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Tyme2K's 363 Day challenge: 2013 year of adventure


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 19 - Fri. Feb. 22nd 2013 Part 1

Off work, FB stayed over last night, fucked her for 2 sessions this morning trying not to finish. Very hard and I end up finishing about half an orgasm. I don't want to finish since I have a date tonight. On 2/20 I get a text from gorgeous tattood Asian chick. She is in my day 6 FR met her at Blue Cue, blew the set and brought it back with eye contact.

Here is our entire text convo:

Me 2/10 1:06A - Hey! 22 yr old.. ur a bit younger than I usually go for :p but lets hang out soon - Tyler
Me 2/11 4:51p - (Name)! Drinks this week? What's your schedule like?
Me 2/16 5:55p - Come out tonight, going to the park.

At this point I'm done texting her, no investiment and I think it's blown. I should have pulled her that night and assume she probably got pulled by another guy. Now this is some of the crazy things that have been happening.. It's like now since I have been seeing what abundance means and give up quickly on girls since I don't have time, I think it makes me come off extremely un needy and they sense it some how.. I'll write a blog post on this soon, I have a few good strategies for noobies to employ.. Anyways

Her 2/20 7:24p - Hey you :)
Me 7:59p - What's up girlie?
Her 8:57p - Just finished a yoga class. You?
Me 9:50p - Workin on that 6pk, nice.. Bout to meet some friends for a bit, why what's up?
Her 9:59 - Nothing's up, just saying hi. Have a nice night out
Me 10:08p - Whats ur schedule like this weekend?
Her 10:49p - Not sure yet. Hoping to have a chill weekend cause I've been studying like mad this week. Maybe Friday?
Me 2/21 11:53a- I'll be free around 7 on friday a bit. Lets grab a coffee, keep it low key.
Her 1:51p - Sure sounds good. Do you have a place you like to go?
Me 4:37p - Yep Starbucks on (address)
Her 8:20p - Ok see you then :)

So here I asked her what's up twice, I was trying to see if she was free and wanted to hook up this night. She is in her 30's, so I have a feeling she will be pretty open to a casual hook up. I was testing basically why she would text me out of the blue, no response to three texts then all of a sudden she initiates. I guess this goes to show, follow the process and do your best in sets. They will remember you if you did everything right and shit will happen naturally.

The place we are going is literally 2 blocks from my house and 2 blocks from a nice bar. Date plan is rapport over a coffee, go to bar if needed and up her BT, if not needed straight to my place and close.

FR on this date later tonight or tomorrow, also should be going out tonight.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 19 part 2

Just got back from my day 2 with HB8 asian ink. Date went super smooth, left coffee back to my place, at my place tons of deep diving and connecting. She really opened up to me. I took a great moment and made out, pulled her to me on my bed and had a long make out / talk/ dry hump. Token LMR going for the pants, but I just kept calm and would retract first. We both had made plans after the date which we still ran over into. I was supposed to meet Mark at 930 but she didn't leave until 11. My bad homie.

Really sucks that I didn't close. Not entirely sure what I could have done different, I think if I didn't have sex earlier today it would have been much easier. One thing this woman is extremely sexual, and I think on the next date it should be pretty solid. If she comes back to my place next time she's down for sure. I'll make sure I'm completely unsexed, so I just make her fucking day! Pun intended.

Any suggestions for getting the pants off? She was wearing tight jeans and told me at least 3 times she wasn't taking them off..

Getting texts from Mix HB7 she wanted to stop over earlier. I'll post the text convo later. Mark is still coming over we are gonna go game for an hour or two.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 19 part 3

Still beating myself up about not closing with Asian Ink. We both wanted it and I didn't give her what she wanted. I forgot to add something about the date with Asian Ink. She explained her thought process for why she didn't text me and then why she finally decided too which I thought I'd share since it's pretty interesting.

She explained that she got out of a relationship about 6 months ago. She had a pretty rough situation and it took a big toll on her emotionally. She started surrounding herself with validation guys, you know chodes.. Omg ur so pretty, wow your tattoos are so cool. So she decided she didn't need the validation and removed all these orbiters out of her life. Her friend talked her into going out the night she met me and I was on fire. We created a bubble in the middle of a packed bar and the only thing that mattered was the two of us. After I looked back at the interaction, there was nothing I could have done better, except go for the pull. After that night her friend, best friend, talked about me. Her friend didn't remember me or the bubble I created with Asian Ink, so she suggested Asian Ink not to text me back. She took the advice and didn't return my texts. Then her friend met some random guy online, they end up calling each other and talking on the phone for 4 hours.. They day two and it goes amazing. After this Asian Ink mentions I texted her to invite her out. NOW her friend says that since she is still thinking about me she should text me. She is happy and wants Asian Ink to be happy, but when she was lonely she wanted her friend to also stay lonely.

This is classic Misery loves company. This shows that even when people say they have good intentions in mind for people around them, they are truly only thinking about themselves. Look at who your surrounding yourself with and ask yourself what they want from you and if they are willing to sacrifice what they get from you so you can be happy.

Anyways, met up with Mark to game at 12 am. We went to R15/Shady lady then walked to Vito's late night pizza. Nothing really in Vito's so we grabbed a slice and headed back to Shady Lady.

