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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Met a great girl on wednesday.


Today i met a cute and sexy older girl from central europe - and again my ego got the upper hand.


I notice her from afar. Shes sporting a black furry coat, a pleated plaid mini skirt, and boots. Pretty hot - but shes hurrying somewhere, and relying on her phone for directions.

I engineer an approach. Vibe is good. Shes "going to meet a friend" ("you going to your boyfriend eh? [i touch her elbow]" "haha no its a female friend"), and shes late and a bit all over the place.


We walk together and chat. I resist being sucked into her "im in a hurry" frame and try to sorta slow her down to my pace. I gather shes in town until monday, and it seems shes got a packed schedule.

At some point she asks me to take some pics of her. Im like "only if you do the same for me". So we stop to take pics of each other (i lead her to the best spot in the vicinity), then she asks me if i can share a wifi hotspot, since shes got no internet and her friend might have texted her. I dont wanna comply, so im like "hmm not really". She insists but i change topic.

We resume walking. I tell her "i have to go this way, wbu?" Shes like "i go this way" - she points in the same direction im going - "and you can come with me". Lol. Im like "yeah im going this way too".

All in all i suspect this girl is used to men chasing her and helping her out. Shes got that entitled aura about her. But shes not arrogant. Shes actually nice.


After some meters i decide to part ways, as i dont wanna walk with her forever. So i stop her and softclose for a coffee or drink. Indeed she tells me shes got a full schedule until monday, and then shes back in her country. I persist a bit ("ah youre a big planner eh? Mmm im a very spontaneous guy....."), shes like "i know..... mmm i mean i have 2h free later, but then i meet another friend. How long are you in town for?".

I should have said "yes, cool, lets meet later, gimme your digits". I know good things might happen in the span of 2h.

But i decide to decline. Why? Cause "i dont wanna be squeezed into her schedule".



So yeah, another battle lost to big ol' ego.

Once again i reinforced some bad thinking patterns and lost an opportunity. And once again i said NO instead of YES. (I guess i should watch this movie another 5 times.)
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake