I went on 2 dates yesterday.
The first, we met at a coffee shop. Got coffee, walked to park, sat and talked, moved to another bench because it was too sunny in the first, pulled home, escalated to sex, had sex, talked, she left.
A few breakthroughs on this one that I want to lock in as gains for myself. First is having a projecting, dominant vibe. Which is achieved by making my mouth small, in a sort of cute and sexy look. Pursing the lips. And tucking the chin. This gave me feeling of being dominant, high-value, and taking the bull the horns. Probably good for business, too. This allowed me to lead during the interaction, with a sexy vibe, and move things forward.
The second thing was to think and feel with my dick, rather than my head. Lately, I've been thinking with my head way to much. I need to think with my other head, my dick, in order to guide my actions. Your dick has the answers. Listen to it.
As far as the girl, she immediately gave me strong eye contact. Like, unbroken. It was almost kind of unsettling. If I were more experienced, which of course I am today with today's experience, I would recognize that she was giving strong signals from the beginning that she was down. Later, when we were laying together after sex, I asked when she knew that she wanted to have sex with me. She said she knew she wanted to before the date. I'm not sure if that answers it. Does that just mean that I was attractive enough in my photos to want to meet up? Or that she legit would have been ready to have sex upon first meeting? Not sure. As a side note, what are some good stock questions to ask a girl after first time sex? I have heard Chase say that this is a good time to get truthful information from a girl. What should I ask? What do I want to know that would be good to get here?
While on the date, a few key parts for me were when we were sitting on the park bench. I had deep dived a bit, and she sort of got closer to me of her own accord. This is good. This is the part when I need to sexualize more. Our faces also got closer together, with her giving me strong, unbreaking eye contact. Also she had a low, sensual voice. I didn't consciously recognize indicators of her being turned on, but I want to look out for those in the future. Maybe this would be dilated pupils, glassy/puppy dog bowl look in the eyes, something else. Recognizing things like this, you could skip steps, and make something happen fast. This is what it means to be a good seducer. Recognizing signs and signals, and skipping steps as a result, and otherwise timing moves to line up with the signals so that it feels smooth.
At some point in here, I made a sexual joke, and she ate it up. This is good, moving it towards sexualization. I forget what the "joke" was. But I know it was around this time. It is setting the sexual frame, which she may or may not buy into. In this case, she did.
She provided a good reason to "bounce" to another location. My eyes were in the sun, which I said to her. She voluntarily held her hand up over her head, to block the sun and shade my eyes. This is great investment from her, which she volunteered to do, another good sign. She also said maybe we'd have to move if the sun would be an issue. I don't know if she said this on purpose to give a reason to move, or if these opportunities just present themselves if you enter the flow of the universe, but anyway, it provided a good reason to "move" again, getting more movement.
I said let's move to get out of the sun and she said sure, so we walked to another side of the park. We sat on a similar bench, which was out of the sun. This time, sitting down, we were quite close to each other. Somehow sexual topics presented themselves. There was one, the first one, which I can't remember. The second, somehow we got on the topic of spreadsheets. She said she loved using spreadsheets to organize. This wasn't a sexual topic, and I didn't have any strong way to guide it, so I just asked what she used them for. She said keeping track of sex partners, except that was actually in a word doc. I joked about that. How it was word instead of excel because you need to write the notes. Like so and so guy, huge dick. Ginormous. She said something like "I hope it is". I realize that she said this referring to me.
We sat, looking into each other's eyes. I did a triangle stare, where you look at one eye, the other eye, her mouth. Then again. This can lead to a kiss. But I broke off the tension, looking away, not wanting to kiss in public, and rather save it for at home. Is this the right move, to break it off yourself first, to save it for when you're at home? I think it is good. It is leading, like getting ready to do something, then saying "not yet". It builds anticipation. I also felt my pants growing, as I became a little aroused. I assume by the law of mirror neurons, that she did too. And because of the moment, it would make sense. She, of course, was still looking directly at me with strong eye contact this whole time. So it was time to pull.
