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Before I Self Destruct


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Had a great visit with her. First two days felt like our old days back when she was in town. However, by the last day, she seemed more distant. There were some possible frames I fucked up, but I think overall she is becoming more distant (for example she calls less and ALWAYS hangs up first on our phone calls. used to be the complete opposite). This might signify the beginning of the end and she comes closer to the reality that this OLDR is simply a bad deal for her. It's too bad, because I still love that bitch. And I know she loves me too, but she's gotta find her Disney prince charming and she deserves to use her youth to try and accomplish that. We'll see how many more months this lasts. National breakup day is Dec. 11th.

FB Rotation

Ol Reliable

Major drama. Ironic with how well I spoke of her. As it turns out, I fucked up and established myself as a Poly. This isn't the same as someone in an OR. A Poly is allowed to build multiple emotional relationships whereas an OR is for fun on the side. And, unfortunately, she caught feels. This whole time she thought she was an MLTR (or becoming one). After a serious of paragraphs of texts, she said that she was super upset that one late, late night when she saw me at an after party I "acted like I didn't know her", which I didn't. I said that I'd already fucked her that day and that because of the people that are here (who know Sunshine) I can't be doing relationshipy stuff with her. It was honest but not the best frame I could have used. Ultimately she freaked and can't accept the reality I presented her. So now we're "friends" until she gets horny and misses the D. The last fuck she had I remember "you are so fucking good" right after she came. I'll give it another couple weeks before she reaches back out.

Hot Weirdo

She booty texted me the other night but I was doing shit. *Shrug*

Problem Child

Will text next week.

Need to Lock-In (fuck the 2nd time to establish FB)


Will text next week (or maybe tomorrow?) and hopefully get my painting from her soon.


Girl I work with being dramatic about my OLDR girlfriend, listening to rumors her bff tells her and telling me she doesn't trust me. Noooo waaaaay. lol


If I text any more it'll be chasing, unfortunately. Gonna have to try and find her out again.

Model Chick

Still mad at me lol.

Whiny Fat Tits

Served a girl at my table who was all over me at my job. Thought I was gonna get a cold approach threesome but the other one had a boyfriend. She left me with her and approved when I invited her home. Easy lay but then immediate drama when I told her about Sunshine. Sooo many questions about shit I didn't tell her lol. I guess I'll lock in? I seriously don't give a shit. Man I'm a dick lol.

Taking a sober break for 3 week so it might be hard to add to the pipeline. Have a funny FR I'll probably write up later this weekend.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: Preselection Snowball

WOW. Fucking amazing night last night.

I've been writing here and there that most of my game these days is through social circle. SC is hard to teach because the dynamics of each one are sorta unique, but there's principles that shine through and are applicable from the GC basics. My job at my nightclub catapulted me into this crazy party scene and I've met TONS of girls in the process.


Just leaving my FB's house (a MILF I picked up from one of my tables at my nightclub job a few weeks ago) and was ready go listen to some house music and party. A good friend of mine has blown up in the DJ scene in my area and was having a V day event. Really proud of the dude. There's always tons of chicks at his events, and I had a hunch several past lays of mine would already be there.

To be exact, there were 3 past lays at the party. Two are girls I fucked twice and one is Old Reliable (didn't expect her though). One girl I want in my rotation, but she found out about the OLTR and doesn't like it - she wants a more stable partner or something. Also knows that I've fucked multiple of her friends and doesn't want to be a slut. The other one is full of red flags and I believe wants to get pregnant, so no thanks lol.

At the party I'm basically warming up without any real hard plans to approach or pull any single girl. I was bouncing around talking to like 7 different groups, mostly girls, and getting my dance on. Just enjoying myself and being in the moment. Ran into some girls from my highschool who used to think I was a scrub and now are all over me haha. Feels good man. I left the party with high social momentum and feeling very confident because of all the female attention I was getting. Anything from genuine compliments coming my way to Old Reliable getting annoyed and nonstop looking at me because I'm not taking her into the bathroom to fuck her brains out lol (she also had all this V day attire on so she's probably reevaluting her relationship with me).


There's another show I want to go to, so I leave the first one and head to the central bar hopping area. I pick the most popular place that always has hotties. Pulling can be hard here because of SC influences but it also has the best talent. My plan was to go cold approach a group of chicks, offer free tickets to the concert (I have a hookup from the nightclub gig), and then either go for a cold approach threesome or just take one of them home.

I was there for literally 30 seconds, and my buddy's ex girlfriend (let's call her Sally) comes up to me. (Earlier this week she was trying to set me up with her other friend and I almost did. I actually got bored of her and decided to try my luck with these other two girls at the bar, so I delayed closing with her friend until another day. As of now she's supposed to come to my house on Wednesday, but now I think I might have to bail on that again so I can lock in the girl from this LR).

Behind her, is an absolute smokeshow. Gorgeous, symmetrical face, nice full lips, super cute eyes.... and a pornstar body. HUGE tits (I believe they're implants) and a fat ass. Fairly tight waste. Thicc in the best way possible. HB 9.5, in my opinion. I've never seen her before, so I was stoked that Sally of all people was introducing me. She knows I'm a desired man and have this huge social network, so I had no reason to believe she wouldn't position me favorable with her friend.

She asks me to come to the show I was about to go to, because she has a bottle table. I say that "yeah, I was about to go to that in a bit". She tells me I have to come right now, they're leaving. I play a litttlllee hard to get and say "right now?.... hmmm. well - okay, let's go". They light up and we get in their car. I was kidnapped ;)


In the car I get in a fun little game to guess this girls' age. We're gonna call her Doctor (she's a clinician - which makes this even fucking better for me lol) and it's her birthday, allegedly. I tell her 23 - because even though I know she's older than that, it's super flattering to hear that as a slightly older woman. "This day just keeps getting better", she says. Turns out she's 29, which actually seems close to what I believed based on her body language and general appearance. She takes super good care of herself and it shows.

I just keep this fun, flirty vibe in the car ride over and really try to shine my internal frame of "I'm a fucking badass, let's show these chicks a good time at the club that I regular at and get hooked up whenever I'm there. This is my party". We pull up and get through. I get delayed at the door because my ticket reader is acting up. Stan Wilder is there with some chick and his free ticket isn't working but he's broke ass bitch so they're struggling to get in. I tell him the promo code and keep moving.

Bottle Table

At the bottle table, most of the booze is already gone. Not a big deal for me, because I'm not there to drink. I'm there to dance and fuck, lol, what do I care? Me and Doctor get a little closer and talk about EDM for a second, then she goes to find Sally who's off at some other table. I'm hanging out there and some guy from the table offers me a free shot. Sure.

The bottle table next to ours has a chick that I tried to pull from a party last year, but she had boyfriend zoned me and given me heavy ASD/ LMR that I didn't get passed. She's being friendly with me and we chat a bit. The preselection begins. I'm dancing in our section and trying to keep my eyes on the whole room. I know like 70% of the people in the other sections because it's usually the same cliques that come to party here.

Our section starts filling up with girls and the ratio is crazy good. The host comes back and he's fucking shitfaced. Total beta, balding, bitch looking dude lol. Dude comes right up to me and goes "BRO - I DON'T KNOW YOU. I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET OUT OF MY SECTION!!!" lmao.

I just beam a smile at him and say "Hey man! What's your name? I came here with Sally and Doctor!". He's a broken record on this shit, and just keeps getting up in my shit like "I DON'T KNOW YOU BRO. THIS IS MY SECTION". Hahahaha.

"This is my section that I'm blowing thousands on so my virgin ass can power trip and have girls use me for booze. You're not in the picture, bruh"

So I just smile, grab my jacket and my drink and go, "Okay!". Then I proceed to walk 4 feet over to the adjacent section, where that chick who I tried to pull last year is. Jump tables and continue to party. I'm still directly next to the railing from their section, and I can still pull all the chicks from either lol. I make some friends with the guys in this section (being proactive this time to not spark envy or make them territorial) and pretty soon the dudes are asking for my IG and shit.

Pimp The Party (Creating a Max Preselection Window)

I keep conversation moving in all the directions, not focused on closing with any one girl yet. The snowball is fully in motion at this point for social proof and preselection, and I've got a cloud of it all around me. I keep my eye on the clock though, and know that my hooking window is coming soon. Basically when you're playing the whole party like this, there's a window that you're at MAX preselection, and you have to hook hard, and close hard in that window. One mistake I made in the past was to just keeping snowballing and having all these rapid / fleeting / compressed conversations with girls, and never make a decision (or fail to quickly jump on your Plan B if Plan A fails). When you have so many options because you've caught multiple girls' attention, it can be hard to time up your selection. What ends up happening is NONE of the girls fuck you, because the attainability goes too low and you didn't strike the iron while it was hot.

You get so caught up in the attention in and of itself, it's easy to forget what you're using the attention for, and now the bubble has exploded. I had to learn how to temper this because for a while it FEELS great with sheer number of IOI's you're getting, but the reality is most of these girls aren't hooked. You DO want some girls to be hooked. Problem is, now you've got multiple hooks "attached" to your mass.

You're driving around a speedboat with 3-4 lines in the water... and you have to drive in a direction that's not going to tangle the lines... and you have to drive at a pace that won't produce too much slack or jolts, to respectively let go of or snap the line accidentally.

And when you go for a new hook, it creates a very polarizing response in the cloud of women. Too many hooks and you'll see your original ones fall off (auto-reject). Some will maybe even want you further, but you're running a gamble.

So long as you ebb and flow with all of the women correctly, the decision for the best girl (hopefully the hottest AND the most interested, or at least interested enough) should present itself to you and you go for it. It's a max preselection window (MPW).

Since I hadn't talked to Doctor or Sally in a bit, I get back over to them and tell them I got kicked out of their section. They had no idea, and assumed I was just having fun bopping around. My devilish grin and amusement with the fact he was compelled to boot me is contagious - they start giving me a naughty little smile about it too. In fact, I think it turned them on. "Wow, so they thought you were a threat and kicked you out? And you don't even care a little bit? That's kinda hot!".

