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Before I Self Destruct


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
FR: Beach Observations

I leave my apartment after enjoying an amazing view to my friend. He's currently leaving my old city as the most charismatic man I've probably ever met, yet living with his dog out of a car. For reference, this man was like myself and extremely set up in our old city.

For a few weeks he's kinda been pissing me off. I thought he had more of a plan and he's been pretty needy so far. I strongly believe that once he's set up and running all will be well. It's a little odd to see him weak like this.

Anyway, I try to talk Mr. lost his ID to the security and it doesn't go well. I told him I wanted to hunt tonight and he goes home. Once in the bar, I remember a warm familiarity of being alone amongst the world as a seducer and nothing else. Man..... I missed this shit.

There's this game for the night (basically the theme) and I strategically position myself amongst some guys where I actually want to sit / stand. I very quickly befriend this random entrepreneur who told me he doesn't trust salesmen. As a guy in sales, I laugh and befriend him as quickly as possible in front of his group, knowing in the back of my head I definitely will (probably) have to ditch him to achieve whatever seduction happens tonight.

Once my position is secure I recognize there are college girls checking me out left and right. I mentally take note of this place for future reference, so that if I want a quick, aggressive seduction, I can probably sweep a girl off her feet here another night. The devil inside me gets excited by the mere prospect of the idea, but I remember I'm rusty and tell myself to breathe. I get my new friend's LinkedIn after complimenting him on the risk he took for starting a new business (also knowing that if I push his risk taking emotions in an optimistic way that he'll likely be warmer with me if I need to reapproach) and go look for opportunities.

I see this edgy looking chick (love those) with split black and white bangs and sit next to her. I don't open at first as to grab her attention, but her drunk friend is egging her on about some dumb bullshit I can't hear. Having not opened a girl yet, and wanting to actually begin some form of momentum, I simply throw my "tried and trued" opener of...

"Is this a serious conversation?" :)

... at her. They do both smile, but I quickly gathered from fragments of their last sentences, their body language, and the exact(?) way she moved her hands - almost as if to protect herself, idk it's hard to explain - that they were actually talking about some guy they fucked in a very serious way, and that his dick was still on the table. Idk, could have been a bad read but that is what I read.

I get back a, "Well! *glance at friend* actually yes!" (Most girls default to "no" either because they don't want to start a conversation with some hot guy in a bad way or they legit were bored [ideal] and want some motherfucker to break them out of that).

So, they were happy with my approach, but the legitimate context basically stopped the procedure. I just laughed and said,

"Haha - I figured.... something was definitely up with you two!" (Several things wrong with this answer in a technical way, game be game and I needed an opener, lol.)

"I was gonna ask..." (Me)

They exchange some womanese through several glances both with eachother and me and then agree to go to the bathroom in a rapid fashion. Didn't acknowledge me after agreeing to bathroom. I decide to save frame and externally look at the TV, then shrug with a big closed mouth smile. Situations like these demand high levels of deliberate frame, in case the staff or other hot girls see.

I leave to get a drink and (legitimately) accidently touch hands with this cute 22 y/o blonde. I (trying to save the awkwardness, not even knowing she was hot), go, "excuse me... I'm married!". That catches her attention and she glances up, gets embarrassed at the attention, and looks down submissively with a smile (god I fucking love women). I laugh and go, "just kidding...." and then turn back to the bar to get a drink.

After this I watch with very wide eyes to see her body language with my peripheral. (This can actually come off as too deliberate amongst repeated attempts / with girls you're in some form of LTR with so be careful with overextending, but I digress). I catch her submissive and nervous body language as she tries to communicate normally with her friends but naturally gravitates her body towards me. After getting my drink, I ask some question about the game that I knew the answer to, but lied and told her it was my first time there.

She responses super good and I see her get nervous, look at her friends, and look back at me. She tells me about the game, and then asks me who I'm with. I tell her about my friend losing his ID and that I'm out alone and she doesn't seem to care. I recalibrate her reality but slowing down my excitement and asking her simple, boring questions about her name and her night.

Once that's over and she seems emotionally settled with talking to a guy like me (older, good fundamentals, etc) I sorta laugh and go, "Well, who are yourrrrr super awesome friends?". She laughs and introduces me to her group. I lean into my calm side and introduce myself to the girls, and see the guy they're with get all scared. I introduce myself to the girls first, and then attempt ot with the guy... but he basically shys away. Fucking pussboy.

The blonde explains to me that they don't know him at all, and I basically say that's all good, and continue talking to her. Some chaotic shit pushes us away from where we were standing and I suggest we sit down away from the crowd. I gradually move my hand into a slow hold on her arm and say, "lets move here". She submits and we sit down.

Once there, I look away from here entirely and slight smile at the crowd. I slowly turn back to her and she's smiling at me. I ask, "Why are you three (she's with 2 girls) out here, anyway?". And get a really boring girl answer. I ask her some curated version of Bacchus's Golden question as a fallback and immediately realize this question is even worse for boring girls. I offer her some verbal exits and she starts to withdraw investment. I go completely silent and look back with a slight smile to the crowd, utterly ignoring her.

Then she perks up and asks me
We need the rest of this report 😂


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
My bad on abandoning a FR lol I had a lot on my plate and my roommate can't be seeing my SS activity.

I've banged several girls since moving to CA now, finally got my big boy job, and really liking shit. Running into some SC problems in nightlife and am fully realizing I don't want to work in a club anymore, or really ever again. It's such a headahce with the egos and the short-term mentalities there, I've just grown out of it.

It might take me some time to find guys I gel with, but oh well.

Anyways, el sexo.

LR: Global Directwhore

This was a really fun seduction. I modeled this the entire time:

I finish up a shift at a popular nightclub in my city. I'm itching to go approach, but don't get off until like 1:30AM and most bars are closing their doors. I've been letting in hot chicks dressed in Halloween fits all night without anyway to take good action. I rip a tequila shot at my work and then hit the streets to try and find something.

I pop into a club that usually brings a great deal of 9's, but can't find shit. They all left already and I'm disappointed.

After a few blocks of wandering looking for a target and seeing everyone clear out, I quickly start to lose faith. Without many options, I almost went back to my own club to try and swing an afterhours which occasionally (rarely) has some hotties.

Then I see a fun-sized blonde, dressed up in business attire standing on the corner, with a clear bitch shield on. It was almost too obvious that she was *trying* to look all tough and preoccupied, but clearly had all the madness in the street happening around her.

"All by yourself? :) " I ask in a very calm and cheerful tone.

"Yeah" (bitch shield)

"Well that's no fun - are you waiting for someone? :) "

"My uber..." (lowers the bitch shield a slight bit)

"I see, and you just finished up a business meeting, or are you just dressed as a dominatrix for Halloween"

"Hahaha, just a bit of business and pleasure tonight" (turns toward me) - Bingo!

(Seeing the warm reaction and breaking the bitch shield), "How long do we have before... (looks at her phone) Omar comes to sweep you off your feet?"

"Haha, about 2 minutes!"

"We'll both need longer than that. Here, call me crazy but let's do something more fun"

"Oh? Haha"

"Cancel your ride, let's grab one drink. One martini"

"Oh my god, no, I can't" (Aka I want to but I shouldn't. Please keep going)

"Sure you can - I just got off work over there (*points to job and, since she seems like a traveler, adds social proof). There's another place we can go"


"Omar is gonna charge you 5$, so first drinks on me" (reading her objection and "solving it" before it happens)

"Okay, but one. One drink" (Heard that before! Lmao)

"Sounds good. Shall we?"

While walking over, I had a very delightful conversation with this woman. She was a HB8, smart, witty, and very "on it". I was attracted to her brain for sure. The first place we go to was closed, and wouldn't let us in. I kept swift confidence and was undeterred. We asked for a recommendation and went just down the street, but same thing. This time around she tried to persuade the bouncer to let us through (good sign, also kinda hot). Bouncer says with these particular female bartenders, he can't, but normally he could. She's quick and said that she had an experimental phase in college, and believes it won't be any issue for her to persuade them. I loved her cocky attitude and qualified her on this, plus her overt sexuality (despite remaining very reserved and collected in her body language) after we were fully denied.

At this point I am a little concerned about logistics, so I simply ask if her hotel has a bar. She checks and it's closed. I spot one more place, (looks like a late night food spot) and sorta have to convince her to go since, it doesn't look like a place we can have our sexy martinis. She eventually gives in and we walk in, with some girl walking out the door complimenting her on her looks. It strokes her ego a bit so I throw that in the mix and say "see, I knew you'd love it here". I remember some innuendo in line and making a joke about fucking in the bathroom (I looped back to this a few times during the conversational phase) as we order our cheap, canned drinks.

I direct us to the patio, and then she starts interviewing me about my life, my relationships and my career. This was actually the most fun part of the seduction, because this woman was so damn sharp. I had to (a few times) regain my place back in the questioner seat. It's bad to talk about your own relationships (especially with my last one being an OLTR) so I gave her a watered down version of it that shined light to not breaking it off with a girl who I loved, in a new city, during covid, when I'm her best friend. I had to think on my feet to make it sound presentable, but also maintain honesty and a high value frame. I felt like I was in a sales call, lol. And that's what made it so damn fun. She was frontly challenging me and my frames passed.

During this, I actually made somewhat of a risky move (since this could be overt) and side stepped her question about why I moved with a background on my career path. I stapled it in with saying that I was leading up to her original question, but really it was just to plant the seed about my distaste for academia, why I dropped out of the grad school program I entered, and that I wanted to be a sex therapist (which gives me an easy loop back to sex talk closer to the actual pull / close).

She battered me with analytical questions, including my uniform for my nightclub job. I confidently explained to her that it's a velvet red blazer which she found hysterical. This comes in handy later.

Eventually I go, "but enough about me, I'm here to learn more about you :)" (straight from Hank Moody), and take back reigns of the conversation. Had to do this a few times, actually. She's a dominant talker for a woman, no doubt about it.

In fact, per my link, I dropped many Hank Moody lines like, "Well shit I'm half chub" when she says something that's intellectually attractive. Fits my style a lot.

Eventually, we talk about relationships in a larger sense and she gives me tons of ammo for "us vs the world", sexual double standards, etc and we basically poked fun at society at large for probably an hour. I was really enjoying myself and we laughed together a lot.

Then, during a conversational lull, I pulled out Chase's Three Animals Gambit with my own spin on it. It was a little more elongated and I let her try her own analysis of what it means first since she loves to talk and show off her intellectual, big dick energy woman strength. I see right through it and recognize that it's all her qualifying herself when she does this, rather than feel intimidated by it like most men would. Or, feel the need to match her or out-do her presentation of those kind of strengths. It's much better to ask good questions, let her do the work, and increase similarity of attitudes that to show of some sort of intellectual firepower in what creates a battlefield for you and your potential lover.

I used the laughter from the gambit, (her animals were a white tiger, a panda, and a phoenix which were really awesome picks and made for a great deal of success using it) to build some kino, and then luckily the place was closing so we had to move seats. Once we moved seats, I switched to missiles and laid out sex talk.

My current intro to this is, "I'm actually pretty jealous of women", which builds intrigue and then, "I'm jealous of women when it comes to orgasms - it's not fair really".

