on how to open. We are taking a trip to LA next month, and I plan on having a wild time. I haven’t taken time off work in well over a year. Time to get my boy up to speed so we can wild out together.

Lesson #4: girls want to get picked up. I saw a girl who I made out with a couple months ago out *by herself* tonight, loving every minute of getting macked on by some dude. They have needs too.

Had a blast catching up with my bro, scoped out a couple venues and enjoyed some people watching. Got so caught up in catching up I didn’t approach much. Had a few very short interactions I won’t count, but did open one BEAUTIFUL blonde girl. She was an absolute stunner, we had a great interaction but I failed to pull the trigger and get the number.

I want to write out how it went so I can try the same approach again. Opened with a tease “I bet I get my drink before you”, with a coy smile. I was dead wrong, and when she got hers first I put my arm on her and admitted defeat. A little small talk ensued, then asked I her name. Started talking about travel and she busted on me for never having visited much of the east coast. I gave her a pet name, we talked about movies and I escalated the touches quite a bit, which were well received. The eye contact was intense. Sexually charged. I FUMBLED when her friends rejoined her. Always my sticking point. She was standing there waiting for me to take her number. Fuck!!! She was so cute too.

I need to get past the sticking point of the friends. Maybe I make a goal to always meet the friends and try to win them over?? Will field test.

I’m having fun with this and I’m not nervous anymore. And I’m learning. Solid night. 995/1000

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Who is ready for some more of JT's late-night ramblings?

Today was in interesting day. I went on a date with a girl I met through IG on my long lunch break. Could say it was the first girl I ever got from online. I still have yet to try true online dating - I'm tempted, simply to improve my skills on actual dates, so I don't fuck it up when I start getting more with quality women from cold approach. But that is a whole topic we can save for later. Long story short, I ended up banging her at her apartment after about an hour and a half. She looked better than her pictures - still was a 7 at best, but I had to see it through. I'll probably write up an LR and link it here later this week.

One half-assed approach during the day. Walking home from the store after work (I make a point of walking everywhere possible now to increase my chances of finding approachable women) I took a slightly different route. I see a blonde woman bent over, doing something in her garden. Very nice garden. Very nice blonde too, in short little jean shorts and a cropped tank top. Anyone remember Mrs. Parker from the movie Friday? Picture a younger, hotter version of her. I was staring at her ass and she turned around and totally busted me. I went into auto-approach mode and said "hi, how are ya?" with a coy smile. Holy hell, she was even hotter from the front. She smiled back big and gave me a wave and "hi", but she was talking on the phone through her airpods, and kept talking. Still making eye contact tho. I should have said fuck it and started talking to her anyways, but I didn't. At least I know I have a hot neighbor who likes to garden. I'll keep walking down that block and probably will see her again.

On the same topic, there is a SUPER hot girl who jogs down my block almost every day. Tight little leggings, long blonde hair (my weakness), can't be any older than 20. Been doing tons of landscaping out there this summer and whenever I see her coming by I always make a point of getting eye contact and saying hi. She always smiles back at me... but keeps on running. How do I go about getting her to stop and talk to me? Any ideas?

Went out downtown tonight. Solo this time, and very sober. For the first time since July (I think) I had one of my freeze-up nights. There were dozens upon dozens of beautiful women everywhere, and I couldn't bring myself to talk to a single one. I did talk to two very hot bartenders, but I don't count that for anything. I was too in my head, in "observation" mode, and I'm fucking mad at myself for wasting the time and gas to drive down there and not talk to any of the beautiful girls around. Didn't even stay for an hour, as I knew I wasn't going to approach.

This got me thinking, why? Why didn't I talk to any of them? Am I scared again? But I think I've figured it out. Since starting this journey, my main short-term goal has been to get over approach anxiety. And I've done a good job of beating that to hell. Last month I probably approached 40-50 women. But that was the only goal. And simply approaching is no longer a challenge, and therefore doesn't feel super rewarding either. I need to progress, so what's next? Hooking sets? Phone numbers? Hell, I got laid this morning from a total stranger who I've been talking to on freaking Instagram, that happens to live 5 mins away from my work. But it hit me... approaching is the EASY part. And now I have greater expectations of myself. Still, I have so little recent experience with the "mid-game" phase, as I've been so focused on the approaches, that my subconscious mind is telling me that it's going to be an insane amount of work to make every approach a success, and in turn, rewarding. So I called it a night...

Welcome to my over-analytical, self-sabotaging mind.

The three pillars that we build life upon seem to be health, wealth, and relationships. Satisfy these needs and we can begin the road to self-actualization. Wealth: I'm killing it at my job and am finally saving money. Win. Not rich yet, but on my path. No changes needed currently. Health: I'm eating better than I used to. Not great, but decent. I have cut back on my drinking by a good 80%. I need to go harder in the gym however, and update the wardrobe a bit too. Relationships is where I see myself failing - although I am having plenty of sex with my ex, also a couple times a month with an old flame I rekindled, and the rando today who wants to see me again but I'm unsure. Still, I am not satisfied. I want the women I find most attractive, the excitement of someone new, and to feel free to pursue what I want completely void of any self judgement. In the end I think this is just a battle with my own mind, my ego, my brain that runs at 20,000 miles an hour and can't seem to chill the fuck out.

I need to be bolder and take more risks. When I did that career-wise, after spending almost a decade in comfortable but silent job agony, I landed a dream career. I need to embrace the fact that things might get worse before they get better, and be BOLD with women, show my intention as a warm-blooded sexual male, live for the possible rejection, and see what I am truly capable of.

Tomorrow, I go out with the sole intentions of being BOLD, FEARLESS, and to have some fucking FUN with this. I owe it to myself
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JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Last night may have been the most important night of my journey thus far... but tonight was absolutely the most fun.

I approached 15 different girls/sets. I blasted through my introverted and analytical mind, experimented with a variety of opening styles, and had an epic time. If I can carry this momentum forward, I will be unstoppable.

I decided to go all out tonight - say fuck it, experiment, enjoy myself, expect no results. And I learned a lot. I will keep this short and sweet, as I have a busy day tomorrow, but HOLY SHIT does it feel good to have let my ego and inhibitions go. This shit is SUPPOSED to be fun, and I finally had some fun. August was a grind trying to overcome my fears. I'm going to make September all about having fun with my new superpower - being able to talk to random hotties!

Let's jump into what I learned tonight, with some context first.

First things first, I finally took care of my look. I bought a brand new outfit that fit me super well and was casual, but trendy. Don't know how to better explain it. I lined up my beard like a fucking technician. Hair was on point. I looked GOOD. Went to see some live music at a popular bar/event venue downtown. It was PACKED.

Prior to arriving at the venue I opened a girl at the gas station, as well as high-fiving a couple of hotties on the way there. I think there's really something to "warming up", which I never do. Put me in a good mood. I put a conscious focus on rocking solid, tall body language all night.

I did feel a bit stifled at the start of the night. I missed a couple easy opens. I had to snap out of it. Tonight was NOT going to be like last night! I think a big issue of mine has been speaking too softly. The first four women I opened, I did so with an intentional LOUD voice. I owned it. And they all responded positively. Actually, 14 of the 15 responded positively. The only girl who ignored me was actually crying. But I went in anyways. My open on that one was "give this to whoever made you cry" (and I flipped the bird). She was sad.

Instead of my normal situational openers, I decided to try some questions and compliments. I found the questions made for better conversations, and the compliments hit well but didn't go anywhere else without follow up. However the compliments were very direct and received positively. I also situationally opened two HOT girls who I had just watched reject multiple guys, but my focus was only only on body language ond vocal projection. And they OPENED.

Also, out of the women I opened tonight, one was waaaay not my usual type, but I complimented her hair and she was super receptive. Sick. I wandered into the middle of a large mixed group, then opened them from the center. Also well received. And 4 of the 15 women I approached were INSANELY HOT. And three of them opened up immediately, and we had some great conversations. I was literally talking to some of the hottest women I've ever seen, and holding strong eye contact, making them laugh and THEY were investing in the conversation!

I CAN DO THIS! I need to keep this momentum going.

What should I work on? Flirting. Tension. Qualifying. I went out tonight with the goal of being a fun, hot guy, and I did just that. Now I must work the logistics. Again, it's funny, but the girls I found the hottest were the ones who responded best. Maybe they're approached less, or maybe subconsciously they know I want them.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I so enjoyed reading that. I was cheering as I was reading. You motivate me.

Sometimes I feel like you're my doppelganger. I came to the forums today to journal how my biggest issue is speaking softly and I need to focus on vocal projection.

Also the phenomen with the girls we find hottest responding the best is quite interesting to me because I haven't seen anyone else mention it, in fact many report the opposite. My guess is something to do with being more genuine and hence better nonverbals. For me I've noticed my vocal projection, posture, eye contact are all better with stunners.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Chase just wrote an article on this:


JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
I so enjoyed reading that. I was cheering as I was reading. You motivate me.

Sometimes I feel like you're my doppelganger. I came to the forums today to journal how my biggest issue is speaking softly and I need to focus on vocal projection.

Also the phenomen with the girls we find hottest responding the best is quite interesting to me because I haven't seen anyone else mention it, in fact many report the opposite. My guess is something to do with being more genuine and hence better nonverbals. For me I've noticed my vocal projection, posture, eye contact are all better with stunners.

@bgwh Haha hell yeah man I love to hear that! Truly, I feel like we're both at a very similar place. The breakthrough is close!

I believe you're spot on that it's nonverbals. I think as men we can learn to be attractive, understand what to say/do to better improve our interactions, but when I see a girl that's just beyond attractive to me it just... feels different, and I wonder if she can feel that the interest is 100% genuine. I absolutely find my posture and eye contact are so much better too when it's a girl I find a complete stunner. Like I can't fake it.

Busy day today, only had an hour to go out. Did four approaches. One went nowhere - two girls walking towards me on the street. I opened with "hey - your boots are fire". The girl I was actually talking to ignored me, but the friend (also with boots on) gave me a thanks. Funny.

The other three went better. One was a blonde with some tattoos. Maybe 24? Opener ws "hi", we talked for about 30 seconds and it was pleasant, but she seemed distracted. Next was another blonde, a little younger. I accidentally bumped into her, then looked at her and said "I have a bad habit of getting in the way" with a smirk. She did the whole "oh no no you're fine" thing. I asked her how her night was going, we bantered for a couple of minutes, conversation fizzled out and I ejected.

Last one was better. Short brunette, maybe 22. Her eyes were a piercing blue, I caught myself getting lost in them a couple of times. She was talking to a drunk but friendly bastard. I befriended him during the interaction and played along with their banter, but kept bringing the conversation back to my threads. I have to give this guy props, he was teasing her like crazy, very confident, but maybe a 2/10 in the looks department and a 9/10 in the drunk department. She seemed genuinely interested in me, but for whatever fucking reason I couldn't get her to ignore him and invest fully in my conversation. I put my hand on her arm and said "I'll come find you later", then left them. Never saw her again.

Tonight was great because I figured out my actual sticking point. It's not opening, it's not hooking, it's a lack of me creating any sexual tension/isolation/making the conversation man to woman or making a statement of intent. I should have said something like "hey, I think you're cute as fuck, I'm going to leave in a bit so come get a drink with me" or something along those lines. Also, I am older, wiser, and have more mental capacity then most of the drunk buffoons out at night. I should stop thinking of them as any kind of factor in my interactions and just go for what I want.

Playing around with the idea of approaching girls tomorrow with a dumb question, then saying "I'm going to be honest, I only asked you "xyz" because you're super cute and I wanted to see if there was more to you than just your looks". Sounds corny, but what the hell!

I have an hour to do daytime approaches tomorrow and will be back out at night with a buddy. I will try some direct game.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Two day approaches. One was blonde, tattoos, didn’t even take off her headphones but smiled at me. Second had an ass that was amaaaazing, was very friendly but her boyfriend popped up out of the bathroom within a minute and that was that 😂

Went out tonight with a buddy. Only talked to two girls, but made some great observations that I will reflect upon and probably elaborate on later.


JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
A fun observation from today. Didn’t do any *real* approaches (yet), but said hi to two cute women walking towards me while I ran an errand.

I smiled at both of them when I said hi, both of them initially made no reply, no change in blank facial expressions. But as I’ve been trying to work hard on my eye contact lately, I decided to try holding the eye contact and smile to the point where it was just a *little* uncomfortable, and created a little tension.

