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What is game exactly, and can it be used to create attraction

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I haven't read through everything, but isn't "attraction" the magnetism that pulls her interest toward you? Not the "value". So obviously you need to use "game" to show attainability.

When you were a kid watching baywatch or whatever, was Pamela Anderson more "attractive" than your crush? I don't think so, because you were not drawn to get a star map and go seek her out because attainability was zero. Your crush had far less value, but there was attainability, so you were more "attracted" to her and pursued her instead.

Regarding using boyfriend did qualification to slide in the backdoor, I will just put this text I got last night.

"I don't care - all my friends r sayin I'm crazy for contacting u but I don't care even if u have a girlfriens(s) or long term endeavors. I am presently seeing a guy who is kinda well off and drives e Bentley and yes Francis when I with him I have to fake an orgasim because,I am thinking of u maybe I will regret telling u this bit I have to tell u this - miss u and what we had- hope one day u realize that"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 4, 2024
Yep, doesn't "take him seriously" as in "lacking in potential as a serious relationship."

Dating/sex/romance is a reproductive arms race, where you are competing against a range of other men.

Most guys are competing for the boyfriend role. Be as impressive as possible: show off your money, status, success, reliability, dependability, that you aren't going anywhere, etc. If you want to compete on those terms, not only are you likely facing some very stiff competition if she is a highly desirable girl, but she is also going to test the bejesus out of you, probably find something that disappoints her, and you end up on a back shelf anyway as she audits all her other potential, and equally (or more) impressive suitors.

As a seducer, you get to 'slide in the back door' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by having her conclude "Oh. Well this guy is not a long-term candidate", at which point she just asks herself: "Well, would I bang him or not?" If you're not sexy, you go to the friend zone. If sexy, go to the fuck zone. Much simpler logic and none of the heavy vetting the boyfriend candidates go through.

The thing is, once you're fucking the girl, the power shifts back to your side. Once you've fucked her on multiple occasions, she converts, and it is almost impossible for her to avoid getting at least somewhat attached. At that point, she starts looking extra close to see if there is any chance you MIGHT actually make a decent boyfriend (because she attached now, so... she WANTS you to).

If you have boyfriend value (and most men do), it is not very hard to gradually let more and more of that "slip out" while you are seeing her, so that she increasingly concludes she has found a diamond in the rough: this guy she THOUGHT was just a quick fling actually turns out to be a pretty awesome boyfriend candidate too!

She's yours at that point. It doesn't matter if all the other suitors are way richer, higher status, have cooler stories, friends with celebrities, whatever it is. You're fucking her, they're not. You're the one she's been cementing a physical and romantic bond with for months, flooding her brain with oxytocin, with her discovering more and more things about you she likes, like a kind of treasure hunt that keeps revealing more and more treasure. Sometimes these guys will find out who she is dating and they do this funny double take, and you can literally see them thinking, "Whaaaaaa... she is dating THAT guy? Why the hell is she with HIM and not ME? I've got this great job, I own a really nice place, I am a nice and charming guy, I was courting her for MONTHS, we were getting SO close, I KNOW she was into me... all of a sudden this guy comes out of NOWHERE and gets her and WHAT THE FUCK IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!!!11!!"

You see the guys who are flipping out on red pill sites or on Reddit talking about how girls always go for those bad guys or guys who are all wrong for them, blah blah blah, losers, etc. They are talking about us. Of course, we are not actually losers (well, most of us anyway :p ) but to these guys who prioritize all the stuff mainstream society tells them they are supposed to prioritize in order to be "winners" we look like "losers" and they cannot understand why women go for us, and worse, end up in long-term relationships with us.

It's all because those sexy "losers" (who are not actually losers... just lovers) don't bother dumping their energy into competing with men on heavily contested mainstream success markers.

They just make themselves sexy and enticing, bone the chicks they want, then keep around the ones they like best.

It's a lot more efficient. I'm an efficiency nut. It's why I recommend it.

Seducer her as a lover; then, as she keeps coming back for more, gradually let her figure out that you're a keeper, too.


lol you pua types are not the losers I was referring to fyi.. if you gotta put this much effort and thought into women, trust me, you are not a loser haha

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
lol you pua types are not the losers I was referring to fyi.. if you gotta put this much effort and thought into women, trust me, you are not a loser haha
Wait what led you to sign up here?