I've seen a great deal of success with this frame because it challenges the meta frame built into women's heads of "women never cum, men cum easy" and instead presents all the great things about sex talk. But this makes for a great transition, because, the challenging of her frame makes her brain need to push through the cognitive dissonance just to simply understand what it is you're saying. And by the moment she wraps her head around why you're jealous of women orgasms, if you are delivering it with concise language and good timing, you've already slipped into the juicier parts of sex talk.

I know for some the transition is the hardest part, so by adding this "cognitive dissonance buffer" while you continue on, it sorta trojan horses you through the doors of actually talking about different orgasms, male V female orgasms, and obviously the many types women can have.

In this seduction I did not use the 8 orgasms routine. I instead talked more about female anatomy and the connection with our brains, nerve endings, desire / arousal, and how orgasms can be achieved separately from ejaculation.

For the close, as I was explaining some of this - I cut her off and said, "the streets are shutting down now - before we continue, do you want to see my blazer?"

"Hahah yes I hardly even believe that you have it"

"Okay, well I'll show you on one condition, since your hotel bar is closed"

"Ugh, okay what is it"

"I grab my blazer, and then we test out how well your room service works"

"Ha! No - I can't take you back to my hotel"

"Is the rest of your company still there?"

"No, they left and it's just me"

"So, I'm curious, what, exactly.... is the worst thing that could happen?"

"Haha I can't take you back to my hotel! Don't be ridiculous."

"Look just cuz I wear a red blazer at work doesn't make me ridiculous (chuckles). You're having fun with this aren't you? (sly smile)"

"Yes, yes I am quite a bit actually (touches my hand)"

"Then let's continue - unless you really don't want to see it (gestures towards the street)"

"Okay fine (annoyed smile)"

So here I combined her objection to the hotel with a hidden "objection" to seeing my blazer and made it an implied group package. I also reversed her "No's" (logical objections) into an emotional "Yes", which hurdles over her ASD with me joining her at her hotel.

After we got to my car, it was pretty much good game. There was some debate over whether to uber, and suddenly she suggests me just parking at her hotel and keeping it there. I let her close me, since she is a very dominant, logical personality. Have to let those types feel like they're in control, when really I'm guiding the seduction to my close.

We get to the hotel, and she can't find her way back through the area cuz she's been in conference meetings at this place the whole time, not the parking lot. I used to work in hotels and scan the area, then based on her description find her room. She even tried to say I was dead wrong, but I just continued to lead and showed her where she was staying, which really put the reigns back in my hands.

Kiss in the elevator.

No LMR in the room.

Fuck on the balcony.

She showed me her IUD.

I showed her those orgasms we had been chatting about.

This morning she mentioned I gave off Daniel Craig vibes.

If we meet again for that martini I'll have to ask for it shaken, not stirred.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Jesus, no journal posts since October. Took a 2.5 month sobriety break and I am currently in the best shape of my life. Years of working out finally kicked into high gear and my physique looks really solid. Did a lot of growing and exposing parts of myself that I didn't know were there. Still struggling with alcohol and overspending on hedonistic things. Just found a great startup company that gives me a lot of fulfillment but it's a risky move. I'm in a fuck ton of credit card debt, but I must say the life lessons have been worth it. Income potential just went way up and I'm finally working remotely which gives me freedom to focus on my passions. I wished I had journaled in the last 6 months because I've become a much stronger person, though I also understand I'm just getting started and I've still got a long way to go.

How many lays has it been. Gonna break it up into ONS and LTRish stuff.

Basic white college chick from coffee shop (ONS) - mid 7
Mixed latina coworker from club (ONS) - mid-high 7
Dumb white college chick at dive bar (ONS) - high 6
Busty black street approach lay traveler (ONS) - low 7
Curvy lesbian from boardwalk (ONS) - low 7
Afterhours lesbian blue haired weirdo (ONS) - low 7
Voluptuous brunette model from back home (ONS, if only I lived there) - low-mid 9

Black girl from kickball (medium term FB) - high 6 (had to fuck something, lol)
Asian shy girl at bottle service (short term FB, boring personality) - mid 7
Fat ass rave afterhours butterface (fucked her twice, lol)- low 6
Hot california Chick from serving tables (Short term FB) - low 8, terrible personality
Petite korean married chick from lounge (short term FB, high drama)- mid-low 7
Busty Filipina from rave (short term FB, she wanted to be MLTR) - very high 7, a little too chunky to be an 8
Spicy bartender latina (short term MLTR, made some mistakes) - low 8
Black girl with an open relationship (fucked her twice, fear of STDs) - mid 7

Petite, intelligent latina with gorgeous eyes, coworker (current MLTR) - high 8

So... 16. Lol damn and yet I still feel like I'm not doing shit right. Seen an increase in quality too. There's so many fucking high 8s and 9s out here in California, man, that's why. I should still be proud of my progress out here... much harder playing field against the big leagues. That said, I see through people so well now that I can basically out game 95% of men you put me against. Still struggling with some approach anxiety now that I have somewhat of a social circle. I much prefer the slow growth like this than to blow myself out by taking too many risks.

Good reflection that I'm on track to eventually have like 2 MLTRS and a handful of FB's that are all 8's and 9's. That's the goal so let's keep going.

Also been warned that I'm absolutely playing with fire by making my coworker (who's latina, lol) a MLTR. I'm planning an exit strategy so I can not burn myself and also not hurt her. I'm feeling emotions towards her, which is a love hate relationship. She's wicked smart, but young and inexperienced. I want the experience with me to be a great one.

I know I always say this, but... more posts to come gents.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Oh, also wrangled that (I called her a 10 originally) 9.5 exotic dancer back in.... she's like a LDR FB now I guess.

Downgraded her score to like a low 9 / high 8? Maybe? She did alotalotalotalotalot of plastic surgery and looks fucking weird now. Also extreme self-image issues and drug problems. Fucking dancers man gotta be careful with them.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Just gonna start thought dumping again

Last night I navigated into a high rise apartment after party that I had no business being at because I approached 3 girls outside the gate and opened with, "if I had to guess.... I'd say you 3 are going to the after party...?"

Neil S recently was interviewed as saying it's wrong to fake it til you make it to achieve seduction.

I made an actual friend at this party and were texting this morning.

Right when i walked in, the men were staring at me wondering my worth.....

But what they were looking for was, "is this guy actually high value? (Just not marginally higher than us - too threatening. Significantly higher value doesn't matter)

You can't fake status for very long in a city like this.

I know deep down I'm high value as fuck. That's what they're actually checking for, "does this guy pass the vibe check?"

With experienced socialites you cannot fake status for long. They sniff that shit out.

So when you're new to a city, and you "have nothing of contextual value"... own it.

Be high value for being the accelerating V8 engine in the car.... not your place in the race.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Ah, okay let's backtrack.

FR: Just a day in California

So thought dump above I got into that party, I believe that was a Friday.

Saturday I went to a beach party and had a fun social circle thing, met a blonde latina there and we immediately hit it off, I was being super charming with everyone and laying on well-timed innuendo while she was making hot dogs. The guy who invited me seemed to have pulled this chubby chick who she was a friend to a friend who made friends with her, so that set somewhat of a slutty frame of my association there (once one girls breaks the seal and starts fucking, they all do).

Someone asked if her and I were dating and I laid in a chase frame, and then she actually kinda started chasing me haha.

Then, some dumb white woman who was super annoying crashed the vibe next to the grill and started buzzing me like a fly with annoying questions and basically trying to patronize me for wearing a necklace with a crystal on it. It wasn't a hardcore one whatsoever and I'm not one of those california crystal freaks, so it was super uncalibrated. Luckily, I've been working on my outcome independence and social calibration, so I made her look like a total fucking idiot while also showing that I don't give a fuck how stupid she is lol. I wish I had the fully dialogue because it was very attractive to the latina. I made friends with some of the older gentleman accompanying her who also took a big liking to me.

Once that was dealt with I sat down with the gal, ate our hot dogs and talked about life. She's leaving CA, possible the US, and is experiencing a bit of a lust for life in her mid thirties (she looks late 20s early 30s). She also was about to get married and leading up to her yes she said no, and felt that it just wasn't what she wanted forever. She was telling me that she's had lots of critical thoughts about the institution of marriage and I got hard. I leaned into it a bit and let her go, doing my best to reframe it around her lust for life and the freedom that comes with taking a step into independent thought and action, recognizing it's hard to say no when her whole family has these expectations for her.

I shared some experiences of the same thing in my life. When we started feeling a little more tipsy we went for a walk down the beach and made out. We both shared some crazy stories that related to this whole "us against the world" framing and it was working nicely. She was putty in my hands and it all felt very romantic on the beach. I could tell she was really vibing and getting those "who is this guy??" kind of feelings.

We were supposed to go on a boat but one of the hosts was reaching critical levels of being drunk (lol) and becoming a little disorganized. Instead we went to the house of the guy who invited me out and drank some of his nice wine while we kinda broke into small groups. I drank wine with my girl and reframed us meeting as "our first date" and then reframed an isolation as "our second date" to a bar closeby where I get a discount because of my industry ties.

I do wonder if i could have just gone for the close here. Honestly, I probably should have, because taking her out for a "second date" is a little too boyfriendy. It felt like the thing to do though, and my Slowburn was burning hotter each second we talked, so I didn't want to rush things.

We go on the date after getting an uber to her car (I'm definitely more intoxicated than she is, lol) and head to the spot. I've been told it's a common place for first dates. When I get there this seems to be very true, and there's just a certain vibe with most parties at the bar. On top of this, you can tell her and I are having WAY more fun than everyone else. We weren't deep diving anymore, we were just being upbeat and silly with eachother and talking about the food, whereas everyone else was awkward and sorta clunky. This MILF kept checking me out and I was being gregarious with the bar staff. I made one mistake because she bumped into an old boss of hers while I needed to use the bathroom, and they were rigth next to the bathroom. So I kinda had to talk to them when really you don't want to move that close to her personal life early on. Set's the wrong boyfriend frames and makes her feel ASD a little bit.

I can't remember exactly how I pulled but we went back for a walk to her car and made out during the walk. During this time I slathered on sex talk and told her about dom vs sub and certain positions that make it easy for a sub to commit to the psychological situation of being subbed. I say we listen to music in the car and kinda try to glue that to music at my place while she drops me off, but it ultimately doesn't land. This was one of those occasions where I definitely didn't want to push hard because of how much this was a "sweep you off your feet experience".

After that I let her go.... I have some texts I'll share shortly.

The rest of the night was super duper fun but also very frustrating. I also got into a dangerous situation by the end.

There's a place I have been dying to go game at and I head there with super high momentum. I approach a 9 and 2 8's and they are soaking in my sexual eye contact super hard. I could tell I pierced straight through their bitch shields and the 9 didn't know what to expect. They leave to the bathroom so I sit at the bar and wait for them to return.

A high 8 brazilian opens me and grabs me and wants to dance. Of course I oblige. Next thing I know this brazilian with a cookie dough ass is grinding on my dick within 30s of meeting her and pulling me out the bar to introduce me to her friends. Now I've been swept off MY FEET lol and I kinda just let it happen. I take them to a differnent spot down the street and we get drinks, and then things got tricky.

The girl who pulled me barely speaks english and is being drunk and crazy. Shes bouncing around, dancing on things, running for no reason, running back, and generally being an attention whore. I shouldn't have left those original girls for this hot thing that probably saw it go down and wanted a taste of me. That ass was extremely enticing, though haha.

Inside the next club one second I'm having drinks with these ladies, and then I see my boss from work. I start to panic, because if he sees me out with a group of girls, and then tells people at work, that might get back to my MLTR, so my anxiety goes up there.

Then the group of girls from earlier come in, and the 9 is PISSED lol. She walks up to me with the brazilian and goes, "who the fuck is this??" all bitchy, and then storms away. Preselection bubble pop.

So I have to choose at that point, but if I falter at all I lose both of them, so I lean into the girls I'm with and befriend her 7 friend who speaks better english. I get her number in case things get crazy. Since we're with the crazy brazilian chick, they do. She runs off to a bar next door and the other girls want me to come. I just say I'll meet them there, and then run back to hide in the bathroom. This was a 3D chess move to create a vacancy for the brazilian and also not let my manager see me leave with them, just in case. Also, it gives me an opportunity to reengage the 9 if she's there, but unfortunately she had left.

I wait a bit and then go in to the new spot. I'm swarmed by the SC from the beach party, and then the girls find me. Things are looking great again and I start making out with the brazilian chick. Then 3 dudes (not attractive, lol) in suites walk in and are hounding the brazilian super hard. The friends want to leave (so I want to leave with them, and bed the brazilian) but the brazilian wont' leave these guys in suits. They start surrounding her like vultures and all talking to her in this very "rich guy talking to a hooker" type of way and I start thinking they might even know her? Then she refuses to leave them and starts drama with her friends. The friends leave and say I can't come. I can't be needy with the brazilian so I get stuck in the middle and am eventually standing alone. I had a choice to risk my SC composure and be very aggressive with the brazilian and pull her (these types often want an ultra dominant man, too) or just say fuck it and leave. I care a lot about the long term effects of SC so I choose to just leave.

Next I street approach a bit but nothing sticks. I'm also definitely drunk at this point. I go to an after hours club (which is definitley in the hood, first time I didn't notice but holy shit this time I did) and there's a gang fight happening outside, this dude is COVERED in blood. I get the fuck out of there and sleep it off. Not worth it lol.

Next up is a giant FR / LR from a music festival. Cheers.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Okay this was almost 2 weeks ago now, so I will try my best here.

LR: Slappin Bag and Slappin Ass

Day 0 of a music festival.
I arrive with all my camping shit completely by myself. I have gone with friends in the past but have so many connections at this particular festival I just go solo no so no one can hold me back and I can find them if I want to. Similar to how I generally go out by myself for nightgame. Thank god my neighbors are cool and we pregame.

Jump to a pool party. Everyone is acting relatively normal before the utter madness that will ensue in the next three days. I open some girls who are cute and talk to everyone I see, just trying to warm up my social juices so approaching all the babes I'm going to end up finding feels very natural.

I number grab a 7 and a 6 but they're sorta too hippy for me, and I know I'll find better options, so it was literally just a warm up.

Go back to my tent and get a text from a friend to come to their area, walk around the festival a bit and take the scenic route to their tent. Chit chat for a bit before going back with my neighbors to pregame. One hot chick with a boyfriend is giving me IOI's. Don't plan to do anything with that unless she comes on to me or he goes missing lol.

I change into black shorts and this wild red and black tribal striped shirt and make my way to my friends huge camping compound. We pregame there until some girls want to go to these underground secret EDM sets we heard about about a mile a way so we start walking. At this point I'm pretty drunk from bags of wine, because at festivals everyone just "slaps the bag" and passes it around until it's totally depleted. It's ratchet, white trash, and super fun - highly recommend it.

The girls I'm with aren't super cute so I just kinda walk them to the secret sets until they get settled and then "use the bathroom" and never come back. I find some random cool looking people and go up to their totem, complimenting the artistry of it and hand out compliments like candy. All good vibes, everyone is your friend. That's the frame at these places. By now the crowd and grown to probably 2-3K people for the secret set so it's packed for day 0.

I continue onward and accidently bump into a friend from my home town who's with 2 hot girls. I try and keep it central to them, but in the chaos accidently lose them and have to continue on my solo trek in this giant crowd. I dance a bit and explore to take it all in, and then switch DJ's to one that's more my vibe. Heavy EDM is cool and all, but I find it tires me out faster. House music is more chill and danceable so I rock to that easier.

Target Spotted
Glowing in the distance, I see an illuminating dinosaur that's changing colors by the grass, so I walk towards it. On the ground there's a dude and a pretty hot latina chick kinda just bobbing to the music.

I open with something kinda goofy - "party of three?" with a big smile and I point to the dinosaur. They laugh and the girl goes, "Yes! Wait!! Party of 4!!" and motions to me to sit with them.

"Instant hooks" like this are always something to pursue at a music festival, but can also be a false positive. People are SO FRIENDLY to EVERYONE that it's easy to mistake friendliness with interest.

Let's Boogie
I say, "I'm game, you two fuck with house music, or waiting for the next DJ?" and sit down.

"Both! Are friend is playing in like 15!".

"Ah respect - you're friends with the DJ? Where are you from?".

Then I let them tell me all about their EDM scene from their hometown, one that I've visited for shows in the past, and we relate on the kind of EDM we like. At this point the latina is being very wavy and flirty and fun. Getting good signs so I start to escalate touch on her legs while we're sitting down.

The DJ comes on so we all stand up to dance. And boys, I'm a good fucking dancer when it comes to EDM. I am not bad at "shuffling" if you've hard of that, and I basically just do that to all the shit I hear. The latina is impressed with my moves and I start to work them towards her.

We're kinda dancing together, so I do a spin move and graze her with my ass. She responds with a giggle and centers her body language towards me, and we keep dancing. At this point I've realized the guy she's with is gay so I'm in the clear. I'm at least a foot taller than her. she's short with big tits and a good ass, pretty good face. HB 7.7.

I'm also super horny, so my dick actually starts getting hard here. My T is super high because of Tongkat Ali and my exercise regiment, so typically when I just *get hard* from a girl I'm talking to it's because I can feel the sexual tension in the air. Not always the case so take that with a grain of salt, but I kinda use my dick as a compass in this case lmao.

"I'm hard"

I dance phasing her and our eye contact turns very sexual as we inch closer to eachother. I get my face really close to hers, as if I'm going to kiss her, and then take her hand and spin her to create withdrawal. Works like a charm. She gets right back to dancing with me, so I spin around and grind my ass on her a bit, playfully, and almost in a "gay guy friend" kind of way lol. Girls tend to love this, because it's definitely sexual, but it hides behind some sort of sexual ambiguity. I've done this for years and it pushes things just a little bit more forward. She's very excited by me at this point.

At this point I'm legitimately hard, and I can see my dick pitching a tent through my shorts. I stop the dancing and get very close to her, grab her waste, and push our bodies together. Our sexual eye contact is on point, and so I grab her ass and say, "you're a fun little devil, aren't you?". She smiles and says, "I can be :) ".

I'm literally rock hard at this point, and I actually catch two observors out of the corner of my eye and hear a girl say, "don't look now, but..." (assuming they're talking about my visible boner, lmao) so I push my girl into me and say, "I'll believe it... look what you did....."

She had a look of astonishment, lust, and excitement all in her face. I manhandle kiss her and push my dick into her and she grabs the back of my head and squeezes my hair. We make out for a few seconds and I pull off, then flip my dick underneath the wasteband lol.

"I think I should come with you two." She hastily agrees.

I start asking about logistics because idk where they're staying, their tent space, etc., and the excitment actually breaks a little bit. Now FSC is coming in and she's trying to see if her friend approves of me. It's only been like 10-15 mintutes I've been around them, so I totally understand that she doesn't want to just meet some hot guy and fuck him in front of her friend. She tells me one sec and deliberates with him. I go back to dancing.

From their body language, I can tell she's not leading him, but he doesn't really care. So that means, I have to lead. She starts still with a high energy good vibe, but I can feel it teetering. I move back towards closer to her right as she's finishing it up and she starts saying, "soooo, I can get your number..." and I just give her a big smile and take her hand and spin her to dance. Literally ignore any bullshit like that lol you want me bitch shut up.

I pull her in again and make out with her again, and then ask, "so where is your guys' group camping? :) " and she answers me immediately and is all excited again. I take her hand and move closer to her friend and he goes, "I thought... are you guys...?" and she goes, "yes! let's go!".

Pretty much she told him that she likes me but wasn't sure, and she told him he'd just get my number and maybe text me later, but we all know how that guys. So recognizing her as a "arousal based girl" from Chase's Arousal, Connection, Similarity module, I just leaned the fuck into that arousal by getting physical with her, which blew past any logical programming she might have had fears about picking up some stranger on day 0.

Group camping

I keep deep diving them on the way back about their experiences in EDM culture, and we get to their tent. It's literally ALL gay dudes and this girl lol. And honestly, it was a banger. Very fun party and feminine energy. We pass around wine bags and they all start doing drugs for a few hours, and I just sit closely with my girl and slowly ramp touch to her ass tits and pussy, speaking sex talk in her ear slowly but surely. When her tent mate leaves her tent to go get some supplies (probably 1 AM or 2 AM at this point) I guide her into her tent.

Bro, when I started fingering this chick, lmao.

I have pretty strong technique to make girls squirt (and boy did she), but I didn't have to do SHIT. Lol.

Literally just put my fingers in her pussy and she started riding my hand like a motherfucker, moaning super loud and the ENTIRE campsite heard lmao. As far as technical performance, this little slut was very talented. Great chemistry in bed and we fucked nonstop for like 30 minutes. Gave her 7-8 orgasms in adapted missionary and clit stimulation while choking and holding her body in a close range doggy. Solid rough sex.

After that we just slapped bag and cuddled next to her gay bois, until I decided I should head home before the sun comes up. Got her number and bid her adieu.

Solid start to what was a crazy 5 days. Only girl I fucked during the festival, but the rest was an insightful and wild ride.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Been a pretty rough month in terms of momentum.

That music festival put me in this crazy headspace and partying way too fucking much, spending money I didn't have, while I'm trying to figure out this business strategy shit.

Right when I got back from the festival, I was recovering from an STD and had to delay my meet with my MLTR. She seemed to have a hunch that it was an STD delaying me, and then something happened in her personal life that had her losing sleep. I'm even wondering if she got a serious STD and that knocked her out of the game for a few weeks, because she went from texting me "happy 2 months" and "I can't wait to fuck you again" to totally ghosting me. It could have been anything... and she didn't communicate with me about it at all. She's a woman so I can't really expect her to, but we went from great communication to absolutely nothing.

I think the main thing is that she was testing me to see if I was mono with her (and I'm obviously not), so she prematurely cut the chord on it because she thinks I'll never take her seriously.... even though I absolutely saw potential for her to be an OLTR down the road. She's too young now, but I could see myself in a serious relationship with her. But I can't tell her that, it'd fuck up my frame. So that's got me, well, sad.

Since I took a big risk of making a coworker my MLTR, this really fucked with my head. Anxiety and depression the likes I haven't experienced in years came rushing back, and because I was kinda falling in love with this chick, tons and tons of negativity brewed in my head. I think the serotonin depletion from the music festival didn't help at all.

Then for the next 3 weeks she would be MAJORLY hot and cold with me at work, and it totally fucked with my inner game. Like she'd pretend to hate me in front of certain people, then be my cuddly little cutie and talking about sex with me during small moments of privacy. And I think it's all just a shit test to see if I'm affected by it, so I have been faking it around her. And I hate faking it haha I was seeing so much success being authentic as fuck in May / June. Most recently I basically pushed the ball into her court and said, "when you're ready, you know how to reach me" because I broke some rules and texted her multiple times (to show actual effort to meet and talk outside of work). So now it's "done" until she reaches back out to me, and I'm trying my best to get her out of my head.

Simultaneously, I fucked up some major lay ups because of very tiny technical mistakes. All of which stem from me being too much of a player. Minor mistakes that lead to flakes, or not closing, or whatever. Too much cockiness and not enough calibration, while being labeled as a guy who sleeps around too much.

The combination of these things (losing cold approach girls and losing girls from my restaurant leaving their numbers, getting denied by a FB and seeming to have lost my MLTR) also happened during a time I was experiencing a sales slump. Eventually, I caught myself in the cycles of external validation and more or less had a breakdown.

So, mentally / emotionally, July has been very rough for me, haha. I'm working right now to reignite my mojo and my fire. I have moments of it, but I think I'm legitimately experiencing an episode of depression at the moment.

Gonna rid myself of it and break out of it with a fucking inferno though. You cannot keep me down motherfucker.

What goes down must come up.

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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Been a pretty rough month in terms of momentum.

That music festival put me in this crazy headspace and partying way too fucking much, spending money I didn't have, while I'm trying to figure out this business strategy shit.

Right when I got back from the festival, I was recovering from an STD and had to delay my meet with my MLTR. She seemed to have a hunch that it was an STD delaying me, and then something happened in her personal life that had her losing sleep. I'm even wondering if she got a serious STD and that knocked her out of the game for a few weeks, because she went from texting me "happy 2 months" and "I can't wait to fuck you again" to totally ghosting me. It could have been anything... and she didn't communicate with me about it at all. She's a woman so I can't really expect her to, but we went from great communication to absolutely nothing.

I think the main thing is that she was testing me to see if I was mono with her (and I'm obviously not), so she prematurely cut the chord on it because she thinks I'll never take her seriously.... even though I absolutely saw potential for her to be an OLTR down the road. She's too young now, but I could see myself in a serious relationship with her. But I can't tell her that, it'd fuck up my frame. So that's got me, well, sad.

Since I took a big risk of making a coworker my MLTR, this really fucked with my head. Anxiety and depression the likes I haven't experienced in years came rushing back, and because I was kinda falling in love with this chick, tons and tons of negativity brewed in my head. I think the serotonin depletion from the music festival didn't help at all.

Then for the next 3 weeks she would be MAJORLY hot and cold with me at work, and it totally fucked with my inner game. Like she'd pretend to hate me in front of certain people, then be my cuddly little cutie and talking about sex with me during small moments of privacy. And I think it's all just a shit test to see if I'm affected by it, so I have been faking it around her. And I hate faking it haha I was seeing so much success being authentic as fuck in May / June. Most recently I basically pushed the ball into her court and said, "when you're ready, you know how to reach me" because I broke some rules and texted her multiple times (to show actual effort to meet and talk outside of work). So now it's "done" until she reaches back out to me, and I'm trying my best to get her out of my head.

Simultaneously, I fucked up some major lay ups because of very tiny technical mistakes. All of which stem from me being too much of a player. Minor mistakes that lead to flakes, or not closing, or whatever. Too much cockiness and not enough calibration, while being labeled as a guy who sleeps around too much.

The combination of these things (losing cold approach girls and losing girls from my restaurant leaving their numbers, getting denied by a FB and seeming to have lost my MLTR) also happened during a time I was experiencing a sales slump. Eventually, I caught myself in the cycles of external validation and more or less had a breakdown.

So, mentally / emotionally, July has been very rough for me, haha. I'm working right now to reignite my mojo and my fire. I have moments of it, but I think I'm legitimately experiencing an episode of depression at the moment.

Gonna rid myself of it and break out of it with a fucking inferno though. You cannot keep me down motherfucker.

What goes down must come up.

So you got an STD from the festival girl?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR-: Let The Beat Build

Uninstalled all social medias from my phone to just spend time completely with myself. Needed to fully center and be present, only entertain myself with the reality I had in front of me. After catching myself as being in a depressive episode, I kinda had this mentality of, "you're fucking pathetic, you have so much you could be doing with yourself and you're sitting on the couch etc etc etc". This isn't effective self-talk. This just causes mental pain and frustration. So once I caught myself in that behavior, I cut out all distractions to gain my mindfulness back. I also went out dropping resumes for some super high-end restaurants so that I can leave the one that my MLTR is at behind me. It's busy season and this is basically shooting targets with the lights, off, but just getting out and engaging in this cold-approach type of way got my juices flowing and felt like meaningful effort.

I slide to a happy hour at a place near my old work, and stop in for a second. They all still treat me well and like my presence, so this gave me a little boost of "remember where you were only 7 months ago? Look at your growth". I kept this social momentum going, and then tried to sneak into a grand opening of a new concept in a different part of town. I got denied, but it was still fun to try. I also had some quick conversations with some super sexy and well dressed women in the bathroom, but they were too booked out for me to wrangle an actual seat anywhere.

So I walk to a speakeasy I've never tried, and have a group of 5 girls open me. None of them were really that hot, but they all called me cute and were asking me lots of questions. So now I'm remembering that I'm the prize and feel some momentum lifting up.

I had literally forgotten that you gotta build micro-momentum. I definitely spoil myself during moments of high macro-momentum because I don't do the basics. Talk to a fat chick or some okay-chicks, and THEN go for the hotties. That's what's worked in the past, and I've just been walking outside thinking I can just snap my fingers back and be ready without a warm up. Nope. This is part of the process.

I slide to a high end hotel-club and bump into a girl from my social circle who loosely is connected to my MLTR. Her and all her friends are like gushing over me and they were high as fuck so they kept making faux pas and laughing. It made my frame really easy because I barely had to do anything in terms of conversation to seem high value. I kinda leave them be early to build a chase-frame in a long term chess move for SC.

That said, I know I probably shouldn't stay long if my SC is here and I'm solely focused on cold approach. I move to another area of the hotel and open 2 girls at the bar. They ejected right after cuz their drinks came. I look around and see a 3 top of hot girls. I sit in the booth next to them and wait for them to say something that I can jump into, pretending to be enthralled with some messages in my phone. They say something about restaurants so I use this as my opener. Either they didn't actually, or they rejected the approach because they all giggled and were like, "not even close! haha". I tried to convert that into a "ah was it a serious conversation? or one that was more fun?" and they say, "we're all talking about our boyfriends" --> soft rejections. I say, "Ah I bet they'd love me" with a big smile, and I get the vibe they found my confidence attractive but felt social pressure amongst eachother, so I bid them adieu.

Feeling better now that I'm talking to some more girls and at least getting some impressions of "well that guy had balls", I leave to a location in a collegey part of town, since it's getting later and there will be more people crawling on that part of town. I signed up on the guest list for one DJ playing, but when I got there it was just kind of dead. Not enough hot chicks in very easy locations to open, so I left quickly.

I head over to a singles night location and get some strong approaches in. One girl approached me and immediately asked if I was single, but she was like a 6. She was so aggressive it did get me kind of hard lol so I gave her my number and then ejected. There were a couple of hotties like 7 feet away so I opened them. I'm not sure how good their english was, but it didn't hook. I did meet a blonde girl and get to deep diving and some light touch, but then her friends stole her away. Opened three girls and got white knighted, but then befriended him and had him asking to join my startup by the end of it.

Clock was running late so I ejected to one more place, this new concept closeby. The line is packed as fuck. I check to see if my industry friend (this super fucking hot latina hostess, HB9) is working, but she's not. I spot a much older gentleman in the line and use a technique to cut the line. Let's call it the "old friend technique".

Basically you just go up to them with tons of confidence and a big smile like, "hey you!!! how's it been?? this line is PACKED, you mind if I join you here??", and it confuses them into rationalizing that they actually know you when.... you've never met them lol. Works well for late-night night game because people have been drinking, and their emotions would rather just accept the frame you've given them.

In this case, it was kind of funny because the guy I did it to was like 70 years old lol. There was a pretty hot black chick with him (big ol yiddies) who then opens me and goes, "are you trying to cut the line?? :)))))". Because of her tone and smile, I just beam back at her, "YES!! :D " and she pulls me under the railing and lets me in. Then she's super touchy and flirty with me leading inside. The guy realizes what I just did and gets salty. I keep talking and subcommunicating with the girl about, "sometimes you meet a stranger, and just have to find a way to talk to them again... even if there's obstacles in the way" (referring to how she needs to ditch this geezer and find me inside again), and she totally picked up on it.

Without skipping a beat, she finds me like 5 minutes later inside. She pulls me into her and says that she knows me from a past life and starts talking all this batshit crazy nonsense. She was hot enough for preselection, so I pull her into me and almost kiss her, letting our faces almost touch and then pull away. She demands my number and says she has to go, so I give it to her and let her jump away. I poke around to see if there's any alternatives, and wait like 5-10 minutes. Then I get a text to meet her at a different bar, so I go. She's dealing with security because apparently in just the short 10 minutes some guy she knows was forcibly trying to remove her keys and not allow her to drive her car. She told security her boyfriend (me) is on the way to handle it. Security can tell I am totally confused by what's going on and confused by her, but I still just say, "I got it from here", and lead towards her car. Next stop is my apartment. We get home and start hooking up, kinda bouncing all over the place until my hands are in her pussy and she's on my bed. She starts sucking my dick and I focus on trying to make her cum so I can fuck her. Then she starts resisting the pleasure I'm giving her and says she just wants to sleep. She's clearly fucking insane and drunk so I don't push, I'd rather let it be than catch a case.

Next morning I try for sex and same thing, so I kick her out lol. Good riddance.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: Brazilian Traveler

Wake up, no social media to check on my phone. Still centered, still focused on results by any means necessary.

After exercising and doing some chores I hit a beach bar and get a beer, reading on my phone and waiting for girls to come in. I got a great seat that both gives me the beauty of the water and keeps moving around flexible for approaching. It took about 15-20 minutes before anyone was hot enough to walk in. I see a vibrantly dressed HB 6.9 - 7.1 Brazilian sit down to my left, next to a couple that's in between us. I wait about 10 minutes then go up to her,

"Are you here alone?" (she is), "Me too - mind if I sit? :) "

She lights up. I deep dive her as to why she's here alone, / traveling. He had a rough July and came here with friends on a whim from a popular state northeast of mine. Her english is fluent but not perfect, and she knows a little spanish. Mainly knows portuguese, which I have never studies. I tell her I'm fluent in spainglish and she likes my goofy sense of humor, so I keep it simple with her. We quickly get into relationships and differences between men and women, also leaning hard into the adventurous frames that she gave to me of "came here on a whim". Talked about how people hold themselves back too much, and on their death beds they regret all the things they didn't do, not the things they did do (says me with tons of credit card debt, lol).

Her friends land down later tonight, so she's by herself for the next 5-6 hours. PERFECT. Lol. I start laying into my sex therapist frames amongst our relationship talk, and I think I've gotten most of this gambit down to make it insertable to most conversations without coming off as too sexually explicit and triggering ASD. She also was ESL so it wasn't that difficult.

