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hey let me know what days you are up for gaming in london..... we can meet if you know anyone bring them as well. thanks
Girls will make mistakes sometimes that flub the seduction

It pays to let these slide when starting out and find ways to salvage the interaction before it runs its course

This goes a long way in tightening your game and leadership skills

Leadership can be hard for beginners ... getting the things you want consistently is no easy feat for a social novice

The more you lead though ,the better at it you get
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Past a certain point though girls will do things that just mess it up for both of you

Most of the time, that'll spell the end of the interaction especially if you didn't find her that interesting

And as much as you may know a way or two to turn things around,you may not bother to

And that's okay
Guys lower in mate value are always the guys that want to pick up fights with you for picking up their chicks lol

The better you get ,the more a "threat" you become 😎
You should always seek to improve your mating sociometer

Or else you'll be forever stuck going for ugs

It's funny that some guys out there have to put ugs on pedestals to curry favor with them lol

Not that you have to put hotties on pedestals either

Hotties are far out of reach for these guys too

And if you are getting ugs again and again ,they become your norm

And that's sad
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
You should rather be the guy that hotties get nervous around

Rather than the other way round

Don't forget to work on your attainability when you get there
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
If it means improving to a point of diminishing returns,so be it.

Your future self will forever thank you

What's more you get to be the buyer with most girls

You may be the seller with some ,but it won't be that hard to flip that script

Here's to your improvement 🥂
Girls break their rules with you when you are a rule breaker yourself

Watch her arousal skyrocket when you break rules

Grin within when she gets to break that rule " she holds dear with regular men " with you 😉

Don't be silly though and go break rules that will get you in trouble or the penitentiary lol
Girls will always slow game you when you don't know what you are doing

Learn game

Some will slow game you even when you have game

But a true player knows when to cut his losses and seek out far better options,if he so chooses

This way he ups and ups his scarcity as he goes

Done right,women chase him more and want to see the seduction come to its end
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
If they know it'll be there tomorrow,the next day,the next day after that ... they'll push off buying it

If they know it won't be there in the near future,they can't help but buy it NOW

Good question to ask yourself moving forward:How are you selling yourself?
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
You should be scarce and valuable too

Scarce +no value=no one cares

Scarce+value="I should get this before it's gone/someone else picks it before me(other girls pick on your value and act fast😉)"
You can take more risky moves when the interaction is still fresh and new than when you let things build over time.

What's more is that you keep things simple.

Taking things slow makes things complex.Wildcards show up.Stuff intervenes . Interest fades.

She starts to get a good feel of what kind of guy you are.Trust me the more she knows about you,the less a lover "in her eyes'' you become.
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
All the more reason to Keep It Stupid Simple --when it's still fresh and you are new to her .

Totally don't understand why guys have to arouse a chick and have her emotions crest then leave with an aim of doing it more and more next time.

Fat chance you get her.
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
And if you can get her ,more power to you ...still don't understand why you have to run through the process of arousing her again next time.It's boring tbh.

Also the more you get to know each other, the more hesitant you become because you're more invested in the interaction.

Don't know about you but I've always liked things fresh.
Hi @assman93, hope you are doing good. I'm relatively new to the game and usually do it near GTA. I'm looking for similar minded people in the area and would love to chat with you. Please hmu, godspeed.
Hi @redlotus, hope you are doing good. I'm relatively new to the game and usually do it near GTA. I'm looking for similar minded people in the area and would love to chat with you. Please hmu, godspeed.
Hi @Seducer, hope you are doing good. I'm relatively new to the game and usually do it near GTA. I'm looking for similar minded people in the area and would love to chat with you. Please hmu, godspeed.
Hi @chacemember1969, hope you are doing good. I'm relatively new to the game and usually do it near GTA. I'm looking for similar minded people in the area and would love to chat with you. Please hmu, godspeed.