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Before I Self Destruct


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Well what happened? Haha.

Define "wasn't an issue", if you could.
I think she said "I saw you talk to some girls on the shore the other day, watching dolphins". I remember the day well because this was the only day I ever saw dolphins from the beach. I think I said something like "Oh yeah, they were nice". She asked "Oh you remember them?" (sounded a bit like she thought I talk to girls all the time) and I said sure, because of the dolphins. And that was that.

I hung out with the girl for maybe half an hour or an hour, she seemed quite happy to chat and hang out with me but even though I tried a lot of touching, she wasn't really responsive (though she tolerated it). I took her for a walk along the beach and eventually she asked me for my IG. I added her and eventually I left to do other stuff since my escalation attempts didn't go anywhere. She responded to my icebreaker but then went radio silent. She was a tourist and only here for a few days.

It was a fun interaction nonetheless, and the first time I got an IG from day game. I even wrote a field report about it at the time.
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KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
The day before writing this I went out and did 5 approaches. No major luck but I got it done.

Yeah I've had some success with it, but haven't bagged any mega hotties from it like I have with night game / late night street approaches.

And I've tried to make it more of a consistent thing, but most often just don't find very many girls I actually want to approach.

The only environment I've seen as a good place that has lots of hot girls is by the beach, but then there's two issues:

1) If I approach a stationary girl at the beach and bomb, then go approach another hot girl nearby.... my nerves are killing me because I look like some creep on the beach just going up to tons of girls.

2) There's a good bit of fitness girls that I want to open, but they're either literally running or walking with resting bitch face with their headphones in.

Advice for either of these?
Move to new york? Jk I can't imagine you would like the winter.

For number 2, Chase wrote this week just stop them and make a motion to remove the headphones

Probably not helpful, but all I can think of is club promote on the beach or volunteer for Sea Shepherd collecting signatures to save the dolphins or whatever. For real though, maybe lifeguard? Chase brings up the old masf user Lifeguard every once in a while. Maybe there are other jobs around the beach.

The only real advice I really have would be to do your best to slowly build a three month emergency fund and put it in a completely liquid savings account like Ally or Marcus and forget it's there.

This might sound crazy but you're in a warm locale, likely with gyms around. I know someone who's a robotics engineer at Disney and lives in a camper van in fast food parking lots. Even software engineers at Google do that type of thing. Maybe bad in terms of your social circle repuration though.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Had a lot of grinding in the last few months, just got back from vacation.

I think I'm at... 5 lays since October, a handful of hookups, several dates. Been frustrating honestly.

Super tired from traveling and under the weather. Gonna have more downtime leading up to the final holiday festivities, so I'll pump some out.

Tbh most of the lays have just been super rapid hookups, 1 of them is now my FB, with 1 more that I might keep around just in case I don't close this 9 I've been targeting in social circle. The rest were ONS for one reason or another.

I'm exhausted from all the partying and shit, so low key, if this chick is what I think she is, I might wife her up as a OLTR. Been saying this to my close friends for months, I'd rather focus on business right now and bag a hot ass chick from SC, let that grow into my overall lifestyle here in CA.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Got like 3 more dates on the way leading up to NYE, and more of a long term plan to bang this OLTR candidate chick. If that fails, at least I'll have a small roster to go between until winter ends.

Lays since Halloween

1) Halloween after party - fucked a HB6+ in the laundry room of this party, then she left and I tried to bang one of her friends who was hotter. She was into me but her boyfriend was at the party so I got kicked out. ONS.

2) Hot therapist chick HB8, somehow made her feel scared about how fast she slept with me and lost her. That one kinda hurt I was into her. MLTR potential ending in ONS.

3) Chick that stole my jacket so I'd chase her down, then fuck her (current FB she's fairly weird, lol) HB7.

4) Hippie chick lay up HB6, got a fat ass tho (lock in for FB tomorrow night)

5) Vacation back home ONS, college chick with big natties and a pretty face, HB7+ maybe HB8-

Will try to write some of these ones out^

Notable mention: my old low end MLTR came into see me at work and I ended up grabbing drinks, taking her home and fucking her. Ghosted me since lol she just wanted the dick again. Probably will just leave it like that so she can always hit me up FB style and not MLTR.

