An update from today. I'll be honest and say that just the fact that I get these numbers sometimes creates extra anxiety regarding how they will go. And you don't have much control over it when the girl is not in front of you anyway. I also post the interactions here so I want to at least show that something good can come out of it, and feels bad if I am just saying I am approaching but then nothing works after that.
With these in mind, I was pretty focused on how I would text to have the best results, since I woke up. It was pretty late in fact, I wanted to rest, so then I entered in some girls chase articles and in some skilled seducer threads about texting in order to have the information fresh and decide what feels the best.
It's a Sunday, so I had some free time to delve into that and synthesize what kind of approach would work, that said during the week it's more difficult to immerse myself into it due to being more busy. So I wanted to use this chance, and I also decided to look back into older chats with girls I got out with eventually, to see how I handled it, and what worked.
One bad thing regarding this is that I ended up seeing all these conversations with hot girls I never did anything with, and it started affecting me a bit, thinking how much I have worked for such few results. Not the best thing I suppose to keep looking back at the girls you missed, wouldn't recommend it, but went through the chats to check for some patterns.
What I saw is that generally sending a scheduler text exactly after the response to the icebreaker can be a bit hit or miss. With girls you have vibed well it can work pretty smoothly, but other times not so much. So I started wondering how possible it is that you will lose a girl, because you didn't plan a date right at the second message. I feel that if she was thinking of the possibility herself, you have at least few messages to exchange before she gets bored or uninterested, and maybe it's even better to pace her a bit, and not be going straight for the close. Will keep checking that, but I feel I have not lost girls because I didn't try to schedule right away, while it's possible I did because I tried to do it without letting the interaction breath just for a bit.
Also I saw how I responded to the answers to my icebreakers. I noticed that whenever they commented something after my icebreaker, and then I asked a question, I got silence. For example maybe they said: "Hope you had a good night", and I answered: "Thanks it was great! How was yours?. My idea was exactly what I said above, to create just a bit of rapport after the icebreaker, but I realised that whenever a girl was not asking a question herself, it felt like me asking a question back was needy or overeager. When they did ask a question, it was fine for me to ask one as well.
Having some of these ideas in mind I went off to text the numbers I got yesterday.
The first one was interesting. She had said how she was sorry because se had many appointments, wasn't expecting someone to approach and was a bit perplexed, so I told her no worries and I understand and I didn't expect it either, but felt like I wanted to get to know her in the moment

Also texted how I had a great time in a party last night and took today to rest ,and hoped she enjoyed her weekend with her appointments. Her answer was: "That's good to hear! Have a good week.". This seemed to me that was closing the interaction from her side, so I don't want to force any rapport on that. Can't say if there is any hope for this one, one thing I have in mind is I will just react to her message, and then come back later in the week to text her and ask how it's going. Maybe I could ask her right now how her free time looks like, just to get it out there fast, since we didn't connect a lot in person, but not sure if it is the best option.
The second number, we exchanged one two texts, I told her we should hang out calmly ourselves at some time that there is no food waiting to get cold on me, and she reacted with

. I took it as a positive sign and asked her how her free time looks during the week. She told me it's quite complicated for the next 2 weeks with a lot of stuff, and since this is quite specific I think I believe her. I mean she could say she is just busy in general, so I feel I will just come back to her saying it's fine and we can see for after that. I know it's not optimal to just leave it for that much later, but I don't want to try a push for a meeting quickly if she is not up for it, not sure that it can really work that way.
The third number was quite random, she just answered after some hours: "I see", when I had texted her I hope she had a creative weekend and I had a great party and was resting now. Doesn't seem very engaged, but she felt into meeting when we were in person, so I may just go for my next message asking her schedule. I mean we even talked about her drawing me, so I don't think it would be too uncalibrated, and maybe her answer today was more her not wanting a chit-chat but preferring to go straight to the point.
The last number had texted after the icebreaker she hopes I have a great evening, so I responded by saying the party was lots of fun and took today to rest, and I also said I hope she found something exciting for her evening in my city. She answered to this few hours after she read it, telling me honestly she didn't, just had dinner, then went to a club but only for some hours, because she didn't feel the vibe, adding this emoji:

. My feeling here is that simply by answering she shows that she sees something in me, but she is surely not overly excited. I don't want to really try and connect with her when she basically says that she didn't enjoy herself when I had a good time, and also feels a bit strange to try and close here for the same reason. So I am thinking of something like: "Ah sucks...what's your vibe then?" Not sure if I am overthinking this one, but she looked like an attractive girl with many options so every effort to connect that is not earned could just make me feel like every other guy, and this text could put some desired pressure, making her feel I care about more than just how she looked. And if she responds telling me something about her vibe I can qualify, I do it and then ask her out.
So we can see that it is a bit more complicated than having a nice interaction and getting a number leading to something substantial. The important thing I believe is to do what feels the best regarding all of them and then accept the result, whatever that is and move forward. Since as I said, if they were interested, even more will be. Of course always paying attention to improve any part of the whole process that seems to be lacking.
And just to prove that no matter how good or bad some interactions go there will be more, I planned a date for this week with the girl from 2 days back with the scarf and the beanie. Felt straightforward, so it's nice to have something coming and see how I will deal with the dating part as well. Let's see, because the open air bar I was going is also gonna close for the winter soon, so I have to check where it makes more sense to go, and what steps to take leading to the pull. Anyway, it's a date, so it will be fun.
And to close with something interesting, I had one girl that I met some weeks ago, she had a boyfriend, and today she suddenly texted me asking how is life in my city. Have not responded yet, I think I will just try to connect with her a bit and test the waters for a meeting. She was an interesting one, because I met her sitting at a bench, I approached with a compliment, we realised she is from my home country and we started talking. She told me she lives in another city, her boyfriend came to live here so they are testing how it goes, and in fact they were planning to meet that day but he had stood her up for about an hour. I asked to exchange numbers for another time, and she told me she cannot write it on my phone, because she doesn't want him randomly coming and seeing us together, so she was like I will tell it to you and if you remember it, you can text. Of course I remembered, wasn't even difficult, and we parted ways, because he was supposed to be coming, then I texted her that I hope she is not still waiting at that bench, she answered, but after a bit erased the answers and it even looked like she blocked me. I was thinking whatever, and never cared again, until she texted me this thing today. Funny stuff.
PS Focused a lot on the texting part here, took quite some time and effort, because it wasn't only the text, but also the whole thinking of how exactly to do it per case. I did few approaches as well, when I went for dinner, as I didn't get out a lot apart from that, without much success though, most of them with boyfriends or husbands and one cute short 18 year old that I am pretty sure was attracted to me, but was holding herself back logically due to our age difference, and I wasn't able to overcome it.