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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

A problem pattern with newer guys.

1)i still want to be a part of the Mainstream media big club
2)I want to be slightly better than my fellow "live and let live" friends.

Basically, i still want to be bluepill. This Girlschase, PUA, redpill, after sometime is annoying. Yes i get angry on the comments and i know it and i do it because everyone is seemingly doing it.

And for high level guys, their problem pattern is

1)I still want to be a part of Girlschase/Redpill community/Blackpill big club

2)How can i not offend the members in the club while still retaining my hierarchy and just maybe be a significantly more noticeable than everyone in the experts club

Basically, everyone wants to feel belonged, for a lot of people, this seems to be the case. So how can i be in the good graces of the public (aka familiarity threshold) while still maintaining that i am the best

1)Everyone wants to feel belonged
2)To be better than everyone in the big club but not to the expense of familiarity threshold
aka Causality + familiarity threshold = Something new.

Conclusion: the Still Face Experiment still stands in the background out of all this issues.

Sidenote 1:
How can Man continue picking up process when females don't give signals. That's an issue.

Sidenote 2:
How can Man continue his research/his pursue of PUA/mastery of anything, when other scientist/religion/pickup artist/masters/teachers, don't respond (give signals) to what he is saying, because they, as experts as they are, never had an brain image or register brain image until years later.

Sidenote 3: Even Lionel Messi has this problem. Because causality and the next thing, the next novelty. Transgender is also in my opinion, the next novelty + familiarity threshold of humans.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
@Spyce D

Thread 'How to really develop self-accountability in life' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/how-to-really-develop-self-accountability-in-life.28214/

Objective (Power)

I don't Get Girls > SpyceD > I want to get girls

Get girls > Girlschase > Means I'm successful
I'm successful if i apply Girlschase > Life > Why Is Girlschase failing me? Is Chase a scam? Is PUA full of crap?


the very premise, is setting you up for failure.


Tbh ,. I would rather actually use a model and experience failure than never trying anything and experience regret .

Maybe what you wrote is right or maybe not . 🤷‍♂️


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Tbh ,. I would rather actually use a model and experience failure than never trying anything and experience regret .

Okay, and you experience failure, right?

So what does that mean? Have you ever consider that your brain is telling you that Girlschase/PUA/Degree in Business, is not working because of the failure?

Your brain is knocking on your door. There's a disconnect here.


Anything (Girlschase/PUA/Degree in business/etc, is just a vessel.

I'm confident that you either want to be a part of a community that is learning something, not necessarily PUA. And that's okay.

Key here is how do you get girls in the community that you want to be in, and still be mainly interested in a community that is growing and growing with you.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Preselection 'Prerequisite'

Object(ive), also known as Power/Belief

(ive), also known as Void (Void is then insert by Thought > Human > Emotion)

Idea, also known as Projection/Assumption



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Thread 'Why people feel like chasing what they are losing' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/why-people-feel-like-chasing-what-they-are-losing.28220/

Fact: Our success makes us believe that tomorrow is guaranteed success. What you are doing, DK, is that you are holding on to a brain image.

To make this worse, PUA gurus are selling the dream. We all are selling dreams. Even Zac is selling the dream (that his sketch will help humanity)

TLDR: Don't Trust Any man. Watch from 45:59

Sidenote: Redpill and Blackpill members will never find resonance with PUA companies who are 'more positive oriented. This is because 'Positive oriented' companies will never address this issue directly. PUA or any company. Because they either ignorant or it's a fact of life and they have no choice but use words to feel good about a world that's imbalance at the moment. I don't think the world has ever been balance but that is another day.

The issue is Females utilize this to get marriage and play both worlds. They get the benefits of tangible reality aka agreed consensus among people. Free Food, Free ride, Free drinks but also act single on social media. So it's rules for thee, not for me.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
idk if you crazy or you spitting top level facts.
He's crazy

Every high level expert across all niches,
all had 3 things.

1)Manipulation/Selecting of Subject(ive)

2)Grasping signals/reactions to establish staging (reality), so as to grasp a layout of the world (competition) before it lays out itself.

3)Harnessing/Leverage Weakness of Human beings.

Weakness meaning what you already have a habit of doing. Read this again. Weakness means what you already have a habit of doing.

Yeah, this is a great observation. How able someone is to see past the images others present, versus get sucked into them.

Terrific realization, Zac. There is a lot to talk about here. A lot.

I wish you wrote in a clearer way. There's often a ton of value in the things you have to say, but it's inaccessible to most guys because it's hard for them to ferret it out. Thoughtful Zac + clear Zac would be an absolute wrecking ball. - Chase

Further Sidenote:
I did apply some of the above, here in this post, not for malice reasons



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Is she contaminated?

Zac: Yes

And talking about rational discussion, aren't you the one who has an ego in the first place, that's why you ignore me in the first place, even though you are the one asking the question? - Zac



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I am thinking I can use this extremely strong feeling to consistently pull girls who prefer certain connections

For example, last night a girl had some great insights on shades of chemistry. Towards the end I told her I am filling up with so many ideas of what she has said to me. And this is causing me to be in my head rather than in the moment with her [she valued being in the moment + mental connections]. And if this is going to continue, then I need to write down my thoughts, otherwise I’m going to be stuck in my head. She was quite open to coming with me.

Any ideas for the journal itself, suggested topics to show as previous works to women and if i should engage in the sharing of writing a new journal entry with them? all other ideas welcome too

The word is just that, a word.

The image is what matters. If i say Chinatown, Americans in this forum, thinks that it is Chinatown in Arizona or San Francisco. Chinatown to Zac, is a train station and can also be a location that i am familiar with, in Asia.

TLDR: How can we trigger images, with words and the set up (wavelength + narrative)

The problem:

We can talk about how the West is failing/Islam is going to win/God will punish the Democrats/what have you/shades of chemistry...

But She is not given an incentive to have sex with you because you have already given her projection, something bigger than herself, which is her life mission. To find a male objective (representation), to represent her purpose of life and differentiation (comparative) to other woman and society as a whole.

TLDR: I don't recommend this to you because you will share it here. And with new guys, this can cause a 'wealth' gap.

i recommend you put a warning so that guys understand that this is not ideal for new guys if you want sex, fast.

because they are wondering why there's no sex/payoff after all this good feelings.
Afterall, Everyone in this planet earth, wants "How to be a MASTER PUA in 5 days". Thus, a problem by itself.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Why Man will never understand Woman.

Not only do Zac has to pull himself out, first. Zac then has to convert the person's ideology.
Then Zac can make them see his ideology.

In every step, there's 3 steps in one of those steps.

What's the point of being in a PUA forum?
what's the point of helping humanity?

they are too stupid to begin with. Stupid meaning too ingrained in ideology. They are too contaminated like the girls he said, are.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023

You have to actually create a social platform, whether that is a social circle or place where you built relationships and that you are well regarded as the guy. Or if you are rich, build a place.

And making sure that the culture of your platform is bringing the type of girls.

While you can change your mindset and help you talk to girls whom you believe 'love at first sight', you likely to have opportunity to meet them only once, via cold approach.

With social platforms where woman will come to the place, via Instagram or physical place, there's more chances to get her to hook, if given time.

Both methods have risk reward ratio. You also still have to dress and live the lifestyle of the girls that you want to attract, at some degree.

TLDR: You are trying to get billionaire to do a deal with you in the elevator. That is possible but unlikely..

Hey, sorry for the late reply, thanks for taking the time to answer!

I fully understand what you say, and my eventual goal would be to have a lifestyle that would bring me easier access to what I consider high quality women. My problem now, is that even if I achieved such a lifestyle, I feel it wouldn't help a lot, since I wouldn't be able to seduce these women.

At least thus far, I haven't had any success in social circle situations, and this is why I got into cold approaching. I can think of only one time I made out with a girl that was friend of a friend, all other intimate situations in my life have been from online or cold approach.

And honestly I do prefer cold approach, I love the freedom of being able to see a girl walking down the street and go up to her and directly give an authentic compliment. Even when I was still terrified of doing it I enjoyed this idea a lot, while I always found social circle as involving too much politics that neither I have been able to navigate nor I have had the patience to learn how to.

In the end what bothers me though, is that although I can cold approach basically any girl out in the city, the moment they are in the same circle as me, they feel less attainable than when I don't know them. For example, a girl comes to my dance class, I see her and I instantly want to tell her how alluringly feminine she looks or give her some intense erotic eye contact, but I don't because I feel it will just label me straight away as a horny creep that goes to such events to hit on women and I will be ostracized by the circle. Well if I saw the same girl out in the city an hour before the class, I would have just approached her directly and no matter her reaction we would have continued our lives either separately or as lovers. By getting to know her in the social circle, the relationship stays in a state of limbo, where you kinda know each other, you talk a bit, but are you friends, is there something more between you two, everything seems vague and complicated, which frustrates me.

In general, I don't mind going for women only through cold approaching and having social circles for other functions, but it does feel bad if a bunch of high quality girls happen to get around your circles, and you simply feel you can't be authentic to them about your desires and intentions.

All in all, I feel that this is a part of game that requires serious fixing from my side. When one on one, on dates, cold approaching I am working things out slowly, and even if I get rejected, I overcome it easily because I know I went for what I wanted and there will always be another girl around. But the moment I am in an environment around people I know already or in a new group that I intend to be seeing regularly, I find it difficult to be authentic, flirt openly, and escalate, because I feel that other guys will feel threatened and want to push me away and girls will feel uncomfortable having to see me again and again.