This woman tried to become my Sugar Momma months back and bought me dinner, she gave me a blowjob the first night I met her. But after our dinner she wouldn't fuck me, so I stopped seeing her. Months later she texts me to take me on another dinner and this time I get like 30 minutes of head, can't come (she still won't fuck), so I titty fuck her massive fake tits and leave lol.

FU's / FR++'s since Halloween

1) Ditzy brunette / club rat. This one had so much potential but ultimately crashed HARD. I met her on halloween weekend and thought I was going to close her that night but it got chaotic and I lost her. Her friend and roommate was equally into me so I even considered it could end in a threesome.

She eventually texted me that she doesn't want to meet up because I didn't pay for her drinks all night which is a huge turnoff.

Then I run into her and she's super bubbly and flirty again, and I bring her home and get as far as sucking on her tits. She said I can't go to the afterparty with her because I'm too intimidating to the other guys there due to my looks. "It's better for my social reputation", she said.

24 hrs later I'm at a rooftop party and she just happens to show up, and we agree to get our mimosas the next morning. That party went til like fucking 4:30 AM, so I wasn't expecting her to take our date at noon the next day so seriously. I figured she'd show up still in party mode and all would be fucking fine. INSTEAD she shows up in a full dress, WAY overdressing the venue and is acting nothing at all like the girl I've seen out. Setting all these hardcore BF frames non stop. I was still buzzed as fuck and so not into it. Then she kept demanding I pay for everything at every venue, taking pictures of the drinks and me and posting it on social media and I just wanted to puke. I "broke up with her", gave her a huge, and said, "I hope you find what you're looking for".

Good riddance, lol.

2) Mid 30's latina - made her cum with my hands on the first date and she wouldn't fuck me, haven't gotten her back over since despite high investment over text.

3) Random high 7 girl that told me to meet her at a particular bar, then I go and she says she can't make it, only to find out she's sitting behind me with 2 of her friends. I call her the next day to try and smooth it out and she said her friend was scared I was trying to spike their drinks(?), psycho. I smooth it out nonetheless, can't find a date that works for us, and then next time she see's me out she's PISSED when I come up and say hi to her. Very abnormal treatment from this midwest chick.

4) Spontaneous latina chick out in night game who opens me and steals me from a bar, then gets lost herself that night. I text her later and invite her straight to my house, but she is super cold and not like she was during night game.

Think I overall am doing myself a disservice to meet a girl at night game and then try to take her on a date. It's incongruent framing and changes the expectations for our interaction.

5) Low MLTR candidate, took on a date and she was literally all over me physically, invited her home and was denied. Should have persisted. Asked her home the next date and she autorejected. Sent a pro-level text to get her back on the ropes, set up a date, but then she flaked last minute. Now she's texting me as if we're friends. Probably dead.

Numbers and other stuff

I found like 10 numbers of other chicks from approaches in my phone, about 3 very hot chicks from my fine dining tables that I just couldn't convert, one from a rave bunny (probably a sugar baby judging by her IG, or she's rich), and one of which is an IG model during night game.

This was crazy, I found this chick on my IG and was slobbering over her to my boys, and they told me to stop simping. Then like 2 weeks later I see her out at the club and immediately go up and approach, and it went fucking FIRE. I know Bacchus is a crazy bastard but he brought up this "Point and Click" method where basically you see who the girl is and think of the seduction before you actually see her, if you have a hunch on how you might be able to engage with her (I think that's how it went? I read it years ago now). She posted like 12 super hot and slutty halloween costume photos so I asked her what she dressed as for halloween, and she got SO excited and said she's an IG influencer, and showed me all her pictures. Unfortunately her friend started puking and that fucked up my set - I shouldn't have let her go though.

Ah, but she did have a fairly deep voice and was a small girl. For sure steroid use for her insanely phat ass.

Also got PLAYED super hard by these high machievelan chicks that used me and this guy for alcohol then did a bunch of blow and left to an after party without us.

I think a lot of my lack of consistency stems from not showing who I am enough in a deep way, while also hiding from social circle at several locations. I have a reputation at some bars now. And a lot of these chicks are boyfriend zoning me and I'm not doing a good job of preventing that without tons of friction. That's my biggest issues right now.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Merry Christmas y'all.

Got a few more social circle missions before the year ends that should end in some lays.

After that I'm doing a fitness / financial challenge for 2025 and cutting out all the night game and drinking.

Gonna experiment with online game, since I haven't touched that shit at all since college. I think that since I'm gonna be getting in epic shape (like the best of my life) it could be advantageous to lean into the recent dating trends.

Cold approach is always still on the table, but I don't see how learning online game could hurt my results.

Also since I'm more or less open to an OLTR at this point in my life, that could expedite that. A lot of these girls are looking for LTRs and not just hookups on the apps, so if I had to do some bitch-ass 3 date model (so long as the girl is like a 9+) I'm not completely opposed. I hate online game though lol. Plan to stay off Tinder if possible. I'm okay with paying a small amount of money for one of them, if it's a good app, since I drop THOUSANDS going out to night game for concerts, bars, festivals, etc. Paying like 30/month for a couple months to experiment seems fine by comparison.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Double posting this from 2014 In The Mirror and The Future

Lay Count (2024-2025)
New Lays: 18
Lifetime Count: Lost Count, I would guess somewhere in the 130-140 range
Total dates 2024: Oof. Idk Probably like 10-15?

Top accomplishments (seduction)
1. Lost and rebuilt a FB / MLTR pipeline 3 times (that shit is harder than I though to maintain and the lessons are valuable)
2. Fucked two different 9's (brunette, voluptuous, very pretty and very feminine)
3. Fucked new 3 girls 36-48 hrs apart from the first hello to the last goodbye
4. Both vacations to my hometown ended in lays (my system is locked in and down for that)
5. Inserted myself in two different social circles as a great fuck

Top accomplishments (life)
1. Found a career path I'm genuinely passionate about that doesn't have me sucking corporate dick
2. Held a decent job for over a year (lol -doesn't sound like much but I legitimately started from nothing in a hyper competitive city. I've had 6 different incomes since moving here)
3. Got in the best shape and physique of my life, HUGE improvement in fundamentals
4. After hitting a new rock bottom from the struggles of leaving my hometown, emotionally got back up again and again to find stability. My self-efficacy is at an all time high
5. Found a strong sense of identity and deep confidence in who I am as a person. I carry myself a lot differently
6. Paid off a shit town of debt and learned to improve my financial discipline (compared to my mid-twenties)

Seduction Goals (2025)
1. Bag a 9 from day game
2. EITHER get 3 MLTR's of 8+ quality OR bag and keep 1 OLTR for a longer relationship
3. Navigate to a upper echelon social circle with naturals who I actually like
4. Manage my reputation to burn 0 bridges while I continue to expand socially
5. Cold approach threesome with 2 8+ quality girls

Life Goals (2025)
1. Pay off ALL my debt
2. Invest 50K in crypto
3. Become an official (on paper) partner at my startup
4. Manage a team a of sales reps at my startup
5. Achieve an income that lets me rent my own place (have no roommates be an achievable goal in 2026 based on income)

This year was honestly a tough one. I fucked up in so many ways, I succeeded in so many ways, it's been a HUGE learning experience both about myself, life, and human nature. I feel so lucky to know that I survived when others didn't, and that I had communities, friends, and family that were there for me when I needed it.

As men we have to rely on ourselves, radically, even if that means jumping into the toughest waters and learning how to swim. And sometimes you ought to just do it if you really want to get great at swimming.

Stay up my brothas, see you on the other side.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: New Years Day Slut

Start the new year off with a bang!

I worked all evening, got off my shift literally at midnight. Jumped to a venue to pound free tequila and then closed it down, waiting for an after party text.

Could go into detail of how I build up social momentum during my work shifts, but it's not hard to recognize. I talk with my tables as much as I can, build regulars, make them want to come back and see me, and occasionally take shots with them. Then I have my coworkers who are mostly all cool, so I get to chat with them and crack jokes. Even if it was a "hard shift" sometimes I'm so wired up from working hard that I have tons of energy to dump into socializing as soon as I clock out.

After hanging with my PUA friend for the holiday, I cheers him goodbye and head to the afters. I felt a little insecure about showing up to a random house party with no alcohol, but I'm pinching pennies anyways so ah well.

When I get there everyone has just gotten back from a music festival and tons of people are on drugs. I don't play with the hard candy, I just drink. Honestly makes it easier to navigate the setting, since there are also girls there who don't get very fucked up and the drugged out idiots end up falling all over themselves. I've already got my dance legs and my social legs on me, so I walk into the party and immediately start dancing to the DJ they had going. Honestly DJ was crushing it. I'm a hell of a dancer, so the crowd welcomes me immediately.

After dancing for a few minutes, I mozy in to find the friend who invited me. He's trying to fuck this HB8 so I don't come in too hot because I don't want to fuck with his set (he's not PUA but he runs a OM and is a total homie). I do kinda float around him and his girl to garner some preselection, but I'm not saying much.

I keep my eyes open for some approachable looking girls, there's a few at the party. Every 10-15 minutes I change rooms just so I'm making good touch points and checking the vibe of everyone at the party. I meet some people who are in this hardcore SC (I try to stay away from their venues because cold approach is very difficult when there's such intense social ties at ALL of them, and people generally won't be warm to you unless you have someone you're already friends with. It's a HUGE clique) and leverage my social ties as best as I can without over inflating it (getting in that game of "oh yeah him and I are pretty close!" when you're not. You see it out here a lot in California for this exact reason. Everyone wants to flaunt their social reputations).

At one point I go back to dancing (mind you it's like 3-4 AM at this point) at this HB7.5 blonde comes up to me and says, "HI! This is my party :) ". I was pretty buzzed and didn't know what to make of this so I just default to being ultra positive like, "Hey!! Nice to meet you! What's your name??" and go from there. She gives me her name, "Rave Doll" and dances away into the crowd. I was honestly a little insecure because now my friend had left, and outside of the impromptu connections I made at the party, I didn't actually know anyone here. So I kinda feared that some of the hosts were like, "who is that guy?", but I didn't let that fear change my behavior at all.

Looking back, I think she was intentionally trying to coquette me.

After she opened me, I get opened by this chick I went on a date with last year... it didn't go great lmao I didn't pay for her drink and she got super upset and then after switching venues wouldn't let me pull. Same thing though - girl comes up to me, goes "hey" and then nervously rushes away.

Sometimes I think shit like this is because I've worked so hard on my fundamentals that girls are nervous around me... they want me to notice and open them... but being women they're not super great at it. It was also a chaotic party that was packed out with people at this point, everyone's on drugs, etc. so who knows for sure.

I never go to fuck that chick (she left her number at one of my tables) so I was pretty down to try and stuff her in the bathroom, but when I tried to reengage her she ran away again lol so I was like, "that's cool I'm not chasing haha", and went back to dancing. I see Rave Doll talking to a different girl and their body language tells me they're very close and can sub communicate very quickly... and then she walks away, so I open the other girl (HB8 brunette) and say, "hey, is this your party too?". Turns out they're roommates, so trusting my gut worked here.

We didn't talk about much, I basically just gave her a really warm smile and a hug and said, "solid fucking party! you two aren't bad at this", and some other light small talk. I didn't want to over qualify her to make it seem like I never go to good parties (because it was an awesome vibe but EOD we were just in a somewhat small apartment with like 40 people), but also to make her feel good. And of course, cover my ass for now having nothing but impromptu connections at the place.

I went back to dancing. Then I catch Rave Doll staring at me, smiling, so I slowly dance my way back over to her and say, "so when are you DJing? :) " and come to find out that while she doesn't DJ she's very very into the scene and may be doing so in the future. I deep dive her on that and make some connections about places we've been for EDM. Turns out, she knows me from my epic party bender last year, which says to me she probably got word that I had fucked 3 girls during that trip lmao.

That totally resolved my fears of her coming up to me like "it's my party" which could kinda be taken as "who the fuck are you". It became clear to me from her identifying me that she's just very attracted to me from my little stunt I pulled at those parties and probably wants to fuck. So I get a little more physical with her and touch her waste, plus turn on the charm with my eye contact and facial expressions to let her know I'm DTF too.

Like clock work, those dudes from the big clique come over to us and start talking to her trying to steal my set. I just play super cool and dance, smile, kinda ignoring them. When I recognize their conversation isn't really doing much to effect her and she's definitely more into me (making them an annoying distraction) I gently touch the back of her arm and say "BRB :) " and do some coquetting myself. Plus this builds a strong contrast of emotions from these chumps to me, since now there's even more of a void of the good feelings I was giving her by touching her and deep diving her.

