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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Master Obi-Wan Kenobi:
"Your need for victory (confirmation), Zac. It blinds you. You are a great warrior, Zac. But your need to prove yourself (confirmation), is your undoing. Until you overcome it, a Padawan you will still be."



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Zac's State of the Union of Thoughts 2023

If you learn PICKUP/PUA/Redpill, you can get any girl you want. Mainstream guys are BETA, despite the BETAs put Andrew Tate in jail.

The alpha, Andrew Tate per se, is in jail.

High value women are low key. But but high value women are high maintenance. So which one is it? Because i have seen high value women who are low maintenance.

In the Girlschase chat, what is your first date lay ratio? My method works. My ratio is better than your ratio.

So, which one is it?

Now all of this is implication. The brain struggling to establish what it cannot.

Fact is no one knows jack shit.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Especially for beginners, new readers, and everyone who wants to understand what's wrong with the world.




There's no denying that I have a large influence in how Girlschase understand the world. Time to get up to speed and don't see the world only thru the Western/Colonialism.. lens.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I think it's not so much colonialism, BUT

Women are standing on the backs of those who uphold the society. As example: will any of you guys drop your iphones and upgrade every 2 years instead of 1? Probably not. Not gonna happen. You need those Chinese workers for you to survive.

And as for she not reading the book on how Westerners have undermine, underdeveloped Africa. According to her, She doesn't see it as important to her core narrative of modern woman not bringing their side of the table. That's her business, her selling point.

Now, how does one balance truth, while still being able to make money while also being able to criticize oneself without the public taking it out of context? That's hard. Because your fanbase doesn't want the truth. They want narratives. Humans want narratives. Going back to the main point, It appears as racist but I can give many examples like the Iphone, where we don't realize that we are completely oblivious to the injustice of our fellow humans, and they are right infront of us, trying to tell us that.

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Confirmed Human Condition:

1)Narrative (Perception is reality)
Human is already one step out.

2)Staging. (Reality is Human vs Human)
Why Girlschase members, employees, can't be honest with Zac. Why Zac feels the sudden shift from his platoon mates when he is promoted as non-commissioned officer, with a National coat of arms, now, on his epaulette. He is no longer a colleague that everyone knew but someone who can recommend punishments.

3)Participatory Universe (Gossips, Small talks, Jokes)

4)Failure of Systems and Human Distrust

5)The Mission and The Function

What gets you there, won't get you further forward. Which one and how to know, is the biggie. Because it's hard to know.

5)Who is They, Kanye?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello everyone,

State of the Union 2023 (for Man)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Moving Thru States

You are always moving through states. Even if our eyes cannot perceive that we are moving through states, we are always moving thru states.

If you feel that she is not talking much during the date, change the state. You guys were sitting at a coffee bean, stand up and bring her for a quick walk. If things are not moving somewhere, bring her to the supermarket. Get her to participatory universe by making her select crackers for both of you for your next quickstop. Our quickstop.

Another example: All states exist.
The community you are in, starts banning you for bringing up statistics or topics that they do not like. Don't force them. They are not in the right state, and objectively they can't see the brain image. Emotions wise, they are not in the right state.
So be patient.

Try again. Masturbate them again.
Bring it up in another way.
and they will gladly follow you,
and be loyal to you, not realizing their hypocrisy.
You are now Lord Saddler

All states exist. You are always moving thru them.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Sometimes high level guys here forget that why they are able to hang out with questionable people is because it is the effects of years of talking to people.

Questionable people here means that people you don't usually hang out with.

Many guys, just want to get a phone number, a date, and then sex. While yes, partly this is also the student fault for wanting to venture into the lake where that Resident Evil 4 monster swims and has no qualms about eating you alive.

Female = Drama
Woman = Drama
Gay man = Drama

= A lot of shits flying.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Ethics of Seduction. Do as I say. Not as I do. Every human is full of ****

Email Conversation With Chase, Part 10
Yeah. And I mean, don't go as far as Anthony - he's the kind of guy that, really, if you point out to him that he's using a girl in a completely selfish way and potentially harming her for the future, he may just laugh in a "haha, guess you got me there!" kind of way. I don't think you're like that so you'll just need to be careful about what you do.

