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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The competition is bad. i know the competition is bad. It's been on the back of my mind for a long while that the competition is bad. I never said it that it is bad, in verbal. Maybe a few times here n there. However, A lot of people have said it, and in this case, one is arguing for 'cultural appropriation'. Credit to (who said it first).

When it comes to success, the brain doesn't realize that it is in a sinking ship. The brain only realize Point A to Point B. i think the success of members here is amazing. But i feel like they are Booker T before WCW into the ground.

How can Americans be Kings in a fiat currency sinking ship and the after? How can they be Master PUA and not let that ego make him forget to abandon the Titanic and pivot, and then have an early start into the next new territory.

If life competition is horribly bad, you probably in sinking ship/structurally bad place to begin with.

Success also comes in Time Orientations:
Past Time Orientation:
Ferrari, Rolex, Marriage, Manners, Running into a bomb no matter how stupid it is.

Current Time Orientation:
Tiktok viral video of You winning an argument, picking up a girl, save a cat, a list of many females flooding your Instagram

Future Time Orientation:
Found evidence that "God exist", Found new method/science of solving problems/prove God exist. Have children to complete Circular Logic.

You kinda must have success in all 3, and it must be linear. and you must be ready to pivot



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

To Girlschase members who Father's never acknowledge Your Early Childhood Pursuits

I'm not worried about my ability to replace her. I trust myself and I trust my abilities. I did it once and I can do it again. It's that I don't want to replace her. I want to get into a situation where I can feel secure that yes, this is a person that I can trust and enjoy for the foreseeable future. That this is a person that I can plan my life around, barring any failures on my own part. Here I'll put it with a metaphor: I don't enjoy sand castles.

"I know you can do it. You just don't want to do it. You are complacent."
- Law Teacher to Zac

"You don't have that killer instinct."
- Family member
"Why didn't do you do it, Zac?"
- Friends

TLDR: You are not worried about your abilities, and you are definitely not worried to replace her. You are worried that you will lose your faith in your abilities that you can replace her. because life is unpredictable and life is nuances.

This has many nuances and branches into many topics that needs to be talk about.

but rest assured I know.

I don't enjoy sand castles. I don't enjoy my father not acknowledging my pursuits, except education. He was there for my monetary incentives for achieving top 25% in the whole school but somehow always disappeared during my journey to get there and certainly purposefully ignoring my other pursuits to the best that he can. (for reasons, he didn't have money).

This is leftover unresolved crap from a past post where I was told that love is simply a way for women to get tricked into procreating and it totally shattered my worldview, because I was under the impression for my entire life that there was something more to it than merely "brain chemicals make girl want have baby, if no baby then no brain chemicals, bye bye no more girl". Certainly for me procreation is completely detached from anything of the topic. I thought it would be similar for others and that I wasn't just a freak or whatever.

The only reason I didn't make a post asking specifically about it at the time is because I was told to shut up and execute.

How can boys today, who are Man, who has been criticized, condemned, and not well equipped, be forced into the front lines of society and protect the society that they love?

Given that they were never loved?
Given that they were never allowed to experiment?
Given that they were never given the chance to develop?
Given that they were never given the leeway to enjoy and harvest their exploits?


How can Woman, ask Men, for something that they didn't have in the first place?

And no one will read this sentence. Woman themselves are compromised.

Something to ponder. and Girlschase will be forced to be choose a position, because the problem is indeed global. The world problems will become our problem. If we want an absolute PUA platform, then don't expect it to be active as like RSD/Redpill.

Man asking something from society that they do not have. Kinda ironic when we criticize the DEMOCRAPS WOKE SJW ALPHABET people.


Sidenote: Zac is asking from a forum of people whom he had faith (assumption) that they are more thant that. However, he sincerely don't believe that they can see it, and definitely, don't have it.

"I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking." - Superman



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Why Zac's message isn't working to GC members and The future moving forward dealing with Humanity

1)Dragging a corpse (state) and more corpse (states) (tribe).

2)My message is too direct (Asian cultural practices during deaths is to cover the mirror for 3 days, to allow the decease to accept that he/she has to move on)

3)No one wants the world to be more fair, 'just'

4)Truth is basically 3 states. To agree with Zac is to acknowledge one's flaw, and what's next is function, which is an unknown, and build on an brain image of failure.

5)Humans need transition. Ulcer gel

6)The public loves the masturbation

7)My wisdom journey still is ongoing

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

This helps explain why some Girlschase members are prolific with skipping steps and some members are more linear (left brain) and only thru that system, they can recognize where they are, and then skip steps because the brain can see it, and allows them to skip steps.

Right brain Seducers
- Hector
- Chase
- Fluxcap

Left brain Seducers
- Gunwitch
- Fog
- Skills

Swati, i do feel that he leans more right, but sometimes he is a Democrat :p

TLDR: Anyway



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Part of me resents Girlschase.

because I thought that they were hindering me from writing things that i know. i learn that humanity doesn't read the world like i am.

Coupled this with my father only acknowledge pursuits that interest him, just like a particular member, who his post writing actually tells a lot of things that i know about him, because he was like me.

i resent the members who play my findings wrong.
I resent my society who did me wrong.

and thanks to this resentment, i can relate to Woke ideology and this kids today.

Anyway, Humans will die.. that's the best part. Benovelence of God is that boomers will die, my parents generation will die. People who are in my opinion, are so up in their ass about cold approach, will eventually die.

So yea, part of this post is a fuck you to those who played down my findings years ago. Not just Girlschase members but everyone.

However i am alone in this journey. i realize again, the rabbit is deeper than i thought.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
You're starting to sound like you've reached your late 60s, Zac!

When did you get so curmudgeonly?

John Barrymore said:
A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

Ever hear that quote?

However i am alone in this journey. i realize again, the rabbit is deeper than i thought.

That's the secret.

We're all on lonesome journeys, each man on his own individual journey.

No two people are on completely the same path.

It just looks from the outside like other people are "a group" working together in some kind of anthill like hive.

The truth is we're all going it alone, together.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Can you replace MLM for the person? That's the biggie.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015

Can you replace MLM for the person? That's the biggie.

Zac, I don't understand your chart completely. Care to elaborate?

As for your question - well, no. Unless I gave him half my income every month

I have long tried to tell him to find an education or a line of work that would sit well with him and even suggested some things myself. But he wants big money fast, far away from a 9-5. So yeah...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Zac, I don't understand your chart completely. Care to elaborate?


When i posted this picture, you responded by telling me that you do not understand the chart/picture, completely. This is because you never had any experience with my chart before.

You needed a brain image aka experience of either reading my stuff before or see my charts before, to then relate to my post, responding to you.

Now, if we shall continue?

I have long tried to tell him to find an education or a line of work that would sit well with him and even suggested some things myself. But he wants big money fast, far away from a 9-5. So yeah...

In my opinion, You are asking a man, to repeat a path that he has probably fail, probably has not a have a liking for formal education, and probably don't see that he can reach his ideal self in a 9-5 job. His brain is rejecting that.

To make this a little simple, let's talk PUA.

As an example: Girlschase members say that newbies should cold approach woman, get her number, message her and then get her on a date, to then maybe get the lay.

But here's the thing,
Newbies do not have the brain image of what is a Hello, a invitation of interest, a text message, a date, and then the lay.

The newbies are totally disconnected aka missing brain image aka experience.

Just like you do not have a brain image aka experience of relating to my chart, newbies do not have the brain image aka experience to relate to Pickup artistry, esepecially if they are worse off in their early childhood.

so now Zac, what do i do?

if i was in your shoes, i will step away if i am a family member and friend, because you are not in a position of power. Second, it reminds him of the bad experience that he is trying to get away from.

I would recommend a friend to him, on behalf of me to advice him on figuring out his strengths (similarity threshold) and sales because that's how you will help him.

So yea. i hope this helps.

People only look up.
Girlschase members only look up.
First world females look up.
Redpill always look up.

to the next idea, the next rage.

If you are a family member who is trying to stop someone from doing MLM, it is like a parent trying to stop someone from breaking free and finding himself.

You can't save him. You can't save a lot of people. You can only guide them. I have been this board for 10+ years now. People are starting to talk about things i talk about, in 2012.

They didn't have the brain image to see that at that time. Your person who you care for, doesn't have the brain image aka experience to see that MLM is probably not the next best step for him.

but you can recommend a friend to help find his strengths and help him with sales because he needs to eat.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Thank you for your time to elaborate, Zac!

In my opinion, You are asking a man, to repeat a path that he has probably fail, probably has not a have a liking for formal education, and probably don't see that he can reach his ideal self in a 9-5 job. His brain is rejecting that.
You are somewhat right.

He has talked about big dreams of becoming a business man and earning big money fast for many years now to escape the average life. In high school, he had business subjects. I actually had high hopes for him and supported him to go for his dreams.

However, once he graduated from high school, it turned out he spent a lot of time working out in the gym and partying. His average score wasn't the best, and in the end he claimed that he didn't learn anything important from high school about businesses. In the aftermath, he worked different jobs simultanously to have a steady income. But he also betted and played on online casinos in the hope of getting a big profit. But that day never came.

He has gotten a tendency to go into low odds situations in the hopes of getting high rewards. And that is essentially what an MLM is if you are not part of the top tiers.

Yes, he despises formal education and 9-5's. But he doesn't have a more secure plan to escape that long term. And there has been discrepancy between what he wanted, and what he has actually worked towards when he was in high school. I understand this though. I struggled in university as well because I got tired of the path that was laid out when I was one year in it.

if i was in your shoes, i will step away if i am a family member and friend, because you are not in a position of power.
You can't save him. You can't save a lot of people. You can only guide them.
While I am not in a position of power directly, this relative trusts me and shares with me what he goes through. He often asks for my feedback between the lines. For that reason, I asked you guys here if there is any way to influence him.

but you can recommend a friend to help find his strengths and help him with sales because he needs to eat.
Yeah, it's like an addict that wants to quit but he doesn't have a substitute for his drug. It makes sense that he would need to see other ways to go on about this in order to quit the MLM.

Unfortunately, all his current friends, more or less, are in the MLM. He let go of his previous friends because their views didn't align with his when he joined the MLM. I'm sure he tried to recruit them as well and they declined. I guess the people that can influence him is down to a few family members.

Once again, thank you so much for your input!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Tested two pictures on photofeeler. With and without filters (used facetune for the editing).
The rating of the first picture went from 6.9 (above average) to 9.1 (top 10%).
The rating of the second picture went from 6.0 (average) to 8.2 (top 20%).

Do you think adding these filtered pics is a good or a bad thing? Surely you get more matches but does it increase the chances of disappointment when you go on dates? (All of my dating / pick up experience is IRL first time meeting)

i have tested many pictures.

Here's what doesn't work.
1)Too many hairstyles in the profile. 6 photos in Tinder. i tested putting my different hairstyles that i had over the years, all in the photos.

It didn't work.

i believe that Man's Face is the brain image (objective) that females must register in their head.

TLDR: When i had too many pictures with my face having different hairstyles, there's no consistency. In my findings, the human brain needs image congruency and consistency.

2)Bio must define something about lifestyle (aka participatory universe/play/mating)

My photos didn't really had something on the beach or something that implies i am doing something interesting. One of my photo was a watergun fight with a girl, but even that was a long time ago. To conclude, My bio wasn't congruent or similar to my photos.

Conclusion: Filtered pics in my opinion, can skyrocket your success or skyrocket your failure.

1)Face must stay consistent, aka hairstyle, and expression must stay not too excited but not too dull.

2)Pictures must imply lifestyle. You are doing something.

3)Bio must reflect that lifestyle as much as possible.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Thread 'On wars, centralization and sex ratio' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/on-wars-centralization-and-sex-ratio.28106/

Ok, so: many many concepts.
As I already said, this is mostly a collection of observations, paths and parallels that I thought about and arose to my attentions.
I am just curious to what other can add, subtract, notice or modify to all of these.
Something that I thought worth to put on the table and just think about it.

1)Man will be encouraged to convert to Islam and marry 4 woman
2)Man will be encouraged to convert to Christianity and they will somehow modify it to be able to marry 4 woman
3)Man who take legal responsibilities of woman are given tax benefits or some sort.
4)Bachelor Tax

Something to ponder:

Internet shopping had no taxes until everyone starts spending money and everyone was in on it. So, if females starts complaining and bitching and whining where are all the good man gone despite they themselves pushing those guys away.

Guess what happens?
Their problem becomes your problem.

They will make it your problem thru cultural enforcement. Example: TikTok is a therapy + day care + child care center for woman who were lied to and can't go back.

This will be around Year 2100. All of us are dead by then :D



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

But I feel that you will always meet some women that you want a fair bit more than others. So what should my mindset be when I meet a "wow" or "love at first sight" girl that I clearly want and care about the outcome, in order to approach and seduce her effectively, and are there ways to cultivate helpful mindsets in situations like that? I would assume that the technical aspect of the seduction would go similarly to the interactions with any other kinds of girls if these mental blocks are shattered, that said any type of technical insight is always more than welcome.

You have to actually create a social platform, whether that is a social circle or place where you built relationships and that you are well regarded as the guy. Or if you are rich, build a place.

And making sure that the culture of your platform is bringing the type of girls.

While you can change your mindset and help you talk to girls whom you believe 'love at first sight', you likely to have opportunity to meet them only once, via cold approach.

With social platforms where woman will come to the place, via Instagram or physical place, there's more chances to get her to hook, if given time.

Both methods have risk reward ratio. You also still have to dress and live the lifestyle of the girls that you want to attract, at some degree.

TLDR: You are trying to get billionaire to do a deal with you in the elevator. That is possible but unlikely..



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

i think this might be an overreach but i remember you asked what I have found. and i saw your post and this sketch is a snippet. The videos and my sketch image are literal translation of how females think. i hope it helps in someway.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

[Quick one]

It seems like you and me are common than i thought. maybe.

I assumed we read data verbally to gain 'fitness' strategies, but move with right brain.
Fluxcap and i were in conversation long time ago and i catch his 'tune' and he catch my 'tune'. It's like we are running the same pickup. It felt like we follow our feelings. lolx.

So, 2 problems here.
1)How the user gathers data (info)
2)Translation of data (info)

My left brain says "i need to learn Girlschase."
My right brain *Girls already like me* *Girls falling into positions.

*Zac freaks out. "Chase is wrong. i can't comprehend this. too many data points"*



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

At the source of why Man still can't pass high level PUAs in terms of pickup skill, is that man still has this 'duality of worlds' that he has not recognized yet.

Man doesn't want to adopt a high level skill because like Lewis Hamilton, he doesn't drive on normal roads. Jon Jones have problems adapting to ordinary life outside of fighting, as examples. or Velasco, a former member who lays chicks left and right, and his appetite to win means that this forum is also a battleground.

It's not that you hate woman. it's that the world you are going to move to, you don't know what is it like. You don't know what is like to be good with girls. Worse, All your life, you have been taught that this is the world, and you must play by the rules. How can you have 2 rules at the same time?'

Zac wants to learn Girlschase/PUA/redpill.
Zac didn't realize that he needs to let his old world, go.

How can you learn to be good with woman but still aware enough to not take a whole bottle of redpills? How can i live in 2 worlds.

An adjacent example is a member in the chats wants to date particular group of girls but he was told by members who are seniors, to avoid doing it because he might become a simp.

So, how do you balance it out?
Question you must ask yourself:

1)How do you balance it out
2)Careful of Logical Entanglement. Meaning that if you decide to say 'Hi' to 10 girls today, failing at an insta date, isn't a failure.

@fog (this below might be a finding you like)

3)Accepting that getting girls, means that somebody will lose. You are a accustomed to letting family members into your room when you are in Asian family. thus why woman don't respect you.

For Americans, Westerners, you are so accustomed to letting foreigners in, like Asians allow relatives inside your room, that it influences you to break circle with girls..

