Had a half-hour voice call with a girl from an app today. (Yeah I hit the apps again, since I'm not seeing results from day game so far... just as a supplement though!)
The girl looks pretty hot judging by her pics. We tentatively agreed to a date near my place (she lives half an hour away). First she mentioned Sunday, but then she said she'll let me know if she's free on Friday afternoon (the day after tomorrow).
The call went pretty well I think. I used a lot of stuff I learned here and on GC, including ending it on a high note.
Call highlight: She asked me what I'm looking for. I said a female friend. She goes "a fuck friend?"... I answered in the most nonchalant of voices, "Yeah kiss friend, fuck friend, whatever comes up." She said she's looking for a fuck buddy. (HELL YES!)
Let's see if this is for real. I'll let you guys know if the date actually materializes.
In the afternoon I did a couple of approaches on the beach. All of them inconsequential, but two approaches were real fun so I'll share them here:
I saw a woman taking pictures of a bird that was hopping around on the beach. The woman had a bit of a wrinkly face, I'm guessing she's in her 60s. But she did have a good slim body and a nice tan. I also really liked her energy.
I opened with "Those birds are so cute!" - she goes "Yes", smiling at me. So I asked "Did you manage to take any good pictures of it?" and she sad "Yes", again. Didn't seem to be fluent in the language. But she actually got close to me and showed me 3 great pictures of the bird. I complimented her on the pictures, and she gave me a big smile throwing her head back. I smiled back at her, then she slowly walked away.
- I remember reading somewhere: "Allow older women their magic." I think it was in David Deida's "Way of the Superior Man". A wise phrase to live by!
Came across a cute dyed blonde, also with a very slim and tanned body, posing topless for photos that her fatty friend was taking. As I walked by I said "Such a gorgeous model!" at the blond girl. She gave me the sweetest of smiles! I could see her braces. She actually looked up at me from below in a submissive way, sort of drawing her head into the shoulders, glancing at her friend for a moment then beaming at me. Her friend didn't seem to be smiling though.
I considered chatting with the girl some more, but the way she smiled at me made her look like a teenager. Possibly even under age, so I passed. It's a pity because she was super cute... but there was also her friend there which would likely have cockblocked me anyway. I kept walking but turned around once to look back. The blonde girl was still smiling, not looking at me. But the fatty friend was glaring at me. Poor girl, she probably rarely gets this kind of attention.
Felt great though to spread some love around!