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L'ascesa di dissoluto


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey don giovanni,

Great stuff here. You not only have a skillful use of sexual frames, but a very interesting use of sexual frames as well. It's obvious you're the type who enjoys creativity and innovation.

Despite some anxiety, it also seems that you're strong through the first two transition phases.

If you haven't read this article already, I highly recommend doing so. This describes the four transition phases as:
  • Approach to Hook-Point
  • Hook-Point to Date or Hook-Point to Isolation
  • Date to Pull or Isolation to Pull
  • Pull to Sex
So again, you're pretty smooth through the first two. And the bottleneck is happening at this third transition phase. For example, your interaction with HBHat.

She finished her wine, asked me what are my plans. Nothing, I say, but right now I enjoy talking to you. Ok, she replies, I will just go for another glass.

Thank god for the bouncer haha. The event has started and now she has to pay 10eur to get in. I suggest we go find another bar, that's free, since the party here is nowhere near started.

She agrees. Thank you bouncer!
There may have been an opportunity to pull here, along with potential windows for other of your HBs, too.

Remember, it's not always about escalating straight to sex when pulling. We also have the concept of plausible deniability that can be leveraged for smooth transitions without triggering intricacies of the female psyche. So even if she's not all the way ready yet, pulling to an escalation locale can open up a world of liminal possibilities.

In addition, your music can serve as an awesome open-loop plausible deniability tactic. I actually use a form of it myself with my music. For instance, during immersion I seed that I'm a music producer and have some new songs I'm making but only keep the studio files on my computer. And then later when pulling, I say that as she's so insightful, I’d like to hear her thoughts on what I’ve been working on. Of course, there are nuances that can be shaped to the girl herself. And if you have instruments, those can also be used - teaching her some, playing a favorite song of hers, etc. It’s really whatever your creativity inspires.

Even if there’s some resistance or you have to fractionate to something else, it can always serve as an open-loop to recall later - such as during texting - or to transition into a SOT. Maybe something to think about.

Just like in music, these constant refinements towards mastery are what lead to the sweet, tasty sexual symphonies that we write about here.

Looking forward to seeing your next masterpiece.
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Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Hey don giovanni,

Great stuff here. You not only have a skillful use of sexual frames, but a very interesting use of sexual frames as well. It's obvious you're the type who enjoys creativity and innovation.

Despite some anxiety, it also seems that you're strong through the first two transition phases.

If you haven't read this article already, I highly recommend doing so. This describes the four transition phases as:
  • Approach to Hook-Point
  • Hook-Point to Date or Hook-Point to Isolation
  • Date to Pull or Isolation to Pull
  • Pull to Sex
So again, you're pretty smooth through the first two. And the bottleneck is happening at this third transition phase. For example, your interaction with HBHat.

There may have been an opportunity to pull here, along with potential windows for other of your HBs, too.

Remember, it's not always about escalating straight to sex when pulling. We also have the concept of plausible deniability that can be leveraged for smooth transitions without triggering intricacies of the female psyche. So even if she's not all the way ready yet, pulling to an escalation locale can open up a world of liminal possibilities.

In addition, your music can serve as an awesome open-loop plausible deniability tactic. I actually use a form of it myself with my music. For instance, during immersion I seed that I'm a music producer and have some new songs I'm making but only keep the studio files on my computer. And then later when pulling, I say that as she's so insightful, I’d like to hear her thoughts on what I’ve been working on. Of course, there are nuances that can be shaped to the girl herself. And if you have instruments, those can also be used - teaching her some, playing a favorite song of hers, etc. It’s really whatever your creativity inspires.

Even if there’s some resistance or you have to fractionate to something else, it can always serve as an open-loop to recall later - such as during texting - or to transition into a SOT. Maybe something to think about.

Just like in music, these constant refinements towards mastery are what lead to the sweet, tasty sexual symphonies that we write about here.

Looking forward to seeing your next masterpiece.

Hey man, thank you for your kind words. The pull with HBHat wasn't possible, since the place where I met her was 45min walking distance from my apartment. But I think I could call a cab after the 1st bar was closing, looking back.

Music as plausible deniability is something I use when I feel the girl is ready. I actually did it 2 weeks ago, but still haven't written the fr for it... Will get to it sooner or later.

Right now I'm working on my anxiety, since I feel is still the biggest fundamental holding me back. Beside this I was also thinking on getting into elicitation (@Glow) since a lot of contacts I get from girls are flaky. But will re read that article you linked!

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I was out and about on 4.11.. I was lacking motivation that night and when I came to the club and started talking to people I noticed my leg was shaking. Strong anxiety, I thought. Then I saw some people I go to uni with and rather left the club then risk any awkward encounters.

I was feeling depressed about that outing, I felt like I was moving nowhere. Then the next day I was still feeling shitty, I thought it was still the depression from the day before. I stayed at home that night, since I didn't want to force myself in such state.

I woke up on Saturday morning sick, it just got worse trough the day. I did a self test for covid and it turned out positive.

Almost good now after 2 days of being in bed, I'm waiting for the appointment with a doctor to see where to do a pcr test to know for sure and get the immunity certificate. With what I know now I will have to be quarantine until 20.11.

In the mean time I will write all the remaining field reports, post my general night and day game strategy here, hope to get some feedback and improve it before I start going out again. Great opportunity for reflection.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

This is one of the outings I'm more proud of.

I was at a bar doing homework on my laptop late in the evening. Two girls sat at the table next to me and once they got silent and started rolling their cigarettes, I asked them if I could also roll one. We started talking, they asked me what am I doing, they were tourists who met at a hostel. One was german, the other was english it think. I told them that we can smoke this together, then I'm going to have to go (a true time constraint, I did have to wake up early next morning).

I was interested in german girl. By a chance the other girl has to go to the bathroom and do some small talk while waiting for her. She as usual showed a lot of interest in to my field of study, I showed her my music video, then turned the conversation on them. Told them we can get a drink tomorrow, I can show them a cool bar tourists usually don't find, they agreed. We exchanged ig.

The dms with HBGerman went like this:

next day, 20.11. 19.30

DG: hey
DG: how was your day
DG: i was thinking we should go for a drink at SqatBar at 21h or 22h
HBGerman: Hey, I had a nice day walking around and you?

HBGerman: I will stay in the hostel tonight and have an early sleep, I feel a little sick
HBGerman: Maybe tomorrow?
DG: cool, what have you seen
DG: we could do tomorrow after the concert im going to
HBGerman: What concert?
HBGerman: I was at the hill and saw the cave church as well
DG: exploring, i see :)
DG: a contemporary monoopera... are you interested?

(note here, this is very demanding type of music, i was very skeptical about inviting her since it is anything but fun. i enjoy it though.)

HBGerman: Yes maybe :) what time is it?
DG: sent her the link to the event
DG: this is the event
DG: students can get in for 1,5eur
HBGerman: Oh nice that is really cheap! I think I will come
DG: I will ask your friend if she's interested

When we met I talked to HBGerman as well as her friend an equal amount, so I felt it would have been a lot more natural to invite both of them since that is what I suggested. I was afraid she might flake otherwise. Which is a mistake normally, I know, but then her friend didn't respond to the invitation. That way I only got social frame points.

21.11. 17.44 (concert is at 19h)

HBGerman: When you want to go there?
DG: im going to eat something right now, then im going there
DG: meet you in front at 18.50?
HBGerman: Do you have a ticket already or can i buy it there?
DG: you can buy it there


HBGerman: I am late
HBGerman: I arrive at 18.59
DG: ok
DG: im here
HBGerman: do you think we can still enter? i got 2 more stops
DG: yes
DG: run when you exit :D

I got her her ticket and waited for her. She was 10min late. We hugged, then we had to wait in front of the concert hall before they let us in. I anxiety was mid level and it was an awkward situation being late and having to wait like you did something wrong. I relaxed during the concert. Music gets me out of thinking in terms of words to thinking in terms of music.

During the break we went for a smoke and I tried to explain how to approach this kind of music, the background, what to expect and what not to. She seemed interested. Again, normal people (sorry for the term) have no experience listening to classical music after 1900. A lot of things happened since then and contemporary music usually sounds to them like total crap. I don't blame them, listening to same 4 chords on the radio 24/7 but its far from a good date idea haha. She seemed open minded and interested, it was clear she wasn't enjoying it as I did, but didn't seem to hate it either.

After the concert I suggested we get a drink and she agreed. I wanted to show her the SquatBar. Being at this concert where it's this high life vibe I like to contrast that with underground bars. It's what I enjoy. I was happy, because it's turning out to be a perfect night for me - I get to do stuff I like the most and I have a beutiful girl next to me. So I decided I'm going to break the rule of no drinking, because its also one thing I like a lot (although I have yet to find limits for myself) and I wanted it to be a perfect night.

We took city bikes and rode to SquatBar. Good idea it seemed more like an adventure.

We got to the SquatBar. Complete opposite of the concert venue before, graffiti everywhere. There are 3 floors, the first one has a stage, where a rock band was playing, second one a bar and tables, 3rd an open smoking area, some tables and people mostly standing.

The place was medium full. We went to 2nd floor, got 2 beers, which she payed for then we went to the 3rd floor. No ''proper'' game so far.

We sit on the stair like platform with a nice view over the city and talk. I'm not sure what we talked about, but it was definitely about her, traveling... Right, she mentioned covid, I asked her if she's afraid, she said no. I then got into a small speach about trusting in life...

You know, I think there's a bigger epidemic going on nowadays, epidemic of fear. If you go around and really observe people, look them in their eyes you see some kind of fear on their face, masked as avoidance or anger or something. But rarely you see a person just being happy going through life. Why is that? I would say partly because of the media, trying to scare us with one thing or another to get views, partly because fear in contagious.

And I believe this makes you weak. I truly believe it can grow into a physical disease of one sort or another if not addressed. And people who fear everything are people who get sick the most in my experience. What can we do about that?

If fear is root of all negative emotion (anger, hate, jealousy, ...) then the solution would be to counter it with the opposite. That would be love, but that sounds cheesy and has too broad of a meaning. I'm talking about trusting in life, accepting everything life brings you. Not being naive, but not holding on to negative past experiences, letting go and living in the moment. Trusting people, not being afraid of going out of the comfort zone, not being afraid to go to other countries, to experience other people's perspectives.

And I do believe that approach to life makes you a stronger and healthier human being. And you seem to fit in this category.

She agreed of course. After a short while we drank our beers and I suggested we go check out that rock concert. I bought 2 more. The band was ok, but I took the opportunity to take her hands and dance with her. We were the only 2 people dancing but shortly after other couples started dancing haha. We got close a couple of times and I started feeling aroused. After 4 songs I suggested a cigarette and fresh air, since the air was bad down here.

She mentioned that being out with me was like an adventure. That felt like a huge compliment, like I'm doing something right.

When we got to the smoking area, but the cool stair like place where we were sitting before was closed behind a big door. The door wasn't locked and she asked me if we could sneak in, I said why not.

