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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Precedence Precedence:



Sidenote: Brain Image - Zac



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

2 ugly guys talk about dating, be alpha and shit. Everyone these days trying to be podcasters n shit without real experience in life or dating, but these cunts have a camera.
All these mentalities revolve around getting women. I thought for a while red pill was a move away from focusing on women... because that is what the red pill guys will say: "Don't focus on women." "Women aren't worth it." "There are no decent women left." Etc. But look at the content. Everything constantly revolves around women, they talk about women non-stop, and there is a continual promise that "once you are rich, ripped, and alpha male enough, the women will just flow." - Chase

Basically, for @Chase as a business and main celebrity but more importantly as a teacher, how do Chase shifts his students 'brain image'?

Because as example,

Zac is angry. The school system didn't work. The Redpill didn't work. So Zac needs to find a new religion/function.

1)Zac wants women.
2)Zac wants to find ways to get women.
3)Zac found Girlschase (new religion/function)

Girlschase means that Zac gets women. In Zac's mind, Girlschase means that Zac gets women. Zac has not move beyond thinking. Zac sincerely thinks that he already has women, because he found Girlschase and he learn Girlschase. He has not move to the next step.

So in Zac's brain image, he found Girlschase. Desire of Woman > Girlschase.com > Desire of Woman.

Zac has not move beyond thinking.

Now.. as a student of Girlschase, How do you make peace while learning Girlschase? How do you make peace with reality while you are learning Girlschase, and then use it to get woman?

This is where you, as a student of Girlschase, and anything for that matter, will have to be patient. It is because there's not enough gurus that understand this issue.

1)Make peace with reality
2)Learn Girlschase
3)Thinking from the reality that you are Girlschase Tribal Elder/Master PUA

So yea, I have been thinking about this for quite a long while.

How do Zac/Girlschase shift students brain image, while simultaneously inform them students that we are just a vessel, a function to then go get woman/desire. The keyword is then.

Zac/Girlschase is not function that they already now have woman. The keyword is then go get woman.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Credit @Spyce D for original post

There is meetings, but how malicious, and it's effects, we don't know.


I will get back as to why I bump this post above, on this post below.

So I was browsing thru my TikTok and I saw this girl, whom I deemed as innocent. I been following her for quite sometime. Her TikTok videos are funny, at least for locals, not so much for overseas followers.

So get back to the post about this girl.

In the back of my mind, my gut always felt like she's just suppressing it and it will come out somewhere. And tada, her TikTok appeared. And yes, the guy she date, is a fuckboy.

Not surprised at all :)
what does this have to do with pickup?

We have always been projecting an image of ourselves, and not really our true self. Now, this is not always malicious. and I have written this awhile back. Why do everyone have private groups, and it's on the post I link above.

You see..

whenever you meet someone new, whether that chick is blonde or brunette, asian or arab, whatever it is, you must try to rmbr this hierarchy at the back of your mind. You should try to keep this in mind.

1)Her Public Image
2)Her Social Circle Image
3)Her Inner Social Circle/Family Image
4)Her Golden club aka her real self

The last one is the one you never really see, unless you are 1)smart and sleep with her as fast. And even that is not always true prediction.

2)or it is an a long term figuring her out, and you are smart to connect the dots.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I don't know how other guys feel about this but there's a part of me that screams after the thumbs up, or maybe even earlier. Just cut the cameras brah.

Let's go on an insta date.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Getting Infected With 'Uroboros' :D
I thought I share this because I think this is way more complicated than what the public always paint it to be.
As the world gets it's lines blurry, this might help.

Email Conversations With Chase, Part 15
Yeah, 95% of the time it's one of those cases (open wound, sketchy folks, homosexuals... and homosexuals tend to very often both do sketchy things and have open wounds in their anal/genital areas).

You can eliminate most of your risk factor by a.) sticking to girls you meet via day game / no online, no nightlife, b.) screening women for wild/loose behavior.

And yeah, of course, if you have an open wound, don't shag till it's healed.

Got to screen social circle girls too. Guys tend to trust them more because "she's in my social circle, I'm sure she's safe" or "I've known her forever, she must be clean" which is not how that works. Every girl is in some guy's social circle and has some guy she's known ages... including girls with every disease imaginable. I know two guys who shagged tons of girls from cold approach without problems but caught chlamydia by shagging girls from their social circles or whom they'd known a long time. In both cases, they assumed the girl was safe, raw dogged her, and caught clap.

People will tell themselves whatever disease they have is "not that big a deal" or "s/he won't catch it from me" and will downplay, minimize, or hide it. So you can't really rely on this person telling you.

Just have to look for risk factors.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Chase Amante and Girlschase will hate me for this but I'm going FRESHNFIT on this post.
This bitches don't know exactly what they want!!! 😤😤😤



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I don't know how other guys feel about this but there's a part of me that screams after the thumbs up, or maybe even earlier. Just cut the cameras brah.

Let's go on an insta date.

I knew it was going to be 7.5 before he said it.

You can't go over and you can't go same.

Just slightly under is the way.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


If you read the whole thread, there's a lot of patterns.

1)Great text game
2)Structured process
3)Display of artistic prowess
4)Social proof
5)Sex Framing

All of it boils down to how the image is painted, and then animated thru ideology < function < brain image

Ideology > Function > Brain Image

Powered by the Word. (Oh my. I'm biblical Zac)

The word, like what you are reading right now, is viewed thru the lens of her idea of you. When you are reading Zac's post, it is often filtered thru the lens of your ideology.

If someone says Zac, you immediately think of the guy (me) who writes wacky but occasional gold gems. If someone says Train, you think of the friend, and not the moderator. Because your brain image registers him before him become a moderator.

The key here is solving 3 major problems

1)Her idea of you (Image)
2)Your process (Function/The Void)
3)You (Image)




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Passport Bros, Are You One?
Should I get woman in the West or should I go get woman overseas.

FreshnFit implies that American woman are gone. Girlschase implies that you should learn from them. Zac implies that you should learn from him.

Now, It is important for you to understand that other countries, other nations, other cultures does not translates to selecting 'Easy difficulty' of a Resident Evil Game.

Anyway, One day, the rubber will hit the road. Zac has clash with high level guys over here, on what he mentions as the 'East heading West, and the West heading East'. Because it's not visible to those in the West.

it also means that Westerners will turn conservative aka Democrats of before, while the East will freefall, but not as blunt fall as like the West.

The crash of Asia, will be a slow death in the next 200 years. Because Asians lie and they ignore and they pretend and they lie even more. Asia's downfall is themselves because they rather die than to admit that they have gone wrong.

TLDR: I'm old :)


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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

On the chats, I have been discussing, throwing to the guys that the brain doesn't want to do anything that is not familiar. I quoted this somewhat.

"The reason you get fat is because that's the closest brain image that you are familiar with."
And I'm pleased to inform that I am blessed to know that I'm somewhat getting somewhere.

The key here is how do you get something from the past, your past experience, to build upon for your activity, whether that activity is cold approach, or study for an exam or exercise.

Whenever you start to eat, you are filling the void as a bridge to reach your end goal.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


I have had guys mic'ed up on in-fields and listened to them talk to girls, heard or saw the girls drop several signals to the guy to flirt or move things forward, the guy did nothing but continue to talk the way he was talking, the girl got awkward, then left. Then the guys returned telling me, "See, that's what always happens, the girl's not interested," and I say, "Wait, why didn't you move things forward when she was signaling to you to?" and the guy goes, "Huh?" And I say, "When she uncrossed her arms and tossed her hair at you and moved a little closer and laughed, you needed to move closer to her and reciprocate that interest and openness she just showed you with a touch, or a qualification, or some other reward for that good behavior. If you just stand there like you did she is going to feel like her offering to you was rejected, which is a very awkward feeling. That's why she left."

The easy solution for guys who are missing signals a lot is "just mirror whatever she does" until you really get the hang of it. Pay close attention and mirror. This is good advice for anyone who's learning, really...

But yes, time and again, when I watch guys in-field who claim women aren't interested in them, the big problem they consistently have is that they do not respond to women's signals, which makes things awkward for the girl, who then leaves (feeling like something is wrong or that she was rejected by the guy).

(it's not the only problem. They can have big fundamentals problems too, which you think might be your problem. But even with big fundamentals problems you will still be able to find SOME girls who like a guy... if a guy is finding none at all, it's a sign he is having problems with signal awareness/responsiveness)


@Chase is asking for members to operate on something that the brain has not have an image, or familiar with. Our members, or man in general, do not have brain image/familiar experience.

just as Zac is trying to get Chase to operate from a brain image that Zac is operating, and Zac does not know if Chase has the image

Added, they, man in general, are operating from Male Logic. Not Female (Human) Logic.

Outside of Chase and Zac, Zac has not write this post in a way that is enticing/talking to the audience who is reading it. Zac has not masturbate them yet.


Conclusion Conclusion:
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Feb 3, 2020

I don't know how other guys feel about this but there's a part of me that screams after the thumbs up, or maybe even earlier. Just cut the cameras brah.

Let's go on an insta date.

My first thought was why is he just number closing her lol


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
My first thought was why is he just number closing her lol

I would have do what Owen Cook did. RSD Tyler. I would have exaggerate for a few seconds, pick her up, and run with her. But yea, anything can be sexual harassment compared to Owen's time.

He actually did infield again. I'm like 👀

Just need @Chase to do infield for one video. Ginger vs Ginger. The GingerBread Man. Okay i'm joking. Don't ban me further 😅😅😂



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

So, Hector is right.
But Hector is also wrong.

