You're contradicting yourself. You say that cold approach pickup is ineffective (which I agree with), and then you say I should start doing it (cold pickup). Make up your mind.
I don't approach to game though, I genuinely approach to network. For example just had a weekend of meeting great and powerful nightlife contacts (think industry leaders, managers, etc), whom I was introduced to at an event that I got invited to by one of the girls I cold approached. Also had a bunch of women hit on me at this event.
So this one cold approach turned into a dozen business contacts, and a couple of chicks hitting on me (not stunners, but still). From there I'm moving onto to the next ladder, higher-level event, with hotter chicks, where I'm invited by the people I met here.
In any case, one of my goals is to eventually stop auto-rejecting when one of the girls I approach starts IOI-ing hard, but it's just a bonus goal, as again, I'm not approaching to "pickup girls".
It's not worth it for the average guy, because he's not getting the reactions you are. I'm reading your stuff and if I'm seeing it right, it looks like the girls you're approaching are very into you. That's the ideal to strive for but pua doesn't teach you how to get those instantaneous reactions to girls where they're instantly hooked and into you from the beginning in the way in which you're describing.
When I first started doing cold approach there were some nights where I simply couldn't miss, and other nights where I couldn't buy a vowel. Those can't miss nights, I'd venue hop from one bar to another and the girls would all be staring, opening me, receptive from the beginning, touching, and giving deep stares. It's somewhat similar to what you're describing. During those states you can basically pick them up in like 5 to 10 minutes and fuck them on the parking lot. Pua doesn't teach you how to do this though.
Other nights I'd go out and I couldn't catch a break, I'd run into the same girls and they'd loom at me like I was wearing a crown of shit. No amount of game is fixing that. Figuring out the difference was what changed my outlook on everything, especially pua.
If youre getting the reactions your getting, you're far closer than you realize bro. Don't need to do all that networking stuff when the girls are right in front of you and want to keep things moving with you.
I don't recommend cold approach for normal guys because they're basically all running uphill, 6 months to a year. That should give guys an idea on what they're capable of and whether or not doing this is retarded or not. For a lot of guys they're wasting their time, and all the gaslighting about how it's their fault for having bad "game" just annoys me. Most of the so called pros don't know what they're doing.
You're getting better reactions from girls than guys who have been doing this for years lol. You also have no approach anxiety and have similarly high standards, that's not a coincidence. If you want to sleep with these girls you can, don't need to do it the hard way. But that's not what the average guy's baseline is, most guys don't get there. You have to go out enough times to do this to understand what the range of bad reactions to good to amazing ones are, but if you're stuck in a specific range you'll never know what's possible or how to know where you're standing.