My second ever lay was separated from a pro hockey player and I was a bus boy at a restaurant. We saw each other for months. My third had just broken up with an investment banker while I was sharing a house with four other people with the cheapest rent I could find. I met her on a bus. Also saw for months and she told me she loved me. And I got bed bugs in the middle of it!

Both of these were right after finding this website and directly from learning about the lover/provider distinction. My whole game then was to disqualify myself as a boyfriend. Leo on the Titanic.

I am so confused what your goal is.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
And all that is to say that "game" is the mechanics of opening, showing intent, leading it forward, handling logistics, plausible deniability, non-needy escalation, etc.

Me without game was kicking himself constantly realizing opportunities I had passed up. So to the outside maybe it does look like game is not really doing anything. It's not magic canned lines and complicated techniques. But it is definitely a skill set that gets applied to interactions.

And I am definitely not "hot". I attribute a lot of it to slow walking, the way I look at her, and other fundamentals. I am flabbgergasted you don't think Warped was doing anything on that beach. That is expert level social skill.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Nice discussion so far.

Here are a few things I think a lot of guys miss:

  • It is possible to be very good-looking or very muscular and still be very average. Most facially attractive and/or well-muscled men are average dressers with average posture and average everything else, and come across as overall average men. A lot of guys who are highly fixated upon facial beauty or muscle size miss this. Same deal with status, especially if it is not 'sexy' type status. There are not many girls out there going, "OMG, it's Bill-Fucking-Gates! The billionaire creator of Windows! EEEEEE!!!!" and throwing their panties at him. Likewise, there are not many chicks in offices going, "Holy dripping snatch Batman, it's my boss's boss's BOSS! The ultimate boss of status in this subdivision of Mega Corp Inc.!!!"

  • Attraction is kind of moot without sufficient trust to back it up. A large part of what seduction is is the establishment of trust. Your average guy has no idea how to do this effectively, especially not with women he's just met. He only knows how to do it gradually, over time, via social circle; or, occasionally, he gets a hit with a loose girl whose trust filter is set to "trust every guy except the creepiest of the creepies." Even if a girl feels a decent initial spark of attraction, if the guy is mediocre at establishing trust she will suppress that feeling and deny she ever felt it.

  • Raw attraction itself occurs a lot more easily and with a lot more people among both sexes than I suspect most people realize. That ugly girl with an okay body who was eye-fucking you on the street the other day probably triggered some attraction in you, which you maybe then suppressed. If she was alone in a room and coming onto you you might still have suppressed it. But if she spent enough time talking to you, touching you, making you feel comfortable with her, showing you she's a really cool person and doesn't have red flags you need to worry about, etc., you'll probably bang her. Women have this same thing going on with the various men they see. Once again, there is a trust factor in play.

  • Even just showing romantic/sexual interestedness in someone triggers the "Would I or wouldn't I?" thought process. Unless there is something extremely off-putting about you in a given woman's eyes, you are not usually going to trigger a knee-jerk, "Eww, I would NEVER!" Only a small chunk of the men a woman meets are actually 'contenders' who are showing her that they are in the mating market and hunting for mates. Most of these guys back off at some point and remove themselves from contention (or seem to her to do so), too.

A lot of guys try to take the 'brain' out of courtship by focusing on some other signal:

  • Looks
  • Muscles
  • Money

But human females aren't gorillas (looking for the biggest, strongest male), or peacocks (looking for the most beautiful male), or bowerbirds (looking for the richest male with the biggest, shiniest bower). They are human females, and human females first and foremost evaluate potential mates' brains:

They do so via externally produced behavior and other externally visible indicators of brain mutation load.

(one of the problems that brainy men have getting good at pickup is that a woman of a lower IQ lacks the ability to evaluate the quality of a too-much-higher IQ male, so he often ends up looking unattractive due to the 'evaluator problem' unless/until he figures out how to dumb down his game. Unfortunately for brainy men, there are way, way more 90-110 IQ women than there are 110-140 IQ women)

I should probably write longer on some of these topics, but I figured I'd throw this out there because I think a lot of this stuff tends to slip through the cracks in game/attraction discussions.

