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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Hector latest video on Redpill. He (the channel), commented that man will go back to traditionalism and they will shame woman again. On surface level, just like President Donald Trump, we are excited.

We rebuild our military.
Our economy was strong.
We bring jobs back.
Our country is back.

Recognize the patterns?

Woman are chaste, virgins again.
Woman will be shame again.

They should make a cap. "Woman will be shame again".

Recognize the patterns yet?

Islam is now the fastest growing religion. Everyone will convert to Islam.
Islam will take over the world.
Everyone is reverting back to Islam despite I just tweet that the world is ending yesterday.

Recognize the patterns, now?

My family, my friends, my fellow beloved Girlschase members, not realizing that the world will still be the same.

Blackpink will not wear the Hijab. Not gonna happened.
LGBTQ won't stop.
Cornhub will still exist.
SAudi Arabia search results was noted that their search engine was on mostly Western cosmetics.

YEa.. I never share that with society here, and everyone. Because I personally do not like to tear down people's realities. Because I am at my second unwiring. It's not fun. And as you get wiser (older), the brain has a hard time letting go.

Coming back, My beloved Girlschase members, the members who are talking about ethics, believing, holding onto an idea that they believe still exist, while dismantling other people's faiths, which are ideas itself.

Don't worry. I'm on Girlschase side. Because I'm doing this to survive too. I have no home.
He, Hector recognize that people do this thing of shaming, Redpill.. out of cope, to survive because that's all they have left.

but I warned that we are just as much as them, coping. :) @Hector Papi Castillo @Chase



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Girlschase Chat]

*SideHug Post

Zac: The issue with area of ambiguity in social circle is that it is ambiguous, unless you are the Emperor, and even the Emperor in the social circle, cannot always make moves in that moment. He has to wait. Warriors wisdom
Member: I think newbies are not patient because they tend to act from insecurity, for them social situations and respect is very ambigious so they can panic
Zac: You can't tell newbies to be patient and have warriors wisdom. It's like me telling you guys to invest in my Facebook ads and not expect anything



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Kicking the Hand]

When Girlschase first started, I was swoon. I came here and I felt at home. Because I felt that I was understood.

Chase pulls himself out of himself, everytime. At least that's what I feel.

Recently, there was heated debates, the Mercedes vs 'MASTER PUA', where I felt that Girlschase could have done more, they could do more, to the second one where mist and Paulie argues.

Mist was talking about an idea, and he was talking about the idea processes. Paulie however felt the need to interject.
(Even now, I also, feel the need to interject this heated debate, because it was unnecessary)

While the first debate was my fault because Chase said himself that he cannot do much, and the world situation isn't right for him to interject, the second debate was quite profound for me.

- Participatory Universe (Professor John Wheeler)
- Brain Image of Paulie (Still Face Experiment)
- Staging
(Girlschase, then reality aka There's no truth but Power - Black Lifes Matter)

Paulie needed that participatory universe. Just as I am doing this now, participatory universe. Paulie also didn't come out from his state. He interjects another members discussion, while still operating from his state, thus he is retaining his brain image. Paulie is already incapacitated because he has not realize that he is operating from himself.

Mist however then reflects Paulie. Brain image projects Brain Image. Thus when Paulie was operating from himself, Mist reflect this unconsciously operating from himself.


I'm excited because for once, I can actually help some people here, and then eventually help the world


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Ideological Level]

The idea is, with every generation, there will be more states (box in picture) added.

Red - Reality/Objective State
Orange - Feeel/Function State
Purple - Future/Assumption State

Thus, with more box added when every new generation replaces it, it's harder to help pull your wife, family, children, friends, customers. It is harder to pull them out of their misery.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Zac's 2023 Goal]

Precedence: Brain Image




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Email Conversations With Chase Part 11

Yeah, low level, high level... it's all perspective, really. And need/desire. The less you want or need something, the less power others have over you. The businessman trying to impress the Tibetan monk with his Ferrari, for instance.

