I sincerely don't mind getting banned. I love this place and I have been in and out but because this is a pickup website, and the goals are not aligned although I like to point out that we are aligned in our goals as pickup. We are still living, here. This needs to be done. I have to say it.
It doesn't matter how one views it. You are sitting on the throne, and I'm not.
We can change lenses, but the furniture is there.
So, In order for the throne to exist, everyone has to agree to a common consensus and a common 'bogey man'.
For Islam, it's the JEWS.
You see.
This is why even man in this forum, has not become "Men". This is not a direct at you or all the senior members. But functionally, the words are already that and that I'm attacking you.
You might say I'm throwing out my belief systems to you, the definitions of what is power
But, you are doing exactly the same thing.
You are assuming Power without morality and ethics is non functional, but you are the one setting the tempo because you sit on the throne.
And this is true. True means it has been reflected and consistent that man are flawed.
Again, assumption is number 1. Second, you are sitting on the throne.
I'm pretty sure someone like Nancy Pelosi is sleeping very well. She got ice cream. A whole cabinet of it. And I'm confident that I'm sleeping well too. This Android phone is decently good. Eh Chinese workers suicides and mundane jobs but that's not my problem
Nah, they refuse to participate in a corrupt system/state.
This is where many of Girlschase members failed again to understand. And this is not their fault. We are now living in a world of acute frame battles.
Final nail in the coffin.
You are asking me to have believe, have confidence that it will turn out okay. Similarly You are asking Americans to believe, have confidence in a system that it itself, is an assumption that it will turn out well for everyone.
But then you are also asking me, that people to adapt, and that failure to adapt is mortal sin of nature.
Basically to have confidence in an idea (assumption), but you also sitting on the throne.
And that you are, sitting on the throne, not giving out reparations per se, handing out, be truthful in that the world of the past, no longer exist. You have to keep lying, regurgitating that you have to work hard/cold approach more/keep PERSISTING as if you have your manifestation.
Here's the thing.
We are in nature, Will.
We are in nature.
z@c+ (Quran 4:135)