@Skills my problem is actually that I do not really adapt what I say based on the girl , meaning that I say whatever pumps in my head without really thinking if she will get offended or not ( because this is how I am in general as a person , and sucked a lot of corporate dick because of it at work haha , but this only made me want to be better ) , so while a super good looking girl that has in a circle a lot of high value guys would start laughing and flirt , a still good looking girl that has a normal life would just get offended .
Let me give you an example of more or less the same thing I said to two different girls :
1. The one with a high selection of high value men & good looking
Her : This guy bought me the latest Iphone -> giggling
Me : So basically you are whore -> laughing
Her : So you are saying you would not buy me a the new iphone if we would be a couple ? -> giggling
Me : Honey , the maximum that I would give you is an STD -> laughing
Her : You are such a pig -> laughing
2. The one living a normal life & good looking
Her : Some girls would date a guy to get that new Iphone , I can not understand them -> normal face
Me : At least we know that you are not a whore -> laughing & and giving her a warm hug
Her : So you think that I am whore ? -> frown face
Me : Wait , what ? -> confused face
Her : You just said that I am whore -> mad face
Me : I said that I think it is pathetic to date someone only because he buys you stuff , life it is just way more than some shitty material things -> normal face
Her : Go fuck yourself , you just went out with me because you thought that I am slut and you could buy me -> angry face
*** leaves ***
### this is just an extreme example , I rarely to almost never go on this extreme with normal girls ###
My theory is that since you are perceived as higher value guy compared to her other options , she is more sensitive to what you say or do , and in order not to trigger the auto rejection you have to be super gentle with her at the beginning till her inner self adjusts to the new belief that she is attractive for higher value guys . In addition to this she unconsciously frames you directly to a boyfriend - girlfriend dynamic and is almost impossible to brake out of it . But yeah , would be great to get some other guys opinion about this
I mean if a homeless person would come to you and tell you something really offensive directed at you , you would not really take him seriously because he is at the lowest step of society and just start laughing