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E's Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal


determined said:
Saturday I was walking back to my place and passed 3 girls standing by a club. I noticed one who was stunning, but thought to myself that "Eh, she's with her friends, so I'll pass." But as I walked by she met my eye contact and smiled, so I had no choice.

I turned around after a few steps and motioned over, no words. She said no, she's with her friends, but she said it warmly, as if the fact that some strange man just beckoned her over wasn't creepy or unreasonable at all, just a bit cocky (and attractive). Which is awesome, because that kind of nonverbal approach can easily come off as creepy.

So I approached closer and started talking, first to her, then a tiny bit to her friends, then lasered back in on her, full attention. And the friends took a step back and pretended to play with their phones! No protectiveness, no cockblocking, just left us alone. Found out this girl has a boyfriend and is leaving the country next week to study abroad, but it was her and her friends' reactions that mattered. I was on point!
This is tremendous. I like your attitude that you "had no choice" but to respond to an approach invitation. I am now forming that exact same "code of conduct" in my personal principles, aided by the lyrics of this song which I think speak to this exact issue.

What I mean is that's it's great that both her own behavior and the third-party support worked together to consolidate that attitude in your mind and give you an additional reference point in favor of approaching in this situation. I like your beckoning and I wonder whether you enjoyed, as I did, Chase's suggestion of "motioning them over to you, getting increasingly fun and emphatic about waving them over every time they refuse" in his recent article.

Last Monday I was in a campus bookstore around lunchtime (there are three major universities in my city and this was one where I'd never yet tried day game), and on some sofas there sat a cute girl with black hair and very high sex appeal... not beautiful as such but the "cheeky type", if you know what I mean. I'd guess she was around 19. Next to her sat a guy of around the same age. The guy was totally absorbed in some book and he looked boring as fuck. She was dozing off initially, then distractedly playing with her phone. Initially I had no idea whether they were "together", or indeed even "there together", but later I saw them exchange a few words before Mr Grumpy returned to his book.

Anyway, I was hanging around pretending to look at books and wondering how I might get her attention, without rousing Mr Grumpy from his book, when it became apparent that she noticed I was doing this. She stole a glance at me and looked away very quickly, smiling. Then, a few minutes later, the same again. After that was when she started chatting with the guy and I confirmed my suspicion that they at least knew each other (she was clearly waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing). I could never hold eye contact with her long enough to motion her over, which is what I wanted to do, so I ended up leaving empty-handed, very reluctantly.

As I was on the way out I took a last look and she saw me, moved her head away behind a bookshelf, then back again in a "peek-a-boo" maneuver... I think it was all a game to her! :) But I'm clueless as to how I could have executed properly in this situation without raising the hackles of her beau (if that's indeed who he was).

I was reminded of this by what you wrote above, and I daresay I might have had better results had I followed your example :D



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal

Marty said:
I like your attitude that you "had no choice" but to respond to an approach invitation. I am now forming that exact same "code of conduct" in my personal principles

When I said that "I had no choice" I didn't mean that I forced myself to approach her against my gut instinct. What I meant was as soon as I saw that smile I WANTED to approach her. And you're right, persisting in my beckoning might have gotten the compliance I wanted. Noted.

And regarding your girl, if a girl gives you an approach invitation you just gotta say "fuck it" and go. If she's with a male friend and you're pretty certain the approach will be terrible, do it anyways just for fun. Once she gives you that invitation you know you'll at least brighten her day.

Marty said:
As I was on the way out I took a last look and she saw me, moved her head away behind a bookshelf, then back again in a "peek-a-boo" maneuver

Now you REALLY had no choice. Am I understanding correctly that she was alone at this point? Next time just turn right around and go back in the store. She'll love it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal

FR++: Sunday, January 19th, 2014

This girl was taking a picture of something, so I approached with, "You must be a tourist." She wasn't, she had just gotten off work. Took her to sit at Union Square, linked elbows on the way. She was a very energetic girl, fun and excited, talking away. Seemed interested, but the vibe wasn't super sexual.