The atmosphere got more intimate, we were the only people there, everyone else was on the other side of the door. I tried to escalate the touch now, I looked at her rings, held her palm, some incidental touch with thighs, then we talked about haircare and I touched her hair and told her she can touch mine, she did... Talked about craziest things we did, I won lol, then finally I asked her what does she do. She studies clinical psychology. It's a topic I find interesting (probably this whole forum finds it interesting) so we talked about that. She turns out to be 29 years old, but I swear she looked 23 at most. I thought she was 20. I was treating her like my little sister, like I do with most girls, came as a surprise for a moment, but then just continued doing so.

Unfortunately I didn't see any further escalation windows while we were there. She mentioned one time in a story, that she has a boyfriend. That's no good.

After a while we decided to call it a night, but I wasn't done. The SquatBar is 10min walk from my place and I wanted to get her there. I tried to seed the pull twice but no success on our way. In front of my apartment I asked her one more time, to give me company, I will make her a tea and she agreed.

In my apartment I put on some music, showed her my music, tried to escalate with proximity and touch but no go. Then I just said it, fuck, if you wouldn't have this boyfriend I would want to kiss you now, but we can't let this happen. She replied, if this was a date it would have been a perfect date and I would spend the night, but I cant. Basically her saying she would fuck me.

Then I kissed her on the cheek, tried to go for the mouth but just ended up funny - awkward, but not in a bad way haha. I lent her a city bike and said goodbye, never to see her again. I was feeling lovey - dovey after she left, I admit. I got a notification on my phone 15min later she returned her bike. I texted her.

DG: i see you returned the bike
DG: hit me up if youre bored and enjoy your time here
HBGERMAN: Nice i did a good job returning the bike then
HBGERMAN: Thank you for a really nice night out:)
HBGERMAN: I had a pleasant time
HBGERMAN: Enjoy youd adventure here and who knows which other countries you will visit in the future
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Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
26.10. day game


Walking around wrapped up in my thoughts I passed by a cute girl waiting for a bus. She was to good to skip the opportunity, so I turned back, pretending I'm looking at my phone and at the bus stop like I'm wondering if the bus would be faster to where I'm going. She probably noticed me by then.

I walked back, stood beside her and pretended to wait. After a couple of moments I took one of my headphones out, turned towards her.

DG: Hey, I like your style.
HB: Thanks.
DG: You look like female version of Picasso. Are you an artist?

She was wearing a beret hat. She also had a gorgeous face.

HB: Yes, I do all kinds of art.

To make it short, she seemed more polite then interested. Her bus came after I managed to develop the interaction to the close. I messed it up on pre approach probably.

SET 2 - instadate

A policeman street stop, direct genuine compliment opener.

DG: Excuse me
HB: ???
DG: You look amazing, I really love your style.
HB: Thank you!
DG: How are you, where are you going?
HB: Good. I'm going to a my taekwondo training
DG: Shit, I'm scared now, your not going to hurt me
HB: No haha I'm not going to hurt you
DG: Anyway I'm DG
HB: HB... I'm on my way now to get a coffee before that.
DG: That's funny... I wanted to take you for a coffee sometime. I guess we could do that now.
HB: Sure why not.

Initial compliance high, she was giggling most of the time. Small talk and walked into the nearest starbucks and took 2 coffees to go. She payed for them, I asked her are you sure, she insisted.

We then walked for 30min on her way to her training. I teased her occasionally. I opened some interesting conversations with what would she do if she had all the time in the world, experience of flow when you dive deep into one activity, that I sometimes like to remember how it was like to look at the world when I was a kid looking at everything as an adventure...

I finished my coffee. I wanted to throw away my cup, but there were no thrash bins near by, so I tried to discreetly leave the cup on one almost empty restaurants table. Unfortunately the waiter saw me and got angry, no no no, you're not doing that, pick it up and take it with you. I felt so embarrassed. She said its no big deal and we went further.

Talked about her, her family, how she got into chemistry (studies chemistry), I suck chemistry, etc. We came to her bus stop to her training, we exchanged fb, I told her we should get a drink sometime, hugged her and left.

I texted her a super nice to meet you ice breaker soon after that and suggested a drink 3 days after, but she left me on unread.


Street stop.

DG: Excuse me, you have the most wonderful hair I've seen all day.
HB: Haha thank you
DG: It's almost golden... or maybe it's just the lighting (she was standing underneath a city lamp)
HB: Probably just the lighting haha
DG: I'm DG
HB: I'm HB
DG: Like that song? sang a part of the song with her name
HB: Yeah haha
DG: It's a great song
HB: Yes it is
DG: So where are you going
HB: Just going home
DG: Mind if I walk with you for a bit?
HB: Naahh sorry I would rather walk alone. But thank you for the compliment.
DG: Cool then, take care...

That one hurt a bit and was unexpected. I miscalibrated her levels of compliance, I thought she was 100% interested at her first reaction, I was wrong.

This set put me in a negative spiral. Looking for approach opportunities just amplifies this, so the way to get out of it is to get out of mindset of pick up all together. I put Soundgarden on my headphones and let that brooding vibe carry me away. Not noticing girls, not noticing people, just floating through the streets...

I realized later that this is my need for approval. Getting rejected triggers it and looking for girls to approach after that to fix the hurt of that rejection. 2 sides of a same coin.

The best mindset for approaching in my experience is to walk around trying to find beauty. Not just in women, everywhere. Details in old buildings, moments of everyday life, blending colors in late evening sky and girls obviously. Being a romantic tourist.


Approached one more girl with earbuds in, tried to stop her and persisted for a moment, she said with smiling that she is actually talking on the phone, so I left her.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
30.10. day game


Street stop, 4m, excuse me you look amazing.

She wanted to continue walking.

DG: where are you going?
HB: home
DG: im just going for a walk. beautiful day and enjoying the sunlight
HB: yes it is
DG: i had to stop you and tell you you look amazing. you also have a good fashion sense. im guessing this are clothes from second hand
HB: yes
DG: great i love that you can be creative and have this sense for style
HB: haha thank you. where are you from
DG: i tell her natonality
HB: and are you studying here
DG: yes. i tell her field of study
HB: oh wow
DG: oh wow (making fun) and what are you doing
HB: im justgoing home
DG: no, in your life i mean
HB: im a mananger i have a small shop with clothes
DG: affordable for me or no
HB: its womens clothes
DG: i love womens clothes haha i couldnt get this shoes in mens size here (point at my shoes) i guess men here are too masculine or something
HB: haha i gues
DG: is it around here?
HB: no, the buda side. look i will have to go
DG: no problem. lets exchange contacts and get in touch some other time
HB: ihab
DG: i have a cat
HB: i have 2 cats haha

We smile at each other and say goodbye. She was my type and had a good feeling she would have been interested if she wouldn’t had a boyfriend.


“You look amazing” opener, stationary set.

She smiled and showed me her ring.


Was forced. I wanted to get my approaches in and there weren’t so many girls so I approached this one but then changed my mind when I got closer and said nevermind before delivering compliment.

Don’t approach if there are no girls worth approaching, does this even need to be said haha.


2 set walking down the street. One girl is wearing a unique dress, both are cute. We all stop at the traffic light.

DG: i like your dress, very unique
HB1: thank you (all giggles, her friend, HB2 looks serious)
DG: tourists?
HB1: yes
DG: where from?
HB1: poland
DG: cool.
HB1: you’re from here?
DG: no im from xy
HB1: also tourist?
DG: no im studyibg here
HB1: HB2 was also studying abroad last year
DG: thats great :)
HB2 (warms up): but in lisbona. what do you study
DG: guess haha
both: we cant haha
DG: i tell them. and you 2?
both: guess haha
DG: shit i cant haha i dont know fashion design
HB1: no haha we study … i forgot

Then we stop, they were going the other way. I asked them what they’re doing tomorrow, if they would like to take a hike up the local hill I was planning on going to either way. They said that they’re here only until monday, so no. We exchange ig for no purpose haha and thats it.

Kind of proud of myself for approaching a 2 set on the street and have it go well.


She was sittin in front of a store I came out from. She had a small dog.

DG: i like your style. very matrix like
HB: thank you (with a grin)
DG: except your dog… your dog is too cute
HB: haha maybe yes
DG: so you live here?
HB: no im waiting for my boyfriend hes in the store
DG: so where are you from
HB: im from france. were digital nomads
DG: cool

I then sat besides her and small talked for a few moments. I felt like I could talk to her forever, she was very open and friendly. I excused myself after a short while, didn’t want to meet the boyfriend and said goodbye.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

A friend from uni invited me to go out and party for halloween. We went to a super comercial club, totally not my thing. We were more or less dancing, this friend is quite good at opening girls on the dance floor and getting them interested. I on the other hand, suck. Nothing to write here, I didn't know what I was doing... Opened some girls in the smoking area, but that led nowhere... Not my type of venue, not interested in this kind of venues. And I caught covid here haha

3.11. day game, school game and meet up with HB8.5 and HB10

During my way from one class to another (our uni has more than one building) I saw a cute girl and ran the perfect short game in my opinion. My energy was good, I felt like I was the high value one in that scenario.

DG: hey excuse me
HB: puts her headphones out and stops
DG: i wanted to tell you i love your style. you look like upper class artist from the beginning of 20th century
HB: thank you :) that was what i was going for
DG: well, keep walking, i'm actually in a hurry to get to a class.

Talked about her real quick, then suggested a coffee or a drink. She said sure, so I told her to add herself on my facebook. I hugged her, then ran to my class, I was already late. She didn't reply on messenger, that happened again, yeah. But this was the kind of approach I want to incorporate in my life, just going about my life being busy and if some girl who I happen to like shows up, I have the skillset to bring her into my life.

When I got to my class, it's the only big one I have, 50 people (I know that's not even that big), a girl waved a free chair by her side. I took that. During the class we talked and after the class I waited for her outside and we walked home in the same direction, then exchanged ig. She asked me to send her the music video and I did. She liked it. I wanted to invite her for a concert, but she and her boyfriend (uh ok...) are taking some friends who came to visit around the town. I'm glad I quickly and smoothly found that out, before I made any kind of moves.

Then I went to the brunch place HB8.5 from one of previous reports invited me to. And HB10 was also there, coincidence. I didn't get so much of a chance to talk to HB8,5 as she was working, the place was full, but I did so with HB10. I felt though that it was too friendly of a conversation. I tried to invite HB8.5 out when I got a moment with her, but that didn't work... I asked her if she would like to go to this concert and she said she's working that day. Anyway, when I get well I will go to that place again and ask her out again, if she says no again, at least I get a free coffee haha.

I know, nothing impressive, but I liked this day. I was surrounded by girls all day by circumstance and that's how I like it.

4.11. day game

I will make this one short. SET 1 had a boyfriend, felt like that wasn't an excuse but it was real, SET 2 had a girlfriend, SET 3 didn't get a chance to stop her for real, exchanged a few words, although she was smiling and seemed flattered, was in a hurry.

