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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
lol, it’s not black pill, Zac. Black pill would be “All girls have impossible difficulty level girl game. So don’t even try anything with them. Just retreat to your compound in the woods and wait for the world to burn!

I have my own definition of what is blackpill, Chase.

This is me if I ever become blackpill, and also what I will do to 'trashcan' @mist and @Surveyor if he keeps laughing at our members post. :mad::mad:😤



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

What Separate’s Masters of their Craft?

What separates you from other males? What separates PUA from other males?

Why Zac needs Girlschase members need to keep reading his journal :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

So, in this case, it was strategy. Same with Mayweather, who often beat equally skilled opponents with superior tactics, being probably the most strategically-sound fighter of the last 20+ years.

What separates Chase, Warped Mindless, Teevster from all of the guys here?

In my opinion,

They are: Operating on ALL Levels of Reality (Staging)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Steelmanning Girlschase Defense


As soon as a guy decides, “You know what? I want girls to actually put out for me,” all that behavior stops. They either figure out how to land those cocktease girls or they set their sights on girls who don’t do that to them.

Girls can’t get guys chasing them without the guy “agreeing” to. There is a sort of implied agreement between girl gamers and their orbiters — she will agree to give him little tokens of interest back, and the feeling that perhaps he has a chance, if he will agree to keep his focus on her and keep pursuing her. Both parties agree to this, and both keep doing it until the arrangement no longer suits one or the other of them.


Diagnosis: Girlschase Steelman Argument

At the fundamental level of reality, Chase needed to respond to this because it is his survival mechanism. I'm disturbing his tray of food, so to speak. I'm taking away his narrative that he sells so that he can eat.

Zac on the other hand, need Chase to agree, because while he is factually correct and he is, Haha. Chase will then become the placeholder (void state) for Zac's narrative, instead of Zac become the placeholder (void state) for Chase narrative.

That's Abit out of place for Zac to make such a big ask from Chase. It's his platform. You can't ask someone to be your placeholder, especially if he is the one with the place and the narrative.


Who is really serving Who. The saying that Men is the head, Women is the neck. So, are women are the ones in power?

Have we been lied too all this time? If yes, then it's malicious. But it's not, if you dig deeper. Because humans are complex.

But Zac has solved this.

Who is really serving who. Somebody will always be at the placeholder.

"As for gridlock, I assume you mean information gaps between strangers (or even folks close to each other) in a resource-constrained universe. So long as we inhabit a non-infinite resource universe, people will always selectively present themselves to others to influence outcomes in a competitive, limited world. Even if you could find a way to immediately sync all the brains in the world, and get around the information gaps we presently have, individuals would seek ways to limit what information they sync to preserve competitive advantages over others.

Only two ways around information gaps, competition, and selective presentation, manipulation, or deception:

Create a universe of infinite, instant resources. Not even wildly abundant resources enough. Because some guy will still come along and say, "I have everything I could ever want. Except power over a bunch of other powerful people who have everything they could ever want. Therefore, I will seize all their abundant resources and make them work for me." There must be infinite, instantaneous resources, such that the seizure of others' resources becomes pointless in and of itself.

Perfect information shared among perfect clones. If everyone is a perfect replica of everyone else, and all sync our replica brains into a hivemind, where lossless information is shared perfectly across all minds, you also make all the clones 100% on-board with total transparency and zero competition.

Anything short of an instant, infinite universe or lossless information share among identical clones means you will have limited resources, which means competition for those resources among varied and unequal individuals, which means individuals will seek to leverage communication, tools, and appearances to achieve their best outcomes.

tl;dr a site like GirlsChase.com, or this conversation you and I are having, would not even exist in either of those above two scenarios, because there's no need for them. But we are not in those scenarios, and barring the after life likely never will be, so they're little better than a thought experiment."


- Chase


z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Out of respect for the big guy, 10% for the big guy. I shall not revealed his loopholes and weaknesses.

Chase has been very hospitable towards me in this forum


BUt because he shares pretty much the weaknesses that all males have,




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


1)Man (Employer) ask for Women (employee) to believe on his forecast/projection by investing in him in linear objective reality level while he ignores the world.

2)You can't tell the truth to Humans, because they will become the void state. They get angry (projection state) or they can't register (no image in their brain, reality State).

