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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

In case you guys have noticed, that I am not Alpha13SC. I am Alpha14SC. So... Mods and members here. I have changed my profile pic back. I love my Yeonwoo. (not that Alpha13SC motorcycle). :p

Please again, do not be alarmed. It was meant to be an April Fool's prank. And it was a good one. Unfortunately, everyone manages to catch on fast. It makes me wonder if all our members here are secretly, women. Because our members CSI seems to imply that they are better than them!!!


There seems to be an element of toughness whenever you browse thru the manosphere. Whether it's PUA or Redpill community, there seems to be an implication, a hint, a smell that if you show weakness, you are a loser.


A large number of my former co workers, whom are those macho man Randy Savage, or pretends to be, does feel sad when I leave a company.

I was curious as to why. This friend of my mine, whom was a co worker, who look into the truck that I just boarded and look out thru the window, back onto this place that I work for a few years ago. He looks like he was crying. He looks like he was pissed, as he look at me from a distance, looking into the truck.

It feels like he didn't want me to go.


A lot of males, man, are human beings just like everyone else. And if you lean more towards being on the softer side of a man, it's good to allow others to poke into your softer side.

that is until it is time for you to leave. Then this is where you start teasing them, just a little bit.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Man and Woman should have a separated section" - Muslims

Also Muslims:
*Zac calls out FEMALE for having a man in the female section in the Mosque on level 2. She was silent.*

That's taboos.

If you ask a forum about whether the guys on the forum consider it taboo, you are going to get different responses based on the cultural backgrounds of the participants.

Men who share your culture are going to say yes, it's taboo. Men from your culture who have unplugged from your shared cultural milieu may think it less taboo. Men from completely different cultures may find it odd that you find it taboo.

Perhaps the more interesting question might be, "WHY is this taboo in my society, while in others it is not?"

And no facile answers like, "It's the patriarchy!" or "We've made progress!"

You've got to dig to the nuts and bolts of it. Typically it's due to the way people live and progress through different phases of life changing as a society changes.
"Taboo is a good word for it.

Separating one's own morality from the taboos of a society is one of the most difficult and important works of self development in the course of establishing an individual identity. That doesn't mean you can always follow your own morality, at least not without cost. But to know where the true moral boundaries lie means that not only will you be able to make good decisions on morally ambiguous questions, but also live with the consequences of your choices (and even grow in strength within them) regardless of what happens"


This is my story. This is many young man's story. In fact, I will link my post below over the years. Now this is where I have to be careful, and be patient.

Because yes... Man have been betrayed by the republic. The Public. The public that claim morality and law and order. This essence is the reason why I'm forced into the culture war. Because I want to shine a light on this.

Westerners and Americans of Girlschase, don't understand it. In fact, a lot of people do not.

So I'm on this journey alone,
and hopefully everything
that I work for, will turn out alright.

Everything that I hope, will turn out alright.

Sidenote Post:

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Because males, man tend to operate on logic. As an example: you guys learn ABC. You guys only operate from ABC
I've got to say sometimes women are being credited as very intuitive super smart creatures who understand men really fast. But a lot of times I see them make miscalculations
That's the thing. You guys think in logic and linearity
I figured you were speaking more in terms of action-reaction
"You give sperm, she creates life. You give her money, she spend it" are you speaking roles functions or purpose and humanity. One of these is fine, but in a different context you have just gone very subversive


When I mean that Women are 'Dumb'.
the word 'Dumb' means it needs a subject (image) to operate. If it doesn't, it dies.

1. dumb has a negative connotation. If you are going to use that you have to explain it more unless you want to get dragged into a stupid moral argument. Dumb meaning what exactly???
2. "You give sperm, she creates life. You give her money, she spend it" are you speaking roles functions or purpose and humanity. One of these is fine, but in a different context you have just gone very subversive


She needs a brain image.

1)Her Father
2)Her Father Thoughts
3)Her Father Ideology

When Man criticizes Woman, and it is the actual truth, she can't register. Because there's nothing in her brain that has that image, except the image of you.

If you are enlightened, she feels 'love'.
If you are condescending, she will tell you "I feeel like <insert>..."


Zac is confident why Females can't accept criticism. Because there's no brain image except of you and she can only then multiplies as her 'function'.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
"Man is Human. Men is an Ideal."

