@mist @Teevster
Precedence: Gay Guy Theory
The essence of a gay guy is that he is a woman in a male's body. And that means more often, he is aware of both gender power dynamics.
This is what makes gay guys, formidable and dangerous if he has not transcend his early childhood pain and confusion of being in the wrong instrument (male body).
Am I gay or am I wanting to transition into woman? This is the big question.
Diagnosis: Gay Guy Trajectory and Friendship Building Theory
Unlike man, who goes through his experiment phase, plowing thru different ways to get woman. Gay guys plows different ways of texting, plowing thru different ways of interacting socially.
While man learns how to draw woman out. Gay man learns how to draw personalities out.
Their ways of passion and if often, unfiltered raw blunt use of language to describe things without filter. Because afterall, they are Andrew Tate, but imagine Tate with a female vayjayjay.
Conclusion: Zac Analysis
In his personal opinion, Zac finds gay guys, feminine man.. dangerous. However, 'Dangerous' isn't the right word to use. Like how they describe Andrew Tate as dangerous is misled. The news do not understand.
Destiny, the blue hair influencer.. Gay guys, are not dangerous but they are formidable.
Now.. If they have not transcend beyond their childhood confusion, pain and 'lack of sync' of brain and body because they are woman but in a male's body, here is what they tend to do.
1)Analysis: They lay out the battlefield.
Like I mentioned, they don't draw women out. They draw personalities out. They try to figure you out
2)Diagnosis: They find out about you.
They do this through reading your body language, your clothes, and your response
3)Compliment Overload:
They butter you up nicely. They need to draw you out.
They find out about you
The fifth step is where unfortunately, a lot of gay guys, has not transcend beyond their childhood trauma. And they are in this perpetual cycle of search and Destroy.
Conclusion, Sidenote Video:
the dance between male female. On the surface level, she grandiose that she has power when really she needs your subject(ive), the brain image
before she can do something.