So yea.
"It's at someone elses expense." - Superman



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Women do need it. Most of them are just as lonely as men or even more, just ask them about their dating history after you gain their trust, most of the time it's sad

I don't think there is anything as in-depth as Girls Chase but the youtube channel Feminine Renaissance is the closest thing I know. I sometimes watch it out of curiosity, some of the advice is similar to GC (let go of victim mentality, fundamentals), others are specific to women (like how to get men to commit without being needy). It's pretty good

Eventually you will realize that woman are miserable than ever before. This is proven by statistics, social experiments, personal anecdote of many humans, and the consumption of anti depressants and polarized drama. More hyperbolizes male heroes.

while i believe that this variables play a part in woman's demise, Woman have never been utilized to the optimal level that she can be.

Because she never had that.

"Because You won't be alive to tell them." - Thanos

The thing is woman have never had been optimized to her opttimal level, let alone be optimised at all.

The structure of society, all down to it's bone, is male thinking, all over it. this is what man do not understand. Man get angry by woman claiming the 'pAtRiArcHy'.

Man misreads Woman but worse so is Woman misreads Man by thinking that the universe is subjective fact, not objective fact. Woman are inherently given a flaw by the Almighty, because she sees Man as an idea, thus the very fact that you telling her that law of gravity exists. She sees it as 'signal' (an idea).

Man thinks in Objective > Subjective.
Woman thinks in Idea < Subjective.

Over time, you will learn that Woman are Man (but Faith inverse).


Meaning of 'Faith Inverse'
Woman has never ever see Man as Humans. And thus the redpill community are angry. They believe that woman are never good people. However, what Man don't realize that Woman see Man as an idea, Man becoming Men, her idea of what is the behavior of a Men that is.

Man never had that realization. He never have that image. Probably because Thanos did snap them out of existence :)

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hey y’all just saw this video and thought it would make for an interesting discussion on the current state of men and women.

Video goes into solid detail. Wondering what everyones thoughts were…

"if Zac learns Facebook ads course, he will become better than most man. But if people are reading it, then which world is Zac superior because everyone is applying the same thing?"

To make it simple:

The answer above shows a disconnect. Humans are trying to solve problems at surface level. Meaning that man will note that feminism is the problem and the billionaires are the problem and everyone else's is the problem.

if Zac learns Girlschase/Facebook ads course/etc, it means that Zac am still in the mental bubble. Yes, Zac is a master manifestor, master PUA, but my powers are limited to reality. Reality of either the tribe or physical reality.

tLDR: So WHAT'S YOUR MESSAGE, ZAC? You probably say this is doom and gloom. You also probably say that I want to keep my reality of i believe in Islam/Christianity and my family members are in it, but i just want some decent advantage with getting girls. Can you just give me a metaphoric door that i can access in and out of both worlds. I don't want the master PUA. I don't know what that is.

The thing is no one has an answer. It's somewhat always have a reductionism on it.

1)It's too complex to point out why man and woman are failing.
2)What is failing?
3)What is a woman?
4)What is a man?

And continue.


TLDR FURTHER: if you really wanted answers, you will find it. You will also tend to not rely on institutions, and this includes your Girlschase, family, friends, education system, and so on.

It's not that this places are evil. They are states like you are states. And all states exist. They are instruments, tools. We have many states moving around. The problem is actually complex and the internet is just content creation for something humans can run away and that they cannot read the territory and solve immediately.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
@fog and others,

In case you are wondering that you will never be Will Smith, here's something important.

1)How Your Brain Operates.

Example: You might say that you love mathematics but actually you like the calculation of numbers. You didn't realize that both your left and right brain are 2 different people.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Thread 'Toxic behaviors: What point do I need to take girls seriously?' https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...oint-do-i-need-to-take-girls-seriously.28189/

There's 3 issues:
1)You need to be recognize the state
2)You need to know the behavior
3)You then need to heal over time while still learning pickup, working, buy groceries

Throw away learning pickup for a moment. Watch this video and see if it helps. the patterns for narcissistic family members tend to be the same. and you need to heal from it.

After you use the patterns recognize in this video, to recognize and heal... or if it doesn't help, please let me know.

then there's the next 3 issues:
1)Learning yourself
2)Learning PUA foundations
3)Learning the methods

If you don't understand somewhat why you do things, you just tend to not do it.

After that, there's another 3 issues:
1)How can i be that guy
2)What is my strengths
3)How can i incorporate who i am into it.

But yea, solve the ones above, first.
