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Diary of an explorer


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
You got this man. You're gonna figure it out.

I too find it really annoying when people treat you harshly. But hey, in cold approach, it's what you have to work with. It's not like you have a "right" to get a friendly reception. But if the reception isn't friendly, then it makes no sense to stay in set anyway. In a way, that's actually a good thing because it keeps you from wasting time on a useless set! I'd just say "Ok no worries" or "Ok nice to meet you, have a good day!", and gracefully exit.

Personally I probably need to push a bit in the other direction, since I could be a lot bolder but nowadays I prefer to err on the side of caution.,

If we ever wing for each other, you can teach me to be more bold, and I'll teach you how to be more calibrated. I get the daughters and the moms are for you :p


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I too find it really annoying when people treat you harshly. But hey, in cold approach, it's what you have to work with. It's not like you have a "right" to get a friendly reception. But if the reception isn't friendly, then it makes no sense to stay in set anyway. In a way, that's actually a good thing because it keeps you from wasting time on a useless set! I'd just say "Ok no worries" or "Ok nice to meet you, have a good day!", and gracefully exit.

Personally I probably need to push a bit in the other direction, since I could be a lot bolder but nowadays I prefer to err on the side of caution.,
Yeah I just needed some time to realise it, because as I said I was too agreeable, and couldn't even imagine how people can just ignore someone like that, it wasn't part of my reality. I was never assertive in my formative years, where girls also respond more to asshole game.

And I don't care about being an asshole really, I care about getting results. But I somehow have to at least take charge and move things forward. My biggest disappointments are always the girls that liked me, but we never slept together. That's why these last dates have been very painful for me, I honestly prefer being more forward, going for the result and getting rejected, than playing it nice and getting nowhere. Of course it needs some calibration, so you go back and forth to arrive at the right point.

And yeah, I generally do leave when they are not friendly. Sometimes I may try to change their mood, depending how the vibe feels, I think with some it is possible, and it can be nice, because you are really offering them something beautiful. But there is a distinction between the girl that is just not interested in you period and wants you to go, and the one that is just very suspicious of your intentions and you could get if you managed to put her at ease a bit.

If we ever wing for each other, you can teach me to be more bold, and I'll teach you how to be more calibrated. I get the daughters and the moms are for you :p
Haha, I saw a girl as I was walking today to take food, pretty cute shortish blond, standing alone, but felt quite young to me. Then I saw from afar a tall blond older one walking fast and I was like yeah this is a woman.

Went into the store to take food, and as I exited I saw them walking together, they were mother and daughter. Would do both probably, but I feel I would enjoy the mother more.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Quite an interesting day, for the simple reason that I left work in pretty bad mood, feeling tired, sick, hungry all together, and had some quite unsuccessful approaches due to that. Then a good one came, I got into a better mood, and eventually got some numbers.

It's really fascinating though. The same guy, me, the same day, half an hour apart and the reactions I was getting were leagues apart. In the beginning I could feel that my expressions were very off. I can sense that this happens, and that I have to calibrate better to were the girl is that, bad when internally I am in a bad place for one reason or another it is very difficult just technically. So I had a bunch of either closed off or simply uninterested receptions.

Then as I had started to even lose hope, I saw a girl walking very elegantly towards me and told her exactly that, we walked together for few seconds, she didn't seem interested in the beginning, but after just a bit she even stopped and started asking questions. I managed to show that I was for real about her and wanted to know her, and I could feel that by the end she was pretty excited by me. I also relaxed more then and I could feel it on my face, in my movements, and the way I was speaking. She said that she started dating someone recently, we eventually exchanged numbers, but not sure if she will be up for meeting. But it was a very helpful approach anyway, because it changed all my mood and vibe.

And to take a look at what helped with that, it's firstly that my compliment was truly genuine, then I kept talking to her as she was walking but I transitioned into walking quite smoothly. I also did not try to run my mouth or overwhelm her with words. As we got up some stairs I stopped, I saw her stopping with me and asking me where i am from so I knew it was on. In order to replicate these, I would say just calibrate fully to what you get. It's not impossible to stop a girl even if she keeps moving just transition to it calmly and continue the conversation getting to know what you want about her. Also keeping the face relaxed, with small smile and lively eyes ( for some reason I feel I have my eyelids quite lowered when in a bad state, and it makes me look tired at best and retarded at worst ) is important, especially in the impression your first expression makes, and then in how you move to the next ones smoothly. And don't rush, give her some time to process what you said, and move the conversation in a steady way.

After this good vibe has been established I feel everything rolls better for me. All interactions after this one had girls smiling. I had short talks with some girls with boyfriends that were very positive. In fact one was sitting at a bench, looking incredible, and I told her she looks like she is waiting for a date and I was spot on. Told me they are very well together, so I let her be.

Later I did one I wasn't expecting to work, but wanted to see in how good a state I was. I saw four women walking together towards me. Three older ones, and one cute girl in the middle. Stopped them, looking at all of them excusing myself for stopping them all together, and I told them I just saw this girl that looked lovely. It was a very good interaction, the girl was flattered, told me I was brave, and I could feel it was an attractive brave, and I told her that I don't want to keep her friends waiting, since they had already made some space for us feeling the vibe as well, so I told her to exchange numbers and meet some other time. We did and after texting a bit later where I asked her what she does for fun and qualified her, I asked her schedule, she gave me a specific day and time next week saying we will see next week for then, I told her it works for me, and she wished good night. I'll probably come back to her around the weekend to make it sure, but I feel there are good chances we will meet.

The most important thing though is that I was very smooth and normal during the whole interaction. I have a feeling that I am acting a bit more weirdly sometimes subconsciously, in order to have an excuse for my rejections. Strange concept, but in this interaction where I told to myself while approaching this group to treat them normally, it naturally all went exactly as it should. It's difficult to get into exact details about all the things that went right, but for example, I showed real concern about her friends waiting and not wanting to bring any discomfort to the group by staying there and talking to her much longer.

After this approach my phone's battery died. So the plan was to go home, the moment I reached my door though I saw a girl at the other side of the street walking fairly fast in such a sweet way, with a very feminine dress. I just couldn't help myself, and after thinking about it for few seconds as she was leaving, I decided to start walking to catch her. It took me a bit and in fact the moment I was getting close ready to open, she turned to the right and started opening a mailbox. I realised she had reached her house, but still went for it anyway.