Bill's got game ;)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Yep, doesn't "take him seriously" as in "lacking in potential as a serious relationship."

Dating/sex/romance is a reproductive arms race, where you are competing against a range of other men.

Most guys are competing for the boyfriend role. Be as impressive as possible: show off your money, status, success, reliability, dependability, that you aren't going anywhere, etc. If you want to compete on those terms, not only are you likely facing some very stiff competition if she is a highly desirable girl, but she is also going to test the bejesus out of you, probably find something that disappoints her, and you end up on a back shelf anyway as she audits all her other potential, and equally (or more) impressive suitors.

As a seducer, you get to 'slide in the back door' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by having her conclude "Oh. Well this guy is not a long-term candidate", at which point she just asks herself: "Well, would I bang him or not?" If you're not sexy, you go to the friend zone. If sexy, go to the fuck zone. Much simpler logic and none of the heavy vetting the boyfriend candidates go through.

The thing is, once you're fucking the girl, the power shifts back to your side. Once you've fucked her on multiple occasions, she converts, and it is almost impossible for her to avoid getting at least somewhat attached. At that point, she starts looking extra close to see if there is any chance you MIGHT actually make a decent boyfriend (because she attached now, so... she WANTS you to).

If you have boyfriend value (and most men do), it is not very hard to gradually let more and more of that "slip out" while you are seeing her, so that she increasingly concludes she has found a diamond in the rough: this guy she THOUGHT was just a quick fling actually turns out to be a pretty awesome boyfriend candidate too!

She's yours at that point. It doesn't matter if all the other suitors are way richer, higher status, have cooler stories, friends with celebrities, whatever it is. You're fucking her, they're not. You're the one she's been cementing a physical and romantic bond with for months, flooding her brain with oxytocin, with her discovering more and more things about you she likes, like a kind of treasure hunt that keeps revealing more and more treasure. Sometimes these guys will find out who she is dating and they do this funny double take, and you can literally see them thinking, "Whaaaaaa... she is dating THAT guy? Why the hell is she with HIM and not ME? I've got this great job, I own a really nice place, I am a nice and charming guy, I was courting her for MONTHS, we were getting SO close, I KNOW she was into me... all of a sudden this guy comes out of NOWHERE and gets her and WHAT THE FUCK IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!!!11!!"

You see the guys who are flipping out on red pill sites or on Reddit talking about how girls always go for those bad guys or guys who are all wrong for them, blah blah blah, losers, etc. They are talking about us. Of course, we are not actually losers (well, most of us anyway :p ) but to these guys who prioritize all the stuff mainstream society tells them they are supposed to prioritize in order to be "winners" we look like "losers" and they cannot understand why women go for us, and worse, end up in long-term relationships with us.

It's all because those sexy "losers" (who are not actually losers... just lovers) don't bother dumping their energy into competing with men on heavily contested mainstream success markers.

They just make themselves sexy and enticing, bone the chicks they want, then keep around the ones they like best.

It's a lot more efficient. I'm an efficiency nut. It's why I recommend it.

Seducer her as a lover; then, as she keeps coming back for more, gradually let her figure out that you're a keeper, too.

To be fair there are a ton of naturals who are genuine losers.

I don't think anyone is reffering to guys who study this stuff consciously. Most guys who study pickup tend to come from the self-decslopment angle.

However, naturals outnumber pickup artists by a huge amount. And a ton of naturals are like genuine losers. Like this is the only thing going for them in life.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
And all that is to say that "game" is the mechanics of opening, showing intent, leading it forward, handling logistics, plausible deniability, non-needy escalation, etc.

Me without game was kicking himself constantly realizing opportunities I had passed up. So to the outside maybe it does look like game is not really doing anything. It's not magic canned lines and complicated techniques. But it is definitely a skill set that gets applied to interactions.

And I am definitely not "hot". I attribute a lot of it to slow walking, the way I look at her, and other fundamentals. I am flabbgergasted you don't think Warped was doing anything on that beach. That is expert level social skill.
I think the paradoxical part that can confuse us is that often advanced social skills is just being super solid with the fundamentals. I think it's also why women are are so clueless. Women often refer to having worldclass game as "just be normal dude".!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 4, 2024
Wait what led you to sign up here?