This was a pretty strong indicator of readiness. So I waited a minute. Then I asked if she wanted to go watch a show for a bit. She asked what show. I described it. We talked about shows for a few minutes. She said sure at some point in there. We waited another moment. Then we got up to go.
Walked home. Talking while walking home for the pull is kind of a weird transition point. I don't know what to talk about. It's usually something relatively light. At this point, we talked about reading, and what books she liked. I think she brought up the conversation topic, so I just asked her about it. The topic was not very sexual or had much tension. But her voice this whole time was rather sensual. I'm not sure if that is her default, or if it was because she was attracted to me. Probably the former.
Getting back to mine, she sat on the couch. I got the normal things ready, like a glass of water for her, a show on the computer. I went to kiss her once. She immediately was enthusiastic about it. But I pulled away, doing the once, then second. We chatted a second. I went in for the second kiss, and she was immediately enthusiastic again. We escalated mutually pretty fast from there, her rubbing my crotch over the pants, and me doing the same to her. Then we took of shirts, and pants, and laid in the bed. And the rest is, as they say, available for $3.99 on my OF (link in bio).
So, lots of good elements here. From what I've been working on recently, here are some:
-- A second move: Moving a second time. First is you meet a the first date place. You move once to sit down. I call that the first move, to the first deep dive spot. A second move would be like if you were to then bounce her to a second bar. Or in this case, bounce her to a second location in the park. This is useful, because it just creates more movement, which very often a good thing.
-- Leading/vibe: I tucked the chin and pursed the lips, which is really more curling the corners of my mouth, which results in a sort of pursed lip cute and sexy look. This is was good, because it made me feel like a boss, ready to lead and take over the world.
-- Thinking with dick instead of brain: Literally just shift the energy you feel in your body, from your brain, to your dick. You can feel the difference.
-- Sexy/purring voice: I had a low, purring voice, which helped. I also enjoyed how since it was daytime and we were outside, I could hear her, and speak softly with a purring voice, and she could still hear me. This is often very hard in bars, lounges, etc.
-- Touch: I had my arm around her back, on her leg at various points. She voluntarily got pretty physically close, which is great. She was clearly comfortable with me, which I reciprocated.
-- Eye contact: She had strong, steady eye contact. As mentioned, it is a positive sign of interest.
-- Sexualization: I can't say I did this well, verbally. I had that sexual "joke", which I forget what I said, but she ate it up, which is positive. We had the series about spreadsheets and big dick, which was very positive. We had being physically close, which is positive. We had looking with unbreaking eye contact into each others' eyes, which is positive. We had the triangle look moment, which was positive. So, I still need to look for ways to set sexual frames, through sexual jokes, to turn it sexual.
Sex was good. She was orgasmed rather quickly, and I think multiple times. She was pretty orgasmic. She had 3 tattoos, and frankly if I had to guess, she seemed rather on the more experienced side. Later when talking, she said how she liked recreational drugs quite a bit, and went to festivals. Yup, I'm gonna say rather experienced, indeed. Was expected. But I could always be wrong.
It's funny how girls that are experienced are, frankly, often more 1. sexy 2. helpful 3. smooth in their responses to things. For example, this girl had a sensual, soft voice tonality. And frankly, it was sexy. I like it. As for helpful, this comes out usually in the sexual conversation section. As I have described, I'm having trouble turning things sexual. She served up a big juicy slowball, with the big dick comment. She probably knew what she was doing. She was probably helping me out. Other more experienced girls I've been with have done this. They know what they are doing. And sometimes they will even help you out. I need to learn, so I can do it for all the other girls, and help them out! Smooth -- she never responded in a kneejerk way to any of the questions. To be fair, I didn't ask them in a kneejerk way. This kind of comes with the sensual voice. It is slow, measured, controlled, and sensual.
