I'm back home, and back to (trying to do) approaching! Today's summary: 1 supermarket approach, then missed out on at least one AA on the beach.
Quick summary of my holiday trip: I went to a coastal city in Spain, meeting up with family who were also spending their holiday there. I get to see my family only a few times a year, so I spent most of my time there with them. I had an airbnb of my own though, because there was no room in theirs.
I decided to take one day for myself when my folks had plans that I didn't have a huge interest in. On that day I met up with a sugar baby from SA. It's been months since I got laid the last time (and that was also with a sugar baby... gotta get this pickup thing to work!). I had an awesome hour and a half with the girl, she was smoking hot and also really nice once I got her to warm up to me a bit. Looks wise she was definitely at least a 9, if not a 10.
On the plus side, this girl was really cool. 27 years old, from Peru. Let's call her HBPeru. Dark skinned and with jet black hair, which I love. Funny thing is she told me she'd like to be more white. I told her I'd like to be darker.
She was a great kisser, and she gave head like a pro. Didn't feel at all like a pro though. She told me she had met up with sugar guys just 2 or 3 times. From the way she said it, it sounded sincere. Unless I misunderstood something, since we were talking in Spanish.
I had a lot of fun with HBPeru during the time we were together. She was super sweet and fun to talk to. We kissed a lot, and the sex was hot and intense. Even though I did get the impression she wasn't very attracted at first, but that got better as she warmed up to me. She seemed heart broken, having ended a LTR of 5 years only 4 months ago. I cheered her up a bit and in the end we had quite a few laughs.
But after 1.5 hours she left, and I was on my own again.
It's really a crash and burn with these girls. It's like a drug. It's great while they are with you, and once they're gone, it's an empty feeling. I can really see how so many guys fall into the trap of sugaring and whoremongering. I feel pity for those who don't have any other options in their life and never get to experience having a girlfriend that loves them for who they really are.
After HBPeru left, I wandered around on the beach promenade near my Airbnb. There were plenty of pretty girls around and I could have done some approaches, but my mind was on the girl I'd just been with. On one hand I felt happy to have had a good time with her, but on the other hand... it just didn't feel real.
We exchanged some texts afterward. She told me she liked me, and I invited her to come over to my city at some point in the future. At first she sounded super excited, and immediately after, asked me if I wanted to meet up again the next night.
Being the romantic fool that I am, I assumed she wanted to meet me for free. Finding out she'd only do it for cash honestly was a downer. I did haggle the price down to a significantly reduced amount, but I don't think she liked that. The next day she was only available for one hour, and not at night as she had said before. In the end the 2nd meeting never happened, because I preferred to chill with my family.
This experience reminded me once more of what I hate about sugar dating: The girls are always in a rush to leave after a certain time has passed. And that certain time always seems too short.
Also, they'll tell you they want to meet again, but they'll only do it if you fork out more cash.
In hindsight I definitely regret not having done any approaches in holiday city. Unless I go back there some day, I'll never know what the girls living there are like. And some of them were really attractive.
I got back home yesterday night, and I'm more determined than ever to master day game. HBPeru was another taste of blood if you will, and a lot tastier taste of blood than the HB5 I had that lame date with the other day.
Today was my first day back in the field.
As a warmup, I started out saying "hello" to a rather fat girl that was coming frontally toward me, talking into her phone. I fully expected her to ignore me, but to my surprise she said "hello" back, then continued talking at her phone. Made me wonder if I know her from somewhere? Haha... that's probably what all the girls think I'm saying hello to out of the blue!
In the supermarket, there was a fairly attractive girl right behind me at the cashier. I think I smiled at me at some point when our eyes met, but I'm not sure because I looked away too quick. When I looked back at her she was looking in another direction.
She was buying a single pumpkin, which I decided to tease her about. I don't remember the convo word by word, but it was something like:
Me: "A pumpkin? Is that for halloween?"
Girl: "No, to eat"
Me: "How do you eat it?"
Girl: "You can cook it"
Me: "I don't think I've ever eaten one"
Girl: "Yeah it's a strange diet"
Me: "Oh you can make pumpkin soup, yeah that's really good!"
She didn't really reply to that, so I said "bye" and left.
I didn't feel she was into the conversation. Maybe she was distracted by counting her change or something, but she barely looked at me throughout the interaction.
I did a couple of hours sarging on the beach, but AA struck again and I didn't manage any approaches there. It was Saturday and most HBs were with their friend groups or in 2-sets. I thought about asking some of the HBs their Zodiac sign even though they were in sets, but couldn't do it in the end.
At one point I saw a petite girl looking at me while I was riding the bike. She was lying down belly down, reading a book. I liked her body and her short shorts, quite doable. So I stopped near her trying to elicit approach invitations, but got none. Drove around some more, then came back hovering around a bit in her vicinity. I'm pretty sure she noticed me, but she was getting up and moving to another spot that still had sun. She actually walked away from me without so much as looking back, which wasn't really an AI.
Later while wandering around on the beach I walked by in front of her once more. I thought she did look a bit young for me. Also she wouldn't look up from her book at all while I was checking her out, so I didn't open her.
There was one girl that I do think gave me an AI. I was standing somewhere with my bike between my legs, looking out at the rising moon, and this girl came toward me. She had a book in one hand, shoes in the other. She sat down quite close to me, facing me, and started to clean her feet of the sand to put her shoes on. She could've sat anywhere else, or faced any direction. So the fact that she sat the way she say was a clear approach invitation. But I chickened out and couldn't think of anything to say.
Gotta remember for next time... "Hello!"... "How's you're day going?" ... "How was the beach?" ... anything will do really. I should know that from experience by now! But AA got the better of me. I guess I'm a bit rusty after that week off.
A single girl with a book coming from the beach on a Saturday evening... Pretty sure she wanted some company. Dang.