I go to the bathroom and just chill for a sec. When I return, I don't go to her, I go back to the dance floor. And when I catch her staring, I smile back at her kinda turned away. Give her enough to be like, "hey cutie" with my nonverbals but also pull her attention more with my independence.

Things are a little fuzzy here after cuz I was pretty drunk. I remember pulling her to the side and getting my body very close to hers when I asked, "when do you plan to shut the party down?" and when she gave me a time I gave her strong eye contact and slowly grabbed her ass (nice butt for sure ;P ) then said, "I guess I'll be staying a little later then.." and slowly whisked off her. Literally just to spike arousal and implicitly tie down commitment to fuck once people leave. Probably could have made out with her here, but what I did was plenty.

Totally fucked her brains out her bed was soaking wet the next morning. Fucked about 3 times. That drunk sex where you fuck, fall asleep, wake up before sun rise, fuck again, etc lol.

Locked her in last night as a FB but I can tell she wants MTLR. If she was more in shape I'd be down. Gonna try and do referral game since that's sorta what got me her initial attraction to start with.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
I don't know if this counts as a true LR because my dick was in her pussy for like 4 seconds tops lol but it was a pretty good seduction nonetheless.

LR: Just the Tip with Hummus Dip


I guess this counts as a LR lmao. I should be able to lock her in for FB within the next week, so I'll go ahead and write it.

Currently doing a big sobriety break, already feeling amazing with my workouts, diet, productivity, social skills.

Was out near the ocean making some content for my biznez and remembered there's a farmer's market in this young, kinda college area nearby. They have this awesome dip that I like and there's usually cute girls there, so I figured I would go and try to get some approaching for day game in.

It's not a HUGE area so you can basically figure out if there's any hot chicks within 1-2 minutes of entering the market. But, it's easy to be distracted in the area since it's a market, and there's all these vendors with free samples and shit, lines, etc.

Right when I walk in I see a cute/pretty girl in a tight yoga outfit, looking like she either just worked out or is about to. My goal this year is to bag a HB9 fitness chick cuz that should check a lot of boxes for me (hot body, disciplined, as into fitness as I am, healthy habits, etc), so that piqued my interest with her immediately. I couldn't get a clear look of her face.

She was walking directly in front of me, and we both happened to be walking towards the hummus place I planned to buy from. Every time I tried to walk a slightly different angle to her, she would coincidentally step more in front of my path lol so it was like the world telling me, "you're opening this girl!!". That went on for literally like 60-70s until we both arrive at the stand at about the same time.

Day Game Approach

Some guy to the left of us (first time buyer) goes, "what do you have that's good for dipping chips?" and there's literally like 200 different chip dips directly in front of him lmao so I answer his question before the vendor can with a big smile, "literally ALL of these my man! haha". She looks at me and smiles and then jumps on board with my comment, "Yeah like right here dude! Haha".

So it was a great contextual segue / preopener that created a social bubble for us to inhabit. We exchange smiles at each other and then I stand slightly closer to her. I kinda face the vendor but am using my peripheral to see if she's checking me out and she is. I pan through my options until the vendor greets me and then go, "you got my [favorite dip]??" and he goes, "right here my man" and makes some joke about it being outrageously expensive.

Worked well to build some baseline attraction, because now I've shown her I'm sociable and can banter, remain upbeat, etc.

When he goes to handle something behind the counter, I turn to her and go, "yoga at the beach?" and point towards her bag. She gets excited that I opened her and tells me about the hot yoga she just did, and how she feels like she probably looks gross (defending her appearance / qualifying herself kinda) and I comment how I can't tell if she's on her way or just finished and how she looks fine.. build her up a little since she jumped to feeling insecure.

We talk about yoga and the west coast vs east coast for a hot second, and the cashier comes back and asks me and her, "are you together?". BOOM THANK YOU GREEK WINGMAN

"Haha she wishes" (sly smile kinda peaking eye contact to my shoulder at her) [Chase Frame], and she get's all flustered and giggles, agreeing and playing into my frame.

I tell him it's just me and pay him, then demand he take my 1$ tip which he tried to refuse. While he's handling the cash I turn fully towards her and say, "I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing though" (kinda a teasing / flirty way to agree to us being together and show genuine interest).

She turns towards me and I ask her if she drinks coffee or tea, if she works a 9-5, and quick logistics questions.

Me: "Well we both like tea, do you live nearby?"
Her: "Yeah I'm over at [part of town]"
Me: "Okay.. that's perfect. I kinda like his suggestion.... have you been to [coffee patio place]?"
Her: "I LOVE [place]!!!
Me: "Let's grab a bevvy there this week then :) What's your schedule look like...... Friday?"
Her: "I could do Friday!"
Me: "Great, let me grab your number! :)"

Kept it super simple, also used my tone and body language to really show her "I'm thinking of this one the spot, this is spontaneous af". I think technically I SHOULD have found a way to qualify her on something and talked a little bit more, but tbh I had a lot of nerves coming on since I never do day game and the approach was giving me such good feedback. Once I got her number I said, "Okay dope - I'll text you and we can figure out a time together. Nice meeting you ;) "


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

1 hr later
Me: Hey Hummus this is Hue from [spot]... pleasure bumping into you ;)
Her: Hey Hue so nice meeting you! Glad I decided to pickup some hummus today lol
Me: Haha Same here!

Next day
Me: So yoga, hummus, no desk job.... you sure you're not a hippie from CA? Haha
Her: Hahah only on Tuesdays... just trying to embrace the lifestyle out here lol. And it is a desk job, I can just do it from the comfort of my home
Her: What brought you out to [area]?
Me: Lol okay only part time hippie ;P
Me: This is such an abundant city! Didn't feel like I was growing fast enough back home, and my brother is in [area]. Been a journey for sure
Me: Wbu? [area] is cool too but a lot different than out here :)
Her: Wow love that response! Sort of similar actually, was starting to feel really stagnant in [area] and felt like there was a lot more opportunity out here to be involved in more of what I'm passionate about (health, wellness, lifestyle etc)
Her: Haha very different for sure! Remind me again of where you're from originally?
Me: Hell yea
Me: Ya I don't see myself getting bored here for a very long time haha
Me: Also the wellness aspect is huge. I'm from [area] and while I absolutely love that city it's not exactly a healthy one *sweat smile emoji
Me: For a [area] raised, corn eating hillbilly I'm not too bad *sunglasses emoji
Me: You said Friday was a good day for [cafe]? How late you work till?
Her: Hahahah ya not too shabby I'd say.. uh oh but don't tell me you're a [sports] fan *eyes covered emoji
Her: Ya actually idk if you're flexible like midday Friday? My workday technically ends at 2pm cause I work EST but I have some other calls at 3 and 4. I could probably go anytime after noon tho? (bitch what the fuck lmao)

1 hr later
Her: Or after 4:30 would work too if you're open to decaf! Lol
Me: Haha I went to [school], is that a bombshell for you ;P
Me: Ya I was just thinking tea or something tasty they got there, since it sounds like you're not done with work til the afternoon
Me: As in, after your calls lol
Her: Oh noooo... as a [sports fan] I'm not sure if this is gonna work anymore lol
Her: But I'll give it a chance if you root [sports] tomorrow night
Her: What time do you usually wrap up the day?
Me: Tragic, we've been through so much together!
Me: What happened to us? *laughing emoji
Me: It depends all the time but tomorrow I"m looking good after 3ish. Totally down to just wait til you're finished up so we're not rushed :)

Next day
Her: Okay sweet! I may just take my calls form [spot] then that way I'm already there when they end haha
Me: *mistake* Up to you, you said you'll be done around 4:30? (never ever say Up to you when setting up a date. even though I was talking about her taking calls from the cafe or not)

Friday (day of date)
Me: (morning, like 10 AM) Hey was a little confused with your schedule today lol
Me: Let's do 4:30 if that's when you're done with your calls, let me know if that works for you :) (recover by leading)
Her: Hi sorry !! Yes I"ll be done around 4:30 that's perfect!
Me: Cool, see you at [spot] *okay hand emoji
Me: Getting back from a workout, did you end up working at home or on the patio?
Her: Cool I'm posted up here!

Even though she sent me a retarded text, I almost fumbled that by not just being the man and leading with the plans. Double texted early enough on the day of the date and just called it out for recovery.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake