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Are we retarded for doing cold approach?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Exactly. Most people don't go verbally direct in a nighttime environment. Nor is there a need to.

Anway I did not want to start a pointless argument. I just wanted to make any person skimmimg through this thread to understand that those "I have zero AA" , "I got over it in a month" "The stunners gush when I approach" had a lot more nuance to it than those blanket statements indicate.

I haven't even seen the most prolific of seducers on this forum, in real life or elsewhere make those kind of statements. 😀
That's again not true. Austin Summers and quite a few other teachers claim that their typical student gets rid of AA within a 100 approaches, and that can be done within a month. I was surprised myself since I know those guys do more direct daygame stuff.

We've had approach bootcamps since the earliest days of the community. The concept of getting rid of AA with a month-long bootcamp is pretty old. Plenty of guys did those, probably thousands or even tens of thousands of documented cases.

But still, I get the impression that you want things to be hard and take a long time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
So working from this vantage point, what's important? By far the biggest effect is going to be what you communicate nonverbally through your body and through your face. This is why great posture, a nice slow walk, a very calm, relaxed, open, social, outwardly-projected state of mind and expression (all of which I've found to be hugely improved by meditation) is your best bet at sticking the opening.

Remember, communication is 7% about the words you say, and 93% is the rest of the expressions of the various parts of your body. If you do the latter part exceptionally well, you can hook without saying anything at all - though that would be a bit pointless.
Yeah I agree with it mostly being non verbal. I think my problem isI’m trying to do everything too big to get her attention. And I don’t mean only exaggerated gestures or talking too fast, but even when I am smiling I seem too happy, and when I talk seductively it comes off too slick. I recorded my voice few days ago emulating how I talk when I try to be more grounded and it felt so slow and sensual that was totally out of tune with daygame, like I was being extremely seductive in bedroom mood and with a cheeky grin the moment I started to talk.

I feel that by being normally relaxed open and social, girls will just not pay attention, and will keep doing what they are doing as more exciting. I probably don’t embody these states well enough though.

And as she responds to my question, I sort of push down my energy into this more slow, deep level. Imagine how your energy would change if you are talking to a girl and you realize the kiss is about to happen. Like time slows down a little bit, and the pitch of the music goes down a notch. I will gradually be more still and poised, and at this point I start giving her some lingering eye contact. And the wonderful thing is that she feels all this as she's telling me about who she is, and this validates her in a way that no sugarcoated words can accomplish.
Yes ok I understand that. At least theoretically, not sure how to control it exactly in the moment, sometimes changing states like that seems difficult.

It could be that I am also afraid I’ll go from friendly to sexual vibe too strongly, I think I sometimes get a predatory look when I go that route, I suppose I should learn to express all these things more subtly and not just : friendly and funny or interested and sexual.

I am pretty sure it’s about the body state as well, there are days that if I feel tired or lack sleep that I can simply not access my sexual state on command no matter how much I focus on the woman and enjoy her.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Yeah I agree with it mostly being non verbal. I think my problem isI’m trying to do everything too big to get her attention. And I don’t mean only exaggerated gestures or talking too fast, but even when I am smiling I seem too happy, and when I talk seductively it comes off too slick. I recorded my voice few days ago emulating how I talk when I try to be more grounded and it felt so slow and sensual that was totally out of tune with daygame, like I was being extremely seductive in bedroom mood and with a cheeky grin the moment I started to talk.

I feel that by being normally relaxed open and social, girls will just not pay attention, and will keep doing what they are doing as more exciting. I probably don’t embody these states well enough though.

Yes ok I understand that. At least theoretically, not sure how to control it exactly in the moment, sometimes changing states like that seems difficult.

It could be that I am also afraid I’ll go from friendly to sexual vibe too strongly, I think I sometimes get a predatory look when I go that route, I suppose I should learn to express all these things more subtly and not just : friendly and funny or interested and sexual.

I am pretty sure it’s about the body state as well, there are days that if I feel tired or lack sleep that I can simply not access my sexual state on command no matter how much I focus on the woman and enjoy her.

It sounds like your expression is very much tied to what you think you should express, or how you feel about the idea of expressing something, rather than simply expressing it. This is a form of emotional suppression.

I suggest meditation, for this reason: when you are very relaxed, when you slow down your mind and become present, you can express and show a whole range of different emotions in a calm, attractive way. Because then, rather than circling around in the depths of your subconscious, waiting for some kind of outlet, those emotions exist more or less tranquilly in your mind and on your face.

