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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
When one Meets Girls Everywhere, it's hard to take a break from game.

But I'm taking a badly needed operational pause.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I've been picking apart my game and discovering just how much of a mess it is. The more I'm in zombie mode, the worse it gets.
I am in fact pretty strong in a few areas. So that's nice.
Who I am deep down is attractive enough that I didn't send a repressed Asian girl into rejection after I instadated her in full zombie mode. She wanted a boyfriend though.

I was going to wait a while, until I was more experienced, but I think this is as good a time as any to introduce the first dogma of the Surveyor Method:

The simplification of game into the holy trinity of Self, Awareness, Moves (SAM). Self is not Awareness or Moves; nor is Awareness Self or Moves; nor is Moves Awareness or Self. But they are all the Surveyor Method. Awareness proceeds from Self, but whether Moves proceeds merely from Self, or from Self and from Awareness, shall be an unresolved matter of doctrinal dispute.


In seriousness...

I can't even begin to list the problems.

But it's time to take action. I have less than a week to square away the semester's outstanding assignments and business items. I'm negotiating a roommate agreement. A few other things require some time, including my actual jobs.

After that, I'm going to write my first Quarterly Plan for my overall life.

And then, after I heal and regenerate, we'll see what can be done.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Time for one more bit of relentless realism:

I MUST focus completely on moving out and generally, building myself a financially independent and emotionally prosperous life. From my subconscious' perspective, most of my life until now has been one long slide into scarcity since my earliest memories, when I was an only child and I got my big-boy bed.
Enough is enough. Living in cramped and inadequate physical, emotional, and even spiritual conditions is holding me back like nothing else. In everything.

And I'm actually pretty close to achieving Phase One. Haven't settled a deal yet.

There will still be updates from time to time. Unless I move to a tiny ski chalet in the Yukon for the winter, I can't really escape daygame.

But for the most part, all those girls waiting for me will just have to sigh dreamily and/or finger themselves. I wish it wasn't that way but in order to change reality, sometimes you just gotta accept the current reality.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
Enough is enough. Living in cramped and inadequate physical, emotional, and even spiritual conditions is holding me back like nothing else. In everything.
It was such a breath of fresh air when I left my parent's basement 5 months ago and moved into this brand new 3-bedroom townhouse. Finally, I can take responsibility for my own living space, maintain it, keep it clean and own nice furniture. It makes me happy to think about bringing a girl back here and letting her choose which bed to sleep in. Go ahead and rent an apartment; even if it's not the nicest place, you won't regret it.

There will still be updates from time to time. Unless I move to a tiny ski chalet in the Yukon for the winter, I can't really escape daygame.
Haha, lucky you. I don't live in a walkable city like you. I live in a suburb where everybody needs a car to survive. In order to get to the ONLY 2 decent daygame locations (university campuses), I have to drive 15-20 minutes and ride my scooter for 5 minutes each way. Nobody has heard of 'daygame' here and I've never seen any other guy cold approach.

But even then, I can't escape daygame. It's like an addiction. No matter how badly I get blown out one day, the next day I *NEED* to go out again. Then I get a number and I'm so excited. Even though I'm a beginner and I'm not getting dates yet, it seems like I've improved so much compared to just 3 short months ago, when I walked around for hours but couldn't do an approach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I'm going to do some DIY voice coaching and speech therapy. My voice is probably one of my weakest fundamentals.

I also am pretty much done with the semester and need to catch up on sleep, then move on to other business and housekeeping items.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
I'm going to do some DIY voice coaching and speech therapy. My voice is probably one of my weakest fundamentals.
Same here, I run my mouth too fast, talk over the girl and don't use enough pauses. The words I say probably aren't a problem but my delivery is.

I forget to speak from my throat. My voice naturally sounds higher-pitched than the average male, which is incongruent with my lumberjack body type and height. I think deepening my voice will really help.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
This quote from a recent GC article hit home with me:

You are a man.

The crux of a man -- his very heart and soul -- is his ability to lead.

It is one of the key characteristics that every woman looks for in men. It is what women test for, a man's ability to lead the frame and stay in control of the flow of things despite challenges from the woman or others.

I'm currently struggling to lead my own frame and stay in control of the flow of my own life. Admittedly, my actual ability to do this has greatly improved, through constant challenges.

As much as it displeases me, I have to admit that the best thing to do is probably to focus on myself for a while.

As it is, I may end up canceling my plans for the winter and focusing solely on finances and moving out.

If I can solve my immediate problems, than I might be well positioned to, say, get an older FWB.

But honestly, in the moment I have better things to worry about.