3)Man are always at war with each other. Because next step of causality is feel (passion). Man and Man is both object(ive).

4)Prerogative of the Weasel. Man can't accept that Justin Trudeau, the BETA, is now the alpha. The words used by Alpha male, "I'm strong, I don't give care" is now been used against them.

Not much of a strong man eh, Tate?

5)Brain Image > Staging (Linear Objective Reality Level) > Word > continue

6)Humans can't answer your question because it's already gone into projection state. Thus, they are answering from them.

They are not answering from you.

7)Law of Vacuum (Human > Thought > Feeling) filling into the void state, perpetuates Psychology of Crowd, causes union, riots, wars.

8)What is the buffer time to not perpetuate the full 3 states

9)All states exist

10)If females are inconsistent and changes all the time, why are they consistent in perpetuating?

Is it network of states wired by feeling, where association of feeling is what state is related to the conscious mind



i will solve this. Though it's weird because I know logically, it perpetuates the 3 full state which then attracts the same problem.

But I will figure it out. My journey is now wisdom.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"visualize my classmates."
"I actually run faster when I visualize the girl dated getting fucked"


Brain Image + Participatory Universe + Staging

Engagement = Participatory Universe

Asking for Compliance= Engagement


Man must descend from his Throne.

Last edited:
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Google must have been stalking me because I have been paying them YouTube Premium for months now.

Anyway, this is recommended to me by YouTube. :) I guess Chase finally won the billion dollar lottery and bought YouTube.

GirlschaseYouTube.com :p



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"hey i have a question

what is the best compliment you ever received?"

"Why you keep responding to me like that, Zac? People think you are arrogant than you actually are."
- Female Subordinate of Zac

1)Image in the brain,
1a)behind the word when transmission to other humans during conversation,
1b)and then the word ideology,
1c)then the definition.

2)"I feel like man don't suffer as much as women do." - Woman

Still Face Experiment

"Man suffers, too."
"I feel.. like man suffering is..."

Sidenote, Article:

Maybe one day, every member here will complete their full circle. :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

1) Is it expensive business casual clothes, an expensive suit or just clothes that look like they are expensive?

Can be either or.

But here's tips.

1)Zara is slightly high end price for student. But for adults, it's affordable.

2)Uniqlo isn't that expensive for adults unless you broke.

3)Craiglist or pre-owned clothes that's still wearable. Humans waste a lot and they complain climate change. You can help them recycle by wearing their clothes.

2) Wouldn't it be much easier to display the abovementioned qualities with business casual or business attire rather than the bad boy attire, although it's possible to do it with the bad boy attire, it would be more difficult, wouldn't it? So does it mean that it's better to go for the business casual or business attire vs the bad boy attire for somebody who is a noob in style in order to more succesfully display the qualities previously mentioned if we are talking about approaching normal women?

Until your fundamentals are handled, try all. Also, you want to find what u like in yourself.

1)Business casual/Smart casual
2)Bad boy attire
3)Hip hop attire
4)K-pop attire aka Hip hop variation
5)Traditional attire (Chinese top as example)

And continue



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012



I was writing this old post, looking at it from a macro standpoint, while at the time, was limited in my experience.

Today, I look at the post, it was bad.

Its funny because I will study why it got a lot of responses. And Today, I recognize every post tends to fade off.
Not just mine. Everyone.


Girlschse business takes a hit.
PUA niche business takes a hit.
Self help is getting harder.
Because everyone is 'fading off'.

Even this post, I'm fading off.

'Fading off' means Future State and future state tends to have no image.

If you guys notice, Online ads are
"How to Start a Business, Make Money and More."

For PUA, It is "How to Fuck Girls and Fuck MORE Girls"


The word 'more' implies the brain lacking image.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012



I also dated a girl who was very low drama and there was not a single time where we did not have sex if we were in each other's presence. However she was very submissive and I was very horny, so I guess she was following my lead...

I feel like I need more experience to understand these trade offs more, because I just do not seem to agree with it. In my experience relationships tend to follow these patterns, but cannot be defined so black and white like this. Maybe this article should be treated more as a loose guide.


Yes, it's a guide, and of course like anything in life, there's exceptions.

Actually, I'm rationalizing the exceptions part. I'm just throwing a buzzword like how scientist throw the word 'Randomness' when they can't explain things.

