And to get back to the frame strength, even this whole paragraph shows a part of why I don't have it that much. I am constantly trying to think how something comes off, what something else means, why something is happening, even girls have told me on dates that I have a very inquisitive look like I am paying attention to them and analysing them. Which is true in a way, because I try to understand what kind of people they are and how to stir the interaction to seduce them, but maybe it gets too far. It is part of the fun for me though, getting deep while remaining playful.
So, I game predominantly older women, because of that feminine energy you speak of. I'm into that too. I generally don't care to approach girls other than the sultry older women who are just as likely to open me when they see the lust in my eyes as I am to open them.
I've lost a lot of insta-lays, as a result of not leading well towards good logistics, and not moving them. But I'd say the underlying reason I don't lead good logistics or remember to move them is because my frame shatters and my world becomes "all about them." I'm constantly judging their reactions, and in worst cases, this literally makes them leave in disgust.
Ok, yeah, very bad, no fun, no way out, bad frame control is like cancer, your game eventually dies of it and there is no chemo.
But I think I've found my out, although it's kind of killed my... strong-form desire to go out and approach.
Basically, frame is about being authentic.
I get that, and for them, I'm sure they're right. Frame is definitely a part of it, and if a person's genuine soul attests to "analyzing situations to evaluate the correct positioning to acclimate to the human social constructs of Alpha Maleness," then, to them, frame is about being an alpha. And so on.
It's about what your soul longs for.
But think critically here, does your soul long for whatever this hoe wants? Following whatever her fleeting whims are?
I got nexted by a typical "opened a milf, escalated to makeout, bad logistical leading, number close" girl over text.
Boo-hoo, it happens, everybody loses girls over text now and then, it's a lossy medium.
But as soon as I was nexted by her, I had a pretty tremendous moment of clarity-- I genuinely dislike this girl.
I don't hate her, I don't hate people.
That said, I don't support her life decisions (she's an alcoholic, never married, lives 5 hours away from her family members to work a run of the mill wage-slave job, extremely hot-and-cold skittish).
She has a very girlish sexuality about her, which combined with her relative isolation, means she's probably very fun in bed for sure.
But I... literally don't support her as a person...
So let's say I went on a date with her, and from the beginning of the date, I was uncertain about whether the lay would go through.
Gotta be on my best behavior then! Right?
Gotta do whatever she feels like doing! Right?
Hopefully she wants to fuck me! Right?
Bro fuck what she wants. I'm not gonna rape her or anything, but f u c k, I don't agree with this girl's life decisions, why should I have to ask her what type of food she feels like eating?
Like bro, she's in my life when I'm around, I'm not stepping a fucking foot in hers.
Or let me rephrase that
Like bro, she's in my life when I'm around, I'm not stepping a fucking foot in her reality.
Her day-to-day reality is SHIT.
And she constructed it!
Holy shit!
I'm not letting her influence my fucking decisions at all when she's around! Keep me off that list!
How many people have ever delegated a decision to her? I don't know, but I don't wanna be on that list of people!
You and I, we literally don't have our lives together bro.
And it's nice and all to say "but we can have sex too, right? we don't have to have our lives together, we can just go fuck women!"
And if that's truly you, then great. If you are the type of guy who operates in a lean (I am saying this without judgement); gets pussy while in-debt and uncertain about his future because that's the skillset you have and the era of your journey that you are in, fantastic.
That's the true self of many men.
And it's difficult to become "your true self" when you know that you will be rewarded for the correct answer with pussy!
It puts a hell of a lot of stress on that decision, stress in all the wrong directions; it makes you think of the wrong things when people ask you what you want to do with your life.
But why do I say: "You and I, we literally don't have our lives together bro?"
Because having a strong personal frame, being willing to posit your decisions and worldview over a dominant woman, over a prickly idiot, over an overbearing boss, or an entire company, or an entire company, your friends and family, and every woman in the world-- that's having your life together. Anything else is wastewater, dude.
I know "what I think," I've always known "what I've considered important in the world." I've always known "my set of values." I've always known what I consider "right and wrong." I've always known what I consider "stupid behavior." I've always known what I consider "financially responsible behavior." I know what I consider wasteful of other people's time and effort. I know a number of rules I am willing to break, and I'm always open to learning about more rules I may be willing to break in the future. There are issues I don't have a deep-set opinion on, or are ignorant in, and I'll seek out the best opinion or what sways me the most and I'll lodge it deep inside my soul, just like all of my other very deeply held opinions and beliefs that form my personhood-- that which, the grave takes me, I'm still going to wish the world abided by.
But around girls, I've been suppressing that. Why? I don't know! Maybe it's just how I view seduction, I view seduction as submitting to the woman's desires.
Girls see my extward character put on an act, airs, backwards ways, that all make it seem to her that my core values are open to her critique. It makes it seem like I am telling them that I'm going to change that worldview for them, for the pussy.
But fundamentally, no, obviously no. I'm not going to change my opinions on "recycling plastic waste" based on whether a girl challenges me on it in a coquettish way.
So I just have to start acting on it.
A girl starts a dumb argument with the logical understanding of a three-year-old on the topic-- I'm not going to just roll over and be like, "oh my gosh, I love opinionated women, this is so hot."
That's literally demeaning her.
She deserves to know right from wrong.
I have no right to tell her she's right when she's wrong. It's not "bad frame control," IT'S LITERALLY A LIE.
She's a valid argumentative partner, not a fucking child. She just might be... good at making an argument sound nice when it's actually total bullshit, and you have to be mentally turned-on enough, tuned-in enough to be like "
Huh? Wait, that's literally what you just said? You believe that? Bruh, no, that's bullshit. Sounds nice though; MAYBE I WISH IT WORKED THAT WAY, lol."
Hopefully this will speed up your 2025.
Like you see yourself as the opposite of your friends, you over-analyze things? Fine! But be that way around women as well. Don't go into lovey-dovey mode. Be Chris, the guy who will debate you on minute and esoteric details if you're wrong. Because that's a form of respect that you show others. And then let this extend to getting you what you want, pursuing your own goals in moving her, insisting on logistics-for-the-pull, etc. The more relevant things to the PiV conclusion.
Accept yourself as a series of opinions and goals, outside of seduction, then you can begin to integrate the women question into your life.