Back at Shady we run into girls from Marks bday, social circle friends. There's nothing to open so we just hang with them for a while and invite them to my place. They come by and we all chill til 3am. Pretty low key nothing happens. I like these girls, they are both cute, but they are overweight and I will never escalate on either. With the abundance mentality I have I'm only hooking up with high quality women that I can bring into my rotation and enjoy. Not some mediocre fling that I just want to cut off right away.

Tonight I should have my day 3 with petite sober. She might not show since last night she wanted to come over and I already had a girl in my bed haha. Also tonight we are going to old Roseville to pimp it up. I think today I will write a blog post on Abundance and turning numbers into dates. (bored at work)

Text convo from sober petite last night, last date was 2/20, she initiates the next day:

Her 2/21 12:52p - How was yur melted milkshake..... ;P lol
Me 4:52p - Funny! It was so melted made the lid pop off and splilled! Oh well.. hey u free sat around 730?
Her 5:06p Lol! Awww, that sux ;P haha Um, Sat I'm suppose to have girls night... Why wuts up?
Me 5:26p - Damn.. that's the only time I have this weekend.. I had a good time last night, like to chill again. If ur not meeting too early, come by for pre game/snack :)
Her 5:46p - Oh wut, excuse me Mr busy ;P hahaha jk Lol,I did too :) Come by where?

Me 2/22 12:56p - My place, just don't make me break out my rape whistle.. I know how to use it! ;P Come by for a few b4 u go.
Her 8:59p - Lol!... No means no! ;P
Her 8:59p - Wut r u up to....
Me 11:16p - Chillin.. what u up to?
Her 11:24p - Same at friends :)
Her 11:25p - I was gunna stop by earlier, but sumone didn't txt me back..... ;P
Me 11:31p - Ah my bad I've been super busy.. can u make it tomorrow?

I feel like I fucked myself here with that last text.. Seems a bit needy and I'm apologizing for being busy which I should never do. I should have just said we on for tomorrow? or something like that.. We will see if she texts me today, If not maybe I can close Asian Ink :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 20 - Sat. Feb 23 2013

Well I have to write this up tonight. It was going to be a terrible night in my mind before I went out. I was sitting at home poking around the forums until 2300. I was waiting for Mark or my brother to text me, but both flaked.. It's saturday night, I didn't plan and was not prepared mentally to solo. My plans were old Roseville with mark and he ended up chilling with his FB. I did it to him last night so definitely understandable. Not to mention the huge ingrown pimple I tried to pop then bruised and swelled. I constantly reminded myself.how looks.don't matte!

About 2305 rolls around and I turn off the computer to force myself to move my ass.. My biggest sticking point right now is that I need some sort of social crutch, whether it be friends or alcohol. Tonight, it was alcohol. I took exactly 4 shots of Amsterdam vodka before I left. I still didn't feel good, but I wanted something to help smooth the transition from anti social to social.

Headed out tried to open a few sets in front of republic, nothing stuck and I was even purposely avoided. In came my self amusement. I went by one of the bg nightclubs to see if anyone I know was working. The guy I hung out with last week at Dive was there. He was a huge dick tonight, I tried to shake his hand and he wouldn't. Fuck this almost destroyed me for the night, but I'm not gonna allow some low value ass hole break my state. I accepted what happened and drew my happiness and state from within. I continued on and opened the very next set. It was two heavier black girls from Stockton. I helped them cause they had no clue where they were going. I think they thought I was a bit creepy cause I was very aloof but still helping them. They still followed me and I led them to a club.

I get to dive bar and it's decently busy, normal door man isnt outside, must have got the night off. He needs it that's for sure.

I go to the bathroom maybe a few "hi''s" on the way I cant remember... Alcohol.

I open a couple sets run into one that I guess I opened at the mix and got in an argument with the cockblock chode. He tried to gain value by lowering my social status. I checked him in less than 5 words. The girl had to literally break down what happened. I blamed it on booze which was a bad mistake, I should have told her I didn't remember because I don't bother myself with those things. Oh well.. I tell her I do the same thing for my girlfriends when I see a guy they aren't interested in hitting on them.

Finally after about 20 sets and opening everything in my path I come to s sweet three set. I ask if they are out looking for men and they say no but giggle so I say well do you have boyfriends? One said she had a half boyfriend and it was so easy to tease, Its so hard to find a whole boyfriend nowadays. bla bla bla The third one is single which was also the HOTTEST in the group. The girl with a half bf was cute but not sexy like, what will I call her.. Boxer HB8(she has a boxer dog). I play semi uninterested gaming the group at first to gain acceptance. Then I hook the hot one. I rotate her attention/RAS right on me. I would say I'm not even in state yet, but I'm plowing and just trying to feel like the normal me.

I get her hooked solid, but her friends keep giving her looks and I feel I may be losing the set. I leave and go to the bathroom to think about my next move. On my way back I open at least two sets, just so I can feel abundance and get my vocals where they need to be.

I reopen Boxer HB8 and to my surprise her face lights up when she sees me. She missed me and the value I was bringing. This is definitely a bad thing for my development because she gave me the validation I needed to know the set was mine. I continued and it was extremely easier now. All her friends left us alone and there we were creating a bubble inside of a packed bar. I saw a makeout window grabbed her head and took it. It was flawless timing and I kept it light. I pulled away and looked in her eyes, locked in(Mystery method term) and continued where we left off. I think I kissed her one more time in the bar until we closed it down.. We end up leaving as a group, there is a guy in the set and we both work for the same company, this sort of made it too easy.. On the way out I'm going for the pull hard, I'm telling her to tell her friends I'm stealing her and giving her a ride. Problem is her car is at the friends house bla bla bla. Why do they plan it this way when it's in congruent?

