My bad on abandoning a FR lol I had a lot on my plate and my roommate can't be seeing my SS activity.
I've banged several girls since moving to CA now, finally got my big boy job, and really liking shit. Running into some SC problems in nightlife and am fully realizing I don't want to work in a club anymore, or really ever again. It's such a headahce with the egos and the short-term mentalities there, I've just grown out of it.
It might take me some time to find guys I gel with, but oh well.
Anyways, el sexo.
LR: Global Directwhore
This was a really fun seduction. I modeled this the entire time:
I finish up a shift at a popular nightclub in my city. I'm itching to go approach, but don't get off until like 1:30AM and most bars are closing their doors. I've been letting in hot chicks dressed in Halloween fits all night without anyway to take good action. I rip a tequila shot at my work and then hit the streets to try and find something.
I pop into a club that usually brings a great deal of 9's, but can't find shit. They all left already and I'm disappointed.
After a few blocks of wandering looking for a target and seeing everyone clear out, I quickly start to lose faith. Without many options, I almost went back to my own club to try and swing an afterhours which occasionally (rarely) has some hotties.
Then I see a fun-sized blonde, dressed up in business attire standing on the corner, with a clear bitch shield on. It was almost too obvious that she was *trying* to look all tough and preoccupied, but clearly had all the madness in the street happening around her.
"All by yourself?

" I ask in a very calm and cheerful tone.
"Yeah" (bitch shield)
"Well that's no fun - are you waiting for someone?

"My uber..." (lowers the bitch shield a slight bit)
"I see, and you just finished up a business meeting, or are you just dressed as a dominatrix for Halloween"
"Hahaha, just a bit of business and pleasure tonight" (turns toward me) - Bingo!
(Seeing the warm reaction and breaking the bitch shield), "How long do we have before... (looks at her phone) Omar comes to sweep you off your feet?"
"Haha, about 2 minutes!"
"We'll both need longer than that. Here, call me crazy but let's do something more fun"
"Oh? Haha"
"Cancel your ride, let's grab one drink. One martini"
"Oh my god, no, I can't" (Aka I want to but I shouldn't. Please keep going)
"Sure you can - I just got off work over there (*points to job and, since she seems like a traveler, adds social proof). There's another place we can go"
"Omar is gonna charge you 5$, so first drinks on me" (reading her objection and "solving it" before it happens)
"Okay, but one. One drink" (Heard that before! Lmao)
"Sounds good. Shall we?"
While walking over, I had a very delightful conversation with this woman. She was a HB8, smart, witty, and very "on it". I was attracted to her brain for sure. The first place we go to was closed, and wouldn't let us in. I kept swift confidence and was undeterred. We asked for a recommendation and went just down the street, but same thing. This time around she tried to persuade the bouncer to let us through (good sign, also kinda hot). Bouncer says with these particular female bartenders, he can't, but normally he could. She's quick and said that she had an experimental phase in college, and believes it won't be any issue for her to persuade them. I loved her cocky attitude and qualified her on this, plus her overt sexuality (despite remaining very reserved and collected in her body language) after we were fully denied.
At this point I am a little concerned about logistics, so I simply ask if her hotel has a bar. She checks and it's closed. I spot one more place, (looks like a late night food spot) and sorta have to convince her to go since, it doesn't look like a place we can have our sexy martinis. She eventually gives in and we walk in, with some girl walking out the door complimenting her on her looks. It strokes her ego a bit so I throw that in the mix and say "see, I knew you'd love it here". I remember some innuendo in line and making a joke about fucking in the bathroom (I looped back to this a few times during the conversational phase) as we order our cheap, canned drinks.
I direct us to the patio, and then she starts interviewing me about my life, my relationships and my career. This was actually the most fun part of the seduction, because this woman was so damn sharp. I had to (a few times) regain my place back in the questioner seat. It's bad to talk about your own relationships (especially with my last one being an OLTR) so I gave her a watered down version of it that shined light to not breaking it off with a girl who I loved, in a new city, during covid, when I'm her best friend. I had to think on my feet to make it sound presentable, but also maintain honesty and a high value frame. I felt like I was in a sales call, lol. And that's what made it so damn fun. She was frontly challenging me and my frames passed.
During this, I actually made somewhat of a risky move (since this could be overt) and side stepped her question about why I moved with a background on my career path. I stapled it in with saying that I was leading up to her original question, but really it was just to plant the seed about my distaste for academia, why I dropped out of the grad school program I entered, and that I wanted to be a sex therapist (which gives me an easy loop back to sex talk closer to the actual pull / close).
She battered me with analytical questions, including my uniform for my nightclub job. I confidently explained to her that it's a velvet red blazer which she found hysterical. This comes in handy later.
Eventually I go, "but enough about me, I'm here to learn more about
" (straight from Hank Moody), and take back reigns of the conversation. Had to do this a few times, actually. She's a dominant talker for a woman, no doubt about it.
In fact, per my link, I dropped many Hank Moody lines like, "Well shit I'm half chub" when she says something that's intellectually attractive. Fits my style a lot.
Eventually, we talk about relationships in a larger sense and she gives me tons of ammo for "us vs the world", sexual double standards, etc and we basically poked fun at society at large for probably an hour. I was really enjoying myself and we laughed together a lot.
Then, during a conversational lull, I pulled out Chase's Three Animals Gambit with my own spin on it. It was a little more elongated and
I let her try her own analysis of what it means first since she loves to talk and show off her intellectual, big dick energy woman strength. I see right through it and recognize that it's all her qualifying herself when she does this, rather than feel intimidated by it like most men would. Or, feel the need to match her or out-do her presentation of those kind of strengths. It's much better to ask good questions, let her do the work, and increase similarity of attitudes that to show of some sort of intellectual firepower in what creates a battlefield for you and your potential lover.
I used the laughter from the gambit, (her animals were a white tiger, a panda, and a phoenix which were really awesome picks and made for a great deal of success using it) to build some kino, and then luckily the place was closing so we had to move seats. Once we moved seats, I switched to missiles and laid out sex talk.
My current intro to this is, "I'm actually pretty jealous of women", which builds intrigue and then, "I'm jealous of women when it comes to orgasms - it's not fair really".
I've seen a great deal of success with this frame because it challenges the meta frame built into women's heads of "women never cum, men cum easy" and instead presents all the great things about sex talk. But this makes for a great transition, because, the challenging of her frame makes her brain need to push through the cognitive dissonance just to simply
understand what it is you're saying. And by the moment she wraps her head around why you're jealous of women orgasms, if you are delivering it with concise language and good timing
, you've already slipped into the juicier parts of sex talk.
I know for some the transition is the hardest part, so by adding this "cognitive dissonance buffer" while you continue on, it sorta trojan horses you through the doors of actually talking about different orgasms, male V female orgasms, and obviously the many types women can have.
In this seduction I did not use the 8 orgasms routine. I instead talked more about female anatomy and the connection with our brains, nerve endings, desire / arousal, and how orgasms can be achieved separately from ejaculation.
For the close, as I was explaining some of this - I cut her off and said, "the streets are shutting down now - before we continue, do you want to see my blazer?"
"Hahah yes I hardly even believe that you have it"
"Okay, well I'll show you on one condition, since your hotel bar is closed"
"Ugh, okay what is it"
"I grab my blazer, and then we test out how well your room service works"
"Ha! No - I can't take you back to my hotel"
"Is the rest of your company still there?"
"No, they left and it's just me"
"So, I'm curious, what, exactly.... is the worst thing that could happen?"
"Haha I can't take you back to my hotel! Don't be ridiculous."
"Look just cuz I wear a red blazer at work doesn't make me ridiculous (chuckles). You're having fun with this aren't you? (sly smile)"
"Yes, yes I am quite a bit actually (touches my hand)"
"Then let's continue - unless you really don't want to see it (gestures towards the street)"
"Okay fine (annoyed smile)"
So here I combined her objection to the hotel with a hidden "objection" to seeing my blazer and made it an implied group package. I also reversed her "No's" (logical objections) into an emotional "Yes", which hurdles over her ASD with me joining her at her hotel.
After we got to my car, it was pretty much good game. There was some debate over whether to uber, and suddenly she suggests me just parking at her hotel and keeping it there. I let her close me, since she is a very dominant, logical personality. Have to let those types feel like they're in control, when really I'm guiding the seduction to my close.
We get to the hotel, and she can't find her way back through the area cuz she's been in conference meetings at this place the whole time, not the parking lot. I used to work in hotels and scan the area, then based on her description find her room. She even tried to say I was dead wrong, but I just continued to lead and showed her where she was staying, which really put the reigns back in my hands.
Kiss in the elevator.
No LMR in the room.
Fuck on the balcony.
She showed me her IUD.
I showed her those orgasms we had been chatting about.
This morning she mentioned I gave off Daniel Craig vibes.
If we meet again for that martini I'll have to ask for it shaken, not stirred.