I opened her telling her I know she looks really busy there, probably in her house, but I saw her walking with this flowery dress and she had such an energy that I wanted to talk ( or something similar as a compliment, difficult to remember how I phrase most of them, they come on the spot ). She was pretty receptive right away and even joked that hey it's probably her house, I said who knows maybe she is robbing someone, and we had a little fun with her being dangerous. We realised she was working in my company till few days ago in a pretty different field though, and after a bit I told her to see each other another time. Then since I didn't have a phone, I took out my company's laptop I had with me and opened it, and she joked about giving me her e-mail. I even put the wrong password once, and she proposed to go upstairs and throw a paper with her number from the window. She wanted to exchange instagrams in the beginning in fact, but in the end she wrote in a notebook file in my laptop her e-mail, and we joked how we are gonna do it old school. We parted ways wishing the best, and I am planning to send an e-mail tomorrow. It will be fun, I've had 2-3 other girls answer to e-mails in the past, never got a date, but whatever, I enjoy these unconventional things.

After that I did go home, opened another girl outside my door, she told me she is enjoying the company of herself now, but she still had quite a smile and told me we are neighbours anyway, probably lives in the building next to mine.

In my place I decided to use POB's infamous ping for some texting conversations. As I said in a previous entry here I had some numbers that responded to my icebreaker but then did not even read my scheduler text. And well, after this text today, two of them came back to me proposing a specific date they are available to meet, and one more answered. I'll see whether these dates will happen or not, I have some good feelings since they themselves proposed these days, and generally it's very funny how in the morning I was feeling in extreme scarcity, barely any phone number answering, and now I may have 3 more dates this next week, plus 1 that will probably happen tomorrow.

All in all, very interesting again how the vibe and the feeling you have can change everything so fast. Now the challenge is to keep this good vibe more consistently and especially as I said in situations where you do feel tired like after a long day at work.
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KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Chris, you have balls of steel. Well done. I have read a few of your posts referencing your facial expressions and how your friends have even commented, if I am remembering correctly that was you.

None of us here are normal. Street stopping a group of four girls in the day and having it go well puts you on the good side of the bell curve normal distribution. I would venture to guess you have some edge about you.

I hope as you continue to improve, you choose not to suppress your true inner self, and instead nurture it positively toward a more seductive edge. Keep it up. You are an inspiration, truly.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I saw four women walking together towards me. Three older ones, and one cute girl in the middle. Stopped them, looking at all of them excusing myself for stopping them all together, and I told them I just saw this girl that looked lovely. It was a very good interaction, the girl was flattered, told me I was brave, and I could feel it was an attractive brave, and I told her that I don't want to keep her friends waiting, since they had already made some space for us feeling the vibe as well, so I told her to exchange numbers and meet some other time. We did and after texting a bit later where I asked her what she does for fun and qualified her, I asked her schedule, she gave me a specific day and time next week saying we will see next week for then, I told her it works for me, and she wished good night. I'll probably come back to her around the weekend to make it sure, but I feel there are good chances we will meet.

Badass move. Respect!


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Quite an interesting day, for the simple reason that I left work in pretty bad mood, feeling tired, sick, hungry all together, and had some quite unsuccessful approaches due to that. Then a good one came, I got into a better mood, and eventually got some numbers.

It's really fascinating though. The same guy, me, the same day, half an hour apart and the reactions I was getting were leagues apart. In the beginning I could feel that my expressions were very off. I can sense that this happens, and that I have to calibrate better to were the girl is that, bad when internally I am in a bad place for one reason or another it is very difficult just technically. So I had a bunch of either closed off or simply uninterested receptions.

Then as I had started to even lose hope, I saw a girl walking very elegantly towards me and told her exactly that, we walked together for few seconds, she didn't seem interested in the beginning, but after just a bit she even stopped and started asking questions. I managed to show that I was for real about her and wanted to know her, and I could feel that by the end she was pretty excited by me. I also relaxed more then and I could feel it on my face, in my movements, and the way I was speaking. She said that she started dating someone recently, we eventually exchanged numbers, but not sure if she will be up for meeting. But it was a very helpful approach anyway, because it changed all my mood and vibe.

And to take a look at what helped with that, it's firstly that my compliment was truly genuine, then I kept talking to her as she was walking but I transitioned into walking quite smoothly. I also did not try to run my mouth or overwhelm her with words. As we got up some stairs I stopped, I saw her stopping with me and asking me where i am from so I knew it was on. In order to replicate these, I would say just calibrate fully to what you get. It's not impossible to stop a girl even if she keeps moving just transition to it calmly and continue the conversation getting to know what you want about her. Also keeping the face relaxed, with small smile and lively eyes ( for some reason I feel I have my eyelids quite lowered when in a bad state, and it makes me look tired at best and retarded at worst ) is important, especially in the impression your first expression makes, and then in how you move to the next ones smoothly. And don't rush, give her some time to process what you said, and move the conversation in a steady way.

After this good vibe has been established I feel everything rolls better for me. All interactions after this one had girls smiling. I had short talks with some girls with boyfriends that were very positive. In fact one was sitting at a bench, looking incredible, and I told her she looks like she is waiting for a date and I was spot on. Told me they are very well together, so I let her be.

Later I did one I wasn't expecting to work, but wanted to see in how good a state I was. I saw four women walking together towards me. Three older ones, and one cute girl in the middle. Stopped them, looking at all of them excusing myself for stopping them all together, and I told them I just saw this girl that looked lovely. It was a very good interaction, the girl was flattered, told me I was brave, and I could feel it was an attractive brave, and I told her that I don't want to keep her friends waiting, since they had already made some space for us feeling the vibe as well, so I told her to exchange numbers and meet some other time. We did and after texting a bit later where I asked her what she does for fun and qualified her, I asked her schedule, she gave me a specific day and time next week saying we will see next week for then, I told her it works for me, and she wished good night. I'll probably come back to her around the weekend to make it sure, but I feel there are good chances we will meet.

The most important thing though is that I was very smooth and normal during the whole interaction. I have a feeling that I am acting a bit more weirdly sometimes subconsciously, in order to have an excuse for my rejections. Strange concept, but in this interaction where I told to myself while approaching this group to treat them normally, it naturally all went exactly as it should. It's difficult to get into exact details about all the things that went right, but for example, I showed real concern about her friends waiting and not wanting to bring any discomfort to the group by staying there and talking to her much longer.

After this approach my phone's battery died. So the plan was to go home, the moment I reached my door though I saw a girl at the other side of the street walking fairly fast in such a sweet way, with a very feminine dress. I just couldn't help myself, and after thinking about it for few seconds as she was leaving, I decided to start walking to catch her. It took me a bit and in fact the moment I was getting close ready to open, she turned to the right and started opening a mailbox. I realised she had reached her house, but still went for it anyway.

I opened her telling her I know she looks really busy there, probably in her house, but I saw her walking with this flowery dress and she had such an energy that I wanted to talk ( or something similar as a compliment, difficult to remember how I phrase most of them, they come on the spot ). She was pretty receptive right away and even joked that hey it's probably her house, I said who knows maybe she is robbing someone, and we had a little fun with her being dangerous. We realised she was working in my company till few days ago in a pretty different field though, and after a bit I told her to see each other another time. Then since I didn't have a phone, I took out my company's laptop I had with me and opened it, and she joked about giving me her e-mail. I even put the wrong password once, and she proposed to go upstairs and throw a paper with her number from the window. She wanted to exchange instagrams in the beginning in fact, but in the end she wrote in a notebook file in my laptop her e-mail, and we joked how we are gonna do it old school. We parted ways wishing the best, and I am planning to send an e-mail tomorrow. It will be fun, I've had 2-3 other girls answer to e-mails in the past, never got a date, but whatever, I enjoy these unconventional things.

After that I did go home, opened another girl outside my door, she told me she is enjoying the company of herself now, but she still had quite a smile and told me we are neighbours anyway, probably lives in the building next to mine.

In my place I decided to use POB's infamous ping for some texting conversations. As I said in a previous entry here I had some numbers that responded to my icebreaker but then did not even read my scheduler text. And well, after this text today, two of them came back to me proposing a specific date they are available to meet, and one more answered. I'll see whether these dates will happen or not, I have some good feelings since they themselves proposed these days, and generally it's very funny how in the morning I was feeling in extreme scarcity, barely any phone number answering, and now I may have 3 more dates this next week, plus 1 that will probably happen tomorrow.

All in all, very interesting again how the vibe and the feeling you have can change everything so fast. Now the challenge is to keep this good vibe more consistently and especially as I said in situations where you do feel tired like after a long day at work.

That is some excellent stuff man! I know you've mentioned how it's sometimes difficult for you to combine being nice/relaxed/sociable with being seductive, but you showed yourself how it's done right there.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Chris, you have balls of steel. Well done. I have read a few of your posts referencing your facial expressions and how your friends have even commented, if I am remembering correctly that was you.

None of us here are normal. Street stopping a group of four girls in the day and having it go well puts you on the good side of the bell curve normal distribution. I would venture to guess you have some edge about you.

I hope as you continue to improve, you choose not to suppress your true inner self, and instead nurture it positively toward a more seductive edge. Keep it up. You are an inspiration, truly.

Thanks for the nice words Francis :)

This was quite a good interaction indeed, I can’t say I am generally that good at managing groups like that, it’s nice to know that at least it is possible, you can do it and you just have to replicate it.

And yeah I did talk about the face I may have sometimes and some of the expressions I make, and you are on point, I have read this article about edge, and a lot of things ring true.

I mean the Tesla picture with the underlook and the face resting on his hand is something I can see myself doing easily. Sometimes I feel I may naturally underlook women at the approach in fact.

Now I am not really edgy 24/7, but especially when I am studying, understanding, or explaining something that I find exciting I can be pretty edgy.

Can’t say I am getting that a lot lately though, I am kinda trying to find such things, but most times I am just neutral.

I was quite focused on studying theoretical physics in the past, and after I left because the scientist life seemed too secluded, I can’t say I have found something that I would say that inspires me much, so I feel I’ve lost some of this edge I had.

I surely can access the edginess though, and regarding seduction one question is how to really balance it. I am having trouble for that, mostly because I do care about the results and want to improve, and cannot be fully detached and focus on something else. My something else is the general improvement with women and not any specific one if we put it like that.

Looking at the article again and the behavioural part, I feel I do have some of these things as well. For example if I go for a woman I feel it a big waste of time to go to date after date after date, and I was never the opposite really, hanging around girls hoping for something, I would have preferred to focus my attention elsewhere.

I feel that this is one concern I have for relationships as well, I cannot imagine being the type of guy that devotes a lot of time in the relationship, making the woman the most important thing, and I always wondered why would any woman eventually want some form of relationship with me if I wasn’t that focused on her.

So we will see. I feel that I am probably either being too edgy on some approaches, or I try to be not at all and they go bad. If I find some balance I think it can really help.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
I am having trouble for that, mostly because I do care about the results and want to improve, and cannot be fully detached and focus on something else. My something else is the general improvement with women and not any specific one if we put it like that.
This is another thing I have pondered and also struggled with. Detachment or outcome independence. But a friend put it to me in a way that made sense. Detachment or outcome independence does not mean you do not care about the result. It just means you do not let your self worth be determined by the results of what you are doing. I like this and view it like this now. Its a very Stoic perspective as well.

For example if I go for a woman I feel it a big waste of time to go to date after date after date, and I was never the opposite really, hanging around girls hoping for something, I would have preferred to focus my attention elsewhere.
Hmmm this is a tricky one. I really do enjoy going on dates and being around women even if they all do not end up in sex or a relationship. I mean I would feel bad if I am sacrificing some other goal in life and going on dates. But if its between watching Netflix/reading a pickup blog/watching YT and going on a date that ends up going nowhere. I would still pick the date :D

My best results in dates have come when I really was just relaxing, enjoying the moment and expressing myself. I mean if we put it in perspective, of all the horrible things that are happening in the world like war, diseases, poverty, natural disasters etc. its not that bad to be at a bar or a cafe talking to a girl right? ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Not a bad day today, but nothing too eventful either I would say.

First of all I did an approach very early in the morning while waiting for the bus to go to work. There was a girl standing there, I went to tell her she is cute and immediately realised how off I was. I am doing something with my eyebrows that is particularly weird sometimes. Because I am trying to show honest excitement I am raising them too much, and it feels like I am totally amazed by this creature in front of me. Rarely works, and probably even if it does, the approach goes well despite it.