I only had about 2 hrs before I needed to head into a restaurant to work on a business opportunity, but I figured it might actually help me if I brought a date with me. So on a whim I say fuck it, and invite this chick to come with me for a drink somewhere else. I framed it as me being her tour guide since it was her first time in the city. She's hella compliant and we go to my car, then I drive us down to a different area near the beach. We walk for a bit and talk, and then I say I totally miscalculated how far we'd have to walk for the beach spot... and we should totally just keep hanging out at my restaurant venture down town. I show her some pictures and she complies again.

Wanted to stagger it and gain more compliance before moving her all the way downtown... definitely lost lays from moving compliance too fast when I'm rusty. So slowly but surely we get moving on it. I start to be a little more sexual, saying something about male bikinis versus female bikinis and how women are so lucky they can just walk around half naked and nowhere seems to care. She hits me back with my ability to do so in a speedo and I go, "wow you really are brazilian!" and she laughs.

It absolutely helped that this woman did not know shit about the city and I'm fairly versed in where to go, what to do, etc. Leading was too easy.

At the dinner, I'm NGL it was kinda boring with her. The restaurant itself had gone through some major changes that aren't exactly great, and our seating was just really bad. The service was terrible too, lol so we basically made fun of that the whole time. Eventually the deep diving comes back and I lean into the sex therapist frames I set earlier and explain that the communication men and women have in relationships is so different, particularly in how men and women talk about sex.

"Men, if they tell their friends about the sex they're having... keep it so simple. I really don't talk about it other than 1-2 very close and trusted friends.... as to not possibly harm the reputation of the woman.... but when sex comes up it's like, "yeah - her ass was awesome", and that's it."

She laughs so hard and says how women talk about way more than that (which I know, but I want HER to be the one TELLING ME this stuff. I kept this same dynamic for the adventurous frames, and for the frames about how sex communication between partners should be better).

I stagger the sex communication between partners into sex talk seamlessly, mainly about how married couples will have a relationship for YEARS, decades even, without the man getting to explore some adventurous parts of sex and then maybe cheating, or the woman not actually reaching orgasm and then cheating. Or at the very least having both partners just disappointed about their present situation. And about how if a woman's mind is set to the right place, orgasms don't have to be that hard.

Then she starts to tell me how she needs to be emotionally attracted to the man she's sleeping with to even get aroused, and I loop back into the speedo comment from earlier, "What so a cute California man in a speedo isn't enough for you?" and she laughs super hard, so I touch her leg with a devilish smile.

The dinner wraps up, and good news, her friends' flight got delayed. I say "well we still should get your car home. how about one tequila shot and then we make sure that's safe before more adventure" (keeping whatever the adventure is ambiguous). She agrees and I tell her I'll call the uber to her car. We walk away, and as we're waiting I ask, "do you have any wine at your hotel?". She doesn't and I say, "would you like to fix that?" and touch her wrist, looking deeply into her eyes. She gets a little nervous here and says that we should not do that... because..... and then can't think of a reason.

I go, "we shouldn't do that....?"

She says, "no - you are super wonderful but no we shouldn't"

Yes ladderish, while pulling her into me slowly "Okay, so you met me by chance... you've been having a great time with me... and we agree on a lot of... interesting topics (I start getting hard here)... would you say that's right?" (fully push her into my half hard dick while leaning my face in.... she kisses me).

GG lmao. Total 180. When you've set all the right frames, arousal will push through LMR. It was just a little LMR too lol she didn't shit test me with it... was just nerves.

After that it wasn't much more than getting to her hotel and keeping the vibes high, using more touch on her legs and inner thighs. Walked through the door threw her on the bed and gave it to her proper. Was out of there in an hour, she wasn't that exciting in bed tbh lol.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: Lawful Raver - Beach / Club / Social Circle

Cold approach success always gives you that feeling of social dominance. Even if it's not the hottest chick in the world / the best fuck... it still is like, "I just walked out of my house for sex and got sex", and "I just did something that 95% of men cannot do". Plus it gave me a great practice of simple method. Approach --> set frames --> move / gain compliance --> handle LMR smoothly --> close.

After I banged the brazilian chick, I went out to do more approaching. I met a guy also practicing game to link up later at a pool party the next day. I was actually super fucking excited to approach with this guy, but then I got invited to a beach party with my rave social circle. I've been spending too much cash so I figured, well, as much as I want to just focus on cold approaching I can do that on the beach and save cash, so let's do that. Plus my roommate wanted to hang and it would have been hard to be like, "no bro I'm going to this expensive rooftop pool thing with a complete stranger instead" and I don't like sharing all my seduction knowledge with him (I'd love to but he can't handle it).

We get to the beach party and I say hi to my central group at the SC, while kinda scouting the whole party for who I might take a shot at. I happen to see this girl, QB, that my roommate introduced me to (we know her BF) and go up to her. She's really cool and I can tell she's attracted to me, but I also love her BF and don't like messing with that type of shit anyway so we keep it cordial and cool. Then her very hot (HB 8.7-8.8) blonde friend, Lawful Raver comes up to us, who I recognize but don't remember her name or much about her. I remember thinking she was dating some guy the first time and not talking to her much because of that. I'm also shirtless with my physique showing so that's always helpful.

Then, a girl that I cold approached 2 weeks ago (really strong open, number grab), then saw her again out in the wild and she approached me, flirted with her friend before ejecting joins us. I had to slow my roll a bit because here we have a SC group.... that made friends with a girl who I cold approached. I just leaned into the pre-selection of her liking my approach while I kept my distance from any high level details or the fact that we've exchanged numbers. She's got crazy eyes too... so I'm extra cautious in the back of my head. SC shit like this, is when it's time to break out all the Robert Greene studying I did (mostly in the past 1.5 years).

My original approach was they were talking about some girl who cheated on her boyfriend / her boyfriend was into one of them and the girlfriend retaliated by fucking some other dude and burning bridges with her... so I came up and say.... "is this a serious conversation....? or just a really juicy one? ", and they all just ATE that shit up with my vibe. And then I texted Crazy Eyes about the juicy convo and got responses but we never reconnected.

I just keep it super cool and bring back the original approach energy best I can... I let her describe some watered down version of it that doesn't make her look bad, and then kinda pause and go, "You caught me, sometimes I eavesdrop (smirk), it was just such a JUICY convo though", and the girls seem to accept this answer as whatever I did being calibrated and cool. No bad vibes.

Once that's handled we chit chat a bit more and I eject saying I'll find them after I grab my roommate, who they know. I go grab him tell him the great surprise that our hot lady friends are present and then bring us all together. Crazy Eyes is into my roommate a little bit (she's definitely promiscuous and loves male attention) so I let him take the reigns on that for a second, while I just quiet down and chill out. I want to back away from the attention I just had regarding women and preselection so I don't trip anyone's "player radar". My roommate has good fundamentals and is a cool guy, also a fairly strong conversationalist, but his game is lacking any sort of process or transition and he has tendencies to oscillate between overtly acting mysterious only to start qualifying himself later on. Which, well we know how hard that breaks frame.

Anyway, I actually want to make sure my foundation with Crazy Eyes is okay and she's not gonna be a problem for me. I also recognize that I for sure just got a boost in attraction with her because she's met my hot friends, and understands I'm not just a loner who goes out by himself talking to girls all the time (when in reality I would pick that any day over talking to a bunch of normies getting drunk and gathering clout for clouts sake, lol). I float back over to her, and ask how she met my friends. Then there's some sparkly face gems on the table (the sticky kind you use for parties and raves) and I tell her, "could you help me look pretty? I'm trying to freshen up over here and need some female touch". She places them on my face and I ask her if I'm pretty. "So pretty" she says. "Here, I'll help you be pretty too and we can go show everyone how pretty we are", I reply. She concedes and then I have to gently hold her face to firmly press the gems on her cheeks, and now we're kind of matching but with different colors. We go back to the group and I announce the breaking news of how pretty we've both become. Crazy Eyes goes, "yeah he did a really good job of manhandling my prettyness" lmao which was a fairly bold flirt on her end. "It's the least I can do for a new friend", I laugh back.

That popped up my preselection with the whole group because it not only confirmed but also raised my foundation with Crazy Eyes. Lawful Raver was eyeing me big time after this. In reality, I have 0 desire for Crazy Eyes at this point because while she's totally hot, I get a verrrrry "unpredictable" vibe from her. I avoid these girls like the plague because my history with them has been they are really sexually forward and exciting, until they turn out to be super toxic and undesirable in one way or another down the road. So, at arms length I moved it an inch forward in a very flirty way, and got even better results I was hoping for.

After this I slowly float to Lawful Raver who tells me a little more about herself, and I find out that she's really into EDM. Some of the ravers I originally showed up with have joined our group, and we have a fun discussion about it. Definitely boosted similarity between us. However, at this point I'm not actually even going for her. I'm not sure if she has BF and is just attracted to me or what the exact deal is. If she does, I don't want to be too aggressive with her, or frankly even attract her that much. Can cause serious drama when you do. I think the very fact I was unsure about her made her more like, "why the fuck is this guy not chasing me" cuz she's pretty fucking hot and definitely the hottest in the group. We both have interest in that music festival I was recently at, it's both our favorites. As I'm walking away from here, I say, "yeah we can exchange information I'll definitely be there next year" to make her mentally chase me. It worked. Cuz now she wants more.

The rest of the party I spent bouncing between groups. I lucked out AGAIN because my old coworker shows up, runs up, and high fives me and we talk. Completely by chance. Then a hot DJ I know shows up to our little circle, talks to me further, and then one of the marketing dudes in the underground scene pops up on a jetski and waves me over. I was simply having a fucking hay day of social proof and preselection.

During all this, I see a 9.2 MILF with huge tits sitting with her friend next to our party, so naturally I pop over and open them with something stupid about the seltzer brand they were drinking (it was super off brand so I used a playful curiosity). I had a great set talking about traveling and adventurous times to be alive (They called me on the age gap), but unfortunately the 9.2 tried to pass me off to her friend who was like a 5-6 with a belly. Not interested lol I give her my number promise to text them and don't. But it comes in handy later.

I go back to the group after talking with the MILF for roughly 30-40 minutes, and my roommate has made like 7 friends, all dudes, to join our group. Love the guy, but this is absolutely the most annoying thing about going out with him. He invites ALL these dudes he meets to just join in the group and the girls aren't always 1) down for that because the guys he invites are all over the range in terms of coolness and 2) going to respond well to that if some of those guys are like me and want to fuck them. Why are you bringing in distractions / dead weight / competition? The only time I'd want more dudes in the group is if I need to pass off a less hot chick to someone so there's less cockblocking. But he has no concept of that.

We make plans to go to some place and eat, and the guys all want some ratchet place that, well, guys like lol. I shoot that down and suggest somewhere that's better for what the girls want (and somewhere I might have social proof) and the girls all light up and let me take the lead in terms of suggestions. Shit's going perfect for my frames. We figure out logistics and go.

Once there, my roommate invites yet another random guy to our table lol so now it's 4 guys and 3 girls. Not that big of a deal, but eventually Lawful Raver and Crazy Eyes reveal they're going to a concert downtown in a few hours. It's an EDM group that I love, so I consider getting tickets. Then, they all go to the bathroom, and when they come back QB says the concerts sold out, but we should try to get tickets anyways. Now... I'm not sure what happened here.

Maybe they picked up that I wanted to ditch the other guys, I'm not totally sure. My dark side was kinda taking over here and I got really quiet because I was annoyed that I had to sit at the table with these 2 guys I didn't know and I didn't consider high value at all. As time has gone on I really don't talk to guys in public I don't see as close to my level or above my level, unless I can use them to my advantage. Kind of fucked up but hey I know that's part of my dark side.

I walked away from the table to investigate the show covertly. The concert wasn't sold out, I literally went to the IG page and immediately bought my ticket. But I recognized that I could do 2 things for myself here, so I took the Machiavellian route. Instead of coming back to the table and saying, "hey guys! It's not sold out! We can all go!", I went straight to Lawful Raver (we had just talked about that music festival I was recently at and shared our pictures and experiences) and say, "hey - good news... I got tickets. what's your number?". She lights up and then there's a commotion at the table and all the guys are like "bruh how'd you get tickets" and I say, "I know some people in the industry, let me see what I can do" (which is total bullshit I didn't text anyone or anything. Literally just bought the ticket). Which means that the girls were either misinformed or lied to us because they also didn't want the dead weight that my roommate brought along. I'm indifferent towards what they actually did to arrive to the girls who's not even going to the concert, QB, being the one to tell us that it's sold out. Out of all the possibilities, my guess would be Crazy Eyes made it up and told QB to tell us, and QB just repeated it to us.

So now I have Lawful Raver's number. One of the guys gets my contact and dips out. I tell him I'll message him and never do. The other guy is like buddy-buddy with my roommate now, but the more he talks the more his weird antics and low value reek out of him so I kinda start tuning him out while remaining cordial. I split off and go home before them so I can change mental gears, we're not going into a Vegas-style nightclub with a very big headliner coming in, and we were just at a beach party. All that friendliness with everyone is about to change into a ego-driven, clout driven, sardine can packed environment and I have to hit the ground running for that. I shoot her a very low key text directly and avoid the group chat. My roommate engages the group chat while I remain aloof.

We pregame and pop back out. Luckily this new guy is driving us so it saves us the cost of an uber. At least he's good for that (lol I'm suck a dick).

Finally at the nightclub, things felt pretty easy and natural for me from here. Working in a nightclub for 2 years gives me an edge in these environments whereas everyone else gets lost in the chaos. I wait around in a somewhat high traffic area scouting for new girls, but keeping our SC chicks in mind. I approach one girl on the top floor to try and break into a VIP bottle service table. She tries to get me in and introduces me to some guy and a bachelor party, who immediately bean dips me while saying, "yeah man come through". As soon as the girl gets into the table he tells security to kick me out. I hardly fight it, lmao and walk away laughing my ass off.

Then I hit the pit and that 9.2 from SC sees me and invites me to a table, saying she'll text me. She never did - this was just to try and make me chase. I think she saw me almost kissing that girl from Thursday night and saw the preselection, so now she wants to get me chasing her. Nice try cutie I don't chase you or the clout you're surrounded by.

Lawful Raver approaches me and we hug and chat. They get invited to a bottle table through Crazy Eyes while my roommate and the random dude to in the pit next to their table. I guess they're all microdosing shrooms. I don't and just drink. I pop into the pit and dance to this song about breaking up with a girl and to dance on, take a video and flip off the camera while thinking about my MLTR (and low key hoping the 9.2 and/or Lawful Raver saw me.

I go back up to get a drink and Lawful Raver approaches me again - with this level of attention, I just ask her, "are you still with that guy you were dating... back in like April?" (when we first met) and she smiles and says no she's totally single. Immediately I'm like, "well what the fuck have I been doing?" and increase touch significantly. She's totally responding well to it, so I quickly go from touching arm to the small of her back to grabbing her ass gently and she's getting turned on by it. Now I just need to handle Crazy Eyes. Lawful Raver and I talk about how this venue is "too Vegas" for us because the staff keeps yelling at us to get out of the main walk way unless we buy a table lol and basically acting way to hardcore for the chill crowd we have in there.

Crazy Eyes loves the karaoke spot we met at so I say, "let's leave now before the concert ends and they start pushing us out like sheep" and after a little bit of inertia with Lawful Raver we all agree.

At the karaoke venue (I'm leading and they're lost on the way over, good frame) we sit down and Crazy Eyes helps me IMMENSELY... just..... without trying to lol.

Crazy Eyes goes up to sing karaoke and does something really fucking weird for social circle, while I sit with Lawful Raver. Once it was just us, I say something to her with my arm on her leg, and kinda nudge my face closer to hers, and she grabs my face and kisses me. You could tell I was just driving her crazy at this point lol. We stop making out and look to the screen for Crazy Eyes..... who has screenshotted some VERY old picture of Lawful Raver's family and put that the screen for her karaoke background.... which totally weirds Lawful Raver out because she met this bitch 2 weeks ago. So she's like "what the fuck bro lol".

Robert Greene told me to destroy my enemies when given the chance so I tell her about how my roommate and I fully agreed that she "has Crazy Eyes" and tbh creeps the both of us out, but promise to keep that secret because I don't want to wake up with my apartment burning down.

This created a "Us versus Them" frame which made my pull much easier. Cuz now she trusts me way more than the girl she came with. I predicted that she'd be fine with us leaving, because 3 much older gentlemen were giving her a lot of attention and she's an attention whore, and basically bet her that when she asks her if it's cool that we leave she doesn't care at all. My bet was on point because she then went into detail about how great these older men were (like 50-60 year olds) lol and how much fun she's having. Lawful Raver says, "well Hue and I were just making out so I think we're gonna go". I buy us a drink and move us, isolate and escalate touch more, and then call the uber.

No resistance at my house, texting her for round 2 right now. Pretty solid fuck, very hot naked, but I need to turn her a little less vanilla if we make this into some form of a LTR. She's SC so I gotta be careful with how invested we get. I bet you she wants a BF (hence her being lawful and conventional) whereas I probably just want FB or MLTR with her (cuz I'm a wild man and like to fuck many hoes).

Fun times.

Thanks for believing in me gents.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
So you got an STD from the festival girl?
That appears to be the case. Her and I have texted since and nothing got brought up though.

Not my first one and won't be my last one lol shit happens.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: Silly Little MILF

Go out on a Sunday night, stop into one of the company locations to get a free drink and warm up socially.

Find a sunset beach bar that's packed so everyone can enjoy cheap beers and watch the sunset. As I'm walking up this drunk (very belligerent) dude points at me and goes, "well look at him - he's hot and young!", and the girls next to him look at me, pause and go, "wait yeah he actually is hot...."

Preopener... check.

I smile at them and try to show my ID to the bouncer but he just let's me in. Cool lol free social proof, normally they card me everytime here.

Then I walk literally 4 feet and one of my coworkers happens to be there. I give her a big hug and say hi to her boyfriend, then walk inside to get a drink. I'm in a good mood and compliment the bartender on always holding it down before sunset. Hand him 5$ and take my drink. I walk back to my coworker (girl) and tell her about the drunk guy calling me hot when I walked in. She says, "yeah he's a total fucking mess... look" and points to his back heel which has a huge gash in it. This dude is stumbling around smiling and yelling at people, and injured himself like an idiot. I point out he's probably about to get kicked out.

15 seconds later, security walks up to him and kicks him out... he proceeds to run towards the beach and then off to the right and out of site at full speed, in flip flops - and I see my window to open those girls who called me hot.

HB 6.9 and a HB 7.2-7.5 black chicks. I pop next to the hotter one and go, "hi there! :) was that guy a friend of yours?"

"No!! He was just a little too friendly"

"Haha I mean I'm friendly too, but did you see his great escape?"

I bring up his epic run away and we kinda laugh about it. I identify them as sisters. The hot one lives here, and the other is visiting. They're somewhat older than me, about 36-41 year range and I'm 28. Idgaf because they're aging really well, actually.

The 7.2-7.5, lets call her Karaoke, looks easily like she could be 30. She's black mixed, so maybe it's a combination of genes and good habits. Her sister looks great too, but just isn't as hot. Karaoke also has this super child-like energy and is very high ADHD so she's really entertaining and goofy. My LDR FB, this stripper chick who I was obsessed with for a while, acts a lot like her so I knew we would be chummy.

This asian chick they're talking to asks me if I'm single.

Kinda took a risk here, but I remembered one of Chase's newsletters about how a guy who's "kind of single" is very attractive to a women because it conveys preselection. I say, "well - I'm kind of single haha." This is immediately put under skepticism because it spiked ASD and made me sound like a fuckboy, but instead of full auto rejecting, they ask what I mean. I say that my friend group was trying to set me up with a girl (thinking about Lawful Raver) but after we hung out a bit and then did a real date (hoping they pick up I'm saying hung out = had sex by saying, "and then did a real date", implying "hanging out" wasn't really a "date" and could mean something else... definitely an underhanded attempt to sexually frame but whatever) I just didn't think she had what I wanted. We didn't have chemistry.

Karaoke is bouncing all over the bar, so I think she only caught some of this, which was probably for the best.

The asian chick is annoying as fuck about it and keeps trying to force frame me into stuff, but the bar is chaotic enough I can either ignore her completely or just kinda shrug off what she said with a short, well worded answer. Like at one point she tried to make it seem like I was racist? Because I thought they were friends and they had just met? "Yes Hue - black women can actually not know each other like we're all in some giant group chat together and make friends out in public".... it was like, "ummm, what?" Lol. Fucking weirdo haha.

Recognizing that they're sisters, I just start to win over Karaoke's sister, since now I know they just met this chick and family ties are X10 more important. Apparently Karaoke just up and decided to fly her out to CA on a whim. I deep dive super fast and then Karaoke comes back and the asian chick makes it very clear I'm single, but only KIND OF SINGLE. Safe to say that this is a very polarizing thing to say in answering "are you single?".

I have to bend slightly now that my targets here, staring at me, so I say, "we'll I don't see me and her dating again, so yes, I'm single" with a warm, slight smile. Karaoke starts talking to me a bunch, not even regarding my relationship status. So whatever was happening worked, but I decide right then and there to CHANGE TOPICS and keep the whole group away from that shit lol. That was a close call. I think the sister kinda thought it was hot though, to be honest.

They invite me to Karaoke, and I give them a "maybe.... karaoke? are you good singers?" and they start to qualify themselves a bunch. They say they're legitimately great singers so I slowly warm up to it and say "I'll probably meet my coworkers later, but for now, sure", so that I have some sort of frame to lean into if they ask why I'm out alone (Just said this on the spot because I happened to see my coworker a moment ago - I have no plans).

We walk and keep the good times rolling, and I start realizing I actually might have chemistry with Karaoke because she's so goofy and ridiculous lol. She's totally bringing out my silly sense of humor, the kind that I had with that stripper chick when we were all fucked up at a music festival last year. Just turning everything into a joke.