My second ever lay was separated from a pro hockey player and I was a bus boy at a restaurant. We saw each other for months. My third had just broken up with an investment banker while I was sharing a house with four other people with the cheapest rent I could find. I met her on a bus. Also saw for months and she told me she loved me. And I got bed bugs in the middle of it.

Both of these were right after finding this website and directly from learning about the lover/provider distinction. My whole game then was to disqualify myself as a boyfriend. Leo on the Titanic.

I am so confused what your goal is.

tbh I was depressed breifly bc had a brutal day infield and needed someplace to vent. Didn't want to do it on reddit and this was first forum that came up on google. so whoever is doing the seo for this site give them a raise, Chase.

Funny you should mention disqualifiers. Was reading about them last night and had an "ah-ha" moment. I think it's what I've been missing cos you see I like to think that I'm boyfriend material so I often times unwitingly present myself as such, not necessarily bc I want to be her bf but bc I still assume women want that(and not solely dick, which is a rookie mistake) if they're going to become interested but what woman in her right mind would start considering someone she knows nothing about as bf material? It's what I've been failing to see.. the arrogance!

So disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend was a game changer for you?
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 6, 2024
It's very clear you don't understand the female mind. A woman is a submissive. That means it's in her nature to be passive, it's in her nature to place herself in a position where she is acted upon by a man, and it's in her nature to judge him based on how she responds emotionally to him. It's in her nature to show acceptance of him, not with words, but by reflecting the positive emotion he creates in her, opening herself to him so he can take further action upon her, and being submissive to him and following his lead.

All this is a natural part of female psychology and physiology. It has nothing to do with secret switches that she's trying to hide from you.

Within that female framework, there are techniques that work more or less better to create excitement, stimulate her emotions, arouse her, and clarify obstacles, but fundamentally they don't change anything about her desires, what she is as a woman, or the process by which she is brought into a sexual experience. In a general sense, all women are passive, all women need to be approached by a man, all women need to be stimulated and aroused by a man, all women need to be led by a man. That's how it's always been since the beginning of time, and how it always will be (unless we all turn into AI or something, at which point seduction might be a moot point).

Once you understand that, you have the question: if women love sex and want sex, how are they going to get it? If they cannot initiate, approach, or lead?

Well, that's why she dresses up sexy, puts on makeup, stands there somewhere you can approach her, and if she likes you, it's why she smiles at you as you talk to her, shows excitement and 'lets' you push all her oh-so-secret switches, and comes with you when you invite her home. It's all because (drumroll) she wants it.

I am a newbie in this forum, but I wanted to chime in on the discussion. @Will_V , I appreciate some of your insights about female psychology and attraction. However, I can't help but also question this particular idea that PUAs leave women 'better off than they found them.' Specifically, how does this hold up when we consider the concept of the 'alpha widow' that Rollo and many other men in the PUA community talk about? An 'alpha widow' is defined as a woman who, after being with an attractive dominant man, finds it difficult to be satisfied with future male partners because these men can't measure up to that intense experience. Many legitimate mPUAs, by creating intense and dominant sexual experiences for young women, often set a high bar for future intimate relationships that these women find hard to match. Doesn't this leave these women struggling to feel the same level of sexual attraction or satisfaction with other men, especially when future male partners will most likely be less attractive and less dominant than the most alpha of men — perhaps shorter, less sexually successful, with smaller packages, or just lacking the same level of confidence and charisma, or even completely clueless about women?

And when a woman has an unforgettable experience with a highly attractive dominant man and is then left behind, it is logical that she might end up chasing that feeling, unable to connect as deeply with other (lower SMV) guys. This could lead to a pattern of dissatisfaction and emotional turmoil, which doesn't sound like she's been left 'better off.' In fact, you could argue that these women might have been more attracted to and more loyal and more satisfied with a normal beta man if they hadn't encountered a dominant man like you, who set a different standard for what they desire in a partner.

