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Tyme2K's 363 Day challenge: 2013 year of adventure


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Keep Posting Tyme2k. This is really great and useful. I was just wondering, Don't you think this is going to wear you by end of the year? To me your goal seems a bit unrealistic: going out everyday and trying to chat up 10 girls and RESETING the whole challenge if you don't go out one day?! Don't be that harsh to yourself. You're also working. Maybe the reason you felt really tired and unsocial in the last day was because of that. Usually unrealistic and VERY HARD methods towards goals will make people lose their consistency. I think you'll be more effective if you add some "Rest" days in between your journey. However, this is just my opinion.
I look forward to read about rest of your adventures.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Thanks Ali. In response I do not HAVE to game 10 girls just be in a social situation for 1 hour. Like the past two nights I didn't really game anyone, but being in the environment makes it more comfortable and natural to game.

The purpose is to gain and maintain high levels of social momentum and engrain proper social mannerisms into every aspect of my life. I have seen results that at one point would have been unimaginable to me.

In the next 30 days you will get to see my transformation, I'm really focusing on my next moves to hit it even harder. I have begun helping some more novice PUA's which will also inspire me to improve. I've also finally got this to the point where going out for at least an hour each night is part of my life.

I must say though, as of late, I am seeing my FB's more frequently which is hindering my progress. In a sense that's part of my goal so I'll continue to fill my nights spending them with the gorgeous women I've brought into my life.

Thanks for the encouragement
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 58 - Tuesday April 2nd

FR from a sort of date, failed escalation, not interested in working for the close..


Side notes not in the FR, went to a bar so packed full of gorgeous women. I was stifled for some reason and not wanting to plunge into the first sets. Saw a group I know chatted but then isolated myself. Some girls noticed I was isolated and one approached me, "Are you out all alone?" I said I was and wanted a break from going out in a big group.. I told her a bit about Sunday and kind of talked up myself.. Probably bad, but idc.

I would open her as we were sitting next to each other keeping the conversation afloat. It wasn't hard or like I was forcing anything, I remaining very chill and congruent with how I felt. I would kino when I reinitiated and conversation flowed smooth. At one point I left, got her name with intentions of regaming later. I went to open her again and a guy in her set was chatting her. I didn't feel like dealing with this as I usually TRY EVERYTHING I CAN TO AVOID THE TOUGH SET lol. That's my frustration there..

Met a few new people in the comedy scene and was invited to start practicing with them. My value is stemming visibly which feels nice, people want to talk to me and i can remain intriguing at the same time giving them solid value.

Gotta run


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Day 59 - Wednesday April 3rd

Spent the night with Asian Ink. She said she just wanted to date and began pushing me away emotionally. I didn't like where she was, which in pickup terms she was willing to just fuck me without anything more. I felt a disconnect and didn't like it. You would think I'd be happy with it, but I wasn't I like this girl and want to see what happens with us.

Day 60 - Thursday April 4th

My FB's 21st bday. Wanted to go to SF night club with her, but she is lame. Backs out of that then I plan to atleast take her out around town, but then she gets all sexual and we never leave. We did some nasty things this night and I completely ravished her.. We had plans to go to the night club on saturday.

Day 61 - Friday April 5th

Dropped off FB and went straight to Asian Ink's house. We go out with her friend and mine and really had a good time. Everyone was living in the moment. Asian Ink and I really connected again. Got back to her place at 4am passed out. Next morning was the problem.. We got back into this dilema of me sleeping with other girls and having this emotional relationship/connection with her. She cried multiple times including one time that was almost hysterical. She really bacame numb by the time I left..

Day 62 - Saturday April 6th

I had planned on taking my FB out, but then she flakes. She still wants to hang out but not go out tries to say some bullshit like she wants to go to SF for her first 21 outing. I tell her I'm going out. I walk solo to The Park and chat up my friends outside. They are really a great bunch of people I stand out there for at least 30 minutes. I go inside chat up some more people I know and start gaming. I took 5 shots before I left then started drinking beer. I run into someone that talked shit slightly about my FB one time. My other friends and I really rag on this guy sometimes. It's all good fun and I like to talk shit to him cause he tries to game, but never gets shit. I'm pretty sure my FB sucked his dick or someone he knows dick in a club.. not sure. He mentions that my FB is 21 now (which I don't know if he knows shes my fb) and that she asked him about places to go out, to go out etc. This was great and I guess tonight I was meant to go to this club. I text her I found out some stuff about her and we're done. Still no text back.