Why is Hector, wrong?
Because both intent, either Good or Sith lord, appears the same to your girl.

1)The girl will then perceive it differently.
2)Man in general, will then also perceive it differently.

But the tangible reality, based reality.. is still the same. Man are ruling the world thru the patriarchal system. Man are getting the top positions. Americans, White Americans are ruling the world.

and this is the core essence of why BLM is correct, "There's no Truth but Power.". It's a quote they got from Friedrich Nietzsche.


Zac believes that one of 'Man's journey' is recognizing this, and only till then he knows what he is up against, in today's society and maybe forever.

This is his challenge.
Man's challenge in this world.

Why Girlschase members should not be evil?

Answer: "How you do one thing is how you do everything."

But Zac, trashKENNUT, :)
isn't your answer more of a functional way to get what you want? And that the reason that you choose to not be evil is because it is to get more of what you want, and having lesser pain in attaining it.

Like how slavery was eradicated because machines are cheaper and less of a hassle?

And then
What about woman, Zac?
Their hypocrisy?
Their female models get paid more?
Their need to control my language ard them?
They are invited into yachts for free?
They get free meals and dinners?
They live life on easy mode?

Zac: Yes, Man are animals.
TikTok woman are right.
Feminism is correct.
"You should kill all man."

What Woman missed, and this is their biggest downfall.. is that Men are still Good

(and women who have seen reality, as reality for what it is,
1)are either erratic (multiple brain/object(ive) images)..
2)or have a healthy of respect for Man, because Men are still good)

This is Zac's experience,
on seeing Woman who have seen reality for what reality it is.

Woman lose no matter what.
Because Women believe that they are Men, and Men believe that they are God.

Women are not Men.
She cannot be Men.

So you should not worry about them, at least not yet. Be the Hero, first.

Be the Hero, first. We must.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

A YouTube comment noted that "Woke ideology is a distraction, and that the monetary system will be replaced. They don't care how much money they lose."

Zac commented: "The US economy will nosedive in the next 5-25 years. You might be right."

Zero likes on Zac's comments. But everyone elses has at least 1 like

Lesson: Masturbate Girlschase members. Masturbate your Wife. Masturbate your Girlfriend. Masturbate your Customers. Masturbate everyone.

The brain has a hard time accepting criticism, especially if it's specifically about the person. Now, to drill this point even further so that members here will hate me. :)

This video at the end where Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, promo, turn into cheering for the underdog.

Humans don't like criticism. Watch this video. Masturbate them :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Day by day,

The hate slowly dissipates. Everyone is full of shit. That's something I always had at the back of my mind. It always lingers. Whether that's this forum or YouTube comments or wherever.

It's hard for me to hate on someone who tries to OneUp me.

They are just humans, like me.

Let alone hate someone who is a BETA. I will champion MASTER PUA person as a manipulation, just to make this forum feel better about themselves. lolx.

At the end of the day, nothing matters except the brain image of the end, being out in the physical. and whether that image which is now physical, can help people.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The main source of pain for new PUA/Girlschase/Redpill members is the physical manifestation.

No girlfriend > Find out Girlschase > No girlfriend

I sincerely believe that the more masturbation (OneDate/Zac Personal sketch/Redpill videos/Law of Assumption video/Law of Attraction videos/Religion videos) that we create, meaning the product, the more important the content is.

More masturbation (Zac sketch/OneDate/Nike shoe/etc) requires more content that pulls the customers/Girlschase members/man.. out of their state. Content must pull them out of their predicament but not so far up your ass that they can't catch up.

Redpill is more popular than Girlschase and Zac because they pull the person out of the rage state.

Hah, I'm at peace. Yes. :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

For my AMERICAN friends. I just read Jackson stuff. It's basically trying to argue with someone who has their own worldview. I thought I chimed in quick with my pov. You can consider this pov.


What the West, Americans, don't realize is that they can ask any modern Muslims, Muslims who are more liberal. That If they ever live in Asia or live in a traditional Muslim household, they can pretty much tell you that feminist, democrats are pretty much similar.

What you call 'Woke', we already have it here.

That invincible cultural enforcement and it doesn't apply to you when you have power/pretty/good looking/access.

I can help explain if anyone wants to learn.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: Chase reply, Digging into Mist

Diagnosis: Should I...

Should I share such knowledge with the world?

or do I let the idea die with me?

No one will know.
Not even Girlschase.
Not even the world.

Because eventually, the high likelihood of the people in power, those with wealth and those with power, will want some of my insights, and how they can implement it in their lifes, their structures and their networks.

They will want to enrich themselves first as much as I want to enrich everyone, not just them.

Will I want that.. and high likelihood that national security and all nations, will be on my ass. And the likelihood of me becoming an asset to a nation that no longer can I do whatever the hell i want and the freedom of autonomy that I so richly enjoy, right now this second.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake