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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
At station morning, I make eye contact with a girl (I would say 5-6 on 10), it wasnt prolonged or anything and I look away ... Before train comes she walks near me ... I think she is interested. There was rush while entering the train, we both enter train and i make sure to stand beside her ... I say how much rush is there (hook dropping/pinging), she is busy putting her stuff on the rack and then I repeat my comment and stand still and she then says yeah (very enthusiastically my read about her interest was correct) ... She adds maybe trains are cancelled ... I say yeah trains are late as well... To which she add generally train gets late we talk some more about trains and then I switch topic by asking her going to office ... To which she responds yes ... I ask her about her profession... We talk about work I don't find anything to transition from this topic but someone calls her she gets busy in her phone i start looking outside thinking topics about which we can talk ... Remaining calm cause I know I will have solid 25 mins with her. She gets one more call and then she start taking off her stuff suddenly ... I ask her did some work came up to which she says no her friend wants to tag along (she needs to get down) ... She asks me about my work (showing interest) I ask her nam, it's a unique name I comment she asks me where I am from I tell... Her stop comes and she gets down.

I was thinking to whether I should just ask her number before she turned towards the exit ... She don't look back like those romance movies if she would have I would have asked her number.

And then this way dawns on me to ask the number

I was thinking to whether I should just ask her number before she turned towards the exit ... She don't look back like those romance movies if she would have I would have asked her number.

I wonder if could have done anything differently...i was very high energy...transition from work topic wasn't Smooth/ actually there was no transition...I feel maybe I lingered on work a bit longer idk its a safe social topic


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Idk why today I got more IOIs from girl, maybe it was my smile/ positive attitude or walk?

I was dressed nice as well and rocking a new Hair cut which I like.

Sporting a light beard (can't grow much/ find it okish/generally people tell me I look better without it)

Gotta figure out from 5 variable which is most relevant
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I forgot I went inside an art galary today ... Was seeing art and I ended up being near the girl who was curator idk who opened but we ended up talking a bit and I have interest in art so I was able to move convo forward but my ejecting problem came up and I suddenly switched to talking to a male artist there felt safe...then I circled back to her did handclasp + introduction and the ejected ... She seemed in me I dunno clearly I look like someone who cant afford painting so clearly she did not chatted up with me try to sell something


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I constantly have escapist thought but I think given my practical situation and need for money I should focus on my job that much that I don't get kicked out. Then on my body it will always with me and as it grows it will support me in pick up as well. Then approaching on the way to work and back and weekend and whenever I get time. Once I quit job I can focus on game solely but then I will need to give up on game and socializing and focus on job/body/ finding a biz to start and then action for it.

Best outcome is doing job good. Then putting effort in gym and going out for 3-4 approaches each day. If I do all these I can sleep with peace.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Only issue is i procrastinate on my work idk why? I am not much motivated and seeing future it in seems bleak and I know to make future in it I need to sacrifice a lot of present for it. But I think I need to now focus on monetary aspect of it only. My boss being a fucking workoholic doesnt help as well. My ability to sit a desk is also fucked up.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I am thinking of approaching girls who sitting in clubs or some place alone or walking alone ... After eye contact walk to them hey do you work in XYZ place? (With smile) She - No (see if she also smiles)... Ohh i thought u do ... If she smiled ... Genuine compliment/ How is your night ... Are you waiting here for someone? - she: no
Mind if I sit here? - sit there

( I think I can do it if 2 girls are sitting as well)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
When I still did night game and I saw a girl I liked or that made eye contact, I'd just go and sit next to them and ask something like "Hey, who are you?" Quite direct but always worked. They'd tell me their name and we would go from there. Usually talk about what's going on in the club etc.

No need to ask for permission to sit if they are sitting alone...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
When I still did night game and I saw a girl I liked or that made eye contact, I'd just go and sit next to them and ask something like "Hey, who are you?" Quite direct but always worked. They'd tell me their name and we would go from there. Usually talk about what's going on in the club etc.

No need to ask for permission to sit if they are sitting alone...
It's India specific ... More comfort is needed in India imo. Also, a girl being alone in a club is very rare, generally they come in group of 3 or a male friend/bf. I can try this on a beach etc. though where vibe is more relaxed.

Or maybe it's in my head i will try it out and become more direct as my vibe improves


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
It's India specific ... More comfort is needed in India imo. Also, a girl being alone in a club is very rare, generally they come in group of 3 or a male friend/bf. I can try this on a beach etc. though where vibe is more relaxed.

Or maybe it's in my head i will try it out and become more direct as my vibe improves
Oh I see. I'n from Western Europe, so there are probably huge cultural differences to India!

Yeah the beach is my favortie approach location now, I love the relaxed vibe.

Good luck man! Have fun!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Happy face, nice hair, a bit of beard... I was sitting on a train seat today ... Looked behind me a girl was standing ... Locked eyes and smiled .... Unconsciously did something with my eyes and turned around again then in a split second again smiled towards her .... She had a guy with her (idk if he was her bf or colleague, he was talking on phone she pointed him towards me and sat in front of me ... There were other seats too) didn't knew how to start convo but this is fucking good .... Was reading a tiny thousand failure ... Having overall confident and positive vibe

Need to be able to do this consistently ... Also got another IOI i thought a girl walking infront of me is trying to look at me then she stopped and crossed the road ... I also did it and was besides her she started touching her hair ... But she was walking fast ... our of habit I guess and she was not cute so didn't approached her


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went out ...on beach ... Number of sets were very less...
Approached a lone wolf was on her phone ... Asked her to remover them using gestures ... U look very pretty .... Are u alone here? She no waiting for someone hand clasped and left.

Then went to club ... Very less crowd mostly people were sitting then they started dancing but non approachable.

Left club

No approachable girl till next 1-2 hour.

Then on beach approached a single girl who sitting when her friends went away. Asked for insta she said she don't have ... Number she said no.

Then my friend approached a girl asking direction... I injected and said he is shy he finds u cute ... They said no were getting scared we left.

Then he approached again ... These girls were engaging i couldn't say anything.

I had given a friend advice talk to girls for experience don't think u will get laid he did that in his office ... felt good about it bought a positive change in someones life.

Need to become a master conversationalist ... Girls are fucking scared in India

Wish I was in Montreal😂


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Going out for pick up is fucking time consuming not enough sets are there.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went to beach again yesterday with a friend ... There were more sets for approaching.

Did 3 approaches ... One indirect with a set of 2 where trying to be a researcher ... Persisted in conversation but the girl said she has a meeting and other one said she no. They were not pretty so fuck em.

Did another approach girl turned out to be married ...should have persisted just for fun but it's India lol, said lucky guy and ejected. She was receptive at the approach.

Last one was at a ciggerate shop, a girl came to buy smokes while I was also buying she was smoking outside went outside said ... U r cute .... Ur insta ... She said no, i asked why bf? She said yes and ejected ..

Should have persisted more and coz she had a bitchy face should have tried to make her laugh.

2 things when some friend is with you who pushes u to approach things become easier ...

I think solo is best when some girl comes in your proximity and like that ...

Need to focus on finding spots to game first


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Complimented a girl on her earring as a warm up. Hi, she was startled, your earrings are pretty. She said thanks and I walked away, she wasnt pretty and it was my warm up approach only.

Didn't saw many sets, approached another chick with excuse me are you a flight attendent by any chance?
No, ohh u look like one then tried to make (she was making weird faces) to move conversation forward, I said so what do u do? She said modeling still making weird face, ejected.

I think I was looking dope, like almost best I can look with accessory and all.

Still finding enough sets and they not being very receptive is a hassle.

I need to figure out how engage, maybe my approach is aggressive or something idk

I should push more I think though like for model I could have asked coming from the shoot or its interesting can I become a model too she is a ordinary girl after all


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Fresh morning, good sleep fully confident nicely dressed I am on my way to office.

Reach station, see a girl without earphone waiting for train, I walk near her and stand ahead of her.

Wait for few minutes so she knows I am there and then walk up to her, ask do you work at XYZ. She says no, I sat really, she says I am a college student. Oh cool, what's ur name? She huuhh ... I don't know you and I eject.

For next time I won't ask names until 5 min in conversation.

I should have paced her reality or turned it into direct by complimenting you are too cute for working at X

People are on too much guard here.

I think before opening I should have 2-3 follow up in my mind, but not having those should not deter me from approaching

I wish I was in some western city


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
It's going to be a long vent. It feels fucking sad today is my bad but I always had lack of friends and money problem hence lack of friends i always feel need of people for validation because I did not got as a child. Last bday I was happy as fuck. A bit sad too coz my friends didn't wished me at 12 but everyone's friend does here at 12 so u come to expect it. But he'll i had my gf that was the best gift I had received maybe only gift I received from anyone apart from my aunt .... Never learnt gifting and giving as love language lol... I am high as well so this will be an incoherent rant. But yes my gf made my bday happy. Honestly she was not preety ... I never wanted to be tied ... But I wanted to practice sex so I decided to have that precious soul as gf who was very clear to me she is only dating for marriage and that's how she has dated till now. She was scarred by previous relationsship 6 failed relationships (I feel bad about it ...1 because they failed, if she was pure i would have given her more points she had bad habits like she didn't took care of her health but she was aware that something is bad she if understood something is bad would never ask me to do it but she would still do it damm she was stupid, but men she knew how to love, how to please, she fell in love and saw so many positives in me) hell fuck it. I look at my struggle and family situation badly but she see it in a positive way and is proud of me. fuck this high has worn of so I don't want to write this shit anymore but I will it for me here


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Did another approach today. Girl walked past me come near me again ... She was standing side by side.

Me U seem lost ... Smiling ...

She uu?...

Me U just went that side and came back?

She Yeah I am looking for rikshaw...

Me Are u going to X?

She No Y ok good luck

There was another girl in train she was full on peacock, shoes, tatoo, rings, jwellery, hair color but had a bitch face ...even after being in her vicinity couldn't approach her due to her bitch face and she wearing ear phone ... She was not cute ... Maybe a 5-6

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
bitch face
I approached this girl who was around my height 174 cm , drop dread gorgeous who turned out to be a fashion model .... And the next thing I said after the direct open was about her BAD attitude and bitch face . We had a 3-4 minute convo .

This happened last Friday .


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I approached this girl who was around my height 174 cm , drop dread gorgeous who turned out to be a fashion model .... And the next thing I said after the direct open was about her BAD attitude and bitch face . We had a 3-4 minute convo .

This happened last Friday .
So I think this must have gone like ...
You: Hi u r cute...
She: hu? Still bitch face
You: damm u have some attitude
She: what

And then convo flowed

I want to know how did u called her out on her bad behaviour?

I my case I couldn't have approached directly because I would be stuck with her for next 30-35 mins

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I think this must have gone like ...
You: Hi u r cute...
She: hu? Still bitch face
You: damm u have some attitude
She: what
I went like : hi ..... You look really pretty ..... But you also seems to have a bad attitude . ( As in she was having a bitch face that's what I meant with bad attitude ) ....

It was meant as a tease .
I my case I couldn't have approached directly because I would be stuck with her for next 30-35 mins
Then even though situational approach is tough , but they can work in these situations but maybe it's easier said than done .