I go back to my "new" section and Doctor comes to the railing to talk to me. I find out it's not actually her birthday, but this is them celebrating it. Her birthday was last month, just four days off from my birthday. Pure luck. Women love this stuff.

Another girl that I tried to bang last year (ended up sucking her tits and she played with my dick a bit), HB9, let's call her Red Flag (she's fucking crazy lol) shows up. She's happy to see me and I think, "PERFECT. Other than Doctor, she's the hottest chick at the club. She's in a good mood and wants to dance. Sure, I'm not gonna fuck her and I probably shouldn't even stick my dick in crazy, but I can totally leverage her wild personality and top tier looks."

I spend a little bit extra time dancing with her to make sure the other girls see me. I go back to the bottle section I was invited to, and NOW the girl is pissed off at me, saying "what do I get from having you here?? I'm paying for this!!!" and starting drama. Imagine that, I spike preselection with a girl that rejected me and she turns it on me for being some kind of asshole, lol. I just show her my drink isn't even from her table (it was in a can - I usually bring one when I get invited to bottle service because they'll give you shots anyways, if you want to do them, and you get the appearance of providing for yourself), beam a smile at her and say "I'm fun, what do you mean!". The friendliness and the fact that I'm not costing her any of her precious Grey Goose disarms her because she knows there's no real reason to get pissed at me.

However, I recognize that the longer I stay here, the less of a chance I have of continuing my snowball. I dance a bit longer and move to the main dance floor. If she's being a cunt and I'm not trying to fuck her, then I'm not benefiting from staying in her section either. Cya bitch! Lol.

Go For Gold

I get invited into another section where Red Flag is dancing (guys, it REALLY helps to work at a nightclub if you're gaming nightclubs. You'll understand the dynamic better and you get hooked up all the time because staff from one nightclub actually tend to frequent other clubs too), I see this super fucking hot brunette, HB8. My momentum is high as fuck at this point and I hit her with, "what the fuck is your name?", and she's immediately charmed. She tells me she's a professional dancer (stripper) and I offer her a job at my nightclub. She gives me her number super fast and she actually has a card and shit. Pretty legit for a stripper.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Doctor watching me talk to this chick. I got a little concerned here because getting a number is such a preselection spike, it could make her attainability drop too low. Luckily for me, all it did was push it into the goldilocks zone.

This was probably the most fun part of the night. I was jumping back and forth between just Doctor, Red Flag, and this stripper for about 10 minutes. They were literally all the hottest chicks in the club, and (at least for attention) they were fighting over me. I just kept dancing, singing, and dropping one liners / making cute & sexy facial expressions to them like a ricochet. To be honest, I was fucking lit at this point haha. Really getting into the music and the DJ, and just the all around vibe of the club.

The snowball is at G-force speed at this point. When I say I carry a mindset of "this is my party", you can see it more than ever in every action I take. Every step and dance move is deliberate. Every glance is scanning the whole room as a radar. Every instance of touch is planned and not too aggressive. Honestly, I was in a total flow state.

Doctor gives me a look that shows she's really fucking attracted to me at this point. Boom. MPW. Time to close.

I start talking close in her ear with our cheeks touching and tell her that we're gonna go to my house for a short after party before going to the real one. She's down as fuck and I just need to confirm with Sally. I sit down with Doctor and basically do a seated dance with her. This part felt the most forced because I was toning down partying based on the vibe of the room and everything around me. I was totally focused on maintaining the perfect distance with Doctor to not be overly investing, but also to indicate that I'm with her now. In a high stimulus club this can be delicate.

Sally gives me a little bit of pushback asking why we need to go to my house before the party. I tell her it's to grab my tequila (which it kinda is) but ALSO because I hoped it would give me a micro isolation window. She says okay but then we're going to the party. Fine by me.

So now I've got my biggest obstacle in eye sight. Sally is gonna be a "good friend" and guard Doctor. Got it. Have to win over Doctor and Sally to make this work. They bring along some fat chick while we ride to my place. Doctor and I are in the back seat, so start the deep dive.

Sex Therapy Gambit

Now that we're out of the high stimulus environment, I take all my energy and focus it on listening very intently to Doctor. To my advantage, Sally said something about me being a complete stallion (based on my preselection shit in the club) but I don't remember exactly. Then something is said about how Sally makes Doctor feel young and I ask what she does, or why she is currently living a lifestyle that doesn't have her feeling that way. This is when I find out she's a clinician that works with kids and specializes in therapy.

As soon as she says she specialized in therapy I knew I was about to have the whole car eating out of my hands. While my current job is in sales + nightlife, last year around this time I was preparing for an interview to become a therapist, specifically a sex therapist or sexual health therapist. I don't know if everyone can grab onto this gambit the same way I use it without knowing a little bit about the literature (in case you get tested), but usually I don't get any pushback, just more intrigue.

"Ah nice - yeah I used to want to be a sex therapist.. therapy is super important".

When a woman hear's the word "sex therapist" their minds go, "wait, what?".

"What is that?"

"Does he fuck people for a job?"

"So he counsels people on having sex... he must know a lot about sex"

"And he's a therapist.. he's probably really mature and a good listener. He's probably open minded"

"Wow - this guy is totally open minded about sex. I bet he hears all sorts of shit... I doubt he'd judge me"

(I add on the "therapy is super important" so I'm making my comment about therapy in general. If I didn't add this part it would appear like I'm just shooting my hand up like an excited kid in class, "I'M A SEX THERAPIST! SEX!", which is not the frame you want. You're casually talking about it)

I've literally NEVER gotten a woman to shrug off this comment, and I've been doing it since Mar/April.

Usually, and in this particular situation, her response is just,

"You wanted to be a sex therapist?"


For those of you who don't know, Sex Therapy is a form of therapy to help people explore their sexualities, their sexual identity, their gender identity, educate themselves on sexual wellness, and further understand themselves as a human being. Sexual trauma can be one thing that comes out during these sessions - it's not all fun and games. Although, it is a pretty fun / awesome / kinky community. It's anti-kink shaming, female-empowering, homosexual & bisexual empowering, and anti-slut shaming. I highly recommend people read up on the community (there's also plenty of hot psychologists and therapists on Youtube and social media that create content on all this).

Oh, and there's a lot of online content on orgasms. Female orgasms. This makes it an excellent transition and stage-setter to the 8 orgasms routine, but we'll get to that later....

I usually just keep it VERY simple. I lay out all the correct frames, and say it very casually and positively, and then I let them make the necessary assumptions. I'm not kidding when I say that this usually starts a chain reaction where BOOM - you're now a sexual man. Once that's established, they're women, they're going to start thinking about you sexually. However, they're not totally sold on you yet. But you immediately spark sexual intrigue in a socially acceptable way. This has been pretty rock solid for me since I've said it.

A small percentage of girls, if they already think you're a fuckboy, are going to think that this is just something you say and it's some form of a gambit. "Oh look at me - I'm a sex therapist, I love to fuck. Did I mention I have sex?", is what they might hear. I think this can be avoided by keeping it simple, and being very calm and chill about the statement.

"Yeah, I had wanted to be a therapist for a really long time, and the more I looked into the literature in the sex therapy space, I just fell in love with the content and the community. Sexual wellness is totally overlooked in the United States, and it's right up there with diet in how important it is. Sex is part of everyone's life, and people should fully explore their sexual nature, and the sexual nature of their partners, with meaningful intent and purpose. It's a pretty beautiful thing."

I'll break this down sentence by sentence.

"Wanted to be a therapist for a long time" - plausible deniability, I'm talking about work and life choices

"I just feel in love with the content and the community" - plausible deniability ("It just happened", lol), there's many people who also think this way

"Sexual wellness is overlooked" - The status quo about sex is wrong. My way of seeing it is correct

"It's right up there with diet" - Sex as a topic should be normalized, it's normal for us to talk about sex

"Sex is part of everyone's life" - You and I are sexual

"People should fully explore their sex.." - You and I have the freedom to discover ourselves sexually. Fully = experimental, adventurous exploration. As a sexual therapist, I understand how to help people with this exploration. I can help you explore your sexual nature, because it's unlikely you have. And if you have, you're already there and it's normal for us to talk about sex or maybe even have sex

"Sexual nature" - You and I are naturally sexual, it's not up to us

"sexual nature of their partners" - As a sexual therapist, I understand the skills a person needs to understand not only my own, but understand another persons sexual nature in an intimate relationship. I counsel people on this, meaning that I too have those very skills. I'm sexually experienced

"meaningful intent and purpose" - Empathetic, understanding, positive attitude towards discovering sexualities

"It's a beautiful thing" - full reframe of any societal status quo on sex. Sex is beautiful.

I should note, it helps when you believe all of this ;)

Better than knowing "how to use this gambit" is "being, seeing, and believing the truth behind this gambit" as a lover of women.

Deep Dive + After Parties

The vibe totally changed in the car after this, and Sally got very quiet lol. Doctor is giving me HUGE IOI's and smiling much more. I turn the conversation back to her about her experience with therapy. We end up really hitting it off in this regard, and I began to feel some excitement towards her as a person myself. She was also in the back seat with me so I could engage light touch.

I live pretty close to the club so we stop inside and grab my tequila. Turns out doctor used to live at the very apartments I stay at, and she feels some sort of connection to me because of it. Pure luck on that one. They all go to the bathroom and I mostly just hang out in my living room. Originally I wanted it to be just me her and Sally, but then this new fat girl is also here so I don't have a true isolation. No make-out quite yet, but perhaps that's for the best.

We go back to the car (my dumb ass is letting drunk Sally drive me) and Doctor and I are in the back seat again. I keep deep diving her and let her do most of the talking. It's obvious we're hitting it off to the rest of the car, and our eye contact is really intense. I tell her to give me her number now, in case I lose her tonight (this was a safety net for the chaotic nature of after parties, usually I never recommend this. In this situation I think breaking that "rule" actually helped because it showed her "I'm definitely interested in YOU", based on the timing of the conversation, and the clearly established preselection).

Right as we pull up to the after party Sally doesn't want to go anymore because a guy she used to fuck is inside the party. Now she wants to drive across town to a different party. Doctor actually almost leaves Sally right here to go in with me. That's when I knew I had her. I had to make a decision, and I assumed that I would have more drama inside this particular party than at Sally's, because party 1 is gonna be FULL of people from that original pregame. It's the DJ's house. I also would have more competition in there. Then, I also have to think that Sally might start drama between her and Doctor, causing Doctor to reach a decision to "stop getting caught up with this awesome guy, Sally is getting mad about it". On the other hand, then I have to hurdle over getting back home at this new party across town, but it's a much "safer" option.

I had about 4 seconds to process all of this and make a decision, or else they'd view me as indecisive. I play a little hard to get and "want to know how fun Sally's party is" and if it's "worth it". This gives me an additional 5 seconds to think, too lol. Because I already utilized the Maximum Preselection Window, and there's probably 3 girls (at least) I've fucked at party 1, I let them convince me to go to party 2.

I keep deep diving Doctor on the way there, and use a little more mild touch. When we arrive, I tell Doctor to hold on a second after they get out of the car. She looks at me like, "what?" with a smile. I pull her in and give her a manhandle kiss. Then and there I tell her, I don't want to be at either of these parties. I want to be with her right now, and I want privacy. She slowly processes this and is smiling, and then says "she would like that". I tell her, "we have to convince Sally we're gonna go then, I think she knows we're really enjoying eachother's company so I don't think she'll care... but you should probably tell her that's what we're going to do. I'll make sure she's got friends at this party too".

Basically I overcame the objections before she even had them. Helps to work in sales ;)

She agrees, and we go into the party for a little bit. We need to get Doctor's keys from Sally. Stayed at the party for about 10 minutes, gave hugs and kissed babies for a bit (I actually did know a lot of people here too, just luckily not a ton of girls I've already banged or had as a FB). I didn't actually witness the convo between Sally and Doctor, but it looks like Doctor didn't have any problem getting the keys from her.

Sealing The Deal

To be completely honest, I kinda blacked out after this. I took a tequila shot at the party and the drive back to her car is super fuzzy to me. Part of me thinks that Sally was with us, and part of me says it was just Doctor and I? Wish I had more details there, gentlemen.

What I do remember is that when we got back to her car, she wasn't ready to go home with me yet. We actually just sat in the parking lot and drank seltzer for a little bit (terrible idea at 4:00 AM lol), and that she seemed very... stationary. I was being careful with basically every word at this point, and for the first time all night I felt just slightly nervous (other than that number grab I did at the club). I thought, "okay, how can I tie the bow on everything.....".

Fuck - I'm trying to remember the transition here.... I went into the 8 orgasms routine. Maybe I just said it? lol

I started saying something along the lines of "women have it so lucky..." and she was like "what do you mean?" (this is also anti-narrative if you're speaking generally. women have victim mentalities). I said, "Well, guys... we can only have like 2 types of orgasms.. we obviously have our dicks - that I think everyone knows - and then some men love to orgasm from the prostate. I've never tried it, but apparently it's extremely intense. Women on the other hand, well they get have to have like 8 different kinds of orgasms! Did you know that? (...No I didn't...) Yeah, so first there's obviously the clit, everyone's favorite gal pal haha. Then the G-spot you can get pretty easily if you take your hand to the right places (motions on g spot fingering), but I'd say my favorite...."

"Wait, hold on..." *starts the car*


"How do you know all of this?"

"Oh - about orgasms? Well they have a lot of content about it in the sex therapy space.. and, you know, trying out things with people I... trust." (Tying back in the sex therapy thing and saying I trust her. When you tell someone you trust them they're more likely to trust you)

Then, since she knows where I live, she just started driving to my house. We struggle to find parking, so I just tell her wherever is fine because it's already super late - she won't get towed at 4 in the morning.

Once in my house, it wasn't hard at all really. I made us some drinks and we talked. Great vibe, very calm. At one point, I slowly just started walking her into the wall, and gave her a very slow, passionate make out. I avoided her tits to start, because I wanted her to crave me touching them. They're fucking balloons, so I assume most guys go straight for them. I wanted to stick out and played with her waste more at first. Always gotta grab ass through the pants a few times, before touching her pussy. The moment I touch it (while kissing her neck) I say in a hushed, deep voice, "you're wet", and they almost always let out a gasp for air because it makes them so much hornier. After I got 2 fingers in she rushed to my bed to get naked.

Literally a pornstar body. Oh my fucking god dude. She's a fucking specimen. Fake tits or not, idgaf. That shit was HOT. I hardly knew what to do with her ass there was so fucking much of it lmao.

I made her cum like 4 times until she was too sore to fuck more (probably dehydrated). We cuddled and she had the cutest, most girly smile on her face. Adorable moans too. Just a girly-girl, pornstar looking beauty of a woman. And a doctor! Lol. For all of the above (the looks, career, personality, feminine nature), I'm giving her a 9.3-9.5.

Not gonna lie, I got a little gushy post sex. I was SUPER into her. I had to mentally be like "okay.. stay calm Hue. Just let her leave when she's ready.. don't get needy." I did ask her what her schedule looks like before she goes (which is a ROOKIE mistake), but I pulled back with our texts since then. She, actually, replies fucking instantly and was trying to keep conversation going. I have the power right now in the text convo, which was weird for me.

She's just a girl though, dudes.

She's just a girl.

And I don't mean that like "if she autorejects I won't care blah blah blah".

I mean, it wasn't that hard once you understand women.

Because she's just a girl, and we as men can give girls the experience they desire to have.

Yeah - that was a fun one. Hope to keep her around. Gonna be tough when she finds out about the OLTR though.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
My life has gotten crazier of late.

I was very successful starting off in a new career direction. I also moved up to a higher level at my nightlife job. Getting paid to approach.

I write this now fairly stressed, and I mainly seek to find resolve as well as take a deep reflection to consider how far I've come.

Lay count is over 100 and I stopped counting. I've slept with more than a few 9's and had a threesome with a model and a stripper. The community knows me as a sexual freak and finds me extremely attractive. Recently I banged a 10 which was super insightful, but I'm already seeing problems that I've caused as a result. This has all been a result of extremely high night life momentum which is even getting me into some dangerous situations and/or being deleterious to my health. It feels very hard to stop because I feel like I'm at the brink of my goal and with every step I take forward I leap to the next echelon and next level. My parties went from frat houses to shouldering up with some of my cities wealthiest, highly creative, and most attractive.

Basically I just feel like I'm on a different level and that it's incredible. I'm at the peak of my game and usually all I have to do is walk in the room to get tons of female attention. I'm often opened by the girl.

My clothing and fundamentals are edgy +high end. I look something between a punk and sophisticated, or just flat out like a peacocking party animal. In my industry it's the right kind of attention.

But I'm also quite stressed and paranoid. I feel like many people want to take me down, and that if I make the wrong move as a result of emotional decision making (like I've made recently and will explain shortly) everything I've built will crumble and I'll be outcasted. I grow paranoid every day of someone finding out about my PUA background.

To some degree, women (and alcohol) have become my emotional runaway.

My OLTR, and LDR, has somehow survived 2.5 years. I largely believe it's because my value massively outweighs hers. She cannot let go of me because she cannot replace me. I've been very good to her, I've become much more attractive than I was when we met, and I continue to move in a fast paced development. My NRE has mostly died for her, but I do still love her as a friend. I didn't think it would be like this, and the relationship has been extremely valuable to my development as a lover, a man, and a boyfriend. I feel as though I owe her for all I've gained from this relationship, but it's becoming much, much more difficult to fake lately. I meet new girls who I feel emotions for and I want to embark on a journey beyond FB with them. I feel completely ready for MLTRs, maybe I am maybe I'm not. My social circle is largely aware it's an open relationship, but because I've become such a shiny object in this social circle, it's a double edged sword.

It feels like everyone wants me to cheat (and/or do something to end the relationship), but the moment I do I will be publicly shamed, AND I will break her heart. She will be crushed, and permanently damaged. How can I do that to my best friend and girlfriend? What kind of person am I to do that? I wanted this to end with her finally breaking it off after not giving her commitment, but she seems very infatuated with me still, and I simply am becoming unattracted to her. She doesn't workout as much as she used to, she's increasingly needy, she's overall insecure, sometimes she's obnoxious, and when she gets really drunk it almost ALWAYS ends in tears.

That said, and I'm completely alright admitting this as it only helps towards my growth, I've cried more times this year than in the last 5. It's been a result of the social isolation (despite being the highest point of the social ladder I've ever been - they're all acquaintances rather than actual comrades), me seeing that my OLTR is in fact going to end (which exposed some deep emotions I had about the Disney dream, marriage, and beliefs that I wasn't even aware I hadn't let go of), me seeing that my natural "friends" are ALL trying to fuck my OLTR, and just general growing up pains of life shit lol.

She's seen me cry a few times. And oddly enough - as I know that is absolutely unmanly and unattractive - the vulnerability shows her that I care about her, about people, and about the relationship. In GC terms, it raised my attainability during a time where she's questioning my commitment in the relationship. Since my value has superseded hers by a long shot, it gives her more reason to stay knowing that I do have weaknesses. Which is "good" for the relationship, but "bad" for me since now I want it to end. I wish she'd hurry this shit up, but I don't see it happening.

Fast forward...

I've gotten much, MUCH better about keeping my mouth shut about relationships and ONS that I have. In fact, I have even caught myself being slightly overzealous about being on "team women" over "team men". In a lot of ways, I do like hanging out with women more than men. They're more socially calibrated, often times I laugh more, and then I don't feel the paranoia and as much need to navigate men's egos. Women's egos are usually easier to navigate at this point for me, so that's become a pretty noticeable thing.

I've tapped into this "Lover state" a few times at my highest moments, and it's basically like my empathy and calibration is just fucking unworldly. I see through everything in everyone's body language. I am in absolute control. It's like Goku's Instinct Mode of Seduction. It happened with the threesome with the model & stripper, and the 10, and the recent 9 after that (another model), and then the rest of that weekend but I turned down sex with a 7 lol.

Having just started The Art of Seduction (I'm definitely very late to the party on this one), I didn't even realize I'd acquired plenty of the traits in the book from practicing GC principles. So for that, huge shout out to @Chase for doing such a grand job integrating some of the deeply embedded psychological conclusions of those that study human nature and as it relates to attraction and seduction. I bet you and Robert Greene could have some great conversations haha.

One thing I gleaned from that is that when you can attract super attractive women, it makes you feel even more attracted to them knowing the "type" that get's spoken about in TAoS. The 10 I banged is a Siren, one of the 9's, a Coquette, another, a Dolly. Not only that, it helped me look in the mirror and see what I've become. To some women, I'm the Rake. Others, like my OLTR, I lean more towards the "Perfect Lover", overall I actually also identify with the Dolly and The Charmer. After you've hit an advanced level, the book helps crystallize a lot of these things. I'm somewhat glad I read it late to the game.

Ironically, I made those connections after banging the 10, which was monumental for me. It taught me that I still had insecurities about my value to a woman, and what I'm capable of.

It was an approach at a festival around 4 PM. She explicitly told me it was hot how I came up to her with such a direct approach, and then charmed them, instead of the other way around. Using my sex therapist gambit, some sexual story telling, tons of deep diving, innuendos, very strong leading, and also just asking lots and lots of questions so there was never a dull moment (also gives me ammo for learning who they are are connecting those to gambits or frames down the road), I spent the entire day with these two girls and sealed the deal. 36 hrs later we met back up and spent the rest of the day together. At one point I had her on my arm, and the other girl with a pink collar on tied to a leash in my hand. I got a lot of looks lmao but I looked like an absolute fucking boss. We almost had a threesome.

The LR is coming and it'll be epic. It's gonna take hours to write.

I just felt such a high off of doing it, plus I was in the afterglow of MDMA. And honestly, the hardest part was the fucking first 5 minutes. After that initial hump, hook, and what a good job I did of leading, it wasn't that hard. Ah man, what a great fucking time. Probably one of the best weekends of my life. I'm glad it happened.

However, now I do have a dilemma. People in my town saw me with her. She and I are supposed to go to another one down the road, as she has become rather infatuated with me. If I do this, I'm cheating on my OLTR. I'm not allowed to travel with other women.

If my OLTR finds out, she will be horribly heart broken. Given the new height of my social ability, and the momentum that it will continue to go in, it's extremely likely that someone bumps into me at our next meet. All it takes is them asking how we know eachother and her giving an honest answer. Then the female CIA eventually leaks it back to my OLTR and that's Gg.

And how can I actually be a Lover if I crush women like this?

That will damage her permanently. That will damage me permanently. I don't need those problems.

In the words of my mentor, this is a time for me to zoom way the fuck out. If I'm gonna do it it has to be calculated af, and I have to accept the pain if the operation fails.


I want to write a large post about how this journey to "fuck a 10" or to "be a pimp" or to "become a lover" or whatever your goal is.... is much, much different than you might initially think.

For myself, I chose the social circle + PUA route. I'm now equipped with the skills to do both. As in, I can join social situations, win over the crowd, and fuck the hot chick. I also know reputation and relationship management better than most when I decide (or am forced to) actually be a part of a social network. The combo is, in my opinion, extremely deadly. You have lots of options, and you have lots of leverage. You also know that you can restart if you ever needed to because, not only can you cold approach and fuck a 10, you can build up a network from scratch, usually by taking a really hot fuck buddy and meeting her cool social network. Hot chicks usually hang out with cool and successful people.

That said.

Doing both and getting to where I'm at is not easy. There have been many parts of myself I've lost touch with (for better or for worse). The amount of field psychology I had to test and learn from was a very high volume, as I was not always calibrated.

I'm very calculated. Men often do not trust me (though I've gotten much better at winning people over and continue to, I just mean MOST men from afar). Friends do not want me around their women because I outshine them. People fear you when they know that you could probably fuck their girlfriend. Society doesn't understand the seducer, but the seducer understands society.

I have very few people I consider my friend. Even when I do, I can never be 100% honest with them because of my background.

@Hector Papi Castillo asked this once in a forum post (or something just like this),

"Do you want to lose all your friends? Do you want to become isolated and misunderstood and alienate yourself in the world? How bad do you want this? Do you want to rip apart the man you were and go through all the pain to get to where you need to be? You can - but you have to want it that bad".

The growth to "get there" can be very painful.

I've been fortunate enough to learn from the mistakes of others and find mentors with tremendous insight to human psychology, and willingly be at my side for almost every step of the process.

And I still feel like I'm just has hungry as ever.

I just want it to be clear for newbies, intermediates, or anyone struggling.

This is hard.

But so is being a beta bitch once you know that's what you are. After you've learned the truth, I feel like there's just no other option than to sprint towards becoming one of the best.

I do not hold all the answers. As you look for the answers and run towards the truth, the women, and the realities of life, please tread carefully. When you make aggressive moves, do your best to do them in environments where you don't hurt people. That includes yourself.

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible not to get some bumps and bruises along the way. And to not inflect them upon others.

And with a road like this one, it's tempting to drive the car very, very fast. And for some moments you should. Just don't fucking crash, okay?

More on that later. Bed for now.

LR with the 10 coming this week, I should be able to find the time
Giant Social Circle Takeover post coming too, but that may take a while.

I congratulate all of you for finding Girlschase, and I hope you make the best of it for yourself and the lives of women everywhere.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 26, 2015
I have very few people I consider my friend. Even when I do, I can never be 100% honest with them because of my background.
Feeling for you there. I'd often love to share a success with someone, but I'd only be reminding them how they don't get the same for themselves.

I'm cutting ties and am screening for new friends who don't feel threatened and instead genuinely share the excitement. Being honest is exactly the best way to filter for those.

As for your girl ... You'd already have transitioned to friendship-only if attraction was zero or you'd be convinced you didn't need her later on at some point. Once you're clear of what you want with her, you can talk it out. She'll go along. Maybe start sharing girls with her and reward every hard workout with an even harder one ;)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
My life has gotten crazier of late.

I was very successful starting off in a new career direction. I also moved up to a higher level at my nightlife job. Getting paid to approach.

I write this now fairly stressed, and I mainly seek to find resolve as well as take a deep reflection to consider how far I've come.

Lay count is over 100 and I stopped counting. I've slept with more than a few 9's and had a threesome with a model and a stripper. The community knows me as a sexual freak and finds me extremely attractive. Recently I banged a 10 which was super insightful, but I'm already seeing problems that I've caused as a result. This has all been a result of extremely high night life momentum which is even getting me into some dangerous situations and/or being deleterious to my health. It feels very hard to stop because I feel like I'm at the brink of my goal and with every step I take forward I leap to the next echelon and next level. My parties went from frat houses to shouldering up with some of my cities wealthiest, highly creative, and most attractive.

Basically I just feel like I'm on a different level and that it's incredible. I'm at the peak of my game and usually all I have to do is walk in the room to get tons of female attention. I'm often opened by the girl.

My clothing and fundamentals are edgy +high end. I look something between a punk and sophisticated, or just flat out like a peacocking party animal. In my industry it's the right kind of attention.

But I'm also quite stressed and paranoid. I feel like many people want to take me down, and that if I make the wrong move as a result of emotional decision making (like I've made recently and will explain shortly) everything I've built will crumble and I'll be outcasted. I grow paranoid every day of someone finding out about my PUA background.

To some degree, women (and alcohol) have become my emotional runaway.

My OLTR, and LDR, has somehow survived 2.5 years. I largely believe it's because my value massively outweighs hers. She cannot let go of me because she cannot replace me. I've been very good to her, I've become much more attractive than I was when we met, and I continue to move in a fast paced development. My NRE has mostly died for her, but I do still love her as a friend. I didn't think it would be like this, and the relationship has been extremely valuable to my development as a lover, a man, and a boyfriend. I feel as though I owe her for all I've gained from this relationship, but it's becoming much, much more difficult to fake lately. I meet new girls who I feel emotions for and I want to embark on a journey beyond FB with them. I feel completely ready for MLTRs, maybe I am maybe I'm not. My social circle is largely aware it's an open relationship, but because I've become such a shiny object in this social circle, it's a double edged sword.

It feels like everyone wants me to cheat (and/or do something to end the relationship), but the moment I do I will be publicly shamed, AND I will break her heart. She will be crushed, and permanently damaged. How can I do that to my best friend and girlfriend? What kind of person am I to do that? I wanted this to end with her finally breaking it off after not giving her commitment, but she seems very infatuated with me still, and I simply am becoming unattracted to her. She doesn't workout as much as she used to, she's increasingly needy, she's overall insecure, sometimes she's obnoxious, and when she gets really drunk it almost ALWAYS ends in tears.

That said, and I'm completely alright admitting this as it only helps towards my growth, I've cried more times this year than in the last 5. It's been a result of the social isolation (despite being the highest point of the social ladder I've ever been - they're all acquaintances rather than actual comrades), me seeing that my OLTR is in fact going to end (which exposed some deep emotions I had about the Disney dream, marriage, and beliefs that I wasn't even aware I hadn't let go of), me seeing that my natural "friends" are ALL trying to fuck my OLTR, and just general growing up pains of life shit lol.

She's seen me cry a few times. And oddly enough - as I know that is absolutely unmanly and unattractive - the vulnerability shows her that I care about her, about people, and about the relationship. In GC terms, it raised my attainability during a time where she's questioning my commitment in the relationship. Since my value has superseded hers by a long shot, it gives her more reason to stay knowing that I do have weaknesses. Which is "good" for the relationship, but "bad" for me since now I want it to end. I wish she'd hurry this shit up, but I don't see it happening.