And that's it. Next, I have to connect the lines and figure out the next step. All in all @Lofty was right, I could start focusing on isolating and escalating more. I get random results from all areas and I wan't to clear that, get hooking and opening down perfectly, but that doesn't really matter for now. I just need to build one shitty system from start to finish that works some of the time, not a perfect system at start but with no finish.

One more week of quarantine to go...

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Right after my quarantine ended my friend from social circles back home came to visit me. We spent a lot of time together from the beginning of this covid situation untill I moved to where I am now. There was always a lot of alcohol involved for me, for some of my friends a lot of alcohol and drugs and that was just the way we partied through those tough times. I changed somehow after not drinking for 3 months.

First thing he tells me is that another friend from this circle just died. OD, his heart stopped. I was shocked and disgusted at same time, that is all I will write here about this matter. Then he tells me how we're going to binge drink through the whole weekend or for however long he's staying with me. He will get laid and will get me laid. Of course I know already how this is going to end up, but lets give him the benefit of a doubt.

I will describe his game in another post, because it's very interesting, no matter how toxic. He ended up getting laid 2 or 3 times and humiliating me along the way. Verbally insulting, manipulating and lying, he uses other people to make himself feel better. Drunk through the whole 4 days he was here, drugged up 2 days. He got me drunk one day which I regret, but hey, you need your reminders.

Both girls he slept with I think I could have slept with if I acted at the right time, been more aggressive.

The first girl we picked up on the street the first night, then went to a few bars and ended up in a hotel. I don't remember a lot of things that happened, but me and the girl ended up on the bed, he was drinking by the table. I think we with the girl was just talking then at one point in a joke I held her down on the bed and told her ''you know what I do to girls like you? I grab them like this, hold them like this and then I rape them!''. We were all smashed drunk and she was laughing all the way. I let her go after a few moments or so of course, but writing this, looking back, I shouldn't.

The girl then ended up leaving, and we went out drinking and nothing happened that night. That girl texted me next day, hey I want to party today, lets go out. I was tired from the day before and although I knew what that text meant, I didn't care. So I gave her contact info to my friend and told him to go party if he wants to. I gave him my keys so he could get back into my apartment in the morning. First mistake.

He smashed her at some party on xanax and coke 20km away from the city. He of course didn't pick up the phone until 3pm and I was stuck locked in my apartment. He comes at 5pm telling me lets go drink on, he has the girl with him and from there on it just went downhill, making fun of me that I'm here 3 months and can't get laid, he comes and smashes 2nd night. Humiliating shit like that that made me want to beat him up, but I left him alone, being drunk as he was. Tried to manange that with frame control (not always the easiest thing when you're pissed).

That girl got touchy and confrontational with me - ''yes I fucked your friend. but you're a cool guy, just relax. you did nothing wrong yesterday... hahah you know what you did, you held me on the bed and told me you will rape me. but I was cool with that, no worries. actually wanted to see where you will take it, I like different perspectives you know.'' - all while being extremely touchy.

They were both drunk, started acting like assholes, lighting cigarettes inside of the bar, being touchy with me in not so cool drunk ways and ended up sucking his dick in the middle of the bar. I just left, because I didn't want to be associated with them at that point, they followed me.

The night ended up in me being pissed when they asked me if I can lent him *the keys* so he can smash in my appartment 20min away from the bar we were in while I stay and wait. ''Just a nap, we will open you''. The whole reason I stayed out with them is because he came to visit me and I wanted to be polite to hang with him, and now he wants me to wait for him? Fuck that, go to the girls apartment. I walked away and left them.

He calls me the next morning, apologizing for the night before and I'm like cool, we can go out, just no scenes. So the interesting part of this night was, we were talking to some girls they met at the party 2 days before. One girl is being touchy with me, asks me to meet me again some other time if I'm staying here. Sure, we exchange contacts, she seems cute. My friend ends up fucking her in the bathroom... They were kidding if they change clothes that would be really funny, we all agree and laugh at that. She is hesitant at first and we ecourage her. He didn't even touch her until now, it was just us two who were being touchy with each other. He just kissed her in the bathroom, and they fucked for 3min he said later.

Lets say I believe him. Impressive, regarding no previous direct interaction. I mean he had social proof, making out with his previous girl, but didn't even look at this girl. And how did this night end? His girl got jealous on the other girl and started being passive aggressive. When just us three changed location it got to another point when the girl insulted me directly and I just left them there and with a good fuck you both goodnight.

Today when he left I explained him in the most polite way possible way to fuck off from my apartment asap. He left, I managed that somehow diplomatically. I don't want enemies, but I will for sure avoid this guy like plague (covid?) from now on.

And the big catch is this wasn't even a big deal if we compare these nights to the times we used to spend together drinking and partying back in my home country. Which makes me realize how unhealthy that was. God, at least I can see that now.

To bright future ahead!

Lil kevo

Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2021

HBbordeaux and HBmedicine came over to my place. HBbordeaux brought her sister with her, I invited a friend. I didn't plan on making any moves, because of her sister, rather enjoy our time together. Well, thats not completely true, I did have a plan.

1. don't get drunk
2. make sure you give her slightly less attention than she gives you
3. escalate touch if possible

We got together around 17.30. We talked, drinked wine, smoked and played cards. I dont remember the exact succession of events, so here are more important ones.

HBmedicne was giving me glances here and there. I wrote her off because of her 'boyfriend' who is a good guy I also happen to know. But anyway, I sat next to her as I noticed that. She mentioned I have a piercing gaze. That night when we met and we were riding down with the elevator alone she almost got chills down her spine.

But then when I started escalating, directing more attention towards her, she backed off. It seemed as she suddenly got second thoughts, her 'boyfriend' maybe.

My friend, lets call him Mat, he can get reckless. He wanted to dance with me, spin me around, but I didn't let him. Had to be a be a bit rougher with him, but it was all joke. He was sharing some personal addiction issues and got the girls sympathies. They got interested in him, which got me butthurt on the inside lol. HBbordeaux and her sister were talking to him more... Her sister got visibly interested in him, but he has a girlfriend, so nothing happened.

He's a good pal though. Asked me which girl interests me. Than when we ran out of wine and we were wondering who should go to the store, I offered to go and he told her to accompany me. Nice of him.

We were vibing, I touched her upper hand, back of her back, casual stuff. Mentioned I should show her one historical building that's currently being renovated. She would like that too. Asked me about my friend Mat, if he is ok. I explained her, that that's just his way of seeking attention and is doing just fine. She talked about him like he was some kind of human specimen. That made me laugh inside.

I didn't get other chances to escalate with HBbordeaux. She was sitting across the table on the counch and would be too obvious and needy if I tried to move next to her where was no space.

I remember talking about playing an 300.000 eur pipe organ and music in general to HBmedicine and HBbordeaux. When I was done they looked at each other and said 'I told you! When he talks I'm there and feel everything he talks about!'. That did my ego good.

I also remember joking to HBbordeaux about her sitting on a casting counch. She grabbed that joke and took it further. Another time she said she is looking for a model for a photo shoot she has to do and I voulenteered . As an act. That was also funny.

My roommate came and hanged every now and then. She told me the next day that I was teasing HBbordeaux in an annoying way a couple of times. She didn't mention exactly what I said and I'm not taking her seriously. We were just talking the other day how one friend of hers was teasing her and she wasn' sure if he was hitting on her. So I think thats related.

They wanted to order coke on a high point of the night. I'm grateful the dealer didn't pick up the phone. Just last time they talked how they stopped doing drugs, now they agree on doing coke. People say, people do...

It was a nice evening. They went home around 0.30.

1. I didn't get fucked up, which is awesome, but I could drink less anyway
2. Did that.
3. Kinda goes against being not giving her attention, so I need to find a way around that...
U needed to isolate your target early before getting into friendzone because u guys literally do nothing intimate with each other
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Lil kevo

Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2021
5.10. Day Game

Successful session, although I intended on doing 4, not 3 approaches.


On main street, not far away from my uni. She was in her late 20s, dark hair and walking in a slow pace.

Excuse me…


I had to stop you and tell you you look AMAZING

Sorry, …?

You speak English?

No… little.

I had the self-amused smile on my face.


I use my hand gestures to point at her physique.


Thank you!


Same thing, just pointed at myself.


She started laughing. We both did. She then said goodbye and went forward. My guess is she’s taken by a more serious dude and couldn’t speak English anyway. Good warmup though.

SET 2 – number close

I noticed her walking from the metro station into the shopping plaza. She was gorgeous, blonde curly hair, thin waist, long legs. I had to speed up to catch her, I did that just when entering the plaza.

I made sure I walked in front of her for 5 sec, so she could notice me, then slowed down to walk beside her. I turn my head towards her:

You have the most elegant figure, I’ve seen all day.

Thank you!

I really mean that. You seem to achieve a lot with so little. (I meant clothes, make up…)

That really means something to me. Thank you!

I guess I’m kind of nervous doing this… Whatever. Where are you going?

Oh… I’m going shoe shopping.

Excuse me? (couldn’t hear her because of the noise)

Shoe shopping. I’m going to buy a new pair of boots, although I don’t need to.

Looks like you have shoe addiction.

No, it’s not like that, I’m not addicted

tried to save her face, although I was just teasing her

I’m kidding don’t worry. I just bought a new pair of shoes myself, it’s never enough

I pointed to my shoes, converse run star hikes.

Cool shoes. My friend has a pair of those as well.

I couldn’t find the here in mens sizes, so I had to order them. Seems like men here are to macho masculine to wear sneakers like these haha

Haha maybe

Whats your name?


HB? (difficoult names here haha)

HB, with an B. (lol)

Nice to meet you, I’m DG.

We then stopped at her store.

This is my store.

Ok. I would like to meet you for a coffee some time, what do you say?

… I almost have a boyfriend…

Haha what does almost mean? Tell you what. We don’t need to get married or anything, just a coffee. I enjoy meeting new people and you seem like a sweet girl.

Yes that sounds good.

Facebook, phone number?

Let me give you my phone number.

I gave her my phone.

Cool. Enjoy your shoe shopping?

Thank you, you to!

I hugged her and went my way.

I sent her the icebreaker the same day, then another text the next day, no reply. Was she just being nice?

SET 3 – number close

Near my apartment building. I was carrying groceries and toilet paper. She walked towards me. Wanted to go to a shop, but the shop was closed. That was when we were on the 4m distance, so I made my policeman stop:

Excuse me…

I scared her a bit – we start laughing.

I just wanted to tell you, that you look most elegant today. The colour combination matches perfectly with your hair. And I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you haha

Haha Thank you

Good so where are you going?

Oh… just going somewhere. I was just checking if the store is open.

Looks like you will have to go to the next store. Somewhere to your boyfriend (teasing, but I don’t know why I said that)

No, actually there’s this school party I’m going to.

Cool. What do you study?


I live right around the corner here. I noticed there are medical schools or something around here. Is that where?

No, that is the student home, I live there.

So we’re practically neighbours!

Haha yes.

You could show me around.


I’m DG bdw.


Nice to meet you HB…

I notice her necklace that has girl written on it.

… girl.

Haha. So where are you from?

I’m from ______, the land of _____ and _____ (a joke)

I was just there this summer!

Really? How did you like it?

We went rafting in _____ national park.

In ____ probably, there are these adrenaline parks. It can be beautiful. Look, I’m not going to hold you any longer, but we should get drinks sometime.


How do we do this. Phone number, facebook, mail?

Haha I can give you my Instagram.

No… I have a shit ig, but I will start posting soon and I will give you my ig then, so I prefer something else..

Ok. I can give you my phone number.

Cool, type it in here…


Don’t get wasted tonight!

Haha I won’t



I should have ask her more personal stuff, it’s all very surface lever small talk stuff, which is good for where I was, but I can go one level further.

Texting was shit, went like this:

Hey, glad I’m finaly meeting some neighours :p – DG (same day, after I came home)

No reply.

Hey, are you hungover :p (next day afternoon)

Heyy:) no, I just had a lot to do in school today (a day later)

Do you like going to school (8h later)

Well, sometimes yes someties no. Btw is it possible if I saw you yesterday with a green luggage or I just messed it up:D (one day later)

It was me actually. I just won the lotto (wtf righ?!) and I was carring the cast around in that luggage (6h later, Friday evening)

Haha very funny (1h later)

Haha don’t believe me? Let me take you to canary islands then (Saturday noon)

If I see it I believe it:’D (15min later)

We could go for a drink first, see if I make you believe:) (15min later)

No reply. I will text her again on Monday evening if she doesn’t reply by then.

6.10. Day Game

Wort noting that I was social the whole day. I talked to this guy in the copy shop, talked to my teacher at the uni. At crosswalk I commented, when I saw a girl carrying a dog in her backpack that he’s got the best seat in the house (she wasn’t attractive, just being social).

It was a rainy day so I didn’t expect too many opportunities.


I saw a girl in a vegan restaurant I like to go to. She was seated by herself and was looking at her phone. I couldn’t remember any non awkward way of approaching her, so I sat near the place where people put away their plates after they finish, but I missed that opportunity too, she was completely distracted and was looking in the other direction, while I was nervous because of overthinking this approach for 10min.

She went out in a rush, and I though this is it, but I saw her again at the crossroad. We were at the opposite sides of the road and in the middle there is a platform for people waiting for trolley bus, so I stopped her there, in the middle, while the middle traffic light was still red.

Excuse me..

She put her earphones out.

I wanted to tell you you look so elegant. I love your shirt. I saw you before in the restaurant, but I didn’t want to bother you while eating.

Thank you

I got a smile on her face

So, where are you going?

I’m searching for some food (is she tying to get fat???)

Are you not full already?

No, I just need to buy something.

The traffic light got green.

Mind if I walk with you for a moment?

No, I’m tired…

You sure, just for 5min?

No, thank you.

Ok, take care then!


What was this about? Seemed delighted to get the compliment, but refused the smallest compliance.

SET 2 – instadate with HB18

I saw her walking towards me, I liked her hippie – rock – ish style, blonde hair and physique. She took a turn in to the trift shop before I could stop her on the street.

I stopped and said to myself fuck it, went in to the trift shop.

I look at the clothes near where she was. I positioned myself near her, chose the most ridiculous looking purple coat/ dress thing and asked her what she thinks about it.

Looks good.

Haha you serious?

Why not?

Looks good if I’m a 18th century upper class lady going to sleep haha

Haha… So what are you looking for?

Nothing special… I just wanted to meet you. I’m DG.

I’m HB18.

Nice to meet you. How are you doing?

Not that good. I was just meeting a friend… an ex boyfriend… and I was hoping to lift my spirits in this store, maybe I find something.

That sucks, I get you. So lets not talk about your ex and go find you something.

We went around looking at the different clothes, which I wasn’t that into. I was thinking more of her, how to continue this interaction, what to do, what to say. I should have been more in the moment.

Made her guess what I study, completely missed it and then when I told her was impressed by it.

The conversation slowly faded and I didn’t want to be a leech, so I took a look at the mens department. Later came back, asked her what she’s up to and if she would like to go for a coffe, she agreed. I told her I don’t feel particularly inspired right now, so I’m just going to wait out side and write some email on my phone, she agreed.

I had to wait her for 15min, thinking what the fuck and just as I wanted to go back in, she came out, apologized for making me wait.

I took her to a place near my apartment with the close in mind. On our way I asked her for her age, she looked young. Fortunately 18. Then travel, she is a well travelled person for her age.

We get to the caffe, look at the menu together, which I took opportunity to get closer to her with my chair. Order, I pay, told her she’s going to next time.

She was interested in my study and my work a lot, she didn’t stop asking questions. Since I’m passionate about what I do, I didn’t mind talking about that. At one point though I teased her that this is starting to look like an interview than turned it back around at her.

I tried to encourage her artistic tendencies and give her some courage for choosing a field that is not paid well. She is not completely decided on what she wants to do further in her life, a young persons curse. I ensured her everything is going to be fine.

On the more playful side, I looked at her rings and she seemed comfortable with my touch, so I held her hand a little longer and moved my thumb briefly on her palm to let her know my intentions. Then I teased her about her cheat sheet, she had written on her forehand and held her forearm.

I said to her to stop smiling like that, reminds me of my ex…

Sorry, I’m going to stop

Yes, I want you to be miserable haha

Haha I can’t, you make smile, it’s your fault!

At one point I began feeling sexual tension between us. First time for me to take things to this level at this hour in the afternoon with a complete stranger.

I seeded the pull a couple times casually in between what I was saying - I have to show you my music some time, later I can show you how you do this and this (about my work), I live just around the corner…

She was waiting for her sister. At the end when her sister didn’t pick up her phone, I asked her what is she going to do? She said she’s just going to go to her apartment and her sister will open her.

Or you can go to my apartment and I can show you my music, just for 15min or so. She said she sorry, I’m not comfortable with that.

She was 18, I could see she wasn’t that experienced and we had some tension going before. She got scared, it was a completely new experience for her…. Or looked like it.

We then left the coffee shop. I asked her for her contact info, she gave me her facebook. I was disappointed, I admit.

She thanked me for the coffee and making her day better (her ex made her feel shitty before). That made my heart warm. I told her she can write me if she would like to hang out, then we said goodbye.

The next day I wrote her on messenger how the thing she said at the end about making her day better meant a lot to me and how’s she doing.

She didn’t reply, didn’t even see the message. Maybe she doesn’t even use messenger that much… Whatever.

7.10. HB Switzerland

She texted me if we’re still up for today, I said sure.

We met at my place. Usually the beginnings of interactions feel awkward for me, especially if it’s the first interaction of the day, but this one felt natural. I teased her the moment I saw her for taking the elevator to 1st floor instead of the stairs, the hugged her.

Then I showed her my appartement and went to take a piss. We small talked. She saw a book on my table and started reading it. The book was in my mother language, it was quite funny to listen to her pronouncing it with her French accent. I got closer to her, then read the paragraph in my language and then told her what she just read. The book was The Tropic Of Cancer and the paragraph was about a man contemplating his girl and the girls bush and how they relate to each other haha.

Then we basically improvised, me on guitar, her dancing. It was fun. There were 3 30min sessions, with breaks for coffee and we talked about what we’re doing and what we like and don’t like.

We looked at each other a couple times in between, she was enjoying it a lot. But nothing sexual or anything like that.

After that she had to pick up a bike, and I didn’t feel like escalating, there was again this time constraint.

I just told her how cutely fluffy she is with her fur coat, messy hair, then fixed her collar, hugged her and said goodbye.

We texted after that:

I sent her the video I recorded of her dancing, me playing guitar, so we could analyse it later


Theres some good stuff in this! I posted some cuts on my ig story, hope you don’t mind

Ahaha so weird to see myself. Ahaha not really but not everything is good. It’s fine! But maybe ask me next time. But don’t worry.


The bike was not my size… ahahaha I am going back

That sucks haha

40min later

My dancer friends like the story, so you don’t have to worry about it

Ahaha:) cool no but I really don’t worry haha

Ill make you famous

Haha yes please. I’m really really bad for that. I almost don’t post anything about dance. I hate selling myself.

It is a weird feeling selling yourself yes. When I was at my lowest I hat to give this guy a handjob so I could pay my rent. But its better now.

What exactly did I want to achive with this text haha

She texted back 1h later

Ahahah you had to ‘’sell’’ yourself

Just kidding:p

I really hoped it was a joke

That’s me haha giving handjobs and paying child support hahah

Ahahaha yeah for your 2 kids


I’m not sure if I should text her or invite her to some event, to jam again or what. I want it to be more than just creating together, but I want to create together also and I don’t want to fuck that up. She also studies contemporary dancing, so she has a lot of contemporary dancer friends. That is a big plus.

I think about showing her my cards, because she’s not making me an easy time making moves. If she rejects me I tell her it’s fine, I still want to work with you, I see value in that if you’re up for it.

I have to think about that…

8.10. Day Game

I’m wearing black jeans, black Chelsea boots, blue sweater and black overshirt. I had 2 approaches in mind before getting home.

SET 1 – instadate with HB Italy

I was waiting in line in the copy shop. The girl in front of me looked cute, so why not chat her up? I noticed she was printing children songs:

You’re a musician?

No. These are for kids, I study pedagogy.

Can I take a look?

Sure, but its all just notes.

No problem, I can read that.

I looked at the book.

So what do you play?


The conversation flowed naturally, we talked a bit about teaching kids. I gave a compliment to her glasses, then jokingly asked if I can try them.

They don’t look bad.

Really? So I’m as sexy as you now?


Talked some more about teaching kids. She asked me by my name and we introduced. I asked her what she’s doing now, proposed a cup of tea, to which she agreed.

She has curly dark brown hair, cute face, banging body. Looks Italian. Funny thing when picking her up, we we’re the only people besides the girls who was working in the copy shop. She warmed up to me and started laughing to my small remarks like I’m sorry my handwriting is so bad, when I wrote her my email so she could send me the pdfs. God, social proof feels good to my ego.

She chose the coffee shop, since she lives nearby. We ordered tea, talked some more about teaching. I shared a few my experiences, she shared why she wanted to become a teacher. Light deep diving.

When she said how she’s addicted to coffee, I shared my thoughts on that. I was thinking the other day how we’re all addicted to one thing or another. Drinking, gambling, sex, food, information, work, working out, choose your poison. My question about that is, what are we running from? Sometimes it seems like we’re just hamsters, the world being one big hamster wheel.

It’s our one chance to live, but we decide to survive instead of live. Doing all that knowing that what we’re doing is not right.

After that I went if you could choose one place in time and history, which would you choose?

She chose the 50s, after war. Good choice, a time filled with optimism. A lot of sex also, since all the men came back from war.

That was the peak of our conversation, I felt her warming up to me, I felt I dragged her into my fantasy world.

After that small talk, I showed her my music video, she liked it, but nothing more. I realised then I can not escalate this situation further, so I said that I have to go, because I have some stuff to do back at home.

I payed, told her she’s paying the next time. We exchanged facebook and I asked her, do Italians kiss on the cheek, when they say goodbye. She said they only show, but don’t really kiss, so we did that. It was a little awkward, but no damage done I hope.

When I got home I sent her glad to meet you:) text on messenger, didn’t read, no reply.

I will text her Monday evening.


She was standing on the corner, earphones in her ears. I positioned beside her, looked at my phone, then turned towards her waved her, she took her earphones out.

I like your style . You’re really made up today.

Thank you.

She smiled but didn’t look completely comfortable, in a hurry more so.

Where are you going right now?

Sorry, I can’t right now, I’m in a hurry.

No worries, I’m going in the same direction.

No, I really have to run.

Then run, no worries.

She walked in front of me for 15m then turned left to a university building, looks like she was late for a class. Since I was just off one insta date I wasn’t in a mood for another really, I had to finish some work back at home.

Night game

I went out around midnight. Black chelseas, skinny black jeans, black and white striped shirt over a black t shirt and a black coat. Hit the city centre, party district or more tourist district tbh.

This night sucked. I didn’t even get to any of the clubs. All had entrance fees worth to much, which I wasn’t prepared to pay for music that will probably suck and approach opportunities I don’t know I will get. Or they had lines in which I would wait 45min.

I went into a bar, but just chilled there, playing with my phone, no real opportunities.

Chatted with 2 guys on the street, they were in a similar situation as I.

And that was it haha.

Next time have events ready for the weekend before you go, planned out in advance with plan bs. Fuck the super popular clubs on weekends, but go in them during the week, when they are not packed.

9.10. Night game

Exercised, meditated, drank green tea and hit cold shower before going out around midnight.

I went to a event, which seemed to have good djs playing, type of stuff that would interest me.

Came to the venue. Gallery, art exhibition space with occasional events. Main floor down stairs, 2 bars in ground floor and a smoking area.

I took a walk around, then went to the dance floor. It was too dark for me to see the people or screen, but the music turned out to be really good. Probably the best electronic concert I’ve been this year.

I wanted to check out the venue, see the scene around here. I’m beginning to see some regular faces, guys who are the centre of these circles. Important, because I don’t want to fuck up my reputation before I even get one. It would be best to meet them at some point.

I was dancing, throwing random comments about music at people near by, going up for a smoke and I got a drink at the bar.

Since I was dancing most of the time, the only real approach was in the smoking area, two girls, one not attractive, one super hot:

Hey, could I ask one of you for a cigarette?

Yes, sure. You don’t speak Hungarian?


Where are you from?

__________. I moved here one month ago.

Some small talk. While the super hot girl was nice and asking questions, her body language wasn’t completely turned to me. The unattractive girl didn’t like me so much, since I didn’t give her so much attention. They just met, so she wasn’t her friend.

Then I went dancing again. Again came up for a smoke, met a girl and a guy, wasn’t attracted, just talked to them for the sake of being social.

Then the super hot girl came to the smoking area, came to me, said hey. It was late by now, 3 in the morning. We started talking but there was no energy. Her body language was half open, she just wanted to be social. Kept saying how tired she is from dancing and I think she was a bit drunk.

Then the dj ended his set, the party was over and our conversation died. She said she’s going back to her friends, asked me what am I going to do then said goodbye. It was a very polite rejection.

I could have ended the conversation earlier, when you saw it coming to a close and asked her for a contact info. Could’ve intrigued her more. I don’t have strategies ready for such scenarios, so maybe that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
5.10. Day Game

Successful session, although I intended on doing 4, not 3 approaches.


On main street, not far away from my uni. She was in her late 20s, dark hair and walking in a slow pace.

Excuse me…


I had to stop you and tell you you look AMAZING

Sorry, …?

You speak English?

No… little.

I had the self-amused smile on my face.


I use my hand gestures to point at her physique.


Thank you!


Same thing, just pointed at myself.


She started laughing. We both did. She then said goodbye and went forward. My guess is she’s taken by a more serious dude and couldn’t speak English anyway. Good warmup though.

SET 2 – number close

I noticed her walking from the metro station into the shopping plaza. She was gorgeous, blonde curly hair, thin waist, long legs. I had to speed up to catch her, I did that just when entering the plaza.

I made sure I walked in front of her for 5 sec, so she could notice me, then slowed down to walk beside her. I turn my head towards her:

You have the most elegant figure, I’ve seen all day.

Thank you!

I really mean that. You seem to achieve a lot with so little. (I meant clothes, make up…)

That really means something to me. Thank you!

I guess I’m kind of nervous doing this… Whatever. Where are you going?

Oh… I’m going shoe shopping.

Excuse me? (couldn’t hear her because of the noise)

Shoe shopping. I’m going to buy a new pair of boots, although I don’t need to.

Looks like you have shoe addiction.

No, it’s not like that, I’m not addicted

tried to save her face, although I was just teasing her

I’m kidding don’t worry. I just bought a new pair of shoes myself, it’s never enough

I pointed to my shoes, converse run star hikes.

Cool shoes. My friend has a pair of those as well.

I couldn’t find the here in mens sizes, so I had to order them. Seems like men here are to macho masculine to wear sneakers like these haha

Haha maybe

Whats your name?


HB? (difficoult names here haha)

HB, with an B. (lol)

Nice to meet you, I’m DG.

We then stopped at her store.

This is my store.

Ok. I would like to meet you for a coffee some time, what do you say?

… I almost have a boyfriend…

Haha what does almost mean? Tell you what. We don’t need to get married or anything, just a coffee. I enjoy meeting new people and you seem like a sweet girl.

Yes that sounds good.

Facebook, phone number?

Let me give you my phone number.

I gave her my phone.

Cool. Enjoy your shoe shopping?

Thank you, you to!

I hugged her and went my way.

I sent her the icebreaker the same day, then another text the next day, no reply. Was she just being nice?

SET 3 – number close

Near my apartment building. I was carrying groceries and toilet paper. She walked towards me. Wanted to go to a shop, but the shop was closed. That was when we were on the 4m distance, so I made my policeman stop:

Excuse me…

I scared her a bit – we start laughing.

I just wanted to tell you, that you look most elegant today. The colour combination matches perfectly with your hair. And I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you haha

Haha Thank you

Good so where are you going?

Oh… just going somewhere. I was just checking if the store is open.

Looks like you will have to go to the next store. Somewhere to your boyfriend (teasing, but I don’t know why I said that)

No, actually there’s this school party I’m going to.

Cool. What do you study?


I live right around the corner here. I noticed there are medical schools or something around here. Is that where?

No, that is the student home, I live there.

So we’re practically neighbours!

Haha yes.

You could show me around.


I’m DG bdw.


Nice to meet you HB…

I notice her necklace that has girl written on it.

… girl.

Haha. So where are you from?

I’m from ______, the land of _____ and _____ (a joke)

I was just there this summer!

Really? How did you like it?

We went rafting in _____ national park.

In ____ probably, there are these adrenaline parks. It can be beautiful. Look, I’m not going to hold you any longer, but we should get drinks sometime.


How do we do this. Phone number, facebook, mail?

Haha I can give you my Instagram.

No… I have a shit ig, but I will start posting soon and I will give you my ig then, so I prefer something else..

Ok. I can give you my phone number.

Cool, type it in here…


Don’t get wasted tonight!

Haha I won’t



I should have ask her more personal stuff, it’s all very surface lever small talk stuff, which is good for where I was, but I can go one level further.

Texting was shit, went like this:

Hey, glad I’m finaly meeting some neighours :p – DG (same day, after I came home)

No reply.

Hey, are you hungover :p (next day afternoon)

Heyy:) no, I just had a lot to do in school today (a day later)

Do you like going to school (8h later)

Well, sometimes yes someties no. Btw is it possible if I saw you yesterday with a green luggage or I just messed it up:D (one day later)

It was me actually. I just won the lotto (wtf righ?!) and I was carring the cast around in that luggage (6h later, Friday evening)

Haha very funny (1h later)

Haha don’t believe me? Let me take you to canary islands then (Saturday noon)

If I see it I believe it:’D (15min later)

We could go for a drink first, see if I make you believe:) (15min later)

No reply. I will text her again on Monday evening if she doesn’t reply by then.

6.10. Day Game

Wort noting that I was social the whole day. I talked to this guy in the copy shop, talked to my teacher at the uni. At crosswalk I commented, when I saw a girl carrying a dog in her backpack that he’s got the best seat in the house (she wasn’t attractive, just being social).

It was a rainy day so I didn’t expect too many opportunities.


I saw a girl in a vegan restaurant I like to go to. She was seated by herself and was looking at her phone. I couldn’t remember any non awkward way of approaching her, so I sat near the place where people put away their plates after they finish, but I missed that opportunity too, she was completely distracted and was looking in the other direction, while I was nervous because of overthinking this approach for 10min.

She went out in a rush, and I though this is it, but I saw her again at the crossroad. We were at the opposite sides of the road and in the middle there is a platform for people waiting for trolley bus, so I stopped her there, in the middle, while the middle traffic light was still red.

Excuse me..

She put her earphones out.

I wanted to tell you you look so elegant. I love your shirt. I saw you before in the restaurant, but I didn’t want to bother you while eating.

Thank you

I got a smile on her face

So, where are you going?

I’m searching for some food (is she tying to get fat???)

Are you not full already?

No, I just need to buy something.

The traffic light got green.

Mind if I walk with you for a moment?

No, I’m tired…

You sure, just for 5min?

No, thank you.

Ok, take care then!


What was this about? Seemed delighted to get the compliment, but refused the smallest compliance.

SET 2 – instadate with HB18

I saw her walking towards me, I liked her hippie – rock – ish style, blonde hair and physique. She took a turn in to the trift shop before I could stop her on the street.

I stopped and said to myself fuck it, went in to the trift shop.

I look at the clothes near where she was. I positioned myself near her, chose the most ridiculous looking purple coat/ dress thing and asked her what she thinks about it.

Looks good.

Haha you serious?

Why not?

Looks good if I’m a 18th century upper class lady going to sleep haha

Haha… So what are you looking for?

Nothing special… I just wanted to meet you. I’m DG.

I’m HB18.

Nice to meet you. How are you doing?

Not that good. I was just meeting a friend… an ex boyfriend… and I was hoping to lift my spirits in this store, maybe I find something.

That sucks, I get you. So lets not talk about your ex and go find you something.

We went around looking at the different clothes, which I wasn’t that into. I was thinking more of her, how to continue this interaction, what to do, what to say. I should have been more in the moment.

Made her guess what I study, completely missed it and then when I told her was impressed by it.

The conversation slowly faded and I didn’t want to be a leech, so I took a look at the mens department. Later came back, asked her what she’s up to and if she would like to go for a coffe, she agreed. I told her I don’t feel particularly inspired right now, so I’m just going to wait out side and write some email on my phone, she agreed.

I had to wait her for 15min, thinking what the fuck and just as I wanted to go back in, she came out, apologized for making me wait.

I took her to a place near my apartment with the close in mind. On our way I asked her for her age, she looked young. Fortunately 18. Then travel, she is a well travelled person for her age.

We get to the caffe, look at the menu together, which I took opportunity to get closer to her with my chair. Order, I pay, told her she’s going to next time.

She was interested in my study and my work a lot, she didn’t stop asking questions. Since I’m passionate about what I do, I didn’t mind talking about that. At one point though I teased her that this is starting to look like an interview than turned it back around at her.

I tried to encourage her artistic tendencies and give her some courage for choosing a field that is not paid well. She is not completely decided on what she wants to do further in her life, a young persons curse. I ensured her everything is going to be fine.

On the more playful side, I looked at her rings and she seemed comfortable with my touch, so I held her hand a little longer and moved my thumb briefly on her palm to let her know my intentions. Then I teased her about her cheat sheet, she had written on her forehand and held her forearm.

I said to her to stop smiling like that, reminds me of my ex…

Sorry, I’m going to stop

Yes, I want you to be miserable haha

Haha I can’t, you make smile, it’s your fault!

At one point I began feeling sexual tension between us. First time for me to take things to this level at this hour in the afternoon with a complete stranger.

I seeded the pull a couple times casually in between what I was saying - I have to show you my music some time, later I can show you how you do this and this (about my work), I live just around the corner…

She was waiting for her sister. At the end when her sister didn’t pick up her phone, I asked her what is she going to do? She said she’s just going to go to her apartment and her sister will open her.

Or you can go to my apartment and I can show you my music, just for 15min or so. She said she sorry, I’m not comfortable with that.

She was 18, I could see she wasn’t that experienced and we had some tension going before. She got scared, it was a completely new experience for her…. Or looked like it.

We then left the coffee shop. I asked her for her contact info, she gave me her facebook. I was disappointed, I admit.

She thanked me for the coffee and making her day better (her ex made her feel shitty before). That made my heart warm. I told her she can write me if she would like to hang out, then we said goodbye.

The next day I wrote her on messenger how the thing she said at the end about making her day better meant a lot to me and how’s she doing.

She didn’t reply, didn’t even see the message. Maybe she doesn’t even use messenger that much… Whatever.

7.10. HB Switzerland

She texted me if we’re still up for today, I said sure.

We met at my place. Usually the beginnings of interactions feel awkward for me, especially if it’s the first interaction of the day, but this one felt natural. I teased her the moment I saw her for taking the elevator to 1st floor instead of the stairs, the hugged her.

Then I showed her my appartement and went to take a piss. We small talked. She saw a book on my table and started reading it. The book was in my mother language, it was quite funny to listen to her pronouncing it with her French accent. I got closer to her, then read the paragraph in my language and then told her what she just read. The book was The Tropic Of Cancer and the paragraph was about a man contemplating his girl and the girls bush and how they relate to each other haha.

Then we basically improvised, me on guitar, her dancing. It was fun. There were 3 30min sessions, with breaks for coffee and we talked about what we’re doing and what we like and don’t like.

We looked at each other a couple times in between, she was enjoying it a lot. But nothing sexual or anything like that.

After that she had to pick up a bike, and I didn’t feel like escalating, there was again this time constraint.

I just told her how cutely fluffy she is with her fur coat, messy hair, then fixed her collar, hugged her and said goodbye.

We texted after that:

I sent her the video I recorded of her dancing, me playing guitar, so we could analyse it later


Theres some good stuff in this! I posted some cuts on my ig story, hope you don’t mind

Ahaha so weird to see myself. Ahaha not really but not everything is good. It’s fine! But maybe ask me next time. But don’t worry.


The bike was not my size… ahahaha I am going back

That sucks haha

40min later

My dancer friends like the story, so you don’t have to worry about it

Ahaha:) cool no but I really don’t worry haha

Ill make you famous

Haha yes please. I’m really really bad for that. I almost don’t post anything about dance. I hate selling myself.

It is a weird feeling selling yourself yes. When I was at my lowest I hat to give this guy a handjob so I could pay my rent. But its better now.

What exactly did I want to achive with this text haha

She texted back 1h later

Ahahah you had to ‘’sell’’ yourself

Just kidding:p

I really hoped it was a joke

That’s me haha giving handjobs and paying child support hahah

Ahahaha yeah for your 2 kids


I’m not sure if I should text her or invite her to some event, to jam again or what. I want it to be more than just creating together, but I want to create together also and I don’t want to fuck that up. She also studies contemporary dancing, so she has a lot of contemporary dancer friends. That is a big plus.

I think about showing her my cards, because she’s not making me an easy time making moves. If she rejects me I tell her it’s fine, I still want to work with you, I see value in that if you’re up for it.

I have to think about that…

8.10. Day Game

I’m wearing black jeans, black Chelsea boots, blue sweater and black overshirt. I had 2 approaches in mind before getting home.

SET 1 – instadate with HB Italy

I was waiting in line in the copy shop. The girl in front of me looked cute, so why not chat her up? I noticed she was printing children songs:

You’re a musician?

No. These are for kids, I study pedagogy.

Can I take a look?

Sure, but its all just notes.

No problem, I can read that.

I looked at the book.

So what do you play?


The conversation flowed naturally, we talked a bit about teaching kids. I gave a compliment to her glasses, then jokingly asked if I can try them.

They don’t look bad.

Really? So I’m as sexy as you now?


Talked some more about teaching kids. She asked me by my name and we introduced. I asked her what she’s doing now, proposed a cup of tea, to which she agreed.

She has curly dark brown hair, cute face, banging body. Looks Italian. Funny thing when picking her up, we we’re the only people besides the girls who was working in the copy shop. She warmed up to me and started laughing to my small remarks like I’m sorry my handwriting is so bad, when I wrote her my email so she could send me the pdfs. God, social proof feels good to my ego.

She chose the coffee shop, since she lives nearby. We ordered tea, talked some more about teaching. I shared a few my experiences, she shared why she wanted to become a teacher. Light deep diving.

When she said how she’s addicted to coffee, I shared my thoughts on that. I was thinking the other day how we’re all addicted to one thing or another. Drinking, gambling, sex, food, information, work, working out, choose your poison. My question about that is, what are we running from? Sometimes it seems like we’re just hamsters, the world being one big hamster wheel.

It’s our one chance to live, but we decide to survive instead of live. Doing all that knowing that what we’re doing is not right.

After that I went if you could choose one place in time and history, which would you choose?

She chose the 50s, after war. Good choice, a time filled with optimism. A lot of sex also, since all the men came back from war.

That was the peak of our conversation, I felt her warming up to me, I felt I dragged her into my fantasy world.

After that small talk, I showed her my music video, she liked it, but nothing more. I realised then I can not escalate this situation further, so I said that I have to go, because I have some stuff to do back at home.

I payed, told her she’s paying the next time. We exchanged facebook and I asked her, do Italians kiss on the cheek, when they say goodbye. She said they only show, but don’t really kiss, so we did that. It was a little awkward, but no damage done I hope.

When I got home I sent her glad to meet you:) text on messenger, didn’t read, no reply.

I will text her Monday evening.


She was standing on the corner, earphones in her ears. I positioned beside her, looked at my phone, then turned towards her waved her, she took her earphones out.

I like your style . You’re really made up today.

Thank you.

She smiled but didn’t look completely comfortable, in a hurry more so.

Where are you going right now?

Sorry, I can’t right now, I’m in a hurry.

No worries, I’m going in the same direction.

No, I really have to run.

Then run, no worries.

She walked in front of me for 15m then turned left to a university building, looks like she was late for a class. Since I was just off one insta date I wasn’t in a mood for another really, I had to finish some work back at home.

Night game

I went out around midnight. Black chelseas, skinny black jeans, black and white striped shirt over a black t shirt and a black coat. Hit the city centre, party district or more tourist district tbh.

This night sucked. I didn’t even get to any of the clubs. All had entrance fees worth to much, which I wasn’t prepared to pay for music that will probably suck and approach opportunities I don’t know I will get. Or they had lines in which I would wait 45min.

I went into a bar, but just chilled there, playing with my phone, no real opportunities.

Chatted with 2 guys on the street, they were in a similar situation as I.

And that was it haha.

Next time have events ready for the weekend before you go, planned out in advance with plan bs. Fuck the super popular clubs on weekends, but go in them during the week, when they are not packed.

9.10. Night game

Exercised, meditated, drank green tea and hit cold shower before going out around midnight.

I went to a event, which seemed to have good djs playing, type of stuff that would interest me.

Came to the venue. Gallery, art exhibition space with occasional events. Main floor down stairs, 2 bars in ground floor and a smoking area.

I took a walk around, then went to the dance floor. It was too dark for me to see the people or screen, but the music turned out to be really good. Probably the best electronic concert I’ve been this year.

I wanted to check out the venue, see the scene around here. I’m beginning to see some regular faces, guys who are the centre of these circles. Important, because I don’t want to fuck up my reputation before I even get one. It would be best to meet them at some point.

I was dancing, throwing random comments about music at people near by, going up for a smoke and I got a drink at the bar.

Since I was dancing most of the time, the only real approach was in the smoking area, two girls, one not attractive, one super hot:

Hey, could I ask one of you for a cigarette?

Yes, sure. You don’t speak Hungarian?


Where are you from?

__________. I moved here one month ago.

Some small talk. While the super hot girl was nice and asking questions, her body language wasn’t completely turned to me. The unattractive girl didn’t like me so much, since I didn’t give her so much attention. They just met, so she wasn’t her friend.

Then I went dancing again. Again came up for a smoke, met a girl and a guy, wasn’t attracted, just talked to them for the sake of being social.

Then the super hot girl came to the smoking area, came to me, said hey. It was late by now, 3 in the morning. We started talking but there was no energy. Her body language was half open, she just wanted to be social. Kept saying how tired she is from dancing and I think she was a bit drunk.

Then the dj ended his set, the party was over and our conversation died. She said she’s going back to her friends, asked me what am I going to do then said goodbye. It was a very polite rejection.

I could have ended the conversation earlier, when you saw it coming to a close and asked her for a contact info. Could’ve intrigued her more. I don’t have strategies ready for such scenarios, so maybe that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Simple note man a gal says shes tired she needs a ONS doesnt require game u just tell her lets get outta here
27.10. and 28.10. night game

On 27th I went to a rock concert at MovieTheatreClub. Shitty band but my kind of people, my kind of girls.
During the break I went out for a cigarette. There was a cute girl smoking a electronic cigarette alone behind one table. I put my glass on her table while I took my cigarettes out. Then I turned around, asked her if there's going to be another band. She immediately told me I could sit down if i want.

So I did. Just casual small talk, she was impressed by me being from another country, studying what I study. Then her male best friend with his girlfriend joined and she introduced us. We chatted then we went in to listen to second band. I would say I half hooked them. I didn't feel like a part of their group yet, they were dancing wildly and I didn't feel like it, so I positioned myself 1m away from them and just listened to the band. Since that is what i like to do on concerts anyway.

After the concert I went to take a piss, go out for a smoke and she's there again by herself. We talk and our conversation gets more about her. The friend and his girlfriend briefly join us and leave us shortly after that. I didn't dare to do any escalation since her friend was right behind me, although I did some light touch.

I asked her for her favorite band from here, the biggest one that everyone is listening to and she told me about this band. We exchanged facebook as I promised her I will send her my music video (she said she is most interested in that, like she really meant it).

I get home, send her my music video and go check this big new rock band she told me about. It's quite good.

I follow the band on instagram today to see if they're playing any gigs in the near future near me. And what do I see? The singer is doing a solo gig just 5min walk from my place today! Cool, so that's where I'm going today.

A new, fancy bar and concert hall, all people there are dressed to impress, more girls than guys. A great place, no doubt.

So I order myself a drink, go for a smoke and take a sit after to listen to the concert. I wasn't feeling particulary social today, so I didn't approach anyone till now.

I started approaching after the concert. Or lets be honest, a girl approached me. 2 set, one HB10 and HB8,5. Both stunners. HB8,5 asked me for a lighter in her broken english ''can i ask you for a fighter'' so I teased her about it. Some small talk then HB8,5 asked me for my name. We hold our hand for good 15-20s as I spell her my name. After that said this is a nice place, told them a story about how I just found this band and same day the singer is doing a solo set next door. Then HB10 tells me that the singer is actually her cousin so I can meet him late if I want. Ha!

I felt some anxiety and was focusing on relaxing myself, speaking slowly and holding good eye contact and stuff. I forgot at one moment what to say to them and refrained myself from filling the space with unnecessary bull shit. They started asking me questions then, normal what do you do, said I look older and normal small talk.

My mouth was dry as hell so I excused myself to get a glass of water. Feeling more social now I saw another 2 set besides the bar and approached ''you must be a dancer or something'' - one girl was dancing with some interesting moves during the concert. She said no and yes, a amateur dancer and her friend was a professional dancer. I then asked a friend if she knows such and such, small talk followed and then we talked about the concert. They got deep with the critique about the concert and I didn't care to talk about that that much. Oh, they were both hot, HB8 and HB7. I thought I could just go back outside, meet the singer and talk to the other 2 set.

Excused myself, went back to the smoking room and the singer was there. I introduced myself, gave the guy a cigarette, then we talked about music. Really chill dude and nice dude. I explained him the story of how I got here and asked him for a selfie, so I can send it to the girl from yesterday haha.

Then naturally the conversation moved between him and his cousin and I ended up with HB8,5. Just normal talk about how I like it here, covid situation and stuff like that. Nothing special. I teased her some more, light touch on high points. The singer later left, we said goodbye and everyone was in the headspace of going home.

Note: you should be consciouss of that and say goodbye before they say it, just seems like a better frame to be in.

I said we could get together sometime and exchange facebooks, they're down for it, then HB8,5 asks me what I'm doing tomorrow. She works in this brunch cafe and invites me to come over during her shift (this is the reason I didn't go to another venue and rather get some sleep today). She doesn't seem in a hurry, but HB10 is saying she really needs to go, her brother is waiting for her, so we say goodbye. The part when we walked out of the smoking area was a bit awkward, because she was in a hurry, HB8,5 obviously went with her and I was in no hurry myself. But I feel like the goodbye was more sincer. I don't know, maybe I'm just overanalysing here.

I feel like HB8,5 took a liking at me. Or maybe that's just the way she is. Lets find out!

I will message her tomorrow about where she works if she doesnt message me.

I sent the selfie with the singer to girl from yesterday, who told me about the band. No reply yet from her about the music video (I get that it's an investment when people ask you listen to my music). We'll see.
ps wats ur instagram follow for follow

Lil kevo

Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2021
Dude yo guy is a natural u shoulda asked him for tactics he said he will get u laid u need to call him asap coz u need him

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Went out to daygame and try out reality pace openers.

1. SET

She was looking on the phone, standing in the middle of the street and searching for something.

I made sure I walked in front of her, then stopped, looked around and as I heard her walking my way I turned around and said

DG: Excuse me, i just noticed something
HB: ???
DG: When you just move to the city everything is so new, you notice every little detail, but later when you live there you get used to it and you dont pay attention to the details anymore. Have you ever noticed that?

It was weak as I was walking with her. Kinda hard to do indirect openers when you’re following her. Besides when I got another look at her face, I figured she’s not my type at all.

HB: Cool… are you a tourist?
DG: No, I’m came to study here.
HB: Where are you from?
DG: Guess.
HB: I cant…

I talk a bit in my language, she takes a wrong guess and I correct her. Ask her if she’s from here, no, she’s russian. I try to stop there, to see if I have the compliance, but she keeps walking. Turns around and says sorry I have to meet my friends.

No harm, kinda indefferent about that one.


This one feels a bit retarded but at least I tried haha.

I see this chick walking slowly, and I position myself in front of her and we bot stop at the traffic light. It’s 17.00, night already and the christmas lights got turned on just now.

DG: Have you ever noticed how it just feels different when they turn on the christmas lights? Like the year is about to end and there’s this different atmospehere in the air…

HB: thinks for a second to process the information No, sorry…

She actually waited for me and followed me to the other side of the street when there was a green light to hear me out but then moved on pretty fast.

That’s it for today, nothing special. I guess I need more practice with these kind of openers.

There is difficulty finding stationary targets or delivering this kind of material to a walking target in the middle of crowded street, too much distractions…

I will be trying to game tomorrow afternoon in the city center and evening to see if I can get an insta date going.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Had better times, this week sucked. I was out of money, so no night game (this will change this week). The temperatures fell and there was less people around in general. I did day game daily, but just 2 approaches on average. I tried coffee shops and malls and I will continue exploring indoor venues. No leads.

But, there were positive sides to this week. I'm eating healthy, raised reps in my workout and finally got my album cover done for the single I'll be releasing. Some things are falling into place.

I've also had drinks with HBSwitzerland. Short recap - I've met her in a bar, we wen't to a performance once, she came over to my place to jam (she is a contemporary dancer, I improvised on guitar). But always making it so hard to escalate. When we went to the performance she had to go look an apartment after that, when she came to jam she had to go buy a bike after that.

When I had covid and had to be isolated she brought me food and we texted during those 2 weeks. She gave me the feeling like she wants me to ask her out after that. So I did. But again she always had something else beside me and I wanted her to be free and moved our ''date'' 2 times. On the day she was tired, but I didn't want to move the date again, it was already starting to feel awkward.

I knew that it wont be realistic to close, so I just wanted to escalate things as far as I could. I threw some sexual remarks here and there, did some open minded/ everything is just perspective framing and tried to escalate touch, like holding her hands in my hands when talking to her.

I must say I enjoy her company a lot. The way she tells stories is fun to listen to (I cant say that for a lot of girl or people), her character is so quirky attractive... I wanted to have another drink with her, but she had to go to wake up early next day and I didn't want to push it. Kissed her on the cheek goodbye.

The vibe with her is super warm and touchy friendly or very light romantic. I can't decide honestly. And I'm not scared of making a move or losing her, there's just no chance to do anything else than escalate baby steps or show my cards no bullshit tell her. So far I was choosing first option but I'm strongly leaning into the second now.

I invited her today to a concert I want to go to next week, saying she could join. She gladly responded with a yes. Close or die trying.

The next girl I texted was a girl I met in another bar and was texting with her for the past month. We didn't meet yet. I asked her out for a drink, said she was busy this week but that we should do it next week. I think this could lead to something.

Another 2 or 3 leads from cold approach but not sure what the chances are there.

I'm going forward, not going to slow down.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

I'm working on indoor venues, specifically coffee shops this week.

I got out around 16h, walked around for a bit to do a street stop or two before getting to the coffee shop. At first I let a couple of opportunities pass by, made some excuses, then I did one, went pretty well, but *she had a boyfriend*.

I went to starbucks (not my thing usually). There was one hot girl I had my eyes on sitting and doing work on her laptop. Unfortunately some dude sat behind the table next to the girl just seconds before I got my coffee. I sat somewhere else and chatted a bit with people on my left and right (a girl actually but not my type), just trying to be social and relaxed.

I went in circles in my head trying to figure out how to approach this chick indirect. She was sitting in the corner by the window, full tables on her left and right with no objects, nothing to use as an excuse to move there.

There was a moment when she went to order another coffee, I was like, yes finally, then checked my wallet and figured I can't afford another one haha (that will change tomorrow when I get my scholarship thankfully). Looking back, I could've walked past her and taken a straw or something, asked the barista for wi - fi password. That was the opportunity, but I didn't react... Yeah.

After this I went into a trift store, hoping for some girls to be there. There were.

Just as I come in I see 2 of them talking in german and I just remark with a smile ''Oh, turists'' and they return the smile and a yes. Then the clerk comes and says we're closing. Just came in but great, that means we will meet outside.

Wait for them to pay for their things and then go past them just a second before them. Stand in front of the store and play on my phone. They come out...

DG: German?
HBs: Yes!
DG: Escaping lockdowns I'm guessing

Followed by some boring small talk questions, guessed their age, some light cold reads. They were easy to hook. I made one small mistake, one girl had a canabis leave ear ring and I told her ''you must be the pot head'', she laughed, then I said to her friend ''so what drugs are you into'' and she asked me if I'm a cop haha. Fair enough, it was a bit too soon, I just laughed it off ''im kidding''. Should have played the part with some sexual innuendo looking back.

Then they suggested we exchange info. I gave them my instagram; figured if I'm going to build a solid profile, which I will for my music promoting, then it's better to give them that. I also think it gives better social frame. I told them I will be releasing something soon and that I'm curious what they think about it and will send them a song.

I'm planning to get them both out for a drink in the very near future, lets see how that goes.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Yesterday was uneventful. No approach opportunities, ended up talking to some dude in the coffee shop.

I texted with a girl I exchanged instagram from the trift store but went nowhere. They got drunk and are probably having a rough day today haha
I will shoot another shot tomorrow, I got nothing to loose.

Today while studying there there was one girl, but she was super into the conversation with her friends, so I left her alone. The place is full of cute lone girls studying one day and hipster dudes the other day. I'm going to befriend the manager in the following days, he seems to know everyone.

Then I went for a walk and face timed my friend.

First thing I noticed, you get a lot of attention from people around you when face timing. That means also approach invitations from girls that normally wouldn't notice you. Especially if you are smiling, laughing and look like you're having a good time.

So there was this girl sitting on the bench in a park I went through. My friend had to deal something and said she will call me back. In the mean time I approached this girl.

I did a statement about her coat, came of indirect as I intended. She was happy to talk, showed me her coat. Started qualifying early. All I did was logistical small talk questions, cold reads and some teases.

She had to go to an architecture class and I offered to accompany her, since I was on a walk anyway. We got along well, talked about music, architecture. Later I did some statements of interest, complimented her hair, said it looks like Amy Winehouse's hair, did some light touch. Planted the date idea, a drink and she will give some native language lessons. In a joke obviously. She taught me the basic curse words.... I already forgot them, fuck haha

So when we split ways I said we should exchange contacts now. I recommended instagram. She typed it in my phone, then we hugged goodbye. I don't know why but this last transition felt somehow awkward. She did not follow me back. Yet. That lasted 15min.

