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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Where Men has failed everyone .

1)Asking student (Woman) to have faith (assumption) in an idea (assumption) while asking student (Woman) to do the real work (object(ive)) aka the brain image.

2)Not recognizing that he is actually doing it first and everything starts with 'God'. (Using old school and woke school terminology abit here)

Even this post, he, trashKENNUT aka Zac, doesn't realize that he needs to relate to the audience (staging) and also engage them (Participatory universe).

Only then, the public will follow him.

Everything starts with him.
z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
Man is Human. Men is an Ideal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Sometimes, I feel like attraction has a massive luck element lol
Right time, right place and it doesn't matter your game or looks it seems

We often mistake on this. Our brain thinks in linear.

Chase Amante said that if you shower, you will be clean. Did you shower? Probably yes. The issue is causality.

1) Causality
2) Law of Vacuum

Your brain will always be filled with something. And woman will fill your assumption, once you reach awareness and fundamentals

My mother fills that void. (Sigmund Freud has a point). The girl friends fills that void. I am actually less outspoken compared to where I was years ago, because people fill the assumption void.

If you are doing pickup/looking for girls and your fundamentals is on point, but girls somehow don't respond, and you are now pissed and focus on yourself. You are very annoyed. Woman will smell it and will naturally fill that assumption void for you. Thus you call this 'Luck', which is actually law of vacuum and probabilities of her filling that void because she was there and happens to be there.

Else, other woman will fill that void for you.

It's the after effects of your work on yourself. Don't need to think too much. Haha



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I have not been able to rest well.

I sleep, sure. But my brain is working overtime. A lot of things bothering me. Let me get straight to the point.

I just don't believe that the quality woman I want to date, is accessible via cold approach. Now, this is speaking for me, and only me.

I sincerely believe it's semi cold approach, semi social circle aka familiarity.

There's something about familiarity and many of all things, that I see differently today than let's say 5 years ago, 7 years ago.

There's something in my gut that tells me this today. I know. I'm crazy. I just don't care what you guys think. The patterns are so visible in my head.

Can you get that ideal girl you want via cold approach? Absolutely. Likely? Maybe not.

Recently a Girlschase member note those issue, and we commented that he is fishing in the wrong place.

And this is that gut feeling I have. It's not only the fishing. It's the fishing rod (you), and the bait as well.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Again that goes back to the basic human condition: good at pattern recognition / recognition of forces, bad at systems thinking, prone to anthropomorphizing everything and attributing willful intelligence to observed behavior.

In a way the conspiracy theorist’s world is actually a much safer, reassuring, saner one than the one where the conspiracy theories all blow away:

A world where no one truly has his hand on the wheel, where highly conscious, willful people are an extreme minority, and even their reach is limited, where most leaders are little more conscious than their followers, and almost all action is dictated by the semi-conscious instincts of herds of variously cooperating or competing human animals

Good at pattern recognition:
that's all we can do, because we already here, then perceiving.

Recognition of forces:
Observed movement by 5 senses.

Bad at systems thinking:
Systems are fundamentally run by 1)God 2)Universe 3)Humans

Since humans are at number 3, they are at idea/projection/signal, level. They are not at Object(ive) level.

Prone to anthropomorphizing everything and attributing, willful intelligence, to observed behavior:

Just like the title, 'Law of Gravity', is to attribute to a pattern. We are arguing at signal level.

And it doesn't change anything for our lifes, because law of gravity is 99% pulling our ass down to the grown. Our job here is finding patterns that is similar of 99%, and then work around/on top of it.

Man is Human. Men is an Ideal.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Credit @Spyce D for original post
What happens is people notice these forces against them coming from rival groups, and just like with the sun god and river spirit they anthropomorphize it: “There are secret back room meetings where members of the other group plot everything out in excruciating detail, leading us to the suffering we now face!”

There is meetings, but how malicious, and it's effects, we don't know.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

If Chase responds to me, he must probably admit at some level that secret meetings exist among all high level guys.

If he keeps quiet, he indirectly proves to me that he is just as human as everyone else, and he has that secret group. Now the meaning of secret group is meaning a meet up and a common consensus.

what the ordinary people do not understand is that Chase is not plotting to impregnate the whole western hemisphere. Just as I am not planning to impregnate the east hemisphere because some guys message me privately on Asian females.

