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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
So I heard.

So I heard that Barbie is woke. Just maybe, consider that Barbie isn't woke. And that most Man sees Women's Hero Journey thru the lens of Men's Hero journey.


"I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking."

- Superman



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

As you get wiser (older), you need a bigger goal as a reason to date girls who are younger. Example: musician, art, business, travel, dance, philanthropy.

Thus, why life mission is important. Having your life mission helps her need an excuse, and that life mission is as an excuse for her to get with you. However, if your life mission is what you sincerely believe, she doesn't care about the public. Because she knows that the public wants something from her.

That has been ingrained in her since she was 12 when her perverted uncles and strangers keep looking at her.

Woman strive for an ideal world, that she can image.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Things are getting too political" - Forum chat


Here's the quick projection from @Chase


Yes, it's not totally clear what you're driving at in these 'secrets' posts.

What I gather is:

  • What is 'cool' has shifted. Before, being anti-establishment was cool. Now, being pro-establishment is cool
  • There is no true universal shared morality. Most people do not realize this
  • Everyone is going to suffer over the next N years, but GC members not quite as badly
  • Chase has some ability to help the people, but you're not certain he will
  • If the media comes for this community, Chase will bear the brunt of it directly, so that factors into his calculus

What I'd say is:

  • I agree with you, what is 'cool' has shifted. Although it seems to be in the process of shifting again. A lot of the pro-establishment stuff is bleeding its cool by shilling too much for the already-powerful-and-uncool

  • Yes, there's no shared/universal morality. Most people project their own morality onto others and assume others must share their own morality. They are not actually conscious of the variety of different moral positions that different groups, peoples, and even classes within the same society hold

  • I also agree we're in for some rough times ahead. I do hope (and believe) members of this community will fare better than most -- they think for themselves more, are more aware of what's coming, and have taken steps to prepare themselves better

  • At this point, it is unclear what else I can do outright aid people, at least with GC. Our reach is relatively limited and we have little cultural clout. The gatekeepers of broad public access (mainstream media + social media + YouTube) are consistently plugging "loopholes" in their cultural control narrative (e.g., Donald Trump exploited such a loophole to gain the presidency in 2016. That loophole has been plugged), and they are much swifter at shutting down anything that deviates more than just a bit from the narrative. These people aren't dumb, and you can't fly under the radar enough to not catch their attention while still changing the dialogue enough to effect cultural change. Even if you go in masquerading as being on their side, if at any point you flip, they shut down all mention of you in the media fast enough that you're effectively un-personed. It is very, very difficult to have much reach while going against the narrative

  • Even if I had the reach, it is unclear what I ought to do to actually help people. There is a massive machine focused on driving frenzy among the general populace. That machine is fed and maintained by the wealthy and powerful. You can be one man standing among a stampeding mob telling them to be calm, but if there's a bunch of other men at the far end of the mob yelling fire and shooting rubber bullets into the crowd, there is a limit to how much you can do. It is also the case that over the years I have had many folks try to enlist me in their various causes, without seeming to realize I have a cause of my own right now: give guys good/applicable girls/social advice, so they can get that part of their lives handled, and are then freed up to focus on other areas of their lives

I am actually less worried about a media skewering now than I was before. The media seems to be categorically ignoring certain more problematic (in their view) areas of the web/Internet, so long as those areas aren't directly challenging core narratives. They have private media discussion boards and rules where they have certain topical areas that are basically banned from reporting on.

I would guess based on the dearth of news pieces on pickup there is a rule somewhere that says "Don't report on this at all unless there's a sexual assault case you can tie to it." That seems to be the only thing the media will print on pickup anymore, either positive or negative. Even the sexual assault cases get very little media attention -- they will do a piece or two on it ("Those dirty PUAs assaulted yet another poor girl!") but then bury it. You get at most a one-line mention that the accused is a "pick up artist" in media pieces after that, but they won't run pieces on "pick up artists are a problem" or whatever in mainstream media (you might still find some YouTube videos on it, but YouTube creators aren't MSM journalists, and they don't make too many of these videos because the MSM sets the media agenda and YouTubers want to seem 'current' and 'with it' by hewing as near to that agenda as they can). It's just totally banned as subject matter there.

It's interesting to consider why seduction would have this blanket ban on reporting it seems to have now (and I have my theories on it), but, regardless, it does seem to be the case nowadays.

Anyway, I would just say:

Whatever you think of my capabilities, or my duty to the people, the effective reach I have is limited, I am not really that great of a marketer (I am okay, I suppose), and the shrinking number of loopholes available to exploit the media and generate much attention are both few and far between and much more rapidly discovered and plugged these days, further limiting my ability to do much, even if I wanted to, or had some clear idea about something else I could do that I wasn't already doing.