So scientist doesn't have an answer.
Girlschase doesn't have an answer.
But does Zac, trashKENNUT, have the answer?

Zac has only patterns.

Now.. Why females reject a lot of man? Compelled value. why do your girl who is genuinely hot and have less drama than the said article?

Easy. Compelled value. How her experience of the past versus the market value of current society at hand and current society at large.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

One of these days we’re going to learn how to get through to newbies who are stuck in victim mindset/“have it all figured out”

The human brain is a main character syndrome. When my religious friends and family talks about God, not only the idea of God is main character syndrome, but so is the message and so is the human, main character syndrome.
This is why, my Main character syndrome speaking here, They, humans can never beat me. Because I actually found God. Again, my main character syndrome speaking here.
I actually love my fellow man, that sees everyone thru the eyes of God/whatever u want to call it, while everyone else is just waiting, to pounce on every fucking shit online. That painbody. It's a black hole

If we want to help newbies/beginners, address the main character syndrome of you, first. Then you address theirs :)


z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

p.s: Apologies for not getting up to speed but this is an important post.

"why aren't singles events brought up more here"


The essence of finding something great is to find it before everyone else does. It then becomes a function, rather than source of power.

Objective > Function > Ideology > Repeat

Cold approach or Osmosis in extended social circle, to find the perfect wife/girlfriend because just like Joe Rogan was sexy (LOLX) before Spotify. Everyone gives the baby the name without respecting his 'I AM'


We love Joe Rogan before Spotify. Joe Rogan is now 'Function'.
And for many, Joe Rogan is now 'Idea'.

Objective > Function > Ideology > Repeat

So, Find your ideal wife before it establishes as 'Function'.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

What is that exactly? Can you explain?

I remember a Korean girl who was contradicting herself and being incongruent left and right. It didn’t seem super sus, just discomfort being vulnerable or whatever?

Whenever you are dealing with Asian females, and this includes Korea, Middle East, you are essentially fighting against years of belief systems, ingrained in them and by levels of.

Example of Belief System stacking, (according to which influences first.)

1)Family Sibling rank (object)
2)Asian Family (staging)
3)Asian Habits Type A (object)
4)Asian Habits Culture (staging)
4)Islam (object)
5)Cultural Islam Habits (staging)
6)College (object)
7)College friends (staging)

And continue forever.

So yea.. Girlschase members, man, are always at war with beliefs stacking against them.


To understand this in a more deeper level, Members here must take their time to try to 'see' our perspective, from a non-colonialism, if that makes sense.

The first 10 seconds explains everything

Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"man my fuckin brain hurts from trying to understand game"

What Zac has manifested:

1)Lego + Tamiya Car
Young Zac experience Lego + Tamiya car, thus uses image, modify using Tamiya frame with Lego bricks.

2)Traffic light
Zac has been testing traffic light turning red so that he can cross the traffic.

Zac wants traffic to turn red but fails. Then Zac observe the image behind his words. Traffic light then turns red for Zac, 75% of the time.


Word > Ideology of Human > State > Image

Sidenote Post:



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

This is a heavy topic post. One that needs to be address with humility, self awareness and enlightenment. Pray for me everyone. I hope that there's some solace/peace that one can find in this lengthy post.

" I think it’s way more complicated than that."
"Because you can’t talk about smv without the social context"
"In the case of Leonardo, it’s kinda weird cause he doesn’t keep them around. True he doesn’t seem to want to make babies, but when a man reChes a certain age, you start to think less of his manliness and maturity when he acts like him"
"Short-term hedonism is supposed to be a phase"

Diagnosis, Zac to GC member:
You are essentially admitting that humans do not want other humans to be free - Zac
"Why isn't Zac, a tribal elder yet?
Why did Velasco got banned? Why is Chase the active owner, he is supposed to be venturing into other business? Is he a failure?"

Member response was...
"Freedom has boundaries, or should"
"The girl is behaving as she’s been biologically and culturally conditioned to. Spending only a few months here, medium sociosexuality, inflated SMV due to nationality and insufferably cute mannerisms. So she seeks out the best and most discreet male, who’s probably something of a secret society member"
And the truth is from a raw biological standpoint I am not currently the best male. That was a bit of a hard pill to swallow at first

Conclusion, Zac:

If you have been here for the last 2 years, you probably know that I have found 'enlightenment'. Some members here have tease me on it. They claimed that Batman is better. :) But my enlightenment is only useful if I can share what you can use.

What is the meaning of "Good"?

I can't speak on what you experience. It's painful maybe. I can only share what I have seen, touch, experience and maybe lay some wisdom, without thinking I'm better than any members here.

Conclusion, Email excerpt:

Old Email to Zac, in Response to an Imperfect World.

"As for gridlock, I assume you mean information gaps between strangers (or even folks close to each other) in a resource-constrained universe. So long as we inhabit a non-infinite resource universe, people will always selectively present themselves to others to influence outcomes in a competitive, limited world. Even if you could find a way to immediately sync all the brains in the world, and get around the information gaps we presently have, individuals would seek ways to limit what information they sync to preserve competitive advantages over others.

Only two ways around information gaps, competition, and selective presentation, manipulation, or deception:

Create a universe of infinite, instant resources. Not even wildly abundant resources enough. Because some guy will still come along and say, "I have everything I could ever want. Except power over a bunch of other powerful people who have everything they could ever want. Therefore, I will seize all their abundant resources and make them work for me." There must be infinite, instantaneous resources, such that the seizure of others' resources becomes pointless in and of itself.

Perfect information shared among perfect clones. If everyone is a perfect replica of everyone else, and all sync our replica brains into a hivemind, where lossless information is shared perfectly across all minds, you also make all the clones 100% on-board with total transparency and zero competition.

Anything short of an instant, infinite universe or lossless information share among identical clones means you will have limited resources, which means competition for those resources among varied and unequal individuals, which means individuals will seek to leverage communication, tools, and appearances to achieve their best outcomes.

tl;dr a site like GirlsChase.com, or this conversation you and I are having, would not even exist in either of those above two scenarios, because there's no need for them. But we are not in those scenarios, and barring the after life likely never will be, so they're little better than a thought experiment."


- Chase

Conclusion, Sidenote Video:
What is the meaning of 'Good'?

What man and woman do not understand about our differences and why you go 'ad hominem'.

The Self Made Millionaire vs Trust Fund

Conclusion, Enlightenment:

Conclusion, GirlsChase.com



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

@mist @Teevster

Precedence: Gay Guy Theory

The essence of a gay guy is that he is a woman in a male's body. And that means more often, he is aware of both gender power dynamics.

This is what makes gay guys, formidable and dangerous if he has not transcend his early childhood pain and confusion of being in the wrong instrument (male body).

Am I gay or am I wanting to transition into woman? This is the big question.

Diagnosis: Gay Guy Trajectory and Friendship Building Theory

Unlike man, who goes through his experiment phase, plowing thru different ways to get woman. Gay guys plows different ways of texting, plowing thru different ways of interacting socially.

While man learns how to draw woman out. Gay man learns how to draw personalities out.

Their ways of passion and if often, unfiltered raw blunt use of language to describe things without filter. Because afterall, they are Andrew Tate, but imagine Tate with a female vayjayjay.

Conclusion: Zac Analysis

In his personal opinion, Zac finds gay guys, feminine man.. dangerous. However, 'Dangerous' isn't the right word to use. Like how they describe Andrew Tate as dangerous is misled. The news do not understand.

Destiny, the blue hair influencer.. Gay guys, are not dangerous but they are formidable.

Now.. If they have not transcend beyond their childhood confusion, pain and 'lack of sync' of brain and body because they are woman but in a male's body, here is what they tend to do.

1)Analysis: They lay out the battlefield.

Like I mentioned, they don't draw women out. They draw personalities out. They try to figure you out

2)Diagnosis: They find out about you.

They do this through reading your body language, your clothes, and your response

3)Compliment Overload:

They butter you up nicely. They need to draw you out.


They find out about you


The fifth step is where unfortunately, a lot of gay guys, has not transcend beyond their childhood trauma. And they are in this perpetual cycle of search and Destroy.


Conclusion, Sidenote Video:

the dance between male female. On the surface level, she grandiose that she has power when really she needs your subject(ive), the brain image

before she can do something.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"So Zac, why did you want to start your own business?"
"Maybe this video might answer why..."

p.s: Congratulations Stacy for Your Induction into WWE Hall of Fame :love:



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: Getting Triggered

Girlschase Flame Wars.
Example: Traffic Light Method

Diagnosis: Brain Image of Success

