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Gameboy's Journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
@gameboy seems to have dropped the Zodiac sign part out and continued with "favorite color", at least when he still uses that to open. So that one's at max harmlessness now!
Hahah yeah you got me. Max harmlessness was great to get me over the AA, but I do feel ready to have some more productive conversations with the ladies now.

YOU: Okay cool. So let's say you find some good rocks. What's next?

Good idea, I could have followed up with that. Since I couldn't relate to her geography comment (never had much interest in it or given it much thought), the convo sort of died down at that point. This would have been a great way to bring it back on track.

(With this girl it was obviously not going anywhere anyway, but I'll keep this in mind for the future.)

If you want to open this way:

"Excuse me, quick question" --> "Are you from here?" --> style compliment

.... as a next step I'd tie the compliment back to the "from here" bit so it all makes sense. e.g.:

Great point. I definitely want to give that a try.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today's journal entry: 2 situational approaches, got ignored both times.

First one was a petite black girl in very short shorts and with an awesome tight body. She was wearing black Doc Martens boots even though it was 35C (95F) in the shade. My plan was to tease her on that, then tell her the boots look great on her though. She was walking quite fast, but I caught up with her at a traffic light. Standing next to her I first waited a second or two, then looked at her and said something like "You must be quite hot in those boots!" (don't remember my exact phrasing now, but I opened her in English)

She had headphones in and was wearing sunglasses. She did turn her head slightly towards me and gave me a quick glance, then looked away again without replying. I repeated my opener just in case, but she didn't react. I assumed she didn't want to talk to me so I made an apologetic hand gesture and looked the other way until the traffic light turned green.

Today's approach number two was when I was lying on the beach. There was this girl I thought looked cute but she was with a group of people (something like 4 girls and 1 guy). At one point she went down towards the water with just one female friend of hers. They stood there for a while but didn't go in, probably because they found it too cold. When they came back they walked right by me, so I tried teasing them saying "Was it too cold for you?" but they just kept walking.

I was talking loud enough, but I asked in English so I can't be sure they understood me since I don't know where they were from. Or maybe they didn't realize I was talking to them at all, since I also was holding my phone in hand. Anyway, they went back to their group and I didn't feel like opening a mixed group of 5 people, especially not with all the other people hanging around within earshot on the beach.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today again I did 2 approaches, or pings if you will. One got ignored, the other one at least got a shy reaction.

#1: Two girls wearing Brazilian football shirts walked by right in front of me. I said "Hello Brazil!" to them when they were getting close, but got no reaction. They just kept walking right by me. I checked them out from behind, they had big asses which fits the Brazilian shirts but isn't really my type. They were cute otherwise though.

I'm starting to see a pattern with the walking 2F sets. There doesn't seem to be much point in pinging them like that. Neither of them will feel that they are the one who is being addressed, so neither will feel "responsible" to reply or react to you. Which makes it easiest for them both to ignore you.

When I approached walking 2F sets and pointed at the girl I liked best to ask for her favorite color, most of them would answer easily. Some were hesistant, some said they didn't know. Others seemed excited to talk to me, were curious what this was for, or after answering stood there and wait what I'd say next.

So moral of the story: For 2F sets, pick the girl you like best and signal at her with your finger (in a chill way of course) when addressing them.

#2: A single girl standing on the shore, about to go in but hesitant because of the cold water. She looked great in her bikini, I would easily give her a 10 looks wise. Just an attractive, natural, slim body.

At first I was standing 2 or 3 meters away from her. At one point, she walked from my left side over to the right side. I said in a loud voice, in English: "Is it too cold or what?" She was a bit far away, I think she did move her head a little so she might have heard me but I can't be sure.

She kept just standing there, so after half a minute or so I jumped into the sea right in front of her. She went in shortly after, and our paths crossed while swimming so I smiled at her. She just kept swimming past me.

After a while I got out of the water, and stood there taking in the sun, looking aorund and watching with peripheral vision what she would do. She got out soon after and walked by right in front of me. This time I said in her direction, in the local language: "The water is so nice isn't it?" She smiled but immediately looked down, and mumbled something (very softly) that I couldn't understand. It sounded affirmative, but she kept briskly walking without looking at me.

I watched where she went, to see if she was by herself for a possible reopen. She ended up lying down next to an older lady, presumably her mother. So mission aborted.