When a person feels like they have to make 'big' expressions of emotion to have an effect socially, the problem is actually within their own experience - they do not experience their own emotions until they get beyond a certain intensity, and in failing to experience their own emotions, they fail to embody them. This is because the first quarter of their emotional tank is filled with repressed negative emotion that comes out as anxiety, so for anything to rise above that, it has to reach a certain threshold of energy.

Think of it like this: you and I are talking on walkie-talkies, but the reception is very bad. When you push the talk button, I hear a lot of static and white noise, and I can't make out what you're saying. So you have to shout until the volume of your voice has enough force to overcome the static.

But if the reception is crystal clear, you could speak with the faintest whisper, and I can hear it easily.

Emotional static is repressed emotion and anxiety. The more you clear that out, the softer you can speak, and the more gentle can be your movements and gestures, without losing the power of your communication.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I would just like to shout out Don Juan for this retarded thread as a huge thanks for getting so many amazing posts from Will. If you go through his shit here, it is absolutely jammed packed full of incredibly insightful mindsets.

Polarization stirs the pot and gets shit cooking - I will give you that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 25, 2024
That's again not true. Austin Summers and quite a few other teachers claim that their typical student gets rid of AA within a 100 approaches, and that can be done within a month. I was surprised myself since I know those guys do more direct daygame stuff.

We've had approach bootcamps since the earliest days of the community. The concept of getting rid of AA with a month-long bootcamp is pretty old. Plenty of guys did those, probably thousands or even tens of thousands of documented cases.

But still, I get the impression that you want things to be hard and take a long time.
Requested an account deletion that hasn't happened yet but before I get nuked off thus site I'm gonna reply to this lol.

Austen Summers is a fuckin twat lmao. Dude agreed to game against a a good looking guy to prove the 'looks don't matter' pua mantra and then quickly backed out of it because he supposedly had nothing to gain from it. Yeah, nothing to gain except great marketing. Dude us literally scared of a good looking guy with zero game. What a guy like Austin Summers claims and what reality is are two separate things. AA is just like any other type of anxiety, it's an issue of faulty neurotransmittion. That's it.

It's not surprising to see that you had a bad time in the past with showing intent but now you're getting substantially more positive experiences. literally just pheromones, which I was trying to explain to you before when you threw a sissy fit. I would've been willing to explain in better detail had you relaxed a bit but I'm going to just let you figure this shit out on your own. Good luck.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
All experience teaches, even if we fail and/or look silly when we're beginners at something.

Sure as hell beats not taking action, sitting on your deathbed counting the things you wish you tried instead.

"Hurry up and fail" - Derek Sivers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Guys, I just remembered the multiple times I have gotten hi-fives from strangers when they saw me grabbing numbers from girls in parks and public transport.

Damn! I should have looked so retarded!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 4, 2024
Guys, I just remembered the multiple times I have gotten hi-fives from strangers when they saw me grabbing numbers from girls in parks and public transport.

Damn! I should have looked so retarded!

If you saw a guy with aspergers getting a girl's number, wouldn't you high five him too?

Guess who else was high five'd after getting a girl's number, Steve Carell's character in the 40 year old virgin.

Don't get all bent out of shape about it though. I think we just have to accept that we're retards.

Much easier to just own it imo.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
If you saw a guy with aspergers getting a girl's number, wouldn't you high five him too?

Guess who else was high five'd after getting a girl's number, Steve Carell's character in the 40 year old virgin.

Don't get all bent out of shape about it though. I think we just have to accept that we're retards.

Much easier to just own it imo.
Well, Lebron gets high fives too when he scores slam dunks.

Guy must be such a retard, I guess.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
All experience teaches, even if we fail and/or look silly when we're beginners at something.

Sure as hell beats not taking action, sitting on your deathbed counting the things you wish you tried instead.

"Hurry up and fail" - Derek Sivers
majority of major dating coaches out there went through divorces and huge failures- Tom Torero, Nick Krausser , James Marshall just to name a few heck didn't sasha daygame admit to buying a sports car for a stripper lol?

Failure is everywhere in life - most likely those you look up to went through a lot worse than you ever will


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
interesting data also shows that online dating is on the down trend - maybe people are getting tired of the experience and want something in real life instead could also just be pre covid v post covid of course


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 25, 2024
If you saw a guy with aspergers getting a girl's number, wouldn't you high five him too?

Guess who else was high five'd after getting a girl's number, Steve Carell's character in the 40 year old virgin.

Don't get all bent out of shape about it though. I think we just have to accept that we're retards.

Much easier to just own it imo.
really did not mean to discourage new guys from trying to do cold approach when I called it retarded. It's perfectly normal and socially acceptable to do cold approach in places like bars and clubs, in a calibrated way. I see guys doing it all the time, theyre drunk and failing sure but that diesnt need to be you. More weird in malls sure but you can do this without feeling like a retard and potentially see some success. Really need the mods to delete me from here before I poison another soul lol.

Doing cold approach was massively important for me personally and I don't regret any of it at all.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 4, 2024
really did not mean to discourage new guys from trying to do cold approach when I called it retarded. It's perfectly normal and socially acceptable to do cold approach in places like bars and clubs, in a calibrated way. I see guys doing it all the time, theyre drunk and failing sure but that diesnt need to be you. More weird in malls sure but you can do this without feeling like a retard and potentially see some success. Really need the mods to delete me from here before I poison another soul lol.

Doing cold approach was massively important for me personally and I don't regret any of it at all.

Don't worry, you didn't inspire this thread.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
If you can stomach the pain, you'll get the rewards

There are other less painful ways to get laid although you may not find them as rewarding.
Hello James D, I fully agree with the other sentiments you express in your above posts; but what do you mean by “pain”? I’ve done a moderate amount (200-300) of cold approaching, mostly in daytime, and I agree that it requires practice, skill acquisition, intelligent work, the application of theory to practice, and a lot of other difficult tasks, sometimes including overcoming inertia as has been discussed elsewhere; but I haven‘t noticed “pain” even in a psychological or figurative sense.

Of course, maybe you mean it as a metaphor for all the above, in which case I take back my question.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
My mindset when seeing a stunner is like "Oh wow, stunner, must talk to her, woooooooo". So I end up automatically doing the nonverbals right. Whereas when I see a non-stunner, i'm like "Ok, let me go and practice on this chick", which often ends up in more akward approaches.
This makes a lot of sense. I have had the same experience. So why do you ‘auto-reject’?
And then magically it flipped and now magically it's opposite. I'm addicted to approaching and every stunner hooks and starts gushing (until I auto reject).
I thought auto-rejection was a female behavior, at least, as it has been discussed on the website which this forum accompanies for the past 15+ years. I’m struggling to figure out what you mean.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
This makes a lot of sense. I have had the same experience. So why do you ‘auto-reject’?

I thought auto-rejection was a female behavior, at least, as it has been discussed on the website which this forum accompanies for the past 15+ years. I’m struggling to figure out what you mean.
Sorry, I meant eject, not auto-reject:

I don't want to analyze it. I think just taking action does more to improve it than analyzing it. My interactions are getting longer and longer. What I did notice is that it's related to the novelty. If it's the first time I approach a 2-set, it's going to be short, my second time approaching a 2-set will be a longer set, etc. My first grocery set was the shortest (quickest eject), second grocery set was longer etc. Solution: just keep taking action, no need to analyze.

I agree with the gurus who say beating AA (or in my case ejection) is just about having seen everything. Novelty causes anxiety, anything that's "been there, done that" is the opposite.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Hello James D, I fully agree with the other sentiments you express in your above posts; but what do you mean by “pain”? I’ve done a moderate amount (200-300) of cold approaching, mostly in daytime, and I agree that it requires practice, skill acquisition, intelligent work, the application of theory to practice, and a lot of other difficult tasks, sometimes including overcoming inertia as has been discussed elsewhere; but I haven‘t noticed “pain” even in a psychological or figurative sense.

Of course, maybe you mean it as a metaphor for all the above, in which case I take back my question.
I think some people like suffering. I've noticed some people have convinced themselves that daygame has to be this gruelling journey of massive rejection. And they all have in common that they are neo-direct disciples.

Anything that makes daygame easier "isn't real game, and doesn't make you grow as much as a man bla bla". It's almost like they have their identities tied into suffering. It's ironic since this place is anti redpill, but a lot of the people here subscribe to the redpill approach of "to be a man, you must suffer and hit on girls, and suffer massive rejection and endure pain to one day be worthy of getting good responses".
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