This is the crucial detail here. It's usually starts by osmosis, and then it's beliefs linears to a function (action)

They never really had a formal group. It is usually starts by osmosis.

However, just like woman who will keep deflecting because woman need Man. Man will keep denying that secret meetings exist for many reasons.

Why do high level Man deny existence of secret meetings?

1)Because it's either new. I have done this unconsciously.

2)I's not your interest as they assume. I have done this unconsciously and consciously.

3)the last one is unknown maliciousness. Ticket to the dance.

Zac is not a politician. Zac is not Lieutenant. Zac is not a Tribal elder. Zac does not have a degree. So Zac is not invited. So this is more of gatekeeping thing, a ticket to the dance. A ticket that Zac does not have, yet.

the maliciousness level is unknown, because it's more individual.

p.s: Also, there's the niche focus.
Example for Chase, this is PUA site. As much as I like to bring up interesting notes, the Pickup comes first.

Then there's the Assortment problem
So high level elites have to slow down the poor people by making them eat bugs because this is limit resources world and they have to slowly figure out how to sort everybody.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Law of Attraction Community:
Guru: Just do this and Instant manifestation
Student: where's my manifestation?
Guru: It's your old belief. (Masturbating)

Law of Assumption Community:
Guru: You can manifest easily.
Student: why I can't manifest?
Guru: It's your 'self concept'. (Masturbating)

Self help Community:
Guru: You need this book to grow rich.
Student: why I'm not rich?
Guru: You need to buy this book. (Masturbating)

Education Community:
Teacher: You need a degree to get a job.
Student: why I don't get that job?
Teacher: You need more degree (Masturbating)

GIrlschase Community:
Teacher: Do this and she will suck your dick.
Student: why she never suck my dick?
Teacher: it's your energy (Masturbating)

Zac: I'm always correct.
Student: She was interested. You didn't read that she was making out with me.
Zac: That's not my problem (Masturbating)

Electronic Community:
Sales: You need DDR5 graphic card
Student: It's still lagging
Sales: Must be the internet. Must be the cooling system. Must be your grandfather. (Masturbating)

ABove is the reason why you are so angry at the world. Above is the reason why you get triggered when you see news you don't like on your phone.

Above is why you throw your laptop to the ground because it's lagging.

To help you snap out of the 'mental loop'

Step 1: Awareness
Step 2: 5 senses aka Early Childhood experience
- Brain Image (5 senses)
- Act (Participatory Universe)

Step 3: Assumption (Masturbating)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

If 'game' is as what is sought out to be, I wouldn't need to always influence people all the time. In fact, I posted an old post about this

At some level, you have to have some skin in the game. Just how it is



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Still deep in the anal rectum. At the end of the day, Physical output manifestation, matters.

Not Law of Assumption nonsense affirm and 'you don't need to do anything'. Not Law of Attraction think as if and 'be happy'. That's not realistic.

If really what people say is that flashy/extravagant things don't do anything, your lifestyle and life activities probably say to me that you lying.

At the end of the day, the one who sits on the throne wins. There's no two ways about it. The one lying is the one on the throne.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
*cough cough*
*cough cough cough*

I like the team analysis. I'm trying to help some of the other guys level up to where I'm at as much as possible, either with girl skills or with writing skills. There are plenty of guys on GC who can do things with women that are impressive to me (like Alek or Cody) but simply need to get better at writing so they can reach the point where they're communicating and sharing that value as efficiently as possible.

There's great power in "soft". Hard people can never learn to be soft, but soft people can learn to be hard, and if you can bridge that chasm, what you're left with is the ability to be soft when needed, and hard when needed. The challenge is that most soft people never learn to be hard, and hard is the more expedient thing to be in more situations, so on average hard people succeed more than soft people do. The soft people who learn to emulate and act like hard people tend to have the most success of all, though.


"Even in submission, She knows what she is doing." 😄


#1 reason - strong personalities like to win, and they like to sit at the top of the food chain.

Throw two strong people together where neither one is willing to submit himself to some degree to the other and take on more of a student-learner role, and you'll have two people who can maybe be casual friends and information share and hang out once in a blue moon, but too much time around each other and they'll be at each other's throats before you know it.

Just look at any good two-partner team in a legendary business - there's always one dominant partner and one partner who stays out of the limelight and works in the background. Same deal on sports teams - the successful ones have one real star on offense who takes the lead, and maybe some secondary and tertiary stars, and often the same setup on defense if there are different offensive / defensive teams. Same thing in friendships and romantic partnerships - there can only be one leader.

Maybe think of different bands of gorillas, each one headed by a big, dominant silverback, with a couple of reasonably strong subadult males providing support. If the lead silverbacks of two different bands spy each other at the fringes of each male's territory, they'll probably make some signs of grudging respect, but if they start hanging out together it's going to be fists and fangs.

It's mostly down to testosterone's winner effect - once you really get going with the winner effect in full gear, you start wanting to win at EVERYTHING, and DOMINATE everything - second place just doesn't appeal anymore. When you have two or more people for whom second place is not enough, you're going to have a dogfight. Sometimes things settle out with time and the loser of the fight "learns his place" and accepts it (or bides his time until he can seize power), but usually the loser ends up going his separate way to seek out somewhere else he can be #1 instead.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The ability to be Number 1 or Number 2 when necessary. One Way Machismo wins you battles, not Wars.

Loved by celebrities and fans.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Can GirlschaseTV be this interesting too?

or just focus on being the best 'pipe'? :D


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
*cough cough*
*cough cough cough*

@Chase , you are not going to ask your teachers/older people if they having sex, right?

*Probably referring to Zac assumption of teachers who hurt Zac. "wHo hUrtz yOu brAh."

Zac: No. But as much as you do not like 'state' as a phenomenon because it's intangible, this is also another one of.

It's bad to keep ignoring the peasants, Chase :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Funny enough.

A song I been listening since I was a young adult. Explains the state of dating in 2023.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

If you have been on the chats recently, I been getting a little heated with a few members.

Member A believe that Girlschase should stay seduction. Zac believes that Girlschase can help guys here, try to achieve not only PUA goals, but business/job/money goals.

In his personal view, Girlschase will be such a waste to throw away on just seduction only. Although he knew that Chase himself often implied that this is seduction only place, Zac just can't help but to feel that this place is wasted, and could have reach a lot more people.

I am going thru my second unwiring at age 30+.

The first unwiring was Trump/mainstream/Islam, basically anything that is mainstream and how I think about the world. Trump 2016 just made me curious and when I look into it, everything click.

i was already unwiring before 2016, thanks to PUA and my curiosity. Trump election just made me curious. Open the Google tab, search, listen and everything change.


My second unwiring is difficult, different and painful. It's how I feel about the PUA/redpill community. I am going thru this right now. This second unwiring is difficult because I essentially left on my own because I truly am an adult now. Not that I wasn't an adult, but I'm an adult now, if that makes sense.

and if I'm bitter by the end of my life, I can feel that it's fine because I recognize how difficult it is to unwire, and when I see older guys gets bitter, I feel relatable.

What triggered me to unwire the second time, was when I see that redpill guys got wrecked by Blue Hair 'Cucked' Influencer, Destiny, I was like wait. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong here.

So I started to listen more. I started questioning Girlschase members to consider other opinions. And lord behold, they fall onto the same trap as those before them.

They now become old. What is beginner-y and/or unrecognizable to them because of topics or language, they dismiss it. They become angry. Their brain image is not catching up to them. Because they are now senior members. Any new brain image is annoying, hurting to the brain.

This is where i felt that I could not be a part of this place without being skeptical. Because in the past, I didn't need to do that as much.

Now I'm a little conscious, and abit sad, but I guess that's life. Things gets diluted over time but I try to enjoy here while it is best.

That's all I can do, not just here, but life. I guess this is life.

z@c+ (Quran 49:13)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Don't give up on your dreams Kenny!

I mean that!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
It starts with me.

Girlschase/PUA/Redpill community, implies that they want woman to have faith in their object(ive), which is ultimately an assumption, an idea, an ideal.

While woman today who now has power, have exposed themselves as being no different than man who has power.

The Black Lifes Matter movement has a point: "There's no Truth but Power." And thru understanding that, I can now help change the world
