Seppuku, to be honest, I believe you that if I just stay at it I'll get it... But at the same time, I can't help but be very confident that after the countless interactions I've had with women that I see a clear conclusion here: They're just not excited to meet me and interact with me, and that's why none of these girls are converting. It's not that I need some tiny tweek to my approach. It's that I have a major excitement problem. If I can get this excitement issue solved, then the rest of it will improve on its own. What do you think? Have you ever had this issue or worked with anyone with this issue? Thank you again for the help, my friend.
There must be ONE thing that you are repeatedly doing, which is causing the issue. I wish I was there to see in person because something big like this would be immediately spotted. I am also very confident that you are initially doing something right, or you wouldn't have had 40 dates... But when you two end up in person, this big thing you are doing is killing it.
And yeah from our past discussions, over excitement is a clear contender. Something like this is telling her "He is totally into me. I can get him too easily." Too attainable, no challenge, no mystery. It also makes you come across as needy I guess. Turn off.
So we are back to our previous discussions. If this is the issue, you need to tweak it. Tune down the energy level. Try the poker face. Have her wonder "does he like me?". Only smile as a reward for good behavior. Talk only 20% of the time. Watch your own body language, keep it neutral most of the time.
Also, I would like you to try a new approach. It will be out of your comfort zone, but you understand that
if you stay in comfort zone and keep doing the same, you will keep getting the same results. You HAVE to change something in your approach.
So the approach I have been suggesting to you is this. You stay out of the "fun" mode. Keep cool and relaxed, laid back, little smile, low energy. Ask her about her story. Actively listen. Two hours into the date, you tell her "Come with me." and take her to your car. You will drive the car to a quiet place like we said, then escalate.
You can also try to build compliance during the date, it will help with your pull. Ask her to do things for you. You can start gentle, sounding like a polite question "Can you call the waitress for me please?" (or whatever). Then increase "Show me your hand." sounding more like an order. Just a few times will be enough. Later, it is going to be "come with me" so the compliance you managed to build will help.
Do not worry about signs of interests, just
trust the process. Because doing something like this is in itself immensely attractive to her. It displays you have balls, the precise sort of balls whose sperm she wants inside her.
It will be very much out of your comfort zone. You will be in doubt. You will initially be awkward. There will be some fails. But as you keep practicing, it will come easier next time. It will certainly boost your confidence, and your attractiveness.
Just a tip. When you take her to your car, expect her to ask "where are we going?". Be ready to handle that question. But just be careful, if you tell her something specific such as "we are going to XXX bar", she will expect you go there, and if you don't, you may face some resistance. Something vague and open like "let us just take a drive around" is better.