Anyway, I immediately realised from her reaction that the approach is screwed so I asked her where she is working. At this stop we have a private bus for the company so it's pretty usual to have people waiting for it around. I had a feeling she could be from my company from the beginning but especially when the approach felt off I transitioned to social mode to be sure. And viola, she was working for my company, and in the same floor in fact. Good thing I remained chill, and she even had to ask me something back to fill a gap in the conversation as we were standing close by. In the bus I entered first, I have a feeling she may have allowed me so that she could pick a seat after me to not sit next to each other, but I preferred it that way, as I was. At least it didn't feel like I was chasing her, I went out of the bus first and walked all the way to my office not looking back, and I saw her coming in my elevator, which was when we realised we work at the same floor, and in the end we had a pretty nice goodbye before work.

This place in the morning is a bit risky, and I will keep myself from approaching because I don't really want a name, although I both this one and another one I did a week ago went quite smoothly. I have also given a compliment to a lady about her dress while leaving the elevator, so generally I've been trying to stay a bit womanly social even in work in an acceptable way, that said I'll take even more care basically leaving all the space to the girls if I leave any kind of compliment.

Leaving work, I wasn't in the most social and seductive mood as always, but I still decided to do some approaches. Surprisingly they weren't that bad, I think some of the calibrations I mentioned yesterday helped. I even approached a girl(?) walking pretty elegantly down the street, having basically most guys turns heads. She had fake boobs, a lot of plastic surgery, and honestly she could be a trans, but whatever, just for going up to her while everyone else was just looking I wanted to do it. Took a number, she sent me a weird response in my icebreaker asking if I am home, I was going to a date, so I answered later Why, you wanna come by?, she loled, and in the end I proposed we meet another day, she said she leaves for vacation tomorrow, so who knows. I just hope we don't end up in a sword fight lol.

I also made some more approaches, although I wasn't in yesterday's good mood, I wasn't in a bad one either, most of the approaches were smooth, I even stopped to talk to a girl chilling with her friend and got a very good reception. So good that she told me she had a husband only after I entertained her with my presence for a bit, and the friend also seemed to like my vibe.

Went home after that and got ready for my date. Now this girl was the one I had given the note inside the train, and she gave me back a note with her number. We exchanged some texts, nothing fancy, I tried to learn few things, and qualify a bit to not seem I ask for a date out of nothing. I think I should have treated this one more as an informational one, because it really was the first time we even spoke.

She was pretty overenergetic and distracted from the beginning, I told her she laughed and said she is like that in general especially when she is tired like today. We talked for a while, I didn't feel a very friendly vibe this time, but not really sexual either. I should probably try to focus even more on her feminine characteristics if I want to really project that. Wasn't a bad vibe, that said I again had the issue that when I asked about men, she went on to talk about relationships, how she doesn't get people jumping from one to the other, and she likes longer term with people she can connect with well. I tried to set some frames as always, about time not mattering in the connections, enjoying and experiencing life, how dating can be difficult for women and they need the middle from the guy that just wants sex and the one that would just do everything for them, etc. I didn't get into any sexual topics, because at some point she said she would have to leave soon, I didn't want to start escalating in that direction towards the end and have it fall flat. She was having a lot of back pain during the date, I even proposed to go chill at my place nearby, she didn't want, and eventually we mutually finished it.

Can't say how I feel about it really, I asked her what she feels about me at some point late in the date, and she said she can't really decide, and didn't want to say something else, that it's early to form an opinion. I don't think I would mind seeing her again, but I don't really know how to move to sex with her without really going for something committed. She was also sitting opposite to me so it was difficult to really escalate any touch. When we met she just gave me a handshake so I really feel she wanted some distance. In the end at least I opened my arms, invited her in for a hug and she came ( in the hug, not in her pants, I am not that good ).

All in all not a bad experience, I knew due to the way we met that this would be pretty introductory. Maybe in fact I should have kept this location close to my place for a later date, but I wanted to be ready for the pull in the best case scenario. It remains a bit frustrating though in general, how difficult it feels to set the right frames and have sex from the first date. I also know I am not escalating the vibe enough, but really today I felt I could not do many things due to the positoning and time we had. I was planning to have her walk and get closer somewhere else maybe, but she didn't seem open up for much more, and wanted to go.

On my way home I opened two girls. I took the number of the second one coming back from the gym, I don't think I qualified her that well though, apart from enjoying her vibe and wanting to exchange numbers to plan something, and the end after the number exchange was a bit awkward for how fast she left. We'll see though I may send a scheduler text in one two days.

On the texting front, basically got confirmation for a date on Saturday, and I'm in the middle of some other conversations that may lead somewhere, even got a nice reply to the e-mail from yesterday, so we will see. The good thing is that I think I am reaching a point where as long as I approach I generally have an abundance of dating opportunities. What happens after that is something to look at, but it's at least nice to know that you can fill up your schedule to the point that you don't even try that much to reconnect with older numbers because you don't know where to fit them. Of course I do plan to try reconnecting with some, as well. I am also trying lately to be a bit more flexible in my texting, and calibrating to the interaction, and I want to see how it goes. I think I am starting to get a feeling about the types of texts different girls and interactions would need, that said we will see by the results.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
This is another thing I have pondered and also struggled with. Detachment or outcome independence. But a friend put it to me in a way that made sense. Detachment or outcome independence does not mean you do not care about the result. It just means you do not let your self worth be determined by the results of what you are doing. I like this and view it like this now. Its a very Stoic perspective as well.
I do like this view.
Hmmm this is a tricky one. I really do enjoy going on dates and being around women even if they all do not end up in sex or a relationship. I mean I would feel bad if I am sacrificing some other goal in life and going on dates. But if its between watching Netflix/reading a pickup blog/watching YT and going on a date that ends up going nowhere. I would still pick the date :D

My best results in dates have come when I really was just relaxing, enjoying the moment and expressing myself. I mean if we put it in perspective, of all the horrible things that are happening in the world like war, diseases, poverty, natural disasters etc. its not that bad to be at a bar or a cafe talking to a girl right? ;)
I can see what you mean. I don't fully disagree, it's just that knowing how the probability of sex falls by every new date, if it doesn't happen after one/two I think I will just stop going out with her and focus on other options. My problem is that with most girls it's not happening in this timeframe, so I have to figure out how to reach that point.