After that I immediately saw a cute 2 set walking on the street, went with an ''excuse me'' (forgot the policeman stop though) but didn't stop, they went ''sorry''. Well...

My friend face timed me back and we continued to talk. Again I noticed a lot of attention and shit ton of ai. Girls giving me eyes for solid 2sec and stuff.

Then I could no longer handle it. I walked past a girl who was dressed plainly but had a face like Emilia Clarke. She gave me the eyes, looked away, I looked away, then she looked at me again. I said to my friend to hold, turned around and caught up with her so that she could see me.

The opener direct ''Excuse me, I was talking to my friend, but then I saw you and thought this is an opportunity I'm not going to miss. You're super cute, hi I'm DG''. Her eyes were so warm I could melt in them and she was all smiles. Asked me where I'm from, what do I do, I returned the questions. We stopped at the end of the sidewalk. She said she needs to go there, I said cool, lets exchange info and meet up for a drink some other time.

*I have a boyfriend*

Looked like she does actually, dressed like she just came from work. I gave her a little speech ''I don't care... No haha listen to me, I just moved here and I want to meet as many people anyway. And you look interesting and warm, I like your vibe. We can go for a friendly date, no expectations. We don't need to get married right away haha'' She laughed, said ok, we can chat and gave me her insta. ''Besides I get to promote my music haha'' I said.

We hugged (that hug didn't feel at all platonic) looked deeply into each others eyes and said goodbye. Fuck, I felt butterflies that 3min. Real cuttie.

But didn't follow me back yet also haha

So in the evening I was supposed to go to a Avishai Cohen concert with HBSwitzerland, but she got covid. Now its my turn to bring her groceries I guess.

I went to the concert by myself. Talked to a cool couple while waiting for the elevator. Then when I get to the balcony I sit somewhere where it looked like it's going to be good acoustics (didn't have the ticket for that seat). Another girl came to ask me if she could sit there, so her friend could also sit with her. Sure, but its not my seat I explain. Then the people with the proper tickets come and we both sit at the other part.

I immediately set frames, ''looks like we're in this together now haha''. We joked some and talked in between the songs. Almost more then she talked with her friend... She was cute, 27 probably, but I'm sure she was stunning under the mask.

After the concert again an semi awkward transition takes place. We talk about the concert, I have some kind of authority since I know this kind of music, I know about the musicians and which tunes they fucked up. I'm talking to both of them now. I suggest a drink, but she declines ''sorry, but we're having a girls night out. but thank you, really''. I suggest another time, but it came out weak. Because the premise was spontaneous in a way it makes it obvious I want to pick her up. Said maybe but that they have to go now somewhat nervously. I took that as a no so I didn't persist. I got a feeling from this girl that she liked me but was at the same time nervous around me.

Today went well.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Was on a date with a girl, lets call her HB19, I got number from nightgame 4 weeks ago, before covid. We were texting on and of during this time and since the conversation started getting too dragged out I agreed on the time, which wasn’t the most conductive to escalation.

She had 2h window from 5 - 7, then she had to go to a social circle thing. I chose the bar next to my apartment just in case.

So I had limited time. I tried to escalate just enough to set the right frames. I made sure we were sitting on the same sofa, I touched her here and there (platonic and later romantic touch), steered conversation into more sensual or erotic topics, complimented her hair, kissed her on the cheek at the end…

She is a shy person and you can sense nervousness in her mannerisms, tone of voice. At the same time, she didn’t seem to resist my subtle mooves but was also tense.

I had some problems when letting her talk and deescalating the mood. For example when I started to talk about eroticism in french and italian cinema and then let her share her thoughts then start talking about this director who made a scene 2h long just filming the rain.

Now that I think about it this happens more often then not when I’m one on one with girls. I need to figure out some kind of solution…

I told her next time to have more time on disposal, so we could go to my place and jam. She agreed and said she had a nice time.

My escalation skills definetly need some love. I was thinking about my next move the whole time, should I stimulate her verbaly now or maybe touch her for a longer time, leave my hand resting there… A process I need to internalize.

No approaches today because of my laziness and the shitty weather. Also didn’t feel like I need to.

I’m meeting another girl tomorrow, I’ll get to practice on her.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Little backstory about this girl. We met when I was out with my drunk natural friend. When we met she was being touchy with me and generally very receptive. She wanted to exchange contacts. Then my friend wanted to change clothes with her (no prior interaction between them, just drunk behaviour) and while doing that he fucked her in the bathroom. Although I naturally didn't find her that attractive after this, I don't want to judge anyone, she was horny and that's it.

I thought that she would be easy and good for my momentum. I guess I was wrong.

Back to the field report. We were supposed to meet at this bar. I come there before her and see its full, no empty tables. Then she comes and already I'm feeling this weird energy from her. I suggest we go down the street where there are 2 coffee shops, she says no, she has never been there and doesn't want to go there. Ok, I have wine at my place, if that's not good. Again no, she's been home all day and want's to go out. Cool, so what do you suggest? She suggest's this other bar, I agree and we start walking.

She's acting very weird and silent and I don't want to fill the silence. Then after 1min of silence basically she says, that she's not feeling it and is going home. I started getting pissed at her for acting this way before she said that, so I just said ''you sure? what can I do, then go''.

So just like that I let her go. After this I was thinking what could have caused this and that it was probably that I invited her over. I felt hummiliated.

I texted her 10min after this.

DG: wtf
DG: are you feeling ok
HB: yes i just didn't like that your first sentence was inviting me over

Fun fact, it wasn't.

HB: but i am feeling great
DG: this is so wrong
DG: im sorry you took it that way, i just wanted to be helpful
DG: look i want to make it up to you
DG: i feel bad about it now
HB: how?
HB: its fine, just be more tactical
DG: lets go get this drink, choose a place and we'll have a great time
DG: i don't know where you got those ideas, i mean i dont even know you

Fun fact no. 2, I know where she got those ideas. She was feeling slutty because of that bathroom sex and thought I thought she was easy. Which I did, but still it had nothing to do with me. I don't judge, remember?

HB: Yes excatly thats why it was weird calling me over
HB: I am home already maybe next time
DG: cool
DG: lets treat it as a misunderstanding
HB: oki :)

Every sentence I typed was me asking myself do I really still want to be polite to this bitch or should I just tell her to go fuck herself. I think I acted right. But I damn sure don't want to see her now.

The humiliation was real. This dude cockblocks me even when he's not here. Amazing.

Rant over.

I'm sitting on a bench typing this when a tourist couple asks me if I can take a picture of them. We start chatting, I tell them my story of this night, they tell me theirs... They also had some drama and we clicked. They invited me to get a drink and I said fuck it, lets get this drink.

This dude opens up to me and shares his drama. Some real fucked up shit, mine doesn't even compare. I was the second person besides his girlfriend to share this with. IN HIS LIFE. It was a perfect recepie for getting drunk.

And that is what I did. I slipped, I'm ashamed to admit it. After 3 months of being stone cold sober I start drinking one or two beers on dates I go and after a week I get black out drunk on Friday when something goes wrong. We were having fun I opened all different kinds of sets like it's the easiest thing in the world, I even got some good reactions and danced with some girls in a commercial club, which was the first time this happened to me, but then I got too drunk, uncalibrated, spent too much money and in the end of the night almost got into a fight and got lost on my way home.

Next day I had a huge hangover and was practically useless.

I wanted to share this here, because I want to be real.

But on the upside, what I noticed... In the middle of the night I met this guy, who wanted to pick up girls with me. I'm not anywhere near where I want to be with my seduction skills, but it was just funny how easily I opened sets and he was just standing there watching me clueless. Then talking about how it's difficult to find girls here. Made me think the next day I'm on the right path with learning this.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Howdy gents!

I been absent from this journal because I didn't seem the point of writing the same day game scenarios over and over again, then went home for Christmas and been there till the beginning of January and after that kept my journal private.

A couple of good things happened in between. My anxiety is getting better and better thanks to meditation and gratitude journaling and just mere exposure. On new years eve I made out with 3 different girls but then fucked it up by being too drunk. Drunk mojo still there for sure; last time when I got ''accidentally'' drunk I remember opening 5 set and getting them all hooked and giggling and stuff, stealing one girl from a dude but then lost her when I went to get another drink... Yeah, a double edged sword.

I'm working on sober night game, doing better. I still feel anxiety at beginning of the night, I can be awkward sometimes, but it's getting better and better. I will work through this sober dry spell, its been 5 fucking months now.

So to the field report.


Went out solo to a SK bar, a big touristy venue. Dressed in my usual skinny black jeans, converse platform shoes, grey sweater, black over shirt and a black coat.

Got there at 20.00, early. Felt some anxiety, people there were not that socially lubricated either. Preopened a girl outside smoking, didn't seem so receptive, left it there. Opened a 2 set by the bar, talked a bit, almost got another guy into the conversation - started to build social momentum. Preopened another 2 set while walking around. One seemed receptive, but her friend not that much, so kept walking.

I saw there was a concert going on in another room. The band was good, I actually enjoyed listening to them and stayed there for a while. That diminished what was left of my anxiety, I'm feeling relaxed now. Opened a group of 1 guy 2 girls. One girl seemed a bit closed of, the guy was laughing at my jokes and the other girl very receptive. Stayed there talking to them for 15min. Just small talk with occasional teasing towards the receptive girl. Then wanted to go around, maybe I find another promising set and come back to them later. I should've taken her contact, I didn't find them later.

Talked to a super hot greek girl later by the bar, but she then went back to her table that was mostly dudes. Opened another spanish 2 set. One girl very receptive, touching me, giggling and asking questions, her friend the complete opposite. Ice queen who eventually made me want to find another set. Wanted to get her on my side, complimented her, gave her some attention, but no success. Made myself persist longer, then went on.

Next set were 2 american girls. I haven't met a lot of americans in my life, but I've heard they can be very social at first but do that as a facade of politeness. They were very receptive from beginning, laughing. Their body language was a bit off though, didn't feel fully locked in until 10min in. They were both giggling though and asking me questions. Again small talk sprinkled with cold reads, some teases (mainly on them being from Texas, being rednecks and having a farm) and even some light sexual innuendo. I said to one girl that we should go for a hike someday or to thermal baths, I know some cool places. Some baths are even open at night, people go there to drink. I said ''all great untill people get drunk and probably piss in the pool'', the girl said ''and do more than piss probably haha'', I made a inquiring face ''what do you mean MORE?'' with a pause got small moment of tension and giggles. Anyway talked about fashion, music then I got her ig so we could catch up later. I was out of cash for this evening and decided to rather go home.

She was down for getting together again on another occasion, said stuff like ''yes, that sounds so fun, like an adventure, we should do it'' but again had this feeling of her being polite in some weird american way. Don't know we'll see.

I had a conclusion yesterday. I'm going to change my reality with PU in the next 5 months or burn out doing so. I don't care anymore.