5.10. Day Game
Successful session, although I intended on doing 4, not 3 approaches.
On main street, not far away from my uni. She was in her late 20s, dark hair and walking in a slow pace.
Excuse me…
I had to stop you and tell you you look AMAZING
Sorry, …?
You speak English?
No… little.
I had the self-amused smile on my face.
I use my hand gestures to point at her physique.
Thank you!
Same thing, just pointed at myself.
She started laughing. We both did. She then said goodbye and went forward. My guess is she’s taken by a more serious dude and couldn’t speak English anyway. Good warmup though.
SET 2 – number close
I noticed her walking from the metro station into the shopping plaza. She was gorgeous, blonde curly hair, thin waist, long legs. I had to speed up to catch her, I did that just when entering the plaza.
I made sure I walked in front of her for 5 sec, so she could notice me, then slowed down to walk beside her. I turn my head towards her:
You have the most elegant figure, I’ve seen all day.
Thank you!
I really mean that. You seem to achieve a lot with so little. (I meant clothes, make up…)
That really means something to me. Thank you!
I guess I’m kind of nervous doing this… Whatever. Where are you going?
Oh… I’m going shoe shopping.
Excuse me? (couldn’t hear her because of the noise)
Shoe shopping. I’m going to buy a new pair of boots, although I don’t need to.
Looks like you have shoe addiction.
No, it’s not like that, I’m not addicted
tried to save her face, although I was just teasing her
I’m kidding don’t worry. I just bought a new pair of shoes myself, it’s never enough
I pointed to my shoes, converse run star hikes.
Cool shoes. My friend has a pair of those as well.
I couldn’t find the here in mens sizes, so I had to order them. Seems like men here are to macho masculine to wear sneakers like these haha
Haha maybe
Whats your name?
HB? (difficoult names here haha)
HB, with an B. (lol)
Nice to meet you, I’m DG.
We then stopped at her store.
This is my store.
Ok. I would like to meet you for a coffee some time, what do you say?
… I almost have a boyfriend…
Haha what does almost mean? Tell you what. We don’t need to get married or anything, just a coffee. I enjoy meeting new people and you seem like a sweet girl.
Yes that sounds good.
Facebook, phone number?
Let me give you my phone number.
I gave her my phone.
Cool. Enjoy your shoe shopping?
Thank you, you to!
I hugged her and went my way.
I sent her the icebreaker the same day, then another text the next day, no reply. Was she just being nice?
SET 3 – number close
Near my apartment building. I was carrying groceries and toilet paper. She walked towards me. Wanted to go to a shop, but the shop was closed. That was when we were on the 4m distance, so I made my policeman stop:
Excuse me…
I scared her a bit – we start laughing.
I just wanted to tell you, that you look most elegant today. The colour combination matches perfectly with your hair. And I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you haha
Haha Thank you
Good so where are you going?
Oh… just going somewhere. I was just checking if the store is open.
Looks like you will have to go to the next store. Somewhere to your boyfriend (teasing, but I don’t know why I said that)
No, actually there’s this school party I’m going to.
Cool. What do you study?
I live right around the corner here. I noticed there are medical schools or something around here. Is that where?
No, that is the student home, I live there.
So we’re practically neighbours!
Haha yes.
You could show me around.
I’m DG bdw.
Nice to meet you HB…
I notice her necklace that has girl written on it.
… girl.
Haha. So where are you from?
I’m from ______, the land of _____ and _____ (a joke)
I was just there this summer!
Really? How did you like it?
We went rafting in _____ national park.
In ____ probably, there are these adrenaline parks. It can be beautiful. Look, I’m not going to hold you any longer, but we should get drinks sometime.
How do we do this. Phone number, facebook, mail?
Haha I can give you my Instagram.
No… I have a shit ig, but I will start posting soon and I will give you my ig then, so I prefer something else..
Ok. I can give you my phone number.
Cool, type it in here…
Don’t get wasted tonight!
Haha I won’t
I should have ask her more personal stuff, it’s all very surface lever small talk stuff, which is good for where I was, but I can go one level further.
Texting was shit, went like this:
Hey, glad I’m finaly meeting some neighours

– DG (same day, after I came home)
No reply.
Hey, are you hungover

(next day afternoon)

no, I just had a lot to do in school today (a day later)
Do you like going to school (8h later)
Well, sometimes yes someties no. Btw is it possible if I saw you yesterday with a green luggage or I just messed it up

(one day later)
It was me actually. I just won the lotto (wtf righ?!) and I was carring the cast around in that luggage (6h later, Friday evening)
Haha very funny (1h later)
Haha don’t believe me? Let me take you to canary islands then (Saturday noon)
If I see it I believe it:’D (15min later)
We could go for a drink first, see if I make you believe

(15min later)
No reply. I will text her again on Monday evening if she doesn’t reply by then.
6.10. Day Game
Wort noting that I was social the whole day. I talked to this guy in the copy shop, talked to my teacher at the uni. At crosswalk I commented, when I saw a girl carrying a dog in her backpack that he’s got the best seat in the house (she wasn’t attractive, just being social).
It was a rainy day so I didn’t expect too many opportunities.
I saw a girl in a vegan restaurant I like to go to. She was seated by herself and was looking at her phone. I couldn’t remember any non awkward way of approaching her, so I sat near the place where people put away their plates after they finish, but I missed that opportunity too, she was completely distracted and was looking in the other direction, while I was nervous because of overthinking this approach for 10min.
She went out in a rush, and I though this is it, but I saw her again at the crossroad. We were at the opposite sides of the road and in the middle there is a platform for people waiting for trolley bus, so I stopped her there, in the middle, while the middle traffic light was still red.
Excuse me..
She put her earphones out.
I wanted to tell you you look so elegant. I love your shirt. I saw you before in the restaurant, but I didn’t want to bother you while eating.
Thank you
I got a smile on her face
So, where are you going?
I’m searching for some food (is she tying to get fat???)
Are you not full already?
No, I just need to buy something.
The traffic light got green.
Mind if I walk with you for a moment?
No, I’m tired…
You sure, just for 5min?
No, thank you.
Ok, take care then!
What was this about? Seemed delighted to get the compliment, but refused the smallest compliance.
SET 2 – instadate with HB18
I saw her walking towards me, I liked her hippie – rock – ish style, blonde hair and physique. She took a turn in to the trift shop before I could stop her on the street.
I stopped and said to myself fuck it, went in to the trift shop.
I look at the clothes near where she was. I positioned myself near her, chose the most ridiculous looking purple coat/ dress thing and asked her what she thinks about it.
Looks good.
Haha you serious?
Why not?
Looks good if I’m a 18th century upper class lady going to sleep haha
Haha… So what are you looking for?
Nothing special… I just wanted to meet you. I’m DG.
I’m HB18.
Nice to meet you. How are you doing?
Not that good. I was just meeting a friend… an ex boyfriend… and I was hoping to lift my spirits in this store, maybe I find something.
That sucks, I get you. So lets not talk about your ex and go find you something.
We went around looking at the different clothes, which I wasn’t that into. I was thinking more of her, how to continue this interaction, what to do, what to say. I should have been more in the moment.
Made her guess what I study, completely missed it and then when I told her was impressed by it.
The conversation slowly faded and I didn’t want to be a leech, so I took a look at the mens department. Later came back, asked her what she’s up to and if she would like to go for a coffe, she agreed. I told her I don’t feel particularly inspired right now, so I’m just going to wait out side and write some email on my phone, she agreed.
I had to wait her for 15min, thinking what the fuck and just as I wanted to go back in, she came out, apologized for making me wait.
I took her to a place near my apartment with the close in mind. On our way I asked her for her age, she looked young. Fortunately 18. Then travel, she is a well travelled person for her age.
We get to the caffe, look at the menu together, which I took opportunity to get closer to her with my chair. Order, I pay, told her she’s going to next time.
She was interested in my study and my work a lot, she didn’t stop asking questions. Since I’m passionate about what I do, I didn’t mind talking about that. At one point though I teased her that this is starting to look like an interview than turned it back around at her.
I tried to encourage her artistic tendencies and give her some courage for choosing a field that is not paid well. She is not completely decided on what she wants to do further in her life, a young persons curse. I ensured her everything is going to be fine.
On the more playful side, I looked at her rings and she seemed comfortable with my touch, so I held her hand a little longer and moved my thumb briefly on her palm to let her know my intentions. Then I teased her about her cheat sheet, she had written on her forehand and held her forearm.
I said to her to stop smiling like that, reminds me of my ex…
Sorry, I’m going to stop
Yes, I want you to be miserable haha
Haha I can’t, you make smile, it’s your fault!
At one point I began feeling sexual tension between us. First time for me to take things to this level at this hour in the afternoon with a complete stranger.
I seeded the pull a couple times casually in between what I was saying - I have to show you my music some time, later I can show you how you do this and this (about my work), I live just around the corner…
She was waiting for her sister. At the end when her sister didn’t pick up her phone, I asked her what is she going to do? She said she’s just going to go to her apartment and her sister will open her.
Or you can go to my apartment and I can show you my music, just for 15min or so. She said she sorry, I’m not comfortable with that.
She was 18, I could see she wasn’t that experienced and we had some tension going before. She got scared, it was a completely new experience for her…. Or looked like it.
We then left the coffee shop. I asked her for her contact info, she gave me her facebook. I was disappointed, I admit.
She thanked me for the coffee and making her day better (her ex made her feel shitty before). That made my heart warm. I told her she can write me if she would like to hang out, then we said goodbye.
The next day I wrote her on messenger how the thing she said at the end about making her day better meant a lot to me and how’s she doing.
She didn’t reply, didn’t even see the message. Maybe she doesn’t even use messenger that much… Whatever.
7.10. HB Switzerland
She texted me if we’re still up for today, I said sure.
We met at my place. Usually the beginnings of interactions feel awkward for me, especially if it’s the first interaction of the day, but this one felt natural. I teased her the moment I saw her for taking the elevator to 1st floor instead of the stairs, the hugged her.
Then I showed her my appartement and went to take a piss. We small talked. She saw a book on my table and started reading it. The book was in my mother language, it was quite funny to listen to her pronouncing it with her French accent. I got closer to her, then read the paragraph in my language and then told her what she just read. The book was The Tropic Of Cancer and the paragraph was about a man contemplating his girl and the girls bush and how they relate to each other haha.
Then we basically improvised, me on guitar, her dancing. It was fun. There were 3 30min sessions, with breaks for coffee and we talked about what we’re doing and what we like and don’t like.
We looked at each other a couple times in between, she was enjoying it a lot. But nothing sexual or anything like that.
After that she had to pick up a bike, and I didn’t feel like escalating, there was again this time constraint.
I just told her how cutely fluffy she is with her fur coat, messy hair, then fixed her collar, hugged her and said goodbye.
We texted after that:
I sent her the video I recorded of her dancing, me playing guitar, so we could analyse it later
Theres some good stuff in this! I posted some cuts on my ig story, hope you don’t mind
Ahaha so weird to see myself. Ahaha not really but not everything is good. It’s fine! But maybe ask me next time. But don’t worry.
The bike was not my size… ahahaha I am going back
That sucks haha
40min later
My dancer friends like the story, so you don’t have to worry about it

cool no but I really don’t worry haha
Ill make you famous
Haha yes please. I’m really really bad for that. I almost don’t post anything about dance. I hate selling myself.
It is a weird feeling selling yourself yes. When I was at my lowest I hat to give this guy a handjob so I could pay my rent. But its better now.
What exactly did I want to achive with this text haha
She texted back 1h later
Ahahah you had to ‘’sell’’ yourself
Just kidding
I really hoped it was a joke
That’s me haha giving handjobs and paying child support hahah
Ahahaha yeah for your 2 kids
I’m not sure if I should text her or invite her to some event, to jam again or what. I want it to be more than just creating together, but I want to create together also and I don’t want to fuck that up. She also studies contemporary dancing, so she has a lot of contemporary dancer friends. That is a big plus.
I think about showing her my cards, because she’s not making me an easy time making moves. If she rejects me I tell her it’s fine, I still want to work with you, I see value in that if you’re up for it.
I have to think about that…
8.10. Day Game
I’m wearing black jeans, black Chelsea boots, blue sweater and black overshirt. I had 2 approaches in mind before getting home.
SET 1 – instadate with HB Italy
I was waiting in line in the copy shop. The girl in front of me looked cute, so why not chat her up? I noticed she was printing children songs:
You’re a musician?
No. These are for kids, I study pedagogy.
Can I take a look?
Sure, but its all just notes.
No problem, I can read that.
I looked at the book.
So what do you play?
The conversation flowed naturally, we talked a bit about teaching kids. I gave a compliment to her glasses, then jokingly asked if I can try them.
They don’t look bad.
Really? So I’m as sexy as you now?
Talked some more about teaching kids. She asked me by my name and we introduced. I asked her what she’s doing now, proposed a cup of tea, to which she agreed.
She has curly dark brown hair, cute face, banging body. Looks Italian. Funny thing when picking her up, we we’re the only people besides the girls who was working in the copy shop. She warmed up to me and started laughing to my small remarks like I’m sorry my handwriting is so bad, when I wrote her my email so she could send me the pdfs. God, social proof feels good to my ego.
She chose the coffee shop, since she lives nearby. We ordered tea, talked some more about teaching. I shared a few my experiences, she shared why she wanted to become a teacher. Light deep diving.
When she said how she’s addicted to coffee, I shared my thoughts on that. I was thinking the other day how we’re all addicted to one thing or another. Drinking, gambling, sex, food, information, work, working out, choose your poison. My question about that is, what are we running from? Sometimes it seems like we’re just hamsters, the world being one big hamster wheel.
It’s our one chance to live, but we decide to survive instead of live. Doing all that knowing that what we’re doing is not right.
After that I went if you could choose one place in time and history, which would you choose?
She chose the 50s, after war. Good choice, a time filled with optimism. A lot of sex also, since all the men came back from war.
That was the peak of our conversation, I felt her warming up to me, I felt I dragged her into my fantasy world.
After that small talk, I showed her my music video, she liked it, but nothing more. I realised then I can not escalate this situation further, so I said that I have to go, because I have some stuff to do back at home.
I payed, told her she’s paying the next time. We exchanged facebook and I asked her, do Italians kiss on the cheek, when they say goodbye. She said they only show, but don’t really kiss, so we did that. It was a little awkward, but no damage done I hope.
When I got home I sent her glad to meet you

text on messenger, didn’t read, no reply.
I will text her Monday evening.
She was standing on the corner, earphones in her ears. I positioned beside her, looked at my phone, then turned towards her waved her, she took her earphones out.
I like your style . You’re really made up today.
Thank you.
She smiled but didn’t look completely comfortable, in a hurry more so.
Where are you going right now?
Sorry, I can’t right now, I’m in a hurry.
No worries, I’m going in the same direction.
No, I really have to run.
Then run, no worries.
She walked in front of me for 15m then turned left to a university building, looks like she was late for a class. Since I was just off one insta date I wasn’t in a mood for another really, I had to finish some work back at home.
Night game
I went out around midnight. Black chelseas, skinny black jeans, black and white striped shirt over a black t shirt and a black coat. Hit the city centre, party district or more tourist district tbh.
This night sucked. I didn’t even get to any of the clubs. All had entrance fees worth to much, which I wasn’t prepared to pay for music that will probably suck and approach opportunities I don’t know I will get. Or they had lines in which I would wait 45min.
I went into a bar, but just chilled there, playing with my phone, no real opportunities.
Chatted with 2 guys on the street, they were in a similar situation as I.
And that was it haha.
Next time have events ready for the weekend before you go, planned out in advance with plan bs. Fuck the super popular clubs on weekends, but go in them during the week, when they are not packed.
9.10. Night game
Exercised, meditated, drank green tea and hit cold shower before going out around midnight.
I went to a event, which seemed to have good djs playing, type of stuff that would interest me.
Came to the venue. Gallery, art exhibition space with occasional events. Main floor down stairs, 2 bars in ground floor and a smoking area.
I took a walk around, then went to the dance floor. It was too dark for me to see the people or screen, but the music turned out to be really good. Probably the best electronic concert I’ve been this year.
I wanted to check out the venue, see the scene around here. I’m beginning to see some regular faces, guys who are the centre of these circles. Important, because I don’t want to fuck up my reputation before I even get one. It would be best to meet them at some point.
I was dancing, throwing random comments about music at people near by, going up for a smoke and I got a drink at the bar.
Since I was dancing most of the time, the only real approach was in the smoking area, two girls, one not attractive, one super hot:
Hey, could I ask one of you for a cigarette?
Yes, sure. You don’t speak Hungarian?
Where are you from?
__________. I moved here one month ago.
Some small talk. While the super hot girl was nice and asking questions, her body language wasn’t completely turned to me. The unattractive girl didn’t like me so much, since I didn’t give her so much attention. They just met, so she wasn’t her friend.
Then I went dancing again. Again came up for a smoke, met a girl and a guy, wasn’t attracted, just talked to them for the sake of being social.
Then the super hot girl came to the smoking area, came to me, said hey. It was late by now, 3 in the morning. We started talking but there was no energy. Her body language was half open, she just wanted to be social. Kept saying how tired she is from dancing and I think she was a bit drunk.
Then the dj ended his set, the party was over and our conversation died. She said she’s going back to her friends, asked me what am I going to do then said goodbye. It was a very polite rejection.
I could have ended the conversation earlier, when you saw it coming to a close and asked her for a contact info. Could’ve intrigued her more. I don’t have strategies ready for such scenarios, so maybe that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
5.10. Day Game
Successful session, although I intended on doing 4, not 3 approaches.
On main street, not far away from my uni. She was in her late 20s, dark hair and walking in a slow pace.
Excuse me…
I had to stop you and tell you you look AMAZING
Sorry, …?
You speak English?
No… little.
I had the self-amused smile on my face.
I use my hand gestures to point at her physique.
Thank you!
Same thing, just pointed at myself.
She started laughing. We both did. She then said goodbye and went forward. My guess is she’s taken by a more serious dude and couldn’t speak English anyway. Good warmup though.
SET 2 – number close
I noticed her walking from the metro station into the shopping plaza. She was gorgeous, blonde curly hair, thin waist, long legs. I had to speed up to catch her, I did that just when entering the plaza.
I made sure I walked in front of her for 5 sec, so she could notice me, then slowed down to walk beside her. I turn my head towards her:
You have the most elegant figure, I’ve seen all day.
Thank you!
I really mean that. You seem to achieve a lot with so little. (I meant clothes, make up…)
That really means something to me. Thank you!
I guess I’m kind of nervous doing this… Whatever. Where are you going?
Oh… I’m going shoe shopping.
Excuse me? (couldn’t hear her because of the noise)
Shoe shopping. I’m going to buy a new pair of boots, although I don’t need to.
Looks like you have shoe addiction.
No, it’s not like that, I’m not addicted
tried to save her face, although I was just teasing her
I’m kidding don’t worry. I just bought a new pair of shoes myself, it’s never enough
I pointed to my shoes, converse run star hikes.
Cool shoes. My friend has a pair of those as well.
I couldn’t find the here in mens sizes, so I had to order them. Seems like men here are to macho masculine to wear sneakers like these haha
Haha maybe
Whats your name?
HB? (difficoult names here haha)
HB, with an B. (lol)
Nice to meet you, I’m DG.
We then stopped at her store.
This is my store.
Ok. I would like to meet you for a coffee some time, what do you say?
… I almost have a boyfriend…
Haha what does almost mean? Tell you what. We don’t need to get married or anything, just a coffee. I enjoy meeting new people and you seem like a sweet girl.
Yes that sounds good.
Facebook, phone number?
Let me give you my phone number.
I gave her my phone.
Cool. Enjoy your shoe shopping?
Thank you, you to!
I hugged her and went my way.
I sent her the icebreaker the same day, then another text the next day, no reply. Was she just being nice?
SET 3 – number close
Near my apartment building. I was carrying groceries and toilet paper. She walked towards me. Wanted to go to a shop, but the shop was closed. That was when we were on the 4m distance, so I made my policeman stop:
Excuse me…
I scared her a bit – we start laughing.
I just wanted to tell you, that you look most elegant today. The colour combination matches perfectly with your hair. And I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you haha
Haha Thank you
Good so where are you going?
Oh… just going somewhere. I was just checking if the store is open.
Looks like you will have to go to the next store. Somewhere to your boyfriend (teasing, but I don’t know why I said that)
No, actually there’s this school party I’m going to.
Cool. What do you study?
I live right around the corner here. I noticed there are medical schools or something around here. Is that where?
No, that is the student home, I live there.
So we’re practically neighbours!
Haha yes.
You could show me around.
I’m DG bdw.
Nice to meet you HB…
I notice her necklace that has girl written on it.
… girl.
Haha. So where are you from?
I’m from ______, the land of _____ and _____ (a joke)
I was just there this summer!
Really? How did you like it?
We went rafting in _____ national park.
In ____ probably, there are these adrenaline parks. It can be beautiful. Look, I’m not going to hold you any longer, but we should get drinks sometime.
How do we do this. Phone number, facebook, mail?
Haha I can give you my Instagram.
No… I have a shit ig, but I will start posting soon and I will give you my ig then, so I prefer something else..
Ok. I can give you my phone number.
Cool, type it in here…
Don’t get wasted tonight!
Haha I won’t
I should have ask her more personal stuff, it’s all very surface lever small talk stuff, which is good for where I was, but I can go one level further.
Texting was shit, went like this:
Hey, glad I’m finaly meeting some neighours

– DG (same day, after I came home)
No reply.
Hey, are you hungover

(next day afternoon)

no, I just had a lot to do in school today (a day later)
Do you like going to school (8h later)
Well, sometimes yes someties no. Btw is it possible if I saw you yesterday with a green luggage or I just messed it up

(one day later)
It was me actually. I just won the lotto (wtf righ?!) and I was carring the cast around in that luggage (6h later, Friday evening)
Haha very funny (1h later)
Haha don’t believe me? Let me take you to canary islands then (Saturday noon)
If I see it I believe it:’D (15min later)
We could go for a drink first, see if I make you believe

(15min later)
No reply. I will text her again on Monday evening if she doesn’t reply by then.
