As you guys know I have been cherishing lately with my main sexy suga mamma. This woman is truly amazing and what we have is also amazing.. That said I've still been going out as much as I can while maintaining my relationship with her. I still talk to other women and bask in my abundance, but I do not try to close. I went out 4 days last week? and the rest of the time I was with her.
I will try to continue my journal weekly, maybe daily if there are significant outings like last night or last thursday..
Thursday April 11th
Went to Improv.. After improv I hung around with some class mates out front, ran into a girl that I really liked(Pushy HB9) right after I started learning game. I broke tons of rules with this girl and failed hard. Tonight I continued to break a few rules, but it was good cause I came into acceptance that I will never get this girl. We went to low brau had a few beens then I followed them to faces(gay night club), I say followed because I could sense she didn't want me there, but I'm awesome and I wanted to have fun with her friend(Wild PG HB9) who is the type of girl I want in my nightlife social circle. Pushy HB9 just didn't want me escalating with her which was totally fine and beyond the normal touch I do with every girl I didn't escalate. I even mentioned i'm seeing someone. I guess she maybe sensed that if I had the opportunity to fuck her I would probably take it. Oh well.
We danced for a while my friend showed up(saw him at the other bar invited him to join) and bought me some shots. He wanted to get with wild PG(Party Girl) HB9. Eventually I let him down as she had a BF and was not feeling him. She came to me so I could tell him what's up. A lot of the girls I go out with now try to have me do this, it benifits us all in a way cause we can have loads of fun without much drama.
Any way I walk them to the car after and hug them both. Texted pushy HB9 to meet tonight no reply. I really cant stand her player ass personality and as soon as I get closer to her friend I'll cut her out. Her goal since we met was to get me to chase her, everyone here knows it wasn't gonna happen lol.
Friday met Asian Ink and her friend for drinks. Back to my place to finish getting ready for a trip to wine country. We left sat morning, she met my parents and we got drunk and relaxed on another level. This woman is really something else, bad I feel this way, but I wouldn't change it.
Sunday April 14th
Went with asian ink on a secenic drive home, parked at the top of a mountain and did some amazing stuff with an amazing view. Integrated this with other worldly connecting conversation, if something like this is sustainable for long periods of ones life I will be truly a happy man. Even still i wish for every man to have an experience with a woman like this, connecting on multiple levels and really excersizing your humanity.
Went out clubbing with some friends invited asian ink. Before she got there, there was this girl I found EXTREMELY hot, definitely my type and socially adept she was. I didn't talk with her much as she was mingling on another level, but did semi game her lesser attractive friend. I played very aloof and engaging only when I felt like it. Eventually she tried to steal my beer and I became slightly dickish. This spiked her attraction hard, but boom, my girl shows up and we are in our realm now. Her friends and her all hate me now, hard looks and physical bumps to show they notice and think I'm a dick. Even my girl noticed asking me what that was all about lol. It was nice my friends got me drunk and we all had a blast. Hopefully soon this social circle is large and filled with amazing and talented people. I guess not hopefully, I will make it happen.
Until next time.