I run into cute asian HB8 and damn she is into me. I game her a bit push/pull style, but more push until she gets a bit upset trys to make me jealous. I am pushing her away purposely then text Asian Ink to meet up. She agrees and I leave. I'm pretty fucking drunk and definitely shouldn't be driving, but I do. Go to her house and end up in her little spare room/garage. I'm super drunk but I tell her everything I'm saying is what I've been thinking about since wed. We end up falling asleep. I leave at about 5am head home and pass out.

I am now exclusive to Asian Ink for the time being. I love going out with her and spending time with her. Even though the sex is not the greatest (her blowjobs are nice) our connection is undeniably rare. I am going to continue gameing more friend to friend and during this relationship I will build a massive social circle of hot women. These women will roll with me into night clubs along with Asian Ink. I even believe this strategy will be my best form of learning social game. I will be able to focus more on the building and tending vs. the pussy. I honestly can't wait.

Look forward to writing my exploits as an exclusive man.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
As you guys know I have been cherishing lately with my main sexy suga mamma. This woman is truly amazing and what we have is also amazing.. That said I've still been going out as much as I can while maintaining my relationship with her. I still talk to other women and bask in my abundance, but I do not try to close. I went out 4 days last week? and the rest of the time I was with her.

I will try to continue my journal weekly, maybe daily if there are significant outings like last night or last thursday..

Thursday April 11th

Went to Improv.. After improv I hung around with some class mates out front, ran into a girl that I really liked(Pushy HB9) right after I started learning game. I broke tons of rules with this girl and failed hard. Tonight I continued to break a few rules, but it was good cause I came into acceptance that I will never get this girl. We went to low brau had a few beens then I followed them to faces(gay night club), I say followed because I could sense she didn't want me there, but I'm awesome and I wanted to have fun with her friend(Wild PG HB9) who is the type of girl I want in my nightlife social circle. Pushy HB9 just didn't want me escalating with her which was totally fine and beyond the normal touch I do with every girl I didn't escalate. I even mentioned i'm seeing someone. I guess she maybe sensed that if I had the opportunity to fuck her I would probably take it. Oh well.

We danced for a while my friend showed up(saw him at the other bar invited him to join) and bought me some shots. He wanted to get with wild PG(Party Girl) HB9. Eventually I let him down as she had a BF and was not feeling him. She came to me so I could tell him what's up. A lot of the girls I go out with now try to have me do this, it benifits us all in a way cause we can have loads of fun without much drama.

Any way I walk them to the car after and hug them both. Texted pushy HB9 to meet tonight no reply. I really cant stand her player ass personality and as soon as I get closer to her friend I'll cut her out. Her goal since we met was to get me to chase her, everyone here knows it wasn't gonna happen lol.

Friday met Asian Ink and her friend for drinks. Back to my place to finish getting ready for a trip to wine country. We left sat morning, she met my parents and we got drunk and relaxed on another level. This woman is really something else, bad I feel this way, but I wouldn't change it.

Sunday April 14th

Went with asian ink on a secenic drive home, parked at the top of a mountain and did some amazing stuff with an amazing view. Integrated this with other worldly connecting conversation, if something like this is sustainable for long periods of ones life I will be truly a happy man. Even still i wish for every man to have an experience with a woman like this, connecting on multiple levels and really excersizing your humanity.

Went out clubbing with some friends invited asian ink. Before she got there, there was this girl I found EXTREMELY hot, definitely my type and socially adept she was. I didn't talk with her much as she was mingling on another level, but did semi game her lesser attractive friend. I played very aloof and engaging only when I felt like it. Eventually she tried to steal my beer and I became slightly dickish. This spiked her attraction hard, but boom, my girl shows up and we are in our realm now. Her friends and her all hate me now, hard looks and physical bumps to show they notice and think I'm a dick. Even my girl noticed asking me what that was all about lol. It was nice my friends got me drunk and we all had a blast. Hopefully soon this social circle is large and filled with amazing and talented people. I guess not hopefully, I will make it happen.

Until next time.