Fast forward...

I've gotten much, MUCH better about keeping my mouth shut about relationships and ONS that I have. In fact, I have even caught myself being slightly overzealous about being on "team women" over "team men". In a lot of ways, I do like hanging out with women more than men. They're more socially calibrated, often times I laugh more, and then I don't feel the paranoia and as much need to navigate men's egos. Women's egos are usually easier to navigate at this point for me, so that's become a pretty noticeable thing.

I've tapped into this "Lover state" a few times at my highest moments, and it's basically like my empathy and calibration is just fucking unworldly. I see through everything in everyone's body language. I am in absolute control. It's like Goku's Instinct Mode of Seduction. It happened with the threesome with the model & stripper, and the 10, and the recent 9 after that (another model), and then the rest of that weekend but I turned down sex with a 7 lol.

Having just started The Art of Seduction (I'm definitely very late to the party on this one), I didn't even realize I'd acquired plenty of the traits in the book from practicing GC principles. So for that, huge shout out to @Chase for doing such a grand job integrating some of the deeply embedded psychological conclusions of those that study human nature and as it relates to attraction and seduction. I bet you and Robert Greene could have some great conversations haha.

One thing I gleaned from that is that when you can attract super attractive women, it makes you feel even more attracted to them knowing the "type" that get's spoken about in TAoS. The 10 I banged is a Siren, one of the 9's, a Coquette, another, a Dolly. Not only that, it helped me look in the mirror and see what I've become. To some women, I'm the Rake. Others, like my OLTR, I lean more towards the "Perfect Lover", overall I actually also identify with the Dolly and The Charmer. After you've hit an advanced level, the book helps crystallize a lot of these things. I'm somewhat glad I read it late to the game.

Ironically, I made those connections after banging the 10, which was monumental for me. It taught me that I still had insecurities about my value to a woman, and what I'm capable of.

It was an approach at a festival around 4 PM. She explicitly told me it was hot how I came up to her with such a direct approach, and then charmed them, instead of the other way around. Using my sex therapist gambit, some sexual story telling, tons of deep diving, innuendos, very strong leading, and also just asking lots and lots of questions so there was never a dull moment (also gives me ammo for learning who they are are connecting those to gambits or frames down the road), I spent the entire day with these two girls and sealed the deal. 36 hrs later we met back up and spent the rest of the day together. At one point I had her on my arm, and the other girl with a pink collar on tied to a leash in my hand. I got a lot of looks lmao but I looked like an absolute fucking boss. We almost had a threesome.

The LR is coming and it'll be epic. It's gonna take hours to write.

I just felt such a high off of doing it, plus I was in the afterglow of MDMA. And honestly, the hardest part was the fucking first 5 minutes. After that initial hump, hook, and what a good job I did of leading, it wasn't that hard. Ah man, what a great fucking time. Probably one of the best weekends of my life. I'm glad it happened.

However, now I do have a dilemma. People in my town saw me with her. She and I are supposed to go to another one down the road, as she has become rather infatuated with me. If I do this, I'm cheating on my OLTR. I'm not allowed to travel with other women.

If my OLTR finds out, she will be horribly heart broken. Given the new height of my social ability, and the momentum that it will continue to go in, it's extremely likely that someone bumps into me at our next meet. All it takes is them asking how we know eachother and her giving an honest answer. Then the female CIA eventually leaks it back to my OLTR and that's Gg.

And how can I actually be a Lover if I crush women like this?

That will damage her permanently. That will damage me permanently. I don't need those problems.

In the words of my mentor, this is a time for me to zoom way the fuck out. If I'm gonna do it it has to be calculated af, and I have to accept the pain if the operation fails.


I want to write a large post about how this journey to "fuck a 10" or to "be a pimp" or to "become a lover" or whatever your goal is.... is much, much different than you might initially think.

For myself, I chose the social circle + PUA route. I'm now equipped with the skills to do both. As in, I can join social situations, win over the crowd, and fuck the hot chick. I also know reputation and relationship management better than most when I decide (or am forced to) actually be a part of a social network. The combo is, in my opinion, extremely deadly. You have lots of options, and you have lots of leverage. You also know that you can restart if you ever needed to because, not only can you cold approach and fuck a 10, you can build up a network from scratch, usually by taking a really hot fuck buddy and meeting her cool social network. Hot chicks usually hang out with cool and successful people.

That said.

Doing both and getting to where I'm at is not easy. There have been many parts of myself I've lost touch with (for better or for worse). The amount of field psychology I had to test and learn from was a very high volume, as I was not always calibrated.

I'm very calculated. Men often do not trust me (though I've gotten much better at winning people over and continue to, I just mean MOST men from afar). Friends do not want me around their women because I outshine them. People fear you when they know that you could probably fuck their girlfriend. Society doesn't understand the seducer, but the seducer understands society.

I have very few people I consider my friend. Even when I do, I can never be 100% honest with them because of my background.

@Hector Papi Castillo asked this once in a forum post (or something just like this),

"Do you want to lose all your friends? Do you want to become isolated and misunderstood and alienate yourself in the world? How bad do you want this? Do you want to rip apart the man you were and go through all the pain to get to where you need to be? You can - but you have to want it that bad".

The growth to "get there" can be very painful.

I've been fortunate enough to learn from the mistakes of others and find mentors with tremendous insight to human psychology, and willingly be at my side for almost every step of the process.

And I still feel like I'm just has hungry as ever.

I just want it to be clear for newbies, intermediates, or anyone struggling.

This is hard.

But so is being a beta bitch once you know that's what you are. After you've learned the truth, I feel like there's just no other option than to sprint towards becoming one of the best.

I do not hold all the answers. As you look for the answers and run towards the truth, the women, and the realities of life, please tread carefully. When you make aggressive moves, do your best to do them in environments where you don't hurt people. That includes yourself.

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible not to get some bumps and bruises along the way. And to not inflect them upon others.

And with a road like this one, it's tempting to drive the car very, very fast. And for some moments you should. Just don't fucking crash, okay?

More on that later. Bed for now.

LR with the 10 coming this week, I should be able to find the time
Giant Social Circle Takeover post coming too, but that may take a while.

I congratulate all of you for finding Girlschase, and I hope you make the best of it for yourself and the lives of women everywhere.


- Hue i am glad you are doing great and have master social circle game... Good so you can help guys interested in that niche.... Just be careful with the alcohol and (i hope not) drugs.... There are some substitutes that are healthier (i personally go out sober and people think i am on drugs so i don't take anything), but there are people that use kretom or kaba they say is similar effect to alcohol. Health is number 1.

- You are not the first seducer that is "team women" this happens that all your "friends" become women, happened to me too(there are many others guys that the same happened)... I however keep virtual male relationships via other seducers but is virtual mainly...

- I also have been in your situation were you feel trapped in the relationship it ran its course (however your girlfriend stop working out TOTALLY ON YOU, never happened to me, on the contrary the opposiste).... I know you feel she is your best friend and you feel a sense of guilt and loyalty, but i am here to tell you is better to move on, is that what you want, vs procrastinate cause you don't want to deal with the guilt (this is needy), also she knows this and will use this against you keep you there and make you feel guilty (brah she knows this is how you feeling she will play to this), i am telling you this is a total mistake, and the longer you keep at this the worst for you and her.... Men have a sense of loyalty and protection, women know this, but you need to do what is best for hue, don't be in a relationship cause YOU HAVE TO. is horrible and will kill you happiness (i have been there bro, horrible).

- this is the hard part and one of the things i hate about social circle is dealing with the group dynamics and drama that comes with it, specially as you get more girls and more attention guys will try to hate even harder even if they pretend to like you to your face.... I also talk about that here read that post it helps...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
My OLTR and I finally broke up and I expected to walk outside and bang all the chicks on the block.

That is not at all what's happened lol and my pipeline is all prospects. I'm getting 0 easily available pussy.

Cold Approach I'm rusty as fuck and feel trapped as far as raw exposure to getting it back. My social circle pool is starting to dry up and, like this journal is titled, I in many ways "self destructed" due to mistakes in frame with several high status girls. Luckily I've "made it in" with some very cool and successful naturals that seem to know game more than the average guy. A couple may have even dabbled in PUA themselves. However I find these guys hard to trust and very selfish (though, aren't I the same?)

I want to start Journaling again because small mistakes are costing me seriously good pussy and I fell into depression about a month ago. Got ugly. Hadn't been that bad in a while. This last weekend my anxiety and anger issues were also very high with certain family members. Long story short I need to return to my good mental habits and Journaling has always been one of them.

So, I'm not totally starting from scratch here but I thought I could "keep it all in my head" (other than some chats with PUA friends for analysis) and that's not currently the case. 2023 is gonna be my best year for game and I'm insanely excited to see how far I take it this time. Every year has been crazy new heights for me.

I have learned, though, that I struggle with mentally masturbating my wins too much and if I can't keep up the success wave, I crash very hard. My seduction of a 10 and thereafter a 9.5, with some other fun one off situations that have trailed from June - Present were great and all, but many things started crashing for me at the same time and what's left is below my previous baseline. Currently crawling out of that in an accelerated pace, and every day I'm closer to the guy I want to be.

More mistakes, and therefore more successes on the way.

"Foregoing self, the universe grows I"


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
My OLTR and I finally broke up and I expected to walk outside and bang all the chicks on the block.

That is not at all what's happened lol and my pipeline is all prospects. I'm getting 0 easily available pussy.

Cold Approach I'm rusty as fuck and feel trapped as far as raw exposure to getting it back. My social circle pool is starting to dry up and, like this journal is titled, I in many ways "self destructed" due to mistakes in frame with several high status girls. Luckily I've "made it in" with some very cool and successful naturals that seem to know game more than the average guy. A couple may have even dabbled in PUA themselves. However I find these guys hard to trust and very selfish (though, aren't I the same?)

I want to start Journaling again because small mistakes are costing me seriously good pussy and I fell into depression about a month ago. Got ugly. Hadn't been that bad in a while. This last weekend my anxiety and anger issues were also very high with certain family members. Long story short I need to return to my good mental habits and Journaling has always been one of them.

So, I'm not totally starting from scratch here but I thought I could "keep it all in my head" (other than some chats with PUA friends for analysis) and that's not currently the case. 2023 is gonna be my best year for game and I'm insanely excited to see how far I take it this time. Every year has been crazy new heights for me.

I have learned, though, that I struggle with mentally masturbating my wins too much and if I can't keep up the success wave, I crash very hard. My seduction of a 10 and thereafter a 9.5, with some other fun one off situations that have trailed from June - Present were great and all, but many things started crashing for me at the same time and what's left is below my previous baseline. Currently crawling out of that in an accelerated pace, and every day I'm closer to the guy I want to be.

More mistakes, and therefore more successes on the way.

"Foregoing self, the universe grows I"

Hue this is what happens to all of us, so yes the rain it pours syndrome, everything that goes wrong will go wrong, funny how it works.... Is a tough period, depression, hurt, pain, reality distortion, all of that..... Pussy will get sometimes harder cause you are vulnerable and in pain, women can feel it, is a tough time.... Allow yourself not to be too hard on yourself, if you need to go back from 0 is ok, with the aa drills etc.. I would review this too:



Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
My OLTR and I finally broke up and I expected to walk outside and bang all the chicks on the block.

That is not at all what's happened lol and my pipeline is all prospects. I'm getting 0 easily available pussy.

Cold Approach I'm rusty as fuck and feel trapped as far as raw exposure to getting it back. My social circle pool is starting to dry up and, like this journal is titled, I in many ways "self destructed" due to mistakes in frame with several high status girls. Luckily I've "made it in" with some very cool and successful naturals that seem to know game more than the average guy. A couple may have even dabbled in PUA themselves. However I find these guys hard to trust and very selfish (though, aren't I the same?)

I want to start Journaling again because small mistakes are costing me seriously good pussy and I fell into depression about a month ago. Got ugly. Hadn't been that bad in a while. This last weekend my anxiety and anger issues were also very high with certain family members. Long story short I need to return to my good mental habits and Journaling has always been one of them.

So, I'm not totally starting from scratch here but I thought I could "keep it all in my head" (other than some chats with PUA friends for analysis) and that's not currently the case. 2023 is gonna be my best year for game and I'm insanely excited to see how far I take it this time. Every year has been crazy new heights for me.

I have learned, though, that I struggle with mentally masturbating my wins too much and if I can't keep up the success wave, I crash very hard. My seduction of a 10 and thereafter a 9.5, with some other fun one off situations that have trailed from June - Present were great and all, but many things started crashing for me at the same time and what's left is below my previous baseline. Currently crawling out of that in an accelerated pace, and every day I'm closer to the guy I want to be.

More mistakes, and therefore more successes on the way.

"Foregoing self, the universe grows I"
I can relate to it.
You are in a very vulnerable state, and it's perfectly ok to feel like you describe.
Don't buy into the conventional PU spiel to go fuck 10 other girls.

You are not missing sex exclusively....fucking other chicks will not bring that deep connection back into your life.

Just take some time to yourself.
Go do shit you normally would not do with her.
You probably gonna bump into some hot chicks naturally, who knows?

I'm sure you gonna revert back to normal eventually, and get back in field as a more mature seducer.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
I can relate to it.
You are in a very vulnerable state, and it's perfectly ok to feel like you describe.
Don't buy into the conventional PU spiel to go fuck 10 other girls.

You are not missing sex exclusively....fucking other chicks will not bring that deep connection back into your life.

Just take some time to yourself.
Go do shit you normally would not do with her.
You probably gonna bump into some hot chicks naturally, who knows?

I'm sure you gonna revert back to normal eventually, and get back in field as a more mature seducer.
I appreciate the feedback. You described it well. It's a true "loss".

Funnily enough, by following the advice of my mentor and having her end it with me, we are still on incredibly good terms. She tries to jebait me on social media pretty frequently and has reached out in high spirits a few times. I've fucked my share of hotties since we broke up too. I noticed that I felt this weird urge to move faster with them in terms of investment. I kept it in reigns fairly well, but the urge was 100% there.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

I'm moving to CA. The state my current city is in is turning more violent every day, I've outgrown most of the social circles here (at least in my mind, I want to party less), and my on-site job is no longer. I'm super excited but it has also been a lot of emotions and mindset changes over the last few months to get me here.

After running in an exclusive social circle for long enough and watching how these things really function (the waves, the temporary-ness of everything, the gossip, the betrayals) I'm about ready to kiss it goodbye haha.

Missing raw cold approach, and when I try it with my natural friends they end up fucking it up and then coming up with some ego-based excuse as to why it didn't go well. Or similarly, some ego-based excuse as to why they can't approach. Love these guys and love vacationing with them (we've hit several places in North American for some WILD times) but I'm ready to move on.

I literally cannot step outside to night game without high-fiving 3 people at every location or on the street. Sound nice? Not when you're trying to cold approach. You don't want the distractions or the judgement of being a "local celebrity". It's only cool when you're boosting social proof - and even then, that can be problematic if they start to boyfriend zone you or assume you're too much of a player (the latter being my biggest issue in the last year).

CA gives me a fresh start in a much larger city, beautiful women everywhere, less of a reliance on night game and the party lifestyle for social circles. I plan to return to my passions for music, have already started my resurgence in fitness, and want to get into the surfing & hiking community. Ah, and the EDM scene is really solid out there and ya boi loves to shuffle dance. I'm going to my 2nd festival of the year in a month, and went to 3 last year plus lots of local shows. I love the music, the culture, and all the slutty hoes with their asses out asking me what my sign is.

Been drinking way too much for the last... 3 years? That nightclub job really sent me in a negative direction as far as the bottle goes. It was fun as FUCK, but I think I've had my fill. Just so unnecessary. Alcohol has proven to be my biggest challenge of my 20's, since it's so enabling. It is the charming devil on the shoulder and he's very convincing haha.

Going 40 days cold turkey (minimum) to focus on my sales job performance, fitness, and mental health. I'm on day 9 right now and feel solid. Dosing with boomies over the last few months has helped me converse with my inner self / inner child and stabilize the bad habits.

Currently wanting to change industries. I'm in B2C sales and it's growing tiresome lol. B2B seems much more my vibe. More to come on that.

My current pipeline is pretty dry other than a few 6's and 7's that I could call and probably get over. I have so much going on with this move and my job though that I'm alright just refraining. About a month ago I was aggressively going out and approaching and I fucked... 4 different girls? One was the top real estate agent in my city from China. She was very pretty but sucked in bed lol go figure.

Cheers Gents.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Successfully moved to California. Shit's crazy out here - I'm in love with it. Need to get my finances strong as fuck so I can remaster game and build a lifestyle that incorporates it effortlessly. Effort is high right now. The chicks are hotter and more used to being approached, so game's gotta be air tight.

I've had some very close-to-lay situations (even potentially a threesome), but I'm honestly such a fish out of water lol. Still adjusting to the state let alone the new dynamics of how girls work out here (plus my cold approach is rusty in general).

My social circle is like 2 people, which is such a strange feeling haha. I like it though - it actually makes me feel like I have much more control over who I want to hang out with. I've connected with some of the EDM scene here, but I can tell some of the guys "running it" are *clearly* in it just for the pussy and the flex (which I find lame. Not that I don't want all the hot rave babes too, but I'm also about the culture and these dudes seem to be pimping the culture just for the hotties). I'll find my folks in due time. And honestly, I'm so tired of all the headaches of running with giant social circles full of rumors, judgements, and fucking sociopaths. Gonna build a small island with only trusted candidates and hot bitches. At least that's the plan.

I know I say this every few months, but I'm legitimately going to start journaling again. I want to get into day game since I'm finally in a big city and it's FREE lol. Night game here is the farthest thing from free, I paid 17$ for a single draft beer yesterday (plus the concert tickets, ubers, etc). Some people leave this city because the night life is too pricey, but for me I just feel that means ya gotta explore the other abundances of activities.

My roommate is a producer, and I'm a musician as well. With my networking skills and his technical ability, we might build something of that sort too (so long as we can stay out of the bullshit).

Oh also I had a cold approach threesome while I was vacationing in New Orleans earlier this year. That was tight. Was honestly too easy. Cold approach threesomes are easier in big "party locations" where bitches just wanna go crazy.

Ah and I reseduced that 10 at the same music festival. She ghosted me after our vacation last September because she started fucking some millionaire and because she didn't want to do long distance. I believe she's in love with me, which is pretty cool. What's not cool is she's fucking nuts and has tons of red flags. The sex is bomb as fuck, and we have strong chemistry, but she's got some serious problems that rule her out for anything above a FB or a low-end MLTR.

Weird to type that when I sounded like an autistic retard during one of my approaches yesterday, lmao. Gonna brush up on some of my old LR's and maybe browse around the up and coming badasses growing here on SS.

Cheers to returning to humble beginnings.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
SoCal, or at least LA, is DG heaven. Saying hi to strangers is totally normal, the weather is pretty good, there are a lot of walkable hotspots (most suburban cities have their own town center), plenty of tourists, diversity of terrain, ethnicities, types, and crowds…

A mistake I see a LOT of people make in LA, whether it’s tourists, Scandi students, visiting PUAs, or even random young professionals who’ve moved here, to stick to the Downtown-Westside axis. None of them have no clue how much (of everything) they’re missing out on 😂

I humbly suggest not being those dudes.

I’m probably not yet good enough to be your wing, but if you want some local advice feel free to hmu


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
SoCal, or at least LA, is DG heaven. Saying hi to strangers is totally normal, the weather is pretty good, there are a lot of walkable hotspots (most suburban cities have their own town center), plenty of tourists, diversity of terrain, ethnicities, types, and crowds…

A mistake I see a LOT of people make in LA, whether it’s tourists, Scandi students, visiting PUAs, or even random young professionals who’ve moved here, to stick to the Downtown-Westside axis. None of them have no clue how much (of everything) they’re missing out on 😂

I humbly suggest not being those dudes.

I’m probably not yet good enough to be your wing, but if you want some local advice feel free to hmu
I'm in one of the fun cities south of LA. There's so much shit out here, dude haha. The downtown area is a lot of expenses, so I know that sustainably, I'm better off exploring areas that I can just walk around and see lots of people without dropping money on covers, cocktails, and everything. But I did just get laid last night from a street approach downtown. About to write the LR for old times sake.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: Street Approach Layup

I've been in a "blitz" of going out to game for 4 days straight. Exhausting as it is, I know that's the "best" way for me to just eat the learning curve and destroy my rustiness. The night before I did about 20 approaches and got two girls back to my house, but when they got back they ran to the bathroom and left thereafter. It didn't knock my stride, so I read one of Alek's articles on tips for night game and got ready.

My mentor and I meet up at my apartment to talk game and have a few drinks. I'm rocking a crimson red Guess button down, black jeans, and nice dress shoes. He was rocking the classic tshirt, blazer, jeans, with accessories. We both look sexy as fuck and ready to kill.
Even though we both know eachother extremely well from the years we've talked PUA online, it's interesting to see how meetups blend the two experiences together haha. Like, the way we talk is not the way we type. You can somewhat see this in Chase's articles VS his videos, Hector's, Alek's content, extra. The same beast and the same knowledge, just with a different vibe from the presentation style.

Anyway, we go straight to this nightclub that has a fancy + house music atmosphere to it, and the "party hasn't started yet", they're not letting anyone in yet. We go to this place next door to grab a drink and I IMMEDIATELY get approached by this MILF. She's hammered, lol, and starts showering me in compliments, telling me I'm pretty, and qualifying herself. When I am fairly reserved and not reciprocating it fully, she then accuses us of being gay. We start laughing and tell her we're not, but then lean into it to mess with her. The bar staff is getting a kick out of hit. Fast forward and she's grabbing my hand and putting in on her (fairly nice) fake tits while DIRECTLY next to her husband, who doesn't have a clue what's happening. You could tell he was getting a little anxious with the attention she was giving me, but I don't think he knew that my hand was literally squeezing his wife's tit while we were flirting. She ends up asking for my number and offering me a job, since she's a millionaire real estate agent and her brother is a higher up at this giant corporation. Very unlikely I can do much with that, but that's gonna be an interesting follow-up lmao.

I decide it's time for us to bounce and we go to the club. Some major hotties there, but it's not nearly as crowded as I thought it would be. We're also by far the best dressed there. We get opened by a gay guy, and then I get opened by a girl in front of her BF (she wanted molly). I kinda dance and feel out the vibe, but I didn't see any girls that were full showstoppers and really made me want to approach. Got some IOI's but then the vibe never really got to what we expected, so we left to another spot. Keeping in mind to not have too much alcohol pretty much at all, I have a cool composed vibe most of the night. One drink at each spot max unless I have a good reason for otherwise.

This visit was a historic moment of me moving to CA, since @Chase used to coach his students at this very spot, according to my mentor. It had a really solid set up, dance floor, VIP sections, and friendly staff. Just to kinda place the old forum write-ups, the old Chase articles, and have my imagination meet the reality was a cool feeling. Or just imagining Chase talking to some guy with sloppy / amateur game, "Okay, go approach that chick and after the hook ask her what three animals she would be and use the gambit. Don't talk about yourself." lol.

I opened two girls in line, cuz this drunk dude was spitting nonsense at them and they were laughing at him. Wanted to create a contrast and it went pretty well. Unfortunately, once we got inside. the talent wasn't really there for us to want to stay. We did split up to do some approaching and I got hit by these two 8's that "this is my girlfriend" (need to come up with a good response to that one, I've had it several times. So many bisexual chicks nowadays it's low key hard to not feed the frame. I start by qualifying them like, "oh cute! who asked who out first? haha" and seeing if that changes their frame. This time it didn't lol). As soon as I approach, some AFC also approaches and the saturation of male attention pushes the two girls away from the crowd. I dance around a bit and look for some more hotties, but none are really there. I feel eyes on me and "hide" in a different part of the club. After that I sat down and opened a girl who was leaving, then two girls come up to me and sit down. It kinda took me off guard, but I immediately tried deep diving them and it went alright. They ask me where the bathroom is and I don't know, so I meekly tried to point them the wrong way and they went "no it's not! bye!".

I text my mentor the status report and he agrees we might want to go elsewhere. I force myself to approach 2 more girls indirectly, and we talk about house music. Deep dive on what they study went really well. This awesome song comes on, so I move them to the dance floor. Bad move, because it un-isolated our conversation, and now they seem lost in the crowd's vibe and I can't talk as easy. I eject without saying much and they look confused. I find my mentor and agree to leave, but then I feel this thought in the back of my head like, "go get that girls number". I go back to the set and awkwardly try to get her number, and she smiles, but says she doesn't give out her number. I persist and make a joke out of it, and then reroute it to saying that I like talking to her but have to go - let's get coffee instead. She tries to get my IG but I don't budge (that goes nowhere). I persist once more and she says no a little more serious this time, so I bid her adieu.

Next we walk around looking for another place to go. A lot of the best spots are either packed out the ass or just shutting down (I've noticed that a lot of places out here close at like 1 AM, which is weird for me. I'm used to the party going til 2:30 AM everytime. Probably better for my health, and makes for easier street approaches though. We try one more spot, but as we get to the door, the bouncer says shits done.

We both kinda shrug off the night, and then I tell him I'm gonna stay out later and try some street approaches, or maybe snag a girl with one of the places that's open still. Shortly after I approach this black chick and compliment her top, tell her I'm not from here but she had such a cute face I had to say hello. I get her number and suggest coffee. She excitedly agrees, but is a little weirded out by the whole interaction. I was probably a little mechanical and clunky. Good though, momentum is up a tad.

I compliment some hot chick in a group and she brushes it off and keeps walking. No biggie. Next I see one of those bacon wrapped hot dog stands and get one. Fucking delicious. I use this corner as a place to mingle with strangers for a minute or two, just to ease the social momentum a bit. It's now past 2 AM so I figure I can try to find an after party. I ask some people where everyone goes past 2 AM and they're all thinking just like I am. So, just gotta find a group and after party with them OR invite some girls straight to my place. Finally, I see a group of 3 that looks like they need something to do. Perfect. A high 7, a low 7, and a 5. Eh, I'll take it!

I open them with a calm, casual vibe and my classic, "Is this a serious conversation? :) ".
One says yes and one says no, and then they all smile and let their hair down a bit and say, "No, it's not".
I chuckle and say - "I don't know what it is about you three then - you were all speaking with this... intensity to eachother! Haha." and they all laugh.
After that they kinda shit tested me like, "You seem awfully serious - why so serious??".
I just smiled back and said, "I'm only serious about enjoying myself pretty much all the time haha :) " and they laugh again.
Definitely had them hooked. "Have you all been having a pleasant night too? What'd we get into?"

They tell me a little about their night thus far and I see their vibes and receptibility contrast a bit. Two of them are giving me "fuck me eyes" but one seems REALLY interested, in like a "holy fuck this guy is so hot" way. I end up fucking her brains out about 90 minutes later (the low 7).

The rest, honestly, was just the invite and being patient. And a bit of luck. We kept the conversation cool and casual, I asked them about travel and kept making witty jokes here and there. And I was pretty light on the innuendo. They mentioned some time where their friends were at a banana farm for 2 years in Australia and I go, "Bananas?" with a cute, ammused smile. And they giggle and go "yeah!". "Sounds like your friends are reallly experienced... when it comes to bananas", that shit hit so hard lmao. The 5 looked away (probably not calibrated enough to handle the sexual tension, the high 7 looked down and brushed her hair with a smirk, and the low 7 laughed super hard. Great signs all around.

On a high moment, I say, "well - I don't see a lot of places to keep up the good times... do you three like tequila?" Get 3 yeses. "Awesome... well, in that case, I'd love keep the vibe going. You all seem really cool and easy to talk to. Let's snag an uber, and go to a place called club Hue. Very exclusive spot that I happen to live at." No resistance, all gave a calm yes.

From there, we literally waited a full hour for the uber. Then this guy came up and was lost, needed a ride, phone died. and that started to hinder what was going to happen next. At one point all 3 of us were calling ubers and they just kept canceling and restarting the search. I kept us flowing and talking, and reminding everyone what the plan was. I think a lot of guys here would panic because we started to lose our momentum and it started to get really late (like 3 AM), but I just kept moving things forward with care. The low 7 and I had slowly been increasing touch, and then we used eachother as a leaning board for eachother, until she was just wrapped around my arm leaning on me. Us having to wait so long turned into a well-timed manuever into easing her comfort with me and tiring her out a bit.

Right at the end, we had 2 ubers come in at the exact same time. We tried to pile into one, but because of this random guy that we decided to help out, suddenly was 1 person too many to fit. So I turn to my girl and say, "I'm staying with you" and she returns the suggestion, "we're staying together." Then we go into her uber, and her friends leave with this rando to get him a ride back home. Once we were in the uber, it was pretty much GG. We fumbled with our seatbelts, and then I said, "I think this is better actually, and opened up my arm for her to lay on me. Then we explored eachothers legs and pushed up touch a ton.

I did almost fumble in conversation here. She said that I"m a really skilled communicator and I thanked the compliment. I mentioned I was in sales, so pointed out, it's just giving someone what they want, and what they need. I tried to make this a frame towards me fucking her senseless, but ironically I actually mistepped the delivery and think it kinda came off as manipulative or clearly me having "game". I said something like, "it's kinda like once I realized you were cool, and look where we are now" and I could tell her red flag radar went off a little bit. But I eased things back in with touch and easy convo afterwards.