I deep dove and cold read her, and she did the same to me (though not as much). It came up in conversation that she enjoys wine, so I suggested we grab a glass. When we started walking she asked where would be a good place, and I answered, "My place, just be ready: I only have cheap merlot. What kind of wine do you usually drink?" "Cheap merlot." Nice. Still not a super sexual vibe, though.

We held hands on the way to my place and she started swinging arms. She asked me if I often meet girls on the street and bring them home for a glass of wine, and I answered, "Only if they look a lot like tourists," then changed the subject quickly by asking her a question.

When we got to my place I got us water and asked if she really wanted wine of she preferred just water. She said water's fine. Had her take off her shoes and sat on my bed. Meanwhile she had noticed two paintings which I haven't hung up yet, and said I have to hang them up. So I had her give me her opinion as to where they should go (she's into fashion and design). She walked around my main room, making suggestions.

Also, I have a new TV and she began talking about it, asking if I used it often. And I reacted by suggesting we watch a movie, which I won't do again. I find that when I watch movies with girls I fail to escalate. Impossible to create those moments when the girls aren't staring into my eyes.

We decided on Hercules, because we'd discussed before how we both love Disney movies. And while I'm fiddling with the wires to connect my laptop to the TV she asks, "Whats girls chase?" Oh shit! I had minimized the window, but it popped back up. I blew off the question.

me: Nothing
her: Ewwww
me, realizing what ewww meant: It's not porn. Is that what you thought?
her: It's got a picture of a naked woman.

Damn it, haha.

Lay on my bed. She sat on the edge of it and wouldn't come to me. So I let her be for a bit, then came to her once the movie was under way. Played with her hand and she played back. Then I stopped. Then resumed. Then put her legs on me and proceeded to touch them. Tried to kiss her, no go.

Touched her neck and face. Lay her down to spoon, touched her legs even more. Smelled her. She said to stop because she smelled bad from work, but I said no, she smelled good. Put my hand under her shirt, only on her belly. Put her hand on my face.

And this is all interspersed with me taking breaks and leaning back. I wasn't just charging forward.

Began rubbing her pussy over her pants and she stopped me immediately. Touching her hips, legs, stomach, face. Back to the pussy. Ok this time. She moans a token "stop..." then allows me. I rub it for a bit then stop.

More of the same, each time I reach her pussy going at it harder. She asks why I'm doing this. I say, "Because I'm enjoying it, and I want to make you feel good. Are you enjoying it?" "Eh." "Eh?" And I lift her leg up to get in between her legs. At this point she starts to resist. This whole sequence was a mistake. I should have responded differently. Not sure how, though.

Anyways, more of the same. She won't put her hand on my dick and doesn't get excited enough about my rubbing for me to stick my hand in her pants.

More of the same until the movie ends. I spent the whole movie trying to escalate... Then she gets up and says she should go, and I can tell any lust she had was gone. So I let her go.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal

Hey Determined,

After reading your last post I thought I might give you some feed back. It seems you have a pretty good process and women feel comfortable around you and that's good.

The thing is though, perhaps she feels too comfortable in a bad way. I skimmed through your journal and noticed that you often have trouble with sexual vibe.

You may be struggling to create this vibe so I want to help you with that! I think sexuality for women is physiological, and because of this quality ANYTHING can have a sexual undertone.

So right when you meet a girl this vibe should be sexual, if your goal is to have sex. This does screen out girls, especially done without finesse but that means only the girls you're into, who are into sex with you, will stick around!

I came across an interesting post by 60YearsofChallenge. He says that sexual tension is always there between a man and a woman by default. This is why pauses, body language, eye contact and social pressure help sexual vibe. Talking is what we do when we want to break that tension.

Here's a couple links on that

Take his and my word with a grain of salt though, because 60 can be a little out there and I'm actually not as experienced as you in day game.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal

J Wick,

For sure, totally agree. I know what I need to do, it's just hard sometimes. I'm still learning!