Anyways I cant pull her so instead i drag her to the wall lock in and tell her we are hanging out and put her number bla bla. She does ofc, and we head down the street. At our parting point I grab her and kiss her one more time, I let her go she almost falls and I tease just a little. We both laugh and she goes. Text her Hey! get home safe and get multiple texts... I'll post the full convo after I set the date.

So wow I end up going out despite not wanting too.. I use a crutch and don't even do remotely well until I start to get sober.. Then I meet a super sexy woman, that works out, has a masters degree, and a dog person. I mean honestly she is damn near an HB9. I guess the rating as of now is solely based on looks, but this is a high value woman. She is also 28 which is not my usual type, I love 19-22 but only for looks. I seem to be more drawn to women my age for personality. In a 3 rating scale she is a SOLID 3 meaning I will put in substantial effort to close.

What I learned:

Nights I'm forced to solo, just fucking GO! Stop wasting time and get the fuck out there
I need to get my crutches figured out, I'll never achieve mastery if I have to cheat
I live in a small city, even though it's the capital there is only 500,000 people and I get remembered easily


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 21 - Sunday Feb. 24 2013

Work. Not much gaming done today and I blew 2/3 of my good sets. Went to Leohman's Plaza for lunch in Arden near Sac State. This little parking lot is great for daygame on the weekends. Will definitely check it out. Today however all the sets were far out of my comfort zone. 4 set 2 guys two HB9's, girl in line at chipotle with 5 people in front and behind her, multiple girls in cars. I didn't approach anyone just walked around with my dick in my hand durrrrr. Did do a set at work, spit about 5 words and realised she was a drug addict, ejected immediately. These girls are usually petite and skinny when approaching it's hard to tell until you're too close.

So planned on going to Mix, but at 7pm I text my FB to cut her off/dump her. Met her at her place drove to a park down the street and let her know we want different things. I tell her I want a threesome and if I'm with her this wont happen, I tell her I don't want a gf and thats what this feels like. She asked over and over what she did, cried a few times and then we just chilled. Ended up getting very sexual, and she gives me a BJ in the car begging to see me one more time for closure. I aggreed cause my dick was in her mouth, fml. Not sure exactly what she wants to do, but it's scary to think about possibilities. Any thoughts, I;m not one to go back on what I say, but this seems very odd?? I think she wants me to fuck her brains out one last time.. Maybe she wants my sperm, maybe she wants to cut my balls off.

Didn't make it to Mix. So as far as pure game goes this has to be my worst day since I started my challenge. I'm going to make it up this week by gaming harder than ever and pushing my comfort zone every day. Also I'm going to look for a few more wings that are willing to approach and work hard at this shit.

Now on to my sets that I burned to the ground:

Sober petite HB7

Last messages recap
Her 2/22 8:59p - Wut r u up to....
Me 11:16p - Chillin.. what u up to?
Her 11:24p - Same at friends :)
Her 11:25p - I was gunna stop by earlier, but sumone didn't txt me back..... ;P
Me 11:31p - Ah my bad I've been super busy.. can u make it tomorrow?

Her 2/23 1:55p - No worries, ended up going over to a house party
Me 5:50p - Nice
Me 2/24 3:42p - Hey u, what are u up to this evening?
Her 5:26p - Nuthin much, had sum bottomless mimosas with a friend lol, now I'm home U?
Me 5:46p - Workin.. does that mean ur incapacitated? If not come by for a few. Can't stay late tho. I'll be home around 7.
Her 5:48p - I pretty much am.....def shouldn't be driving of anything of theat sort right now.....
Her 5:48p - Lol
Me 6:15p - Cool lol

So A few things here, I was trying to get her over after work so we could fuck. I know she knows this, but our schedules wont allow us to meet all week so I figured might as well burn it to the ground. I probably shoudl have said Let's meet up, and hope for the invite to her place. I also gave her an easy out, which was a huge mistake, probably came off a bit needy. My last text at 6:15 was to see if she would think about it and invite me over, yeah right ultimate fail. Last Friday was my only chance when she cold texted me to fuck and I didnt respond, I was on my date with Asian Ink hb8 soooo who cares. Next..

Boxer HB8 met at Dive bar Saturday 2/23.
Me 2/24 2:17a - Hey! Get home safe :) Tyler
Her 2:24a - Thank you :) I just walked in the door.
Her 2:25a - I immediately put on pajama pants
Me 2:28a - Comfy! Damage report? (her dog makes a mess when left alone)
Her 2:40a - Nothing major. She got my shoe bin out somehow from under the bed, but that's nothing.
Me 1:31p - Hey u, what are u up to this evening?
Her 2:24p Hi - I'm going to an Oscar's party a friend is having tonight.
Me 4:08p - Oh is that one of those naughty parties? If there isn't a stripper let me know ill give u guys a discount lol ;P (Not sure wtf I was thinking...)
Her 4:31p - Lol I don't think I've ever seen a male stripper in real life....
Her 4:31p - Maybe I have but I've blocked the memory
Me 8:37p - Hey, lets chill an evening after work this week. Not too late tho I work early. Mon or Tues I have a bit..

So pretty sure this set is blown. We will see if she texts me this week, still nothing today and I think the stripper comment might have been a bit out of her comfort zone. Oh well. I need to drop the gamey text comments and just go for the meet. If instead of that text I sent "Hey, lets chill an evening after work this week. Not too late tho I work early. Mon or Tues I have a bit.." I probably would have been 100 times better off. Live and learn.

