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Gameboy's Journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
You're good bro, we all miss opportunities. Part of the journey is missing your shot--that's how you develop the skill. Just keep shooting--or at least trying to!
Thanks for the kind words my friend!

Have you told us where you live or is it classified?
I prefer to keep my location private.

Not sure about u, but one thing i noticed on myself is that if i focus on AIs instead of on just how attractive the girl is to me, ill miss them more often than not.
Yeah... I guess this "waiting for AI" was just another instance of AA mnanufacturing some random excuse not to approach.

Its almost like im waiting for the perfect opportunity. Problem is, when that perfect opportunity comes, im way too anxious to go for it. Its like feeling that my approach has to go perfectly now.
That's exactly what happened yesterday with that girl with a book who sat dwon right next to me, facing me. I'm certain I could have at least got her number if I had talked to her. But I got super anxious and couldn't open.

Anyway, today is a new day with new opportunities :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023

Uhh man. I would be very very careful with the sugar baby stuff. That is a road you don't want to go down. I know an older guy stuck in that cycle.

I completely understand the need to "get some" after a long time without sex. We all have that urge. And I guess you decided to give yourself a treat for all the hardwork you have been doing with approaching and then go back to working on cold approach again.

So here is my experience from what I have seen with this guy I mentioned. Don't mean to alarm you, I personally don't have any experience with sugar daddy stuff (not that rich, girls have bought me more stuff till now than I have bough them. 😄) but here is why I think its a slippery slope.

If you want a release, I think going to an erotic massage or something where you get a handjob which is still safe than oral or actual sex is better. There you know its a pure transaction. The girl might be sweet and nice but you are not left with any of this "we connected so well" "she was a sweet girl who went through a breakup" and other details about her.

These are the very details that can lead to guys then feeling "oh she liked me" and then start pursuing a strategy of meeting sugar babies and then trying to Game her and get her. The brain is looking for any "magic pill" or "easier way" to get women. Cold approach is hard, so this will seem like an easy way to get your foot in the door and then still game her etc.

While an experienced guy can pull that off, for anyone new to Game and also older, that stuff starts playing all sorts of tricks on your mind. You start to think you have a better chance there.

You get into that grey area of I will entice her with my money and provider traits but then she will see my Game and realize I am also alpha and then like me for me.

And its a slippery slope of rationalizations and justifications from there into a vicious cycle. Just what I have seen. Because a recent memory of that compared to the hard work of cold approach is going to sway your brain only one way.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023

Uhh man. I would be very very careful with the sugar baby stuff. That is a road you don't want to go down. I know an older guy stuck in that cycle.
Thanks man.I know you are completely right.

It really is highly addictive, all the attention you get from women on a site like SA.

Fortunately I did more or less well with girls previously (right up to my last LTR), so I know what I get with the sugar babies is not the real thing. Just a cheap substitute. I do have to say though, that in some regards, the encounter with that sugar babe helped me. For example, being 50 years old I do have this limiting belief that younger girls in their 20s wouldn't want to be with a guy my age. Especially as I'm rather skinny and not particularly muscular, though I do practice some sports like yoga, cycling and swimming.

This Peru girl actually complimented me for my fitness, saying she herself only gets fatter (she wasn't fat at all! Though a little bit less thin than in her pics, which must be a couple years old). That really was nice to hear from a 27year old HB! Plus, I still had a chafed lip which also made me self conscious. She didn't even mention it, and we made outlike nobody's business.

But yeah, I definitely know that playing the money and provider game isn't for me. Also, I'm not that rich myself either so I wouldn't be able to do this sustainably anyway.

In fact, typing out my experience with that Peruvian girl in this journal made me aware of how ridiculous the story must read. Just journalling about the encounter in public, had a therapeutic effect in itself.

Thanks for your advice @AspiringStoic -- I'm definitely going to keep doing day game and make it work! I know I am very close to success :)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I have way too much Approach Anxiety still to be opening nearly enough, let alone closing.
Approach anxiety? You seem to be talking to a very large number of women; from here it doesn't look as if you're having trouble approaching, that's why I'm wondering why you're having trouble following through. Once you're naturally in a conversation with a girl, there's no more nervousness, right? If the situation is awkward and it looks as if she's not interested, you can eject, but once the conversation is flowing smoothly it doesn't seem that unnatural to ask whether she'd be interested in grabbing dinner some time.

Never gotten a number from day game yet. From time to time I can hook and have longer conversations, but that's about it. Either I ejected too soon, or in one case I moved way to slow and the girl ejected.
Or is it that the ladies decline the date request and therefore there is no point in exchanging contacts?

In the 2 cases (I believe) where I actually started physically escalating because the girls seemed compliant, the girls had to leave at some point.
I'm still having difficulty processing this. You're physically escalating on the approach (not at a subsequent date), and you're okay to do that but anxious to ask for a phone number?

Not sure whether I am helping, but I'm just pointing out that you have the confidence and boldness to (a) initiate conversation and (b) touch the woman, therefore asking for contact details to set up a date should be child's play, surely? Or no?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: One beach approach today. Girl wasn't interested though and blew me off politely.

Today it was boiling hot, almost 40C in the shade which is over 100F. As a result I did the bare minimum of walking and wasn't motivated to try any street approaches in the city. Streets were pretty barren anyways, with few people out and about except for a few tourist groups.


On the beach though I did see a few cuties. At first I was dying to get into the water though, so the first attractive girl or two I saw I didn't approach because I was just too uncomfortable in the heat.

After cooling off, I decided to walk around (aka sarge) on the beach and see if I saw any approachable girls. I saw one girl sitting there with a book in front of her but looking at her phone. I walked toward her, she had black hair but a bit pale skin for my taste and slightly chubby. I guess my standards are a bit high now after that short experience with HBPeru! Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

She didn't look at me either, and judging from her looks and outfit I decided she's probably a local and not worth the trouble. Maybe I could have opened, but she just didn't look super attractive to me in the moment.


I walked around some more and after a while, finally saw a petite girl that was really my type. She was sitting by herself looking at her phone, facing the sea. Dark tan, shoulder long black hair, black baseball cap, shorts, white sneakers. I walked by right in front of her and said "Hello!" as I walked by, smiling. She looked up, gave me a polite smile, then looked to the side. It felt like a polite, but disinterested acknowledgement so I walked past her.


I decided to put my towel within 20 meters or so, within eyeshot of the girl. Lay down and chilled for a while, checking my phone and looking around at the other people in teh vicinity. One tattooed girl was taking selfies with her phone in front of her, looked kinda hot from the rear but she was with 3 guy friends. A group of 3 cute, but not hot, girls were hanging out nearby and walking to the water and back, complaining that it's too cold. They looked too young for me though.

I checked out my target a couple of times, she seemed to be on the phone and when she was not, she looked the other way from me. Not an IOI either. I remember I actually pulled up Chase's article about pinging girls, which confirmed that her response (Polite Acknowledgement) was probably a sign of disinterest. He also says that he sometimes talked to girls who seemed disinterested anyway, and mostly his initial assumption was right.


After 10 minutes or so I decided to leave and look for better prospects. Just when I had packed my stuff and was about to walk away, I saw her looking at me for like 3 seconds though. Was she interested after all? I gave her a brief smile, then debated for a couple of seconds whether I should reopen her. I decided to go for it since she was really a little hottie.

I walked over and said to her "Nice view here, isn't it?"
HB: "Yeah it's nice"
ME: "Have you been here for long?"
HB: "No, I just arrived a short time ago"
ME: "You from here?"
HB: "Yes!"
ME: "You're lucky! Well, I live here too."
HB: "You're lucky as well then!"
ME: "Yeah I guess I am!" (decided she was responsive and crouched down)
ME: "What's your name?"
HB: "Why?" (uh oh)
ME: "Well, I thought you looked cute and wanted to talk to you."
HB: (brief smile, told me her name)
ME: (shaking her hand) "I'm Gameboy" (I sat down next to her in a 90 degree angle)

I forgot about the handclasp. I don't remember our exact conversation after I sat down, but it was like pulling teeth. She gave me minimal investment. Here's what I remember, though it didn't necessarily happen in this order.

ME: "So do you live close to here?"
HB: "Yeah, in X nieghborhood"
ME: "Oh that's qutie far, how do you get here then"
HB: "By bus"
ME: "Oh I see"

ME: "You come to the beach a lot? Because you're quite tanned!" (touched her arm at this point to break the touch barrier, she didn't seem to mind but didn't react positively either. This was the only time I touched the girl except for shaking hands.)

ME: "So what's your Zodiac sign?"
HB: "Leo"
ME: "Leo eh?" - damn, I didn't have a good follow up. Remembered that Leo is the king of animals.
HB: "Yeah"
ME: "A lion! So you're the queen. The queen of X city!" (trying to tease a bit)
HB: "Haha yeah" (not really impressed)

ME: "I thought you were jogging and taking a break here" (because she was wearing sneakers and her attire looked like running gear)
HB: "No, I'm just walking around"
ME: "Just walking around eh? Ok"

ME: "This heat is really killing me! Making me tired"
HB: "Yeah" (I think, don't remember what she said in response)
ME: "In my house it's even hotter"
HB: "Yeah mine too" (or something like that)

There were a few pauses in the conversation and she'd just look the other way. After a while she said "Well, nice to meet you!" and I was kind of relieved to end the conversation. I said "Nice to meet you too!", shook her hand again, and walked away.


I'm glad I did this approach even though it went nowhere! It confirmed my initial impression that she was being polite but wasn't really interested in me. I wonder why she made eye contact when I was just about to leave before approaching her? Maybe she thought it'd be nice to get some validation from me. Who knows!

If you have any suggestions how I could have made this interview-style approach less awkward and more seductive, please let me know! I probably didn't have a chance with this girl anyway. Usually when the girl is even moderately interested, my conversations run much smoother.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
You seem to be talking to a very large number of women;
I'm slowly getting better! Just a few weeks ago i had a streak where I couldn't approach any women at all though. Then, for a time, I got really good at finding out heir favorite colors! But it's still hard for me getting them to hook.

The last hook was that older woman in a cafe, who said she was working for the government. That was cool, but I didn't like her enough to ask for her number. The girl I talked to today didn't hook at all, she just gave me brief polite responses to my questions.

Or is it that the ladies decline the date request and therefore there is no point in exchanging contacts?
I didn't ask many girls for a date yet. The ones I do remember was a Venezuelan girl, which was also my first street approach. I was quite nervous
and fumbled the question. She weasled out of it saying she has to work, and I didn't ask her again because i was too nervous.

The other one was a little Iraqi girl recently who was really nice, she was leaving the next day though. I decided to pull a hail Mary and told her I'd like to take her out for a coffee. She said she was engaged, so that was it.
I'm still having difficulty processing this. You're physically escalating on the approach (not at a subsequent date), and you're okay to do that but anxious to ask for a phone number?
I can remember 3 instances where I actually physically escalated. Two of them with Korean girls who were super compliant (maybe it's a part of their culture so they were easier?). The third other one was from Venezuela, and seemed a bit neurotic. She was uncomfortable when I went for the kiss and decided to leave.

I've searched for the field reports I wrote at the time, in case you're interested:
FR 1
FR 2
FR 3

Girl 1 actually asked me for my instagram (not the other way around) so she actually closed me. Needless to say nothing came of it. I should have stayed in this set longer, but I was too inexperienced at the time to know. This was my first real hook from cold approach and it was loads of fun though!

Girl 2 was the Venezuelan girl who was uncomfortable, and Girl 3 had a hard time constraint so I went all in since I thought either it's now or never. She resisted the kiss though and had to leave for her bus.

So in none of these cases it made sense to ask for the number. I've number closed girls before, but only from night game or social circle. Not yet from day game.

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
I'm back home, and back to (trying to do) approaching! Today's summary: 1 supermarket approach, then missed out on at least one AA on the beach.


Quick summary of my holiday trip: I went to a coastal city in Spain, meeting up with family who were also spending their holiday there. I get to see my family only a few times a year, so I spent most of my time there with them. I had an airbnb of my own though, because there was no room in theirs.


I decided to take one day for myself when my folks had plans that I didn't have a huge interest in. On that day I met up with a sugar baby from SA. It's been months since I got laid the last time (and that was also with a sugar baby... gotta get this pickup thing to work!). I had an awesome hour and a half with the girl, she was smoking hot and also really nice once I got her to warm up to me a bit. Looks wise she was definitely at least a 9, if not a 10.

On the plus side, this girl was really cool. 27 years old, from Peru. Let's call her HBPeru. Dark skinned and with jet black hair, which I love. Funny thing is she told me she'd like to be more white. I told her I'd like to be darker.

She was a great kisser, and she gave head like a pro. Didn't feel at all like a pro though. She told me she had met up with sugar guys just 2 or 3 times. From the way she said it, it sounded sincere. Unless I misunderstood something, since we were talking in Spanish.

I had a lot of fun with HBPeru during the time we were together. She was super sweet and fun to talk to. We kissed a lot, and the sex was hot and intense. Even though I did get the impression she wasn't very attracted at first, but that got better as she warmed up to me. She seemed heart broken, having ended a LTR of 5 years only 4 months ago. I cheered her up a bit and in the end we had quite a few laughs.

But after 1.5 hours she left, and I was on my own again.

It's really a crash and burn with these girls. It's like a drug. It's great while they are with you, and once they're gone, it's an empty feeling. I can really see how so many guys fall into the trap of sugaring and whoremongering. I feel pity for those who don't have any other options in their life and never get to experience having a girlfriend that loves them for who they really are.

After HBPeru left, I wandered around on the beach promenade near my Airbnb. There were plenty of pretty girls around and I could have done some approaches, but my mind was on the girl I'd just been with. On one hand I felt happy to have had a good time with her, but on the other hand... it just didn't feel real.

We exchanged some texts afterward. She told me she liked me, and I invited her to come over to my city at some point in the future. At first she sounded super excited, and immediately after, asked me if I wanted to meet up again the next night.

Being the romantic fool that I am, I assumed she wanted to meet me for free. Finding out she'd only do it for cash honestly was a downer. I did haggle the price down to a significantly reduced amount, but I don't think she liked that. The next day she was only available for one hour, and not at night as she had said before. In the end the 2nd meeting never happened, because I preferred to chill with my family.

This experience reminded me once more of what I hate about sugar dating: The girls are always in a rush to leave after a certain time has passed. And that certain time always seems too short.

Also, they'll tell you they want to meet again, but they'll only do it if you fork out more cash.

In hindsight I definitely regret not having done any approaches in holiday city. Unless I go back there some day, I'll never know what the girls living there are like. And some of them were really attractive.


I got back home yesterday night, and I'm more determined than ever to master day game. HBPeru was another taste of blood if you will, and a lot tastier taste of blood than the HB5 I had that lame date with the other day.


Today was my first day back in the field.

As a warmup, I started out saying "hello" to a rather fat girl that was coming frontally toward me, talking into her phone. I fully expected her to ignore me, but to my surprise she said "hello" back, then continued talking at her phone. Made me wonder if I know her from somewhere? Haha... that's probably what all the girls think I'm saying hello to out of the blue!


In the supermarket, there was a fairly attractive girl right behind me at the cashier. I think I smiled at me at some point when our eyes met, but I'm not sure because I looked away too quick. When I looked back at her she was looking in another direction.

She was buying a single pumpkin, which I decided to tease her about. I don't remember the convo word by word, but it was something like:

Me: "A pumpkin? Is that for halloween?"
Girl: "No, to eat"
Me: "How do you eat it?"
Girl: "You can cook it"
Me: "I don't think I've ever eaten one"
Girl: "Yeah it's a strange diet"
Me: "Oh you can make pumpkin soup, yeah that's really good!"
She didn't really reply to that, so I said "bye" and left.

I didn't feel she was into the conversation. Maybe she was distracted by counting her change or something, but she barely looked at me throughout the interaction.


I did a couple of hours sarging on the beach, but AA struck again and I didn't manage any approaches there. It was Saturday and most HBs were with their friend groups or in 2-sets. I thought about asking some of the HBs their Zodiac sign even though they were in sets, but couldn't do it in the end.


At one point I saw a petite girl looking at me while I was riding the bike. She was lying down belly down, reading a book. I liked her body and her short shorts, quite doable. So I stopped near her trying to elicit approach invitations, but got none. Drove around some more, then came back hovering around a bit in her vicinity. I'm pretty sure she noticed me, but she was getting up and moving to another spot that still had sun. She actually walked away from me without so much as looking back, which wasn't really an AI.

Later while wandering around on the beach I walked by in front of her once more. I thought she did look a bit young for me. Also she wouldn't look up from her book at all while I was checking her out, so I didn't open her.


There was one girl that I do think gave me an AI. I was standing somewhere with my bike between my legs, looking out at the rising moon, and this girl came toward me. She had a book in one hand, shoes in the other. She sat down quite close to me, facing me, and started to clean her feet of the sand to put her shoes on. She could've sat anywhere else, or faced any direction. So the fact that she sat the way she say was a clear approach invitation. But I chickened out and couldn't think of anything to say.

Gotta remember for next time... "Hello!"... "How's you're day going?" ... "How was the beach?" ... anything will do really. I should know that from experience by now! But AA got the better of me. I guess I'm a bit rusty after that week off.

A single girl with a book coming from the beach on a Saturday evening... Pretty sure she wanted some company. Dang.
Enjoying your adventures @gameboy. I can relate to the approach anxiety for sure. But also the sugar-baby experiences.

I'm a big believer in "getting the stank out of the bait bucket" as we say in the hillbilly vernacular. It washes off the stench of desperation that girls can smell from six miles away. I've always struggled with pedestalizing girls, so realizing their transactional nature was a revelation. And it didn't make me have contempt for women, it only added to my empathy. Life is hard, and the shit I've been through, I just don't have it in me to feel hard toward anyone.

The first time I broke up with the ex (six months hiatus) I had three cuties lined up in short order. The first one was almost too cute for her own good, 27yo, graduate degree, accomplished artist, who had a daddy fetish and needed extra cash. I had a great time with her every one of our three encounters. The other two weren't quite as cute, but one of them developed a bit of a crush on me. I saw her the other day when I was with Limerance Girl and she gave me the stank-eye, which can only mean she's still got feelings for me. The daddy issues with young women these days are ubiquitous. There's rarely been a better time to be a silver fox.

Didn't the experience help move you past the approach anxiety? Give you a "fuckitall" attitude for a little while? It did for me, but it wore off surprisingly fast.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Didn't the experience help move you past the approach anxiety?
You know... if you had asked me this morning, I would have said yes. I was really proud of the beach approach I did yesterday with that little dark cutie, even though it went nowhere. It was my first proper beach approach with a hot girl in months, if I remember right.

Today I missed out again though. I saw two attractive single girls and approached neither of them. The first one I actually pinged when she came out of the water. She walked right past me, I liked her looks and asked her "How's the water?" I think I asked a split second too late, because she was already next to me and I couldn't see her face anymore. She didn't react. Maybe she didn't hear me, or didn't speak the local language.

I saw that girl later again. She was sitting by herself. I hovered around for a while but couldn't get myself to approach. I actually talked myself out of it, finding details about her that I didn't like like her hair color, hair length, her glasses... true, she wasn't as hot as HBPeru, but she was still a very attractive girl. I guess the encounter with HBPeru made me a bit too picky!

Later I came across a girl that I found just as hot as HBPeru. Same body type, beautiful skin color, and gorgeous waist-long black hair. She was lying on the beach surrounded by people though. Right next to her was a group of 4 or 5 guys. Like 2 meters away. To the other side and tight behind her there were little groups of people also.

I think that was the main reason I chickened out of that approach. Had there been a bit more space around her I think I'd have been more confident to at least walk up to her and say hi, or compliment her on her hair.

I did do a nice little street opener earlier today though: Around midday, I was locking my bike on the street near my house and saw a cute little Latina in a cleaning uniform, standing in the doorway of a house yawning. I smiled at her and she laughed, covering her mouth shyly. I said "You tired, huh?" She was like "Yeah...", smiling. I said "It's the heat, it really makes you sleepy!" She replied something, I think she agreed but I couldn't really understand her. Or I don't remember. She seemed to be waiting for someone, so I said "see you later" and waved her goodbye. She said "bye" with a big smile.

In hindsight I probably could have had a longer interaction with that girl and maybe even gotten her number? But it was completely spontaneous and I had other things on my mind at the time.

Summary of today (Monday): One fun street opener, 2 missed opportunities on the beach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023

I recently read the article you linked here. The one Chase wrote about pinging. I did not even know what that meant and was confused as I saw many people use that word on this forum.

But now having read it, I feel that this concept of pinging might hold a lot of less experienced people back. I for one could never do this pinging thing. I mean come on, we already have a hundred excuses to not approach that pop up in our head, this thing of pinging will just be used as another one of those excuses to justify not approaching. Oh she did not respond to my ping so I will not approach her.

I feel this is something that a person can get into once he has a certain amount of experience. For a newbie its a very nuanced concept, most of the time a newbie is going to get the ping wrong and will be left wondering if the girl even heard or noticed the ping etc. I feel its a waste of a lot of mental energy. Its better to have a I will never know how she will respond unless I go in and find out mentality.

This mentality would support just going up and opening instead of more mental projections about what might happen. That is what we need now to develop the courage to just open and more importantly first hand expereince that NOTHING HORRIFIC happens even if she reacts negatively. The confidence that we are able to handle and navigate any sort of response we get from a girl and proof that most of the negative scenarios we imagine never actually materialize.

I really feel you should get rid of this whole pinging and forcing approach invitations stuff and just concentrate on going in and taking the "risk" of opening the girl. Just my two cents from what I read from your latest reports.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023

I recently read the article you linked here. The one Chase wrote about pinging. I did not even know what that meant and was confused as I saw many people use that word on this forum.


I really feel you should get rid of this whole pinging and forcing approach invitations stuff and just concentrate on going in and taking the "risk" of opening the girl. Just my two cents from what I read from your latest reports.

Actually, I think you are probably right. I can still be much bolder and more courageous. It feels better when I do a proper approach, even if I get blown out.

EDIT: After giving it some thought, I don't think I should get rid of pinging. It's giving me good indications if a girl is down to chat or not. With that last girl for example, my intuition was spot on: When I pinged her, I got a polite but non-insterested respones, and when I actually talked to her a bit later, I got the same.

Would the result have been different if I had gone all-in right away? Maybe. But you could also argue the other way around, that pinging the girl first might make her more receptive if you do decide to approach her later.

As for eliciting approach invitations, I only did it once so can't say if it's a good tool or not.

That said, I do feel I neet to start going more direct and risking rejection more often. Pinging is just one tool in the tool set.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Did 4 approaches on the street today. I was feeling quite anxious all day today, plus I may have had too much coffee which made it worse.


To overcome the anxiety, I decided to do some warm-ups to get over yesteray's AA. If necessary, asking for favorite colors or Zodiac signs just to get started. In the end, the approaches turned out completely different.

1 - A young girl with an unreadable t-shirt. I asked her "What does it say?", pointing at the shirt. She said "I think Metallica!" I stood there for a while, deciphering the letters in an unreadable font. Turns out it was Guns'n'Roses actually.

(Kids these days! I'm a life long Metallica fan, and we used to ridicule the piss out of Axl Rose (Axl Pose) and his ilk. I guess today it's all just grandpa music for the youngsters.)

The design of the shirt was really cool though. I told the girl it looks great, and she said thanks

2 - A girl in red bikini walking towards me frontally, accompanied by another girl in more socially acceptable attire. Bikini girl was wearing some black cloth over her bikini, but the wind blew it so wide open that it barely covered anything. This was the streets of the city center, not on the beach mind you. So she was very naked for the environment. (I'm not complaining!)

As we walked past each other I said to her "What a nice bikini!" I didn't see a reaction from her, but her friend was grinning so they definitely heard me.