Lots of hot chicks around with their moms these days!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
What is the age range of these girls?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
What is the age range of these girls?
Hard to say. The one I saw today I'd guess she was in her early twenties. Didn't look like a teenager to me, but probably under 30.

The other hot one I recently saw who was with her mom (presumably, she was on the beach with an older woman who could also have been her aunt, acquaintance or whatever) was probably mid to late 20s or maybe even early 30s. She had large artificial boobs and looked like a model. I didn't approach that one though because she had this older lady right by her side all the time.

In this country it's quite common for girls to be close with their moms. My ex was in her 30s when I was with her, and when she stayed at her mother's place she would sleep in the same bed with her mom. (Unheard of in my home country. At least I heard of no adult girls who did that there, and I knew quite a few women there.)

The girlfriend that I was with before that, would call her mom pretty much every other day. In general, family ties are much stronger here in southern Europe than in northern Europe where I'm from.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Niice. I wish I could find more girls in that age range. I do best with 22-26 year olds, but when I go out to daygame they are the most rare. I have to mostly approach the 20-21 year olds (students), since otherwise I wouldn't be able to get enough practice in. Wish I could discover a spot where it's mostly 22-29. But I guess they're employed post college and not walking around like the students...

I'm happy to see you've found a spot with this age range
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Had a half-hour voice call with a girl from an app today. (Yeah I hit the apps again, since I'm not seeing results from day game so far... just as a supplement though!)

The girl looks pretty hot judging by her pics. We tentatively agreed to a date near my place (she lives half an hour away). First she mentioned Sunday, but then she said she'll let me know if she's free on Friday afternoon (the day after tomorrow).

The call went pretty well I think. I used a lot of stuff I learned here and on GC, including ending it on a high note.

Call highlight: She asked me what I'm looking for. I said a female friend. She goes "a fuck friend?"... I answered in the most nonchalant of voices, "Yeah kiss friend, fuck friend, whatever comes up." She said she's looking for a fuck buddy. (HELL YES!)

Let's see if this is for real. I'll let you guys know if the date actually materializes.


In the afternoon I did a couple of approaches on the beach. All of them inconsequential, but two approaches were real fun so I'll share them here:


I saw a woman taking pictures of a bird that was hopping around on the beach. The woman had a bit of a wrinkly face, I'm guessing she's in her 60s. But she did have a good slim body and a nice tan. I also really liked her energy.

I opened with "Those birds are so cute!" - she goes "Yes", smiling at me. So I asked "Did you manage to take any good pictures of it?" and she sad "Yes", again. Didn't seem to be fluent in the language. But she actually got close to me and showed me 3 great pictures of the bird. I complimented her on the pictures, and she gave me a big smile throwing her head back. I smiled back at her, then she slowly walked away.

  • I remember reading somewhere: "Allow older women their magic." I think it was in David Deida's "Way of the Superior Man". A wise phrase to live by!


Came across a cute dyed blonde, also with a very slim and tanned body, posing topless for photos that her fatty friend was taking. As I walked by I said "Such a gorgeous model!" at the blond girl. She gave me the sweetest of smiles! I could see her braces. She actually looked up at me from below in a submissive way, sort of drawing her head into the shoulders, glancing at her friend for a moment then beaming at me. Her friend didn't seem to be smiling though.

I considered chatting with the girl some more, but the way she smiled at me made her look like a teenager. Possibly even under age, so I passed. It's a pity because she was super cute... but there was also her friend there which would likely have cockblocked me anyway. I kept walking but turned around once to look back. The blonde girl was still smiling, not looking at me. But the fatty friend was glaring at me. Poor girl, she probably rarely gets this kind of attention.

Felt great though to spread some love around!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just back from the date with the girl from online. Man I was nervous all day before!

We agreed to meet at 10pm, because she had a work meeting before. She arrived at 11. (It's okay because I waited for her at home, and didn't leave the house before she told me she was almost there).

The girl wasn't really what I expected from the pics on the app. Damn I'm glad that I don't have to rely on online to meet girls! Got much better options in day game.

My first instinct was that nothing will happen with this girl, we're too different. She walked with her arms crossed in front of her at first. I touched her once or twice to guide her along the street.

We sat down on some terrace in the street, facing each other across a table. Not ideal for seduction but I didn't see any more convenient setups on any terrace, and she didn't want to sit inside. She pretty much chain smokes all the time, which I found off putting. (Myself, I quit years ago.)

I let her do most of the talking. She barely asked me any questions, and the few questions she did ask I answered briefly and then let her talk about herself again. Mostly stuff about her work. She seems to be managing a lot of people. Also told me she gets angry a lot.

I tried to escalate on her regardless, basically just for fun to see what would happen. I took her hands a couple of times and held them for a while. She didn't resist. Didn't give any reaction at all really, just continued talking. She had one tattoo on her arm that I touched and asked her about. Carressed it a little with my finger, then I let go again. A bit later, I inspected the rings on her fingers just because it felt good to touch her hands.

After about half an hour or an hour of talking, she told me she was tired. So was I. She suggested we leave. I asked her if she wanted to see where I live, it was literally one minute away. She said no but laughed. I don't think she's the type to give token resistance, so I didn't insist. But her laugh did betray her a little... I do think she liked the proposal.

She wanted to grab a taxi, I told her there's a train to her town and walked her to the train station. Touched her a bit more on the way, at one point I tickled her and she actually ran away lol. Told me to stop, I continued a bit just to tease her, but then stopped when she told me the second time.

When we were close to the station, she mentioned that the next time we meet, I should come to her town. I said sure.

Turns out there were no more trains this late, so we walked to where she said she would grab a taxi. At one point on the way I grabbed her softly from the front and looked at her with intention to kiss, but she resisted. So we kept walking and I touched her a bit more, and slapped her ass once or twice. She laughed, but told me she doesn't like these games on the street. I told her she's boring, and she said "Yeah that's why I'm single." I said "Right, that's why you're looking for a fuck friend." She didn't reply, and she was walking behind me at that moment so I didn't see her reaction. But I did want to reaffirm the idea of being FBs, if anything at all.

In the end she took a taxi and we hugged goodbye. She said we'll be in touch.

Let's see what happens. I think there's a chance she'll booty call me some day. I'm not super attracted but I might go for it just for the experience. Looks wise I would say she's doable, not fat or anything, but nothing like the pics in the app.

I feel I did pretty well all in all, considering that this was my first proper date in ages. Maybe not being truly attracted actually made it easier? Damn, I'm actually starting to feel like a player now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just did one warm-up favorite color opener today. The girl was a fatty, but I liked something about her looks. Maybe it was because of her long black hair. It was a brief interaction, but I still managed to flirt a bit with the girl, if only for 2 seconds. I think she knew what this was about. (I mean, who cares about your favorite color if not to flirt with you? lol)

I did go out with the intention to approach more girls, even though it was super hot outside. I felt and am still feeling drowsy from the heat. It's a bit like having a hangover.

Legitimately didn't see any single girls I found interesting all day. Saturdays are always difficult for some reason. There was one girl who gave me IOIs on the beach. She gave me quite a bit of eye contact. But she was in a mixed set of guys and girls, and I didnt't approach. I think she was ok looking but did have fat legs for my taste.

Yesterday's date was like tasting blood. I really, really, really want to do this with a girl I am actually attracted to. I know I'll be fine once I get a girl out to meet.
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Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
@gameboy great to see you getting a taste with your online aspiring fuckbuddy. I'm contemplating getting back online because this small town has slim pickings lately. Even with tourists.

Early in my most recent breakup, I had sex with several girls I wouldn't ordinarily be attracted to, including one nurse with whom I was going at it less than ten minutes after we met in person. I had done a great job prepping her for instant sex through emails and several phone calls beforehand, "laying the groundwork" if you will.

It felt a little weird, but thanks to a little help from my oblong blue friend (viagra) I acquitted myself well. I actually liked the girl despite the large wart on her otherwise serviceable booty, which made me feel like a shitheel. She reached out three or four times afterward and I ghosted her. But it "got the stank out of the bait bucket" as we used to say.

Love that you are conversant with David Deida. It's a bit thick with the Woo-Woo but his knowledge of what women actually want and need is unsurpassed. I think I might go back for a quick refresher course. When I was first in the (very challenging) relationship with my ex-ex, I credit Deida's advice with keeping me sane. Be the rock in the ocean of her turbulent emotions, etc.

He mentioned a species of frog, the female of which bumps up against the males until she finds one who doesn't budge, then mates with him. Be that frog.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
my oblong blue friend (viagra)
Hmm, I've never taken viagra and not sure where to get it. I have no idea whether it's available without recipe in pharmacies?

Anyway, I'd rather go without resorting to pills if I can help it...

But it "got the stank out of the bait bucket" as we used to say.
That makes sense! I've done that with sugar babies. Some of them were actually pretty hot, and fun to play with. But what I really hate about sugaring is the feeling of being "used" just as a cash pig. It made me realize how hot girls must feel when us guys only want them for their bodies, and aren't interested in them otherwise at all. A great learning experience in that regard!

So with this girl, I'm kind of 50/50 at the moment. I really don't want to fuck her and then have my dick be angry at me later. (Someone wrote that here recently on the forums... was it you? Can't remember!)

But it was great to finally have a normal date again (as in, non-paid for) and that my old seduction instincts still seem to be functioning. Much better so than before, in fact! I always was good with using touch with the girls, guess I'm a natural in that regard. But my verbal game has improved tons since I'm on this forum.

Love that you are conversant with David Deida.
It's a great book! i've read it years ago, and that phrase was one of the ones that stuck with me. Gotta give it a refresher myself too!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just been reading the forums and relating what I'm reading to that date some more, I realize I didn't get any compliance from the girl at all. She's a very bossy type, managing like 40 people at work. I got a feeling she has a very masculine essence. Not really what I'm looking for.

Now I did sense that she needs a guy to just take her. She came across a bit nervous, for example she peeled the label of her beer bottle while we were talking. In contrast, I was much more relaxed than her.

I pointed it out to her and held her hands to make her stop, and she made a "little girl caught doing something bad" face. She stopped for a while, but when I let go of her hands she started fidgeting again with the label.

Maybe I should actually have insisted a bit more to show her where I live (i.e. pull her). Couldn't have hurt. Can't really be bothered to spend an afternoon going to her town, especially with all her chain smoking. If I end up at her place it will probably stink of cigarette smoke.

Next time I'll know better and insist some more about the pull!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Looks wise I would say she's doable, not fat or anything, but nothing like the pics in the app.
Hi Gameboy, looks as if you are opening like a pimp in daytime approach. Are you having trouble getting phone numbers? I was just thinking that at least you immediately know the physical attractiveness of the ladies from day game (described in good detail in your Journal), so you’d be less likely to be disappointed by Photoshopped pictures etc. if you can get the date. -Marty


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
opening like a pimp
Omg I wish I was.. I have way too much Approach Anxiety still to be opening nearly enough, let alone closing.

Are you having trouble getting phone numbers?
Yes. Never gotten a number from day game yet. From time to time I can hook and have longer conversations, but that's about it. Either I ejected too soon, or in one case I moved way to slow and the girl ejected.

In the 2 cases (I believe) where I actually started physically escalating because the girls seemed compliant, the girls had to leave at some point. One had to catch a bus (which I knew about beforehand, which is why I moved real fast on her), and the other got uncomfortable so I let her go (that one seemed a bit neurotic and told me about traumas she had with men).

But yeah, I agree that in day game I meet girls that are much more attractive!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today's outing: No approaches. Even though I saw some single girls with good bodies, and of acceptable age.

All three of them were on the beach.

Girl1: A posh looking girl lying under her little umbrella in the shade. She was the most attractive of the three (even though she was wearing huge shades most of the time that hid a part of her face).

At one point she got up to walk into the water, and I actually walked over to her with the intention to open, or ping her at least. But she made a grim face and looked the other way the whole time, which looked like the opposite of an approach invitation to me. So I aborted.

Girl2 and 3 had good bodies, but were covered in tattoos all over. Also their faces weren't great. Girl2 had some weird looking surgery and Girl3 just wasn't that pretty. But hey, they were lying by themselves. I probably should have opened them anyway if only to chat a bit.

Again I got in my head too much. It stings much more to come home and not having been able to overcome AA, than to get rejected left and right.

Next time I see a girl lying by herself on the beach that looks at least interesting, I'll try and remember: Just find out if she's fun to talk to.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Today's outing: No approaches. Even though I saw some single girls with good bodies, and of acceptable age.

All three of them were on the beach.

Girl1: A posh looking girl lying under her little umbrella in the shade. She was the most attractive of the three (even though she was wearing huge shades most of the time that hid a part of her face).

At one point she got up to walk into the water, and I actually walked over to her with the intention to open, or ping her at least. But she made a grim face and looked the other way the whole time, which looked like the opposite of an approach invitation to me. So I aborted.

Girl2 and 3 had good bodies, but were covered in tattoos all over. Also their faces weren't great. Girl2 had some weird looking surgery and Girl3 just wasn't that pretty. But hey, they were lying by themselves. I probably should have opened them anyway if only to chat a bit.

Again I got in my head too much. It stings much more to come home and not having been able to overcome AA, than to get rejected left and right.

Next time I see a girl lying by herself on the beach that looks at least interesting, I'll try and remember: Just find out if she's fun to talk to.
7 months sounds like a lot, but not if you take into consideration breaks and that you mostly got rid of the AA.

With that said, if you invest 7 months in some sort of an angle, like creating connections or ways to put together events or some other social circle angle, in 7 months you can build a pretty high leverage social circle angle that you can cold approach girls with. I know we discussed this before and that you had considered it.

I think at our age it just makes a lot more sense than pure cold pickup. I feel like cold pickup is a young man's game.

I honestly envy you for being able to approach younger chicks without an angle. I don't feel comfortable doing it, and need my angle to approach.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
in 7 months you can build a pretty high leverage social circle angle that you can cold approach girls with. I know we discussed this before and that you had considered it.
I guess I'm too introverted for that. It just seems like too much work that I don't really want to do.

I much prefer strolling around on my own, and looking for interesting girls that might be interested!

I honestly envy you for being able to approach younger chicks without an angle.
Thank you :) I guess it's an extra difficulty level, with the age difference and all, but I'm sure it's worth the hard work.

I can't help it, I just feel most attracted to girls in their mid twenties or thirties. I do sometimes get IOIs from girls closer to my own age, and even with nice looking bodies... but I just can't be bothered, at least not at this time.

Maybe one day I will come to my senses and settle down with a girl in my own age range. But for now, I want to see where day game can take me. There are so many hot girls out there, and I do think regardless of age I am attractive to at least some of them. I can feel success is close...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today's outing: 2 approaches.

First one was around noon, after having lunch in a restaurant. I was walking around and wanted to get a warmup opener done before coming home. It was hot and I really didn't want to be in the street sarging, but I didn't want to return home without at least one approach either.

Walking up the street to my house, I saw two girls coming frontally towards me on my side of the road. Both were black, both taller than me, and one of them wore a "Brazil" football shirt. Didn't seem like an easy set, but I decided to ask the Brazil one for her favorite color. I got up to "Excuse me, quick question..." but she just waved me off with the slightest of hand motions and kept walking.

I don't seem to have a lot of luck with the black girls! Not that there is many of them here, but I don't think I got one to comply yet.

Anyway, the rejection stung for only a split second, and then it just felt good to have gotten over the AA. Like I wrote yesterday, much better to get rejected by a hot girl than to not try at all!

Second approach was in a supermarket. I saw a girl/woman with some roses tattooed on her upper arm that caught my attention. She was picking some bread to buy and I couldn't even see her face. I said to her, from the side: "Those roses are really nice!" She replied "Do you like them?" I said, "Yeah, the colors are so vivid, it's really well tattooed" She said "Thank you!" and gave me a big smile. I think she even said "thank you" twice. She wasn't the prettiest woman I've ever seen, but her smile was genuine and cute. Felt great!

In the evening I walked around on the beach sarging for what I think was at least an hour and a half, maybe even two hours. Didn't find a single girl! I mean yes, I saw like one that was by herself that I liked the looks of. Looked a bit young though. I did hover around a bit before to preopen/give her a chance to notice me "first", but when I walked close by her she stared pointedly the other way. I got the message.

Where have all the single tourist girls gone? Beach was so much easier in the wintertime. You could barely walk for a minute without coming across lonely pretty girls of eligible age.

Now I'm tired, but at least today I made a good effort.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Do you have big shopping malls in your city? That's always a great place to find girls by themselves.

If not inside the mall, I found streets leading to the mall to be great. Lots of cold approaches can be done on girls leaving or entering the mall without having to worry about mall security and stuff which would be a factor indoors.