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What would cause a woman in a relationship with a celebrity to release all his info?


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I am not too sure if those guys are your definition of homeless. But the definition from Google is simply: "(of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets." So I am assuming when you say "homeless" people, you are literally talking about people living on the streets. Your luggage friend has a job and a car at least. The drug dealer one I am not too surprised, the value of drugs for certain women is very valuable. Also, the fact that your drug dealer can can acquire some drugs indicates that he has connections and can provide value.

To further add on, when I assume someone is homeless, I assume they are starting from 0 with nothing at all. No car, no job, living on the streets, no connections etc. Maybe this is the wrong definition but we are getting too into the weeds.

I agree with this. Pickup, like everything in life, is a skill and the more time you spend the better you get.

Well yeah exactly, that is the point I was trying to argue. Obviously not sleeping with fashion models but getting laid left and right...

Instead of arguing about Google definitions of homelessness, have you tried doing some actual pickup?

I have no idea why you would spend your time trying to figure out if homeless people are getting laid 'left and right' when you could be learning actual skills and taking girls to bed. And you're arguing with the very people who have those skills and can teach them to you.

I'll give you an example of borderline homeless. I lived in a 25ft boat I'd bought for a few thousand dollars, with about $500 in the bank, eating spaghetti and making ends meet with odd freelancing jobs on the internet. I still got laid (it was harder to pull but LMR was almost nonexistent).

Did I smell like shit and piss? Absolutely not. Did I walk around muttering to myself? Nope. I took care of myself, barely drank, meditated and exercised a lot, and enjoyed my life in a way that most people don't understand exists. I wasn't needy, I had no victim mentality, I wanted nothing from anyone except to enjoy the flow of my thoughts, go sailing and be with women who turned me on. And there were women who couldn't resist me, for whatever reason - I believe it's because they live boring, status-driven lives around boring, status-driven men they know they should be turned on by but aren't.

Does it help to be borderline homeless? Probably not - though I think there's a sort of forgotten art to living in real simplicity, to living life with little enough that it gives you a sense of complete mastery, and that when you do it right, you exhibit a certain kind of inner satisfaction, you connect with a primordial drive, that women can find appealing. The problem is that most people in this kind of situation are victims of life, rather than living it on their terms. Beggars, not Spartans.

But the truth is that my brain was never taken over with endless debates or turmoil, I just lived my life, developed my skills (a lot of it coming from Girls Chase), and accepted the fruits of my labor. Whether other guys with money and cars and lavish apartments were banging hotter women didn't bother me at all. I simply approached the women I wanted, tried things and saw what did or didn't work.

If you want to get laid instead of venting on a random forum about whether homeless people are banging fashion models, I suggest you do the same.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Maybe read a bit about Maslow Hierarchy of needs before assuming homeless people get laid easily LOL. If you are homeless, your priorities are shelter, food and water, not getting laid...
The most fundamental needs in Maslow's hierarchy are categorized as "physiological needs", they are air, water, food, sleep, clothes, shelter and sex.
Relax bro, you are a nobody on a forum just like me and everyone else.
Haha. Vision a nobody... now I've heard it all. I'll just point this out once since Vision hasn't written for the blog before. He was an absolute legend of the seduction community when active and considered one of the best in the world at night game. Highly respected on the 2nd Mystery's Lounge, which is the best PUA forum I've ever been a member of (60% of the field report section had an LR tag... almost pure cold approach... many guys doing 4-6 lays a month, some 7-9).

@ everyone else... "DNFTT - Do Not Feed The Troll"... whyumad clearly is that.
troll = someone who deliberatly pisses people off online to get a reaction
That is literally his username lol... "whyumad".

Added to ignore list. If we see good cold approach LRs from this guy before he gets banned I'll reconsider (but I'd be shocked).

Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
You want to help clear things up?
Not understanding what I have written contradicts what I wrote. I was arguing that homeless people are not getting laid left or right, obviously not with fashion models as well...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
A girl who dates a drug dealer, does it because he’s exciting, makes her FEEL, he’s got serious edge.
Sure, but the impact drugs have on your brain's dopamine is extremely addictive. If the girl also likes to take drugs, it is a win win for her.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
I'll give you an example of borderline homeless. I lived in a 25ft boat I'd bought for a few thousand dollars, with about $500 in the bank, eating spaghetti and making ends meet with odd freelancing jobs on the internet. I still got laid (it was harder to pull but LMR was almost nonexistent).

Did I smell like shit and piss? Absolutely not. Did I walk around muttering to myself? Nope. I took care of myself, barely drank, meditated and exercised a lot, and enjoyed my life in a way that most people don't understand exists. I wasn't needy, I had no victim mentality, I wanted nothing from anyone except to enjoy the flow of my thoughts, go sailing and be with women who turned me on. And there were women who couldn't resist me, for whatever reason - I believe it's because they live boring, status-driven lives around boring, status-driven men they know they should be turned on by but aren't.
Maybe you interpret that as borderline homeless, but that is literally not the definition of homeless. Also it is pretty cool to live in a boat. Definitely not the norm in society.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Maybe you interpret that as borderline homeless, but that is literally not the definition of homeless. Also it is pretty cool to live in a boat. Definitely not the norm in society.

That's exactly the point. There's a difference between being poor and being boring. Just because you have little/no money doesn't mean your life has to be something nobody wants to be part of.

If I lived like that with a bicycle and a tent, would it now be homeless? Is a hat on your head enough of a home to not be homeless?

The problem is that you are focused on definitions, because they help you categorize the world and protect your ego. I don't care about definitions, I care about whether Y happens when I do X. The transition between one moment and the next contains all the potential required to have what you want. If you don't focus on that, you are wasting your time.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Sure, but the impact drugs have on your brain's dopamine is extremely addictive. If the girl also likes to take drugs, it is a win win for her.
Still is not how a girl thinks.

If she finds a guy who can get her drugs, or concert tickets, or attention, or anything else, but he's not exciting or attractive to her, he has friendzoned himself.

Friendzone 101: your resources/giving gifts will not make her want to date you or sleep with you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
Still is not how a girl thinks.

If she finds a guy who can get her drugs, or concert tickets, or attention, or anything else, but he's not exciting or attractive to her, he has friendzoned himself.

Friendzone 101: your resources/giving gifts will not make her want to date you or sleep with you.
What you have written is not wrong. Then what was the point Chase wrote regarding the drug dealer friend then?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
That's exactly the point. There's a difference between being poor and being boring. Just because you have little/no money doesn't mean your life has to be something nobody wants to be part of.
Never said anything regarding being poor and boring. You can get laid being poor I have never questioned this.
If I lived like that with a bicycle and a tent, would it now be homeless? Is a hat on your head enough of a home to not be homeless?
Depends on the context. Whether it was a choice or not, is it a temporary thing etc.
The problem is that you are focused on definitions, because they help you categorize the world and protect your ego. I don't care about definitions, I care about whether Y happens when I do X. The transition between one moment and the next contains all the potential required to have what you want. If you don't focus on that, you are wasting your time.
I don't need to "protect my ego". How about we keep it simple, do you genuinely believe that homeless people (so people living on the streets with no money, no assets, no job, no connections, starting at 0) will be getting laid left and right?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
@whyumad?, friendly advice… stop arguing over stupid claims or definitions.

Nobody here made a claim that regular homeless Joe is fucking left and right, at least not effectively.
And the guys who seemingly did were using hyperbole or exaggeration.

Taking things too literal is a trait of socially unskilled people and certainly not a way to have people respecto you or make friends.

If you have trouble telling the difference, err on the side of avoiding discussions until you learn.
Nobody likes the guy who “doesn’t get it”.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Should a short guy focus on becoming internet famous to get laid?

Becoming famous is extremely time consuming, hard to make it happen and unreliable for getting girls.
Learn game instead.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
And the guys who seemingly did were using hyperbole or exaggeration.

Taking things too literal is a trait of socially unskilled people and certainly not a way to have people respecto you or make friends.
Hard to interpret this when reading text...

Obviously in person you can hear "sarcasm/exaggeration/hyperbole" hard to tell when I am literally reading words lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
now you are being delusional...

being famous absolutely helps with getting girls but i agree it is not worth becoming famous just to get laid
Fame is not going to fix akwardness, misconceptions nor low self-esteem.
It is an amplifier.

If you are unattractive, will it help to have millions of people recognize you?

Hard to interpret this when reading text...

Obviously in person you can hear "sarcasm/exaggeration/hyperbole" hard to tell when I am literally reading words lol
Hence the “err on the side of caution”.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2021
Fame is not going to fix akwardness, misconceptions nor low self-esteem.
It is an amplifier.

If you are unattractive, will it help to have millions of people recognize you?
Lol. I guess we can finish/close this thread/post now.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I don't need to "protect my ego". How about we keep it simple, do you genuinely believe that homeless people (so people living on the streets with no money, no assets, no job, no connections, starting at 0) will be getting laid left and right?

Absolutely not, but it's not because they are homeless, it's because they failed to succeed at the goals they set for themselves.