Just last Sunday I met a girl, and when I approached her it was SO on. But I was stupid and didn't understand that there was no need to create comfort in that case. So we talked. And I watched the tension gradually dissipate, until when I finally invited her home she said no. Persisted her to the steps of my building and no farther.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I think it's something I'll improve with as I practice.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal

FR++: Sunday, February 2, 2014

Been a while. I've been unmotivated to go out recently and have been concentrating instead on other areas of my life. For months I've been neglecting everything besides women, which was all I cared about, but now my drive is returning to pursue other things (like friends). Honestly, I'm barely even interested in sex nowadays (maybe because I'm on a diet?). Anyways, I'm at a point mentally where I'd love to meet a great girl to make my girlfriend and relax a bit.

Which brings me to yesterday:

Or actually, first a bit about last weekend:

Approached a beautiful girl Saturday night and she asked me for directions to a club where her company party was being held. Showed her the way and entered with her as her +1! Danced with her, schmoozed with other guests a bit, enjoyed the open bar, then got her number and bounced. Logistics were bad with her that night, plus she has a boyfriend so I had no expectation of seeing her again. I was just having fun.

Sunday I met the girl I described in my last post. Fucked it up. Got her number, but didn't bother texting her. I just don't care.

Now on to yesterday:

I didn't feel like going out, even though it was Saturday and I had nothing better to do. But I forced myself to go out anyways because it was Saturday and I had nothing better to do. Met up with a friend who got me in the mood.

As we walked through the mall we passed this beautiful girl who smiled at me as she walked by. So I turned around. She was approaching the escalator, so I called out, "Before you go down the stairs..." No reaction, so I ran after her and cut her off. Began my opener when she said she didn't speak English. Mexican. I grabbed her hand and said, "Coffee. Do you understand the word coffee? Cafe?" She said she couldn't.

With my very basic Spanish and her very basic English, (and the help of an innocent woman whom I asked to translate), I learned that she was meeting her dad. We set up a date for the following day at 2. She offered to give me her number. After typing it in she said that she didn't have a phone in the US, so it was her dad's number. Now usually I don't tell girls where to meet me until I text them the day of, but because I didn't want to call her dad and because of the language barrier I decided to sort out all the details then and there. Told her to meet me at Union Square, but she didn't know where it is. So I said to meet me "right here," pointing at the ground. Ok.

A few minutes later I'm walking with my friend and hear, "Ola." I turn around and she's right there. "Ola!" Then I see that her dad is with her. Big guy. He says that he wanted to take down my number so she could make sure to meet me. He spoke English so I charmed him a bit, he said I seemed like a good guy, and we parted ways. Can't believe she had her father chase me down for my number haha!

Met her today at 2. Took her hand and led her to Starbucks. Hard to talk. My friend made an insightful comment yesterday: "when you meet a girl, treat her like she's already your girlfriend." I held her hand, put my arm around her shoulder. It really sets the tone.

Got our coffee, made some faltering conversation at Starbucks, then took her to sit at Union Square. It was wet there, (as I knew it would be ;)), so we couldn't sit and I suggested we listen to music at my place.

Got to my place, sat on my bed, shoes off, and put on music. The whole language barrier thing was actually really fun; most of our time at my place (around 3 hours) she spent teaching me Spanish. I went for the kiss twice with no luck.

The third time I went for the kiss I asked her how to say kiss in Spanish. I figured it might be similar to the French "embrasser," so I tried different variations. Turns out embarazo means "pregnant." Oops. She began explaining how I wasn't getting anything the first, second, or third dates. Eventually we identified the miscommunication haha.

At some point I managed to get in a quick peck before she moved away. Things slowly became more sexual. She asked to take a picture of us together. I complied. Fast forward and she's lying on her back next to me, and we're practicing numbers. Veinte, treinta, cuarenta... I kiss her. Kiss her neck, her ear. Touch her stomach.

She gives verbal resistance, and I've learned not to acknowledge it. She says I'm a bad boy and I wholeheartedly agree. She laughs. She says she's a good girl. Now at first I consider telling her she's bad, but I think better of arguing with her and agree with her instead, repeating how much of a good girl she is. She reacts just as I wanted, saying that she isn't ALWAYS good. I say, "No, no, you're a good girl. Always." She says no. And NOW I start telling her that she's a bad girl. And that we're bad together. And she agrees with me.

We're making out. I start rubbing her pussy and she stops me. Touching her stomach, put her hand on my chest. I figure I'll have better success under the covers, but she won't follow. Eventually I get her underneath. but only after she says she'll leave in 15 minutes.

I say, "Ok," like I don't care, and do my best with the time I have. It runs out pretty quick (time flies when you're having fun!), and her phone (her dad's phone) rings. She schedules with a friend to pick her up in 5 minutes. I didn't realize until after that she didn't HAVE to go, and that it was her friend she was speaking to, not her father. Maybe I could have gotten her to stay longer, but now it was too late. Friend was on the way.

Earlier, while we're under the covers, she says she wants to see me Saturday. I say sooner, and we agree on Wednesday evening. Definitely hope to see her again; like I said before, I'm ready for a girlfriend, and this one seems solid. Trying not to think about her since all my experience tells me I'll never see her again. Strangely, it's not that hard. Maybe my lack of motivation and sex drive?

Of course, regardless of my sex drive or whether or not I get a girlfriend, I'm still working on my presentation and social skills all the time, even when I'm not approaching. On Friday I gave a few sound-bites for my company's recruiting video, and afterwards both the camerawoman and our VP of marketing said that I was great: confident, articulate, and looked right at the camera.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Re: STICKIED: E's Journal

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

I did indeed have a second date with this girl, and a third date, and still haven't slept with her.

Second date was Wednesday. We met at the mall and went straight back to my place. She suggested we watch a movie and I complied. She picked some dumb action movie because she likes Vin Diesel. Of course she didn't understand anything because she doesn't speak English haha.

Soon into the movie I began to escalate. Fail fail fail. Then she left.

Third date was today. She was supposed to meet me at my place, but couldn't find it so I had to get her from the Hilton a few blocks away. Got back to my place, she asked what we should do. I said more Spanish lessons, and began to touch her as she taught me. Now, it was raining outside and I didn't wear a jacket when walking to meet her so my shirt was all wet. She told me to change it, so I just took it off and left it off.

She became exasperated at my refusal to accept that she didn't want to get physical today and my refusal to put on a shirt. I didn't argue with her, of course, just ignored her. And now, with my shirt off, I just pushed her down and lay on top of her. She wouldn't kiss me, turning her head and pushing mine away, and told me to stop. She said we're not doing anything today. I kissed her anyway, and it was great seeing this girl who'd been resisting so much immediately melt into me.

We made out. Every once in a while she would try to stop, and I wouldn't let her, and she would get back into it. I got a bit further than before, rubbing her pussy over her jeans, unbuttoning her shirt, and feeling her stomach, but that's it. We made out for about 2 hours. She was breathing heavily and very into it, but I couldn't force my way any further. I'm firmly in the boyfriend zone, which I knew as soon as I met her dad. She's also 18, so probably pretty inexperienced.

At one point she said that what we were doing was bad, that it was only the third date. I said No, it's good.

her: This is bad.
me: It's not bad.
her: It's bad.
me: It's good.
her: This is bad.
me: Do you like me?
her: Yes.
me: I like you, too, so it's good.

Hard to counter her objection with my 3-year-old level of Spanish.

Eventually we stopped and lay in each other's arms for a while, at least half an hour. I think she fell asleep. Then I walked her to the BART station. Agreed to meet again Wednesday.

Anyways, I don't care. Where is this apathy coming from?

I've only gotten one number since meeting this girl because I haven't gone out. The one number was an approach I made while waiting for a friend at Stanford. Haven't called her yet...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Last weekend I was hanging out with a bunch of gay friends and we went to a gay club. Lots of fun, I hit on all the lesbians. Kissed one who may have been straight within a minute of meeting her on the dancefloor. Went for it with a second girl and her (female) fiancee started threatening me. I fixed it by dancing with the fiancee, too, and with a mischievous smile telling her she was just as beautiful.