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

That's too edgy to discuss with people you do not know
She had suggested that the Palestinian state should have “some form of communism or ML”. The communist manifesto

I don't want to tell members here to think of yourself as God/Jesus Christ/High deity....
and woman as an exaggerated version of Man, but I guess there might be no other way.
Are you suggesting that we should treat women as silly and cute and also as frail, misguided mortals?
I do view woman as frail, misguided mortals. if we were to put it in human terms. As someone who has reach enlightenment, and ppl here have said the same, I do view woman as misguided mortals.
Seems a little egotistical and chauvinistic. Isn’t Man supposed to descend from his throne?
On a human level, it does look egotistical, chauvinistic, I'm better than you.

pIt’s true that Man is generally supposed to lead. And stuff. But…to consciously think that way can in turn affect one’s view of oneself.
Well is not that the ultimate challenge of Man, being put on this earth?
You are always coming back to God/Awareness. Only until man recognizes this, then he can help solve the world. Thus this is what i meant by Man has to descend from his throne



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Girlschase is not listening - Zac

Diagnosis: Empirical Evidence That What Zac has said throughout the years has been reintroduce here in the forums through articles and post, of members experience. (Oh don't challenge me, I can probably list it out. Not to mention the brain image thing, as the recent one.)

The problem with language bias is compounded by ChatGPT. As it is primarily trained on English language data, it presents the Anglo-American perspective as truth [even when giving answers in other languages] – as if it were the only valid knowledge.
Unsurprising, at least for me.

It’s obvious that an statical tool is going to be heavily influenced by the data source.

Although, following the same logic, one may argue that the internet itself is Anglo-centric biased which… well, it’s true.


t's a gift, given by the Heavens that I am fortunate enough to see small little details that is crucial in everything.

LIfe. This petty little humans denying my experiences that could have help them. :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

If you ever feel that Girlschase has not promoted your rank, or that you have not been promoted at your job,

3)Know yourself
4)Know what you have done
5)Know what you can do
6)Use my image to recognize why you are not promoted

WHen you are not promoted whether by Chase or your company,
it's often because number 1 is your skillset, (look above and self reflect)

Then it is the resources are limited and they need you at a low rank to run the machine... or there's overabundance of, example free money during disasters.
Thus, many of causes for empires falling, for both reasons, limited and overabundance of



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Some member posted, asking what Facebook dating is like. I will try to look for more of online dating like Facebook/website dating apps.


Context (Staging): Female, Asian
Game type: Online

With online game, it is still picture regardless.


With online gaming, it is still picture regardless. But there are times like when Facebook dating started appeared, competition wasn't aggressive and women were hopeful.

So it's pictures, skillset (messaging), and early investing into a new product.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

the good one scored much higher on dark triad traits than average and below average seducers. More specifically, on Machiavellianism and Narcissism but typically low on psychopathy


I smell patterns. The patterns are
1)individual freedom,
2)self-belief from early experiences,
3)moral values vs means to an end (freedom).

Conclusion: Email Conversation With Chase, Part 10
Yeah. And I mean, don't go as far as Anthony - he's the kind of guy that, really, if you point out to him that he's using a girl in a completely selfish way and potentially harming her for the future, he may just laugh in a "haha, guess you got me there!" kind of way. I don't think you're like that so you'll just need to be careful about what you do.

People always get hurt... it's somewhat unavoidable. The general rule is, women won't get hurt with you so long as they feel more powerful than you, don't depend on you, and don't care about you that much. On the other hand, women WILL get hurt with you if they feel less powerful than you, depend on you, and care about you more deeply than you do them.

Different types of women respond to power differentials like this differently. Soft women seek these situations out, because they want to find a powerful man to take care of them. Powerful women often resist powerful men because they fear being broken and driven off-track by a man they can't control (this is why I personally like powerful women - it's no challenge getting a soft woman to submit to you, but with a powerful woman, it's much more of a test of your abilities. Most men prefer a softer woman who will more readily submit, however; they don't want to be tested so much, they want lives of comfort. That's fine and normal). - <cont> - Chase

Sidenote Post: @Chase , maybe you need to dig into this. https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/SD3/

I did do a somewhat similar test years ago with good seducers from another forum. the good one scored much higher on dark triad traits than average and below average seducers. More specifically, on Machiavellianism and Narcissism but typically low on psychopathy. - Warped Mindless
Some PUAs higher on the scale on Machiavellianism after getting into pickup, because fielding you come to realize some faults of reality they thought to understand
.... probably even higher on the scale if they came from trauma from the past to be honest.. but i've also noticed the top tier guys are generally better than your average puas - SWATI
Trauma and early experiences plays a huge role. I read some of the guys results and i can somewhat smell their past experiences. - trashKENNUT
trauma is their motivator and drive to continue this shit... but the average pua, they never go to extend to gaming consistently for too long.

the really GOOD ONES unless the trauma has to be more painful than just your average being cheated on and shit - SWATI
Also individual freedom and structure. How does one values freedom. Looking back at my jobs, it's more individual freedom and also trauma - trashKENNUT
ex) my 44 yr old wing his never gonna stop gaming i just know because he has some degree of aspie/ trauma experience that almost made him lose his kids and his freedom endding up in jail and shit... not a horrible guy.... but the dude came from some fucked up shit. to some extend pussy is a cope. - SWATI
yeah maybe... normally the "naturals" dont do this shit for LONG PERIODs of time is generally the PUA that stay longer. I'm actually quiet interested in the reason why teevster is STILL interested after all these years. quiet fantasticating to me. his the longest runner- SWATI
4.2 in narc but I don't agree. I'm just confident in some ways. I have a narc in my family and she is unbearable. Her worldview always caters to her. My worldview is...this will sound narc...better haha - mist

Sidenote, Video: Teev reminded me of Covert narcissism. And I'm trying to put things together.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Past experiences = Brain Image = State





Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

If you really want it, you get it. -. Quote

Throughout the years, I have had responded to females on all walks of life.

- Real life
- Social Media

I have answered the question that they asked. Now... while the question may sound logical. The fact is that humans do want not truths. We want narratives.

The bible is a story, with truths underneath.
The Quran is a story, with truths underneath.

Because I believe that humans do not want truth. We want narratives.

My job now is how do I answer Girlschase members narratives, while I lay truths underneath it.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I just read @Enki cold approach.

I felt it. It sucks. Not gonna lie.

Credits to @Chase for noting this video years early on Girlschase.

In a perfect idealistic world, with no ego and jealousy, there will be creation of beautiful moments, memories and relationships.

I guess we do not live in that world. Life...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Sidenote Post: The Art of The Human Scam

On a serious note, why is Zac creating new words? I am just a new Girlschase member. I don't understand what he, Zac is saying. In fact, he makes it more worse sometimes.

Why is my job promotion in my company based on 'performance'? What is performance? What is the meaning of performance?

Now, Zac here again. Please do understand that humans, are not aware of what they are doing.

Word = Ideology < Function < Definition



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The Brain thinks in Linearity
God willing, Insyaallah, If the universe permits



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Idea/Unknown/Faith of Idea

1-2-3 is operational on all axis, 360 degrees. This is crucial.

Haven't added Participatory Universe + Staging (Starts from God's Universe > Solar System > Earth > Ecosystem > Human Body > Male/Female > Family > Culture > Education System > Capitalism > continue)





Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Sidenote Post
If Chase was honest as to why you suck with women.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

All the top guys have the same patterns. Just the way they think about it is different. - Girlschase Chat

Yes, we senior members... we kinda blow smoke up your asses. It wasn't intentional. Infact, in business, you have to do this. You need to keep selling stuff. You see this everywhere across all niches.

Anyway, As you get better, high level stuff (mental reality) is only a means to get her and it must link to physical reality, the image.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"You do not have the brain image of the new girl that you are seeing"
- trashKENNUT, Zac

"I’ve realized a lot lately about how when I’m in set or even just in certain social situations I need to just be"

I'm not asking every member here to be blind, or just let everyone walk all over members.

But you don't have the brain image of the new girl you going on a date this week. You can only familiarize with your feelings to help you guide.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello Girlschase,

I been deriving questions from the mental loopholes that I observe in humankind. My question is would you be interested in having a social experiment in this forum where everything that you believe, all your life, what is near and dear to you.. will be use against you?

I will list out questions and you have to answer all of them. As a defence for you, you will also give me some quick reasoning as to your answer to the question.

What's the likely worse part of this social experiment? You will never see life the same way again. :/

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Facts don't care about your Feelings - Ben Shapiro

Facts matter.
Feelings matter.

1)Facts of Variable A, moving to Variable B, must be established, or recognize. Or else, it falls.

Girlschase members here mentally dies because I didn't build that golden bridge.

2)Emotions in the individual state, and linking both state.

If I don't recognize it now, it's a or baby oh


Sidenote Post:



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: Compelled Value
Zac said to Girlschase member: "Compelled value". as he wonders if this female is interested in him.

She occasionally is interested in sleeping with him but meh. She gets intimate with him a little bit but then pause. She goes cold again. She then wants it again.

Zac told the Girlschase community. Whenever he started getting fundamentals right, he gets indirect challenges.

The community didn't believe it for years. The community couldn't see, that fundamentals is key. The other half of fundamentals is whether or not, you have tangible money/value to back it up.

Compelled Value, or threshold. Humans need it. They always need something to be unhappy. Meaning they always need the next thing.

The world is ending + Climate change.

If I can masturbate Girlschase members with something similar of the world is ending + climate change, I found the right formula.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake