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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Example of Reframing after giving her what she wants, verbally of course. (Keep bullshitting and stay toxic) :D

"It is red kryptonite. In real life, it's called vodka."



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Before you argue with Your Girlfriend (woke)
You are the person in the photo. You are 'white'.

Your girl doesn't have enough brain images to help her achieve her future state. thus she can only access from what she has. She did asked you but logically you did answered her.

You just answered her logically from 'You'. Thus she keeps doing what she's doing.

Everything in life, is taken out of context. but the most important for now, is brain image.

Conclusion: Brain Image

"I'm afraid i didn't see it because i wasn't looking." - Superman



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Quickly Move Beyond Jargons
p.s: Staging aka Frame of the Game

Example of Staging
4)Rule Enforcers
5)Rule Enforcers Interpretation
6)Girlschase members



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Women are silly n cute." - Whitepill
"Women can't accept criticism." - Redpill
"This hoes are stupid and dumb." - Blackpill


All of them *above*, are correct.

But still Zac, you are not addressing the problem. What do i do in the meantime?

It is important to recognize first that you are viewing woman thru the lens of Man. That is number 1. If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. That's number 2.

So, How do i manage my girlfriend's ego? How do i criticize her? and channel her correctly?


the ideal way is to not land on it in the first place. You achieve it through screening, to make it short.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

@Warped Mindless and i were in the chats weeks back, stumbled upon a conversation on girls and how it will get worse for ordinary guys in getting girls.

Essentially, we have an implied consensus. We know where we are going with the conversation but we kinda know that this is a controversial take that will go mainstream.

We kinda agree that we must pretend that we do not know her if she accuses us of false grape, and that we do not implicate evidences by talking more.

So, you are essentially protecting yourself, her and also the truth. You are also protecting society's sanity.

But this is for all senior members. Can @Chase or @TerrySilver open this on a new post?

i sincerely want this conversation because this news will blow a lot of guys brains. A lot of cognitive dissonance.

@fog , you must read this.
@Teevster or @Chase , just move this post to general and write a Secret Society article, with a refresh and current perspective.

I find this story more intrigued.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

- Zac likes to hear from senior members if there's any fresh perspectives on secret society.

- Zac shares this Spanish team news because it is exciting to him. It is fucking data.

- Warped and Zac were having this convo on false grape just months or weeks prior, and we were kinda in implied agreement that we should pretend to not know her because it is hard to prove your innocence thru words because the public will use it against you.

if she, the false graper and you don't share a lot of text or tangible communication, just deny deny deny. The world has unfortunately bring us to this predicament.

- Zac shares with fog in the chat on the top 1% girl that he dated. She was looking at Zac, staring him down as the social circle doesn't realize that we went out. Thus why Zac wanted fresh perspectives on secret society.

the spanish team news just pops Zac off.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

i am contemplating.
If i am able to write a great post on this topic that members here can apply. That is number 1
. I also wonder if i should write the post, for my own sanity and ethics reasons.

This is related to yesterday news on Jenni Hermoso. I was really hit profound by it. That news gives me raw data that supports my 3 Realities theory.

Now, what is the 3 Realities theory?

1)Idea Faith Reality Level
2)Current Function Reality Level
3)Linear Objective Reality Level

To make it in dating terminology,
1)You play music with her.
2)You are flirting with her.
3)You are heading somewhere with her, mentally.

I am concerned with the moral implications of it. The irony is that in religion, Islam, my post if written and understood to it's actual message, actually supports the idea that Music is not permissible/recommended/Halal. The muslims will love this. The religious people will love this. They probably screenshot this and use it on their own context, and worse, play the moral highground.

I guess Humans are like that. The brain cannot sees it's own hypocrisy. Though my knowledge if ever gone viral will simultaneously expose humans, everyone.. that they have not found God like they said they would, which is kinda of shame. Because humans in my opinion, are still trap on level 3 and comfortable on level 3, when they could actually enjoy a more peaceful life like they proclaim to be, for most of their lifes.

So yea...


z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

This law of attraction gurus are driving people insane. This law of assumption gurus are driving people insane. This education system is driving people insane. PUAs are driving students, insane.

This *above* is my assumption. Although there are enough evidence to note that all above is driving people me insane, i like to highlight more important things.

@fog my man, I sincerely believe this is the reason why we need to reset the manosphere and actually start understanding this sketch. Only then can we communicate better to new Girlschase members. (Damn it an assumption again).

I need people who are crazy like me.
i want to solve this.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Females, Woman. They are good humans. Hard to believe it. She tries to not lie. :) Also, what is dependent on?

She could have been asked for different things at the 'time' (staging also can be known as context).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

-Brain Image (Object + Emotion)
-Participatory Universe

-Past/Prior Orientred, Current Oriented, Future/Post After Oriented
-Experiment, Develop, Harvest phase



Do You Hate This Post? Maybe you don't like this post? Okay maybe you are baffled.

You are trying to connect to Zac, but could not :(



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"The men just don't get it" - Females
"This modern woman are delusional" - Male


She is correct. You don't get it. You also think that the world revolves around Man. Why would you care so much about gender identity, gender pronoun?

"It's none of your business." - She said, both of transgender woman and female woman also commonly known as cisgender woman, said.


She is wrong and that you are correct, that there is a physical reality. Many has started calling it 'based reality'.

So you must care. You must care.

While both partners mistaken God signals as God, you are a lot closer to reality, based reality than she (both transwoman and cisgender woman) really is

You are more closer than her.


You will see Female's mental meltdown and you have to deal with it in the next 50 years.

It will be a problem.
Woman will make it your problem.
She will make it YOUR PROBLEM.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

It seems like over the years, Girlschase members still don't 'get it's. This is the perceived implication.

You see.

At the most fundamental level, the whole schtick of social warfare, is Power.

Hierarchy of Power
1)Idea (Heaven)
2)Alpha (Hyperbole)
3)Alpha ethics and behaviour (Ferrari, Rolex)
4)Alpha enforcers
5)Alpha enforcers Interpretation
6)The immediate social circle at the time
7)The public

Can Girlschase members put other Girlschase members in a place/state, where it looks bad on them instead of you? This is if all of us are in the same club and we don't know each other.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The Hypocrisy of High Value Men

1)Woman only date up. (Not true)
2)Dating married woman is wrong. (they done it)
3)Woman shit test you to see if you are a man. (Not always true)
4)You are not a Man when you sleep with married woman (they done it)
5)Redpill manosphere is toxic (Not practical)
6)Blackpill is making society bad (nah, you just pinning society's responsibility on me while you add my girlfriends on Facebook)

What's the point of this post, Zac?

Girlschase is having a meltdown.
RSD is having a meltdown.
Redpill is having a meltdown.

Now, I am exaggerating of course. My point is other man are trying to control your life. Meaning that their brain image is crying when you date married woman. Because they are married. Zac hates you because you get girls thru your strategy, not his brain image strategy.

At the end of the day, until we meet in Heaven,
Privatise profits. Socialize losses ;)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

the Brain needs similarity, participatory universe and staging (response from participatory universe), Part 1.


Fog, Swati and other members were on the chats recently and Swati was mentioning how there's so many moving variables.

One thing that was consistent in his sexual escapades of the two, is how one of the girl needed something in between. Now, I called this participatory universe (Credit: Professor John Wheeler. "Play" - Jordan Peterson)

TLDR: So, the brain needs

1)Similarity aka Familiarity
(Still Face Experiment - Dr Edward Tronick)

2)Participatory Universe
(contingent on similarity)

- "What about me?" - Fatty (Plus Size Chick)
- *Your tiktok comment on other people's relationship/marriage/lay reports*

Diagnosis: Similarity and also Projection

Email Conversations with @Chase , Part 16
get upset, but then get over it... same dynamic his parents had. It was his template, and what he needed to reenact with a girl.

I was previously judging relationships by metrics like "Does this relationship make you a stronger/better/more effective man?" and "Is this woman causing unneeded distraction and drama in your life to the point where it's seriously derailing you from other goals?" and some such, but... that's because those are my own priorities; I want to improve, and I don't want to be dragged into having to cheer up depressed people. For my friend, he's more a guy focused on having the right appearance than he is on practical improvement, and he actually enjoys being the guy who sweeps in and turns the frown upside down. He'd probably feel adrift if he didn't have that.

'Truth'/'Logic' = Similarity from Past (Brain image)

in order for Brain to make sense of the world.

Forgive me because I am still assembling pieces of what I have found. So whatever you see in sketches, are just pieces.

That I sincerely hopes helps in some way for now.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Before You Argue with the next Girlschase member, Use this as reference.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

A level of disappointments in the chat because we could not get this chick because she was too shy. Another was drunk and moving, and one was a chaos scene.

Diagnosis: A Story of Zac. Making Peace with Our Disappointments

Recently, i met a group of guys whom i have never met before, for football (soccer). While i was playing the game, and i have not play the game for years, a guy noted to me that "i am playing too much". and i smell a little resentment if not a lot of it as time pass. He feels that i could have been so much more.

Over the years, i have been receiving this variation of comments, online and offline, including members from Girlschase

"Zac, you are playing too much."
"Zac, you are complacent."
"Zac, you didn't pull the trigger."

Now, before i apologize sincerely to anyone who i have hurt, both online and offline. i like to elaborate.

For this football game, i didn't know the place. i didn't know the people. i didn't know the pace of the game they play. i didn't know anything. i also did not have my football shoes halfway thru and had to wear a runners shoe to play the next hour.

I didn't have the brain image.
My subordinate, although he was a regular member there, had an image. 'Potential' of Zac is something better, and greater.

For the girls whom i missed out on and i still missed on them everyday. I didn't know where you stand. I didn't know what you feel about me. I didn't realize that me looking like shit actually means something to you. Actually i kinda know. i always know, even though we were in an office or job interview or you were selling me something and you are smitten. I knew. I just needed to force the image out. i did thru teasing, trolling or to be blunt honest, i coward.

i didn't have the brain image.
My girls, did had an image. 'Potential' of Zac being something better and greater.

Now, what's the lesson here, Zac?

i have seen our members here, getting disappointed by females, because they gave out an image, 'potential'. A potential that she and you can get together, and that you are disappointed.

It is important to understand that while she may give image 'potential', she does not realize that she is giving that signal (image).

1)She has to recognize the image she is sending
2)She must be able to see how to get there (the next one)

You can use any freshnfit video on why Men don't like their women to go to clubs, and see the girls reaction. The girls personally do not realize that they are giving that signal (image) to other man that they want to get pounded, even if they do not.

But what's in it for you?

Often times, you yourself do not realize that you too are giving out signals (image) that makes girls smitten. To you, You are having a bad day. You dressed terribly. But she doesn't see it that way. So, You don't have the brain image. You also cannot jump from the image because you don't know what image you are standing on.

She only sees your image as 'the guy'.

So... Try to reference this post from time to time, realize that girls give out 'image' that looks 'potential' (to something tangible aka sex), and they may actually not want sex.

Also, she needed to see how she can move from her current image to the next one.

Credits to Chase, for this video

p.s: i sincerely apologize if I ever gave image 'potential' by accident or not. If you realize after reading this post, sometimes the equipment (football shoes) isn't there. Sometimes you have a bad day. Sometimes the situation doesn't help.

this is the tragic story of Men and Women. Two brain images always bypass each other.


the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Mitigate Your Girlfriend's/Wife 'void' period.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I hope this helps you cure your anxiety at some level, no matter what it is, that you do.


"I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking." - Superman

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)