Ok and now onto the set that isn't blown Asian Ink Hb8

At the end of our date 2/22 Asian Ink told me to text her "Something nice" she also told me I have to buy her dinner before she sleeps with me, in a joking way but still:

Me 2/23 4:52p - Hey u, something nice ;P I was thinking about dinner, I'll buy, but we're cooking it at my place. Thinking italian, deal?
Her 7:03p - That sounds perfect ;) I have to admit, it's pretty hot that you cook
Me 2/24 11:17a - So Friday? What time are u free? (notice I ignored the validation compliment, I'm trying to free myself from seeking validation and reactions)
Her 2/24 12:29p - Friday would work. Let me check a few things and let you know a specific time ;)
Me 7:06p - K :)
Her 7:10p - Hey u how was your day?
Me 9:03p - Pretty busy, will be nice to get breather. Hope urs is good too
Her 9:46p - (my trip) was amazing. It was so nice being near the water. So Friday, I'm free after 6pm

This is how all my text interactions need to look. Simple request for a meet, no gamey bullshit right to the point. It also helps this woman is totally into me. So dinner date is set for Friday at 6, I will respond to her sometime today confirming what she said as not to be rude.. I'm just trying to lengthen time between talking so it doesn't turn into text banter until Friday, which would leave tons of room for error. Any thoughts on when to respond to her text are welcome..

What I learned:
Drop the gamey texting, direct to the point.
I'm taking comfortable approaches, I will never get better chilling in my comfort zone
I need to not get attached and hang out with an FB for so long, when they start showing extreme levels of interest/love I need to stop it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 22 - Monday Feb 25 2013

Work, Dive Bar solo. Head out about 11. This place on Moday is a lot of fun, It's industry night so everyone pretty much knows each other.

I go in chodey as usual hit the bathroom to breathe, I think I like to do this so I can scope the venue and plan which sets I'm going to approach. Very bad I know, cut I guess I'm rationalizing it by making my time spent wisely instead of wasting time on bullshit sets.

I spot the white girl from Day 8 that was super into me. Again she is insanely attracted to me, I feel bad because she is actually very cute(like was thin and ballooned) and fun personality, buuuut she's overweight. Tonight I hung out with her most of the time. I did get a little insight on how chodes "get lucky" I was purposely acting like a chode and she gave me soo many signs and signals then eventually says, "So, you gonna ask for my number or what?" I mean if she didn't work with everyone and didn't have the potential to screw me over after I let her down.. I mean my main FB is on a whole nother physical level and I cut her off..

I end up having her put her number in.. I will definitely have to friend zone her..

I tried something today, I introduced a set to another set. My biggest problem with this is remembering peoples names. I need to get better at remembering names for sure. I introduce a girl I know from another club to this girl I'm chilling with, I kind of just let the set run itself interjecting every so often. I think in an ideal situation I would want to leave then reopen I'm gonna start playing with this.

I stay until about 1245 and head out. Could have pulled the heavy girl, she is into me like no other. It's nice, but I'm trying to free myself from validation even from the super hot girls I talk to. Text her when I got home that I had hella fun, she text back that she bet her sister I wouldn't text her.. I feel bad, fuucckkk.

What I learned:
I need to work on merging sets, I think this will be especially good practice early in the night.
Some girls will leterally give you all the answers if they really like you
If I build a massive social circle, I will never be out alone.. I need to practice quick rapport, for night settings without coming off try hard.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 23 - Tuesday Feb 26 2013

Work off at 1730. On my lunch went to a coffee shop and approached one girl. She was there working on a piece for her creative writing class. She was from some small town up North, I did't have much time and for some reason I didn't number close. I wasn't too interested in her, but at least should ahve done it for the process..

Headed to Arden mall for some day game.

When I got there, an HB8 was walking out of Macy's where I park.. All I did was say Hi, how's your day going. She said good but then kept walking. Fuck I should have stopped her. Went in cant find any sets to open. I head into a shop and talk to that actor guy that I met last week. I let him know about my friends film festival and he invited me to the fashion show after party this weekend. Should be a lot of fun! Definitely going to that after my date on Friday. Leave run into an HB8 I know from a previous job, I tease the hell out of her trying to rebuild some attraction. She is pretty physical, but she is like an ultimate player. I lost my escalation windows with this girl multiple times, so I'm pretty sure there's no bringing this one back. I run into her a ton at the clubs and one night she was all over me and wanted to makeout, I didn't do it.. Logistics were shit and I knew if we madeout and didn't close, she would have made things very akward later.. Oh well.

Night game tonight, work late tomorrow.

Always be number closing or atleast attempt to, if anything, for reference.(watched Alec yesterday)
Don't slack when approaching, keep the interaction going until the bitter end, I'll only regret it later if I don't.
Can't think of anything else today..


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 25 - Thursday Feb. 28th 2013

Work, holy crap it sucked. Brother's 27th birthday. Went to dinner with a pretty big group of his friends. No one here I would bring into my social circle. They are all older, mainly professional type friends of his. I have met them all before a few times and enjoy practicing my social skills on them.

After party at Old Tavern. Mark comes and a few more fun friends show up. The girl Mark and I brought back to my place on Day 19 showed up with some friends. One of them is this super cute redhead. This girl is definitely Mark's type. I just socialize with the group for a while and ingore the hell out of her. She is definitely trying to get fucked tonight. I keep ignore her especially when she is trying to get my attention. I'm definitely using this to get girls invested from now on, I just need to learn how to integrate it in a new set. I love her type of attitude and thats what fuels my ignoring, she says things like,"we're talking," "could you pleeeaaaassseee hand me that." but when things wouldn't go her way you could see she was very upset. I would call her on her behavior then go back to ignoring her. Very fun. By the end of the night she was begging for my attention and I still wouldn't give it to her. It got to the point where she was begging to hang out with Mark and I Friday night and I just handed her my phone, didn't even say anything lmao. Teased her with tons of push pull, hugs, pushes very entertaining.

Forgot to mention Mark and my brother almost got into a fight, I had to break it up pretty retarded. Drunk nights..

As I'm leaving I say bye to everyone and the whole time I make her wait holding her hand out to shake mine. I say bye to everyone then shake her hand. She stops me and guess what VALIDATION TIME! she pulls me close I stand like a rock and make her stand on her tippy toes to tell me, "you're hella hot by the way, just wanted to give you something to think about." This is good because it will help me get over it when girls tell me, especially ones I'm attracted to. Mark stays tries to game her more I bounce home cause my Friday is gonna be insane.

Get a call from my FB I dumped the other day she is with a friend and I'm thinking threesome!! I go get them cause they got stranded, but omg the friend is not cute!! Thin but her face is unfuckable imo. I take them to my house anyway and the friend is beggin to meet Mark and have him come over. I'm explaining it's not happening and I told my FB I wanted a threesome earlier that night. I think I might have been able to pursue if the friend was hot, but nooooooo. They call the parents to pick them up and I basically told my FB it was our last time hanging out. I think they may have been on drugs after leaving this concert, not sure what it was, but they were both acting very jittery and the friend seems to have some traits I usually see in Meth addicts.

All said and done, probably never seeing her again.

Tonight Day 26 date immediately after work with HB8 Asian Ink, I'll post text convo later.. If I can get her out after the date, there's a fashion week after party I was invited to. Fuck I want to go and be surrounded by models, wish I knew before scheduling this date.

Thing's to work on:
Number closing with a friend vibe
Ignoring the target in group sets, force them to invest
Isolate the target for escalation


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 26 Part 1 - Fraday March 1st 2013

Wanted to throw up my text convos with Asian Ink. I've been trying to just use text for setting a meet, but when I already set the meet and there's a large gap, I want to keep me in the girls mind. I want her excited to see me. Here's where it left off:

Her 2/24 9:46p - (my trip) was amazing. It was so nice being near the water. So Friday, I'm free after 6pm
Me 2/25 6:26p - 6 is perfect :) (I got a bit nervous no text back for a while, thought it might have been cause I didn't text back like most chodes)
Me 2/27 5:25p - Hey Asian Ink! Just checking in, hope your week is going great :)
Her 6:09p - Hey ;) Been writing papers and studying for exams mostly. Gives me a good reason to spend times at my fave cafes and catch up with friends tho! What about you? (See how much investment I love it)
Me 8:15p - Sounds challenging and fun at the same time :D I'm so busy and lovin it, cant wait for our cook off tho :p Hey, good luck on your exams!
Her 9:13p - Thanks! Me too ;) I'll bring wine. My only request is something vegetarian or chicken. Hope that doesn't mess w your plan to much. Let me know if I can bring anything else(more investment should have had her bring salad)
Me 2/28 1:37p - Whaaat, that ruins everything.. Meat lovers extra pepperoni frozen pizza, greasy! I'm good tho I have everything, making chicken, I'm not too big on red meat.
Her 7:35p - Lol.. you're silly ;))
Her 3/1 3:27 - Hey can you text me your address? It was dark last time I was over ;)
Me 3:34p - Oh, almost forgot :) (Address) If you cant find it call me.

So seems to have worked, maybe it's just cause she's extremely into me, idk. More to add tomorrow, maybe tonight if I don't pass out, gonna be a long one.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 26 Part 2 LR - Friday Mar 1st

Asian Ink texts me that she will be late, I start to think she might flake. I'm not worried about the flake because I'm guest listed for the fashion show after party. I Start boiling the water so I can get an early start.

Asian Ink shows up wearing yoga pants, I know she really wants to fuck. This woman looks amazing, she is half asian half white, flawless body great features. You would never guess she is 36 and has two kids. She looks no older 26 without any stretch marks. I should have took her right away, but I was hungry. We talk for a while not even worried about food. She brought wine, but I don't have a cork screw. I go out try to use my social skills to woo a neighbor for one. All he has is a Swiss army knife, its too small cant open the wine. We take off to Safeway and I buy a cork screw. Mission accomplished.

Get back drink some wine, finish dinner. Cooked chicken Parmesan with spaghetti and salad, came out flawless. She doesn't eat much and I can tell she really only came over for one thing. I start escalating even before we clear our plates. At this point it's already too late for the party, I don't rush at all. I take my time and move extremely slow. I just stay close to her and tease her body, she really enjoys this and makes a comment how most guys just rush in. I'm almost always like this because I actually enjoy moving slow, it makes the sex much more enjoyable by building anticipation. Girls love it also cause you don't seem needy, pushy or desperate.

Anyway we fuck for 2 hours straight, then realx for about an hour. We go for another hour, this time I go bareback, oops. I definitely shouldn't do this, but damn I hate condoms. Then we pass out. I don't finish.

She wakes up around 530 am and wakes me up says she forgot her contact case at home, but wants to come back. I tell her just to go home and get what she needs to done. She gets upset and then gets dressed. She says bye before she leaves and I pull her in and take her clothes off. We fuck for another hour, I try to get her to finish me, but she isn't taking the hints. We end up having sex one more time and I finally finish by pulling out. I personally love blowjobs, I did tell her and she said next time we finish in the shower, understandable.

Total about 6 hours of sex that night/morning. She left and we met for coffee in a cafe/restaurant. We end up hanging out almost the whole day, she procrastinates on her work and we just talk about all kinds of things. It's really nice when you find a woman you can actually vibe with and has a comparable intelligence. We can literally talk endlessly about intelligent topics ranging from spirituality to politics. Both of us don't want a relationship, so I think it will work out well between us. She understands that I pick up girls she said that as long as I'm not seeing a girl on the regular, with an emotional connection then we can hang out. At first I thought she was saying I couldn't hook up, but we clarified and she doesn't care :)

One thing I found interesting in our conversation. She did not get with me on our first day 2 because she could sense something was off. She had a feeling I was seeing someone else. Odd since I was, I actually had sex the night before. I cut my FB off that next Sunday though and told her this before we had sex. It put her at ease and we did what we did. It's so weird how easy it is for women to spot/feel in congruence, definitely something I need to study.

Spent pretty much all day with her on day 27. I went home and crashed out since I only slept about 1 hour, did not do any pickup. In my opinion my challenge is still safe since I did spend it solidifying an FB relationship.

Lessons/things to work on:
Don't take extra unnecessary steps
Practice feeling congruence until it becomes natural 100% of the time
Need to be more open about what I want during sex


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 28 - Sunday March 3rd 2013

Off work, procrastinated like hell. Went to Arden mall to daygame.

Packed as hell in Arden and I'm in my head to start as usual. I watched an RSD Todd vid about practicing the wrong way and I think that's what I've been doing. I'm always stuck in my head and don't want to get blown out, even though when I get blown out HARD I fucking own. So I finally approach, but it's a comfortable set. I think I'm being cautious cause there is tons of people. Get cock blocked by a fat worker trying to get my girl to sign up for shit and then she gets a phone call I bounce.

I get blown out by an HB5 overweight Indian girl I opened over the shoulder saying hi. She didn't even respond, probably knew I would never get with her. I keep going don't see much that interests me. Finally I see an HB9 Hispanic, but it was a good 15 mins since I approached and she was ordering coffee, so i waited. I open her since she was the hottest girl I saw all day, but it didn't go anywhere. I was super boring standing there like an awkward chode. I didn't feel awkward, but I think she did, plus she had a BF. I left eventually after burning it to the ground.

My FB I cut off last weekend text me begging to hang out, fuck... I did with intentions of cutting her off completely i think... We fucked, I know I'm an asshole. She is just so horny and a hot fucking body. Whatever.

learned/work on:
Need to start by opening first set I see, practice the right way instead of choding around creating bad habits
Gotta learn how to be an asshole and cut girls off completely
Once I have sex with a girl and build insane levels of attraction, I can almost do anything.. I need to not use this power for evil :/


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 29 Part 1 - Monday March 4th 2013

Wanted to throw this up real quick since I saw a post on Girlschase.com of a video wear guys open with "put your number in my phone." At first I thought this is not a good enough opener because you have no rapport or connection. I thought about it some more and realized you might not need it because, attraction and confidence are through the roof. This might build enough intrigue to secure a day 2 and then it's normal game from there.

Went to Chipotle for my lunch, man I love that place. See an HB8 sitting talking to her friend I walk past and order, get my fork and then pull my phone out. I walk straight to her no detour and open, "Hi, put your number in my phone." Laser eyes. I can see she literally has fear in her eyes, "I cant my boyfriend is right there, he works here. He will get very mad." She sensed I was dominant and confident and nothing would stop me on my mission. She was running all the possible outcomes through her head and it made her wonder what would happen if he saw me. The feeling I had was intense, I felt in state immediately and plowed. I tried reassuring her that a number is no big deal, and maybe without the social pressure of her friend right there I might have been able to get the number. I ejected the set as directly as I walked up and was literally pumped all the way back to work.

I am going to run this opener in all my day game sets and see where it goes. I will adjust tonality and sexual undertone to make it even more powerful, I have to remember body language and eye contact also. I think this can work because of how direct and unapologetic it is. The hardest part will be staying congruent and holding this dominant frame through a day 2. I'm up for the challenge thats for sure!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 29 part 2 - Monday March 4th

Went home procrastinated woooo! Finally left my house around 2100. Nothing interesting, if you want a good read you should wait for another day..

I started walking didn't really have anywhere specific in mind. Man was it nice to be out, and freely traveling. I let my body and mind lead me, it was very relaxing. I ended up walking towards a street with a couple of later night spots. Lau Brau is a new restaurant bar and there was a nice 4 set going in, I bitched out and didn't try to stop them. I think it's cause they were all meh...

I did open two different girls on the street, but only said hi where are you going and both sets said to the car. I let them both walk away. I did play a new type of stop through my head like being in a movie, "Stop DON'T go through that door!" "DON'T cross that street! I must meet you, I don't know why, but something compels me!" I'm going to try this in night street game, like an intense opener to get them to pause and snap out of autopilot.

I head to Dive Bar just for a few minutes, ran into a friend, but he was on a date. I actually had to cut him off from talking cause I wanted him to spend time with her haha. No sets inside to open at all, tons of guys in business suits, it was still really early for Monday there. There was two super hot girls with their chode boyfriends holding them and shit. I talk with the door man for a few catch up a bit and I head back home.

learned/work on:
I need to make an impact to stop a moving set especially at night.
Gotta figure out this beginning of the night crap, need to not rely on state and engrave approach into my normal movements.
I need to get the FUCK out of my comfort zone and approach the hardest sets I can!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 30 - Tuesday March 5th 2013

Wow I didn't even realize it was day 30 until I just wrote that lol. I guess my game shows it has been atleast 30 days and I think writing my FR journal makes the knowledge that much more productive.

Worked today, got off played a ton of starcraft. I am getting pretty decent at Zerg, but I'm trying to get it out of my system before I cut it out of my life completely.

I met up with a new wing that I met from Saclair which is now gone. Weird. Sucks cause he lives about 15 minutes away with no car, so I pick him up and show him around Sac a bit.

Go by Lau Brau and shoot the shit for a bit. I get to know him, he has excellent eye contact, was throwing me off cause I'm not used to guys having such good eye contact. I end up seeing a cute 2 set and we go to approach, turns out I know one of the girls. I know her pretty damn well actually, tried to hook up with her in Tahoe. I'm going to call her Psylocke HB9 since she is a comic nerd. Got cock blocked hard by another chick that was super into me. I burnt it to the fucking ground because I couldn't keep her around as a friend. It was fucking up my game cause she is a really cool girl, suuuuppppperrrr cute HB9 imo for sure, but probably more like an 8 because shes not the sexy type, but still. Shes about 5'6" white brown hair and at least c's maybe d's very odd for her ass and tits to be so awesome for her size.

I talk with her for a minute and take off. I plan to come back and hit her up later.

We head to Bisla's and run into a friend of mine. I might be doing some promoting work with him next week which is exciting :) No sets so we head out. In the parking lot a 5 set enters all girls are about 7's maybe an 8 it's hard to tell cause it's dark and they are trying hard to look good.

Get back to Lau Brau chat up the DJ I know. Hit up a two set with one fatty. My new wing does not like the fatty, but my girl is super into me. I'm a good wing so I eject and look for more. He says he will hit up the chick with my friend so we go back in. He quickly takes his girl out for a smoke, Awesome bro thanks. I game mine once again, she tells me to text her again, but I cant act like a crazy person lol.

This girl is so fucking into me, she had a boyfriend last time I tried, but it wasn't stopping her. I thought attraction was gone, but it's definitely there. We vibe for a while and man all I wanted to do was make out with her. I refrained, it was a packed venue lots of social pressure with her friends there. Instead I chase framed her. She was looking for chapstick I told her she wasn't allowed to make out with me so she wont need it. There was a purse between us, I told her not to move it its our barrier she's not allowed to cross it. I kino'd A LOT she loved it, I would lean back also to make her have to lean in to kino. I love that it's becoming so natural.

I don't really want to write too much about her in my FR, but I do want the reference points. Not sure what my next move is, I'm super busy atm and after tomorrow night it might get substantially worse.

I think I might have a date with sober petite HB7. I took a look at her FB and thought she was really cute. I want to see her naked she's probably an 8. Thought I'd give it a go, she told me she's not doing anything Friday, but ran into Psylocke HB9 didn't have time to text her. I will do it tomorrow after my FB date with Asian Ink and before I go to Mix!

Should be a doosie tomorrow! What a silly work lol

I just need to make friends that like to go out, probably naturals will be my best bet. I do my best when I'm social with a friend then bam open a set. I never get in my head shit just flows.
You can always re approach, even if you burnt that shit to the motherfucking ground!
I need to get rid of Starcraft 2


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 15, 2012
Hi Tyme.

Been reading a few posts of your journal. You're great at meeting new girls. I think if you would just refine your process afterwards, you'd be swimming in pussy.

If you have a good standard date plan at your place and have the text game to make it happen, you should get the girl every time.

I would follow up quicker on 7s because they're more likely to go into auto-rejection if you don't talk to them. In priority, it should go: 7s, then 8s, then 9s and finally 10s. A 9 or 10 will start wondering after a week or so why you didn't text again. This is exactly what you want them to do (wonder and think about you).

SC2 is a better game than any MMO. At least it develops the strategic mind and makes you think. I only play with my friend casually now, but I might play 1v1 again when the expansion is out. I was top diamond Zerg when I stopped. My friend and I are 2v2 Master.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
MonsieurLabrie said:
Been reading a few posts of your journal. You're great at meeting new girls. I think if you would just refine your process afterwards, you'd be swimming in pussy.

If you have a good standard date plan at your place and have the text game to make it happen, you should get the girl every time.

I would follow up quicker on 7s because they're more likely to go into auto-rejection if you don't talk to them. In priority, it should go: 7s, then 8s, then 9s and finally 10s. A 9 or 10 will start wondering after a week or so why you didn't text again. This is exactly what you want them to do (wonder and think about you)

I'm getting there for sure. I might be closing another 7 tomorrow, we will she she hasn't confirmed the date, but I text her back late last night and she works all day. She might actually be an 8 from her FB photos, I'll wait til I see her naked. The biggest problem is I'm not going to waste time on 7's, I practice for process, but not much investiment.