Furthermore, if a dominant PUA's presence in her life causes her to become disillusioned with future partners, doesn't that increase the risk of her experiencing more infidelity or a general lack of fulfillment in her subsequent intimate relationships? The very notion of leaving some girl 'better off' becomes very questionable if the lasting impact of the interaction is negative for her future. It’s worth considering whether the short-term excitement generated by game might contribute to long-term dissatisfaction in her future, leaving her chasing an emotional high that future boyfriends (or husband) may never be able to match.

Respectfully, I think you should consider the potential downsides of these interactions. While the seduction process may be thrilling, how can you ensure it leads to lasting positivity, rather than leaving women as alpha widows, burdened with overly high expectations and emotional baggage? As Rollo and other men in the PUA community have pointed out, such experiences with dominant men can make it harder for these women to pair bond and remain loyal to the next men in their lives.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Lots of good subject matter for articles in this thread. Keep it coming, boys!

All this "leave her better than you left her", "work on your fundamentals/self", etc has got to be the byproduct of some chick that got into a dating coach's head.
The "leave her better off than you found her" thinking is just dumb and false. Just some train of thought prob concocted by some marketer to counter act the cognitive dissonance nice guys may feel at the thought of picking up women. It paints women as damsels in distress that need your rescuing as if. Fact is she'll be worst off bc she'll be a little older and a little looser after you're done with her.

I've addressed this reasoning in article format here:

@AbWongX, this should help address your questions as well.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 4, 2024
Lots of good subject matter for articles in this thread. Keep it coming, boys!

I've addressed this reasoning in article format here:

@AbWongX, this should help address your questions as well.


Don't tell me that I charge royalties


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
@AbWongX the problem with the entire position you're taking here is that you are presuming to make the choice for a woman of whether she should have this kind of experience or not in the first place. It's not up to you, it's up to her.

I am a newbie in this forum, but I wanted to chime in on the discussion. @Will_V , I appreciate some of your insights about female psychology and attraction. However, I can't help but also question this particular idea that PUAs leave women 'better off than they found them.' Specifically, how does this hold up when we consider the concept of the 'alpha widow' that Rollo and many other men in the PUA community talk about? An 'alpha widow' is defined as a woman who, after being with an attractive dominant man, finds it difficult to be satisfied with future male partners because these men can't measure up to that intense experience. Many legitimate mPUAs, by creating intense and dominant sexual experiences for young women, often set a high bar for future intimate relationships that these women find hard to match. Doesn't this leave these women struggling to feel the same level of sexual attraction or satisfaction with other men, especially when future male partners will most likely be less attractive and less dominant than the most alpha of men — perhaps shorter, less sexually successful, with smaller packages, or just lacking the same level of confidence and charisma, or even completely clueless about women?

Let's have a closer look at the principle behind this.

Let's say there's a girl who loves to fly, she's been flying as an airline passenger, and she's been flying in a little cessna and having some fun. Now let's say I'm an aerobatic pilot and I invite her to come fly with me. I take her up and give her a wild ride, it takes her breath away and she loves every minute. I move away or whatever and she goes back to flying her cessna, but she can't enjoy it any more. She wants that wild ride again, it's all she can think about.

Too bad?

She has two choices here. She can reset her expectations and just say 'ok that was intense and fun, but I have to think about my life and all I have here is a Cessna, so let's make the most of it'. Or she can go and look for another aerobatic pilot, if she doesn't want to lower her standards.

It's her choice to have the experience in the first place, and it's her choice what she does later on with the options she has left. But you can't choose for her. We all want to experience everything that life has to offer, we all want to feel the extraordinary, even if it's only for a short time. It's what makes the rest of life worthwhile, gives us our most treasured memories, and elevates our spirit. And to try to take that opportunity away from a girl 'for her own good' is a horrible idea. It's one of the most insidious aspects of red pill victim mentality, which has unfortunately seeped into a lot of men's mental models these days.

And when a woman has an unforgettable experience with a highly attractive dominant man and is then left behind, it is logical that she might end up chasing that feeling, unable to connect as deeply with other (lower SMV) guys. This could lead to a pattern of dissatisfaction and emotional turmoil, which doesn't sound like she's been left 'better off.' In fact, you could argue that these women might have been more attracted to and more loyal and more satisfied with a normal beta man if they hadn't encountered a dominant man like you, who set a different standard for what they desire in a partner.