I would also say that I believe for now the best advice continues to be Confucius's: when there are no current opportunities to serve well, keep to yourself, continue cultivating your person, skills, and resources, and when the time is right, you will be prepared to lead or serve.


'Master PUA' versus Zac debate?

Be both. I shall repeat this if another member is noting what I believe to me is a 'beginner'/'duh' question.

Be both.



Feb 3, 2020
So I heard.

So I heard that Barbie is woke. Just maybe, consider that Barbie isn't woke. And that most Man sees Women's Hero Journey thru the lens of Men's Hero journey.


"I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking."

- Superman

Ben Shapiro did a 40 minute review of Barbie. It was funny to see if you're interested:



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The core distrust between Men, and Woman.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I was logging in into the forum and I stumble upon the chat. Apparently, the guys were noting to each other on why man are dating terrible girls.

And I had a clash, with one of our senior members. Old Zac again. This emperor no clothes guy. Always picking a fight. This old Zac guy in the club, living off his past glories, sipping his coke. Fortunately, Zac doesn't drink! Anyway..

Essentially, he believes that screening is only important post lay, while I believe that screening pre-lay is crucial. Digging in further, we both had an implied agreement.

- Zac believes screening is crucial, pre lay
- Zac did say that screening is limited pre lay
- Zac importance is on the engine before the act

- Member believes screening is only visible after lay
- Member believe screening is just 'prospect'
- Member importance is screening after lay, because that's where her real self will likely appear, over time.


Whenever we argue with someone, it is important to quickly figure out this 3 things. It helps a lot.

1)What they believe
2)What they are trying to achieve/what they think helps them get there
3)What is of importance to them

This 3 pointers, which I list out off the top of my head, because I can't explain my sketch without writing a whole essay.


The argument ended like a dead soul talking to a dying soul.

@Chase , I expect to see all senior members and Redpill/blackpill community to have this kinda vibe in our Convo in the next few decades. Haha



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Recently I had an argument on screening with a member, and it was quickly cleared out when I pause and took a step back and try to find what he deemed as his most important.

Before that, another member noted that other man in his family gatherings are not always quick to vibe with him or be warmth with him.


I would caution the member to be careful of people who warm up to him quite easily. But to also not over invest in people who play too hard to get.

But really, I do not have an answer.

I realize that I'm trying to convince myself, just like the PUA community/Redpill community/Law of Assumption community/Islamic community/everyone.

If if I affirm, if I learn Girlschase, if I learn Redpill, if I masturbate myself I mean visualize, I will get what I want.

The thing is I don't know.

I do know that there's lying by omission and not telling. Both lying by omission and not telling, are both carrying the same wavelengths. The smoke is the same but the fire is not.


ONe of many reasons why I'm at odds with this place and religion community is because I thought that they see this. I thought that Girlschase members, even at the highest levels, or my religion preachers of the past. I thought they see this 'lie by omission/not telling.'

Truth is I don't know, and I don't think they know, and I don't think they know that they doing it.

and the only way to combat this is to only catch it in the act. And only when I catch it in the act, I can start to smell whether there's some level of integrity or humility.

Hector has this. Chase has this. Mist has this. DK has this. This place has some people who's 'aware', for the lack of a better term.

That's fortunate. That somewhat keeps me sane.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

]A Letter to Tribal Elders, Senior Members that Never Got Send]

"I don't think those Man who think that woman suffer cognitive dissonance, is the real problem.

I don't think that Redpill is the problem.

The problem is that we are looking at God waves, instead of using it as reference points. You see. What I am trying to say is that this are symptoms of deeper problems, and this is also why minorites, employees and woman, can't let go of this issue.

Teacher says: Learn Method A and you get girls.
Student learns Method A and he doesn't get girls.
Teacher says: You did something wrong.
Student trys again and fails.
Teacher says: Oh you have to keep trying.
Student tries and tries, and fails.


What is the point of all this, Zac aka trashKENNUT? What point you are trying to get, Zac?

I'm saying that when you point 1+1=2, and the student doesn't get the 2, it no longer becomes truth. It's becomes ideological.

Barring everything else, and let's assume the student is perfect and follows everything to a tee.

Because truth, when used, is pointing 1+1=2.
Taking a Shower means Clean.

The moment someone taking a shower is not clean, it becomes ideological. Taking a Shower is not clean. That's a belief. However, when you shower like this and this and this, that equals clean.

Taking a Shower = Clean. (Becomes ideological)
Shower methods = Clean (Becomes truth)

I know to Girlschase members, this might be a stupid letter, but I'm going to the heart of where everyone's problems is, today.

Again, barring the student is following you to a tee. I'm waiting for members here to blame the wife, girlfriend, girls, students, employee. When members here starts blaming this people I mentioned above, i just smile probably :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Zac is talking gibberish"
"Zac, how is that related?"
"Zac, when you try to make Girlschase for everyone, you will talk to no one."

Also members:
"zac you have not paced. So your lead ain't gonna hit"

Life Lesson: Everything is just a tool, a reference point, a guide to be read, and then try to strive to reach a certain point.

You talk to girls because you prime her for sex. You are not guaranteed to have sex.

Man can't let go. Because man before him, said that if you do this idea, you will get this. And now, God is fucking everyone right in the butt.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Algorithm found me a fun video. So this video is only for the blacks... 👀 I MEANT @mist AND MYSELF.

And an honorary member of the black brown minority community, @Swati who is a pervert for Asian woman. HAHAHA!

Enjoy guys. The caption above is a joke. This video is recommended by my YT algorithm. Quite interesting.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

So on the chats, me and a senior member were discussing on how conversations gets amiss, and then it deviated to decline of America.

How gold does not matter when cash is useless and that food is the only thing that matters. While we joke that Chase needs to buy a bunker. The 'Girlschase Nuclear Retreat'.

I do believe this video will help guys, and reinforced Zac's point of being a 'Master PUA', is not enough.

And in order to protect ourselves, our loved ones, we need Power. Redpill community job is to make money. Blackpill community job is to make money. So is all of the communities that goes against governments.

I hope this video helps in anyway possible.

Bless everyone



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Diagnosis: the Heaven Conversation while God watches

Men: "I am the prize. You are the prize."
Women: "You sound like Oprah."
Men: "I am the grand prize. There's no adversarial prizing."
Women: "I know. But you are still the one sitting on the throne."

Men: "At least you felt good being by myside."
Women: "Yea, if they are on your side."

1)Finding Girls whom values are converging with yours.

2)You can't Let go as a Man. Recognize it.

Happy New Year, Zac!

Yeah, low level, high level... it's all perspective, really. And need/desire. The less you want or need something, the less power others have over you. The businessman trying to impress the Tibetan monk with his Ferrari, for instance. In this case, the businessman wants the feeling of being impressive (which he cannot get) more than the monk wants access to the businessman's value (the monk couldn't care less), and so the businessman walks away feeling lower level.

Now, if the monk drops out of the monastery and decides his true calling is to go get rich and rake in heaps of cash, he may find himself at the businessman's office begging for a job and holding said businessman in awe. Just kind of how these things go - but it's all related to what you want and hope to get vs. what others want and hope to get from you. If they need you more than you need them, you're higher level; if you need them more than they need you, they are.

In this way, you can actually form a bit of a paradox; the rich guy who can't get laid but desperately wants to is lower level than the PUA who doesn't care about money, but if that PUA desperately wants to learn sculpting and the sculptor he wants to learn from isn't interested in teaching and doesn't care about getting girls (perhaps he's gay), the PUA is lower level; and maybe the sculptor desperately wants to become rich and would really like to learn from the rich guy, but the rich guy doesn't care about sculpting and doesn't have time to teach him, so the sculptor is lower level than the rich guy. Thus, rich guy < PUA < sculptor < rich guy, and the dragon eats its own tail.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

It's funny because you guys says that redpill/freshnfit are not giving credible advice. They do. It's not enough being 'MASTER PUA'. You can only get away with it for so long. They are necessary to society.
*Forum goes crickets*
Yeaaaappppppp. The silence. K bye :D

Conclusion: @Chase original comment post

Keep in mind though, we're all in some kind of matrix.

We just choose different matrices.

It is the illusion of life (and hubris) that ours is the true view from outside the matrix, and those who don't share them are the ones trapped within it.

Why people choose the matrices they do, and how they move between them, is an interesting topic.

The prevailing view in Western society seems to be "if someone is in a matrix, it's because he's been duped into being in it."

But the more I've examined it, the clearer it's become to me that "if someone is in a matrix, it is because he reasons at some deep level that being in this matrix is the best place for him to be right now."

It's easy to stand outside someone's matrix and say he'd be so much better if he left his matrix and came over to yours. But would he?

Could he survive within it? Or would he just flounder?

Would it actually serve his interests?

Do you KNOW his interests?

It makes more sense to me to judge what someone's interests and capacities are by what matrix he chooses to subscribe to.

Someone in a different matrix than you is telling you he has different values and aims and abilities from you.

The one exception is people who are looking around, casting about for answers, doubting their matrix, trying to get out. That is someone whose matrix is no longer serving him, who is looking to move to a different matrix. That guy you can help pull into your matrix, and perhaps your matrix is the one where he needs to be.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Quick Forum Help For Precise Post, Sharing

1)Whenever you want to write a post, you see the three dots above, everytime you write a post.

There's a " on one of the tab. It's after the emoji.

When you press it, it will appear like this.

Then, you can fill inside the grey box, whatever it is you want to write.

It will appear like this
Hello, this is Zac :D

Now, for the orange block that you see members posting on their journals, you will need to just copy the website link, and paste it. It will appear like this.

To share the post that you want, you find the post that you want. Then, look under person's name. Then below the rank, you will see on the right side, there's three small signs.

One is for link.
One is for bookmark
One is for post number.

Click the first one, the link. Copy the link. Paste it on your new post. It will pop up



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

A good reminder from time to time
As for gridlock, I assume you mean information gaps between strangers (or even folks close to each other) in a resource-constrained universe. So long as we inhabit a non-infinite resource universe, people will always selectively present themselves to others to influence outcomes in a competitive, limited world. Even if you could find a way to immediately sync all the brains in the world, and get around the information gaps we presently have, individuals would seek ways to limit what information they sync to preserve competitive advantages over others.

Only two ways around information gaps, competition, and selective presentation, manipulation, or deception:

  1. Create a universe of infinite, instant resources. Not even wildly abundant resources enough. Because some guy will still come along and say, "I have everything I could ever want. Except power over a bunch of other powerful people who have everything they could ever want. Therefore, I will seize all their abundant resources and make them work for me." There must be infinite, instantaneous resources, such that the seizure of others' resources becomes pointless in and of itself.

  2. Perfect information shared among perfect clones. If everyone is a perfect replica of everyone else, and all sync our replica brains into a hivemind, where lossless information is shared perfectly across all minds, you also make all the clones 100% on-board with total transparency and zero competition.
Anything short of an instant, infinite universe or lossless information share among identical clones means you will have limited resources, which means competition for those resources among varied and unequal individuals, which means individuals will seek to leverage communication, tools, and appearances to achieve their best outcomes.

tl;dr a site like GirlsChase.com, or this conversation you and I are having, would not even exist in either of those above two scenarios, because there's no need for them. But we are not in those scenarios, and barring the after life likely never will be, so they're little better than a thought experiment.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

tHe Female Hero's Journey

If you happen to notice, the essence of every nation, no matter where you are right now, is the journey that Woman are going thru, right now.

Today, Woman (Cisgender, Female).. are going thru this journey, right this moment,

They are struggling to be free from
- Man (object(ive))
- Patriarchy (staging, structure),
- Patriarchy (systems)

Not so much that Females despises Man, although that seems to be the case, at least verbally, and much more so image and video in social media. And there's many reasons why woman are unhappy today, and this is aside from the surface level conversations that the redpill and culture war people are talking about.

It is her struggle, the females hero journey on how can she find her place in the world. How she can first find herself, what she really is, then which she can then develops herself, then contributes herself to her society, thru her own means.

But Man don't understand this.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the heavens or God or higher power makes it so that the journey itself needs Man, to help her guide thru it.

This makes it worse, because Man don't understand this. He does not recognize it because he is not aware of it. So he doesn't understand. Because the Man before him, have to fight viruses, wars.

Man never had the time to solve every problem.

But they will, with time. And eventually they will help Woman.

The best part that Zac has learned, is Zac has yet to meet a Women who already finds herself, despise Men.

Because she just can't. :)

God is benovelent. Beyond benovelence.
z@c+ (Quran 2:30)




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


"i drink 3 bottles alone with friends, but with someone i find attractive, i drink 1 bottle and pretend to be drunk"

Conclusion: Senior High Rank Member and Zac chat, many months back. (Not exact translation)

Member: "You have to pretend that you do not know her."

Zac: "You know it's funny because i have thought the exact same thing. We are now living in a world of 'Who blinks first, loses."

Member: "there's no way around it. She can have sex regret and it's over. because the cops have nothing until they find something. So they only have your words, for now, And they will highly likely potentially use it against you."

Why Girlschase don't address issues, is due to many reasons, in Zac's opinion.

Girlschase is just an information business, and also a niche category. It can't address all problems without implying that it will address all problems. thus silence or refrain from fully commenting on specific issues.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

*Commenter after attacking Zac personally, 40 minutes later*
"I can’t have a discussion. This isn’t an argument. I can’t even discuss things with you if it’s not even understandable."

you right, Chase.
they woman always come back. :)
but that's not the issue at hand. and i know I'm using something that's a diff context, and use it on this one. This is just meant to be a tease, if she ever reads this.

yea.. i do sincerely believe that Men, is superior to Women, and that it is a gift, by the heavens. To use it responsibly.

To be the beacon, the light in the sky. i don't believe in the bad boy theory. Because as Chase said himself, The genuine man has the strengths of an asshole, and none of his weaknesses.

i don't know. I'm free. i have dismantle people this year. Been proven correct all this years. i will use this gifts for good. the patterns gets easier to recognize.

i don't know. I'm free