People always get hurt... it's somewhat unavoidable. The general rule is, women won't get hurt with you so long as they feel more powerful than you, don't depend on you, and don't care about you that much. On the other hand, women WILL get hurt with you if they feel less powerful than you, depend on you, and care about you more deeply than you do them.

Different types of women respond to power differentials like this differently. Soft women seek these situations out, because they want to find a powerful man to take care of them. Powerful women often resist powerful men because they fear being broken and driven off-track by a man they can't control (this is why I personally like powerful women - it's no challenge getting a soft woman to submit to you, but with a powerful woman, it's much more of a test of your abilities. Most men prefer a softer woman who will more readily submit, however; they don't want to be tested so much, they want lives of comfort. That's fine and normal). - <cont> - Chase


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Zac, People think you are arrogant than you actually are." - Female Subordinate

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
"Man is Human. Men is an Ideal."


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"If you are so powerful as a PUA, why can't you seduce everyone, Zac? If shower means that you are clean, then why you are showering everyday, Zac? If you are God, why do you need to affirm/think as if that you have what you want, Zac? I thought you can manifest instantly. If physical reality is not what we think it is, then how do you know if trans-woman is not a woman, Zac?

If Andrew Tate is alpha, why he get arrested, Zac? I guess he is not that alpha.

if the Canada truckers are man, why are they getting arrested by Trudeau, Zac? I guess the soyboy is man. Trudeau is the alpha. The soy Prime Minister is not so soy after all.

If you are not a softie, then why dark tech seduction is a problem, Zac?
I thought females are strong, independent, don't need a man.

I thought you are tough, Zac.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

But the reality is that nature has made pretty much universal, built deep into the psyche of every human being, something that will make it very hard for you: everyone, men and women, respect someone who goes after and gets what they want, by whatever means possible. If your ethics are fundamentally weak, inept, and dysfunctional (as ethics are prone to being) you will experience your feared enemy coming and taking the loyalty of your friends and the desire of your women, and forcing you, if you want them back, to become that which you were always afraid to become. Is it not better to become what you need to be on your own choosing, rather than as a painful reaction to negative outcomes? That isn't to say that morality and ethics don't exist, but what ones serve you, and what ones are using you? The results will tell you.

This is the thing with the manosphere community. Why are u going one full round and kinda shame the Redpill/blackpill community?

this self imply 'righteous' forum.

the answer is right there.
Don't need to go one full round.

Essentially, what you imply is there's no truth but Power.

Thanks for another confirmation. I understand Black lives matter plight. understand my minority parents plight. I understand my female humans plight. I certainly understand why everyone has a love hate relationship with America.

This community is having difficulty admitting that their shadows exist.


Chase, it's okay to ban me ;) There's no truth but Power. And I can respect that. That's life

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

OP, I'll give you one example of why it's a waste of time to think like that:
1) I seduced and fucked a girl I found hot, but never called her back; she got in touch and thanked me for a great time.
2) I seduced and fucked a girl I found hot and got in touch with her thanking her for a great time, but she never replied.

Now tell me, according to pure ethics, in which scenario did I do the right thing?
See why it doesn't matter in seduction?

Of course it doesn't matter. You already won.

The only way to cleanse America, like Asgard, is for America to destroy itself by the Black Lifes Matter, the LGBTQ, the minorities, the forgotten middle class white people, the forgotten man and woman.

"It's the only way. There was no other way. Only then Man will be forced to descend from his throne that is built by those below him. Because they no longer want to carry his legacy."

- God talking to Zac in his imaginary dream thoughts.



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
This is the thing with the manosphere community. Why are u going one full round and kinda shame the Redpill/blackpill community?

this self imply 'righteous' forum.

the answer is right there.
Don't need to go one full round.

Essentially, what you imply is there's no truth but Power.

Not exactly. I view things very much as 'there is no truth but Functionality'.

It's a crucial difference. A lot of power is very disfunctional and does not last very long. Just try using individual power indiscriminately and see what happens. Nature created animals and man with ethics and morality for functional reasons, and created all sorts of instinctual and sociological mechanisms to reinforce it. Not having or properly integrating ethics and morality generally doesn't bode very well for someone's ability to get what they want, consistently, over a long period of time.

The big problem with the red pill/black pill community is that in many ways they are very disfunctional. They air grievances, and believe in their righteousness, but present few solutions that really function. Failure to adapt is the mortal sin of nature. And adaptation is fundamentally about creating functionality by changing the way you do things.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I sincerely don't mind getting banned. I love this place and I have been in and out but because this is a pickup website, and the goals are not aligned although I like to point out that we are aligned in our goals as pickup. We are still living, here. This needs to be done. I have to say it.

Not exactly. I view things very much as 'there is no truth but Functionality'.

It doesn't matter how one views it. You are sitting on the throne, and I'm not.

We can change lenses, but the furniture is there.

So, In order for the throne to exist, everyone has to agree to a common consensus and a common 'bogey man'.

For Islam, it's the JEWS. :)

It's a crucial difference. A lot of power is very disfunctional and does not last very long. Just try using individual power indiscriminately and see what happens. Nature created animals and man with ethics and morality for functional reasons,

You see.

This is why even man in this forum, has not become "Men". This is not a direct at you or all the senior members. But functionally, the words are already that and that I'm attacking you.

You might say I'm throwing out my belief systems to you, the definitions of what is power

But, you are doing exactly the same thing.

You are assuming Power without morality and ethics is non functional, but you are the one setting the tempo because you sit on the throne.

And this is true. True means it has been reflected and consistent that man are flawed.

Not having or properly integrating ethics and morality generally doesn't bode very well for someone's ability to get what they want, consistently, over a long period of time

Again, assumption is number 1. Second, you are sitting on the throne.

I'm pretty sure someone like Nancy Pelosi is sleeping very well. She got ice cream. A whole cabinet of it. And I'm confident that I'm sleeping well too. This Android phone is decently good. Eh Chinese workers suicides and mundane jobs but that's not my problem ;)

The big problem with the red pill/black pill community is that in many ways they are very disfunctional. They air grievances, and believe in their righteousness, but present few solutions that really function.

Nah, they refuse to participate in a corrupt system/state.

This is where many of Girlschase members failed again to understand. And this is not their fault. We are now living in a world of acute frame battles.

Failure to adapt is the mortal sin of nature. And adaptation is fundamentally about creating functionality by changing the way you do things.

Final nail in the coffin.

You are asking me to have believe, have confidence that it will turn out okay. Similarly You are asking Americans to believe, have confidence in a system that it itself, is an assumption that it will turn out well for everyone.

But then you are also asking me, that people to adapt, and that failure to adapt is mortal sin of nature.

Basically to have confidence in an idea (assumption), but you also sitting on the throne.

And that you are, sitting on the throne, not giving out reparations per se, handing out, be truthful in that the world of the past, no longer exist. You have to keep lying, regurgitating that you have to work hard/cold approach more/keep PERSISTING as if you have your manifestation.

Here's the thing.
We are in nature, Will.
We are in nature.

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Suppose you know a woman you find attractive. Suppose she does not know you, or at least she does not find you attractive, yet; but you know that you have the power to enter into her life, seduce her, and form some kind of sexual relationship with her -- maybe it's a ONS, maybe it's an LTR, doesn't matter.

Do you ever stop and ask yourself, "Why should this woman sleep with me, in particular?"


"Man should not go after 16 year old girls. That's predatory".

True story below:
Girl: "He should not date her."
Zac: "So if i have dated you instead?"

Girl: *long silence into the abyss*

The story of Woman that 'God' has written, is the story of the exaggeration of Man in his physical form. Woman are exaggerations of Man in his physical form, and for woman to finally reconcile that she is a piece of shit. :)

The last sentence is a joke.

