It could be that I mostly need stronger opening to hook a girl so that she feels open to talk more, and maybe a bit longer interactions and not street stops with girls in a rush.
Of course you need to have a hook so that she wants to stay and answer, but apart from that I feel if I went for a question like this after asking what she is up to or what kind of hobbies she has, it would feel too loaded for a daygame approach of few minutes.
The best hook is the way she feels when she looks at you the first time.
Think about the succession of perceptions she has from the moment she's looks up as you walk up to her. This is the same series of perceptions anyone has when encountering someone else in public.
First, she perceives your body and your silhouette, because the first thing our brains want to know is: am I being threatened, am I being pounced on? She notices your posture, how fast you are moving, and what your arms/hands are doing. As soon as she registers that you aren't being aggressive (and if you come at her very quickly or startle her, you might not even get past this point) she moves her attention to your face.
When someone looks at a face, for the first second or so, they don't see the features or any details, but an ephemeral visage of your emotional state of mind. What are the broad strokes of your internal reality. This, again, is to ascertain threats: are you a threat or are you conveying information about a threat. I believe this is where many guys fail. They are basically in a fight/flight mode and their faces show it, and her first instinct is that they are the harbinger of some kind of bad news. What she wants to see is a very relaxed, open, and friendly expression, with a smile.
As soon as you open your mouth, she registers your tone. What is the timbre of your voice, is it conveying warmth and friendliness, is it conveying tension and chaos, it conveying coldness? Is it fast and quavering, or is it even and rhythmic? Even as you begin talking, she doesn't really notice what you are saying, only how you are saying it.
If you get to this point and she's liking what she sees, you have 5-10 seconds to basically say anything that's not completely weird, and start a conversation.
So working from this vantage point, what's important? By far the biggest effect is going to be what you communicate nonverbally through your body and through your face. This is why great posture, a nice slow walk, a very calm, relaxed, open, social, outwardly-projected state of mind and expression (all of which I've found to be hugely improved by meditation) is your best bet at sticking the opening.
Remember, communication is 7% about the words you say, and 93% is the rest of the expressions of the various parts of your body. If you do the latter part exceptionally well, you can hook without saying anything at all - though that would be a bit pointless.
Interesting, it's close to the idea I've had for what to work towards. The issue I've seen for me is either going too intense and sexual right away or too friendly and happy and never leaving that. How do you transition into asking the deeper questions about what kind of girl she is?
It's fundamentally a question of where your direct your own attention, this is what determines your state - that's why meditation is all about attention control.
In the beginning, I focus on her smile, her energy, and exchanging warmth and pleasantness. I'm feeling that in my body and noticing it in her.
As soon as we establish a bit of baseline chitchat, the point where there's a natural pause, I will simply ask a more directed question like "so tell me, what do you like doing for fun?" or "what do you like to do to kick back and relax on a thursday evening?". As I do this, I move my attention more to her eyes, her lips, her hair, her neck, the shape of her body etc, mostly just with peripheral vision. Of course women perceive this subconsciously.
And as she responds to my question, I sort of push down my energy into this more slow, deep level. Imagine how your energy would change if you are talking to a girl and you realize the kiss is about to happen. Like time slows down a little bit, and the pitch of the music goes down a notch. I will gradually be more still and poised, and at this point I start giving her some lingering eye contact. And the wonderful thing is that she feels all this as she's telling me about who she is, and this validates her in a way that no sugarcoated words can accomplish.
Usually I will see her respond in her body language - her eyes widen a little, she might cock her head or thrust out her chin a little bit, rock her body, or forget a couple of words. And all I want to do is hold it there for a little while, to paint the encounter with a scent of something sexual but nothing overt.
And then, after a while and before it drags on too long (kind of like breaking off a kiss and making her want more) I sort of 'remember' that I have something to do, and suggest that we meet up another time (while making sure to qualify her based on what she's been saying). And we both come back up to the surface feeling good, establish a bit of logistics, and part ways.