You're treating her like she has no choice or agency, she's just this object that's used in different ways with some 'value' that degrades accordingly. A woman is a soul just like you with ambitions and the desire to live life to the fullest.

Also, many, many women have extraordinary sexual and dating experiences with 'alphas' and extraordinary guys, before settling for a reliable, less exciting 'beta'. Often the 'beta' never knows about it, because she knows it will hurt his ego. She is fine with the situation, but he's not, so she simply never tells him, and he's blissfully unaware. These relationships work, and they happen all the time.

And that's really the crux of things - this is not about a woman's satisfaction or happiness, but a lower-quality male's egoistic satisfaction and happiness, which is (according to such logic) obtained by hamstringing a woman's ability to live the life she wants, so that she thinks he's better than he is. That's the reality of what a lot of the red pill guys are pushing - a bitter and resentful victim mentality.

Furthermore, if a dominant PUA's presence in her life causes her to become disillusioned with future partners, doesn't that increase the risk of her experiencing more infidelity or a general lack of fulfillment in her subsequent intimate relationships? The very notion of leaving some girl 'better off' becomes very questionable if the lasting impact of the interaction is negative for her future. It’s worth considering whether the short-term excitement generated by game might contribute to long-term dissatisfaction in her future, leaving her chasing an emotional high that future boyfriends (or husband) may never be able to match.

That's her choice to decide. If someone gave you a million dollars, and you spent it all, and now your $35k/year job isn't fun anymore, what you do about that is entirely up to you.

Respectfully, I think you should consider the potential downsides of these interactions. While the seduction process may be thrilling, how can you ensure it leads to lasting positivity, rather than leaving women as alpha widows, burdened with overly high expectations and emotional baggage? As Rollo and other men in the PUA community have pointed out, such experiences with dominant men can make it harder for these women to pair bond and remain loyal to the next men in their lives.

What the red pill are doing here is twisting everything in such a way as to appear as if they are looking out for a woman's health when they are really looking out for their own interests.

In my opinion, the number of sexual partners a woman has does affect her ability to pair bond. However, I'm not of the opinion that every woman needs to be a virgin at marriage. How many is too many? 1-5? 5-10? That's debatable. And at the end of the day, it's her choice.

That has nothing to do whatsoever with the 'alpha widow' effect, this is a red pill sleight of hand. This is the red pill taking one concept about the total number of sexual partners and its psychological effect, and trying to combine it with a woman simply having high standards because of an extraordinary experience she had.

I wish for every woman (and every man) the most exciting and intense sexual experiences they can imagine. It's really an out of this world experience, and one of the best things that life has to offer.

If a woman or man can't get that, or can only get it rarely, that's not my problem. And frankly, I don't think women are half as worried about it, and are a lot more practical about the reality of life, than all these red pill victims on youtube.

And when women are not practical about this, it is usually a result of being fed the idea that all women have the right to have everything they want all the time with no effort or sacrifice, which is just the female version of the disfunctional egotism that drives a big part of the red pill.

Edit: Wanted to add something here.

It's far from impossible for any man to become extraordinary, regardless of where he's starting from. Any man can choose to give up his security, his comforting illusions, and go and face risk and hardship in pursuit of a lifestyle that is difficult for most men to achieve. That is exactly what we seducers (at least the sort of seducers that 'alpha widow' beautiful women) do. We often begin at an average or poor starting point, from where we spend a good portion of our lives building ourselves up internally and externally, accepting difficult and often painful truths, cleaning out all the traces of bitterness and resentment from our lives, going through loads of failures and rejections to understand the nature of women and how to give her what she desires. Our reward is her pleasure and infatuation, and the loyalty she gives us when we satisfy her on levels she didn't even know existed.

If you want that, you can have it. It doesn't matter where you start from, you may have to work harder, but you can still have it. But to even begin that journey, you will have to let go of the victim mentality that, every day, destroys the potential of billions of men on this planet. That's why (despite it having some factual logic and certain truths) I talk about the red pill the way I do. Because it has made itself the enemy of the man who would otherwise accept the terms of his existence and ambitiously pursue what he wants against the odds, crushing his spirit and making him feel like the only path to success is by regulating everything around him down to his current level, rather than inspiring him to elevate himself up.

The choice for whether to accept that or reject it is always in your capable hands.
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KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I think the paradoxical part that can confuse us is that often advanced social skills is just being super solid with the fundamentals. I think it's also why women are are so clueless. Women often refer to having worldclass game as "just be normal dude".!
Well I would say fundamentals are more visual things she can see before talking to you - fashion, nonverbal movement, etc.

Social skills are the ability to interact with others and achieve your desired outcome. Game would be a subset of that, I.e. sexual focused social skills.

A big part of game is leading things forward without triggering her anti slut defence. Working with plausible deniability and subtextual communication, etc. So to the outside it does look like just being normal because foregoing these things looks like lack of calibration.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
tbh I was depressed breifly bc had a brutal day infield and needed someplace to vent. Didn't want to do it on reddit and this was first forum that came up on google. so whoever is doing the seo for this site give them a raise, Chase.

Funny you should mention disqualifiers. Was reading about them last night and had an "ah-ha" moment. I think it's what I've been missing cos you see I like to think that I'm boyfriend material so I often times unwitingly present myself as such, not necessarily bc I want to be her bf but bc I still assume women want that(and not solely dick, which is a rookie mistake) if they're going to become interested but what woman in her right mind would start considering someone she knows nothing about as bf material? It's what I've been failing to see.. the arrogance!

So disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend was a game changer for you?
Absolutely. I am a prime husband candidate, so girls have definitely tried to slow game me, especially ages late 20's and early 30's.

The problem is you are too valuable. So by dialing down boyfriend value, it makes it a simpler decision for her, then over the medium term of being lovers, you can slowly unveil the extra value if you want to develop it from there.

Chase explains it here.

In a monogamous relationship, girls will try to dose out sex as operant conditioning to weild your provider value. It is positive/negative/positive stimulus to hook you like a drug. Being the lover lets you dose your own toward her by rejecting her betaziation attempts and removing yourself a bit by meeting your sexual needs elsewhere.

Btw I was reading too fast and thought you were a troll just here to rip on "pua types".


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Well I would say fundamentals are more visual things she can see before talking to you - fashion, nonverbal movement, etc.

Social skills are the ability to interact with others and achieve your desired outcome. Game would be a subset of that, I.e. sexual focused social skills.

A big part of game is leading things forward without triggering her anti slut defence. Working with plausible deniability and subtextual communication, etc. So to the outside it does look like just being normal because foregoing these things looks like lack of calibration.
Yeah basically. If you watch an advanced seducer it looks like they just had a normal conversation and "things just happened". To outside observer it doesn't seem like anything special. What the observer doesn't get is that creating this perfect "things just happened" environment is an advanced skill.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 4, 2024
Absolutely. I am a prime husband candidate, so girls have definitely tried to slow game me, especially ages late 20's and early 30's.

The problem is you are too valuable. So by dialing down boyfriend value, it makes it a simpler decision for her, then over the medium term of being lovers, you can slowly unveil the extra value if you want to develop it from there.

Chase explains it here.

In a monogamous relationship, girls will try to dose out sex as operant conditioning to weild your provider value. It is positive/negative/positive stimulus to hook you like a drug. Being the lover lets you dose your own toward her by rejecting her betaziation attempts and removing yourself a bit by meeting your sexual needs elsewhere.

Btw I was reading too fast and thought you were a troll just here to rip on "pua types".

Yeah but what do you mean by disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend? As in tell her you have a gf? In other words how do YOU do it in particular?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I think one of the ways Chase recommended it (and I have an (ex-?)pua friend (he recently got a gf) who has also already done this with success) was to intimate to the girl that you will be leaving the city where both of you are soon for good. My friend did this even though he wasn't, lol, and then porked her. Then when he bumped into her again he said he was back, but again for a short while. lmao

Disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend is:
  • if you come from a high-status family, NOT revealing this
  • if she finds out you come from a high-status family, overcompensating this with BAD BOY traits (had alcoholic coma aged 14, were a troublemaker in high school, reckless, devil-may-care, etc.) - only if this is true though, maybe if it isn't your case you'd need to find other things that could make up for it
  • insinuating that she likes orgasms (in a fun, light, teasing way)
  • establishing the frame that sex is fun and okay
  • letting her know that you understand that there are different types of connections and that you can have a deep connection with a girl WITHOUT being her boyfriend (this is also a form of light sexual prizing, since for a girl to want to keep seeing you without being your girlfriend, you have to be good in bed..)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
My favourite way of disqualifying myself as a bf is setting the frame that I'm in a transition point in my life and trying new things.