I know it's not a good way to look at things, that said I do feel sometimes nowadays: Oh damn, here we go, another date, will I manage to get something out of this one at least, or again it will be a nice chat to nothing. Of course you can argue, that you always get something, what better way to improve in dating than going to dates.

Also regarding the relaxing, not sure how you mean it exactly, but for me it's not the case. I'm still enjoying myself in the moment, but by itself, without deliberately trying to escalate things, verbally, non-verbally and logistically I don't think it would lead to much.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
can see what you mean. I don't fully disagree, it's just that knowing how the probability of sex falls by every new date, if it doesn't happen after one/two I think I will just stop going out with her and focus on other options. My problem is that with most girls it's not happening in this timeframe, so I have to figure out how to reach that point.
Oh I would stop after 2 or max 3 dates with the same girl if nothing happens. I was talking about going on dates with different girls. If I went on dates with 10 girls and ended up sleeping with 2 for example, I would not view the dates with the other women as a waste of time is what I meant.
Also regarding the relaxing, not sure how you mean it exactly, but for me it's not the case. I'm still enjoying myself in the moment, but by itself, without deliberately trying to escalate things, verbally, non-verbally and logistically I don't think it would lead to much.
This is the same thing as before. By this I mean trying to move it forward but not NEEDING it. Not letting your self worth or emotional state to be affected by the "result" of the date.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I am in fairly bad mood, just had a flake, I was kinda expecting it after not answering my last messages, but still went nearby to check just in case. It's not only that though, I went out today, walking around and approached some girls. Not much success, I should stop going out before lunch in fact, because I am hungry and it really affects my vibe. The problem is I feel I live the groundhog day a bit again and again.

I mean, I go out, I approach, get some rejections, some nice interactions, some numbers from time to time. Then a bunch of them never respond, some do but then stop for one reason or another, and some I do eventually end up getting dates with. Then we go to the date, and the vast majority of time the vibe is fairly good, but not towards sexual, it feels kinda incongruent to escalate.

It's frustrating really, because I am alright with not having sex with the girls that don't like me, but not having it with the ones that do like me perplexes me a lot. I've been trying to maybe give them a first informational date, then try on the next one, we will see how it goes, but the communication is so slow.

For example I had to double text a girl twice during the week not to forget to let me know how she feels about my idea first, and then how the time I proposed worked for her. We did meet for coffee today eventually, with a pretty weird vibe, she was constantly looking at the dogs around and commenting on them, but the point is I feel I have to be coming back all the time to remind them about our chat and plans.

I'm trying to do it the most least effort way possible, but it still feels I am constantly going after them, I rarely get girls texting me first. There are some dates that I may have next week as well, but still I am reaching the point of feeling I put too much effort for too little results.

I think my biggest issue is going through all this for some nice chat for about an hour eventually during the date. Maybe I have mentioned that before, but I just don't see how to move to sex, I do try to touch them, I am introducing topics conducive to seduction and even talk about sex in the later phases, and I am also inviting them home, but it doesn't feel there.

I've felt I am probably not going close enough to them or letting them feel my sexual energy, but it's really difficult when first of all you don't have enough time, and secondly they are somewhere else. I mean I have seen girls that come to the date and are excited about me, maybe they are ovulating and want sex, I don't know, but this is pretty random and I cannot base what I do on that.

A lot of them have a vibe of whatever he asked me out, let's go and see, and mostly talk about having a relationship, and no matter how I try to set casual frames, it doesn't seem like they are into that. And it's not that I can say let's have more dates, and sleep with them in the 2nd or 3rd one, most of the times it's extremely difficult to plan again after the first.

So I am basically wondering how I should go about it, should I be much more sexually suggestive and forward even if they are in a place of normal conversation? Most of the times I try to sexualise things fast either on the approach or in the date, it feels like I am pushing it a lot and it has the opposite result, like I am trying to force frame the sexual element and they reject it. There is probably some vibe that I don't recognise at all, I mean how exactly it would even feel inside me to be this sexual kind of guy that makes them interested in it.

I think it would help me if I knew some statistics of guys that are good, meaning how many of the girls you get numbers you go out with, how many of them that come to dates are ready for intimacy on the first date, and how many are just not there no matter how you push and would need more time. Generally to have an idea of whether it's normal to be having tens of dates to have sex once, or I am just doing something extremely wrong that I don't see. Because I am honestly not scared to invite them home, I am trying not to escalate much in public, in order not to affect the pull, but it just feels off anyway. And it's funny, because I know if I don't sexualise nothing will happen, probably I won't even get the chance for another date, but even when I have tried to do it and moved fast, it hasn't led to great results.

And I don't know if I should be way more sexual even from the approach, but it feels extremely strange in daygame. I am trying to take it step by step and move through the phases of the interaction and the date, but the phase where I should project sexual intent maybe with a look or an energy is just not working, I am trying to feel it so that I can communicate it and I struggle a lot. Sometimes if the girl is responsive, playful or gives me some signs it may come naturally, but generally I feel very little literal arousal down there that I can project.

I'm not even sure what to do, even when I have tried to be more physical and in that sexual state mostly in nighttime it still didn't lead to a pull. I think my problem is really that it all feels random. I mean that once in a while I may meet a horny girl and if I do things right I can have something, but generally they just don't seem to be that excited with me.

And I am not even gonna go to the fact that these are not even girls that I like that much. And to be clear I do love them, they are very sweet women in their own ways and would enjoy exploring them sexually, just saying that going through all this hassle and not even getting these girls that are not even close to my dream ones does affect my confidence.

When I came into this, the main reason I pushed through and kept going is that I believed. I believed it's possible to have the sexual and romantic life you want if you work at it. And I think I'm slowly reaching the point where I am not sure what the next steps are. What I should really focus on, because if I at least know that by working on something I will get there, I can be confident in the future. Now the future seems fuzzy and not even clear if I will reach the level I want no matter how much I work on it. And it affects a bit my motivation in the rest of life, because I just don't see much reason to go work hard and focus on making money if I feel that in the end I will be rich still struggling to attract an average woman.

I will keep going, apart from not having many other choices, I do enjoy just being free to approach women wherever. That said regarding what I get out of it as an eventual result I am surely not satisfied right now. And it's also that I want more sex to become better at it. When I sleep with a woman once every few months, there is simply not enough practice and every new time I feel rusty.

I do have some things in mind to work on, but I feel I am somehow not finding the 20% that will give the big boost in the results at this point. Who knows, maybe I will stumble upon something that works.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
I am in fairly bad mood, just had a flake, I was kinda expecting it after not answering my last messages, but still went nearby to check just in case. It's not only that though, I went out today, walking around and approached some girls. Not much success, I should stop going out before lunch in fact, because I am hungry and it really affects my vibe. The problem is I feel I live the groundhog day a bit again and again.

I mean, I go out, I approach, get some rejections, some nice interactions, some numbers from time to time. Then a bunch of them never respond, some do but then stop for one reason or another, and some I do eventually end up getting dates with. Then we go to the date, and the vast majority of time the vibe is fairly good, but not towards sexual, it feels kinda incongruent to escalate.

It's frustrating really, because I am alright with not having sex with the girls that don't like me, but not having it with the ones that do like me perplexes me a lot. I've been trying to maybe give them a first informational date, then try on the next one, we will see how it goes, but the communication is so slow.

For example I had to double text a girl twice during the week not to forget to let me know how she feels about my idea first, and then how the time I proposed worked for her. We did meet for coffee today eventually, with a pretty weird vibe, she was constantly looking at the dogs around and commenting on them, but the point is I feel I have to be coming back all the time to remind them about our chat and plans.

I'm trying to do it the most least effort way possible, but it still feels I am constantly going after them, I rarely get girls texting me first. There are some dates that I may have next week as well, but still I am reaching the point of feeling I put too much effort for too little results.

I think my biggest issue is going through all this for some nice chat for about an hour eventually during the date. Maybe I have mentioned that before, but I just don't see how to move to sex, I do try to touch them, I am introducing topics conducive to seduction and even talk about sex in the later phases, and I am also inviting them home, but it doesn't feel there.

I've felt I am probably not going close enough to them or letting them feel my sexual energy, but it's really difficult when first of all you don't have enough time, and secondly they are somewhere else. I mean I have seen girls that come to the date and are excited about me, maybe they are ovulating and want sex, I don't know, but this is pretty random and I cannot base what I do on that.

A lot of them have a vibe of whatever he asked me out, let's go and see, and mostly talk about having a relationship, and no matter how I try to set casual frames, it doesn't seem like they are into that. And it's not that I can say let's have more dates, and sleep with them in the 2nd or 3rd one, most of the times it's extremely difficult to plan again after the first.

So I am basically wondering how I should go about it, should I be much more sexually suggestive and forward even if they are in a place of normal conversation? Most of the times I try to sexualise things fast either on the approach or in the date, it feels like I am pushing it a lot and it has the opposite result, like I am trying to force frame the sexual element and they reject it. There is probably some vibe that I don't recognise at all, I mean how exactly it would even feel inside me to be this sexual kind of guy that makes them interested in it.

I think it would help me if I knew some statistics of guys that are good, meaning how many of the girls you get numbers you go out with, how many of them that come to dates are ready for intimacy on the first date, and how many are just not there no matter how you push and would need more time. Generally to have an idea of whether it's normal to be having tens of dates to have sex once, or I am just doing something extremely wrong that I don't see. Because I am honestly not scared to invite them home, I am trying not to escalate much in public, in order not to affect the pull, but it just feels off anyway. And it's funny, because I know if I don't sexualise nothing will happen, probably I won't even get the chance for another date, but even when I have tried to do it and moved fast, it hasn't led to great results.

And I don't know if I should be way more sexual even from the approach, but it feels extremely strange in daygame. I am trying to take it step by step and move through the phases of the interaction and the date, but the phase where I should project sexual intent maybe with a look or an energy is just not working, I am trying to feel it so that I can communicate it and I struggle a lot. Sometimes if the girl is responsive, playful or gives me some signs it may come naturally, but generally I feel very little literal arousal down there that I can project.

I'm not even sure what to do, even when I have tried to be more physical and in that sexual state mostly in nighttime it still didn't lead to a pull. I think my problem is really that it all feels random. I mean that once in a while I may meet a horny girl and if I do things right I can have something, but generally they just don't seem to be that excited with me.

And I am not even gonna go to the fact that these are not even girls that I like that much. And to be clear I do love them, they are very sweet women in their own ways and would enjoy exploring them sexually, just saying that going through all this hassle and not even getting these girls that are not even close to my dream ones does affect my confidence.

When I came into this, the main reason I pushed through and kept going is that I believed. I believed it's possible to have the sexual and romantic life you want if you work at it. And I think I'm slowly reaching the point where I am not sure what the next steps are. What I should really focus on, because if I at least know that by working on something I will get there, I can be confident in the future. Now the future seems fuzzy and not even clear if I will reach the level I want no matter how much I work on it. And it affects a bit my motivation in the rest of life, because I just don't see much reason to go work hard and focus on making money if I feel that in the end I will be rich still struggling to attract an average woman.

I will keep going, apart from not having many other choices, I do enjoy just being free to approach women wherever. That said regarding what I get out of it as an eventual result I am surely not satisfied right now. And it's also that I want more sex to become better at it. When I sleep with a woman once every few months, there is simply not enough practice and every new time I feel rusty.

I do have some things in mind to work on, but I feel I am somehow not finding the 20% that will give the big boost in the results at this point. Who knows, maybe I will stumble upon something that works.
It seems like a plateau of sorts. But I have not even reached this stage yet from cold approach so cannot really give you any advice. Maybe the advanced guys will be able to help you out. My goal is to reach your stage and consistently get dates from cold approach first!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Yeah I think I don't have a picture in my mind of how it should really look technically after a point. For example, I had this coffee date today in the morning, should I be satisfied with the few short touches, and that she gave me a hug in the end when I opened my arms and invited her in? I basically finished the date after an hour saying I have to go for some shopping and other things, but during it, the vibe was pretty strange. I guess it comes together with being an older woman focused on work and without a guy in her life? I've met few of them 40+, and usually you can feel that something is a bit off, in their mannerisms, way of communication etc. I do know they would enjoy sex as well though, and some of them I do find fairly hot, so I will still go regardless the age.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I'm not at a stage where I'm getting dates either, or even numbers from cold approach. But I did have some successful dates in the past.