Thus endeth the fall campaign. Triumphs, growth, learning, experiences, food for thought. And a failure to fully achieve any of the ambitious objectives I set for myself, except the good grades.

Ever Onward......
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Time for some good news...

Despite the fact that I completely lack the discipline to hold a streak for more than 72 hours, I've made a LOT of progress taking control of, and cultivating, my sexual energy.

Which, paradoxically, makes it harder to retain. Apart from my progress with body composition and other things.

Honestly, once I actually wipe away all that cumulative fatigue I'll have it together.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
One last thing and then hopefully I'll take a 48+ hour (yeah, right) break from this place...

I need to gradually develop a smooth, congruent, experience creation focused process of dates and instadates...

Just a thought. Inspired by my great-grandfather, who was something of a natural as a young man. In a wholesome, socially acceptable way. I guess we'll never know exactly what he got up to, but he didn't get married until his thirties, and he had no shortage of dates, especially during the war, when he was both in a uniform and moving around from place to place Stateside, sooo...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
Just a thought. Inspired by my great-grandfather, who was something of a natural as a young man
I have come across 2-3 'natural Chads' in my life... but my biggest inspiration is my uncle, who immigrated to this country then proceeded to screw every cute girl in Columbus Ohio before his second year in college. That was the 80's before 'game' or 'PUA' even existed! Now he has a respectable 6-figure job and is a multi millionaire, but nobody knows his past :)
I've made a LOT of progress taking control of, and cultivating, my sexual energy.

Honestly, once I actually wipe away all that cumulative fatigue I'll have it together.
I'm happy to hear that; sexualizing my sets is also something I'm working on. One opportunity to do that in verbal game is when a girl asks me 'where do you live'?, instead of giving a boring answer, I can say 'Why are you asking where I live? Are you a stalker? Don't get any ideas!' to insert a sexual frame + instigate. But of course, the non-verbals are huge. Deepening your voice and strengthening eye contact is a part of it.

It's absolutely true that stress & negative emotions hurt testosterone production. Moving to my own place in a lower cost-of-living area with less road traffic really helped fix that for me. I'm lucky that my job is very low-stress and pays a lot. I get the remaining stress out of my head by lifting weights.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Thanks for your continued feedback!
One opportunity to do that in verbal game is when a girl asks me 'where do you live'?, instead of giving a boring answer, I can say 'Why are you asking where I live? Are you a stalker? Don't get any ideas!' to insert a sexual frame + instigate.
Lines like that are way too advanced for me to pull off properly.
It's absolutely true that stress & negative emotions hurt testosterone production.
I don't think it's a hormonal issue so much as lack of sleep and stuff.
And I've done a bit of research into the physiology of testosterone production. Sleep at the right time is a big part of it.
I'm not super worried about my levels personally but if I was there are several things I could do to boost it quickly.
Also, most of my current health practices indirectly boost it to some extent.
Moving to my own place in a lower cost-of-living area with less road traffic really helped fix that for me.
Yes. I'm pretty close. Just a bit further...
Currently I don't even have my own room btw.
I'm lucky that my job is very low-stress and pays a lot.
So am I but I'm still working on expanding business.
I get the remaining stress out of my head by lifting weights.
Good for you. I'm more of an outdoors cardio guy myself but I've been doing a little calisthenics recently and plan to do more.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Now that I'm done processing the (mis)adventures of the past four months or so...

I need to take a break from all this. Anything from 72 hours to a week and a half. I don't know.

What I do know is that my current life in the moment is a mess, overlaid on strong foundations, and I need to get my stuff in order. Nothing else matters.
Why should I worry about girls for now? I need to work my way up from the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
If I went out tomorrow and randomly met the most attractive girl I'd ever met...I'd take a rain check.
imho a skilled seducer who lives out of his car is probably further from being the Complete Man than, say, a warrior monk.

First things first!

Besides, struggling along without a strong foundation won't get you as far long term.

Siblings finally going back to school tomorrow. I'll have much more space to work and rest then.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The contest ends on Monday. I'm going to put in a concentrated effort to score but I'm not going to blow my energy reserves, nor am I going to have sex just to score. That last girl was bad news. (Probably not going to bother with an FU report. tl;dr she was older, on campus, series of interactions, had a BF and apparently serious relationship issues but started sexualizing after I assumed we were going to be just friends.)

Nothing to do but two days of cold DG in the top spots + getting out and about more doing my stuff, and pray. Although tbh I'm not super invested in not losing. I only joined because trashcan invited me to. Does it really matter that much if I take until next week to get laid?

Overall, I'm getting in state. I haven't felt this much like myself in a while.

The real question is, how quickly can I find an FB/FwB I feel comfortable with?

Obviously, a higher number of approaches will speed things up.

The kind of girls who don't get out of control tonight (my type) will be out in force tomorrow. (Surveyor weather is forecasted too!) And to a lesser extent, on Monday.
(I'm open to at least meeting almost all types of women, but it makes sense to start with what you know. Especially when you're pushing for results.)

I've been told there are a surprising number of people who follow my rambling tales of misadventure so wish me luck y'all 🤠


I'm starting a new gig this week, maybe even two. Moving out is mostly a matter of finding a roommate and a place. After that the real work of transitioning to full independence begins.

And I've been discussing further business opportunities. Medium to long term things look absolutely excellent.

And getting my (unofficial) grades earlier perked me up a bit. I'm going places 😁


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Another night almost gone and wasted.

Dealing with my disordered schedule needs to be the first order of business. Still going to try to squeeze in one or two approaching excursions today and Monday but I need to regenerate. Being in state is essential.

I haven't really done any approaching, opportunistic or intentional, for two weeks. It's time to get back in the game.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
I haven't really done any approaching, opportunistic or intentional, for two weeks. It's time to get back in the game.
I've also been out of the game for 2 weeks but I will get back in in a week once the universities re-open. I'm not feeling much approach anxiety because, after all, I did this 80 times already. My goal will be 120 sets this semester with emphasis on non-verbal fundamentals and instigation in order to get seen as a sexual prospect, get shit tests, and get my number closes to actually respond.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
My goal will be 120 sets this semester with emphasis on non-verbal fundamentals and instigation in order to get seen as a sexual prospect, get shit tests, and get my number closes to actually respond.
I definitely need to increase numbers and avoid ducking good approach opportunities.
Tbh I find DGing mildly relaxing and I badly need to spend less time indoors so once I've gotten my act together in a day or three I'll go out and do as much sarging as I can.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
TL;DR: Having your shit together is the most attractive quality to have in college.
- from a post I found on /r/seduction while searching for something else.

This needs to be the focus of the next month and a half.
Immediate priority: clear chokepoints/sticking points (in progress).
Followed by: Find a roommate and a place.

I'm getting off the ground slower than hoped (as usual) but I'm going places.

I am the unstoppable force. Even on a delayed timetable.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I've made several small breakthroughs and one larger one in the past day or two.
Next major objective: pay off all sleep debt. While concurrently returning to normal operations.

I got opened randomly at a Little Free Library last night. Unfortunately she was auto-reject on arrival (me, not her, she was all right) but it was a nice conversation.

Meanwhile, I realized what the hell was (almost certainly) going on with one of the main class/SC girls last semester. I should have picked up on it earlier.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Chase's most recent newsletter was exactly what I needed to hear. Seemed written expressly for me but I'm sure there are other guys who have this issue, they just don't admit it in their journals 😹

Not in state doesn't seem to matter AT ALL until I've opened my mouth, as you can see from various posts ^^

However, if you look at all my timestamps (I'm in Pacific) you see it's a bit of a problem for a daygamer. Added to which, I've been in my pajamas all afternoon and night, not for the first time this week.

Another evening, I went over to a friend's, ate something like a quart of ice cream, had an interesting chat about life and sexuality with his bi sister while she was self-medicating with an edible (it was, ahem, interesting watching it kick in, but I don't do substances myself), then played video games until morning.
At least it was proof-of-concept for hookup logistics; my family didn't even realize I had been gone 😼

Being on break for the winter has also been a paradigm shift for me. So it'll probably take another week or so to get going.

Tomorrow I'm going to go out and do more errands I've been putting off. I can't commit to a number but I'll definitely have some conversations.

After that, I plan to do a purposeful expedition by the middle of next week, during which I'll do minimum 3 sets, and hopefully 5 or more.

Time to beat the winter blues 🔥


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The dysfunctional sleep schedule ends NOW.

I really need to drop in somewhere (luckily almost next door) in a bit over four hours. After that I'm gonna go back to sleep. Once I'm reasonably well rested, I'm going to go out. Idk whether it'll be to game, for business, or for exercise, but regardless I'll try to get in one or two approaches.

I noticed some teenage girls surreptitiously eyeing me at two different places today. Not very helpful game-wise (CA is an 18 state) but it's good to know that I look that great at first glance.

This week is going to set the tone for the rest of the winter. It's still balanced on a knife edge at the moment.

Also, while there's no question that I'm much more, for lack of better, formidable than I used to be in every way...

I've been noticing a long-term trend away from conscious willpower, quickness, etc.

I'm more grounded, but also less dynamic.

I have some ideas about how to work on this.

We'll see what happens. The adventure continues...