…and it worked!

Both of their faces relaxed, both gave me big smiles and said hi back. Thinking about it, it almost felt like a test. “Is this guy going to act submissive and look away if I don’t give a reaction, or is he really the confident man he’s projecting?”

Or maybe they were caught up in their heads and didn’t even register I was saying hi for a bit. Either way, I will keep using this, as it seems to work to “force” a positive reaction, when the old me would have just felt uncomfortable, looked away and kept walking


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Oh wow, that's exactly what I was looking for in terms of His. Can't wait to test this.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Work has been insane lately. Without going too far off track, I have one last, little, expensive-but-necessary certification to essentially make me master of my craft. Finally have it in the bank, training is scheduled, by year end I will be truly considered an expert in my field and have my dream career in the palm of my hands. This will give me tons more free time, the ability to travel often, and some long overdue $$$. Everything necessary to get this shit handled. I’m not in this game to find my perfect girl - I am in this to master the skillset. Drop me in any city today, and i want to be able to wake up next to a beautiful woman the next morning. I must keep this goal in mind. Short term outcome independent, for the skills that will give me the lifestyle I’ve always dreamed of.

That being said, I find myself often getting too analytical with things. I used to kill it with beautiful girls back in the day. I was a scrawny dude, with little experience, but I had moxie and above all else I had FUN. That was my goal tonight. To have FUN, and nothing else.

Started the day with one daytime set. SUPER hot brunette walking her little dog. I used my “force a smile” technique and it worked like a charm. Followed up with a “hi”, and got a smiley one back. Right away started talking about her dog. She was super friendly and we chatted for a good couple minutes. Her dog was pulling at the leash and instead of coming up with a reason to get her number I let her go. Faaaawk. Still, decent warm up.

Went out to a concert tonight. I wasn’t feeling social in the slightest. I figured out that I live in this weird paradox - I don’t naturally feel like putting in the work to seduce women at night. I’m old and tired. But I know where the heavy concentration of hot women are at night. I’m much more “on my game” during the day, but haven’t found a daytime place where I can find a steady stream of stunners. Hmmmmm…

My goal tonight was to have fun. That was it. And I had a fucking blast! Met a lot of cool dudes. Found a new fishing buddy! Also, talked to 7 different hot women, twice they were in a group of two girls, and twice were in a mixed group with guys.

What I realized is that with proper body language, vocal projection, and eye contact, I was 100% the center of attention. The girls were hanging on my every word, even with the dudes they came with right there.

I dropped the ball in two places - I should have asked how they all knew each other. Were those girls the girlfriends, or just friends? I should have found that out. I also should have given some type of “statement of intent”. Something like “I was going to go back inside, but you’re so cute I had to keep talking to you.”

I’m realizing that my nonverbals are on point, my vocal tonality is on point, and when I speak, people listen. At least rhymes were tonight. But that is nothing if I don’t let the girls know I am interested.

My plan this week is in my limited free time, I am going to open girls direct. Force a smile - “Hi” “wanted to let you know, your look is stunning, and I would be kicking myself if I didn’t find out your name. I’m JT”.

Will be hard to ignore me if we already have a smile and a hi 🤷🏻‍♂️ I should make it my goal to either get a date or a rejection.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Rhymes = they were. Didn’t find any other typos 😂 966/1000

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Out tonight, had a great time, lots of learning happening but it’s late asf so this will be brief. Made seven approaches tonight. Four of them hooked. Two of them were with girls who a year ago I would have never in a million years dreamed I would be able to talk to, much less banter with. I busted through my big sticking point and told one I thought she was super cute. It was well received.

With success comes new sticking points. Found three.

Sticking point #1, dealing with the friend group (especially while solo) seems to be quite challenging. The girl I went direct with got pulled away shortly after, even though she reacted very positively towards my conversation. I had another where it was her birthday, the open was smooth, she seemed interested in me, I bantered a bit and high fived her, then as I was asking her a question her friends grabbed her hand to drag her away. I laughed when she looked back at me and said “sorry, my friends won’t let me talk to you”. My spidey senses told me she wanted to hook up tonight. Her friend group had other plans for her.

If I am to continue going out solo at night, I need to do better at warming up GROUPS and not just the girl I’m interested in. I like a new challenge. I think I need to focus on attracting the group and not just the girl, working all of them, then getting the girl I’m interested in to come with me somewhere away from the group so we can talk one on one.

Sticking point #2. Super hot, super high energy girls, and me not being quick thinking enough. I’m talking 9-10s who have ADHD, are tipsy, or are so energetic and confident that they have all energy and no filter. I heard a girl (tallish slender blonde, perfect makeup, totally my type) talking about how hot the heat lamps were. Patio setting and it’s fall in the Midwest. I turned around and opened with “I know right? It’s hot as hell over here” big reaction, she said to her friend “see, it’s not just me” then looked at me and told me “I’m like a hot pocket, ready to burst”. I did some light touching while I told her I was about ready to take my hoodie off, but she got distracted by her friends and was on to another conversational thread. I should have nicknamed her. “Hey hot pocket, you ever put one of those in the microwave for a solid 5 minutes and watched it ruin your kitchen?” “I’ll be in trouble if I hang out with you, I’m losing my security deposit over broken appliances”. Fuck. Ahh well.

Sticking point #3, if we go way back to old school pickup verbiage, there is the AI, or “approach invitation”. I must have been looking hella good tonight, because I got quite a few of these. I am proud of myself for being able to crush my approach anxiety and talk to girls anywhere, but every time I get an AI I actually feel that same feeling I used to get right before thinking about approaching a cute girl. I tense up. The ones who give you an AI are supposed to be the easiest, right? But I’m just hitting them with the “eye-fuck” look then moving on and approaching other random girls. Why?? Either I need to go direct and be cool with the potential for rejection, or maybe deep down I’m scared of winning. Idk. I gotta figure that out.

What I did realize tonight is that a lot of girls I open who are hot and literally in their early 20s (and I’m in my mid 30s) are SUPER receptive to me, and if I can work on the group dynamics and boost my energy a bit I will be able to kill it in the night setting.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Oh what a crazy life I live...

It's been about a month since I've posted here. Have been busy beyond belief, both with my career and the multiple sexual relationships I've found myself in. I've hit a weird crossroads and find myself in a place where I may actually have the opportunity and the need to hit this stuff really, really hard again.

Context: I have three girls I've been having regular or at least semi-regular sex with. Ex #1, Ex #2, and Instagram girl. Ex #1 was my former forever girlfriend, Ex #2 was a shorter-term but solid girlfriend and is SUPER hot, and Instagram girl is bat-shit crazy, obsessed with me, has a sex drive through the roof but annoys the absolute hell out of me. For the past couple of months there was a brief period where all three were working in equilibrium with me, my crazy schedule, and life was pretty great. Was hanging out with Ex #2 about 3-4 times a week, and the others once a week. These were not platonic hangouts. They all kind of knew about each other but didn't seem to care. Too good to be true. Of course, shit was bound to hit the fan...

Currently no issues with Ex #1. She drinks a bit and when she does we have some fun. She occasionally makes snide comments about the "other girls I'm seeing" but doesn't really seem to care. Win.

Instagram girl is the most convenient. She lives close to my work, and has told me many times she does NOT want a relationship, only sex "all the time." Sounds too good to be true, and I fear it is... while she is verbalizing that she doesn't want a relationship, all signs are pointing to the fact that she is falling in love with me. The sex is maybe a 6.5/10. I kind of want to cut and run... I can do better.

Ex #2 is young and fucking GORGEOUS and is by far the best sexually... but has just decided and verbalized that she doesn't want to sleep with me anymore unless I'm willing to go exclusive/official with her again. And despite my best efforts, she is holding strong. Most sane men would jump at the opportunity. But I am not sane. I do not want a monogamous relationship right now. Even with someone who looks like her and has skills like I've never seen before. So that being said, about 66% of my sex life has just been cut off.

The funny thing is, now that I'm used to all of this, having it taken away has made me feel like I need to go on a rampage and seduce every hot girl I see. I can no longer be content. That animalistic testosterone is raging. I feel like a caged animal, but the cage is only self-imposed. I'm back in the gym, I'm going to update my wardrobe tomorrow, and this weekend I am going to hit it HARD. I've always been good at turning frustration into motivation. Maybe this is a good thing for me in terms of developing my seduction skills.