Now, if the monk drops out of the monastery and decides his true calling is to go get rich and rake in heaps of cash, he may find himself at the businessman's office begging for a job and holding said businessman in awe. Just kind of how these things go - but it's all related to what you want and hope to get vs. what others want and hope to get from you. If they need you more than you need them, you're higher level; if you need them more than they need you, they are.

In this way, you can actually form a bit of a paradox; the rich guy who can't get laid but desperately wants to is lower level than the PUA who doesn't care about money, but if that PUA desperately wants to learn sculpting and the sculptor he wants to learn from isn't interested in teaching and doesn't care about getting girls (perhaps he's gay), the PUA is lower level; and maybe the sculptor desperately wants to become rich and would really like to learn from the rich guy, but the rich guy doesn't care about sculpting and doesn't have time to teach him, so the sculptor is lower level than the rich guy. Thus, rich guy < PUA < sculptor < rich guy, and the dragon eats its own tail



Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Zac 2023 Goal]


Every female that has found out about Man below them, the forgotten man and woman of the United States. All of them, are 'screwed up' by it. All of them, which Zac has personally encountered. the female brain can't handle it.

Zac hopes that women don't have to go thru it.

"Clark, You have to ignore all this people crying out for help, in pain, everytime?" - Lois Lane

"so what's the point of us (Women) doing all of this things? You guys are still going to cheat on us anyway."
- Women (on a FreshnFitclips)

In Zac's opinion of FreshnFit, Redpill, Blackpill and his fellow Girlschase community...

FreshnFit, doesn't offer women, Hope. Everything they see, is mechanical, 'facts', although facts themselves provided by them is questionable. It comes from a place of 'I want to win.'

Girlschase.com is naive. Though quite a few members believe that Zac is naive. They believe that Zac wants to serve all of humanity, and do the impossible.

This is a false premise, created by Girlschase members. Because while Zac wants to probably help serve all of humanity, the argument he is noting, is not of for the prior. Zac wants his fellow humans to "LISTEN".. But I guess since the mind and the heart, is the start of all things. The belief that powers everything. Zac can't run away from that.

(And Intent is key, if we do believe in religion sayings)

Women are silly n cute, is suicidal to Man, in a world that is not designed and played by the same rules, where Zac will be proven once the internet is established in a about 2 decades, which is 50 years, Year 2010 - 2050+

We live in a world now where everyone follows their own laws.

"Women are silly n cute", is suicidal to Man who is already subdued, demoralized, and not aware of his surroundings.

"I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking." - Superman

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[How to Make Her Love You Even More]

Disclaimer: this is a joke. :D it's not me in it.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Compelled Value and the Dance of The Universe]

If you were to ask Zac whether girls are interested in Zac, is real or not, Zac in 2006 would have said "Yes, she loves me for real."

But Zac didn't realize that he can't say this to her. It's too soon. She has not have her interest build up yet. She has not have sex with Zac, yet.
Then, Zac can't say this to Girlschase members.
Members be saying he is having ONEITIS.
Zac is delusional, they say.

2023 Zac, sees this differently.

Zac learns that everything exist, every seed exist. Zac now understands that he needs to sail the sea of states. As example: Zac cannot be Superman in Girlschase, because there's only one CEO in Girlschase, and that's Chase. Zac must be the Sigma.

With girls that likes Zac, he cannot save them, yet. Zac knows that everything exist. Zac learns that he needs to listen. Zac learns that girls needs to reach out to him (tangibly or intangibly) first.

Zac understands Participatory universe and the Staging aka Compelled Value.

Example video:
Countless times, Zac notice that 'Lois' (girls), hesitates.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[Trigger Warning]

Trigger Warning


Andrew tate has gotta be top 10 in frame control. Never seen someone so strongly deflect accusations and take control of arguments. Man has to be analyzed.

Great orators from history, do tell me something. 1)Zac can't convince Girlschase members until Zac masturbates them 2)Zac can't really change the world that much because Zac have to individually reward every human. There must be some function/route to Desire aka Sex, Power, Access (EXAMPLE: I preach Christian values but my seminar must have HOT CHRISTIAN woman)


Never Take Zac seriously. Watch the video from 21:00 and you will understand not to take Zac seriously. Because he himself is doing something to accumulate Sex.

BLess everyone. :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

My job now is to dismantle PUA with my 'framework of mind'.

"Man is Human. Men is an Ideal."



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Not only do Girlschase members have to pull themselves out of their ass, they need to learn and understand themselves aka the 3 states within 3 states, for them to be able to then help their wife, their girlfriend, their kids, their family, their friends, their customers and ultimately the society.

i can't ask of Girlschase members/humans of something that they cannot do.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


It's impossible to get girls to admit that they like you.
It's also impossible for other high level man to admit that they follow your stuff.
I didn't understand. Now I do.

In order for Girlschase members to agree with me, it's not submission. Because the world now operates on 'per second frame'. In order for humans to reveal themselves, It's catching them off guard in the transition to projection. :)

"Searching for "Einstein" and "level of thinking" rather than "same level of thinking" turns up a much earlier example from The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Volumes 1-4, which is dated 1969 by google books though these snippets show it contains pieces from 1969 and 1970. The quote, on p. 124, is "The world that we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level as the level we created them at." It's prefaced by "Einstein said an interesting thing", and the same phrase and quote appears in a 1974 book by Ram Dass (who needs his own wikiquote page!), The Only Dance There Is... so presumably the one in The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology is the same piece by Ram Dass.

Also, the next two earliest versions I find on google books (searching for "Einstein" and "level of thinking" on an advanced search with date range 1900-1979) use wording nearly identical to the version given by Ram Dass... The supposed Einstein quote from Skeptic reads "the world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the level of thinking at which we created them", and the one from New Age reads "the world that we have made, as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far, creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level we created them", both identical to Ram Dass' quote in the first part and very close in the second part.

Since Ram Dass generally spoke extemporaneously without using notes, and The Only Dance There Is says the section with the Einstein quote is from talks he gave to "spiritual seekers" at "the Menninger Foundation in 1970", it's likely he would have been paraphrasing a bit even if his source was some other unknown one that also misquoted Einstein (as opposed to him being the original source of the misquote as I am speculating). So if the only other sources found in the 1970s repeat Ram Dass' exact wording, it seems pretty likely that Ram Dass (or some secondary source that got the quote from Ram Dass) was the source for them. And the later variants that emerged in the 1980s and 1990s might well be all from authors that got their quotes in a chain of influences that goes back to Ram Dass' version.


This is a cool observation. The "seeing past advertising" bit.

Yeah, we all advertise ourselves. And we can get caught up in our own advertising. Which is part of what attainability is - "Be careful you don't upend her own notions of herself too hard." There's a certain amount of upending in flirtation, where you challenge a girl's advertisements of herself, without outright upending them.

Yeah, this is a great observation. How able someone is to see past the images others present, versus get sucked into them.

Terrific realization, Zac. There is a lot to talk about here. A lot.

I wish you wrote in a clearer way. There's often a ton of value in the things you have to say, but it's inaccessible to most guys because it's hard for them to ferret it out. Thoughtful Zac + clear Zac would be an absolute wrecking ball.


I just knew i had something. It's a gift. A gift from the Heavens. I will use this powers for the betterment of Humankind.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Zac ask that members to grow compassion over time.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


Diagnosis: Response from Chase on Post, topic: Power.

What women are attracted to is what they can see directly and witness, or otherwise strongly understand through some kind of direct experience.

The coach is objectively, in actuality, more powerful than the players. He may be richer. He can hire or fire them. But the woman doesn't SEE that.

During the game, the coach is some guy walking around on the sidelines, occasionally shown on camera, perhaps carrying a clipboard and speaking into a microphone. She almost never sees hierarchical displays between the coach and player. Maybe occasionally she might see the coach chewing the player out, or building him up. But most of the time the coach is mostly invisible.