"Every thing is a trap." - Woman



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021

I sincerely don't mind getting banned. I love this place and I have been in and out but because this is a pickup website, and the goals are not aligned although I like to point out that we are aligned in our goals as pickup. We are still living, here. This needs to be done. I have to say it.

It doesn't matter how one views it. You are sitting on the throne, and I'm not.

We can change lenses, but the furniture is there.

So, In order for the throne to exist, everyone has to agree to a common consensus and a common 'bogey man'.

For Islam, it's the JEWS. :)

You see.

This is why even man in this forum, has not become "Men". This is not a direct at you or all the senior members. But functionally, the words are already that and that I'm attacking you.

You might say I'm throwing out my belief systems to you, the definitions of what is power

But, you are doing exactly the same thing.

You are assuming Power without morality and ethics is non functional, but you are the one setting the tempo because you sit on the throne.

And this is true. True means it has been reflected and consistent that man are flawed.

Again, assumption is number 1. Second, you are sitting on the throne.

I'm pretty sure someone like Nancy Pelosi is sleeping very well. She got ice cream. A whole cabinet of it. And I'm confident that I'm sleeping well too. This Android phone is decently good. Eh Chinese workers suicides and mundane jobs but that's not my problem ;)

Nah, they refuse to participate in a corrupt system/state.

This is where many of Girlschase members failed again to understand. And this is not their fault. We are now living in a world of acute frame battles.

Final nail in the coffin.

You are asking me to have believe, have confidence that it will turn out okay. Similarly You are asking Americans to believe, have confidence in a system that it itself, is an assumption that it will turn out well for everyone.

But then you are also asking me, that people to adapt, and that failure to adapt is mortal sin of nature.

Basically to have confidence in an idea (assumption), but you also sitting on the throne.

And that you are, sitting on the throne, not giving out reparations per se, handing out, be truthful in that the world of the past, no longer exist. You have to keep lying, regurgitating that you have to work hard/cold approach more/keep PERSISTING as if you have your manifestation.

Here's the thing.
We are in nature, Will.
We are in nature.

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)
:D do you really know where I'm sitting?

Man can become men, but first each man must rise to the occasion, as far as he is able. Morality serves as a complement to what is sacrificed by each, not to replace that which is sourly withheld.

You are a smart man, but the world you inhabit, that overwhelms you, is naive. It is the same as a man with a woman. The trap that men have fallen into countless times is not to love it as it is.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
:D do you really know where I'm sitting?

Man can become men, but first each man must rise to the occasion, as far as he is able. Morality serves as a complement to what is sacrificed by each, not to replace that which is sourly withheld.

You are a smart man, but the world you inhabit, that overwhelms you, is naive. It is the same as a man with a woman. The trap that men have fallen into countless times is not to love it as it is.

Your Ikea chair, sucks. :D
Now you blowing smoke up my ass. :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I knew what she wanted... for us to shag and me to make her my girlfriend.

I never let it happen.

(although I actually told a future girlfriend about this... that girlfriend's reply was "I wish you'd fucked her for stringing you along like that!"... I was like lol, this chick is hardcore...)

Anyway, not sure how useful that is, but maybe it gives some thoughts.

When we first read PUA, or successful people doing this kind of things, we often assume that there is a "I'm better than you", "I have the power now", when they reject you.

Actually, this is not the case. The thing is that generally, Humans are good people and they would want to see you in a new light and that you are better now.

They would like to see if you reciprocate back because they have to defend who you were before, which that you was an asshole.

Oftentimes, you don't reciprocate back, because you have not outgrow where you are. This is where we must be conscious, and recognize.

This video is an example of a guy outgrowing shitty girls, shitty humans in general.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Just had an extended family visitation. Sees a child less than a year old.

Eager to engage with me, but so done with me and cry after engaging with me, because just like females, they no longer cherish something that they have already achieve what their goal is.

Object(ive) > Function > Assumption (idea)


Pray for me. Pray that I am able to build bridges. Pray that 2023, I am able to contribute to here, to my immediate society, and hopefully to all of humankind.


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