I'm currently trying to understand how to be a cool sexy dude in social scenarios and not just when cold approaching one on one, in order to be able to leverage attractive women that come and will come into my circles. Can't say I find it easy to put it to practice though, because I am a bit afraid of burning down social circles that I value, so if there is any recommendation regarding how to make improvements while minimizing this risk, I would appreciate it a lot :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
There is longing inside me to be a part of like minded men .

And I mean in real life , not just online cuz sometimes it's really risky to show your views on the internet cuz it can backfire on you .

I don't have much to add here but if anyone has even the slightest idea then it would be of great help

@Spyce D

You can't go about it like that.

Let me tell you a story. Recently @fog? ask me to share my notes and i share my notes. And i was kinda pissed as to why fog never really respond. Truth is that he didn't grasp what i was trying to say and never respond to me in text.

1)I didn't get any response/words of affirmation/signal

2)Fog didn't see image in his brain because i speak/write differently and he cannot connect it.

So Zac, how do i create a tribe of men that follows me?

It's difficult. Because if you took notice, guys like Chase Amante, Teevster, Skills, all of these guys hang out solo and often with gay guys or girls.

This is because females gives out words of affirmation/signal that i can create reality with, before actual reality sets in.

Man don't give out signals the same way. They give out signals in terms of tangible/behavior that leads somewhere.

How can you make Girlschase members give .you signals (tangible/behavior) so that you are motivated to lead the group of like-minded men.


1)Understand individually, what they want
2)Understand individually, where they are
3)Convert your language to theirs without compromising your essence
4)Make males give you signals (tangible/behavior)

Can you do it? It is difficult.

This is why high level guys hang out with females when picking up girls. It's harder to craft reality when the next moment is not visible.

But females make reality easier because they give signals. Man, they are not good at handing out signals. Thus why high level PUAs don't hang out with normal guys.


Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
@Spyce D

You can't go about it like that.

Let me tell you a story. Recently @fog? ask me to share my notes and i share my notes. And i was kinda pissed as to why fog never really respond. Truth is that he didn't grasp what i was trying to say and never respond to me in text.

1)I didn't get any response/words of affirmation/signal

2)Fog didn't see image in his brain because i speak/write differently and he cannot connect it.

So Zac, how do i create a tribe of men that follows me?

It's difficult. Because if you took notice, guys like Chase Amante, Teevster, Skills, all of these guys hang out solo and often with gay guys or girls.

This is because females gives out words of affirmation/signal that i can create reality with, before actual reality sets in.

Man don't give out signals the same way. They give out signals in terms of tangible/behavior that leads somewhere.

How can you make Girlschase members give .you signals (tangible/behavior) so that you are motivated to lead the group of like-minded men.


1)Understand individually, what they want
2)Understand individually, where they are
3)Convert your language to theirs without compromising your essence
4)Make males give you signals (tangible/behavior)

Can you do it? It is difficult.

This is why high level guys hang out with females when picking up girls. It's harder to craft reality when the next moment is not visible.

But females make reality easier because they give signals. Man, they are not good at handing out signals. Thus why high level PUAs don't hang out with normal guys.

I understand your point .

And this is what is trying I am trying to do .

The thing is I have dealt with a lot of things this year and it seems like there is an inner need of being in a like minded group in real life .


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Let me tell you a story. Recently @fog? ask me to share my notes and i share my notes. And i was kinda pissed as to why fog never really respond. Truth is that he didn't grasp what i was trying to say and never respond to me in text.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"The man just don't get it."
- Women's Credit Card Ad :)

There's so many things I can derive as to why you arrive to the place you are in.

but kinda proves my point. I actually want to elaborate more but I'm old. Your response, err. Wasting my tongue megabytes.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
"The man just don't get it."
- Women's Credit Card Ad :)

There's so many things I can derive as to why you arrive to the place you are in.

but kinda proves my point. I actually want to elaborate more but I'm old. Your response, err. Wasting my tongue megabytes.

is there anything else youd like to say? im listening


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The thing is I have dealt with a lot of things this year and it seems like there is an inner need of being in a like minded group in real life .

Is there something you good at in real life? Start something there and fill that need a bit first.

Join a local facebook/reddit/tiktok group and start giving out value. Join their weekly, monthly meeting and just give out knowledge that will help them.

Also, always tweak how you handout advice. It will never be perfect but you can learn how humans operate. Everyone is different. Some need tough love. Some need more left brain. Some need more right brain. Some need different tone of voice when you talk to them.

For me, i am now currently having my own football group after 10-12 many years and i have been invited to games. Also, improving on my football after years.

Although i was somewhat a footballer who played in competitions and was a dance trainer. I am still a student. We all are.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Since you are avoiding, i will give you my first enraged warning:

Do not continue to spew false realities with my name on it. I will start to suppress a part of your identity you hold so close to yourself. Part of you will cease to exist, and it will be painful. The next time you spew a false reality with me in it, I will reveal the ugly truth about yourself here in your precious journal