6.10. Day Game
Wort noting that I was social the whole day. I talked to this guy in the copy shop, talked to my teacher at the uni. At crosswalk I commented, when I saw a girl carrying a dog in her backpack that he’s got the best seat in the house (she wasn’t attractive, just being social).
It was a rainy day so I didn’t expect too many opportunities.
I saw a girl in a vegan restaurant I like to go to. She was seated by herself and was looking at her phone. I couldn’t remember any non awkward way of approaching her, so I sat near the place where people put away their plates after they finish, but I missed that opportunity too, she was completely distracted and was looking in the other direction, while I was nervous because of overthinking this approach for 10min.
She went out in a rush, and I though this is it, but I saw her again at the crossroad. We were at the opposite sides of the road and in the middle there is a platform for people waiting for trolley bus, so I stopped her there, in the middle, while the middle traffic light was still red.
Excuse me..
She put her earphones out.
I wanted to tell you you look so elegant. I love your shirt. I saw you before in the restaurant, but I didn’t want to bother you while eating.
Thank you
I got a smile on her face
So, where are you going?
I’m searching for some food (is she tying to get fat???)
Are you not full already?
No, I just need to buy something.
The traffic light got green.
Mind if I walk with you for a moment?
No, I’m tired…
You sure, just for 5min?
No, thank you.
Ok, take care then!
What was this about? Seemed delighted to get the compliment, but refused the smallest compliance.
SET 2 – instadate with HB18
I saw her walking towards me, I liked her hippie – rock – ish style, blonde hair and physique. She took a turn in to the trift shop before I could stop her on the street.
I stopped and said to myself fuck it, went in to the trift shop.
I look at the clothes near where she was. I positioned myself near her, chose the most ridiculous looking purple coat/ dress thing and asked her what she thinks about it.
Looks good.
Haha you serious?
Why not?
Looks good if I’m a 18th century upper class lady going to sleep haha
Haha… So what are you looking for?
Nothing special… I just wanted to meet you. I’m DG.
I’m HB18.
Nice to meet you. How are you doing?
Not that good. I was just meeting a friend… an ex boyfriend… and I was hoping to lift my spirits in this store, maybe I find something.
That sucks, I get you. So lets not talk about your ex and go find you something.
We went around looking at the different clothes, which I wasn’t that into. I was thinking more of her, how to continue this interaction, what to do, what to say. I should have been more in the moment.
Made her guess what I study, completely missed it and then when I told her was impressed by it.
The conversation slowly faded and I didn’t want to be a leech, so I took a look at the mens department. Later came back, asked her what she’s up to and if she would like to go for a coffe, she agreed. I told her I don’t feel particularly inspired right now, so I’m just going to wait out side and write some email on my phone, she agreed.
I had to wait her for 15min, thinking what the fuck and just as I wanted to go back in, she came out, apologized for making me wait.
I took her to a place near my apartment with the close in mind. On our way I asked her for her age, she looked young. Fortunately 18. Then travel, she is a well travelled person for her age.
We get to the caffe, look at the menu together, which I took opportunity to get closer to her with my chair. Order, I pay, told her she’s going to next time.
She was interested in my study and my work a lot, she didn’t stop asking questions. Since I’m passionate about what I do, I didn’t mind talking about that. At one point though I teased her that this is starting to look like an interview than turned it back around at her.
I tried to encourage her artistic tendencies and give her some courage for choosing a field that is not paid well. She is not completely decided on what she wants to do further in her life, a young persons curse. I ensured her everything is going to be fine.
On the more playful side, I looked at her rings and she seemed comfortable with my touch, so I held her hand a little longer and moved my thumb briefly on her palm to let her know my intentions. Then I teased her about her cheat sheet, she had written on her forehand and held her forearm.
I said to her to stop smiling like that, reminds me of my ex…
Sorry, I’m going to stop
Yes, I want you to be miserable haha
Haha I can’t, you make smile, it’s your fault!
At one point I began feeling sexual tension between us. First time for me to take things to this level at this hour in the afternoon with a complete stranger.
I seeded the pull a couple times casually in between what I was saying - I have to show you my music some time, later I can show you how you do this and this (about my work), I live just around the corner…
She was waiting for her sister. At the end when her sister didn’t pick up her phone, I asked her what is she going to do? She said she’s just going to go to her apartment and her sister will open her.
Or you can go to my apartment and I can show you my music, just for 15min or so. She said she sorry, I’m not comfortable with that.
She was 18, I could see she wasn’t that experienced and we had some tension going before. She got scared, it was a completely new experience for her…. Or looked like it.
We then left the coffee shop. I asked her for her contact info, she gave me her facebook. I was disappointed, I admit.
She thanked me for the coffee and making her day better (her ex made her feel shitty before). That made my heart warm. I told her she can write me if she would like to hang out, then we said goodbye.
The next day I wrote her on messenger how the thing she said at the end about making her day better meant a lot to me and how’s she doing.
She didn’t reply, didn’t even see the message. Maybe she doesn’t even use messenger that much… Whatever.
7.10. HB Switzerland
She texted me if we’re still up for today, I said sure.
We met at my place. Usually the beginnings of interactions feel awkward for me, especially if it’s the first interaction of the day, but this one felt natural. I teased her the moment I saw her for taking the elevator to 1st floor instead of the stairs, the hugged her.
Then I showed her my appartement and went to take a piss. We small talked. She saw a book on my table and started reading it. The book was in my mother language, it was quite funny to listen to her pronouncing it with her French accent. I got closer to her, then read the paragraph in my language and then told her what she just read. The book was The Tropic Of Cancer and the paragraph was about a man contemplating his girl and the girls bush and how they relate to each other haha.
Then we basically improvised, me on guitar, her dancing. It was fun. There were 3 30min sessions, with breaks for coffee and we talked about what we’re doing and what we like and don’t like.
We looked at each other a couple times in between, she was enjoying it a lot. But nothing sexual or anything like that.
After that she had to pick up a bike, and I didn’t feel like escalating, there was again this time constraint.
I just told her how cutely fluffy she is with her fur coat, messy hair, then fixed her collar, hugged her and said goodbye.
We texted after that:
I sent her the video I recorded of her dancing, me playing guitar, so we could analyse it later
Theres some good stuff in this! I posted some cuts on my ig story, hope you don’t mind
Ahaha so weird to see myself. Ahaha not really but not everything is good. It’s fine! But maybe ask me next time. But don’t worry.
The bike was not my size… ahahaha I am going back
That sucks haha
40min later
My dancer friends like the story, so you don’t have to worry about it

cool no but I really don’t worry haha
Ill make you famous
Haha yes please. I’m really really bad for that. I almost don’t post anything about dance. I hate selling myself.
It is a weird feeling selling yourself yes. When I was at my lowest I hat to give this guy a handjob so I could pay my rent. But its better now.
What exactly did I want to achive with this text haha
She texted back 1h later
Ahahah you had to ‘’sell’’ yourself
Just kidding
I really hoped it was a joke
That’s me haha giving handjobs and paying child support hahah
Ahahaha yeah for your 2 kids
I’m not sure if I should text her or invite her to some event, to jam again or what. I want it to be more than just creating together, but I want to create together also and I don’t want to fuck that up. She also studies contemporary dancing, so she has a lot of contemporary dancer friends. That is a big plus.
I think about showing her my cards, because she’s not making me an easy time making moves. If she rejects me I tell her it’s fine, I still want to work with you, I see value in that if you’re up for it.
I have to think about that…
8.10. Day Game
I’m wearing black jeans, black Chelsea boots, blue sweater and black overshirt. I had 2 approaches in mind before getting home.
SET 1 – instadate with HB Italy
I was waiting in line in the copy shop. The girl in front of me looked cute, so why not chat her up? I noticed she was printing children songs:
You’re a musician?
No. These are for kids, I study pedagogy.
Can I take a look?
Sure, but its all just notes.
No problem, I can read that.
I looked at the book.
So what do you play?
The conversation flowed naturally, we talked a bit about teaching kids. I gave a compliment to her glasses, then jokingly asked if I can try them.
They don’t look bad.
Really? So I’m as sexy as you now?
Talked some more about teaching kids. She asked me by my name and we introduced. I asked her what she’s doing now, proposed a cup of tea, to which she agreed.
She has curly dark brown hair, cute face, banging body. Looks Italian. Funny thing when picking her up, we we’re the only people besides the girls who was working in the copy shop. She warmed up to me and started laughing to my small remarks like I’m sorry my handwriting is so bad, when I wrote her my email so she could send me the pdfs. God, social proof feels good to my ego.
