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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Not ideal, it looks cool but is usually a nightmare, is already difficult having 1 girl live in, now 2 or anything more than that... there is also the coolidge effect.... Basically tldr, experiment with a rat, they put that rat in a cage with 5 other female rats, they fuck like crazy for like a week or 2, then he did not want to have sex with any of them, till they introduce a new rat, then after having sex with new rat multiple times same thing...

I can see why you discourage it. But my mad scientist brain sees patterns.

- What is objective (sex/raw/tripwire Funnel) will become a function.
Basically, what is new will become the norm (function) for society to work

- Phase of life (Experiment, Harvest, Develop)
- Personality Test and compatibility (believe it or not)
- Causality (the next thing that everyone can see together)
- Grace period (function) before roles (staging) starts kicking in
- Community/Family. You need to sort out by letting them sort out who is number 1 female among them way way earlier before letting them sort into the system (circle of states).

Hahaha! I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.

The world, all of us is now basically moving faster. The circle of states just moves in days. No longer in months or years. It's always moving.

Marriage suffers the same problem. Man, all of us, today just don't realize it. Oh my.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Not to mention they might just be posturing for content, he might not even be boning both of them (or even ANY of them)...

Fair point.

Ultimately, everything is a strategy. @Chase and Girlschase.com will say that they are the best. RSD will say that they are the best.

I remember my friends thinking that I fuck this girl. She was genuinely a friend and our personalities and phase of life were matched and we were oddly like a couple. Collectively, there was 4 of us. I'm the guy, and two girls who personalities matched, and another guy who is the utility guy per se. He was a friend who was just trying to be a good friend. But he's awkward. I appreciate the gesture today. He is a decent human being.

Then our relationships disappeared. Like @Skills imply. There's a grace period before all goes to shitz or people just disappeared.

Oh my. So many years of pickup industry and we never think about this thoroughly. The internet really change things.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Caveat for Zac/Senior members/
(If you are a Guru in your business/Guru in your industry/Guru in your personal life)

Lesson 1
1)If you use the 'technique A', it will come.
2)if you change your perspective, it will come.
3)If you don't see it, keep trying

Manipulation of Student. Entropy

Lesson 2:
4)Add more shit: "Keep trying"

Gurus expect students to take their projection as objective, to sustain their image in their brain.. while their students are expected to take Gurus projection as objective. Thus student running after someone else's image (brain)

If it's not manifested, blame customers, Girlschase members.
If it's manifested, it's Zac of Girlschase.com



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


He knows the answer to every unfathomable question; every infinitely deep field of knowledge he has already mastered; the only things he does not know are some irrelevant details, like tasks of this job or policy elements of that bill. All the big and important stuff, though, he knows.

Or so he tells himself.

He might wonder, from time to time, if he really does have the entire picture. But then he comforts himself that he is probably pretty close.


p.s: I feel offended. 😂🤣


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"It's all humans fault."
"Climate change"
"Girlschase doesn't have the latest article"

Humans are always looking for the next thing. Zac post a forum post, asking Chase to respond. Chase responds. Zac then post another one. Zac notes that Girlschase is not striving hard enough.

Chase response moves from objective to function. Zac expects Chase as a Walmart 24/7 product available on time (implied image of past experience)


She must have an implied image in her brain, that you help her paint in her mind, for her to then to likely respond to your text. i hope this helps.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Marriage has become the physical representation 'go to' for Man, to compartmentalize themselves.

The world is huge. As high level PUA as he is, he needs a house. House meaning some level of conformity, familiarity and tranquility. That itself is structure but in fluid form. Now, This is achieve thru many things.

Diagnosis: Unless Man is a psychopath
Example 1:
Teev is curious about his job offer.

Example 2:
Girlschase members are degree holders, some are chasing higher education.

Example 3:
Guys who are good with women, stay in the same club after many years. Females call them 'that guy who never grew out of highschool'.

Example 4:
Zac works around his sketches. While he is correct, humans perceive him as 'surface level'.

Conclusion: Email Conversations with Chase, Part 8
"Now, if the monk drops out of the monastery and decides his true calling is to go get rich and rake in heaps of cash, he may find himself at the businessman's office begging for a job and holding said businessman in awe. Just kind of how these things go - but it's all related to what you want and hope to get vs. what others want and hope to get from you. If they need you more than you need them, you're higher level; if you need them more than they need you, they are.

In this way, you can actually form a bit of a paradox; the rich guy who can't get laid but desperately wants to is lower level than the PUA who doesn't care about money, but if that PUA desperately wants to learn sculpting and the sculptor he wants to learn from isn't interested in teaching and doesn't care about getting girls (perhaps he's gay), the PUA is lower level; and maybe the sculptor desperately wants to become rich and would really like to learn from the rich guy, but the rich guy doesn't care about sculpting and doesn't have time to teach him, so the sculptor is lower level than the rich guy. Thus, rich guy < PUA < sculptor < rich guy, and the dragon eats its own tail."

Sidenote: Pickup Artist 'Final Mental Unlock'



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Sunflowergirl and girlschasing,
Are you sure u ladies are not her? 😒😑



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2022

Sunflowergirl and girlschasing,
Are you sure u ladies are not her? 😒😑

Lol I can't see that link, but next time you should tag us cause I only happened to see this while perusing the posts, haha. Gotta say, this is super cool that your thread started all the way back in 2013, cause you can now reflect and look back on yourself ten years ago!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I'm thinking I need to carefully pick and choose girls I wanna game, the more time and energy put in the more investment of yours goes in

I was about to post something and I see this in the chats. It dawn on me that we have never let man in this forum, in the old forums and pickup in general, to actually grief.

Now, I am making hyperboles. I was never in the old masf forum but the general idea among simplepickup, Marius panzarella, mystery method, masf, Richard Gambler, and so on.

is that fuck girls, fuck society.

We never really tell them how to function once they found PUA/GirlsChase/redpill.

Simply put, A man goes from THE MATRIX funnel to PUA funnel. Man is always on a funnel and that if you bark against the system, the PUA gurus, who claimed to be better than the weasel, the beta mainstream man, will start censoring you, belittle you like the MATRIX whom they swore to destroy.

My journey is now Wisdom.
My journey is now Wisdom.
My journey is now Wisdom.

I don't despise the school system much anymore. I don't despise my parents much anymore. I don't despise PUA much anymore. I don't despise Teev, Chase, Skills, Velasco, GirlsChase, Simplepickup, Marius Panzarella, and so on. They are just humans like me. They just wanted something better for themselves, and they wanted to offer something better for others.

It was not done out of malice. Just like I share my knowledge here. I just didn't think about how do members here fit my knowledge into their lifes. And I see this across all niches. We just didn't think about the customer, the person infront of us. Our wifes, girlfriend, girlfriends, everyone.

Girlschase is the closest to honest sales funnel. I will defend this place because it's customer centric to the best of it's ability. But yes.

I'm gutted.
I'm like in a constant funnel.
Now my only funnel is God.
Because I can't get out of this universe.
But that's fine.
Because the big G is benovelent.

lastly, The Prerogative of the Weasel. The beta guys are winning. The soyboys are winning. And the guys who are traditional alpha male, online, is crying. Because their worldview is shattering.

It's like God wants us to come full circle.

I love all of them as humans. I must be more empathetic. I must let them grief. I must also help them fit what they learn into their lifes.

Most importantly, I hope to be a little careful about literally everything. Pray for me. Bless everyone.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello Girlschase members,

I'm ambivalent because I have seen genuine 9's and 10's. Some are amazing humans. Some are just like this video

p.s: I don't use numbers in my real life.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


very practical advice bro.

reminds me of the advice RSD used to give people...

"be clear in your intent"

"let go of the outcome"

very useful and easy to implement.




I fear Girlschase do not see it coming.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"one day you should explain why superman is in so many of your posts"

The idea of Man has never been at the physical.

Lots of woman who are angry at Man, has only experience Man, as only that, Man. His physical representation level, his powers.

This seems to be the first core source of why humans (Superman) are still where they are, misunderstanding each other. The technology, the intellect that has become function of society, cannot replace that what powers humanity since the beginning of time.

it'S like you can only open the door from inside for there is never a door on the outside.

When woman meets Man who has embodies the spirit/divinity of the incomprehensible, she recognizes it. It automatically heals her and that makes the Man all powerful, yet this has not include the necessary life survival skills and money making skills, that puts him, man, way beyond her reach.

And the enjoyment of multiple of females are a side. Of what is bigger than him. Man, now Men... must complete his mission. The luxury and lavish lifestyle afford and given to him because of mission, must not led him astray.

Because the world depends on him.

Now that she is healed, she must not forget her part. She must be virtuous. And that the civilization is bigger than her. She must let go.

She is only a small part of the larger world that he must serve.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)

"You're a Hero and that's how it should be."
- Lois Lane (Smallville)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Even an infinity stone, is useless here."

(How can I help GirlsChase help everyone here build their pickup skills on a foundational level. Foundation level means physical reality)

How can i help ease members when they lose their infinity stones from their social circle (school, etc)...



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: Before 2015
"I don't know why I feel challenged by other men and women are more 'adversarial'. I don't get it."

-Zac (not in his exact words)

Diagnosis: Recently, 2021 and after

Real Social Dynamics Julien:
*Post video noting that as you improve yourself, you will get challenged*

*Post something similar* (could not remember the particular post but it was from a senior member. The lesson was similar to RSD)

Zac feels resentful. This shall pass. This shall pass.

This is not malice. Girlschase members didn't know better. I don't think that we know many things.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The resentment is very real.

Zac feels resentful with Girlschase on this knowledge. But This shall pass. This shall pass. This shall pass.

It's not malice. Girlschase members didn't know better. I don't think that we know many things.

I can see why women hate men, and that includes GirlsChase members.

Ego, is enemy of man. :)


Updated: Ego of Pickup community versus Ego of Non Playable Characters.

The answer is managing both egos, and find that center
Last edited:
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Ego of Man, and the Pickup Community:

Situation 1:
Dismissal of Newbie


very practical advice bro.

reminds me of the advice RSD used to give people...

"be clear in your intent"

"let go of the outcome"

very useful and easy to implement.


Situation 2:
Dismissal of Direct Multiple Experience But Guru has no image* in the brain. Thus dismissal.

"I don't know why I feel challenged by other men and women are more 'adversarial'. I don't get it."

-Zac (not in his exact words)

Situation 3:
Playing down other Men's experience

Not to mention they might just be posturing for content, he might not even be boning both of them (or even ANY of them)...

Situation 4:
Emphasizing only one aspect of Life/Game

"If you rely on temperature, you risk losing girls. You need game to supplement. " - Velasco (not in his exact words)

And so many more situations, probably, if I think hard.

This shall pass.
This shall pass.
This shall pass.

It's not malice, Zac. We as humans just didn't know. This shall pass.

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

To all Girlschase members, something to ponder:

-Why she always 'look away' when we take a picture?
-Why marriage?
-Why it's easier once her friends approves of me?

And on and on.

Staging :)
I stumbld upon this video around last week and it pop up back again on my TikTok.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012



Chase latest article is borderline blackpill.

This is good. MUAHAHAHA. Yeeesss :)

Man must descend from his throne. All man must descend from his throne. To win, he must descend from his throne.

We must literally fight women, this woke people at their own homeground, and make it entertaining.


We must go to their homeground.
We must tease them.
We must troll them.

Like an older brother who trolls his little brother but still make him play with him, and relating his emotions, building his emotions back up.

For all states exist. :)

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Sometimes the women who are very touchy will go to bed with you quickly, but only if you are uber-dominant / extremely self-assured and moving things forward very smoothly and very quickly. These women tend to be highly experienced socially and around sexually excited men, and they know how to navigate these situations to get lots of attention but minimize getting stuck in situations where they end up putting out.

When dealing with these types of women, you need to actually minimize the attention and reactions you give them, while continually pressing things forward. They'll go nuts trying to get a reaction out of you, but if you stay calm, smooth, and just flirtatious and sexual enough to show them they're getting played at their own game, they'll begin to get very turned on and excited. You'll never know it though, and they'll just keep acting the same until you actually bed them. It's all part of the game, and they'll be testing you to see if they can route you into "just friends" land every step of the way.

Normally, the girls are really only worth it if you're really up for a challenge. Until you're very seasoned, you usually won't land them.


Diagnosis, Updated:


mAn must descend from his throne.




Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
lol, it’s not black pill, Zac. Black pill would be “All girls have impossible difficulty level girl game. So don’t even try anything with them. Just retreat to your compound in the woods and wait for the world to burn!”

The article’s really a discussion of a topic we’ve come back to numerous times, of alignment of interests.

You can actually go deeper than that… there’s an argument that men chasing after the girl with good girl game who is stringing a bunch of men along actually ARE getting what they’re after: they’re after the rush and validation of feeling like they have a chance with a woman who is highly desired by other men.

As soon as a guy decides, “You know what? I want girls to actually put out for me,” all that behavior stops. They either figure out how to land those cocktease girls or they set their sights on girls who don’t do that to them.

Girls can’t get guys chasing them without the guy “agreeing” to. There is a sort of implied agreement between girl gamers and their orbiters — she will agree to give him little tokens of interest back, and the feeling that perhaps he has a chance, if he will agree to keep his focus on her and keep pursuing her. Both parties agree to this, and both keep doing it until the arrangement no longer suits one or the other of them.