1. It puts her in the right frame of mind (more curious, open, and energetic)
2. It makes me come across like I'm usually dialled in (reliable), but at this particular point in life things happen to be more exploratory and up in the air (exciting/unreliable)
3. It leads into better conversation topics and she brings out more of her adventurous/spontaneous side to find commonality with me
4. It naturally leads into sexual adventure

My second fastest seduction happened on the back of a half hour instadate talking about travel, adventure, exotic food, and navigating different phases in life. I didn't even have to introduce much in the way of sexual frames. It was probably the most natural and effortless seduction I've had.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
My favourite way of disqualifying myself as a bf is setting the frame that I'm in a transition point in my life and trying new things.

1. It puts her in the right frame of mind (more curious, open, and energetic)
2. It makes me come across like I'm usually dialled in (reliable), but at this particular point in life things happen to be more exploratory and up in the air (exciting/unreliable)
3. It leads into better conversation topics and she brings out more of her adventurous/spontaneous side to find commonality with me
4. It naturally leads into sexual adventure

My second fastest seduction happened on the back of a half hour instadate talking about travel, adventure, exotic food, and navigating different phases in life. I didn't even have to introduce much in the way of sexual frames. It was probably the most natural and effortless seduction I've had.
That's pretty ingenious and elegant solution. I'm writing this idea right on top of my notes.

Do you find that it's powerful enough to override having the husband traits others mentioned, or is it still best to do your best to hide those. Like coming from a high-status family, or being very successful or things that make them go "let me put this guy in the husband category".


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
That's pretty ingenious and elegant solution. I'm writing this idea right on top of my notes.

Do you find that it's powerful enough to override having the husband traits others mentioned, or is it still best to do your best to hide those. Like coming from a high-status family, or being very successful or things that make them go "let me put this guy in the husband category".

Well, I'm not from a high status family (though my family has connections through personal relationships to some pretty high status people). My family was also never rich, and I'm personally not a particularly financially successful guy - I'm primarily driven by meaning and the allure of experiences, not money, and discipline and consistency were never my strong suit.

All that is to say that I don't really know what it means to come across as the 'high-status, high-value guy' stereotype you see associated with women's interest on youtube these days, and objectively I guess I'm not that. I have long hair, I dress in a fairly classical style, I have facial hair, and I tell women I'm a writer (which is true, though only one of the things I do). Not the sort of thing that screams 'status quo'.

That said, like the Girls Chase site recommends, I have worked on my tone, my body language, my social skills, and all my fundamentals to the point where I come across as 'classy', if nothing else. I know for a fact that women have always seen me as a guy with a lot of potential, even if not as an established guy. And that's an important characteristic even for short term relationships. Potential is exciting. Being stuck is not.

I believe that women find me to be a paradox, where they think 'he could be X if he wanted to' but something tells them that I could never be satisfied to be X. My girlfriends always tell me hopefully that they think I could be X or Y or Z, even when they are very familiar with my worldview.

That's partly my conscious style (because I know women like the archetype of the untamed guy with social potential) and partly just the reality of my life. My family has always been somewhat eccentric, and I'm cut from that cloth. Being part of any status quo (even at the top) was never a theme growing up. My father and my grandfather are/were the sort of people who had high-status connections and were always very socially capable, and pretty good with women, but with little objective status of their own, and their own lives tended to be quite chaotic and varied (sometimes in a good way, sometimes not so much). That's the sort of path I walk.

Can women see all this? Probably. Or at least some of it. I never try to hide it. And it certainly doesn't seem to get in the way of seducing them - at least not the sort of girls I want.