Finally, we get out of the uber and she goes, "how do I know you're not gonna kill me?" as we walk to my spot. I say, "that's a great question, I was about to ask you the same thing. "Let's see if you pass..... *take her arm to spin her* the spin test." She spins and falls into me. "Great job *manhandle kiss*". She lights up incredibly.

We make out a little bit in my kitchen and take a small tequila shot. We sit on the couch, and she's getting super horny because I'm not rushing things. She starts rubbing my legs and getting close to my dick. She was sitting criss-cross apple sauce just a bit to my side that made a full escalation difficult, so I say, "why are you sitting like such a good little girl?" and gently nudge her to sit my left side with a larger couch area. She excitedly gets up and makes fun of herself, then lays on me. I reposition her to lay down with me on top, and then go "are you... a good girl?". She got wet as fuck from that one, because I kissed her neck and she moaned / had to catch her breath lmao.

When the escalation got to fingering she said she was on her period, but I just calmly smiled and said no biggie, I'll grab a towel. She did seem a little nervous but I addressed her body language and said "really it's fine - my ex got embarrassed at first, but it's not like I've never sailed the red sea before." and she laughed. The humor calmed her down and that was game.

After that I fucked her lights out. We actually had really strong chemistry, for a low 7 ;)

I might go out again tonight and see what I can pull of with this momentum. But the bank account is hurting and I have 3 job interviews next week lol so we'll see.

Cheers homies.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Nice, well-detailed LR :)
I'm rocking a crimson red Guess button down, black jeans, and nice dress shoes
Hell yes. This is such a great look. I'd argue it is THE look. Guess is pretty hit or miss for me, but when they get it right they get it so right.

Fast forward and she's grabbing my hand and putting in on her (fairly nice) fake tits while DIRECTLY next to her husband, who doesn't have a clue what's happening. You could tell he was getting a little anxious with the attention she was giving me, but I don't think he knew that my hand was literally squeezing his wife's tit while we were flirting.
How clueless. This guy has some big trouble on the horizon...

We did split up to do some approaching and I got hit by these two 8's that "this is my girlfriend" (need to come up with a good response to that one, I've had it several times. So many bisexual chicks nowadays it's low key hard to not feed the frame. I start by qualifying them like, "oh cute! who asked who out first? haha" and seeing if that changes their frame. This time it didn't lol).
My default response is "Oh, you like girls? Me too. Look at that, we already have something in common." And then I give them sort of a bored sneer. Good for screening out girls that will be difficult.

They mentioned some time where their friends were at a banana farm for 2 years in Australia and I go, "Bananas?" with a cute, ammused smile. And they giggle and go "yeah!". "Sounds like your friends are reallly experienced... when it comes to bananas", that shit hit so hard lmao. The 5 looked away (probably not calibrated enough to handle the sexual tension, the high 7 looked down and brushed her hair with a smirk, and the low 7 laughed super hard. Great signs all around.
Nice little double entendre/innuendo. I've always loved these for how easy they are. Everything can be sexual if you think long and hard enough about it.

From there, we literally waited a full hour for the uber. Then this guy came up and was lost, needed a ride, phone died. and that started to hinder what was going to happen next. At one point all 3 of us were calling ubers and they just kept canceling and restarting the search. I kept us flowing and talking, and reminding everyone what the plan was. I think a lot of guys here would panic because we started to lose our momentum and it started to get really late (like 3 AM), but I just kept moving things forward with care. The low 7 and I had slowly been increasing touch, and then we used eachother as a leaning board for eachother, until she was just wrapped around my arm leaning on me. Us having to wait so long turned into a well-timed manuever into easing her comfort with me and tiring her out a bit.
Very well played smoothly taking advantage of the potential upside of having to wait that long for an uber by building comfort and a good, tempered state more conducive to future escalation.

Finally, we get out of the uber and she goes, "how do I know you're not gonna kill me?" as we walk to my spot. I say, "that's a great question, I was about to ask you the same thing. "Let's see if you pass..... *take her arm to spin her* the spin test." She spins and falls into me. "Great job *manhandle kiss*". She lights up incredibly.
Lolz... excellent response. Girls eat this stuff up.

When the escalation got to fingering she said she was on her period, but I just calmly smiled and said no biggie, I'll grab a towel. She did seem a little nervous but I addressed her body language and said "really it's fine - my ex got embarrassed at first, but it's not like I've never sailed the red sea before." and she laughed. The humor calmed her down and that was game.
Girls are so self-conscious about their periods, which I have never understood. Period sex can be such a truly wonderful and intimate thing, as demonstrated by this melodic masterpiece:

Anyway, glad to see you're killing it same as ever! Good luck with those interviews.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
How clueless. This guy has some big trouble on the horizon...
Dude, I might be meeting up with her for a "business meeting" this week lmao more on that later.

My default response is "Oh, you like girls? Me too. Look at that, we already have something in common." And then I give them sort of a bored sneer. Good for screening out girls that will be difficult.
Nice, I'll try this out!

Girls are so self-conscious about their periods, which I have never understood. Period sex can be such a truly wonderful and intimate thing, as demonstrated by this melodic masterpiece:
A bloody masterpiece indeed ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
FR: Beach Observations

I leave my apartment after enjoying an amazing view to my friend. He's currently leaving my old city as the most charismatic man I've probably ever met, yet living with his dog out of a car. For reference, this man was like myself and extremely set up in our old city.

For a few weeks he's kinda been pissing me off. I thought he had more of a plan and he's been pretty needy so far. I strongly believe that once he's set up and running all will be well. It's a little odd to see him weak like this.

Anyway, I try to talk Mr. lost his ID to the security and it doesn't go well. I told him I wanted to hunt tonight and he goes home. Once in the bar, I remember a warm familiarity of being alone amongst the world as a seducer and nothing else. Man..... I missed this shit.

There's this game for the night (basically the theme) and I strategically position myself amongst some guys where I actually want to sit / stand. I very quickly befriend this random entrepreneur who told me he doesn't trust salesmen. As a guy in sales, I laugh and befriend him as quickly as possible in front of his group, knowing in the back of my head I definitely will (probably) have to ditch him to achieve whatever seduction happens tonight.

Once my position is secure I recognize there are college girls checking me out left and right. I mentally take note of this place for future reference, so that if I want a quick, aggressive seduction, I can probably sweep a girl off her feet here another night. The devil inside me gets excited by the mere prospect of the idea, but I remember I'm rusty and tell myself to breathe. I get my new friend's LinkedIn after complimenting him on the risk he took for starting a new business (also knowing that if I push his risk taking emotions in an optimistic way that he'll likely be warmer with me if I need to reapproach) and go look for opportunities.

I see this edgy looking chick (love those) with split black and white bangs and sit next to her. I don't open at first as to grab her attention, but her drunk friend is egging her on about some dumb bullshit I can't hear. Having not opened a girl yet, and wanting to actually begin some form of momentum, I simply throw my "tried and trued" opener of...

"Is this a serious conversation?" :)

... at her. They do both smile, but I quickly gathered from fragments of their last sentences, their body language, and the exact(?) way she moved her hands - almost as if to protect herself, idk it's hard to explain - that they were actually talking about some guy they fucked in a very serious way, and that his dick was still on the table. Idk, could have been a bad read but that is what I read.

I get back a, "Well! *glance at friend* actually yes!" (Most girls default to "no" either because they don't want to start a conversation with some hot guy in a bad way or they legit were bored [ideal] and want some motherfucker to break them out of that).

So, they were happy with my approach, but the legitimate context basically stopped the procedure. I just laughed and said,

"Haha - I figured.... something was definitely up with you two!" (Several things wrong with this answer in a technical way, game be game and I needed an opener, lol.)

"I was gonna ask..." (Me)

They exchange some womanese through several glances both with eachother and me and then agree to go to the bathroom in a rapid fashion. Didn't acknowledge me after agreeing to bathroom. I decide to save frame and externally look at the TV, then shrug with a big closed mouth smile. Situations like these demand high levels of deliberate frame, in case the staff or other hot girls see.

I leave to get a drink and (legitimately) accidently touch hands with this cute 22 y/o blonde. I (trying to save the awkwardness, not even knowing she was hot), go, "excuse me... I'm married!". That catches her attention and she glances up, gets embarrassed at the attention, and looks down submissively with a smile (god I fucking love women). I laugh and go, "just kidding...." and then turn back to the bar to get a drink.

After this I watch with very wide eyes to see her body language with my peripheral. (This can actually come off as too deliberate amongst repeated attempts / with girls you're in some form of LTR with so be careful with overextending, but I digress). I catch her submissive and nervous body language as she tries to communicate normally with her friends but naturally gravitates her body towards me. After getting my drink, I ask some question about the game that I knew the answer to, but lied and told her it was my first time there.

She responses super good and I see her get nervous, look at her friends, and look back at me. She tells me about the game, and then asks me who I'm with. I tell her about my friend losing his ID and that I'm out alone and she doesn't seem to care. I recalibrate her reality but slowing down my excitement and asking her simple, boring questions about her name and her night.

Once that's over and she seems emotionally settled with talking to a guy like me (older, good fundamentals, etc) I sorta laugh and go, "Well, who are yourrrrr super awesome friends?". She laughs and introduces me to her group. I lean into my calm side and introduce myself to the girls, and see the guy they're with get all scared. I introduce myself to the girls first, and then attempt ot with the guy... but he basically shys away. Fucking pussboy.

The blonde explains to me that they don't know him at all, and I basically say that's all good, and continue talking to her. Some chaotic shit pushes us away from where we were standing and I suggest we sit down away from the crowd. I gradually move my hand into a slow hold on her arm and say, "lets move here". She submits and we sit down.

Once there, I look away from here entirely and slight smile at the crowd. I slowly turn back to her and she's smiling at me. I ask, "Why are you three (she's with 2 girls) out here, anyway?". And get a really boring girl answer. I ask her some curated version of Bacchus's Golden question as a fallback and immediately realize this question is even worse for boring girls. I offer her some verbal exits and she starts to withdraw investment. I go completely silent and look back with a slight smile to the crowd, utterly ignoring her.

Then she perks up and asks me