MonsieurLabrie said:
SC2 is a better game than any MMO. At least it develops the strategic mind and makes you think. I only play with my friend casually now, but I might play 1v1 again when the expansion is out. I was top diamond Zerg when I stopped. My friend and I are 2v2 Master.

I definitely agree with you about SC2, right now I use it as a form of meditation and mental stimulation. When I'm playing I forget about everything and completely focus on the game. What really sucks is the new HOTS expansion comes out soon. I will probably have to cut this out before :( I will replace this though with something much more interesting.

Thanks for the comments though, I have read many of your replies around the forum and you are always giving value. Much appreciated.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 31 - Wed. March 6th 2013

Off work, Asian Ink and I planned to have a massive sex session. She shows up at 1030a and we chill for a bit. She gets in bed we talk, fuck, talk, fuck. We stayed in bed til about 2000 haha. She gave an excellent sensual BJ to finish me off. Amazing.

I went to chipotle and then met up with a manager of a night club. Spoke to him about helping him promote a new college night at one of the clubs. Hopefully I get to help him, get some practice promoting and get some exposure.

No approaches, just tending to FB status and social circle. Nice chats with FB about relationship freedom, she wants to know if I'm sleeping around, but she is completely fine with me doing it. However, she thinks that most girls wont be ok with this and "research shows" I almost wanted to tell her about RSD research and what that shows lol. I didn't and just said yeah it's the way it's going to be. She is super into me though and I really like hanging out with her. Just have to keep it easy going and let it flow naturally. We should have some good times.

Tonight I start my Improv 101, Yay! Been putting this off forever, but its time! It will be every thursday from 7-9pm. I should go out for a bit after each night to build social circle and maybe game some beezies.

Need to learn how to number close guys, damn it's akward. Probably will start approaching guys to practice.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Ive been thinking a lot lately about sexual stimulation, masterbation, porn and the effects they could be having on my progression. Sometimes when I'm bored and don't have time to hook up with an FB I will masterbate. I enjoy porn quite a lot, I like the fact I can see multiple different women doing all sorts of nasty shit, letting go and exploring their sexual sides. However, when it's time for real sex, it makes it more difficult for one woman to turn me on. I want to have a buffet of gorgeous women and take my pick of which one will make me ejaculate. Even if she is abosolutely bangin hot, I still get this feeling I want more.

I have just made the decision to add in my 363 day challenge, NO FAP. This should bring out two things, one I will be extremely horny when chatting up girls, two I wont desire many options at once (hopefully).

Well there is is added to the challenge, no fap for the next year, and probably the rest of my life(or until I'm married hahah)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 32 - Thurs. March 7th 2013

Work, got off walked to my improv class. First class it was pretty fun, the teacher is awesome. Man I was the shittiest person in the class too haha. Can't wait to get good :)

Headed to Blue Cue after to meet Mark. He was late as always, I don't know how someone could always be running so far behind this would drive me nuts. I end up running into a friend that works at the best night club in town. Join his group and I'm really on top of my social game. The whole group loves me, they start buying me drinks and inviting me to awesome shit. I'm going out with them this Saturday so it will be a great night.

It was really fun owning this venue, it got to the point where some girls joined our set and when I told them I was gonna leave they freaked out. Niether of them were all that hot so I was just eating up that femine energy. I number closed two of the guys in the group and could have closed one of the other ones, but didn't ask. He told me to get his number from one of the other guys when I left. They are a fun group though and I cant wait for saturday. They also love talking to girls!

I was very pleased with my accomplishments and will move towards expanding this social circle. I'm going to start screening for people I will later pull and combine into a quality group that others will respect and want to be a part of. Saturday I will also practice meeting people not in the group and merging sets.

Left to meet up with my FB one last time. We made a great porn vid that I would love to show, but I wont, maybe I'll edit one of the pics and post it idk. Right after I wrote this just went to look at it, bitch went into my phone and deleted it. I hope she saw my texts to other girls!!

Stay chill in social groups, connect, and then pull back to easy going. Seems to be working well so far, own shit and don't try hard.
Don't trust bitches around my phone


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 33 LR - Friday March 8th 2013

Off work met James at 930. Went to chipotle then back to my place. We started drinking I think I ended up with 5 or 6 shots before we left, lost count. Mark shows up late as always.

We started walking to R15, full of dudes. The only girl in there I already knew and I would never! We go to Shady Lady, older crowd, still nothing.

Now we start heading towards K street and we decide to stop at the park. The girl I gamed on day 24, Curly HB6, at Mix was going here tonight. She invited me along. We pop in and run into her group 3 girls total. One is really cute, but idk what was wrong with Mark he seems to not be gaming her. Idc I isolate my girl and tell her we are going to ditch her friends. She says ok but we don't really act. Finally at the end of the night she tells me her friends are taking a cab and we are bouncing to my place. Get to my place and we tear each others clothes off. No LMR whatsoever. She gives me a great BJ to start without me even asking. Awesome!

Problem is I already had sex today! Fuck! I can't stay hard to save my life. I tell her I already had sex LOL! she appreciates the honesty and I pass out. I wake up at like 5 am and we fuck again, this time it's better but I'm still not staying hard as I usually do. She bounces in the morning trying to hang out again tonight, I told her idk whats up and I'll let her know.

I hate having sex when I'm drunk, need to avoid this at all costs.
Need to figure out a way to constantly get raging boners, even if I had sex already that day... Any ideas?
When a girl is into you she will do anything to get laid.