I'm actually well aware of your problem. A lot of guys are in the same boat. And I haven't have the comprehension to actually write this issue in my own social platform. This problem that you have, has been going on for a few years and recently popping up more on social media.
It's been seen off as humor.
Example: A comedy showing a guy looking at girls and suddenly a girl popping up and asking "why did you look at her?". The guy responded by saying "are you my girlfriend?". The girl quickly realizes this and says "sorry" and walk away.
TLDR: More females are going to interrupt PUA sets, whether that's you or the members here. As
the world goes into decline and she naturally can't differentiate reality. She can't differentiate internet feminist forum and real world, as example.
@Warped Mindless and i had a discussion on something similar to this, many months ago, but on false grape accusation. We kinda reached on a conclusion, at least in my opinion and i cannot speak for Warped, that we must never admit that we know her, or dated her. Yea... That's how bad it is right now in the social arena.
PUA members, whether Girlschase or Redpill, will actually face this problem one way or another, in some variation. It's a matter of when.
It's a matter of when. And hopefully not something too bad happened to any members that one has to handle a false grape accusation based on you just having a sexting, but we are kinda heading to that place.
I write this because i think all man, regardless of PUA or not, he needs to be aware of it.