The player on the other hand is very visibly out on the field. His exploits are visible. When the announcers and presenters talk about the game, they regale the public with tales of the player's exploits. The one being mentioned over and over and over again is the player. The one top of mind is the player. The one the glory gets heaped upon is the player.

But what if she can DIRECTLY SEE the power the powerful man wields over the more visible star?

Conclusion: :) ...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

It seems that people like to argue online, and it has risen to levels that we have never seen before. It feels like it is a zero sum game, a race to the bottom to make someone infront of you, the loser.

When you live in a world that is heading in a direction of a zero sum game, how do you actually protect yourself from the effects of a society in a freefall that is heading to a zero sum game.

I believe that this 3 things might help

1)Understanding that the truth does not matter.
2)Main Character Syndrome
3)Completing of 3 States

I'm sure if you are somewhat culturally informed, you would have seen or listen to those Redpill/manosphere/dating podcast, you would know that you can tell the truth to woman, females. And the fact is, you can talk until the cows come home, they won't listen to you.

There is more to as to why females won't listen to you, but for now, Truth does not matter.

Number 2, the main fatal mistake that I have seen with manosphere podcast and in fact a lot of podcast of today, is that they do not understand the main character syndrome.

Main Character Syndrome, here, means that your customer, your wife, your girlfriend, your friends, your kids, all of them are operating from themselves first.

It means their brain image (5 senses) must make sure that the empire they are building, has a retain in all of the 5 senses.

As for example: It doesn't matter what Zac says and writes in this post. It is whether Zac can recognize where you are operating from, your brain image aka 5 senses.

Lastly, Number 3



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

One of many Causes of your PUA Depression.

Example: Month of Jan

Act: Pickup girls at this club
Staging: Particular club

Result = Success includes numbers, dates, lays in the January month.

Then, you go pickup girls on March and the results didn't turn out the same. Girls become ass for some reason. Bouncers feels kinda off and don't treat you as normal. This is where you should pause, and be aware that your brain are accessing information from past experience, aka month of Jan.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

It's actually very sinister if you tweak a few things. As you advanced in every field, whatever it is. Small changes make huge huge differences. Nothing has changed throughout history. The small tweaks is what changes game. - trashKENNUT

Diagnosis: Email Conversations With Chase Part 14
Confusion game? Heh.

A lot of advanced guys / naturals figure it out organically.

Doesn't have to be manipulative. It can just be you fucking with women for fun. Which they also enjoy, because women enjoy being fucked with by a strong dude, so long as that strong dude stays attainable.

Even with the article on GC, I'm sure it'll set light bulbs off for a few hundred guys. And probably some of those guys will write posts or articles on it somewhere. And a few hundred more guys will see it.

But more or less, this is somewhat out of reach for most guys. You really need to have a bunch of other pieces already in place to use confusion with any amount of effectiveness. - Chase

Sidenote: Brain Image (5 Senses)

Gen Z, as example, can't differentiate that police brutality as example, is not as frequent as what media says. - trashKENNUT



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

There's a lot of suffering from GirlsChase members, man today. The world sucks. You have to learn just to qualify for the game, and then you can play the game and then you have to fucking learn the game.

And realize that the girl just fucking sucks.

Not only is the girl fucking not worth it. College is not worth it. Religion is just a paint on a Bentley that has no engine except someone elses belief. Everything is just a fucking mental masturbation.

Zac masturbates you.
Chase masturbates you.
College masturbates you.
Parents masturbates you.

Everything is just a sales funnel after funnel. And you are correct.

It is a Mental Sales funnel


I see it. I cannot solve the problem. I cannot solve Girlschase members problems, but I can lay it out.

If the universe permits, Insyaallah, God willing. I try to help.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Sounds like you're on the cusp of realizing the Four Noble Truths, Zac :D

Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five aggregates subject to clinging are suffering.
Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving [taṇhā, "thirst"] which leads to re-becoming, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there; that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for becoming, craving for disbecoming.
Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, non-reliance on it.
Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: it is this noble eightfold path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.