She chose the coffee shop, since she lives nearby. We ordered tea, talked some more about teaching. I shared a few my experiences, she shared why she wanted to become a teacher. Light deep diving.
When she said how she’s addicted to coffee, I shared my thoughts on that. I was thinking the other day how we’re all addicted to one thing or another. Drinking, gambling, sex, food, information, work, working out, choose your poison. My question about that is, what are we running from? Sometimes it seems like we’re just hamsters, the world being one big hamster wheel.
It’s our one chance to live, but we decide to survive instead of live. Doing all that knowing that what we’re doing is not right.
After that I went if you could choose one place in time and history, which would you choose?
She chose the 50s, after war. Good choice, a time filled with optimism. A lot of sex also, since all the men came back from war.
That was the peak of our conversation, I felt her warming up to me, I felt I dragged her into my fantasy world.
After that small talk, I showed her my music video, she liked it, but nothing more. I realised then I can not escalate this situation further, so I said that I have to go, because I have some stuff to do back at home.
I payed, told her she’s paying the next time. We exchanged facebook and I asked her, do Italians kiss on the cheek, when they say goodbye. She said they only show, but don’t really kiss, so we did that. It was a little awkward, but no damage done I hope.
When I got home I sent her glad to meet you

text on messenger, didn’t read, no reply.
I will text her Monday evening.
She was standing on the corner, earphones in her ears. I positioned beside her, looked at my phone, then turned towards her waved her, she took her earphones out.
I like your style . You’re really made up today.
Thank you.
She smiled but didn’t look completely comfortable, in a hurry more so.
Where are you going right now?
Sorry, I can’t right now, I’m in a hurry.
No worries, I’m going in the same direction.
No, I really have to run.
Then run, no worries.
She walked in front of me for 15m then turned left to a university building, looks like she was late for a class. Since I was just off one insta date I wasn’t in a mood for another really, I had to finish some work back at home.
Night game
I went out around midnight. Black chelseas, skinny black jeans, black and white striped shirt over a black t shirt and a black coat. Hit the city centre, party district or more tourist district tbh.
This night sucked. I didn’t even get to any of the clubs. All had entrance fees worth to much, which I wasn’t prepared to pay for music that will probably suck and approach opportunities I don’t know I will get. Or they had lines in which I would wait 45min.
I went into a bar, but just chilled there, playing with my phone, no real opportunities.
Chatted with 2 guys on the street, they were in a similar situation as I.
And that was it haha.
Next time have events ready for the weekend before you go, planned out in advance with plan bs. Fuck the super popular clubs on weekends, but go in them during the week, when they are not packed.
9.10. Night game
Exercised, meditated, drank green tea and hit cold shower before going out around midnight.
I went to a event, which seemed to have good djs playing, type of stuff that would interest me.
Came to the venue. Gallery, art exhibition space with occasional events. Main floor down stairs, 2 bars in ground floor and a smoking area.
I took a walk around, then went to the dance floor. It was too dark for me to see the people or screen, but the music turned out to be really good. Probably the best electronic concert I’ve been this year.
I wanted to check out the venue, see the scene around here. I’m beginning to see some regular faces, guys who are the centre of these circles. Important, because I don’t want to fuck up my reputation before I even get one. It would be best to meet them at some point.
I was dancing, throwing random comments about music at people near by, going up for a smoke and I got a drink at the bar.
Since I was dancing most of the time, the only real approach was in the smoking area, two girls, one not attractive, one super hot:
Hey, could I ask one of you for a cigarette?
Yes, sure. You don’t speak Hungarian?
Where are you from?
__________. I moved here one month ago.
Some small talk. While the super hot girl was nice and asking questions, her body language wasn’t completely turned to me. The unattractive girl didn’t like me so much, since I didn’t give her so much attention. They just met, so she wasn’t her friend.
Then I went dancing again. Again came up for a smoke, met a girl and a guy, wasn’t attracted, just talked to them for the sake of being social.
Then the super hot girl came to the smoking area, came to me, said hey. It was late by now, 3 in the morning. We started talking but there was no energy. Her body language was half open, she just wanted to be social. Kept saying how tired she is from dancing and I think she was a bit drunk.
Then the dj ended his set, the party was over and our conversation died. She said she’s going back to her friends, asked me what am I going to do then said goodbye. It was a very polite rejection.
I could have ended the conversation earlier, when you saw it coming to a close and asked her for a contact info. Could’ve intrigued her more. I don’t have strategies ready for such scenarios, so maybe that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Simple note man a gal says shes tired she needs a ONS doesnt require game u just tell her lets get outta here