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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

@Chase ,@Teevster and all GC members who are business, writers, students at college and universities.

You guys have no excuses now. You guys can write Girlschase articles while you guys are on a INSTA date. 😅😅😂🤣

I'm teasing. Kinda.

I used Chat GPT for litterature reviews and spellchecking/rephrasing.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Zac, also known as trashKENNUT, saw a few people commenting 'Just a normal day in Ohio', on social media.

Zac, also known as trashKENNUT, realize that there's a repeated comment on many TikTok posts. Added, no one asked why it is commented. No one asked what it is, actually.

Eventually, it became normal that people liked any comment with 'Ohio' and no one really knows why. You might see an article popping after the fact, but the process to getting there was not known.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - quote

Girlschase as a company would prefer if you choose them. Zac as a business person would prefer if you choose his sketches.

Zac, also known as trashKENNUT, realize that all niches is blowing smoke up his ass. Zac, also known as trashKENNUT, recognize that everything can be done perfectly, but the other half of the equation is based on Entropy.

- Entropy
- Still Face Experiment (Image)
- Skillsets (Act)
- Environment (Staging)

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

- Girlschase members different point of view


Awareness, is first key.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Precedence: @mist

"Why do you care, ponder, and organize thoughts around these things? To simplify this average people for example?"
Like I haven't seen you use it for contrasting tech or prizing overtly but you are very routine in your contemplation
perhaps it is more compulsion than thought

Diagnosis: Zac response

I swear I wish I can explain. It's not that I don't want to. And it certainly looks like I'm bitching on a forum

Over the years, Girlschase have been asking Zac, why is he kinda moody, why he sometimes looks like he is behaving like a child throwing tantrum.

where's the cheerful Zac?

Now, it's not that I cannot be, and I won't fault Chase for asking me to snap out of it, because there were some periods over the years, that I was miserable, feeling Abit down.

but with Chase implying in an old email, that it is all in my head. Teevster recently kinda noted about gays in Asia and asking why, are they (majority race/locals) are allowing it (this gays, woke thing). And now, you @mist are asking why do I care about this things.

i think this video explains perfectly. The first 10 seconds just tells everything. This still exist in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, pretty much Asia.

This is to all Girlschase members. Now, you don't need to watch the full video. I'm just asking you to consider the first 10 seconds of the video.

And why I feel that Skills, is abit ignorant about not dating, pickup girls in social circles. Skills doesn't realize that you are fucked either way.

Updated: Skills doesn't say that you cannot date/pickup girls in social circles.

It has become a game of chicken, and for us here, it's normal ordinary life.

Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re read the post for context i never said, "dont pick up girls in ss"

In your defense, yes. Apologies for that. I'm passionate about this post because it's a majority of my upbringing. But You made it very clear. The essence is that it is not that you are not allowed to do it.

But rather, the consequences of such.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Everything just everything, makes perfect sense. My job is to have faith.

-Psychology of Crowds
-Arrow of Time

and you can add anything.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"If my boyfriend lets his family disrespect me, I can't be with him. He's a pussy."
- Female
"He doesn't care about my feelings."
- Also Female
"I'm also an independent wAhmen"
- Also Also Female

"You need to take care of women emotions."
- Man
"I believe in freedom."
- Also Man
"I believe that this is wrong."
- Also Also Man

Conclusion: Do your best. I find peace knowing that everyone, every human is hurt by their lack of *image* in their brain, reflected in real life.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I'm old.

I have always ask God, the universe, to tell me the truth. I never explicitly said I want the truth. But all my life, I have always geared towards that.

Recently, every niches that I have come across:
- Girlschase
- Religion
- Culture
and so on

Everything really is just Rationalization, an assumption. All of them, can't tell you the causal link between point A and point B.

And the deep deep realization is when I realize that even if I did follow the steps from point A to point B, it doesn't mean that it is consistent, and it doesn't mean that it results in the result that I want.

Perfection does not equal Result.
Consistency does not equal Result.
to make all of this worse, my blueprint shows itself time and time and time again and I didn't even recognize it.

Because if either one (Perfection and/or Consistency) is correct, most humans, most Girlschase members would have been successful in their pickup as well as anything else. If it were true, you would have done it and you will not worry one bit and it comes in consistently.

I'm old. It's a joke but I'm old in my brain and heart I guess. I can't hate any guys anymore. I just can't.

At my core, if a guy steals my girl, I can't fault him. I can't hate him. Because the lack of image in their brain means that they have to fulfill image by stealing my girl.

If a Girlschase member is pissed with this post or even Chase is pissed at this post, I am genuinely at content, because Chase needs the image in his brain of a business running well.

And at my core, it's getting harder to hate my fellow humans, because they are, all of this humans chasing similarity of an image in their brain. They chasing it in the real world.

I'm free, again and again. :) Now, I can help the world. I'm forever grateful but thanks God. I ask you for truth and you gave it all. Though what a whole full bottle of red pills, black pills.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

But then when guys become blackpill/incels, we started bitching. Like a guy who is not even allowed inside of the club
Similar to why Cristiano is in Saudi Arabia while Messi won the World Cup :) At some point, there's a level of self reflection that is needed. Are we solving people's problems? Landlords asking for money money money and being oblivious to the fact that people do not have that sustaining cash at hand. Retail have been destroyed for like how long. The earth always corrects itself. Or God or whom you believe




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


"fuck PUA, i need to make money"

"I can understand why."

"What is the legacy (image, video, children) that you will like to have? Because if your audience is not Girlschase members, it must be somebody else"

"And your audience must be a certain group of people. If you are planning to get mass group of humans, Islam and Christianity is the best. Because there's many followers and you feel like you hit the jackpot. Problem is that you must become a guru and do your content." You must stand out.

Example: Bishop Robert Barron, Zakir Naik, Khalid Yassin,

I told the Girlschase members on the chats recently. You can be a great PUA, but at the end of the day, your legacy is tied to us, the audience. Outside of Girlschase, you are nothing. This is why you feel money is everything

This is why you posted that.

Remember, if Girlschase is not your audience, somebody else will become your audience and you don't realize that you unconsciously pick your audience. You need to replace that Human internal need for (staging) audience.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Don't Forget Your Wife/Girlfriend/Girlfriends. :) they are doing your job.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

To all Girlschase members, it took Girlschase to open in 2012, for me to confirm my findings I learn in 2003, maybe in 2006. This is to not take away what Chase has done.

My point is if Girlschase members do not have an answer and that includes tribal elders, don't give up.

Keep it. Write it down. Store it somewhere. Analyze it properly. Make sure you cover the bases of people who opposed you. Make sure that you are non bias.

At this stage of my life, nothing surprised me anymore. I believe anything can happened. I have seen my now dead ex schoolmate, who moved his finger when I visited him at the hospital. He was alive.

But I couldn't believe it. I freaked out.

But yeah, the world is changing, and I see it. No human being can lie to me. This video might make it seem to you that I am fooled. And I am super aware. And this link below is one of those. Like I said, the world is changing, like for real.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2022
I used Chat GPT for litterature reviews and spellchecking/rephrasing.
Wow, I used chat gpt on a rough draft ungraded essay and had to leave a program :( sucks, but now I should've known to edit my essay from chat gpt after it lol, or else it would be considered plagarism...........


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Passport Bros" - Tiktok Trend
"High value don't do this" - TikTok trend
"Fap or nofap" - Girlschase

Our Girlschase members are struggling.

They are struggling because what they swore became the very enemy that they are now facing. Guys whom they called BETA, are now in power. Andrew Tate is now in jail, and he is no longer Alpha. He's no longer sigma. He has become a victim of the new phenomenon.

The Prerogative of the Weasel.

Girlschase members are now suffering from the Prerogative of the Weasel. The betas, the ordinary mainstream guys, are now winning.

The PUA community almost 'no rules' philosophy has become their kryptonite. They are hurt, pained and ultimately, lost.

In order for Girlschase members, the pickup community to win, they must recognize that they are now indeed operating in a world where there are no rules. And the alpha is now 'Justin Trudeau'.


In order for Girlschase, the pick-up community to beat 'Justin Trudeau', they must see before themselves. For the betas, the ordinary man are now winning.


z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

@mist @Teevster @Double_O_69 @Alpha13SC @Skills @Fluxcapacitor and anyone else who like to contribute to the post.

I'm curious. What's your first thought when you see this channel? I stumbled upon it exactly today. And I want to discover if there's an updated perspective from my 2013 post.

Basically, they are what is called now, a throupple, a relationship of 3 person. I'm super curious about you guys opinion because I have met a few over the course of my lifetime. They are usually on their own. They do not care what other people think. They just do their thing. Also, their personalities tend to merge well, at least that's the assumption and the experience I have had with female friends. Not girlfriend but girl friends.

I like to hear this especially from those who run multiple LTR, which is not a lot of guys in the forum and it's not their schtick.

If you don't run multiple LTR, it's fine. I just like to know if you have encountered as such.

Now, My gut feeling is personality types, horoscopes believe it or not and phase of life, really aids in running multiple LTR/throupple/multiple girlfriends knowing each other.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Basically, they are what is called now, a throupple, a relationship of 3 person. I'm super curious about you guys opinion because I have met a few over the course of my lifetime. They are usually on their own. They do not care what other people think. They just do their thing. Also, their personalities tend to merge well, at least that's the assumption and the experience I have had with female friends. Not girlfriend but girl friends.
I'm in a sexless throuple... lmao not gonna write about it as it is a months long FU and somehow I've boyfriend zoned a threesome???

on MLTR...not me currently. my throupple is tame (i'm tame???) and not really a result of me being anything but in the right spot and shades of hookup...won't say much more as I likely am not going to write about it and have probably sufficiently misrepresented myself/situation in this short reply lol

Now, My gut feeling is personality types, horoscopes believe it or not and phase of life, really aids in running multiple LTR/throupple/multiple girlfriends knowing each other.

no comment on personality and horoscopes but surprised you didn't refer to the myriads of polyamory articles or chases article about consorts.

Chase doesn't write about it in technicalities publicly but I'd shoot him an email or even just write a separate post if you are curious about throupple dynamics


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
no comment on personality and horoscopes but surprised you didn't refer to the myriads of polyamory articles or chases article about consorts.

Chase doesn't write about it in technicalities publicly but I'd shoot him an email or even just write a separate post if you are curious about throupple dynamics

Thanks for writing back.

You should not care whether you have results or not. Because sincerely, the results of having multiple long term relationships where all females know each other, are not super common. There's not many ppl who are doing it.

When things are not super common, I can only find patterns. Even if the high level guys here tell me that they found the answer, I be skeptical.

Don't shoot him an email. I have his direct email. So no worries on that. But he likely won't reply.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hi Guys,

@mist @Teevster @Double_O_69 @Alpha13SC @Skills @Fluxcapacitor and anyone else who like to contribute to the post.

I'm curious. What's your first thought when you see this channel? I stumbled upon it exactly today. And I want to discover if there's an updated perspective from my 2013 post.

Basically, they are what is called now, a throupple, a relationship of 3 person. I'm super curious about you guys opinion because I have met a few over the course of my lifetime. They are usually on their own. They do not care what other people think. They just do their thing. Also, their personalities tend to merge well, at least that's the assumption and the experience I have had with female friends. Not girlfriend but girl friends.

I like to hear this especially from those who run multiple LTR, which is not a lot of guys in the forum and it's not their schtick.

If you don't run multiple LTR, it's fine. I just like to know if you have encountered as such.

Now, My gut feeling is personality types, horoscopes believe it or not and phase of life, really aids in running multiple LTR/throupple/multiple girlfriends knowing each other.


Not ideal, it looks cool but is usually a nightmare, is already difficult having 1 girl live in, now 2 or anything more than that... there is also the coolidge effect.... Basically tldr, experiment with a rat, they put that rat in a cage with 5 other female rats, they fuck like crazy for like a week or 2, then he did not want to have sex with any of them, till they introduce a new rat, then after having sex with new rat multiple times same thing...

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Not ideal, it looks cool but is usually a nightmare, is already difficult having 1 girl live in, now 2 or anything more than that...
Not to mention they might just be posturing for content, he might not even be boning both of them (or even ANY of them)... It actually makes sense, because they behave like the normal attwhores you see online that don't wanna show they are involved with any male to fool the simps that follow them into thinking they have a better shot with them... Except they use the image that they are both with him to make the content popular (since a man having more than a girl is a fantasy for pretty much any male... Just see the silly comments on the posts lol)