At karaoke, they're really the only attractive girls there, everyone else either works there, is a guy, or is like a 5 - low 6. They start buying me shots and our conversation stays fun and silly. I kinda let Karaoke take the driver seat on the conversation and vibe, and I'd just nudge it or add to it when it felt right. Easy when girls are all chaotic and fun, let them do the work. I get Karaoke's number in case things get crazy later and the night picks up, but then stay with them. I kinda teetered on leaving at that point then coming back, and framed that I had to meet my coworkers later on. Really, I just didn't want to follow them around all night with them leading the direction of things, so I had to pull some frame back to get a little more control (and have her number incase I have to really eject).

They absolutely crush the karaoke stage, and basically put on a performance. I was actually very impressed at their talent, and the way they looked at eachother on stage, connecting and vibing. It was like their inner child's from sisterhood came out to have fun together, and life was just simple and fun when they were up there. I qualified both of them on their skills and especially this rare connection they put on display, and they found the last part deeply touching. I was having a great time with them.

Right as this happens some dude comes up and goes, "this song is for you", to Karaoke, it was super cringe lmao and a very romantic, lovey dovey song. They're laughing at him to me and pretending to puke on the table and I just get to sit there and laugh. By now the bar is filling up and we're kind of the center of attention, because the sisters booked like 5 songs and are way better than everyone else. Another guy comes up and starts dancing on Karaoke in this hyper aggressive, eastern european way and she's grossed out. More things to laugh at. At this point I'd broken the hand, arm, and leg touch barrier with Karaoke, so I really didn't give a fuck on uncalibrated advances from other men.

Some guy simping over Karaoke comes over to her and tries to get her attention. I befriend him and then let them talk when she's less distracted. Her sister tells me this guy likes her and wants to date her, and is a chump, basically. I laugh and stay positive like, "seemed nice to me!". Then another guy comes to me like, "is that your girl bro?", and I just glance at her like, "eh - she's alright" kind of avoiding the question.

At this point, I have built attraction very high, and have shown I'm not needy. Karaoke and I are dancing and I'm spinning her while all these other dudes kinda watch us - letting them know she's made her pick.

I also know there's gonna be an obstacle to her sister when I try to close... and with attraction as high as I have it, I actually take a risk and decide I'm gonna leave, then have them come to me.

I tell her I'm ejecting and she gets really close to me, so I grab her ass. She leans in for a kiss and I meet her just before our lips, then pull away. Exactly what I wanted haha so she'll be thinking about me when all these AFC's try to annoy her when I'm gone. The competition was weak as fuck, so I was confident that I could actually just leave and still win.

Then I go to a new bar just down the block and do a bunch of sets. No hooks. I text her, call her once, she calls me, and we're playing phone tag. We connect and she tells me where to go and then in the chaos of where ever she was, hangs up. I can't just blow her up, so I start walking to a "last resort" location and type up this text,

"Hey I'm getting my nightcap - was fun meeting you though" (basically saying, I'm not calling you again)


"OMG YOU TOO!!!! We're home now"

So I was correct that logistics with the sister would be an issue, and feel more conviction going to my last spot.

Now I'm pretty lit so I go to a rave, dance with a bunch of people, this bimbo-looking japanese chick grabs me and thinks I"m hot, keeps showing me her IG page with all these followers and hot pics (basically an amateur IG model) and I don't give a fuuuuck lol so she's doubly attracted. Not feeding an IG girl's validation like most guys do works well here. Basically a neg.

Very blurry but we end up at her house and she sucks my dick but won't fuck me.

Part 2 coming later


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Jesus christ what a wild ass weekend. What a crazy ass party.

Still have to write part two of the MILF LR

Banged an italian chick in a parking lot, fucked a latina in the bathroom of a party, and then street approached a canadian babe with some of the best features I've ever put my dick into. Ah and got a blowjob from a chubby chick like rigth before the parking lot chick, lol.

I need rest... it's all such a fucking blur.

Just... wow man lol that was incredible.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Aight, let's get writing... I'm sitting here sweating on my couch with no AC absolutely dying and sick from being level 10 hungover and sleep deprived.

Now I'm pretty lit so I go to a rave, dance with a bunch of people, this bimbo-looking japanese chick grabs me and thinks I"m hot, keeps showing me her IG page with all these followers and hot pics (basically an amateur IG model) and I don't give a fuuuuck lol so she's doubly attracted. Not feeding an IG girl's validation like most guys do works well here. Basically a neg.

Very blurry but we end up at her house and she sucks my dick but won't fuck me.
Gonna basically fast forward these two because idgaf and the girls I met at the festival are hotter.

The older "IG model" chick is like mid 30's and Philippian and Japanese. She's love bombing me over text and calling me babe all the time, and totally boyfriend zoning me. She wants to get dinner and I tell her I'm broke so I can't, and she agrees to take me out to dinner.

I understand it'll be an uphill battle to fuck her, and it would have been way better to just have dinner at one of our houses. But, it's a free dinner and honestly she doesn't know a thing about me other than thinking I'm hot so I just go for it anyways.

I try to kiss her immediately and she rejects it, saying she's shy. Booooo.

She wants to hold hands and walk to dinner. Starts telling me about her night out and asking me very surface level questions, none of which I really care too much about. She's english second language and fluent, but her conversational skills are sort of lacking.

On the way to dinner she says something kind of sexual so I try to kiss her agian and she tells me she's not used to being kissed in public, even though we were dancing all over eachother and being ratchet as fuck only a few days ago. Ah, and she showed me a video of a guy grabbing her tits at the club, like 5 minutes before I bumped into her. And she did this right after saying the thing about the kiss. Lol.

During the date she explains how she left the Philippines because her mother said she had to leave their broken home, and she married someone very early on. I didn't ask, but she kept talking about how she likes younger men like A LOT and she didn't even like me for my personality, only my looks and my age. It was weird as fuck, even if it was a shit test. It honestly didn't even seem like one though, she seemed serious. Turns out her husband of 1 year was a 19 year old that got married to her after 4 months of knowing eachother and immediately living together.

So, I'm assuming she married to get her citizenship and then divorced him. She also has tons of money that she get's 100% from stocks (according to her). The dinner was fantastic, and I bet how this is how most sugar babies feel. Older man buying them dinner only concerned with their looks and terrible at conversation.

She wants to get 1 more drink so I agree and we go and get a margarhita. LIterally ALL she talks about is how pretty I am and how good we look together and she loves showing me off blah blah blah it was very boring and annoying. But then she says she wants to sexercise. So I agree and walk her home.

Then she shit tests me again and asks me if I only want her for sex. I can't remember what I said but it was the wrong answer and she got more annoying. I told her I don't know if we're compatible if she doesn't like sex, but I don't see how we're incompatible based on the fun we've had so far. I get her home, get tons of WEIRD LMR. Like we walk in, she RIPS her clothes off, and then we start hooking up and I'm sucking on her tits, but won't let me eat her out or touch her pussy. Then she grabs my dick and plays around with it. Then takes my hand and moves it towards her pussy herself, and then makes a creepy smile and jumps away, putting her clothes back on.

Shit like this went on for like 10 minutes and I basically was just like, "okay, fuck this lol" got up and walked out.

She texted me,

"You're mad at me

You hate me now

(i don't answer)

I still like you though".

Later! Lol


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
LR: Silly Little MILF

Go out on a Sunday night, stop into one of the company locations to get a free drink and warm up socially.

Find a sunset beach bar that's packed so everyone can enjoy cheap beers and watch the sunset. As I'm walking up this drunk (very belligerent) dude points at me and goes, "well look at him - he's hot and young!", and the girls next to him look at me, pause and go, "wait yeah he actually is hot...."

Preopener... check.

I smile at them and try to show my ID to the bouncer but he just let's me in. Cool lol free social proof, normally they card me everytime here.

Then I walk literally 4 feet and one of my coworkers happens to be there. I give her a big hug and say hi to her boyfriend, then walk inside to get a drink. I'm in a good mood and compliment the bartender on always holding it down before sunset. Hand him 5$ and take my drink. I walk back to my coworker (girl) and tell her about the drunk guy calling me hot when I walked in. She says, "yeah he's a total fucking mess... look" and points to his back heel which has a huge gash in it. This dude is stumbling around smiling and yelling at people, and injured himself like an idiot. I point out he's probably about to get kicked out.

15 seconds later, security walks up to him and kicks him out... he proceeds to run towards the beach and then off to the right and out of site at full speed, in flip flops - and I see my window to open those girls who called me hot.

HB 6.9 and a HB 7.2-7.5 black chicks. I pop next to the hotter one and go, "hi there! :) was that guy a friend of yours?"

"No!! He was just a little too friendly"

"Haha I mean I'm friendly too, but did you see his great escape?"

I bring up his epic run away and we kinda laugh about it. I identify them as sisters. The hot one lives here, and the other is visiting. They're somewhat older than me, about 36-41 year range and I'm 28. Idgaf because they're aging really well, actually.

The 7.2-7.5, lets call her Karaoke, looks easily like she could be 30. She's black mixed, so maybe it's a combination of genes and good habits. Her sister looks great too, but just isn't as hot. Karaoke also has this super child-like energy and is very high ADHD so she's really entertaining and goofy. My LDR FB, this stripper chick who I was obsessed with for a while, acts a lot like her so I knew we would be chummy.

This asian chick they're talking to asks me if I'm single.

Kinda took a risk here, but I remembered one of Chase's newsletters about how a guy who's "kind of single" is very attractive to a women because it conveys preselection. I say, "well - I'm kind of single haha." This is immediately put under skepticism because it spiked ASD and made me sound like a fuckboy, but instead of full auto rejecting, they ask what I mean. I say that my friend group was trying to set me up with a girl (thinking about Lawful Raver) but after we hung out a bit and then did a real date (hoping they pick up I'm saying hung out = had sex by saying, "and then did a real date", implying "hanging out" wasn't really a "date" and could mean something else... definitely an underhanded attempt to sexually frame but whatever) I just didn't think she had what I wanted. We didn't have chemistry.

Karaoke is bouncing all over the bar, so I think she only caught some of this, which was probably for the best.

The asian chick is annoying as fuck about it and keeps trying to force frame me into stuff, but the bar is chaotic enough I can either ignore her completely or just kinda shrug off what she said with a short, well worded answer. Like at one point she tried to make it seem like I was racist? Because I thought they were friends and they had just met? "Yes Hue - black women can actually not know each other like we're all in some giant group chat together and make friends out in public".... it was like, "ummm, what?" Lol. Fucking weirdo haha.

Recognizing that they're sisters, I just start to win over Karaoke's sister, since now I know they just met this chick and family ties are X10 more important. Apparently Karaoke just up and decided to fly her out to CA on a whim. I deep dive super fast and then Karaoke comes back and the asian chick makes it very clear I'm single, but only KIND OF SINGLE. Safe to say that this is a very polarizing thing to say in answering "are you single?".

I have to bend slightly now that my targets here, staring at me, so I say, "we'll I don't see me and her dating again, so yes, I'm single" with a warm, slight smile. Karaoke starts talking to me a bunch, not even regarding my relationship status. So whatever was happening worked, but I decide right then and there to CHANGE TOPICS and keep the whole group away from that shit lol. That was a close call. I think the sister kinda thought it was hot though, to be honest.

They invite me to Karaoke, and I give them a "maybe.... karaoke? are you good singers?" and they start to qualify themselves a bunch. They say they're legitimately great singers so I slowly warm up to it and say "I'll probably meet my coworkers later, but for now, sure", so that I have some sort of frame to lean into if they ask why I'm out alone (Just said this on the spot because I happened to see my coworker a moment ago - I have no plans).

We walk and keep the good times rolling, and I start realizing I actually might have chemistry with Karaoke because she's so goofy and ridiculous lol. She's totally bringing out my silly sense of humor, the kind that I had with that stripper chick when we were all fucked up at a music festival last year. Just turning everything into a joke.

At karaoke, they're really the only attractive girls there, everyone else either works there, is a guy, or is like a 5 - low 6. They start buying me shots and our conversation stays fun and silly. I kinda let Karaoke take the driver seat on the conversation and vibe, and I'd just nudge it or add to it when it felt right. Easy when girls are all chaotic and fun, let them do the work. I get Karaoke's number in case things get crazy later and the night picks up, but then stay with them. I kinda teetered on leaving at that point then coming back, and framed that I had to meet my coworkers later on. Really, I just didn't want to follow them around all night with them leading the direction of things, so I had to pull some frame back to get a little more control (and have her number incase I have to really eject).

They absolutely crush the karaoke stage, and basically put on a performance. I was actually very impressed at their talent, and the way they looked at eachother on stage, connecting and vibing. It was like their inner child's from sisterhood came out to have fun together, and life was just simple and fun when they were up there. I qualified both of them on their skills and especially this rare connection they put on display, and they found the last part deeply touching. I was having a great time with them.

Right as this happens some dude comes up and goes, "this song is for you", to Karaoke, it was super cringe lmao and a very romantic, lovey dovey song. They're laughing at him to me and pretending to puke on the table and I just get to sit there and laugh. By now the bar is filling up and we're kind of the center of attention, because the sisters booked like 5 songs and are way better than everyone else. Another guy comes up and starts dancing on Karaoke in this hyper aggressive, eastern european way and she's grossed out. More things to laugh at. At this point I'd broken the hand, arm, and leg touch barrier with Karaoke, so I really didn't give a fuck on uncalibrated advances from other men.

Some guy simping over Karaoke comes over to her and tries to get her attention. I befriend him and then let them talk when she's less distracted. Her sister tells me this guy likes her and wants to date her, and is a chump, basically. I laugh and stay positive like, "seemed nice to me!". Then another guy comes to me like, "is that your girl bro?", and I just glance at her like, "eh - she's alright" kind of avoiding the question.

At this point, I have built attraction very high, and have shown I'm not needy. Karaoke and I are dancing and I'm spinning her while all these other dudes kinda watch us - letting them know she's made her pick.

I also know there's gonna be an obstacle to her sister when I try to close... and with attraction as high as I have it, I actually take a risk and decide I'm gonna leave, then have them come to me.

I tell her I'm ejecting and she gets really close to me, so I grab her ass. She leans in for a kiss and I meet her just before our lips, then pull away. Exactly what I wanted haha so she'll be thinking about me when all these AFC's try to annoy her when I'm gone. The competition was weak as fuck, so I was confident that I could actually just leave and still win.

Then I go to a new bar just down the block and do a bunch of sets. No hooks. I text her, call her once, she calls me, and we're playing phone tag. We connect and she tells me where to go and then in the chaos of where ever she was, hangs up. I can't just blow her up, so I start walking to a "last resort" location and type up this text,

"Hey I'm getting my nightcap - was fun meeting you though" (basically saying, I'm not calling you again)


"OMG YOU TOO!!!! We're home now"

So I was correct that logistics with the sister would be an issue, and feel more conviction going to my last spot.

Now I'm pretty lit so I go to a rave, dance with a bunch of people, this bimbo-looking japanese chick grabs me and thinks I"m hot, keeps showing me her IG page with all these followers and hot pics (basically an amateur IG model) and I don't give a fuuuuck lol so she's doubly attracted. Not feeding an IG girl's validation like most guys do works well here. Basically a neg.

Very blurry but we end up at her house and she sucks my dick but won't fuck me.

Part 2 coming later
Then I text with the MILF from that night and arrange us meeting up. The only hard part of closing the deal was actually meeting up, so I'll put our texts.

Hey there Karaoke.. how was the rest of your sistercation? Or are you still out causing mayhem together? (devil)

Hahahaha. Sistercation love that!
But yup we doing the thang. I called out work today haha
Going bowling later. Then maybe [college beach area] hoppin

Nice that sounds fun! I'm saving some cash since I leave for vacation on Friday, would love to see you before then though :)
You work this Thursday? Thought we could snag a drink before I head to [vacation spot] (drinks clink)

I'm down! Have a kickball / drinking game first if you wanna come cheer us on

Haha those are fun I did it last year.. what time is your game?

*double text, duplicate screenshot of her game time*

Nice, I"ll probably go ot a happy hour and then meet you after in that case

Sounds Gucci mang!
*double text, duplicate screenshot of her game time*
Lol starts at 6p don't know if you got the screenshot my phone keeps saying it didn't send

I got it lol no worries gurl
Sounds like a plan then.. I'll text you Thursday and we can go somewhere after your game 8)


Good investment ^ kinda red flag she drinks like this at her age though ^

Ay there, looking forward to drinks later.. I figure your game is in [college area] or?

Yea [location] lol
Then flip cup at [bar] if ya wanna cruise?!

I can just meet you after haha I shouldn't full send tonight :)

Lolll aight

You down to meet at [happy hour bar] for margaritas after? (drink emoji)


At the gym rn, I'll text you when I'm down in [spot]

Sounds Gucci!

Landed down rn
You kick some good balls?

Sure did

So I just sat at [spot] before their happy hour ends... how long do you think you'll be flipping cups?

Just got to [flip cup spot]

I just finihsed eating and talking to my boss. Thinking I'll make my 2nd marg a To-go if you're staying at [spot] for a bit?

At [bar] for trivia. Come through

I'm ass at trivia lol

There's 5 of us

I just walked in
Don't see ya

At the bar upstairs"

So here I'm avoiding going out with her friends because that's gonna bring on wild cards, and that boyfriend zones me. I want neither of those things so this took some patience and some comfortability just sitting at the place I was at alone, either not talking and on my phone, or eventually moving to the bar area and chatting up the locals and bartender.

I arrive at trivia and meet her friends. One girl who's like a 5 and this good looking natural dude. Immediately Karaoke is all over me and confirms my suspicion that she's actually kinda crazy for a 41 year old and loves to party. I dive back into the fun vibe we had when we first met, and then talk to her natural buddy. He's going to the same festival I'm going to so we dive into that and make Karaoke jealous. I refuse any drinks at this spot and we move to another bar. Some hot chicks show up to meet the natural guy, and I just chill but make some sexual eye contact with one of them. Karaoke may have noticed this so she pulls me over to the bar and orders me a drink. We talk for like 10 minutes and then she starts kissing me, so I grab her ass and say let me make you a drink at your bar at your house (which she mentioned last meet up).

Super easy, get to her house, no resistance. Amazing ass, but she also has a kid and is like way more fun to party with than to be intimate with, so I may just leave this at ONS and ideally meet her out again down the road... since she is fun and all.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

For a guy who doesn't really love the whole "Vegas Pool Party" scene, I gotta say that what I just went to is an exception, and this shit was fucking EPIC.

It's not in Vegas, it's in CA, that's probably why.

I'm not gonna lie, there will be a good amount of details missing, because I probably damaged my brain a little bit at this one, lol I still feel kinda hungover and we're at 96 hours later as I type this.

The way the festival works is people ride in on Day 0 for a starter-party, Day 1 is a day and night wide event, and Day 2 same thing.

I had secured a cheap hotel from a connection for Day 0 and Day 2, but I actually didn't have a place to stay on Day 1.... I also don't even remember where I slept lol. Not really bragging about that, but I have been trying to piece things together and still have absolutely no clue.

Day Zero
I get to my room and get the gym one last time. It's fucking 116 degrees out so I'm barely wearing clothes this entire festival. I have all my supplements, food, booze, and protein bars for fast nutrition ready to go. I take a douchey mirror pic and post it online just in case I run into any social circle chicks at this thing - that way their mind will be primed for me looking hot if they see me.

In line to get my wristband I just start playing music on my phone, no shirt just these bandana swim trunks, and a straw hat strapped to my back. Also watch and bracelets but that shit is minor. I start opening most people. I get in line with some latin dudes and their girlfriends and we start making good vibes happen, just mostly talking about music festivals and stuff.

As we make our way through, one of the latinas (too chubby, nice face though) asks for my number and I give her my IG.

Afterwards I make my way to the pregame and set up the DJ set, decorations, and everything that will make this room a success. We start drinking and getting excited for the first show we're gonna go to. It's also easy to hide in our room because you walk outside and it's the fucking desert, man. Even at night at 12 AM it's hot as FUCK.

My buddy who's in a OM starts opening up to me about his other girlfriends and how they are frustrating, and I bring up my former OTLR. The group I'm with is very open minded like that, but it still doesn't come close to the material I've found online in the seduction community about how to run these things properly, so it's utterly no surprise he's struggling some.

We eventually go to the afters and our DJ friend gets caught trying to sneak in with an old staff wristband, so we have to keep our patience and deal with that whole dilemna.

Inside, I'm immediately like, "okay, where's the pussy?" Lol. I have no plans of hooking up with my friends OM wife, or the DJ (she's totally hot and great for preselection, but I value her social value more than relationship value... plus I already had a ONS with her so who cares).

I hit the portapotty and get opened by this young, nervous girl who calls me the name of the headliner... who I look NOTHING like lmao. If she were hotter I would have swooped her up and probably. I kinda just made fun of her in front of her friends, who were also like "wtf dude lol". If I weren't still linked to the friends I arrived with, I would have just joined the group of these girls and picked the hottest one / see where they wanted to take me.

We get deeper into the trenches and I strategically hug the railing next to VIP. This area usually has hotter chicks that engage with their friends inside VIP, or if the VIP chicks think you're hot sometimes they hook you up. This isn't what happened, but I did get to dance with two HB8's and talk with them, then discover we're going to the same afterparty. Fun show, did a couple of approaches on my own to get warmed up, but none of them were the type I was looking for / hooked that hard.

We go to the afterparty and we're told that this HUGE DJ is gonna be there partying with us, and the location was definitely impressive... but ultimately not true at all. I "smoked it out" lol and basically found out that was bullshit.

Walking around the party, I find myself in a room with no one really in it, but I hear a bunch of girls talking and laughing, so I explore till I hear another door with light coming out. I knock on the door and go "how the fuck we feeling baby?" which is a classic quote from the DJ we were supposed to see at the party. The door opens to 6 girls in a bathroom, and the girl that opened it was at first sorta startled by just me hanging outside the bathroom, but then gave me total "fuck me' eyes and said, "just one more second! omg" and closed the door. When they walk out the girl grabs my wrist and then walks out.

That was the best engagement I had at the party, unfortunately. The rest was just bouncing around and dancing. But I gotta say, it was such a strong start to the vibe. I talked to some girls but never had a hard hook it was so chaotic. All of these randoms are at this party together, and everyone is just going so fucking hard and smiling. EVERYONE wants to have the BEST time ever, so when they found a crowd of people feeling that way, everyone just jumps in and dances together. For CA, it was extremely inclusive and I hadn't experienced that yet.

Eventually I'm blitzed and it's too damn hot so I call an uber to my hotel and crash.
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