3 - A pretty girl in waitress costume, sitting at a table full of burgers in front of a restaurant. Another waitress was taking photos of her with a phone on a tripod. I asked the pretty girl: "You gonna eat all of that?" She replied: "I wish!" So I said "Enjoy your meal!" Both she and the girl that was taking the pictures looked at me laughing.

4 - Pushing the bike in a pedestrian zone I saw two hot girls from behind, sitting on a wall. Decided to retrace my steps and walk by in front of them. I was wearing the bike helmet but who cares. When I saw them from the front, I noticed one of them was wearing huge black western boots. I decided to tease her about it and said "I love your boots!" (in local language). She stared at me with an expression like "who the fuck are you" - I said "Aren't you hot in those?" and she said "no", with an English accent and a super sweet smile.

Interesting! First the surprised reaction, ready to reject, then the sweet smile. I guess I passed her sniff test. I didn't stay in set though because it was a 2-set, also they looked rather young.


Later on the beach I didn't find any good opportunities. There was only one single girl that I found attractive, but she seemed to be talking on the phone when I first saw her so I didn't open right away. I hovered around a bit too long, and the more I checked her out the less interested I was. Maybe this was an instance of AA though. She had a good body and dyed blond hair, also a nice face, but looked a bit older than I thought.


On one hand, 4 approaches isn't too shabby. But I'm starting to get hungry for some results. Tired of meeting only sugar babies. So I'm setting an intention for tomorrow:

WIthout any pressure, if the opportunity presents itself, give a girl I like a direct compliment and tell her I wanted to talk to her. If we chat and I find she's cool, ask her out for a coffee.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Did 4 approaches on the street today. I was feeling quite anxious all day today, plus I may have had too much coffee which made it worse.


To overcome the anxiety, I decided to do some warm-ups to get over yesteray's AA. If necessary, asking for favorite colors or Zodiac signs just to get started. In the end, the approaches turned out completely different.

1 - A young girl with an unreadable t-shirt. I asked her "What does it say?", pointing at the shirt. She said "I think Metallica!" I stood there for a while, deciphering the letters in an unreadable font. Turns out it was Guns'n'Roses actually.

(Kids these days! I'm a life long Metallica fan, and we used to ridicule the piss out of Axl Rose (Axl Pose) and his ilk. I guess today it's all just grandpa music for the youngsters.)

The design of the shirt was really cool though. I told the girl it looks great, and she said thanks

2 - A girl in red bikini walking towards me frontally, accompanied by another girl in more socially acceptable attire. Bikini girl was wearing some black cloth over her bikini, but the wind blew it so wide open that it barely covered anything. This was the streets of the city center, not on the beach mind you. So she was very naked for the environment. (I'm not complaining!)

As we walked past each other I said to her "What a nice bikini!" I didn't see a reaction from her, but her friend was grinning so they definitely heard me.

3 - A pretty girl in waitress costume, sitting at a table full of burgers in front of a restaurant. Another waitress was taking photos of her with a phone on a tripod. I asked the pretty girl: "You gonna eat all of that?" She replied: "I wish!" So I said "Enjoy your meal!" Both she and the girl that was taking the pictures looked at me laughing.

4 - Pushing the bike in a pedestrian zone I saw two hot girls from behind, sitting on a wall. Decided to retrace my steps and walk by in front of them. I was wearing the bike helmet but who cares. When I saw them from the front, I noticed one of them was wearing huge black western boots. I decided to tease her about it and said "I love your boots!" (in local language). She stared at me with an expression like "who the fuck are you" - I said "Aren't you hot in those?" and she said "no", with an English accent and a super sweet smile.

Interesting! First the surprised reaction, ready to reject, then the sweet smile. I guess I passed her sniff test. I didn't stay in set though because it was a 2-set, also they looked rather young.


Later on the beach I didn't find any good opportunities. There was only one single girl that I found attractive, but she seemed to be talking on the phone when I first saw her so I didn't open right away. I hovered around a bit too long, and the more I checked her out the less interested I was. Maybe this was an instance of AA though. She had a good body and dyed blond hair, also a nice face, but looked a bit older than I thought.


On one hand, 4 approaches isn't too shabby. But I'm starting to get hungry for some results. Tired of meeting only sugar babies. So I'm setting an intention for tomorrow:

WIthout any pressure, if the opportunity presents itself, give a girl I like a direct compliment and tell her I wanted to talk to her. If we chat and I find she's cool, ask her out for a coffee.
Great job. Four opens is great.

Ahh you have reached that point as well I see. I think as we are doing these things, once we hit a plateau the urge arises naturally to break through and step up to the next level. Rooting for you brother. You can do it. Tomorrow is the day. 😎

I am also planning to do at least one of those kind of approaches tomorrow to keep the momentum going. Lets us both do this!! 💪

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Did 4 approaches on the street today. I was feeling quite anxious all day today, plus I may have had too much coffee which made it worse.


To overcome the anxiety, I decided to do some warm-ups to get over yesteray's AA. If necessary, asking for favorite colors or Zodiac signs just to get started. In the end, the approaches turned out completely different.

1 - A young girl with an unreadable t-shirt. I asked her "What does it say?", pointing at the shirt. She said "I think Metallica!" I stood there for a while, deciphering the letters in an unreadable font. Turns out it was Guns'n'Roses actually.

(Kids these days! I'm a life long Metallica fan, and we used to ridicule the piss out of Axl Rose (Axl Pose) and his ilk. I guess today it's all just grandpa music for the youngsters.)

The design of the shirt was really cool though. I told the girl it looks great, and she said thanks

2 - A girl in red bikini walking towards me frontally, accompanied by another girl in more socially acceptable attire. Bikini girl was wearing some black cloth over her bikini, but the wind blew it so wide open that it barely covered anything. This was the streets of the city center, not on the beach mind you. So she was very naked for the environment. (I'm not complaining!)

As we walked past each other I said to her "What a nice bikini!" I didn't see a reaction from her, but her friend was grinning so they definitely heard me.

3 - A pretty girl in waitress costume, sitting at a table full of burgers in front of a restaurant. Another waitress was taking photos of her with a phone on a tripod. I asked the pretty girl: "You gonna eat all of that?" She replied: "I wish!" So I said "Enjoy your meal!" Both she and the girl that was taking the pictures looked at me laughing.

4 - Pushing the bike in a pedestrian zone I saw two hot girls from behind, sitting on a wall. Decided to retrace my steps and walk by in front of them. I was wearing the bike helmet but who cares. When I saw them from the front, I noticed one of them was wearing huge black western boots. I decided to tease her about it and said "I love your boots!" (in local language). She stared at me with an expression like "who the fuck are you" - I said "Aren't you hot in those?" and she said "no", with an English accent and a super sweet smile.

Interesting! First the surprised reaction, ready to reject, then the sweet smile. I guess I passed her sniff test. I didn't stay in set though because it was a 2-set, also they looked rather young.


Later on the beach I didn't find any good opportunities. There was only one single girl that I found attractive, but she seemed to be talking on the phone when I first saw her so I didn't open right away. I hovered around a bit too long, and the more I checked her out the less interested I was. Maybe this was an instance of AA though. She had a good body and dyed blond hair, also a nice face, but looked a bit older than I thought.


On one hand, 4 approaches isn't too shabby. But I'm starting to get hungry for some results. Tired of meeting only sugar babies. So I'm setting an intention for tomorrow:

WIthout any pressure, if the opportunity presents itself, give a girl I like a direct compliment and tell her I wanted to talk to her. If we chat and I find she's cool, ask her out for a coffee.
Way to get after it my friend! Four approaches, not bad at all. The boot gal's reaction was surprising. I wonder if other approaches that seemed cold were just momentarily caught off-guard and needed a moment to catch up and put on a friendlier face. I like the idea of setting an intention, think I might borrow it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Crappy day today. I still have a lot of general anxiety, for reasons unrelated to pickup. I'm not even sure I can put my finger on the reasons. I tried meditating, but it didn't help so far.

As for my goal, I technically achieved it, but just barely. It wasn't a great approach either, but at least I did an approach and avoided the "big zero":

Right when I arrived at the beach, I saw a cute single girl sitting by herself. I walked past in front of her and said "Hello". She didn't even look up. I stopped, and said to her "I just thought you were pretty and wanted to say hi!" (I mispronounced the second half and stuttered a bit)

She gave me a smile and said thanks, then looked the other way again. Clearly not interested. Also, she was probably way too young for me.

Scouted the beach for single girls for quite a while, but didn't see any attractive ones this time. I mean, I saw TONS of attractive girls, but all in 2-sets or larger groups. And most of them looking like they're in their teens. So, that one short approach was the only one I did today. Like I said, crappy day.

I think I'm going to cook something nice for myself now, hopefully that will put me in a better mood.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Crappy day today. I still have a lot of general anxiety, for reasons unrelated to pickup. I'm not even sure I can put my finger on the reasons. I tried meditating, but it didn't help so far.

As for my goal, I technically achieved it, but just barely. It wasn't a great approach either, but at least I did an approach and avoided the "big zero":

Right when I arrived at the beach, I saw a cute single girl sitting by herself. I walked past in front of her and said "Hello". She didn't even look up. I stopped, and said to her "I just thought you were pretty and wanted to say hi!" (I mispronounced the second half and stuttered a bit)

She gave me a smile and said thanks, then looked the other way again. Clearly not interested. Also, she was probably way too young for me.

Scouted the beach for single girls for quite a while, but didn't see any attractive ones this time. I mean, I saw TONS of attractive girls, but all in 2-sets or larger groups. And most of them looking like they're in their teens. So, that one short approach was the only one I did today. Like I said, crappy day.

I think I'm going to cook something nice for myself now, hopefully that will put me in a better mood.
Man you still did that direct approach. That was the goal right? To break the internal resistance and say those words to a girl and you did it!

That is a success. So you fucked up the delivery but that is okay. Its part of the process, as you do it more often you will get calmer.

I think you should count this as a success and definetely give yourself props. 😎

One more of these tomorrow. 💪


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Two direct openers today.


2F-set coming towards me. They seemed to be looking for something. One of the girls had bright read dyed hair and I liked her clothing style as well. Walking towards them I said "I like your style!" to the girl I liked. She said "Thanks", but with a serious face. They kept walking rather briskly.

After they passed me, I turned around to see if she'd look at me. She didn't. Her friend was looking at her in a serious way, as if to say "Who was that?" Lesbians maybe? Or not in the mood to be approached.


Coming out of my house I spotted a single girl dressed in black. I liked her looks, took my sunglasses off and when I was close, asked her for her favorite color. She didn't understand me, so I repeated in English. She then replied "blue", but in a very soft voice. She seemed to be wondering what this was about. I said "Blue, eh? ...Actually, I thought you were cute and I wanted to talk to you." with a seductive smile.

I don't remember her reply, whether she said "Thanks", "Oh okay", or what.

I asked her "Where are you from?" She said "From China." Me: "Oh, from China? And how long are you staying here in X?" - She said "One month. I'm going to school" (pointing to a language school nearby), "and I'm running late for class." - Me: "Oh, so you're in a rush?" - Her: "Yes" - Me: "Okay, I won't keep you then. Nice to meet you!" - Girl: "Have a nice day!"

One thing I noted that she didn't smile throughout the interaction. She had two piercings in her face, but I found they looked good on her. I don't have much experience with Asian women, I've never interacted with them much before starting to do day game. They really seem more compliant than Europeans! But I wonder what the piercings mean, I don't think they're very common for Chinese girls? Maybe another lesbian? Or maybe sexually open? I would love to find out.

Also wondering if Chinese girls generally smile less? Or would it mean they're not interested? Guess I'll only find out if by chance I run into her again.

I really should have gone for the digits real quick! It wouldn't have made her much later. Next time I'll know better.

Felt like a champ afterwards for going direct and having a more or less decent interaction this time. I'm still feeling good about it as I'm typing this up :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Two direct openers today.


2F-set coming towards me. They seemed to be looking for something. One of the girls had bright read dyed hair and I liked her clothing style as well. Walking towards them I said "I like your style!" to the girl I liked. She said "Thanks", but with a serious face. They kept walking rather briskly.

After they passed me, I turned around to see if she'd look at me. She didn't. Her friend was looking at her in a serious way, as if to say "Who was that?" Lesbians maybe? Or not in the mood to be approached.


Coming out of my house I spotted a single girl dressed in black. I liked her looks, took my sunglasses off and when I was close, asked her for her favorite color. She didn't understand me, so I repeated in English. She then replied "blue", but in a very soft voice. She seemed to be wondering what this was about. I said "Blue, eh? ...Actually, I thought you were cute and I wanted to talk to you." with a seductive smile.

I don't remember her reply, whether she said "Thanks", "Oh okay", or what.

I asked her "Where are you from?" She said "From China." Me: "Oh, from China? And how long are you staying here in X?" - She said "One month. I'm going to school" (pointing to a language school nearby), "and I'm running late for class." - Me: "Oh, so you're in a rush?" - Her: "Yes" - Me: "Okay, I won't keep you then. Nice to meet you!" - Girl: "Have a nice day!"

One thing I noted that she didn't smile throughout the interaction. She had two piercings in her face, but I found they looked good on her. I don't have much experience with Asian women, I've never interacted with them much before starting to do day game. They really seem more compliant than Europeans! But I wonder what the piercings mean, I don't think they're very common for Chinese girls? Maybe another lesbian? Or maybe sexually open? I would love to find out.

Also wondering if Chinese girls generally smile less? Or would it mean they're not interested? Guess I'll only find out if by chance I run into her again.

I really should have gone for the digits real quick! It wouldn't have made her much later. Next time I'll know better.

Felt like a champ afterwards for going direct and having a more or less decent interaction this time. I'm still feeling good about it as I'm typing this up :)
Great stuff @gameboy . You really nailed it today. 2 approaches. One more than I could manage. 😀

Way to go. If we keep this up, I am excited about all the opportunities that will open up to us. Excited!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Yeah, but you got the number so you're clearly a step ahead!
To be honest, I don't really put much stock into that at this point. I mean I am happy about it, but I am more happy about me being able to ask for the number than getting it. In the sense that if I get comfortable asking, then getting numbers will become routine. But at this point, I don't want to get attached to any of these numbers and then get emotionally invested in them and butthurt if they don't text back or come out on a date etc.

My focus is on acquiring the skillset rather than getting any particular girl at the moment.