Feeling like things are finally starting to click, both with my fundamentals of opening, being more social, and self awareness of what I actually need to work on.
Went out yesterday, approached 4 women, two of which were total stunners. Also made random conversation with a few dudes just to try and stay in a social mood, which actually worked. My biggest victory was just leaving the house, as I was tired, freezing cold, and just… didn’t want to. But I pushed through and am glad I did.
One of my opens wasn’t verbal, per se, but it was calculated. I had the intrusive thought of “what if I just bump into this girl, apologize, then keep talking to her…” so I tried it, and it actually worked

was mostly small talk, but she was smiling and even put her hand on my shoulder and said bye before she started walking again. Little victory, will field test this more especially once it warms up.
Two of the other four were walking opposite direction of me, got great nonverbals and smile from them but they didn’t stop for me.
The fourth was great. I opened with something stupid situational like “don’t worry, I’m not trying to steal your spot in line”. She smiled at me but said nothing. So I reopened again and we actually started talking. I teased her a bit about not dropping all the things she was trying to carry, and she started qualifying herself a bit. We were definitely in each other’s bubbles, I gave her a couple of light touches that were met with no resistance. I held the best eye contact I have in weeks and she held it right back. It was like we were staring into each other’s souls. She was definitely attracted.
This is kind of where it all clicked for me. I’m going to rant a bit…
Everyone talks about “approach anxiety”, and for over a year I’ve made approaching a large focus of mine as I’ve realized that the early stages of game are my weak point. And you can’t pick up if you don’t approach. But I don’t think that it’s really approach anxiety at all. At least not for me. Tell me, how scary would it be to just go tap some girl on the arm and say “Lexi? Ope, thought you were someone else” and leave. No risk, no reward, and really no fear in that. So did I ever really have anxiety about approaching? Or was it that maybe if I did the approach, I would get met with attention but a blank stare, and I would have to think of something else to say… aha! That’s it. There’s the sticking point.
So what if I reframe the approach as simply doing or saying something to get a girl’s attention, then focus on the follow up, whatever it may be. An observation, a question, maybe even a compliment. I think I can handle that. But what next? Well, maybe I can introduce a frame and see if she accepts it or not. If she accepts it, then I can challenge her a bit, and try to get her to qualify herself. “You have the most vibrant eyes I’ve seen today” if I get a dismissive “thanks” then I move on… but if she smiles and seems genuinely happy I said it, perfect, she accepted my frame. Then I can tease her “what’s with those earrings tho?” or challenge her “is there more to you then meets the eye?”
So if I catch myself blanking out, I just need to say/do something to fill in whatever step I am at.
1. get attention
2. Observation/question
3. Set frame, hopefully she accepts frame
4. Tease/qualify
If all that works, then I can go back to being less of a seduction robot and reward her with a name exchange, try and move her somewhere to deep dive, and I am off to the races. If time is short, get contact info, and try to set up a date.
Anything beyond getting her to move somewhere with me or getting her on a date is what I’m actually good at. I need to improve at seeing the windows open to escalate and escalating- always been a sticking point of mine as well. But that will come with practice. But can’t practice if I can’t get past the initial interaction…
I’ve been trying out a more natural style over the last year, with a bit of success and a lot of failure, but I think internalizing a simple structure and following it is going to work wonders for me. I can FEEL myself on the brink of a breakthrough here. Just in time for spring too
Have also been dealing with some inner game issues and feeling weird/insecure about going out by myself, whether it be during the day or bars at night with the intention of practicing my skills with women. And I think that’s subconsciously being reflected outwardly. But I really got to thinking, what is wrong with wanting to practice your social skills and become the best version of you? To get good at something that will positively affect every aspect of your life? That’s actually pretty fucking cool, and everyone should do it. Truly believing that has given me this weird confidence and I just KNOW that I am going to see massive improvement soon