Other than that, my motivation is back. I've gone out most days this week with no results except for one girl who just texted me. I noticed today though that I'm much better at controlling the mood. Sometimes a girl will try to be friendly as opposed to sexual, but I don't let her. Other times if a girl is uncomfortable I create a more friendly vibe for a minute, then switch back to sexy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Saturday-Sunday, March 22-23, 2014

Finally had a decent weekend. Yesterday I met a girl, sat at Union Square, brought her home, but failed to escalate. My analysis is that I neglected to turn on the sex before making a move. I realized after that I barely touched her throughout the whole interaction. I actually knew when I went for the kiss that she would turn me down, but felt that I should go for it anyways for my development. Next time I won't - I think I'm comfortable enough making a move (more below :)) that I won't do it just for the sake of doing it without getting the girl primed first.

Grabbed tea with this girl today. I was surprised she came out after my failed escalation. Tried to hold her hand, no go. Tried to invite her home again, no go. She was so bland, just a completely uninteresting person. I don't understand how people can have so little ambition.

Earlier today I met another girl, Taiwanese. Also very bland, to the point where I wasn't even interested in grabbing a number. Which is probably a good thing because it made me behave like it was now or never. So when she said she was meeting a friend in 30 minutes and I could see that I wouldn't be able to pull her home in time, I took her to the food court at Macy's instead.

Sat her at a booth in a deserted corner, and after yesterday's mistake I opted to err on the side of too much touching. Had her sit on my lap, manhandle kissed her maybe 3 times, touched her entire body. Couldn't believe I was doing this in public! At no point did she get into it, but her resistance wasn't very intense either. We spent about 45 minutes together so I guess her friend was late. Eventually she made an excuse and left.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
FR++: Saturday, April 12, 2013

Had a second date with a 19 year old Russian girl who's here for a few months studying English.

The approach was a week ago, and the first date on Wednesday. We had tea at Union Square. This girl is very chatty and I felt a very platonic vibe, but at the end of the date she asked if we could see each other again, and during the date she kept making self-deprecating statements about how I won't want to see her again, so that put me in the power position I guess. Not enough touch.

Today I took her to hang out at the park. Super platonic again, although I touched her more. Played with her hair and her hand. But I was sure that if I went for the kiss she would turn me down.

After we'd been sitting on the grass for about an hour, though, things started to get stale (and frankly, I was getting bored) so I said fuck it. I had to make a move now and either move things forward or fail. So even though she wasn't making eye contact and the vibe was super platonic, I turned her chin and went for the kiss. And she closed her eyes and went with it for a second, then stopped and said she was shy.

I was definitely surprised that she went with it. The more experience I gain with women the more I realize how little I know...

She then told me not to think she's a bad kisser, she's just shy. That made things easy - I teased her about being a bad kisser, saying that shy girls don't have much experience, and baited her to say that she's had plenty of experience. Then back to normal conversation and I kissed her again soon after. This time she was into it and I pulled back first. Didn't wait long to invite her home.

As we left the park she said she'd have to leave soon for dinner with her host family. Damn logistics. I had asked her earlier what her plans were for the rest of the weekend but she didn't mention this dinner. I took her to my place anyways. We made out for a while. She wanted me to tell her that she's a good kisser, so I had her show me what she can do. It was nice. I sent her home a bit late for her dinner :).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
A beautiful story, as ever, Determined. Your posts so often make me feel happy.

determined said:
I turned her chin and went for the kiss. And she closed her eyes and went with it for a second, then stopped and said she was shy.

I was definitely surprised that she went with it. The more experience I gain with women the more I realize how little I know...
She's a girl. And she was with you, alone, by her own arrangement, for the second time.

Of course she went with it. She wanted it. She was waiting for you to do it.

Thank you for not disappointing her :)

determined said:
We made out for a while. She wanted me to tell her that she's a good kisser, so I had her show me what she can do. It was nice. I sent her home a bit late for her dinner :)
This is what I mean by the "beautiful" part. I just get this feeling of romance when I read your stuff. "Had her show me what she can do"—how swell is that?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Hey Marty,

Yeah, you're right. Of course she wanted it! And you have a great intuition about people, even though we've never even met. I enjoy the romance more than the sex.