Most of my past lays I got from night game, and obviously alcohol was involved so that was entirely different. But with ALL my pulls in night game, I escalated in public up to kissing, and in one instance I even got a hand job on a couch in a club lol. From a medical student, total 10 in my book. Good times. FWIW I had a date later with that girl, she was dtf and I pulled her home but I completely messed that one up... but that's a different story.

Which is why I think all that "don't-escalate-in-public" advice is top be taken with a huge grain of salt. If not escalating in public works better for you, great, but if it doesn't maybe give it a try.

Also, are you ever using humor? The best dates I've had were when both I and the girl were both laughing or at least smiling a lot. From your overall vibe here on the forum it sounds to me a bit like you're more of a melancholical type. That can work too, obviously, but myself when I'm with a girl I like I will usually crack silly jokes and tease her a lot. Maybe not so much as to come off like a clown, but if a girl has a compatible type of humor with mine then that's a huge plus for her.

(Of course that was all before my day game days, I wasn't trying to be a seducer just being my natural self.)

And last, I would stop worrying about the "casual frame". Yeah girls talk about relationships, but who cares? You're not going to be in a relationship until the both of you decide that you will. I mean sure, if she says "I don't want to have sex unless the guy marries me first" then I guess you shouldn't lead her on, but are they really all giving you that kind of "ultimatum" for lack of a better word? I think you're still being hung up on dirscarding any possible idea of her getting the idea you might be boyfriend material. That's probably doing you more harm than good at this stage.

Just my 2 cents, I hope this can be of any help.

EDIT: Oh and do you drink alcohol at all? I pretty much stopped drinking, but I assure you when you have a drink with a girl pulling gets a lot easier. But this is probably bad advice...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I just remembered that you probably still have the cast on, correct? Might be another reason why the girls you meet up with don't have sex on their mind as a priority. I had a broken wrist once, was with a girlfirend at the time and sex was definitely doable. But you're quite limited in what you can do, I think we mainly did doggy style at the time since I could do that without sustaining my body weight with the arms. Might be weird for a first-time lay though, never done that with a broken arm. Maybe you'll write pickup history if you can pull it off!

But seriously, I think you're doing pretty well all things considered.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Most of my past lays I got from night game, and obviously alcohol was involved so that was entirely different. But with ALL my pulls in night game, I escalated in public up to kissing, and in one instance I even got a hand job on a couch in a club lol. From a medical student, total 10 in my book. Good times. FWIW I had a date later with that girl, she was dtf and I pulled her home but I completely messed that one up... but that's a different story.
Yeah I can see how it would work, for me almost every time I've kissed a girl in a night venue, it just stayed there. And I have done it a bunch of times.

I have only one pull from a nightclub in fact and it was not the very hot kind of girl, but still cute looking for me. I was basically approaching her from time to time throughout the night, while dancing and vibing with others as well. I could feel she liked me but wasn't really engaging, so I would leave and reopen later when I saw her.

At some point I saw her leaving the club, I left as well, and opened her again outside. We ended up sitting at a bench together, she was in a pretty bad mood, so I had her relax, and even guided her a bit to breath, gain awareness of the space around her, and gave some suggestions like letting go and feeling my touches and and that now it all feels good and she is feeling at peace, interesting stuff, all improvised.

After that I invited her home, she wanted to go to another club with her friend, I followed them, kept her some company in the club, and after a bit she just said she was tired. We went out looking for a taxi, she said she wanted to go sleep, I asked her if she wants to go to her place, not as a tactic really I wanted her to be well, and she was like no we can go to yours.

Sadly the alcohol, lack of sleep, and long LMR led to me basically prematurely ejaculating instantly when I got inside her the next morning. But it was still an educational experience for taking this all the way through.

Anyway, out of topic a bit, but never shared this one here anyway, so why not.

Which is why I think all that "don't-escalate-in-public" advice is top be taken with a huge grain of salt. If not escalating in public works better for you, great, but if it doesn't maybe give it a try.
I know it is not absolute. That said in my experience the only girls I have managed to pull and get sexual after kissing in public were girls that were in the city just for the night, and we both knew what we were going for.

The rest of my dates that worked well, were basically all about tension that translated to sexual acts when in private. I do feel I may have lost some girls for not pushing things more in public, but after losing even more pulls doing it, I prefer it that way.

Wouldn't be against a calibrated escalation if it would lead to results though. I just don't seem to be able to achieve that most of the times.

Also, are you ever using humor? The best dates I've had were when both I and the girl were both laughing or at least smiling a lot. From your overall vibe here on the forum it sounds to me a bit like you're more of a melancholical type. That can work too, obviously, but myself when I'm with a girl I like I will usually crack silly jokes and tease her a lot. Maybe not so much as to come off like a clown, but if a girl has a compatible type of humor with mine then that's a huge plus for her.
Can't say if I am a melancholical type or not, but it's an interesting observation girls have made as well, so there is probably some truth to it regarding how I come off. It's not so much that I don't use humor, but I generally try to deep dive, and may also say some one liners here and there. I've had it happen to have women laughing with me, but I honestly I feel they liked me and would laugh with whatever, same lines to a not interested girl come off as cringy and try hard.

So I am not even sure in the end how useful humour is as a technique. Thinking about it, a date I had about a week ago did have quite a good vibe humour wise, not laughing all the time, but we felt in a matching wavelength, still not much sexual tension though.
And last, I would stop worrying about the "casual frame". Yeah girls talk about relationships, but who cares? You're not going to be in a relationship until the both of you decide that you will. I mean sure, if she says "I don't want to have sex unless the guy marries me first" then I guess you shouldn't lead her on, but are they really all giving you that kind of "ultimatum" for lack of a better word? I think you're still being hung up on dirscarding any possible idea of her getting the idea you might be boyfriend material.
Maybe you are right about this. I just hear them talk about how they would like a relationship and partner and I feel they will slow game me like crazy, and take me out to multiple dates until they feel I am the perfect candidate they can now have sex with.

It's really mostly so that it doesn't end up like this, that I am trying to find ways to frame it like I am not really looking for a relationship, and like adventure, exploring things etc

Maybe I should just not put too much emphasis on it and overthink it though, and just roll with the date and go for the close anyway.
I just remembered that you probably still have the cast on, correct? Might be another reason why the girls you meet up with don't have sex on their mind as a priority. I had a broken wrist once, was with a girlfirend at the time and sex was definitely doable. But you're quite limited in what you can do, I think we mainly did doggy style at the time since I could do that without sustaining my body weight with the arms. Might be weird for a first-time lay though, never done that with a broken arm. Maybe you'll write pickup history if you can pull it off!
Yeah I'll have it on for few more weeks. I did think about this in fact. From my side not much has changed regarding how I run the dates, but it does feel like I am getting more platonic ones, after it happened. Maybe it is exactly what you say and their mind is elsewhere.

It's also true that I wouldn't be fully functioning sexually. I am personally ready to go for it even like this, but I can imagine it would be a bit awkward. At least now my right hand feels better, still a bit of pain, but can do most things. The first days, because I literally went to a date after coming back from the hospital, I couldn't even use my right arm well. My plan was to escalate at home, and after kissing order the girl to kneel down and take my cock out, because I couldn't even unbuckle my belt properly haha

I was also chatting with a girl online, heavily sexually, told her about the accident, and started describing different sexual scenarios with me injured, she was even joking she could play the nurse. Sadly she eventually said she would be taking a break from dating before we met, because her boyfriend wasn't handling the open relationship well.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
These last two days suddenly got too dark and rainy and I feel they have also affected my mood in a way. Not many approaches really, and it's not only directly because of how I felt, but also because I know that by approaching in that state it rarely goes well.

And I think that is my biggest problem, I may feel tired after work or just woken up before and I can feel that my body is not in a state that can communicate masculinity. I feel I should adjust my eating schedule now with work, sometimes I feel quite hungry by the time I am done, and also the portions in the restaurant are not particularly big.

I was also thinking about how I come off as melancholic, and I don't know how much of it is because of low energy. It's not only that, but it surely affects my approaches as well, because when tired it's difficult to have the curious excitement at the open and I come straight away with a much deeper energy.

And I don't mean negatively deeper, but I may have bedroom eyes from the first moment. I realised it some days ago trying to understand what makes the difference in the reactions of girls when I feel relatively well. I think a lot of times if I am too relaxed, I will go and approach looking at the girls the same way I would look at them deep into a date or seduction. It's a very penetrating gaze that probably overwhelms most girls, making them feel I am diving into their soul in a sexual way.

I should keep it more light and playful in the beginning, and this is way easier to do with more energy or at least when I am warmed up well. I think I also tried to adopt this form of approach with the intense gaze as I was trying to be more relaxed slow and grounded, in order to not come off as goofy and unattractive by being more energetic.

I think all this also makes me a bit too unreactive and feeling like I don't care much. For example a lot of times if girls do stuff I don't particularly like, I may get a feeling of: Whatever, just let them be, it's not like I will get in a relationship with them. But this has the opposite effect and feels like I don't say or do what I want.

I think connected to that is the fact that I don't have many things that would break it with a girl for me. I mean as long as she doesn't look worn out like a drug addict, and is healthy, if I am attracted I will move forward without caring much about the rest. And especially with very hot women it ends up feeling like I am just agreeing to everything and always try to move things forward, when they obviously feel troubled about different things in their lives and would want someone to call them out.

So I feel that apart from logically making a list, I have to also start feeling in my core which things would make me lose interest and excitement for a woman if I had reached abundance.

Quite introspective days, and honestly I had kinda zoned out from my latest texting exchanges not expecting much, or basically just girls to simply drop out after a bit. And through all that I managed to confirm a date for tomorrow. We'll see how it goes, I will try to have some fun, stay sexual and see where I can take it. We are gonna meet almost outside my house, because she will be around the area anyway, so I am thinking whether I should ask her to go chill at my place right away, but I don't know, it feels too sudden for a fast daygame approach of few minutes.

I also had another girl saying it should be possible to meet me on Saturday, and I told her it would be nice but I will be out of the city most probably. Didn't seem like a very elegant answer, and the thing is I am not sure yet if I won't be around. But I wanted to base what I do during the weekend not on the probability of one date. I basically have some very good travel perks with the job and I am planning to be taking trips every once in a while, especially in the weekends that I have time. I feel that it is a good way to explore and a great chance, since I am in a short term contract, to take advantage of the situation now and travel more. I may have to reject some dates or social functions during the weekends but I truly feel this is for my best.

So let's see, it seems I will have this one tomorrow and who knows what else before taking this short trip on Saturday and Sunday. I suppose some travelling is not that bad for seduction either, although I don't intend to just go and hit the streets mass approaching, You never know who you come across if you are open to it, though.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
wow how did that go down...
I dont remember much of the details. I met this hot med student with gorgeous curly dark hair in a rock club. I remember later describing her to my buddy like "She looked like the girl from the XYZ shampoo commercial".

I don't remember how we met exactly or who opened whom. At the time, I'd approach girls in clubs when I was drunk enough, so there's a good chance that's how it happened. My go-to opener at the time was a super crude "Hey, who are you?" but it worked.

We somehow ended up making out on this couch in an elevated area of the club, behind the dance floor and with a wall behind us so it was a bit of a quiet corner of the floor where people would go to smoke joints and stuff. The club itself wasn't huge, it was kind of this oversized dive bar with a dance floor.

Anyway, while making out the girl started taking my dick out and rubbing me off, and I didn't resist :) She was lying sideways on my legs, shielding the action from public view... more or less. I think.

At the end of the night I took her number (pre cell phone era so I had to go the bar and ask for pen and paper), called her a few days later and we met either at my place or somewhere else. She then drove me to the city center where I had a beer and she had a tomato juice. (funny the details you do remember after 30 years lol)

We then drove back to mine, made out on the couch and the couch broke down lol. I think we moved to the bed, she started handjobbing me again and my memory is kind of fuzzy there but I believe I came from the hand job and didnt fuck her. Regrettably.

I also remember she had to convince me to escort her to the parking lot, because I was too lazy. She was legitimately scared but I was like "Nothing's going to happen, don't worry". Young me was sometimes stupid like that... big fuckup there, first not fucking her properly and then being an egoistic dick.

I never saw her again, can't remember if I tried to get her out on another date or if I was too embarassed. Pity because she was one very hot and intelligent girl.
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