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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Islam: "You just gotta pray to God."
Religion: "Join my church. You will find something."
Law of Attraction Community: "Your dominant thoughts"
Law of Assumption Community: "Keep persisting"
Internet marketers: "You have to keep running more ads."
Business Owners: "You must working hard."
PUA Community: "You have to do cold approach"
Meditation Gurus: "Let go"
Self help gurus: "It's the conditioning"

Diagnosis: (Disclaimer: Not his exact words but essence)
"i don't go out with guys (unless i trust/know them). I usually go out with Trannies or females - Teevster, in the chats

Zac Conclusion:

In a world of Genuine ambiguity, the closest and fastest reference (reaction) for @Chase, @Teevster and high level guys, is usually females (feeel).

(IMPT** Please ignore this post Chase and Teev. I am using you guys as 'reference'. I hope you do not mind.)

Other males often are bad use for reference because they are 'image' itself and don't offer reference as well and as fast as females. They also don't often like being the second in command (feeel). Thus, bad use for reference. The human brain is always collecting *image. I assume above my already assumption that it is for human survival.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


"We must find God before we get good with girls." - GC member

Dana White incident and OPEN Public Hypocrisy. The human brain cannot see it itself. Thus, one huge component of why humans stays relatively the same throughout their life.


the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

For the new guys, those who feel slighted

A REAL man doesn't need to study martial arts... if someone looks at him funny, he executes a series of perfect punches, kicks, and elbows to all the right spots to overcome his opponent, even if that opponent's had YEARS of combat training... because he was BORN with the ability to kick ass anytime, anywhere on command!

There's no man out there like this. The men most late bloomers think of as "naturally good with women" have been approaching girls since they were 13 or 14 - they spent years making mistakes and learning, but they've largely forgotten them as they've grown older (because they don't sit and analyze it logically and talk about it in Internet forums)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

The profound part about members here admitting that redpill and black pill has taken over, is the fact that members here failed to recognize that they are operating on the idea of none redpill black pill BUT

BUT THEY ARE talking about redpill, black pill and the y believe none PUA community is in the matrix.

Interesting. Zac, you gotta go to work. You have a world to save. 🏃‍♂️🌬️

Sidenote Post



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Members here can't say Zac is full of crap because of online and then say the world is mad because TikTok/Online world tell them so. That just makes Zac very formidable in reading the world."

I'm content with having this perception and intent that members here meant well.

The next big question is
1)Zac needs to find where members are
2)Their objective (Image before their word)

3)The framework

(If Zac holds a higher rank or talk louder, they becomes female (feel), this they cannot tell me the whole view. Because they can only amplify Zac worldview. This it is only Zac's world.

If they don't agree with me (Zac), it means they play the irrelevance variable, and they are focus on making me (Zac), to fight at their own state. This, we are at 3 worlds.

If Zac is to win in 2023 and forever, Zac must win at all 3 worlds. Zac's world (state), Member A world (state) and the physical reality world (state)


z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
"Man is Human. Men is an Ideal."
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

- Traffic Light Method
- FSC aka Female State Control
- 2022 EDITION*** In The Mirror And The Future - Annual Results And Goals

Excerpt below
So you had 20 new lays, from 2,500 approaches.

I'm not sure on your maths there, but that's a 1 / 125 approach-to-lay, not 1 / 10. That's actually worse than what pancake mouse described.

I know on this forum everyone gets a 3/5 approach-to-lay ratio so you must be doing something seriously wrong bro.

We often talk past each other and have our definitions mismatch, lost in transition and lost in translation.

Conclusion: How We often look like when we talks about Ideas.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

P.s . madala, i don't know if english is your second language or you are just a lazy writer, this is a trend that you have made confusing ass posts, then when people get confused due to your laziness, you get pissed, please take the time to make your posts less confusing...


p.s: (@Train, help me here. Are they (@Chase and the mods) talking about me... 😅😂 The resemblance of the message is uncanny!)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


"We should find God before we are able to be good with girls." - GC member (not exact words but essence)


Ireneaus in saying, “The glory of God is man fully alive, but the life of man is the vision of God.” Human action takes on an even greater significance when we consider this statement, for, if God's glory is man fully alive, man's life must be a noble thing.

Sidenote Post:

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Dear Readers, Can you ponder this? If it's getting dark, Ignore.

Word Semantics for Zac, but not for Girlschase members.
You can manifest anything, says Zac but not that.
You can get as many free time as my employee but not today.
Girls are silly n cute, says Zac but not to you.
You have to learn from Zac, but Zac doesn't move to you.
3D reality is a reflection of you but C0vid lockdowns i lied.
I'm a self made billionaire, says Zac. My employees don't exist.
I'm a great men, because the internet didn't show the years it took off females who did the work for me. Women/wife's/girlfriend being the function (void) state of my life.

Yes, all women have failed me. But they also did not fail.

z@c+ (Quran 22:46)

"While I ate my hero cake, their horses were drowning. I used to hear them wailing in my sleep." - Jonathan Kent



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

You know. I used to think that if we use Girlschase or some method long enough, you will get success. And if you know where she is at, whether she is experimental!/development/harvest phase, you will get close to 100%.

Experimental phase: Act cuter, Shorter Skirt, New makeup
Developmental phase: Lesbian-lite, Red Hair, Off the Hijab
Harvest phase: Laid back (positive), Culturally Woke (negative)


I realize that all communities are struggling with existence. And i mean all communities.

Islam struggling to find Rationalization for Muhammad marriage.
PUA community struggling to justify their method works better.
Christianity struggling to rationalize the trinity.
Governments struggling to control information flow and people think that they can control everything and they know everything.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Stumbled upon FreshandFit video


"You want a guy who's taller than you?"
"You want a guy who makes more money?
No but a little bit yes.
"You want a guy who is ambitious?"
"You want to date a guy who pays?"

"Then that is not 50/50."

Conclusion: Why Men has Failed :)
"YoU can beat people with a hammer, Zac, but they won't follow you." - Chase (not in his exact words but the essence of the email is this)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

- Girlschase flamewars
- Bacchus
- State of All things
- What we called 'Haters'

Diagnosis, Example Only 1:

Guru: if you follow my FSC, you will get success.

Student: I like to but I don't see anything. I need an article, a post.

Guru: I actually do write posts. You need to believe it and then do it. Till then, you don't talk to me.

Student: I did read the posts now. I need to have examples (like me so that I can see it in my mind.)

Guru: Give me your stats or don't talk to me.

Student: I'm not influenced by it. Because I can't see it in my mind. Help me out here.


- Missing common agreement of rules of assumed competition
- Mistaken that 'common sense' is common, because every human is in itself, from different backgrounds, variables
- Communication of
- Sequencing of
- Wanting others to compete but unsure whether to compete based on one own's method or any method
- Stats on a false or flawed premise because it's not established.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

- Girlschase flamewars
- Bacchus
- State of All things
- What we called 'Haters'


Conclusion: Example 2


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"The important thing to understand is what you are seeing is an ACT, and it is a very practiced one. It's one she enjoys! She does it with everyone.

It's almost impossible to break her out of the act when there's an audience around. You need to get her isolated or you must be very persistent. Otherwise, she will be too self-conscious about what her audience is thinking to allow you to seduce her." - Chase


Conclusion: :)

"Different types of women respond to power differentials like this differently. Soft women seek these situations out, because they want to find a powerful man to take care of them. Powerful women often resist powerful men because they fear being broken and driven off-track by a man they can't control (this is why I personally like powerful women - it's no challenge getting a soft woman to submit to you, but with a powerful woman, it's much more of a test of your abilities. Most men prefer a softer woman who will more readily submit, however; they don't want to be tested so much, they want lives of comfort. That's fine and normal)." - Chase

Sidenote Post:

Argument Counter to Zac (Girlschase):



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

*Zac in conversation momentum*
*Other members were receptive to Zac*
*Fog enters a sentence in a chat: "Self evaluation motives" without typing that it is related to game*
*Zac feels offended a slight bit*

This is Example 3 of Girlschase Flame Wars, where Multiple Universes (Context) running at the same time. All essentially fighting to survive its own timeline in a limited constraint world.

There's always 3 realities (context) running at one point in time.

The objective (Money/Power)
The function (vehicle, 5 senses)
The faith (idea/topic)

and Causality (where all 3, on top of one another, must and I mean must, lead somewhere)

How do we linear them, is the next biggie.


"Walking a mile in your shoes, is so different than I imagine it would be. When you just a reporter with a story, the word hits the paper, the paper hits the stands and it's over. But for you, it's never over, is it?"

Sidenote Post:

Sidenote link: *Image*
"She doesn't want you to feel sorry for her and stay in the relationship with you." - Chase

p.s: I can't remember where this is. This is not in exact @Chase words, but the essence i got from that is you are the 'purpose', the reflection of her.

And females are reflection of you, in exaggeration. In case you guys notice, we tease females in accuracy. Females tease you in hyperbole. - z@c+



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


In an increasing polarizing world where Islam, Christianity, religion.. doesn't have all the answers and certainly PUA is in a weird position where they can't acknowledge the low value guy in pickup but they need low value guys to buy their products and services, how does one navigate this world?

How does Man, navigate the world?

Yes yes, in defense of GirlsChase, all businesses need low value man to keep their businesses going.

Google need low value man.
Girlschase need low value man.
Zac need low value man.
Females need low value man.

We need low value man to sustain our businesses.

So how does one navigate? Hope


I do not have that answer. But I have an explaination. Maybe that's a little dull to someone who needs something immediate.

I don't have that solution, like those I condemn, Islam, Christianity, Girlschase, PUA community, everyone really.

However, I sincerely believe that while i need people to sustain my businesses and I am sustaining other people's businesses, I believe there is a way.

I sincerely believe there is a way. And my sketches are leading me there. God willing, if the universe permits, insyaallah, year 2023 will be that something of a year.

Humanity will get there.
We will.
I eventually draw up something, which then creates the explaination, which then starts the action.


z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
Ireneaus in saying, “The glory of God is man fully alive, but the life of man is the vision of God.” Human action takes on an even greater significance when we consider this statement, for, if God's glory is man fully alive, man's life must be a noble thing.
(Man is Human. Men is an Ideal)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: Zac
I don't have that solution, like those I condemn, Islam, Christianity, Girlschase, PUA community, everyone really

Diagnosis: Chase, article.
At this point my conclusion is that the biggest factor in seduction success is ‘energy’, far more than anything else, at least once you reach the upper echelons of fundamentals, calibration, and skill.

But you can get results with anything. I have opened AND HOOKED (and number closed!) girls by dangling my car keys in their faces (I drove a Subaru then) or by asking them if they thought an overweight female celebrity talk show host was hot. I have had a girl to agree to go home with me by asking her if she wanted to see the ceiling of my apartment (“It’s very interesting”, I told her. She was already turned on by me at that point). I have broken every rule of “good game” and seen it work. I don’t recommend it – though it is a fun experiment to test the limits of what you think possible. But in my experience anything and everything CAN work (though perhaps not consistently – but then again, who knows?).


Actual Conclusion: Entropy + Energy Focus on *Image*



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: Argument goes to the wire on Religion. The person noted this to me.

"Why do you even care so much and why do you think that someone cares as much as well?

Now I have experienced this repeatedly throughout my whole life. My whole life. Ppl noted "why do you even care".

In my mind, I was like this is what people projected, everyday and every time. I hear it, see it all the time.

"Either no one told me or no one knows." - Neo

After all that happened for all this years, where ppl ask me "why do I even care so much", I'm now at a place where I know what no one knows. But I also can't tell the Public because they become weirded out. Even this post, I'm cautious.. but I am well aware with time, I stand tall. With time, I will be proven, right.

Not because I was brandishing ego. Rather, what is obvious to me, isn't so obvious to the world. (and I often forget that ppl don't realize that I recognize patterns faster than ppl do)

I'm at a crossroads.
I'm alone. I'm really alone.
Because it's not that no one told me. It does happened but it's that no one really knows.
The majority of events lean to that.
But I failed if I don't follow my gut.
History past decisions have shown that.
I failed if I don't follow my gut.

Now, It's funny because with females, I have use this 'either no one told me or no one knows' secret with them. And as one time, a girl told me "If I really like a guy, I won't tell anyone." I guess a secret beneath a secret, is what it is.

I'm the illuminati when with females, I guess.

Now.. do I tell Girlschase members what I know without forcing the future onto here?

This is a response comment from @Chase on what I noted to him on his article. It's an old email but we had an email on his advanced strategy.

Confusion game? Heh.

A lot of advanced guys / naturals figure it out organically.

Doesn't have to be manipulative. It can just be you fucking with women for fun. Which they also enjoy, because women enjoy being fucked with by a strong dude, so long as that strong dude stays attainable.

Even with the article on GC, I'm sure it'll set light bulbs off for a few hundred guys. And probably some of those guys will write posts or articles on it somewhere. And a few hundred more guys will see it.

But more or less, this is somewhat out of reach for most guys. You really need to have a bunch of other pieces already in place to use confusion with any amount of effectiveness. - Chase

Now, you might be confused with the above.

So, I guess this is the closest thing, without freaking them out. Without freaking you out.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

1)Reads @Alpha13SC report.
2)Zac notice red flags
3)Red flags meaning not ideal situation, signal to Zac's brain by text that written in the report, implied that she is 'not interested'.
4)Conclude on the chat that it was not about him, but rather circumstances
5)Alpha disagreed and emphasize that she really like him.
6)Zac reads @fog chat on her being unstable and sketchy.
7)Zac further goes into his mental loop because he got reinforcement from fog, despite him just typing a chat.
8)Zac ignores Alpha objective of wanting to know if there's better ways to do things.
9)Zac goes on a rant on situation not being an ideal and she being sketchy.

Zac concluded that it wasn't ideal and he (Alpha) should not think so much. Alpha wants to know perspectives if there's better ways to handle as such in the future.

Worse, Zac doesn't recognize that he does operates like Alpha when it comes to other things, where he wants to know perspectives on how to make it better.

1)Zac has an Image in his brain.
2)Alpha has an image in his brain.
3)In the real physical world, image is what we called 'objective'.
4)Zac has objective A.
5)Alpha has objective B.
6)Zac then operates from Context World 1.
7)Alpha then operates from Context World 2.

Why Ferrari and Bugatti is such an attention.
Why beautiful girlfriend is such an attention.

We have an 'image' problem.
We have an 'objective' (definition) problem.
We have an 'staging' (context/world) problem.

Alpha report accidentally exposes senior members loophole.

"But you guys brought up a loophole that senior guys here, have. Not gonna lie. How does one's social circle and personality, affects her having sex with you." - Zac

Social Circle (Role)
Personality (Emotion)
Phase of Life (Experiment, Develop, Harvest)

This is the first above. But then the next. How does one handle entropy (disorder)?

Zac is now in a limbo.
Because Zac recognizes that there's 3 place of 'no image'. The present moment, The public and the future result (God, which itself is, and not an entity or essence)


Guys trying to help girlschasing, understand her breakup. Which further adds the puzzle of Entropy.

We just don't know.

Sidenote Post: Email Conversations with @Chase

As for gridlock, I assume you mean information gaps between strangers (or even folks close to each other) in a resource-constrained universe. So long as we inhabit a non-infinite resource universe, people will always selectively present themselves to others to influence outcomes in a competitive, limited world. Even if you could find a way to immediately sync all the brains in the world, and get around the information gaps we presently have, individuals would seek ways to limit what information they sync to preserve competitive advantages over others. <continue below>



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

@Chase ,@Teevster and all GC members who are business, writers, students at college and universities.

You guys have no excuses now. You guys can write Girlschase articles while you guys are on a INSTA date. 😅😅😂🤣

I'm teasing. Kinda.