One potential friction point is asking if she wanted to watch a show. She asked about what show, and we had this back and forth about it. This indicates to me, that I didn't do a good enough job seeding the idea of shows, and the desire to watch them, in a plausibly deniable enough way, before making the pull ask. In other words, I could have prevented that back and forth by seeding and setting it up better, before making the ask. That is something I want to work on. Seeding the pull. This is what it means to be smooth and calibrated. Getting to the end, and her having no objections, because you handled everything beforehand.
I'm not sure if this one went better because she was more experienced and therefore sexy and smooth, or because the changes I made made me more senual and therefore open to hearing the signs and signals the girl was giving. Probably both.
I also went on a second date.
As the first was leaving, I was scheduled to meet up with another girl. I texted her to push it back 30 mins, which thankfully she agreed to. We met up, went inside for a drink. Sat and talked. I tried to pull (after hearing something that I hypothesized was an indicator of being ready, but I guess my prediction was wrong), she said she didn't do that on the first date, I said that's not a problem. We continued talking, went to a second location and got another drink. Continued talking. I didn't try to pull again (because of a conscious choice), we left after a while, I said we should do it again, she agreed, parted ways.
This date was interesting. The girl was verrry in her head. Probably like I was, as recently as yesterday. In her head meaning, everything was logical. You might guess that she was very "type A" (she described herself this way). It's not actively offputting, it just is very dry and boring to converse with. I can see why the girls I was out with the last 11 days or so hadn't been responding well. I was being in my head, thinking with my brain, instead of thinking with my dick. This girl was basically doing the same thing. So the conversation was not great.
But, she was giving good eye contact. Always looking at me. Which is a good signal. The last 11 days or so, I've had many of the girls who stop looking at my at some point, presumably because they are bored and just want to get out of there. This girl didn't do that to me, despite talking for a long time. So that is positive.
Again, I used my newly-remembered advice of use a tucked chin leadership curled mouth cute and sexy look, and think with your dick. Both of which, against, seemed to help. I deep dived about different things she did, getting onto a real passion of hers that she did when younger, which was musical theater/singing. That was cool. I like learning interesting things about people.
Things of note:
-- Multiple locations/moves: We changed venues here, "bouncing" her to a second place for a second drink. This was good, as it creates compliance and movement. I haven't done much multi-venue bouncing at night, but this worked out well enough, I might make it part of the normal repertoire. Also, I got a soda, and she a mocktail, which was good, because I really don't want to drink more. This allowed us to continue hanging out, at a bar, without drinking alcohol. Win. Also, the soda probably didn't cost much, which is good too. Also a win.
-- My vibe: As mentioned, my leadership vibe was good, or at least I did what I wanted for that date. Continue to use it.
-- Sexualizing: I didn't sexualize much if at all, or get onto sexy topics. I tried to make a sexy joke, about Victoria's Secret, at some point (in line with the conversation), but she didn't really buy into it. I need a way to turn it sexual better.
-- Not hard closing: My MO my whole dating career thus far has been to assume that if we don't have sex on the first date, then it won't ever happen. This was probably good, because it forced me to make moves, and get experience. Now, however, I am experimenting with being okay doing a second date. In other words, try to pull once, but if she gives real resistance, then don't try again later, and instead play for a second date. This might work, it might not. We'll see. I'm just trying things. First date sex is still the overall goal, and everything else written above is geared towards that. At the same time, I don't like trying to hard-sell a girl if I can tell that she won't likely go for it. One pull attempt is fine. A second, that would be hard-sell. But, as I get better at sexualizing, and gaining buy-in to sexual topics, etc, this will be less of an issue.
It seems like when you meet girls on the apps, they always have something "off" about them. Either they are mids, or red-flag girls, or, as I've run into a few times, highly in their heads and not fun to talk to which is probably why they are single. I have run into a few of those. All of which is to say, the apps are not great for quality. However, for quantity of dates, it definitely gives you more at-bats. On the flip side, maybe that time is better spent on doing daytime approaches. We'll see.
Note to self: lock in the gains. Tuck chin, curled lips look, and think with your dick. Review these notes every day.