Work is going extremely well, going through one last brutally time-consuming certification that will put me in the top 1% of my field and open me up to tons of potentially lucrative opportunities. I'm almost there.

Since I last posted, I had two great nights out, plus a fun trip to LA, and a couple of semi-solid day game approaches. I'd say there were 24 in total. Will post up a better debrief of the LA trip in the general forum.

I am going to reset my 1000 approach counter this week, as my situation has changed drastically, as has my mindset. I feel like this year has been great practice. I have learned a ton. I no longer am going to try to do things for the learning/practice aspect. I am going to take my skills and fucking GO FOR IT. Practice is over, it's fucking GAME TIME! I am a new man.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Weekend was a good time! Damn do I feel rusty.

Friday night went to Legacy, I only opened once. Blonde, probably 35, VERY attractive. We made eye contact and I said “hi”. Blank stare… so I held the eye contact with a smile…. I held it more…. and finally she cracked a big smile and said “hi” back! Big scary looking dude popped up in less than a second and wrapped his arm around her. So I left it at that. Realized that I’m not really enjoying going to the same old places anymore, and I need to get out of the comfort zone and scout new places.

Saturday night, four approaches. Felt really good. Went to a whole different part of town, and DAMN IT, why didn’t I try this sooner?

The two places I primarily went this summer were Saloon and Legacy. Saloon is full of 18-22 year olds, and I’m fine with that, but I *feel* a little old there and get in my head sometimes. Stupid, I know. Legacy has gotten a bit ratchet for my taste. An uptick in dirty looking, smelly people, dudes doing tons of blow right out in the open. Not my vibe.

The two venues I found Saturday were AWESOME! I’ll call them “The Basement” and “The Dive”. Both were very busy - basement is a medium sized club that reminded me of what they were like pre-Covid. Lots of trendy looking people, some real hotties. Did a couple warm up approaches here that went okay, but it was kind of stimuli-overload. Will be going back next weekend.

The Dive was epic. Small inside with a big patio, packed with a damn good ratio. Both venues the average age was probably 25, and I didn’t feel *at all* like an old guy there. It’s an inner game issue, but without it things felt easier. My ex is 25 so I’m very comfortable talking to girls that age.

First approach was a group of three girls, one was married and I opened with “that an amazing ring you got there”. The response was warm, I vibed with her friends a bit and probably stayed in set for about 3-5 mins. All light hearted banter. I failed to pick one to try and seduce, or flirt with the group. Still, happy I went for it.

Next approach was a group of two girls. Both blonde, and SUPER cute. They were getting hit on horribly by a group of guys while they were waiting to order drinks. I pulled up by them, and watch the dudes crash and burn. I made eye contact with one and said “I’m not here to hit on you, I just want to steal your spot after you get your drinks”, with a sly little smile. She responded with “of course you can, what’s your name?”

BOOM! It’s on!

We exchanged names, was introduced to the friend, then I talked for a while with the first girl. We got a little flirty and touchy, I brought a lot of value to the conversation, held great flirty eye contact, was definitely one of the best interactions I’ve had in a while. Figured out we have a mutual friend, the conversation was seamless. However, I fucked up… I was so completely focused on my target girl that I completely ignored the friend. Who, after about ten minutes, grabbed her friend and said “it was nice to meet you!” Could have easily stayed in there all night and gotten a really solid number had I kept the friend engaged. I need to learn from this!

I also “opened” 4 guys throughout the night, to try and keep myself in a talkative and social mood. It worked! Maybe I’ll find a wingman, who knows.

Overall a great weekend and I am going to keep the momentum going.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Still alive, have been going beast mode on the self-development side of things both physically, professionally and with my “inner game”. Work has been kicking my ass up, down and sideways, but I managed to completely eliminate all my debt and now I can breathe easy. Have been crushing it in the gym and I feel more confident than ever.

Only have done one approach this month, yesterday, super cute alt girl at a coffee shop. She was in line with me and I commented on her order and how good it sounded. We bullshitted for a bit and it felt good to make a cute stranger laugh and I think I caught her blushing a little. Good sign for things to come.

Beyond bored with my exes and I need to spice up my life, so planning to go hard for the rest of the year. Going to go for a blunt, no-fucks-given approach and see how that works for me. I felt I made great progress throughout 2024 but the results just weren’t there. I need to shake things up a bit and experiment. I’ll be better about posting my adventures, and what I learn from them.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Getting rid of debt sounds like a great inner-game boost, on top of all the other work. It'll just make hitting the ground running that much more powerful. Looking forward to your 2025 stint.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
All hyped up to close out this year and start afresh in 2025. I have not been doing much in the way of approaching the past few months, and I want to make it my goal to approach AT LEAST one woman every day of 2025. No excuses, no bullshit. Get it done. That being said, I am a big believer in carrying a bit of momentum into the start of something - so despite being exhausted from the week long family Christmas, and a near miss with death at work today, I decided it was time to get my ass out of the house and stop making excuses.

Excuses are easy this time of year... "it's too cold", "I can start crushing it on new years", "I should read more articles before going out and trying this, because I am rusty".... and boy am I rusty...

Just leaving the house was a mental battle. I have been so spoiled with the women currently in my life that I have fallen DEEPLY back into comfort. Why go out and put myself in uncomfortable situations with strangers when I have three different women who would happily share their bed with me tonight? It is 2am and they would all be elated if I showed up unannounced... but it's because it's not about that. I started this journey to MASTER this skill. A skill I have wanted since I was in highschool, and one I have never mastered because I've always taken the easy way out, and when things go well with a girl, I lock her down and stop going out and doing what is uncomfortable - approaching more women and trying to take it somewhere. Failing, but learning in the process. I am my own worst enemy.

I want the ability to be dropped in any city on this planet, and within a day or two be in bed with a woman I just met. And I have let fear hold me back for over a decade. I was scared shitless walking into the bar tonight - and that is crazy to me. Without doxxing myself I have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and today was a true test of my skills and training. I calmy saved myself from an extremely dire situation. Yet going to a bar full of beautiful women was actually scarier... WTF

But I figured it out... I am not scared of the environment itself. Or the women. I am scared of the possibility of success. I truly believe that the first girl I banged from cold approach this year (who turned out to be a total psychopath) completely fucked me up. Because when I went to the first venue, it was chock full of GORGEOUS women. And I was getting looks left and right. I'm not sure if taking a break from this helped me a bit, or if it was my haircut and fire outfit, but I was getting IOIs left and right. And I became MORE NERVOUS every time a woman showed interest. This place is a fishing barrel... I could be cleaning up, with what seems like an endless supply of beautiful women who are bored with the dudebros. If I can learn to play this right I could be waking up next to a different woman every weekend for the rest of eternity.

I got the courage to approach one, and we talked for a bit before a dude came in and took her away. To be honest the conversation was terrible on my part, I was just happy that I talked to a very cute girl.

Went next door, and this place reminded me of the venues I went to over a decade ago back when I was going out 5-7 times a week. ENDLESS supply of beautiful women. I've found that I open best when next to a girl at the bar. I don't really like drinking, but I will have a beer or two. I saw two insanely hot women at the bar, one got a drink and walked off. I pulled up next to the other and opened with "I'm not stealing your friend's spot, am I?" I delivered it with strong eye contact and a coy smile. She said "absolutely not, and thank you for asking!" How polite 😂

Immediately after a dude comes up and starts yelling in her ear to buy him and his friend a drink. I could tell they came there together. He's all touchy with her. Dude walks away, and I look over and say "the shit you have to deal with, eh?" She lays her head on my shoulder and says "I don't know why I deal with it". I put my arm around her and said "he looks like the type of guy who should be buying you that drink". And she just... melted into me. I see him behind us, face red, getting pissed off. I continued a very flirty conversation with her until her drinks arrived. The eye contact was insane, I could tell she was super into me, but she reluctantly went back to her boyfriend, or whoever he was.

LESSONS LEARNED: I could absolutely destroy this. If I can get over my own insecurities and stop being a scared little bitch I bet I could clean up every night. I still got it, and once that ice is broken I am phenomenal at flirting. I either need to destroy the boyfriend, get the number on the sly, or find a woman without a man. 2025 is gonna be a helluva year...

Until next time,