And I read your LR, keep it up!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
LR: Saturday, April 19, 2014

Third date with the Russian girl from last weekend. Met her at the bart station and took her back to my place to "watch a movie."

I did a great job teasing her. It was actually driving ME crazy. I'm not used to escalate that way, but I've been having trouble going all the way with girls so working on slow escalation is a major goal.

During the slow escalation she checks the time and says she'll have to leave at 7 (it's about 6:20). God damn this girl and her conflicting plans!

And she definitely gave resistance. At one point she asked how man girls I've been with and I learned that she'd only ever slept with one guy, whom she loved, and they only just broke up a month ago because of the distance.

But I kept playing with her body throughout and I could see her getting aroused until finally we had sex.

I did a terrible job. She loved it while in the moment, but I finished way too quickly and afterwards I think she may have regretted the act. I tried to keep going which may have only made things worse. She said she wanted to stop.

By the time we were done it was past 7 and she had to go, so I didn't even have time to lay with her and be warm to her. Walked her back to the bart, and of course I acted as if everything went perfectly and pretty soon we were having fun again.

I don't care too much whether I see this girl again, but I do care whether I did my job and left her with a great memory. Writing this experience down, I should probably feel embarrassed, but this whole thing just feels like a game to me. I have trouble feeling anything when I'm not with a girl in person. Is that normal?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Yes it is common to not feel anything for a girl when you have sex with her. It happens. For me personally, its only after a few days that I start to feel something, and that's only if the girl and I are still talking. Congrats on the lay! I know you didn't do exactly what you wanted performance-wise, but that can be a new goal to work on. Plus with those girls who only have had one partner, they have high expectations for the emotional part of sex. Which of course can't happen in one night. So don't worry. Keep the LR's coming man!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
LR: Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday there was a big street fair/festival. Thousands of people, dance music and stages on the street, dancing. I went with 2 friends who call themselves PUAs. They do a lot of nightgame, so I was interested in learning from them in this kind of environment.

We had very little success all day. As the end of the fair was closing in I felt tired and unmotivated and was about ready to head home. Then I opened one more girl as she walked by.

She stopped and turned around, seemed receptive. So I motioned her over. She said she was looking for her friend who had her phone, but seemed compliant to me so I took her to the dance floor instead. Danced for about 30 seconds and she just looked so expectant so I kissed her. Pulled back, danced some more. kissed her again. Wow, she was so compliant. So I said "let's go" and led her away from the fair. This was within 5 minutes of meeting her.

She said she had to be home soon, that she was already late. I took the opportunity to frame her as a bad girl who always gets in trouble. My place was about a mile away so I took her to a park on the way first. Sat there for maybe 2 minutes, then continued towards my place.

Now she started saying that she really needs to go home, and twice she began turning the wrong way towards her bus. Once I even had to drag her by the hand, but she went along with it. She just wanted the responsibility to be on me.

We arrived at my place and I began my slow escalation. But she wanted it so bad, it was so clear, so I dropped the pretenses and got on with it. Then drove her home.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

determined said:
LR: Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday there was a big street fair/festival. Thousands of people, dance music and stages on the street, dancing. I went with 2 friends who call themselves PUAs. They do a lot of nightgame, so I was interested in learning from them in this kind of environment.

We had very little success all day. As the end of the fair was closing in I felt tired and unmotivated and was about ready to head home. Then I opened one more girl as she walked by.

She stopped and turned around, seemed receptive. So I motioned her over. She said she was looking for her friend who had her phone, but seemed compliant to me so I took her to the dance floor instead. Danced for about 30 seconds and she just looked so expectant so I kissed her. Pulled back, danced some more. kissed her again. Wow, she was so compliant. So I said "let's go" and led her away from the fair. This was within 5 minutes of meeting her.

She said she had to be home soon, that she was already late. I took the opportunity to frame her as a bad girl who always gets in trouble. My place was about a mile away so I took her to a park on the way first. Sat there for maybe 2 minutes, then continued towards my place.

Now she started saying that she really needs to go home, and twice she began turning the wrong way towards her bus. Once I even had to drag her by the hand, but she went along with it. She just wanted the responsibility to be on me.

We arrived at my place and I began my slow escalation. But she wanted it so bad, it was so clear, so I dropped the pretenses and got on with it. Then drove her home.

Fantastic. This is what testing for compliance and skipping steps when the lights are green and pulling out the persistence is all about.

Beautiful examples of the last girl you approach right before you were about to give up on the outing being the one you take home, of skipping unnecessary steps when a girl is into you, and moving fast and persisting. Great all-around lay.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
Once I even had to drag her by the hand, but she went along with it. She just wanted the responsibility to be on me.

This is what it takes: mad dominance.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
LR-: Thursday, July 24, 2014

Met this girl Tuesday. She was on her way to work, but had 20 minutes so I took her to sit down. She was super compliant and interested the whole time, so I set up a date for the next night and with high hopes sent her off to work.

She flaked with some stupid excuse, but asked to reschedule to the next night instead. ok.

Met her at a park which she said was her favorite spot in the city. Of course it also happened to be very close to my place. Again she was very compliant and excited, and even texted me to let me know she was on her way (early). We lay on the grass together, talking. I played with her hand and she played with mine back.

After maybe 30 minutes she started getting cold and I could see it was on, so I invited her to my place. Easy.

The transition back to my place always makes me nervous. At that point it's usually on between me and the girl, to the point where chit chat seems awkward. We should be getting physical already, or at least talking with a more intimate atmosphere. I always feel that if I was in the girl's shoes I would start to rethink the situation at that point. Maybe the issue is that I don't maintain a sexy vibe while we're walking? I act naturally, though, and usually it works out. I guess if the girl likes me she likes me.

So we get to my place and sit on the bed, listen to music and are talking intimately again. We get to the subject of birthdays and astrological signs.
Her: When's your birthday?
Me: Why, are you going to bake me a cake?
Her: Maybe, if we're still seeing each other at that point.
Me: What if it was tomorrow?
Her: Then I'd have to go to Safeway.
Her: You're a Gemini then. That means you're bipolar and the life of the party.
Me: What are you?
Her: Scorpio.
Me: And what does that say about you?
Her: I'm possessive and I like sex.

Oh, come on. You're gonna be that obvious?

I waited a bit, both to tease her and because I didn't want to be reactive. Gave her my sexy look and smile. Gotta keep her guessing! It came up whether I was a good boy or a bad boy. I maintained my innocence, but she didn't believe me :). That's when I kissed her.

Slow escalation. When I got to her pants she said she was on her period. Another one!? Kept trying, kept trying. Asked her what she wanted and she said "To fuck you." Had her repeat it over and over while we were together. She started blowing me. I made her take her pants off to do it, but she wouldn't take off the panties. Kept trying intermittently to go all the way, and eventually I gave up and let her take care of me.

She's out of town until next week and kept saying she wanted to fuck when she gets back. We'll see, by now I know not to count on it.

A few interesting things:
Her: Why did you come talk to me?
Me: What did I first say to you?
Her: Umm, that I was cute.
Me: There you go.
Her: But I don't think I'm all that.
Me: You're all that.

Strange that she said that. It's a lot of vulnerability to show. Especially considering that I really did find her attractive. I would have approached her every time. Also, she repeatedly told me that the way I look at her makes her nervous. I replied, "Good." And she said I had nice eyes, nice hair, nice skin, that she loves my lips.

Am I that good looking? I've actually been getting more and more compliments recently. I didn't post about the gay pride festival because I didn't bring any girls home, but I was shirtless and girls would walk by and feel me up, guys would compliment me, and one older woman hit on me HARD. Also, less than a month ago I was standing around when a bum comes up to me, "You know, you're kinda good-looking." Thanks! I still don't know what to make of these reactions, especially because they're inconsistent. Many girls still show no interest in me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Saturday, October 11th, 2014

So much to update, where do I even begin? Maybe I'll split this up into multiple posts, maybe I won't get to everything. Haven't gotten laid since the last post. I've brought 5 girls home and have been struggling to escalate. I brought 2 girls home in the same day yesterday. About 3 weeks ago I got 8 numbers in one day. And the girls I've been seeing have been of incredible quality. I've started going out at night a bit. The first time was hard, but the second time I kissed a girl on the dancefloor. Never said a word to her. The third time I was pulling girls over to dance with me and my friend and was really bossing it.

For a while I played around with being more of an asshole/jokester, RSD style. Bringing the fun. I felt that was an area I was lacking in. I took the asshole thing too far (had to figure out where that line is) and actually had a girl say she didn't want to talk to me anymore because I'm a dick. Oops. She was really into me when we first started talking, too, so a shame. Now I've toned it back down, but I'm more fun than I used to be. Better at teasing and joking around. And I think I'm not relatable enough.

Here's a fun text snippet from one of the girls I was dismissive towards. Pretty much 100% teasing and joking when we first met, then got her number and scheduled a date. Nicaraguan girl:

me: Hola J, still on for tomorrow at 3? Find out where Union Square is?
her: I know where it is. Tell me why should I see you
me: You shouldn't, I'll be mean to you.
her: So forget you
me: See you at 3 o'clock then ;)?
her: I don't think so you're weird
her: And yes you are mean
me: Mi amor, estoy devastado! (my love, I am devastated!)
her: Jaja who write that for u?
me: translate.google.com :)
her: Yeah should it know jajaja
me: Soy un experto Espanol (I am a Spanish expert)
her: Jaja whats
her: Whatever
me: Manyana a 3? (Tomorrow at 3?)
her: I let you know

Brought her home the next day.

2 of the girls I brought home recently, including the Nicaraguan, weren't all that, so I'll skip talking about those.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Super high quality FR++ 1 - Pagent Girl:

This was a Saturday. I had promised to babysit my cousin at 4 and was gaming before. Around 330 I meet this girl and damn, she's cool. I take to to the park which is on my way and we chat. I learn she's a pageant girl, intelligent, only 18 but very mature and experienced. Ambitious, like me. I've realized lately that ambition and the confidence to go after what you want are very attractive qualities to me. As we're sitting on the grass at the park and 345 rolls around I think to myself, "There's no way I can let this girl go right now and have her not respond to my texts." So I tell her I have to babysit my cousin and invite her to come. And she accepts. Weird haha.

We get to my aunt's place and my mom happens to he there, too. Shiiit haha. So they both meet this girl whom I just picked up off the street. They love her, of course. And she loves my cousin - apparently she's great with kids. So she immediately starts playing with him while I talk with them. Now they leave and the two of us hang out with my cousin. I'm deep diving this girl, trying to kino a bit, but also trying not to give her too much attention yet.

We hang out with him for a few hours, then my aunt gets back and feeds us. We play with him some more then head out. This girl mentioned earlier that she's always hungry, so I suggested we find something else to eat. Start walking towards my place. Now it's time, I'm showing more and more insterest. We have our arms around each other. On the way she tells me some very personal things. She's bisexual and is more experienced than me. But even though we're talking about these topics there's not enough tension.

We decide to go to my place and make a salad together (all I had was vegetables haha). While we're stopped at a light I try to kiss her and she says she's not like that. Bullshit, she just told me all these sexual things. We get to my place, eat this salad. I sit on the bed and she crosslegged on the floor at my feet. I have her feed me.

I tried to kiss her a few times, no go. Not a hard no - she would turn her head away slightly with a smile. I should've started kissing her neck and ears at that point, somehow I forgot how to respond. I let her go like a fucking tool. This was a few weeks ago and we still haven't seen each other again. She's responding to my texts, but being difficult about meeting up. I know I have to be super non-needy and just be patient and outcome independent instead. Meanwhile my aunt keeps asking about her haha.